4 Pages Essay Samples

doris lessing’s and margaret atwood’s spotty-handed villainesses essay sample

The worth of Lessing's speech lies in her ability to evoke a response to world poverty, from her audience, through her emotionally gripping use of rhetoric. The euphemistic allusion to the Nobel prizes in " I do not think many of the pupils of this school will get prizes" is especially confronting for her immediate →

Program evaluation for counseling clinics

Program Evaluation of Introduction Rigorous and effective program evaluation is used by stakeholders such as governments, financiers, policymakers, and service providers to ensure that the intended services are provided to the target consumers and to ensure programs meet their objectives. This paper outlines a basic program evaluation design for counseling clinic, incorporating the possible steps →

Hunger a worldwide crisis essay

To begin with we will explain the different types of malnutrition and the different people that are affected. One of the major problems it trying to grow food for them to feed on or to sell because the droughts or floods will destroy the crops and so ruining the food leading to the starvation of →

Comparison of qualitative and quantitative research methods

The researcher must also be aware of possible differences between the validity and intention of volunteered statements that are made in response to the researcher's questions. The researcher is more objective about the findings of the research.

Advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels

Advantages of fossil fuels * major advantage of fossil fuels is their capacity to generate huge amounts of electricity in Just a single location.* Fossil fuels are very easy to find.* When coal is used in power plants, they are very cost effective. Coal is also in abundant supply.* Transporting oil and gas to the →

Texas instruments problem

In order for the strategy to be executed well, TI has to ensure that a culture of " listening and satisfying the customer" should be set within its organization through a support program. By satisfying its customers, the customer base of the company remains intact with a decrease in nudging or customer transferring to competitors.

Sprituality and health care

The Science, Art and Spirit of a Healing Hospital of School/College) The Science, Art and Spirit of a Healing Hospital Introduction Led by the pioneering work of Erie Chapman, the concepts of a healing hospital have been advanced in the field of Health Science and Medicine. The conclusion stands: There is a laudable place for →

To gain which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else essay

" To gain which is worth having, it may be necessary to lo lose everything else." A quote by Bernadette Devlin, which as I understand means that sometimes In our life there will come a point that we lose everything that we think is of value to us in order to gain what's really valuable. →

Coral divers resport

He is the owner of Coral Divers Resort, located in the Bahamas on the island of New Providence. In addition, he should already be running the business efficiently and regularly seeking out ways to maintain a high level of efficiency.

The role of public health improvements in health advances: the 20th century united states

In the wake this view, Cutler and Miller embarked on investigating the causal influence that clean water technologies, especially chlorination and filtration, had on improving the mortality rates in major cities in the United States during the early century. Overall, the results of the study Cutler and Miller pointed out that clean water technologies played →

Ethical standards

Ethical Standards Ethical Standards Ethical standards are standards that enhance the behavior and the way of human life in society. They include the moral values that distinguish the responsibilities of persons in the society and give the ways to identify what is good from the bad.

Finite automata

Mealy Model of FSM Mealy model - transition assigned output Q = finite set of states S = input alphabet // the machine's memory // set of stimuli R = output alphabet // set of responses = the machine's initial state ql: state transition function g: output function g: SOR example Design a FSM which →

Mih521 – health program evaluation mod 4 slp

For instance, the primary goal is to improve the overall health of the children but there is also the goal to improve the health of those that are already obese. The goals that are measurable for this program include the following: BMI- Reduction in overall BMI with children who are obese or overweight Reduce the →


In America, democracy comes from status Vivendi where the people are more superior to the government while in Russia democracy stems from the understanding that people identify with both the government and its sovereignty. The decisions made by the leaders are believed to be in the best interest of the people.

Macbeth monologue

In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, figurative language is effectively used in the latter part of Act I, Scene 3 in order to denote the true gravity of the exchange that takes place between the two generals and the three witches. The Age of Shakespeare.

Descartes vs camus essay

This is a simple logic and in contradiction to the belief of Descartes. That sounds crazy and maybe it is, maybe it is not but this is what Descartes believed in direct contrast to what the majority of people today would believe.

American apparel consumer profile

American Apparel is a global franchise that offers consumers all-hours access to the brand and its latest collections via its online store, which is the main sales vehicle of the company. They have all the responsibilities of being a new adult and so have to be frugal with their money.

