4 Pages Essay Samples

Emily dickinson safe in their alabaster chambers essay

For example, Mitchell writes that she and her sister-in-law exchanged many poems: The correspondence between the two women acted as a kind of poetry workshop for both, and demonstrates that Dickinson was therefore not a remote a writer as past representations of her would have us believe. In this stanza Dickinson suggests through her choice β†’

Comparing two ethnic groups essay example

Due to the arrival of the white settlers, the Native Americans were pushed out of their lands and ended up in lands that were not fertile. This act may have been made in order to help the Native Americans but the only thing it caused was to make the Indians poorer because the land they β†’

Good example of research purpose essay

The first group of questions are basically the general questions that describe the general information about the target interviewee, that is, the students. Results show that 60% of the students use the internet to search for and understand information while 40% seek the help of a professional who will explain the information to them.

Why did americans pass the 1882 chinese exclusion act?

Americans then passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which denied all Chinese the right to American citizenship, even those born in the United States. Americans passed the Chinese Exclusion Act because they resented the competition for work, they had stereotypical hatred toward the Chinese, and they felt exclusion was the Chinese's only protection.

Ps 102

In Huntington's article, One Nation Out of Many, Huntington chronologically goes thru the immigration of the United States detailing how early immigrants had a desire to become American in both nationality and core culture. The decline of this belief in Core Culture is explained by way of Government trying to move to a multicultural position β†’

Nichelle heard

Then I realized that this was his job, to document the activities of the Emperor, and I got a little less excited about the drama within the reading but focused on the material. He was trying to rule a nation and eventually graduate to the world in the eyes of the way that one person, β†’

County and city governments in texas

The oldest and most common form of city government is the mayor-council government. This makes cities weaker than counties in Texas since the powers and responsibilities of counties are clearly outlined in the Texas Constitution.

America’s policing role: policy of interventionism essay

The self-imposed role of the U.S.as " the policeman of the world" has resulted in numerous international interventions that draw either the ire or the appreciation of various states. America's post-civil war foreign policy was largely influenced by the desire to sustain the security of the union as well as uphold the tenets of democracy β†’

An argument against drilling in the arctic national wildlife reserve

The founding fathers of this great nation had excellent insight into the authority that America would one day possess, and thus they attempted to set many precedents that would lead the way for the nations that would choose to follow America's example. Thus, drilling for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve would be a β†’

Perspectives of the american dream

The virtuous trip of many comes in search of the mystical treasure known as the American Dream. The American Dream to me is a luxury for a single mother to care for two kids and have a house, and maintain a job.

Why i should be chosen

I really want to snorkel, I have never done that, and being a good swimmer, I believethat I would really enjoy it. I would like to learn more about the City of Refuge, what happened to it, and what it was used for.

Example of article review on the beginning of the cold war

Whereas Shilling identifies the start of the policy change at the time the U.S.A.government learned that the USSR exploded the H-bomb; Sherwin identifies the development of the H-bomb for military use rather than a pivotal policy issue during WWII. Sherwin explained that in general the Americans were concerned that the British wanted the scientific information β†’

The overview of cultural case studies

Based on the synopsis of the provided " World Ship" case study, the US-American values or assumption on policy changes is that the same will help the organization become far more productive. However, it is worth noting that the addition of customers will lead to the growth of any business and that is the most β†’

Death of children across the world critical thinking

With the start of the 21st century, children's death across the world had become a controllable phenomenon, mainly because most of the killer diseases that took away their lives especially in the developing and underdeveloped had already found cure, vaccines as well as preventable measures all across the world. A convention held in Geneva by β†’

Free solving usa’s health care crisis essay example

These also bring ethical dilemmas afloat, with those that argue for universal health care decrying that not doing so is inhumane, and those that rally against it saying that it is not fair for the others to have to pay for one person's health. However, the way of doing this is also important; a voucher β†’

Native americans culture course work

However, the removal of the Indians did not benefit the native people; nonetheless, it was to the advantage of the greedy as well as the land grabbers. The attempt to remove the Indians did not materialize and the Indians continued with their culture, irrespective of the pressure to abandon it.

