4 Pages Essay Samples

Part 2: individual report (15%)

This report will take a look at the market entry strategy of Fujairah Cement Industries in India and analyses the marketing environment which the company will face in India. This has enabled the company to become one of the top ranked producers in the country.

Scotch whisky marketing strategy

The focus will also include the market factors affects distribution of the distillery's products, withrespectto the factors of the market, find the best environment, release the product and ultimately, formulate the necessary marketing strategies for the entry of the products of the distillery into the exploratory market of the countries mentioned above. The export market β†’

Marketing and the health care system assignment

The direct impact of marketing that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama has is that it offers coverage plans to corporations, individuals and senior markets. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama will send a survey in the mail or online to get the patients feedback.

Is marketing management an artistic exercise or a scientific

Marketers need to be creative and Imaginative as well as capable In making scientific and mathematical approaches to analyses data and utilities hem effectively to achieve the organization's objectives. Marketing management is a scientific exercise because it heavily depends on customers' needs are, and how to satisfy them.

Target market

Role of market orientation Market orientation has a strong link with the performance of organizations. In the face of intensifying competition, market orientation is a thing which can provide a winning philosophy to organization.

Sample report on country risk analysis: russia

The rate of unemployment in Russia was 6 percent in the year 2012 and 6. The economy of Russia is the fifth largest in the world and the world's leading exporter of natural gas and oil.

Report on sales management

Marketing is the process of collaborating the worth of values of commodities or service to clients; this at some time can be said to be the art of selling products and letting clients know of a good and new products in the market. However, the society views marketing as to be the linkage between clients β†’

Ben and jerry’s assignment

Let's see the advantages and disadvantages for Ben and Jerry's to enter the Japanese market with Mr. Yamada would position the brand, form and executive an entry strategy, and will take care of marketing and distribution for Ben and Jerry's well into the future, solving some of the most important issues of the company in β†’

Example of case study on kraft foods inc.

Not giving up the power of marketing despite the knowledge of Kraft Foods Inc.that their products have severe effects to children, the incorporation never wanted to refrain from the same. Ironical that Kraft Foods Inc.values quality and safety in products the statement that Kraft Foods Inc.values the quality and safety of its products is totally β†’

Aggressive advertising

Which says increased advertising, if in light if the consumer's preference will move the indifference curve to satisfy the consumers needs.b) What are the weaknesses of the Hicks - Allen indifference curve analysis? One of the criticisms or weaknesses of the theory of the indifference curve analysis is that the utility itself is not measurable.

Marketing mix.

UPS considered in the business world as the master of marketing and offer marketing services to assist companies with the development of new products and services. Product Product, The first P in the life cycle of a good market mix and considered the foundation or the beginning and end off product or service.

Marketing and finance extended response

It involves the identification and analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses in the Internal environment followed by the opportunities and threats from the external environment. Therefore situational analysis is one of the important steps in a marketing plan because it determines where the business is tanning in the market detailing the strength, weaknesses, opportunities β†’

Free enter university name report example

Introduction and product base: As you know fox is part of a conglomerate that produces and acquires live-action and animated motion pictures for distribution and licensing in a number of different formats for entertainment around the world. This as we mentioned in the earlier memo is a major placement of the " Product" in the β†’

Research paper on stakeholder analysis of jaffrey mines in canada

According to Payton, the Canadian asbestos Industry is a $90 million industry and therefore there is a high chance of livelihood of many people being taken away if the industry is shut down because of health concerns of Asbestos. The stakeholder is a moderator in the Asbestos issue since it seems to protect the β†’

Today, two of the most compelling issues facing b2b marketers today is how to not only reach buyers but how to get buyers engage

This element is related to the abilities of a business to apply the products of the company as a strategy of creating market or business dominance in their area of interest. The ability of a company to share or allow its customers shares its values and vision is a marketing sustainability strategy in B2B marketing.