Martin luther king search for meaning assignment

In an attempt to expand his understanding of God, and apply it to his life, King searched for the deeper significance of the history and context of the Bible, suggesting, " we should delve into deeper meaning... King used his worldview of Christian Theism as a way to respond to the world around him, and →

Love, life, and a wedding: an analysis of alice oswald’s “wedding” essay sample

The wedding ceremony, as it is portrayed in Oswald's text, leads to the comparison of a wedding to life itself and life itself to a wedding. The use of free fall association is evident, for example, in the following lines, From time to time our love is like a sail/ and when the sail begins →

How to become a successful army recruiter

However, the challenge to enlist an individual in the army is a task requiring extra scrutiny and effort for the following reasons: " First of all, not everyone wants to join the Army. The internet is the quick path to become a successful Army recruiter.

Harm principle examples

He also states the concept of a civilized society much be maintained in order for individual liberty and the harm principle to be effective for society. Through this, the Principle of Harm by John Stuart Mill was explored through its definition in regards to liberty and its link to personal freedom.

Business in the international enviroemnt

This rapid economic growth China has moved to settle on a second place in the world after the United States in terms of the size of the economy. The country has grown to be the largest exporter of the products in the world and has the second world largest economy.

Book paper man’s search for meaning essay sample

Logotherapy is the theory that writer Frankl came up with in order to structurally happen the significance to one's life.this is an of import subject because after the first portion of the book he tells you how it relates to his experiences and how it is and has been used to assist people enduring from →

Patrol officers

I was reading through the book and searching online, it seems to me that the patrol officer do most of the leg work in solving the crime. In many smaller communities the role of the patrol officer is much greater mainly because they may not have a detective on the payroll, or a whole team →

The role of women in 20th century europe history essay

Earlier women of Europe as well as of other parts of the world were not allowed to work like men, they had to get married at teenage, they were not allowed to build up career and have to spend their entire life serving husband, in laws and children. The importance of women in Europe was →

Language a sideways top to bottom. in

Learning to speak and write are intertwined, the child starts the process oflearning to speak by imitating other people around him, so Speech is importantin developing language skills, improving vocabulary, receiving and producinglanguage, furthermore, understanding the connection between spoken and writtenlanguage is essential to organize and deliver the meaning of the message in amore efficient →

Analyze 4 real cases of directors liability and lessons learned

In this case, the director breached his duty of being honesty because the Korean Website company reported the computer game company, 9Korea, together with the company's director. Beran claimed that the director failed to follow the required rules in implementing the prices, thus discriminating the needs of minor shareholders in the company.

Criminal law: education for juveniles in prison system

However, educational facilities in the detention centers are often not enough regardless of the fact that education in these centers has been known to reduce crime and improve the inmates once they are out of detention. Education in juvenile detention requires the internal and external stakeholders to have an understanding of how it will improve →

Price elasticity essay

Price elasticity of demand is the measure of how much of the quantity demanded changes in regards to a change in price. The percentage change in price is greater than the percentage change in quantity demanded The percentage change in price is greater than the percentage change in quantity demanded To begin with, the price →

Philosophy of health education

Dictionary.com defines health as, " the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health". Being an idealist, with an emphasis on knowledge and the mind, I think health education is of major importance.

Modern romeo and juliet news

The streets were not just crowded with those involved in the fight, but many innocent women and children were in the middle of the fighting. This is was part of the Prince's proclamation to the people of Verona after finding out about the fight between the two households.

Decision support and business intelligence systems

Online Analytical Processing This is a piece of technology used in the organization of big business databases and offer sustenance to business intelligence, and the databases are split in cubes, and each is organized and planned to fit the way one retrieves and analyze data. Financial metrics are often referred to as traditional measures in →

New york vs. donna osborne essay

With the excuse that he was going to kill her with a baseball bat and it was in self defense. She said the Donna was saying how she thought marriage was not what she thought it was and wanted out, that she wanted to END her marriage.

The withered arm by thomas hardy argumentative essay

I asked her when it happened she said a fortnight ago and that it was the same time as I had my dream. Tis the work of an enemy" I started to feel worried; what if he told her it was I?

Comparison: claude monet and van gogh

The Path on the Island of Saint Martin, Bethel has a very rich use of color and rightness that bring a sense of clarity to the piece. Van Sago's line work in this piece is extraordinary and allows the viewer to experience the rainstorm first hand; his use of long and short diagonal strokes, which →

Word order in a noun phrase and english anaphors

WORD ORDER IN NP AND ENGLISH ANAPHORS Tereza Stifnerova The purpose of this essay is firstly to show the word order of a noun phrase and how the head noun of the NP can be post- and pre-modified, and secondly to focus on meaning of some examples of English anaphors and the distinctions between them →

Care of the confused client – case study

The effects of the ABI on William are that he will require long term rehabilitation, and will reside in a specialised centre for survivors of ABI's. As William has an ABI the HCA must take the time to communicate with him respectfully offering him choices and promoting his independence as far as possible, verbal communication →

In children were monsters who enjoyed tormenting and

Such as the offspring of Poseidon, as many of his children were monsters who enjoyed tormenting and angering the gods. This was the beginning of the world that the Greeks eventually came to know.