Emma toomey

12 Written Analysis #4 The Missouri Compromise had many effects on American culture, including an economic effect by prohibiting slavery in the unorganized territory north of Missouri's southern border, a political suspicion between those representing the south and those representing the north as well as a balance of slave and free states, and had a β†’

Readers guide article review example

First and foremost, it is important to agree with the presenter for arguing that the National Parks and the designated wildernesses are some of the most important preservationist class of land in the country. Therefore, the conservation of National Parks and wilderness plays a fundamental role in sustaining these areas so as to continue sustaining β†’

The controversial langston hughes essay example

The intent of this paper is to describe the controversial character of Langston Hughes. Berry suggests that this disagreement was the chief inspiration for the maturity of Langston Hughes.

Smacking essay

My second argument is that smacking is the violation of the human rights of the child. In essence, it is evident that the act of parents smacking their children should be illegal.

As punishment given by a court of

People who advocate for the death penalty or people who have lost a loved one from these criminals, are blinded by vengeance and is to the point where there is no justice in the death penalty. Although there are many supporters of the death penalty, I believe that the death penalty should be abolished in β†’

A day in detroit michigan

No one is around and I am looking at the buildings in the city and how a lot of of Hess buildings are so different. I stayed In my car and drove around the city because I felt that at this time of day It was unsafe or me to be walking around.

Devin vasquez

So in the beginning of the Civil War, the goal was simply to preserve the Union. President Lincoln was willing to do almost anything and everything in order to keep the Union together, so he sent troops to western Virginia, which did not want to secede like the rest of the state, and he sent β†’

Secret service

The secret service was now added the second mission which was to now serve and protect the presidents and vice presidents of the United States and any other worldwide leaders who visited the states. The secret service is in charge of protecting not just the president but the next runner up to the presidency and β†’

Free essay on bentar

The articles, in order of publication date, are Fenton's " Guilt-Free Panhandling", published in 1993 in the Alberta Report and Newsmagazine; Two pieces published in 1993 in the ABA Journal, in which writers Hershkoff and Conner take opposite sides on the question, " Do aggressive panhandling laws violate the constitution?"; Wilcox's " Time's Expired on β†’

Free essay about history

There are certain trends that marked the political arena of the final quarter of the 19th century. During this period the two main political parties were almost identical and the only a small number of voters would determine the outcome of the election.

This usually generational wealth that wins the

Perhaps it would be fair to say that racism is defined by a prejudice towards a group of people based on their race or ethnicity, and racial inequality is the result of that prejudice. It is relatively simple to counter the notion that a single group of people is responsible for all the problems in β†’

Looming economic crisis in united states

The paper will try to shed light on what is looming large on American economy, what are the policy or market failures which are taking the economy into recession, How the present Bush plan of stimulus will impact the scenario in future and will it be good enough to bring the economy back on track. β†’

Origin of naacp

In the NAACP's early recordings, a goal was stated to secure for all people rights guaranteed in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution. In 1910 Dubois launched the official journal of the NAACP, The Crisis.

How the indians solved the problem of living of living on the plains

With an animal such as the buffalo the Native Americans were provided with a weeks supply of food and new material for clothing with every one they caught, and if they were a nomad tribe the buffalo even provided housing. The Native Americans were nomads because they followed the buffalo herds, and this was a β†’

Gabrielle lewis

By just looking at the title we can conclude that the approach to the history of the United States used by Zinn, is that of the people. We are taught that he was a respectable man, and that he founded this great country called America...however, just reading the first chapter of Howard Zinn's book, we β†’

Westward expansion

The Treaty of 1818 resolved boundary issues between the United States and the United Kingdom and Ireland allowing joint occupations of the Oregon territory. This eventually led to the purchase of the Oregon Territory and eventually the Mexican Cession.

