4 Pages Essay Samples

Fear prevades night essay sample

The use of metaphors in Night helps the reader become more engrossed in the story and in the horrible things that are happening to the Jews and to Weisel. He is afraid of the person he has become and does not want to be this person reflected in the mirror.

Cultural diversity in the play “othello” essay

The case of Othello is not new in today's society, where people are recognized by what they achieve and not their culture or race. It is the role of men to support women in this society, and that is why Desdemona's father goes to court immediately, he is convinced that his daughter was bewitched by →

Intercultural communication between china and american.doc

And in Confucianism, familyis the basis of the society and people relate to other groups and the country in the same way they relate to their family members. On the contrary, American is muchrespectpersonal ideas and interests.

”oliver twist” and ”the catcher in the rye” by charles dickens essay sample

Oliver also has to survive losing his innocence on the mean streets of London and this is where the first similarity with the Catcher in the Rye comes in. He really represents all poor people of the time, and is merely pointing out all the things wrong with they way people viewed the poor and →

Island man and blessing essay sample

In ' Island Man' the colours that are used are to describe the different locations, for example, " blue surf" and " emerald island" show that the island is precious and idyllic, those colours are also relaxing and calm colours of the sea. Dharker restricted the amount of punctuation to make the reader read through →

P4 ip1

When the value of NPV is zero, it means that the project yields the amount invested plus the interest is supposed to accrue. 10 $4.

Journal article response

Benefits of Using Basal Readers with ESOL / LEP Students The repetition of words and limited scaffolding in the literature-based basal anthology texts can be very effective in teaching the ESOL / LEP students remember a number of important new words. There is a benefit and consequences with the use of literature-based basal anthology text →

William shakespeare’s othello review

Othello's last words are immensely important to the rest of the text as they irrevocably construct an explicit image of Othello's genuine character to be obsessed with reputation and how he needs to be remembered as a soldier who served for the state of Venice and not a loving husband struck by jealousy, even after →


They were responsible for the branch of the bank, and answered to both the sales manager and the regional HR director. The manager started by stating that for new directions to really address the problem of attracting and retaining highly qualified professionals, they have to be implemented in an organization in which most of the →

Women in frankenstein

By excluding the female's perspective of Frankenstein, Shelley reinforces in the reader the message that society of the time attributed very little to women. Shelley is able to incorporate her time period's stereotypical belief of women being possessions of men that need to be cared for in her example of Caroline Beaufort and Alphonse Frankenstein.

Frankenstein stereotypical gender analysis

Later in the story, Elizabeth suffers and dies because of Victor's naivete and selfishness when he repeatedly believes that the monster he created is coming to get him as revenge even though there is a clear pattern in where the monster is targeting his next victim. He is afraid of the free will that the →

Example of restaurant information system admission essay

They will also make use of the system to know the status of the food that is if they are ready to be served to the diners. Management this is the senior-most object and will make use of the system to get eth statistics that have been achieved and will print the results.

Advantages of fb on student’s life

Once students are admitted, Facebook is a great place to meet classmates ahead of time and to get to know college roommates. As for the issue that students are tuning out more serious issues to hang out on Facebook, there's the matter of political organizations and other groups that have a Facebook presence.

Frankenstein comparative paper

Through the comparison of supernatural events, heightened emotions and the atmosphere of mystery and suspense in both literary mediums of Frankenstein, the differences and similarities will be compared to find the better example of a gothic text. However, in the novel the monster's birth was more archaic compared to the seemingly humorous, clumsy behaviour of →

Public interest litigation essay sample

226 of the Constitution particularly in public interest litigation cases. 226 of the Constitution; and 3.in the Court of Magistrate under Sec.

Cross-cultural communication: talking drum

Living as a family is a point of orientation in the argument as the author states that the culture was in line with social virtues. This was a positive move that ensured all the people in the community were satisfied with the display in regard to behavior and grooming.

