4 Pages Essay Samples

Amul marketing

No one had taken the trouble to fix the price of milk to be paid to the producers. Not a drop of milk was sold to the milk merchants.

Marketing strategy of better homes and gardens real estate essay example

Social media provided an excellent medium to communicate with the potential franchises for the brand.- Product/Service Differentiation Strategies: Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate brand differentiated their services through the website which offered users to search for homes and network of brokers and agents; and also provide consumers with content and guidance about the home β†’

Professional golf the pga tour essay

To qualify for the PGA playoffs, the players have to compete in the previous 43 events, and points are awarded on the basis of winners and high finishes. The four Playoffs are played in consecutive weeks and lead up to the final Tour Championship which is the last culminating event of the season, held in β†’

Segmentation, targeting & positioning

Louis Vuitton's products are designed by keeping in consideration the latest trends in the market and the prevailing fashion that enable its customers to explore the upcoming trend based offerings and quality products. Primarily, the goal of this strategy is to differentiate and to position the company's products in such a way that the customers β†’

My career in sales & interests outside school

It is now my desire to understand the crux of supply chain management at a higher level while increasing my management skills and in turn, use my knowledge as a purchaser to effect a change in procurement practices in my organization upon my return. Your institution, being one of high repute offers a window to β†’

Free article review on advertisement repetition analysis: literature review

In the context of advertising, frequency mainly connotes to the number of timers in which target consumers are exposed to advertising messages. This can be accredited to the fact that longer times frames results in an increased advertising frequency, and enhanced levels of reach.

Mantras of marketing

Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm's marketing resources and activities. As the name implies, marketing management combines the fields of marketing and management.

Cisco review

In building of a brand in business to business context, the priority will be mainly given to making a strong bonding with the business of the client and in order to make one's brand to be seen as the most popular choice and the safest brand to do business. At this juncture the company realized β†’

Example of phd international business admission essay

I want to establish strategic business concepts for my fathers business in most of the Asian countries and in future stretch to Africa. Establishing of proper and good relations in international market is my goal immediately I join my father's business.

Ethnography and insight research paper

Customers: As indicated earlier, the customers present at the beginning of the sale were keen on owning the antiques and collectables on sale as the sale was being commissioned. Sellers: The hosts of the events generally wanted to make money with the sale and were particularly keen on their accounting.

Marketing and iced tea

Acceptance of the Iced tea in the market Is due to the Increasing health consciousness of the consumers. Formulation and Evaluation of Alternative Solutions to the Problem SOOT ANALYSIS I OPPORTUNITIES FIFO THREATS giant competitors like I-untapped target market I iced tea market I-preference of the market too healthier I-existence of small companies I products β†’

Marketing mix dell

With Lenovo's landmark acquisition of IBM's Personal Computing Division in May 2005, the new Lenovo is a leader in the global PC market and products serving enterprises and consumers the world over. It is the fifth largest market for Dell in the world and the fastest growing markets business development.

Aspects of the marketing environment

In other word, it is important for white goods manufacturers to investigate the government policy and understand the venture environment before enter the market. Competition It is necessary to consider the nature and degree of competition in a product area from similar products.

Free essay about marketing research report

The article contains the management questions that were answered, the decisions made, and the strengths and weaknesses of the research. The number of subscribers was also observed to be on the decline since, from the data obtained 29% of those interviewed were once subscribers, but they unsubscribed to the VSO performances.- What is the suitable β†’

Marketing recommendations

Because the buyer will be in need of a mobile phone contact and due to the fact that it is an inelastic service for him, this stage will not be long. Having acquired all the information research, recommendation and evaluation of alternatives, this will be a short process for the buyer to go through.

New product marketing plan prepare

Marketing entails having the right product that is required by a particular group, placing the product in the right place where the group can locate it, fixing the appropriate price, and using the right people while launching the product. Therefore, the designed product should reflect the needs of the people and the demand for the β†’

Solve a problem critical thinking

This is majorly done using the unconscious mind, where the individual is not particularly looking for a solution to the problem, but is internalizing the relevant information to construct an idea that may lead to a possible solution.- Illumination Here the individual gets an idea after connecting information sort that could produce a solution, the β†’

Marketing rx

The total sales forecast is the sum of the following year's estimated sales from the seven sales districts and their territories. It is also the usual case that the sales quota that the CEO hands out to Sales is what the corporate strategic planning generated.

The requirements of working to a brief

A brief is a document that states the list of objectives that the customer or client is telling the employee what to do on their project. Disadvantages of formal briefs are that the contract is may be opposed, the client and employee may disagree on the terms of the brief.