Free jumping off place essay example

[Institution's Name] Introduction Cultural difference is one of the most effective things from the standpoint of an organization and when a company tries to enter in a new region then the field of culture would be quite important for the sake of an organization. A hypothetical company with effective recognition in the United States, β†’

Feminism in post-war united states

Within the United States, the construction of such a society stands as a result of the various historical changes within the country, an example of which can be seen in the changes within the country after its participation in the Second World War. In line with Niehbur's argument in his book The Children of Light β†’

Example of essay on dave hickey’s interpretation of norman rockwell’s paintings

Having outlined some of the concepts of dialectic Utopia in regard to Jameson theory, I will discuss the role of Utopian desire in Dave Hickey's interpretation of Norman Rockwell's paintings. It is for this reason that the interpretation of Norman Rockwell and Jonny Mercer by Hickey is solely based on the utopian genre and the β†’

No two people see conflict in the same way

Everyone thinks that they are the ones who are right and people go to great lengths to not be wrong so that they see themselves as correct As everyone is raised differently under a various culture, environment and parents, no two people see conflict in the same way even though we experience similar conflict. This β†’

National monument death valley, california essay

Death Valley, located in the western states of Nevada and California, is one of the nation's many national monuments. Because of these attributes and more, Death Valley remains a fascinating landmark in the canvas of America.

Ufo essay sample

Our scientific understanding of the vastness of the universe and the relative insignificance of Earth and human civilization on a galactic scale increases every day. In an initial interview with Major Jesse Marcel, who had worked on the recovery of the debris, Marcel expressed the opinion that it was the recovery of an alien spacecraft.

America and the world

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States has been the solesuperpowerin the world. Since then, America has been part of almost all international gatherings and endeavors to promote the concept ofglobalization making the world a single place for all the citizens of the world.

Example of the cross and lynching of the tree essay

As both the cross and lynching tree symbolizes the worst human beings and at the same a thirst for life that refuses to let the worst determine their final meaning. Cone believes that the answer, key and redemptive power of the cross to remedying wounds of the precedent lie in the scripture.

Major political parties in the united states

Today, the politics of the United States government is controlled by two dominant political parties: the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. After the election of Abraham Lincoln, the party became a symbol of anti-slavery, and after the war, the period ofReconstruction.

“may we all” by florida georgia line

May We All a song by the group dives into the life of small town people and teaches us a lot. It begins by saying to enjoy the little things in life and to make the most out of every opportunity we are given.

Sample essay on rhetorical critique

The blacks in America did not have the freedom that they ought to have thanks to the constitution and the beliefs of the founding fathers of the nation. He broadened his speech to include all people from the rest of the world and not only his audience.

Ketamine pain mechanism

This channel complex contributes to excitatory synaptic transmission at sites throughout the brain and the spinal cord, and is modulated by a number of endogenous and exogenous compounds. The pharmacology of excitatory and inhibitory amino acid-mediated events in the transmission and modulation of pain in the spinal cord.

Resolution and magnification essay sample

The electron passes through the thinner part of the sample easily and the denser part of the sample less easily. The electron passes through the thinner part of the sample easily and the denser part of the sample less easily.

Sci p2 phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium

Phyletic Gradualism believes in the constant rate of evolution and the gradual transformation of ancestral species to produce new ones. The fossil record shows that the existence of one species 140 million years ago and no changes in the said species were found in the first 40 years.

The evolution of the internet: routers

99 Aus Home Office " TPLink Archer AC3200"" A tech reviewer carried out a test of the Archer C3200 in his home with five different remote switch gadgets, comprehensive of the NETGEAR Nighthawk X6 and the Linksys EA9200. We can say that Archer AC 3200 is good to use in a small businessenvironmentbecause it has β†’

Acid activated vermiculites as catalysts biology essay

The effect of Cs and Cu contents in Cs Cu/ZrO2 catalysts has been studied in the simultaneous abatement of NOx and carbon black, used as a model of soot. Cesium in Cs Cu/ZrO2 also acts as a promoter favouring the contact between reactants: on the first hand it increases the exchange surface between CB and β†’

Implementation of tree inventories as a part of floristic studies

A state-wide evaluation was conducted by Cowett and Bassuk in New York on street trees and in their study; they tried to evaluate the tree inventory being conducted in the different states in the U.S.using different methods. According to Cabansag, ecological studies of the inventory of tree species engaged through the transect process in determining β†’

Intrinsic or integral membrane proteins biology essay

Membrane proteins that extend through the lipid bilayer are called transmembrane proteins and have hydrophobic regions that are exposed to the interior of the bilayer. Peripheral membrane proteins are linked to the membrane through noncovalent interactions with other membrane-bound proteins.amphipathichydrophilicnoncovalentlycorticalhydrophobicperipheralcovalentlyintegraltransmembranedetergentmicelleunfolded What is the difference between an intrinsic membrane protein and a peripheral membrane protein?