Academic essay writing tips essay sample

However, all you need is to write a good essay to comprehend the grammatical structure of the English sentence and have a rich vocabulary. In the structure of academic essay writing you beginning creates the initial impression about the text and its author.

Free essay about the destruction of aura with a click of the mouse

The rise of the digital age furthers the progression began by the advent of photography and film of the destruction of aura in favor of mass production and accessibility. If aura is attached to the physical presence of a work of art, be it a picture, person, etc, then the mechanical reproduction of art removes →

Macroeconomic concepts of supply and demand

The price of a good is originally determine by the company, but based on the law supply and demand the price of the product will adjust accordingly. The law of supply and demand is represented in graphical form through the supply and demand curve.

Powerfully passive the contradiction in frankenstein’s women

Although there is a lack of prominent female characters, the emphasis on the mistakes and hubris of the male characters hints more feminist interpretations. The adherence to conventional gender roles and the general sidelining of female characters, instead of being sexist, serves to call attention to the negative qualities of the male characters, illustrate the →

Connecting gender roles to victor frankenstein’s novel

Now, linking this to the novel, the beautiful girl in the introductory part of the book is the monster's desired bride. Caroline is caring for her sick father up to the point of his death.

Ignorance is happiness

In this book, the author describes a society where books have been banned by the government, and because of that, ignorant is all that the people there are. The last conflict is between Montag and Beatty, or the society he lives in.

Good research paper about evolving future of hr practice

With the increasing use of technology in today's era in HR practices such as planning and delivery, organizations will change their perceptions towards HR in the future. With the advancement in technology and shifts in globalization, there would be a need for organizations and HR leaders to excel in new locations, with new customers and →

Hell is yourself – the kite runner

Show him once and for all that his son was worthy." Amir always takes his father's judgment toward him to consideration; he feels like he needs to impress Baba and never feels comfortable with him because he feels he is always judging him. However, Amir was finally getting close with his father and he says, →

How does tennyson create a memorable character in ulysses essay sample

The eating and drinking metaphors such as ' hungry heart' and ' drunk delight' represent the idea of fulfilment and Ulysses insatiable appetite for life and adventure. Ulysses attitude to his people is also negative, and he sees them as docile and unsophisticated.

Does google violate the antitrust law

The antitrust law is setup in the US to preserve the rights of businesses of having a chance to compete equally in market. Google held on to their statement that their products benefitted the masses, and so, it was reasonable to display them first, and that their search results are modified to enhance user experience.

Industrial organizational psychology

The Role of Research and Statistics in I/O Psychology Research is done in I/O psychology to help find the correct way to help I/O psychology be effective in an organization. I/O psychology focuses on the industrial and organization portions of psychology.

Raise or lower tuition

Therefore, an increase in tuition, in this case, would result in a rise in revenue for the university. However, if the price elasticity of the demand for college education is price elastic then increasing tuition fee would not always result in higher revenue.

The conflict between the creator and his creation

The monster, from the moment of his birth, can be seen to mirror and to parallel the life of his creator: their lives and their fates are horrifically intertwined. Frankenstein assembles the monster out of pieces of the dead and uses the human frame as his model; he thus makes him as close to his →

Foreshadowing in steinbeck’s of mice and men

The three events that foreshadow the future are George telling Lennie to return to the river if trouble occurs, Candy having to kill his dog, and a heron killing a snake. In the beginning, when George and Lennie are at the river, George tells Lennie to return to that exact location to silently hide in →

Literary is the fake rich. “i lived

This is not the society in Gatsby but instead, it's the total opposite because people in the 1925's were always judging the people's income and what class they belong to. This correlates with how the women were not allowed to express themselves and were always under the demand of the men in the old days.

Family story

I am responsible and honest because of the value I have learnt from my parents. I admire my family and I will pass down the values that I have learnt from my parents to other generations.