Overview of goal setting theories

Clarity implies that the goal could be understood clearly and could be measure, in this case, by the time I am 40 I will be the chef of my own restaurant. Being a chef is the best way to show the love I have for food and spread it to others.

Rhetorical analysis of a print advertisement

The advertisement's successful attempts to appeal to the observer's emotions, use of the ethical appeal, the appeal to logic, and a fallacious element of the argument will also be analyzed. The appeal to logic in the advertisement is indistinguishable quality of the bags of blood.

Microtheme 2: applying a source as a lens

From the perspective of using a source as a lens in applying a concept or a claim to the analysis of a test object and in this case the film Welcome to the Dollhouse. The thesis by Cohen of a monster representing people's hidden desires helps in analysing the scenes where Dawn is alone with β†’

Writing the report roanoke, virginia branch

The employees were demoralized hence the quality of the products was substandard c. Finally, the Chief Executive Officer of the branch was kindly requested to review the budget of the branch.

Answer question

The appeal to authority is fallacious given that the individual expressing this opinion does not have an expert authority regarding all beautiful women in America. This argument is fallacious given that the appeal to authority, the opponents, may not be trustworthy and valid.

Teenage drinking and its consequences

Teenage Drinking and Its Consequences 2 March Introduction Alcohol is the teenager's " drug of choice," according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Adolescents are particularly prone to drinking alcohol, because of perceptions of drinking alcohol as cool and essential to high school and college life.


Sub-details: Many people, especially employers are still skeptical of the legitimacy and effectiveness of online education.b. Supporting details: Online education saves a lot of resources for the student.i.

What determines choice of meaning or form

What is the meaning of: The door's wide open" in the following contexts? The family is being welcomed back home instead of the speaker using the form welcome, he uses the form the door is wide open which implies the same.

English matters in esl countries essay sample

English language relates to ESL countries in two main domains: one is social status, that is, a higher class for higher education standard; the other is economic power for English being the lingua franca between countries. As English being the lingua franca between institutions from different countries and most works are in English, English dominates β†’

Corporate responsibility for childhood obesity

According to him, food companies ought to be sued because they are the main reason behind the increase of obesity cases in the US. In " Calories for sale", Linn and Novosat also blame fast food joints for the rise in the number of obese children in US.

Cultural dimension

Therefore, the research process established the prevalence of a civilised culture in the Japanese society before the documentation of the Austrian culture.2. The two students answered the questions in accordance to their societal perspectives; hence, the results influenced the study to establish that the Japanese and Austrian societies were embracing democratic practices in leadership, with β†’


Two American Families The PBS's Frontline documentary " Two American Families" by Bill Moyers is identifying multiple socioeconomic factors which have governed the lives of two families Stanleys and Neumanns in the last two decades. Thus, the American government policies and infrastructure is not intended to bring betterment in the lives of citizens, but only β†’

Interpretation–graphic fiction

The major subject of concern in the story is on the fact that, although the final decision always remains in oneself, he or she always provides great considerable worries to the community." A hunger Artist" is essentially a very unique document that provides very clear light on how the graphics professionals have further benefitted from β†’


Margarita Pochtovaya Catherine Shelton ENC 1101 January 19, Spirituality in the Midst of Political Governance From the article written by Madeleine Albright entitled " Faith and Diplomacy" and published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs in 2006, the author proffered pertinent issues concerning the role that religion plays in foreign politics and governance. β†’

Child marriage

A General Purpose: To inform about the differences and similarities that exist between the USA and Middle East concerning Child Marriages Specific Purpose: To educate and inform on the best approach and practices related to child marriages Thesis Statement: Early marriages are a big compromise to the development of the girls resulting in early pregnancies β†’

Effective perenting: love and logic is the key

In this form of parenting, the mother and the father interacts with the child using a combination of love and logic. Lilly is a mother who uses this form of parenting for her children Shaun and Nancy.

An assessment of what ive learned this semester in class

The book that we read during the semester is titled " On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and In Life by Skip Downing". In this case, the course helped me to avoid making big mistake that I would have regretted for the rest of my life, and that would have led me further β†’

William faulkner’s use of theme in a rose for emily

While the story explores Emily's life from a number of periods, she is always articulated as a sort of traditional aspect of the town, a sort of portal into the past. The conflict is a literary means for Faulkner to demonstrate the thematic occurrence of the change of time, as well as characterize Emily as β†’


Topic: Interview Summary: Main motives of the organization are to provide quality service to its Also, providing door to door service in order to improve the health of the society is a major future plan. I hope to pursue this field of Healthcare Management and provide a better service to the people I work for.