The danger of the encephalitis

The Danger Of The Encephalitis Based on the available data, encephalitis and anaphylactic shock from the tetanus toxoid was the most likely cause of the man's death. 11, 2011 from the MayoClinic: http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/content/85/9/838.full Possible Treatment for the Man and Treatment for the Platelet Recipient First of all, the man in the case study should β†’

Pocahontas – cultural anthropology

In this film, we are able to contrast the primitive lifestyle andcultureof the Native Americans to that of the British, and are able to see how the ideas of " progress" or social evolution play a role in the ethnocentric bias held by the Westerners during this time, causing the primitive stereotypes to be built. β†’

Quality control of parenterals

0 Rabbit should not loss its weight during week of test 0 Rabbit should be physically healthy 0 Rabbit should be on balance diet 0 Rabbit should not be administered with any anti body 7th - A I Survivors I The University of Lahore Page Number 6 0 The rabbits which are used three days β†’

Description of nelumbo nucifera biology essay

The leaves have long stalks that join the leaf in the center of the blade and the leaf blade either floats on the surface or emerges above the water. The base of the lotus flowers, known as the receptacle, expands and becomes fleshy during maturation and surrounds the ovary of the flower, which is made β†’


LEAD AS A TOXICANT Introduction Lead is one of the heavy metals found naturally in solid form on and below the surface of the earth. Then there are the industrial sources such as lead manufacturing and recycling industries as well as smelters that result in the release of the metal into the air in the β†’

Biology conferences

EVALUATION OF VARIOUS HUMAN DISEASES AND DISORDERS Evaluation of Various Human Diseases and Disorders Response to Sarah's Post Sarah Ellis post on the revelation of the MRI, " damaged areas were of the white matter in the region" is correct as following the prescription of the disease. The hot object is the stimulus, and the β†’

Health effects with regards to exposure biology essay

Health effectContacts with skin cause the irritation which may result to redness of skin. It is also a form of sensitization where the mist may cause the irritation of the respiratory airway.

Acquisition of the adipocyte phenotype biology essay

During adipocyte differentiation, acquisition of the adipocyte phenotype is characterized by chronological changes in the expression of numerous genes. The early expression of C/EBP and PPAR is logical given their subsequent involvement in terminal differentiation by transactivation of adipocyte-specific genes.


Genetic drift on the other hand leads to variation in the gene pool while non-random mating and gene flow results in reduction of differences among populations.9. Gene flow and genetic drift that occur through migration and mutations which are changes in the genetic material are the forces that lead to speciation or formation of new β†’

Biology – planaria research

A blastema is a group of cells that forms at the site of a wound that eventually turns into the missing parts of a planaria.2. Began to twist and curl in order to move, similar to the movements of the full-grown planaria.

The problems of bioethics

Because technology has provide humans so many benefits in every aspect of life but along with these benefits it carries bundle of problems like social, economical, environmental, and most striking among them all is moral problems raised in the field of medical science especially and hence succeed to drag the attention of the people all β†’

Definition of marine biology

While working in the field some Marine Biologists travel to coral reefs in tropical seas and ocean waters in cooler climates having to work a The earnings of a Marine Biologist are complicated. These are only a few of the advantages and disadvantages in the field of Marine Biology.