Importance of good communication

Communication is the only pathway that can help the educators to assess the globe through the eye of children. The skills of the educator in communication help to recognize the cultural background of the child.

How did shakespeare portray the concept of honor in henry iv part 1

Henry IV wants to protect his honour by using any means available to vanquish the rebels, his sinful act to King Richard also keeps haunting him and shakes his own faith in his honour. Despite the king's regret of what he did to Richard and his passion to redeem himself by going to crusade, this →

A good man is hard to find essay

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how A Good Man is Hard to Find best brings out themes and styles that characterize O'Connor's writings. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor explores the theme of grace through her two characters: Misfit and Grandmother.

Last minute papers assignment

With early drafts of a paper rarely required, I came time and time again to a point where a significant portion of my grade rested on what was essentially a single nights work. But still the story received a grade of think I wrote it all in one day.

Grades do matter

By then I would start doing my work okay, but then it got more difficult and I would have more work in other classes, so I would rush and guess on all the answers, maybe I would not know them or maybe I was sick of that subject, it did not matter to me. It →

League of nations short summary essay sample

Aims * Discourage aggression from any nation * Encourage countries to cooperate, especially in business and trade * Encourage nations to disarm * Improve the living and working conditions of people in all parts of the world Strengths * Main strength: it was set up by Treaty of Versailles, which every nation had signed and →

Emerging issues task force (eitf) related to accounting for multiple exchange rates

Principal Issue Related To Accounting For Multiple Exchange Rates In relation to EITF issue number 10B, the use of multiple exchange rates may not be applicable for an economy where foreign currency matters and provides supervision on the use of a suitable exchange rate for conversion of an entity's operations in a foreign country and →

Mice and men – role of women

In the world of migrant workers in 1930s America, the main roles of women was to help and serve men, and were mostly regarded as either domestic housewives, or highly sexualized objects to be used and discarded. In the novella, the migrant laborers were unable to settle down and have a relationship with someone; so →

Course syallbus assignment

Culture is both the norms, values, and rituals that you celebrate and hold dearly, and the one's that you take for granted as " common sense." Culture is a mental map or schema that you use to make sense of the world and your place in it. Instructor Expectations In agreement and in honor of →

Psy101 mod 3 slp

The characteristics have a psychological impact on the employee and as such, will impact on the job output although midway between the characteristics and the outcome we must acknowledge the moderator which is the psychological reactions. C, & Stone, E.F.

Comparison between european central bank and federal reserve bank

Finance and Accounting 28 September Comparison of European Central Bank and Federal Reserve Bank Printing Press The Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank have the sole power to issue money. Signed in the treaty of the functioning of the EU in the Article 127, price stability is given an overriding importance to the →

History of occupational segregation

People tend to classify occupations to men's jobs and women's jobs based upon the job nature, the demographic characteristics and the previous decision-making. Mostly, people tend to extend the roles that men and women play in the family into the workplace.

Civil engineering principles

This is also a way of enhancing the confidence of those in the field. This is the best way to maintain a globally-accepted level of professionalism.

Why college education is important to me

I wish to pursue college education to stabilize myself and my family financially and eventually to be able to contribute to the American society and economy in a better way. I want them to understand how important education is and I never want them to make this mistake I made in my life.

Walgreens: the corporate financial decision making analysis

Walgreens is one of the fastest growing retailers in the United States and led the chain drugstore industry in retail sales and profits last year. I will use the WACC formula to calculate Walgreens' cost of capital based on 43/57 capital structure and using the assumption that the cost of equity is 12%.

Financial ratio analysis for hsbc

HSBC is one of the leading banking group on the financial market in the world today. The higher net profit margin explains HSBC has good financial performance and cost of sales lower than other years in 2005.

Haunted by humans: an analysis of death

In Markus Zusak's The Book Thief, the prologue not only sets the stage for the novel, but it becomes a springboard for the dually entertaining narration that progresses the story. It reminds you that Death is in control of the story, not the reader." It suffices to say that at some point in time, I →

Endangered species essay

S, hundreds of plant and animal species, including the eastern elk, the passenger pigeon, and the California grizzly bear, have become extinct since the time of the first European settlements. The principal cause of endangerment is the damage of a species habitat, but other factors such as pollution, hunting, and natural changes add to the →

A and p by john updike essay

This story is not necessarily about Sammy taking a stand for the three girls in the A & P, but it's really about Sammy taking a stand in his own life. This is probably the moment when Sammy realizes that he is on the side of the kingpins.