6 steps to dominate a competitor’s social media marketing

If you dedicate yourself to producing and promoting quality content, strategically targeted to your audience members, and you are consistent in engaging with them on a regular basis, there's nothing that can stop you from achieving growth. You know who your target audience is, but if you want to beat the competition, you will need β†’

International marketing environment

The first of the eight O's is occupants which is the market the company intends to target. This describes the service or product that will be used to satisfy the target markets needs Occasions is the third of the eight O's.

Marketing of bottled water

The fact that there are so many competitors shows that the market is very segmented and it is therefore important for a new company to find a particular niche in the market and exploit it instead of taking on a well-established brand.Mr. Due to the fact that his source is from the sea, it would β†’

Digital marketing essay sample

INTRODUCTION The core reason of failure in most digital marketing campaigns is not the lack of ingenuity in the banner ad or the sexiness of the website. To define GDIC's marketing goals for the organisation; the digital marketing drivers are deemed substantial drawing from the context of the pull and push digital marketing technologies to β†’

Advertising reveals a lot about a country

Advertising reveals a lot about a Country Advertising is the presentation or an idea of a product, in order to persuade individuals to buy a particular product. For instance, it is not common to make jokes about death, disease, or drunkenness in an advertisement in the United States, and any ad that would do this β†’

Example of tobacco advertising argumentative essay

Tobacco is obtained from the leaves of the plants belonging to the genus Nicotiana. Over time the models changed and so did the nuances of the copy, but the message remained the same; just like couples are made for each other, in a Wills cigarette, the filter and tobacco are made for each other.

Foster’s beer – marketing plan

In this order of ideas, the purchase decision of a Foster's beer is given by the quality of the drink, the brand's reputation and the consumers' recognition of the brand, previous consumption and reaction to the beverage and several product features, including price. The benefits of the Foster beer are implied by the product and β†’

Nestle crunch marketing plan assignment

Unit Volume 35% of the market share in sales were the Regular sized Chocolates, 30% were for the miniatures, 25% were of promotional items, and then there were the king sizes which made up of only 10% of the market sales. In terms of geography, the Midwest is 22% of the population and the region β†’

Key psychological processed

The marketer's task is to understand what happens in the customers's conciousness between the arrival of the our-side marketing stimuli and the ultimate purchase decisions. We can define consumer involvement in term of the level of engagement and active processing the consumer undertakes in responding to a marketing stimulus.2.

Marketing strategy heineken

Heineken was founded in 1864 when 22-year-old businessman Gerard Adriaan Heineken purchased the " The Haystack" brewery located in the heart of Amsterdam, the largest in the region. Over the past 140 years, three generations of the Heineken family have built and expanded the brand and the company in Europe and around the world.

Marketing ethics

MARKETING ETHICS of Introduction The globalization trend created tremendous pressure for large firms to do business more competitively; marketing and advertising strategies are constantly reviewed for any changes and revisions that will help a global firm hold on to its market share, expand it, and at the same time, inspire intense consumer loyalty. Tag line β†’

Definition of advertising

The white in the background is used to accentuate the illegible writing, which the advert seeks to use in a way that tells the consumer that using the contact lenses will make him/her able to read the writing. This is also used in the background for information on the lenses, as well as on the β†’

Manufacturing strategy in the automotive industry research proposal

Improvement in the manufacturing of the automotive industry is crucial in facing arising challenges and changes in the environment. The questionnaire aimed at the collecting information from the managers in the organization about the strategies they adopt in their management.

Healthy foods essays examples

The reason is that grandmothers and even great grandfathers lived before the advent of modern foods and can thereof accurately distinguish between authentic food and synthetic foods that dominate the current food market. Eric Schlosser uses the case of McDonalds's to show some of the unhealthy food processing practices that many people are oblivious to β†’

Launching chocoholics plc

The production department is also in charge of packaging, making sure that all the packaging is kept up to date and that they are actually producing what the consumers want, They are also involved with maintenance and they make sure that everything is running smoothly. Marketing The marketing department is involved in market research, this β†’

Innovation in rural marketing in india

With the constraint in mind the team decided to have a systematic approach and extensive on ground activities to educate the masses on gold and create awareness on the availability of facilities like Karate's In Gladiolus stores. The aim is to have a green in front of every village.