The euro’s challenge to the dollar

The paper attempts to find out whether the Euro can challenge the US dollar in the coming years and replace it as the reserved currency. It is important to note that even after more than a decade of the Euro launching, some of the major Member States of the European Union that include Britain, Denmark →

The connection of gdp and the state of the economy

The Connection of GDP and the of the Economy The Connection of GDP and the of the Economy Introduction National income is a measure of the money value of goods and services becoming available to a nation from economic activities. GDP as a measure of living standard The accuracy of the measurement of the standard →

Whistler’s mother analysis essay sample

In spite of the fact that Whistler's own style drew upon a mixed scope of European and Asian conventions, the representation of his mom ties him to his American roots. This medium enabled the craftsman to accomplish the sensitive degrees of light and dim in his sitter's face, confined in a ribbon top, the mottled →

Sonnet 130

This is significant because the poet is trying to make a point that his mistress is not perfect. This is a really nice image of the simple beauty that the speaker loves.

Psychoanalytic criticism of a rose for emily

The loan was false but when her father passed she was left with only a house. Since she was thought of by the town as " a tradition, a duty and a care".the town decided to help her out.

Fundamentals of effective communication in the workplace essay

The next fundamental aspect is a flexibility that requires workers to look for alternative methods and styles of communication and learn to adjust their approach to suit the employees or customers. The employees are urged to maintain professional relations and be polite to the clients as they are the faces of the organization.

Of mice and men – the american dream

Because of George's death and the circumstances they put themselves in, Lennie did not get to see the day that they owned a ranch, but he did ultimately get his dream. Even Crooks had a dream, to go in on the ranch with George, Lennie and Candy, but because of his race, he had to →

Communication competence

The goal of this paper is to better understand the importance of effective communication during the developmental stages of children, and further show the vitality of symbolic interactionism to development. First, the research focuses on the phenomenon of communication competence and a clear definition will be given so that the reader gains a mutual understanding →

Free research paper on operation change

The managers should explain to workers on the need of changing the way the organization operates. One of the methods will be having pens and note books provided to workers during the training session.

Communication strategy for a group of learners

But it is difficult for a teacher to formulate a standardized and effective communication style for a group of students because of the differences in the learning styles and the personality types of the students. At the same time, the communication strategy adopted by the teacher to cater the needs of some students need not →

Referee report on tsoutsoura, margarita, 2010

Referee Report on Tsoutsoura, Margarita, The effect of succession taxes on family firm investment: Evidence from a natural experiment Institution: The Effect of Succession Taxes on Family Firm Investment: Evidence from a Natural Experiment This paper looks at the impacts of succession taxes on investment decisions and firm succession. Also, show the relevance of data →

Online venue transformation

Online Venue Transformation The purpose of this paper is to provide a case regarding the issues surrounding the transformation of traditional room based courses to the online environment. The format that this paper will utilize is to first provide a discussion on the wide possibility of e-learning strategies and issues surrounding transformation, followed by a →

Free argumentative essay about why is julius caesar the most influential person in history?

Being a part of this branch of the Roman Empire made him exposed to the different military and political battles that the empire was engaged in. Being elected as the emperor of the Roman Empire back at that time was a big deal because it was the biggest and most powerful empire in the world →

The market place of the scarlet letter: hawthorne and hester

In a way he is a hypocrite because he is a minister and the fact that he had an affair with Hester and knowing that having an affair is a big sin. He tell his congregation that he was a vile person and is the worst of sinners.