Does marketing create or satisfy consumer needs? comment on the “dark side” of marketing assignment

Comment on the " dark side" of marketing I believe marketing does both by first trying to satisfy the consumer's needs and then second use the knowledge gained from their customers to introduce new products or services that will provide the best benefits for their consumers." Marketing has helped introduce and gain acceptance of new →

Just answer the questions

The two interesting facts are the manner in which the bans are organized and the availability of a computerised system that help to manage livestock's inside the ban. Step 1: Watch the video titled, " OSU Dairy Farm Tour" and provide answers to the following questions: 1).what are the two breeds that represent the OSU →

Magazines good value for money and will

Magazines use gender stereotypes to target their readership because men and women have different interests and by targeting readers by gender, the features of the magazine are more appealing to audiences and this makes more money for the company. The magazine targets their readership by gender because the model on the cover is similar to →

Exclusionary rule evaluation

The purpose therefore of the Exclusionary Rule is to implement the due process model from the perspective of the perpetuator, suspect or the culprit. R, & McCarthy, B.J.

Invasive species in australia

The geographical isolation of Australia has resulted in the development of many delicate ecosystems that are very sensitive to exotic invaders and in many cases cannot provide natural predators for many of the species introduced. Feral cats and red foxes are two of the major invasive alien species in Australia and have been held responsible →

Better school lunches for students

With better school lunch being offered, students is school will be able to take food that has the required amount of energy. It is clearer that offering of better lunch to students in school is a positive step towards the realization of real benefits in our school systems.

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness essay sample

Indeed, lighting a candle to light up the surroundings and people around us will also illuminate our lives in the process. As seen, in situations during which the process might bring harm to many and there is no guaranteed positive result, it might be best to do nothing to change the current situation.

Feudalism in the military organisation

It is important to note that feudalism was not the only method by which military service was obtained, William the Conqueror's invading army was made up of paid mercenaries and the preference for Norman king's later on to do the same becomes apparent. The development of the law and legal system provided the government with →

Harm reduction and zero tolerance

Harm reduction strategies in Australia as enshrined in the National Drug Strategy, and as such present a more cohesive approach to managing the multiple facets of the ' problem' or social phenomenon that is illicit drug use. Therefore, it could be argued that the zero tolerance approach is, as already demonstrated, not sufficiently effective on →

The effect of tourism on peoples lifestyle tourism essay

According, Gawler believed that tourism is effecting to economic and lifestyle of people in each area of tourism. Tourism is accepting as the economic and societal importance of tourism activity.

Representation of social groups in do androids dream of electric sheep?

Androids are used as an anti -foil to humanity, to highlight the reciprocity between humans and androids, raising questions regarding human subjectivity and the nature of being. Dick draws correlations between the androids and Marxian concepts of alienation where people are viewed as a means of production rather than human.

Business ethics assignment

The arguments favoring are that the education can create a bigger understanding for the consequences of a decision and to the actions behind. Further, some say it is difficult to change the moral and ethics of given the importance of situational factors in shaping ethical decision-making, what are the limitations posed by business ethics courses →

The structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education

Foundation & Trust schools Foundation schools are run by a governing body which employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. Special schools Special schools are for the education of students with special needs that addresses the students' individual differences and needs.

Learning through conditioning – begging dog

Without realizing it, I was essentially telling him, " If you keep begging, I am going to keep giving in and let you have food from the table." In a way, the dog had become my master. To combat Rocky's unwanted behavior, and prevent anyone in my family from accidentally reinforcing his begging, I began →

Case study the buyer decision

Although price is quite often the main Factor in the selection of a vehicle, it is a factor for a different reason considering the purchasing power of a potential Propose customer. The people In the social groups of Propose customer may Influence the purchase decision.

Academic dishonesty: an epidemic assignment

Almost everyone can agree the practice Of academic dishonesty is on the rise, in fact the CIA estimates at most colleges, more than 75% of the students engage in some form of cheating. This is not to say that more than 75% of the student body blatantly cheats as in getting answers to an exam →

The role of the imf in helping poor and debt-troubled countries

The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-countries Instructor Course Institution Date International monetary Fund is an organization that aids in fast-tracking payment systems and circulation of currencies among financial institutions and countries globally. Gould, E.R.

Presentation about the case

Then Benita or Rosa enters the order information into the accounting system and a purchase order is created. Finally, another internal control weakness could be due to the fact that either Benita or Rosa is entering order information into the accounting system and then creating purchase orders.