Argumentative essay on support raising the minimum wage

As the minimum wage was to be increased, and then individuals would receive more money to the point where they are capable to meet for their necessities and have money to spare. Therefore, increases in the minimum wage will enhance the number of individuals interested to join the labor force.

How important is film marketing in attracting an audience

The importance of marketing and promotion of films is clear in one very simple way: an entire sector of the film industry - film distribution depends for its profits and survival upon the successful marketing and promotion of films. Clearly the distributors felt that the best way to sell this film was to make an β†’

Solution of case ysl marketing research

From question the full cost of $14, 528 is not the lowest amount that Connie pays and also is not the variable cost of the job. The mixed cost is a cost that carries both the elements of the fixed and variable costs such as utilities.

Factors affecting the customers’ intention to use green banking products in peoples bank

The research objective of the study is to examine the green brand dimensions impact on purchase intention of customers about green banking products & services. Objective of the study was to find the factors affecting for the customers' purchase intention to use green banking products.

Software service market

Its sales volume had grown up 205% over the past three years; the most important cause of this growth was the substantial price reduction on the Funds Master. There was a slight increase of 9% in the unit cost of Funds Master, the majority of which came from the related software expense incurred in respect β†’

International firms enter foreign markets

In the largest deal in the history of the Irish hotel industry, the acquisition of the Doyle Hotel Group by rival Jurys Hotel Group Plc has created a giant among Irish hotel operators and set the stage for further expansion abroad. 6 million in cash and stock for Doyle, and in the process, Jurys has β†’

Example of research paper on data collection techniques matrix

The most appropriate techniques in selecting data for this post include situational tests, work samples, leaderless group discussions and assessment instruments. The best techniques to use in selecting sales team members would be assessment tests and projective tests.

Map the supply chain essay sample

The footwear industry involves operating a global supply chain and this paper covers the purpose and value of each link of the supply chain. Aerosoles brand also offers the Stroebel construction where nothing lies between the sole and the shoe, giving the customer the tennis shoe comfort.

Essay on importance of vision concepts

Basically, the prioritization scheme is guided by the goals to be accomplished, the implementation strategies and the implementation of the expenditure budget. The initiative led to clarification of roles, rules, and the responsibilities in implementing the changes, and significantly improved the organization's results.

The role of promotion in marketing mcdonalds company

The promotional strategy has to reflect the needs and wants of the target market and segment. Publicity involves the placement of a favorable piece of information that touches on the services, products and policies of a business in the mainstream media.

Marketing strategy for water conservation in australia

In a nutshell, most of the high-income groups have less motivation to save water, due to their high income and greater buying power. Therefore, the high-income group really should be considered in terms of water usage.

Example of aims and objectives report

Each of the parties in the partnership will have equal rights to the business. Since the location of the restaurant is within the city center, we expect that most of our competitors will be all the restaurants within the same locale.

Marketing of mcdonald

The British Institute of Management defines the marketing research as the objective adhering, recording and analyzing of all facts about problems relating to the transfer provide the five basic questions-? who, what, when, where and when. Because we decide to set up our business in Lugubrious, the members of our group went to the town β†’

Case: black markets

The market of cigarettes is different to the market of vegetables. The market of vegetables is price sensitive in the long run as well as the short.

Example of essay on current business practice (blackberry10)

BlackBerry 10 the newest operating system in the market is the answer to all the customer queries and needs. The Blackberry 10 is the newest mobile operating system that has been developed by the Blackberry limited for its line of tablet and Smartphone devices.