Branding, labeling, and public humiliation

If a person was caught stealing, "'T' for thief was branded on the light-fingered criminal's hand." The Puritan law revolved greatly around religion and it was often that people were punished for some crime against religion." In the early seventeenth century, Boston's Roger Scott was picked up for ' repeated sleeping on the Lord's Day' →

Fear individuals that their neighbourhood is threatening’

Fear of crime Most regular people have a built in fear of crime, it is installed into as children whether that's a fear of falling victim of crime or fear of being caught committing a crime, we are nurtured to fear it through school and parents, fear of crime can be defined as an 'emotional →

The guide of annotated citation essay sample

Manual style annotation should have list of the author; use only the full names of books and articles that you refer to; process includes writing the full names of publishers; specify the publication date, book offers or the latest version of the material if the source is a web page, choose the style annotation. Do →

Examining the effects of globalization in construction construction essay

With the execution of the modern building methods such as ' Mivan Formwork System ' and smart stuffs like ' Green Roofs ' the issues related to the clip, cost and quality can be overcome. It is the demand of clip to analyze the deepness of jobs and happen effectual solution.

The bank (dubai bank)

Dubai Bank also called the Dubai Islamic Bank being one of the Arabian banks and based in UAE also shows the same continued upward growth trend and ranks relatively well in the top 34 Arabian banks ranked in terms of capital. According to the above table it is very clear that the Dubai Islamic Bank →

Speaking spanish has always been a struggle

My grandmother only spoke to me in Spanish though I had a rough time understanding and trying to speak it back to her, she was determined to teach me. The role of my grandmother was to acquire a learning system which was not focused too much on how to write or learn vocabulary but to →

In at sam houston state is also

Sam Houston State allows freedom of speech policy which allows people to speak freely because it lets people form opinions about what is going on in the world around them. This can be helpful to students because as students go through college they are constantly learning about themselves and it is impossible to know what →

Rhetorical analysis of “the scarlet letter”

Pearl, at times, is a vehicle for Hawthorne to express the irrational qualities of Hester and Dimmesdale's illicit bond, and at others a forceful reminder of her mother's sin. Pearl was always drawn to the " A", and seemed to twist the symbolic knife in Hester's bosom every time she thought she was free of →

Why to be a teacher essay

Teaching is not only teaching and it is not only one more job, because be a teacher involves all different kind of human situations, it's not only been in front of a group of students telling them what they have to do, even nowadays teaching is not a secure job, you are not sure if →

Honest iago

For the answers, we need only look at Iago's words to his master, in which he outlines his plan which we know to be deceitful to entrap Cassio in a confession. Othello's faint caused by Iago's trickery enables that very trickery to continue, to build to its climax, leaving the ensign in a state of →

Story about frankenstein

Without the incorporation of the biblical references and comparisons to religion found within the novel, the harm that resulted from the actions and judgements of people from within the storyline would not have been as clear as they were with these allusions. Consequently, the influence of the religion was put into the novel through biblical →

Film review on the matrix: reloaded

So I decided that I would use a lot of positive emotive adjectives to persuade my readers to share my opinion of the film:" funky" " cool" " impressive" The other main thing I had to think about was the audience I was writing for. If I was to do this piece of work again →

The positive side of cannabis sativa essay examples

The controversy is on the extent to which the use of Cannabis has been considered as illegal in many countries around the world. There is more to the use of Cannabis in the human body than what is perceived in taking the substance.

Savings culture. always we give importance to

And the investment in PPF is considered to be highly safe and low in risk. Through a SIP, we have the option to invest regularly in equity marketsirrespective of the bull and bear phases.4.

Hho generator for cars

Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the ensuing discussions on the specificities in periods of implementation, especially emissions dealing has profited ground as a legitimate way to deal with this environmental issue. The HHO generator is known to save on fuel costs and lower exhaust emissions.

Kathe kollwitz: mother and dead child structural analysis essay sample

From the top of the painting to the bottom of the painting exposes a woman, from the tip of her head to the bottom of the width of her leg naked, holding a dead child. The woman is holding the child with the top of its head facing the painter.

What determines the distrbution of income between wages and profits

If the cost of production decreases, wages can be high and if the cost of production increases, wages can be low. The bargaining power of the workers is another significant factor that plays a role in the determination of distribution of income between wages and profits.