Tenses and aspects, modal verbs and modality

I have finished my assignment at last, and I have finally submitted it, before the due date. By the time the riot police arrived at the scene, the demonstrators had dispersed.

Annotated bibliography. environmental effects of nuclear power plant accident at fukushima

This report released by the Yale University highlights the growing concern that even though the ocean has the capacity to dilute nuclear contamination, elevated concentrations of radioactive cesium and iodine are moving up the local food chain. The report also includes a comparison of the current situation in Fukushima with studies from previous releases of β†’

Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program

This threat has led to the reaction of the international countries and organization to call off the production of the nuclear production by Iran to sustain peaceful relations. Moreover, the enrichment of uranium level in Tehran has confirmed all suspicions of Iran's ability to create nuclear weapons.

Analysis of the secret

The personalities in the movie share a common principle, belief and attitude and that is what they share in the movie. After viewing the film and considering that the lecture on visualization and affirmation is equivalent to the " Law of Attraction" discussed in the movie, it has now been decided by this student that β†’

East or west, home is best

As I got out of the plane, I could feel the sweet welcome of home. The air was fresh and the gentle wind caressed my delicate skin as I headed to the cub.

Washington dc and london

One of the most obvious correlations between Washington D.C.and London is that the two are capital cities and as such sit powers of two influential countries in the world the former going to the United States and the latter United Kingdom. In London there is the British Museum that is one of the oldest of β†’

Living on a farm to living in the city

Living on a Farm or Living in the Hani Alshmemri Tiffin ENG 140 Living on a Farm or Living in the Country living is relativelydifferent to that city life depending on people's preferences, but on one hand can be as much satisfying. In addition, the cost of a small apartment in the city may already β†’

Adding, and organize

The author of the article " The Impact of the Gulf War" expounds on how the war led to a long list of slaughters on the Basra road. From the gulf war, it was noted that despite the military success that was recorded in the war, the experience of the Gulf war changed the viewing β†’

A detailed lesson plan in english essay sample

Learning Objectives: At the end of the period, the students are expected to: 1. Presents a talk show or interview with the use of the proper way in conducting interview.II.

The bookshop

of the of the Concerned 8 July The Bookshop The Bookshop, a novel by Penelope Fitzgerald got published in the year 1978. The novel primarily deals with a small English town in the late 50s, where the parochial attitude and approach towards things and issues bring to test the very grit and resilience of the β†’

Spread of english: a threat to developing countries and the world essay

In spite of the advantages attributable to the spread of the English language, the fact remains that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In addition, the spread of English is a threat to world diversity and poses the risk of the lack of Standard English due to regional variations of the English language.

Report summary

Carr states that the web has grievous results on its clients; because it affects the mind especially in the manner, it processes information. This encompasses use of other researcher's arguments and unveilings that are close to his, to back up the hypothesis.

Why television is bad for society

The solution to this is for parents to reduce the amount of time spent watching television in a day to two hours, preferably in the evening when parents are home from work. Most people in a society want to mimic the celebrity's way of speaking, fashion, and the way they behave.

Heart failure

Reason of Heart Failure: Circumstances that harm or overload the heart muscle can be the cause of heart failure. Proper medication can ensure that one is away from the threat of heart attack and heart disease.

Journal #5 and 6

We discussed the learning objective, and she gave me a couple comments and I was able to complete it by the end of the day. On the following Monday, I will be meeting with the PREEP group and my preceptor to assess the quality review.

James paul gee / what is litracy

What is the difference between acquisition and learning, according to Gee, and how do these relate to his understanding of ' discourse' and ' literacy' Acquisition is gaining of knowledge unconsciously like learning native language or learning via observation. On the other hand, secondary discourse is connected to legitimate academic and professional places where a β†’

Edgar allan poe’s the tell-tale heart

There are various parts in the story wherein the narrator convinces the reader that he - the story does not actually reveal whether the narrator is a he or she but I will refer to the narrator as a he for the purpose of this assignment is sane for he is capable of thinking, planning, β†’

Coke heist commercial as an effective ad

Soothing music Details: a.the fit between the music and the ad b.music increases communication effectiveness c.musical impact receptivity and liking of the music Support 2. In the second section, I disccussed the environmental setting of a commercial and in third section, I expounded the need for a collaborated teamwork in production.

Poetry discussion

Line six of the poem tells the reader that no people live in the woods and that the woods are quiet and serene. He leaves a great deal to the imagination of the reader regarding the subject and intent of the poem, while clearly creating a scene of anticipation.