7 improvements that’d benefit customers

Seeing as we could not really come up with better educationrelated suggestions for you, we decided to write about us, and the 7 major benefits you would get by using our services thisacademicyear. We hope this would help convince you and your friends that we are in this to make sure you graduate with outstanding β†’

Research paper on psychological effects on shopping

Another aspect related to the issue of the psychological effects of shopping on consumers is the influence which the shopping makes on women. This addiction is characterized by becoming preoccupied with spending vast amount of money for buying goods and devoting a great amount of time to the shopping activity.

How to deal with difficult people

I told her the policy was that if she wanted to return something she would have to have a receipt or the tags. The griping customer saw that I was busy so she came to interrupt my work.

Marketing test: case study on red bull company

Red Bull's small product base, lack of innovation, and significant marketing expenses present opportunities for competitors to overtake Red Bull as the market leader Weaknesses 1. Red Bull has introduced its content marketing around and about the product, but it is never directly correlated to the drink itself.

Free essay about railway and capitalism

The invention of the railway line revolutionized the transport sector. Railway transport contributes to the economic vibrancy of the nation.

Marketing private, nonprofit and government organizations

While it could be a challenge for the traditional profit oriented firm, marketing for non-profit organization is more challenging because it usually does not usually have the corresponding product or service to be exchanged in lieu of the money given by its target market. Such, it would be necessary to know the purchasing behavior of β†’

Example of international financial analysis essay

This paper will explore the recent character of the financial markets and instruments in the trade. For the local markets, their transactions are limited to within the national borders of the country while for the international markets, investors from across the globe are free to transact in the business.

Free how social, political, and economic transformations created new problems of the essay sample

Politics in the modern world has taken the form of political parties which represent the interests of the social class that content with social distribution of services and goods. The Civil War and the Great Depression are considered some of the tumultuous periods in the history of the world and its ultimate effects were the β†’

Marketing environment

The major electricity generators in the UK are: British Energy PLC British Energy PLC is the UK's largest electricity generator producing 19% of total output. The company was formed in 1996 to include the nuclear power activities of Nuclear Electric Ltd and Scottish Nuclear Ltd.

Bakers media and democracy essays example

In Market, Media, and Democracy, Baker postulates that there is a purpose for journalism in the context of a democratic society, and that American journalism has, by and large, lost the ability to serve that purpose. Baker suggests that there has been a movement in media and journalism that promotes the idea of giving the β†’

The male contraception controversy: unveiling the myths essay sample

The whole concept dwells upon the presence of feministic movements that determine equality in rights between the man and woman of the society. Taking a scale of man and woman to have a collective responsibility in the sexual revolution, the male reversible contraceptive have received a one sided support-the women.

5 tricks to strengthen your content marketing

It takes both heart and skill and to be heard in a way that moves customers to action.and sending out another dull press release is not going to fix that. Related: You now have original content and know how to distribute on the medium where it performs best.

Application: financial analyses

By increasing the retail and wholesale margin per unit therefore, it was important for the manufacturer's selling price to go down or else the manufacturer's selling price would be so close to the retail price that both wholesalers and retailers would make virtually no profit. Having said this, it will also be valid to argue β†’

Good essay about marketing memo

As the owner of a designer women clothing line the intention of this marketing memo is to elucidate on the importance of the demographic and psychographic information in developing marketing communications for the business and how the information will help in achieving success in terms of increased customers in view of targeted customer base. The β†’

Regulating food advertising and freedom of speech

Wootan proposes, " Responsible food marketing to children must address not only how food is marketed but also which foods are marketed to kids." She believes that even in the absence of government control there should be some guideline for food marketing to act responsibly and not encourage children to eat foods that are harmful β†’


With the tech world evolving so fast, the competition Is rowing at record-breaking speeds and the dating space has a lot more techies and startups trying to penetrate the market and Innovate the next best app. In these APS all you have to do is swipe to the right or the left depending on whether β†’

Mercedes-benz – one of the world’s most successful premium brands

There was a difference in what was told and in the end what service was provided for example if a customer came for a test drive, the same contact was not seen to have any follow up through the dealership. The relationship between the various dealerships and the company was lacking coordination of data which β†’

Customers can find in amazon

In the beginning of 2008, the financial revenue of eBay decreased while Amazon.com gained 18% up in its sales, which aroused the public's attention to the two companies' situation. Therefore, the management structure of eBay may face change and the new power will be brought in to enhance the company's performance.