Reflecting writing

I am a team player, and I believe that students should be participating more in the learning process, so as to make the studying process successful and enjoyable for both. Teaching profession continues to grow and, therefore, it is prudent for teachers to embrace a paradigm shift which calls for the inclusion of technology in →

Graphic design

The adolescent needs a lot of social and economic support for positive pregnancy outcomes. Sometimes adolescents want to end he pregnancy because of the shame attached to it, want to continue with school or learn trade, for lack of financial and social support and not ready to be a parent.

Warren buffet case study questions

What Is the possible meaning of the changes In stock price for Berkshire Hathaway and Scottish Power Pl on the day of the acquisition announcement? The intrinsic value of Pacific is really that the company can now invest in a whole new sector the energy field which can also allow the company to do a →

Signing up assignment

Topic Description: In this essay, I want you to think through and write about what you believe Is a value/an activity/ a life/ a Life-blew/a principle by which life may be directed that you hope to pass down to your posterity, to future generations. In other words, a process is form of narrative writing, so →

Ifrs – problems and challenges in first time adoption essay sample

To stay as a leader in the international market, India opted the changes it need to interface Indian stakeholders', the international stakeholders' and comply with the financial reporting in a language that is understandable to all of them. 2 Objectives of the Study: 1) To study the Problems and Challenges faced by Indian Companies in →

Working while studying for a bachelors degree in management administration – resume/cv example

It also involved coordinating the Installation of the scrapers for both launcher and receiver including its accessories and appurtenances Installation of the pipeline from the SGP to JGP including R.O. Overseeing the installation of the scrapers for both launcher and receiver including its accessories Coordinating the installation of the trunk lines from the oil site →

Is youtube to blame for teens doing dangerous stunts

By hosting the dangerous videos YouTube can be to blame for the deaths of the youths, because that site is bringing one-upmanship to a new level and promoting other teens to try to out-do each other over the web. The affects of this " game" can be linked to the fact that YouTube allowed the →

Shakespeare’s macbeth act 4 scene 3

Malcolm entertains Macduff, playing a pivotal game that tests his integrity, in the hope of separating the spies and the traitors from the loyal and sincere. As Malcolm is going to be king, we see the kind of man he is, the values he possesses, and yet again it places another reference to the kind →

The knife thrower essay

The composition of the story Is chronological, because It builds up the suspense before the show, and the climax Is at the show and the suspense fades out after the show and leaves us with a weird feeling. He does not speak a word throughout the story.

The discovery of electronics

The discovery of the " Edison effect," a flow of current through the vacuum of one of his lamps, was the firstobservationof current in space. Shockley, electronics engineering has been dominated by the applications of such solid-state electronic devices as the transistor, the semiconductor diode, and the integrated circuit.the branch of engineering concerned with the →

Transtheoretical model &solution-focused therapy

Overview of the Stages of Change Model The Transtheoretical Model centers around the basic leadership of the individual and is a model of deliberate change. For each aspect of growth, diverse mediation procedures are best at moving the individual to the following phase of progress and in this way through the model to support, the →

Explore the link between its provision, equality and social inclusion of education policy with relevant theory from the module

Public policies such as the education policy of any country and by any government must emphasize the purpose and the goal of education. The education policy outlines social inclusion in the curriculum; the policy outlines different principles that ensure there is social inclusion in the education system.

Paradigm transitions in education

I was recently appointed to the position of Head of Deeside Sixth form centre, which is a brand new 15 million build the enhance the provision of A levels for North Wales and beyond. Further work by Patton in Sparkes takes the idea of a paradigm a step further and refers to it as a →

The relationship between economic growth and environmental sustainability

Hence, in the pursuance of national developmental objectives, this involves the significant utilization of the territorial distribution of resources. In as much as the arguments fronted by the market liberalists, institutionalists, bioenvironmentalists, and social greens show differing points of agreement, these serves to show that there is a significant association between economic growth and environmental →


Positive integer: A positive order indicates that the concentration of that species DIRECTLY affects the rate of a reaction. So, in The reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid is said to be first order withrespectto hydrochloric acid.

Standardized graduation tests improve student performance

Since the push for standardized testing in the 1980s and the passage of the No Child Left Behind legislation of nearly two decades later, tests have become common staple of American education. Clearly, students are getting the message and buckling down in order to be prepared for these tests both for mere graduation and for →

Alfred hitchcock’s psycho

These include the police officer who pulls over Marion and then proceeds to watch her at the car shop; he acts as a blocking character, who is there to firstly create tension in the mind of Marion but also in the mind of the unknowing audience who still thinks that the story is about her. →