Arossing culture

A multicultural society is a term that has been used to refer to a society made up of people from diverse varied linguistic, national, cultural, and religious backgrounds. As a result of the migration of varied races and cultures, multicultural societies are in the increase.

How blind impact people around

At the moment, she was a grandmother squeezing her grandson. Even though she could not see with her eyes, she had a sight of the blind.

Closing the gap – addressing the vocabulary needs of english-language learners in bilingual and mainstream classrooms

It is significant to ensure there is an understanding of the language and the kind of support in learning language is available. Assumptions also indicate that students often believe that the reading process in the second language is slightly different from the first language.


Identify some of the reasons given, in the article, that account for the skills gap. What is the impact of this gap on organizations?

English usage and style in academic writing

ENGLISH USAGE AND STYLE IN ACADEMIC WRITING English usage and style in Academic Writing The adoption of English in Singapore is an indication that the world has embraced the language as a mode of communication. The development of English indicates that a language such as French is declining.

Why student athletes should be drug tested

In the case of drug testing, universities are first accusing that athletic students are wrong doers and drug abusers and then tests are conducted on a student. In the case of drug tests on athletic students, searches are being conducted only on athletic students and not on all the students, this makes these tests unconstitutional.


In a reflective investigation of the meaning of the term impressionism in literature, it is fundamental to realize it as a style or technique of writing used to express the sense impressions created by a few details. Significantly, the term impressionism in literature is defined as a countermovement of Naturalism and a secularized symbolism or β†’

What is the value of studying english english language essay

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the World and is the primary language in many countries including the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, as well as being the first choice of second language for non-English speaking countries. Quote: with only 9% experiencing a period of unemployment, English β†’

Cover memo: furniture company adoring homes

The purpose of our room divider would be to ensure privacy and overcome the need of proper partitions or expensive doors. These room dividers will add to the beauty of their house and result in providing them privacy as well.


This is the reason why, despite the fact that facilities are over-numbered, the luxuries superfluous, the money redundant, the satisfaction and peace of mind is out of reach. The purpose of the ' Panopticon' is to inject in the inmates of the Panopticon, a sense of surety that they are always under inspection.

The disadvantages of microstrip english language essay

Here Z0 is the impedance of free space, r is the relative permittivity of substrate, w is the width of the strip, h is the thickness of substrate, and t is the thickness of the strip metallization. The percentage mitre is the cut-away fraction of the diagonal between the inner and outer corners of the β†’

Assignment example

March Disorientation and Enlightenment in Pounds " In a Station of the Metro" and Roethkes " My Papas Waltz" Ezra Pound's " In a Station of the Metro" and Theodore Roethke's " My Papas Waltz" are ideal examples of poems that illustrate the subject of disorientation. The main subject of these poems is disorientation that β†’

Sample essay on some observations pertaining to the amusing usage of words

Abstract English is not only known to be the most common language in the world today but is also known for the seemingly funny, and unexplainable, intricacies that surround the language. Based on our study of the essay by Richard Lederer, it would not be incorrect to conclude that English is indeed a funny β†’

Food and beverage control system

Divide the revenue of food sales and beverage sales by the total sales to get the ratio of sales over gross sales.4. Multiply the revenue of food sales and beverage sales by the cost ratio to sales to get the budget needed.6.

Real estate industry

Almost everyone relies on mortgage and payment of loans when it comes to buying a house, and this is probably the best payment plan, but it results in foreclosure sometimes." Foreclosure is a process that allows a lender to recover the amount owed on a defaulted loan by selling or taking ownership of the property β†’

Pecan tree essay

First I will explain the characteristics of pecan trees and then move into who founded the tree first and how the tree benefited them. The bark of a pecan tree is grayish in color and has a rough appearance to it, which is relatively thin.

Smart car

In 1993, the alliance with Volkswagen was dissolved; Hayek claimed it was because of disagreement on the concept of the car. The decision by Mercedes executives to take full control of the venture was consistent with its strategy for leveraging its engineering skills and broadening the company's appeal beyond the luxury segment of the automobile β†’

Global changing constantly so, is the business.

For the reliable plan of higherand sustainable growth of country it is important to being known of fullpotential of the single market in order to overcome the economic shortage. AsIn Europe antitrust policy help to support the single market and the EUeconomic growth and examines challenges for the implementation of antitrustpolicy caused by changes in β†’

Porters five force analysis for paint industry

The company is based in the Philippines and was founded in the 1960s. Along this premise, the company recognizes that the primary role of its business is to serve society in return for the use of its resources and thus devotes its business activities to the progress and development of society and the well being β†’

The opposite sex

I think that I start to understand her, and then I am lost and confused. But I think that the cold killings and disgusting scenes were the problems, and then by the end of the film, she was used to it.