Pricing is one of the elementary factors in financial modeling and one of the P's of 4P's of marketing mix. Most likely the question is not whether retailers have the ability to influence to increase price, but rather the extent and the implication of that influence.

Proposal for handicraft

It is value for the customers and the quality of the product is guaranteed. 7 To introduce to the people the uniqueness of our product that is comes from the newspaper.* The main option to produce this handicraft is to reduce the pollution and show benefit of that comes from recycles work.

How to calculate roi for your content marketing campaign

Before beginning your calculation, you need to know the two big problems with calculating the ROI of a content marketing campaign. By the end of this step, you should have a figure for total monthly conversions attributable to your content campaign.

Introduction of the organization/company essay sample

The Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sendirian Berhad, usually abbreviated to Perodua.is Malaysia's second largest automobile manufacturer after Proton The form of company: founded in 1996 It was established in 1992 and launched their first car, the Perodua Kancil in August 1994.[1] ' M2' refers to the codename which was used when the project to establish Perodua β†’

Tnf marketing

The North Face brand's goal is to become the undisputed leader of the open-air market in Asia, and the definition of the category, inspire and enable the exploration of outdoor sports brand. It is also suggested that The North Face will create a new brand for the watches business for the markets initially in China.

Case study on economic analysis

For this reason, few units of the food will not give the required level of utility to the consumer. However, due to the reduced supply, there will be a shortage of beef in the market.

Internal marketing audit

The economic recession has not only made the clothing market more competitive but has also exerted pressure through various other factors to change the market trends and the social factors affecting the economy. Being one of the most famous brands in UK, it is easier for the company to convince the customers about the quality β†’

How important do you believe the labour market to be in driving

Looking at the labour market as a whole, it is stated by Patricia Hewitt that the main characteristics of the labour market are that " there is an ageing population, diversity of cultures are increasing and there have been changes in the role of women over the last ten years". The demographics of the labour β†’

The mind of the customer

In this case, this is mainly a mental process, which is indicative of the psychological factors that influence the decision-making process in individuals; the same case applies to consumers. F, & McDaniel, C.D.

Harvard business school case study essay sample

This leads to another sub challenge of hows and whys of IT Implementation. Manage and optimize costs of IT implementation.6.

Example of the natural rate of unemployment essay

According to Economists, this is a state that occurs when the whole of the economy's resources is utilized in the production of output. In real concept, the economy is said to reach full employment when the rate of unemployment is approximately 5 to 51/2 percent and when the rate of capacity utilization is approximately 85%.

Principles of marketing of Β“douwe egbertsΒ”

I think the price of " Douwe Egberts" should be slightly above the average price of coffee yet not too expensive, hopefully this will make the consumer assume that " Douwe Egberts" is of better quality than the average coffee and I think the target market would be willing to pay a little bit extra, β†’

Consumer decision process

The marketer, by virtue of powerful databases of consumer information, is in a better position to know and anticipate the consumers' needs and wants. It is a useful tool to ease the stage of evaluation of alternatives for consumers.

Report on how computer information system changed advertising

In this particular report, I venture into a career position in marketing, and explore the impacts, and changes, of using computer information system in the process of advertising for products and services. The marketing career has also benefited from the use of information system, as it is possible for the marketers to form a client β†’

Marketing topics

Growing and deepening customer relationships through effective relationship management, with special focus on the analysis and satisfaction of Customers' financial as well as investment needs and objectives. Housing loan leads to be generated and forwarded to the Executives and ensuring constant follow ups with the loan team and the customers ensuring smooth flow and closure β†’

Marketing and inventory

The proponents used database to easy access of files and for easier and faster processing of the selling and inventory transaction. This system can be used to store the details of the inventory, update the inventory based on the sale details, produce receipts for sales, generate sales and inventory reports periodically etc.