I stand here ironing: lessons conveyed and critical analysis

The times the daughter grew up in along with the absence of a Father allows the Mother to juxtapose her assumption of blame and her justification, or deflection of blame, for the current state of her daughter as " more than this dress on the ironing board, helpless before the iron". The in depth descriptions →

Free how to improve organizational retention critical thinking example

Fairness is no doubt an element, which people include in their perception to work, family and life in general, and is necessary for the development and well-being of employees. Dealers are important in JC's casino and without retaining the best of the workers; the company is bound to suffer.

Kite runner, by khaled hosseini

This sets in the idea that the Pashtuns killed the Hazaras simply because they were not Sunni Muslims, resulting in the discrimination in society against the Hazaras. This is evident on page 27 when Amir says " in the end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara.

Analysis of the gender roles in the poem barbie doll and the short story girl

The preconceived gender role, that she is conveying, is that women are to be in the home and must know all these things, as a woman should. This also subliminally tells the reader that the man is everything else; capable of independence, work outside the home and is to be catered to in such a →

Rating the news sites

In contrast, the other two news sites, Fox News and MSNBC, both revealed the identity of juror number 3, Jennifer Ford. Also, unlike the other two news sites, Fox News has no links to other related articles.

The importance of discovering new perspectives in robert frost’s poems mending wall and the turf of flowers, and michael please’s film the eagleman stag

Hence, with TTOF, Frost highlights how his new understanding of the world around him that mateship does not have to be of physical form is formed due to his persistence to view the world in a simple way. The momentary flicker of light from the box, as it temporarily transforms into a plant like shape →

Gcc common currency

There have been speculations that there will have to be a replacement for the U.S.dollar in light of the global currency crisis of 2008, which has greatly destabilized the underlying economy supporting the dollar. Conclusion There is no doubt, from the foregoing discussion, that a common GCC currency will contribute much to the economic and →

Poor, homeless and low wage workers situation in the us essay example

Poor, homeless and low wage workers in the society are subject to systematic injustices that are mainly out of their control. On the other hand, the poor, homeless and low wage workers in the society are also responsible for their situation.

What the relationship between drugs and crime essay sample

In the modern society, the news about " crime" and " drugs" apear in the media in the high frequency. Crime" is defined as an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited".

What are the main differences between sikhism and buddhism essay sample

Collective offering of prayers, Sangat, to accompaniment of musical instruments in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib is a regular part of a Sikh's way of life. The total number of prayers and time is not fixed in Buddhism.

Should women drive a car in saudi arabia

Since Saudi Arabia has the greatest significance as a Muslim country, most of the critics of this policy tend to find the roots of this policy in the religion, yet there are a lot of people who consider the sophisticated and man-dominated culture of Saudi Arabia responsible for such policies of the governors. In fact, →

Example of essay on workaholic

They are restless during team work and would always want to outshine and outman the larger team. Although hard workers usually want the job to be perfect, they are not full of themselves and would be willing to allow others to work in their capacities.

Nature versus nurture: what does matter more? essay sample

One side claimed that personality differences are down to nature and the other argued that human behavior is determined by culture and nurture, rather than genetics. Nowadays, most of the scientists maintain that human being is a product of both, genetic makeup and environment.


Explain How does Amir's Conflict with Hassan reflect the historical context of the period? What help do Ahmedi and her mother receive? * They found a family with the same situation and join them in their attempt to cross a mountain.

Informative essay on of mice and men

These two ways of creating and image for the reader are the two main ways of creating atmosphere in the book, so that the reader carries on reading the book, and does not put it down." On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a →

Value of budgeting in for-profit organizations

This literature analysis describes the difference between the two methods for planning and control and why beyond budgeting is a good alternative. And finally, the desire of CFO's to increase the level of value from the planning and budgeting process.

Comparative speech analysis

The speaker thanks her supporters at the start of the speech and says that she is proud to be the senator and proud to be the supporter of the President. In the middle of the speech, the speaker attracted applause from the listeners which is a sign that the listeners agreed to the points of →

Managerial accounting

By providing the required financial information, the internal accounting system enables the management to monitor the business performance. Since the information is generated from all the business areas, the management can analyze the information to track down the reason if the business fails to meet the cost or the revenue objectives.