Sample essay on motivation scenario

The reason is pretty clear; Drew is unmotivated to learn biology because he feels there is nothing good to learn about it, and since he lacks incentive then that gives Drew more of a reason to turn his back to the subject. The suggestions that I would give my friend on how to better motivate β†’

Developing a conservation plan for a protected area

Strategies for developing the plan The cause for a conservation plan in the national park is mainly because of the threats to the species and ecosystems. In particular to the national park in question; Pinery park, it is paramount that conservation efforts be carried out since there are various species and indigenous plants that need β†’

Agam sidhu

Details in the moth's role in life and the personification of the moth, giving the moth emotions, portray the sorrow the author has towards life. He was little or nothing but life." The contrast between the sky and the moth emphasize the frailness of the moth and of life.

Article review cell transfer during pregnancy

Running head: YOUR CELLS ARE MY CELLS SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Your Cells are My Cells Summary and Discussion Abstract This paper reviews the article Your Cells are My Cells and considers the validity of the article based on current knowledge about the immune system, microchimerism and the immune response. The main point in the article β†’

Biosynthesis of peptide and steroid hormones

Biosynthesis of Peptide and Steroid Hormones - Biosynthesis of Peptide and Steroid Hormones Introduction: Hormones are chemical messengers synthesized by endocrine organs and released directly into the blood stream and are carried to distant target organs. The first step in the synthesis of steroid hormones is the shortening of the cholesterol chain and its subsequent β†’

Investigation process of crime scenes biology essay

The analysis of the -keratin in hair using HATR FTIR provides robust method of identifying species of the origin of the hair samples among all the three species studied in current research. A Bruker Tansor 27 FTIR with a Miracle HATR Accessory was used for the present study and in developing a population database for β†’

Impact of use of color in yellow fish by ambai

The fact that images of the ash-grey sea and horrific colour images of the fisherwomen's clothes were inserted, ought to give the reader a premonition, of kinds, about the dark turn, the narrative is about to take a little way ahead. The bright colors of the fisherwomen's clothes: demonic red, blinding indigo, profound green and β†’

Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer biology essay

Instead the donor protein requires irradiation with an external light source, which will then cause the transfer of energy to the acceptor protein which will fluoresce with a light of a different wavelength that can be detected, as in BRET. This allows for the detection of smaller variations in the BRET signal, compared to FRET.

Describe the mechanisms that contribute to the development of autoimmunity. how may the role of reglulatory t cells be altered in patients suffering from autoimmunity

of the of the Concerned Biology 4 May Describe the mechanisms that contribute to the development of autoimmunity. The following mechanisms have been proposed: 1) Genetic factors The role played by genetic factors in the development of autoimmunity can be easily explained by single gene disorders in which there is direct correlation between the genetic β†’

5 different ones

The process of meiosis is important for the reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes to haploid. The black coated Labrador has one recessive allele of brown color and thus, there is a chance in fifty percent of the offspring to have this allele.

Emergence of burkholderia pseudomallei biology essay

The adult CF unit at the Prince Charles hospital in Brisbane provide care to the majority of adults with CF in the state of Queensland, the northern part of which is tropical and endemic for B Pseudomallei reside. Antibodies for B Pseudomallei antibodies were measured in each patient using the blood samples collected, after the β†’

Review of six modern plagues

Further study of the brain of the infected animal revealed a sponge like appearance of the brain. The AIDS virus, human immunodeficiency virus was first found on the blood of a person from Congo who is a part of malaria research; the year was 1959, and this is currently the earliest documented case of HIV-1 β†’

The history about operations biology essay

SOperations Research In this paper, we discuss the application of linear programming to solve the situation of handling the beams in cancer operation. 5x2 - x5 + x6 = 6x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 >= 0The initial solution for phase 2 is the final solution of phase 1:- x1= 6; x3 = 0.

The minimum dna methylation level requirement biology essay

Also, by comparing these DNA methylation pattern with some primary normal tissues and cancer cell types, they found a collection of genes whose de novo methylation in cancerous cell, which is associated with the survival of cancerous cells. The epigenetic silencing of these genes by DNA methylation process is regulate cancerous cell survival in the β†’

The identification of bambusa sp

Running bamboo species are highly variable in their tendency to spread; this is related to both the species and the soil and climate conditions. Some of the techniques that can be used to identify to a species level are PCR-ITS, RAPD, and PCR-RFLP.