Advertising in outdoor media

Billboard advertising is a traditional out of home advertising format, but there has been significant growth in digital out of home advertising in recent years. Street advertising - The use of pavements and street furniture to create media space for brands to get their message onto the street in a cost-effective approach.


Intel faces significant competition in the development and market acceptance of technologies and products in this environment. It is with this similar move that Intel can use this strategy by integrating powerful motherboard and the hands on experience in running the integrated circuit to produce one of the world best smartphones.

Proximity based marketing

There are several LBS types such as person-oriented LBS, which consists of application with user based services where the user controls the collection and utilization of location information, and the device-oriented LBS where user applications are external, in which the device or a person located does not control the service. The vertical market consists of β†’

Marketing and brand managment

Ethical dilemmas the company Is facing In the K: Ethical issues in pricing Excessive pricing is one of the ethical issues the company is facing; on the financial part Resold have a big strength. The financial structure is very safe for the company, however when a customer buy for a few thousand pounds of skincare β†’

Marketing strategies essay example

Evaluate performance - Financial performance profitability analysis Market performance customer opinion of brand designs, prices, advertising, and sales force - Competitor tactics segments targeted and selection of marketing tactics Revise marketing tactics as needed and continue test marketing Quarter 4: Evaluate your position in the market and adjust your strategy. Ads Careers in Advertising In β†’

Explain the concept of marketing strategy in the light of indian company doing business successfully in india & abroad

Dabur India Ltd, one of the leaders in the FMCG sector in India was established in 1884 and has been providing with organic solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. The umbrella brand of Dabur consists of mainly five sub-brands: Products related to healthcare, for example, Chawanprakash and Honey Brand for Herbal beauty, Vatika Brand β†’

Culture and consumers

Here in this study, secondary research method would be adopted by the researcher for the purpose of collecting information in relations with the topic of the research. It is very significant to administer the research methodology process and to give justification of selecting the method of research.

New product marketing launch ii

Once the product reaches this stage, the marketing team needs to revamp the image of the product to keep the momentum going and increase the profits. TACT provides your company a strategic approach to IT support that improves functionality of your business technology in the most economical way possible.

Safe consumer

The purpose of ethics auditing is point out questions for companies to concern. The purpose of auditing is for companies to find out existing problems and solve them.

Marketing share

Analysing the Colt and its strategic play for presence in the sector Colt has emerged as arguably the most successful alternative operator in Europe in the provision of wholesale and data/voice services to business and government customers. As discussed before, the directory enquiries services are volume-sensitive; the larger the volume of users the more economical β†’

Type of market structure

It is important to also understand that Innocent can also be seen as operating in a legal Monopoly market structure; this is because they have over 25% of the market share. Innocent are often described as being in an Oligopolistic market due to the fact that there are a few participants and each Oligopolist is β†’

Swat analysis for victoria station restaurants

The Victoria Station utilized the English depot paraphernalia to support the theme; gas lights, a red English telephone booth, and a London taxi. 2) The building became the logo, for them it would take more than changing the sign and menu to be a whole new restaurant.

Marketing campaign assignment

The newest service created by Westfield is the Gift Cards, where the customers can offer their families and friends a radar with certain amount of credit where its possible to spend in more than 8. When the shoppers achieve this amount, they will be able to enter in a select group of the Diamond Cards β†’

Marketing assignment

The plan should include a consideration and discussion of the following issues: 1: Critically analyses the macro and micro environment of the market environment in CHINA using appropriate analytical tools 2: Develop appropriate marketing objectives and critically analyses supporting corporate and business strategies to support the expansion of the KEA brand in the CHINA 3: β†’

Marketing plan essay

Therefore, the marketing research as the first component of marketing plan gets tied to the establishment's ability to retain and attract loyal and potential consumers respectively. The four Ps in business appropriately applies to the component of marketing research as an aspect of the marketing plan.