Industrial hygiene and toxicology term paper sample

Formaldehyde is a probable carcinogen and long prolonged exposure to the chemical can lead to certain types of cancer. Due to its superior binding qualities, formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of glue and resins.

It brand new materials, iron, cast,glass and

It is due to that fact stated above is that what caused the industrial growth from the core of England itself and this what caused it to be the core of many of the furnishing materials and the new appending reality of architecture in industrial form. His design became known by the nickname ' crystal β†’

Competition in the golf industry

Gamble of the University of South Alabama, is an overview of the problems currently facing major companies in the golf equipment industry: technological limitations, a decline in the number of golfers, and the economic recession, and the threat of counterfeit products. In the instance of Calloway, an increase in marketing and endorsements would boost their β†’

M&s food sector strategy essay

In subdivision A of this study, we will analyze and measure M & A; S nutrient sector concern scheme. M & A; S is premium nutrient retail merchant and nutrient sector is really of import to overall group concern and public presentation.

China & the usa: the 20th century trade war

20th century Trade War The Reality A high-intensity trade dispute between two of the world's largest economies China and the US is all set to effect global trade policies this year with the main focus being on protectionism. In a situation like this it might be a wise decision on China's part to back down β†’

Analysis of the digital audio player industry

In addition, the influx of digital music players in the market suggests the positive demand among music consumers. The existence of digital music players eliminates the idea of stacking the discs in shelves.

German european union and eurozone. germany has

It is the largest economy of Europe, the fourth-largest by nominal GDP in the world, and fifth by GDP. Sectors of German economy Only 1% of the GDP is formed by the agricultural sector and employs around 1.

Chapter does this relate to differentiation?a low-cost

A low-cost strategy implies minimizing the number of managers in the hierarchy and the rigorous use of budgets to control production and selling costs. It can be from the physical characteristics of a product, resulting from the new innovations or, quality of the features which appeal to the customers' psychological needs, such as a personal β†’

Swot and pestel analysis of the automobile industry

At the beginning the gas price and economy were stable, this create conduciveenvironmentfor car manufacturers, Vehicle sale has become stronger in the market, than it was anticipated due to expected economic growth, where by industry marketing expenditure were flat at $ 1, 505 million and later increased $39 ml to 1544 ml due to aggressive β†’

Name: target we should be very ambitious

In the last decades the number ofhouses built dropped massive and the old times when 300 000 homes used to be builtper year it is and old memory now. Alsoit is important that the new dwelling houses have to be viable for both thebuilder and their owners because the house building industry is a major β†’

Cellular manufacturing system

Explain to potential members what the nature of the task is and get a feel for their interest. Team Management Develop trust and provide the team a reason to be motivated.

There other hand, the rise in water

On the other hand, the rise in water temperature during heat waves will cause the degradation of water quality and a lot of bad effects for fish and aquatic populations It can likewise prompt the death or lop-sidedness of numerous different organisms in the lake, river and sea ecosystem. The heat exchangers must be designed β†’

In as a consequence, in 2011, i joined

Concentration in Finance and a minor in Marketinginstalled in me a strong background and realization of the vast internationalbusiness, understanding the customer, creating value for all; people andorganizations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and overall how tobalance among nature, businesses and local people. The analytical ability I haveacquired from banking will be in help for a β†’

Rfid in health care industry

In this way the hand hygiene system is monitored by the use of RFID. It is concerned with the products that are used in Healthcare and standards of these products.

I me curious and passionate to work

Moreover, the chemical reaction, use of nanoscience advancement forthe effective and efficient delivery of drugs is marvelous and has always mademe curious and passionate to work in the field of biochemistry and technology. I learned how to troubleshoot problems in thelab and how to interpret the results of my experiments.

Free critical thinking on compensation management

Compensation procedures are also important because they allow the employers to create better opportunities for the employees who perform well in the organization hence acquiring and retaining the best employees External competitiveness can be referred to as an organization's compensation position in comparison to other organizations with the industry. External competitiveness is directly affected by β†’

Treatment of dependency in men versus women essay

The primary topic of the proposal of this research endeavor is to highlight the similarities as well as the differences in the treatment of dependency of adult men versus adult women. It is the aim that through this effective research, it can be proven that both dependence and independence are ineffective behavior modalities for men β†’

Dmitri ivanovich mendeleev

There was no money to rebuild and the only money was the money saved for Dmitri to go to the university. He had his future planed and did not want to die yet, so he move to Simferopol in the Crimean Peninsula.