Mary shelley’s frankenstein through the karl marx’s communism concept

Karl Marx's " The Communist Manifesto" informed the world about the political and economic conflict of the proletariat against the bourgeois and by extension, the aristocracy. Marx argued that when united, the proletariat class could overcome the abuse of the bourgeois and that the proletariat's existence is precisely linked to the nonchalance and negligence of →

Example of who knows the danger of privacy on facebook essay

In order to deal with issues of privacy of information in the United States, a greater emphasis needs to be placed on using social networking to connect people and make media literacy a greater priority, while still keeping this vital information private. 2008 Web 2.

Death of a salesman family relationships

From the first line to the last, Willy had the instinct to think that if he did so much for his boy's he had hoped that someday he would be considered an even greater father than his own was by making the so many sacrifices he did. All Willy really wants is to be a →

The fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster

Hydropower is considered as a clean source of renewable energy based on the fact that it highly depends on the availability of running water, mainly from rivers, which is trapped into dams where it is used to drive turbines and then released back to the river. This means that there is low availability of water →

Of mice and men – friendship

John Steinbeck portrays Lennie and George as having the greatest friendship in the world and while George claims to not need Lennie, he knows that he needs Lennie as much as Lennie needs him. George and Lennie met one day when George was talking to his friends and told Lennie to jump off of a →

Free comp and coding management research paper sample

The key goal of Clinical Documentation Improvement program is to ensure a parallel review of medical records to improve on the precision and authenticity of provider documentation since the clinical language of the ICD-9 or 10 codes do not necessarily match the cases in practice. The final core goal of CDI program is to abridge →

House versus home in the great gatsby and death of a salesman

Scott Fitzgerald and the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, both authors use their characters' living space, the house, as a metaphor for the attainability of the American Dream of security, wealth, and happiness. Despite the differences in house size, the protagonist Willy Loman has still succeeded in owning a house, and like →

Amélie – a short analysis essay sample

The film is not just about finding romance in the mundane, but it is also a depiction of the beautiful life Amelie has created for herself. But in the crux of it all, Amelie is a romantic movie set out to capture the heart of its viewers, as the characters set out to find love.

Who john maynard keynes and milton friedman were and what the respective schools of economics represent

The basis of Keynes framework was on demand and spending, the liquidity-oriented theory of short-term rates of interests, the causal factors of spending, and the necessity that administrations construct strategic but mighty treatments within the economy to hold it on a level stagger and avert limits of frenzied excess and depression. The incidence of the →

Not sure

Just like two arms of the scale are important to find the equilibrium or the correct measure, the aspects, social structure and culture, needs to be discussed and understood in tandem. Conclusion: The author is eminently suited to comment on the subject of race and the plight of the black people.


Net exports is the country's exports value minus imports value, which is given by the equation below; Net capital out flow is the value of foreign assets bought by domestic investors minus the value of country's assets bought by foreign investors, which can be given as below; Countries earn foreign currencies by exporting goods and →

An individual and the government in fahrenheit 451

An allusion is a literary device in which the writer refers to another work or author, and Bradbury relies on this to show relationships between books and to make connections to history and literary heritage. Gandhi relates to the theme, which, for this section, is that books and other published works can never be forgotten, →

Conflict presented in of mice and men

You cannot keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get.' The repetition of the word 'you' demonstrates that George sees Lennie as the cause of the conflict and as the person who endangers his chances of achieving hisdreams. George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it →

The role of central bank essay sample

The objectives of the bank can be categorized as follows: Conduct the monetary policy Ensure the stability of the financial system in the country Work towards developing a fully efficient payment system mechanism To become an organization that is committed to excellence To improve the image of the bank in the eyes of the common →