Evolution and natural selection lab

The " tree of life" is a phylogenetic illustration of the origin of the various species of animals from an ancient single organism dating from millions of years. Geologists had no idea of how old the earth was but the emergence of the study of rocks especially sedimentation rocks started giving light to the possibility β†’

Research applications of stem cell

Studies aim to regenerate lost motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord with bone marrow stem cells and iPS. Experiments with prenatal stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells feature in the early phase of clinical trials.

The effect of starch on the activity of amylase with ph variable

We then used a calorimeter to measure the absorbance of our samples with the variable of pH over set periods of time. We used the substrate starch with the variable, pH, to measure the absorbance of our samples using a calorimeter.

History of biology essay sample

He also studied bone structures and illustrated almost 700 diagrams of bones, muscles, internal organs, and the brain along with the position of the fetus in the womb of female body. Harvey' book is published in 1628 provides one of the greatest revolution in the undoubtedly the greatest until the discovery of the structure of β†’

Assignment example

HSP60 and HSP70 and Their Confusing Roles in Aging Based on the first ment, " Starvation causes a cellular response...that encodes...hsp70 and hsp60 family members," and the second statement, " Starvation can diminish some of the signs of aging," it seems that there is a link between the encoding of hsp70 and hsp60 and the β†’

Aggression & biological explanations

Though some scholars have concluded that biological causes of aggression, the ability to address it by changing things in theenvironmentat different levels of growth and development makes it to be more psychological. Unlike other causes of aggression which appear to be controversial in causing aggression in people, high levels of the testosterone in men compared β†’

High dosage essay

These are known as the embryonic stem cells and the adult stem cells. Adult stem cells can be found in specific tissues in the body and include neural stem cells, skin stem cells, and blood stem cells.

Virtual lab #3

On the 8th day, the species attained a maximum number of 98 organisms. Explain the differences in the population growth patterns of the two Paramecium species.

Orchids or orchidaceae

The region has a cool and wet climate that ranges from extremely cold winters and warm and humid summers all of which are conducive for the growth of the plant. Once the ovaries mature into small fruits full of the seeds, they dry up and pop open, the popping process disperses some of the seed β†’

Long term memory: types and the main aspects

John Locke was of the view that a continuity of consciousness and memory helps in the creation of the self. Previously it was believed that the size of human memory is equivalent to the number of synapses in the cerebral cortex of the brain.

Microbiota of bee gut and bee products

Microbial ecology aims to answer these central questions and deals with the study of microorganisms and their interactions with each other and with their environment. The breadth of bacterial flora which are present in honey bee colonies may play a role in the health and vitality of these organisms, like what they do in our β†’

Primary reserch (squirrels behaviour)

The main purpose of this study is to determine how foraging affects the seasonal behavior of squirrels, during winter and summer. S, Hickey M." Food Storability and the Foraging Behavior of Fox Squirrels".

The effect of temperature on respiration

The increase will only take place until a certain temperature is reached, the respiration rate will then start to decrease after that temperature. Preliminary work To test the effects of temperature on respiration a respirometer wil be used.

Factors to be considered in conducting plasmid purification and its application in gene therapy, modeling of diseases, and creation of antibiotics

In this case, it will be of the essence to consider some of the things that are of importance when carrying out this process. An example of this is the rate of replication of the plasmid-containing cells in relation to the daughter cells.

Theoretical models of psychology

This model uses the physiology of the human body as the basis for thinking about abnormal psychology. Psychiatric diagnosis, according to the biomedical model A problem with this is that the DSM books have all guided the reader to believe that psychological disorders are biological disorders.c.

The history of radiation biology essay

Nuclear medicine allows doctors to looks at the anatomy and functioning of the body in discovering the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. When a positive uptake in the area where the thyroid was, it lets the doctor know that the patient is able to take an oral dose of I-131 ablation in pill form β†’

The definite cause of atherosclerosis biology essay

Atherosclerosis, in simple terms, is the hardening or blockage of the arteries, the high-pressure blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It builds up in the walls of arteries and over time, it hardens and narrows the arteries, causing an obstruction of oxygen-rich blood flow to β†’