4 Pages Essay Samples

Book review: the real cost of fracking: how america’s shale gas boom is threatening our families, pets, and food

The Real Cost of Fracking by Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald examines the impacts and risks of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas extraction on our environment and health, food supply, and pets. In the course of their research, they heard from many individuals about the effects of gas drilling on the health and well-being of →

Thoreaus where lived and what lived for philosophy essay

In the essay " Where I lived and what I lived for," Henry David Thoreau's [1817-1862] expression appeals me of the importance and value of living the simple life nature affords, that I believe, it is as necessary now as it was back in his time. Thoreau moves to the woods so as to " →

Mool mantra of success

However, theKali devi mantra'sspecialist is in charge of assisting individuals to learn the way and the manner to follow it for effectiveness and in order to get the desired outcome as soon as possible. The Importance of Building Relationships up to brand champion in the Customer Relationship Ladder According to Dubois, companies in all industries →

Frederic ozanam essay

He proposed the idea for workers rights to form voluntary unions and believed that " salary should be proportional to profit", with his advocacy of the natural wage became the central idea f liberal, social Catholicism, empowering multiple social empowerment's and making a significant difference in the lives of many. He was on one of →

Gandhiji principles he upheld, his aim was

What he deeply believed in was the true goodness of man which is an inherent truth and what he practiced was the humanist means to retire to its pristine form in which men will act as human being. Every incident of his life is replete with a radical type of humanism in which the well →

Job saisfaction and empoyee motivation

Thus, according to information obtained from the official website of Google, it can be seen that under the leadership of Schmidt, the organisation has managed to inculcate a culture of strong innovation among its employees. In this case, it can be noted that Google is able to motivate its employees regardless of the fact that →

Who’s to say?: insanity in dutchman

Lula accuses Clay of embracing his own oppression by wearing such clothing and then pushes her reading of the suit even farther, insinuating that slavery is the position of blacks and Harvard is the domain of whites. Clay yet again embraces Lula's interpretation of his identity, agreeing that he is a poet, yet he takes →

How to interpret a nursing essay question.

To discuss an area of practice is not simply to present the evidence for and against the theories and practice points shown in the literature, it is to explore it from all angles. In addition to these framework concepts, nursing essays are very much related to the concept of professionalism, and to the ethics of →

Bilateral investment treaties

The central objective of these International investment treaties is the development, and the intentions of the parties, binding such treaties, are relevant for purposes of steering the treaty's legal interpretation. It involves the direct negotiations between the governments, thereby establishing the conditions and terms for investment by the nationals and companies of one country onto →

In and farming frontiers respond to the essay

The Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s brought economic and social change to the cities as well as the frontier. Thus, the mining, ranching, and farming frontiers responded to the industrial revolution in the same way as entrepreneurs and laborers, as each group was ultimately intercepted and changed by larger businesses and elite corporations.

Analysing the human resource management of easy jet

EasyJet values in no frills, care and convenience, low cost concept and to keeping costs low requires high assets utilization and high efficiency in every parts of their operation. Aircraft must leave and arrive on time There is no ' slack' in the system.easyJet admits to having " one and a half planes' worth" of →

Bae perspective

From the BEE perspective, what were the top factors that contributed to the failure of this project From side of the President of BEE, Gene Did Fonts, a lot of reasons could be raised in order to explain the failure in this project, such as the short deadline, the low importance given to requirements by →

Analysis of apple essay

In the United States, Apple has cultivated high customers' loyalty as most of them are devoted to the brand and the company in general. In the 3rd quarter of 2010, the company made a revolution by launching the iPad.

Hrm challenges in staffing

Your evaluation of the importance of the topic in the UAE businessenvironment.C. A record of this will be entered in the student's official record and transcript".

Harvard housing survey case study essay

Some of the important factors are as listed: Among all factors, time taken to commute to the campus and amount of rent paid were considered the most important in choosing the residence. But the survey does not concentrate on the interaction options and facilities for the students, which is likely to be a very important →

Early relationship among students

While in the short term having a boyfriend or girlfriend can make a high school student happy or feel that they fit in, such a relationship can have other consequences for the individual which may not prove as positive. This study concluded that the overall school " romantic climate" affects academic performance regardless of whether →

New zealand health and disability policy analysis

Regardless of the way that the widespread gathering has starting late made extraordinary strides in the recognized of the benefits of people with inabilities, the isolation and abuse of people with incapacities was obviously not seen as moving to the level of human rights sick uses associated with the most anomalous measure of overall criticism: →

How has dance changed?

This is because of the large interrelationship between the notion of dance history and the events surrounding it which includes both the arts and non arts related developments. With reference to ballet dance, it can be seen dance has a set of requirements and rules to follow.

Directed verdict and jnov

Name in Rule 50 for directed verdict since 1991: Motion for judgment as a matter of law Name in Rule 50 for JNOV since 1991: Renewed motion for judgment as a matter of lawRule 50If after a party has been fully heard on an issue in a jury trial the court finds that a reasonable →

The acid crystals can be found in a

The formation of crystals requires these solutes and other factors like the increasing concentration of dissolved substances and the increase of pH level in acid or alkaline. These factors contributed to the condition of crystalluria which means the presence of crystals in the urine.

Religion religion of humanity. comte during his younger

The " Theory of Religion of Humanity" Represents a Radical Change in the Development of Comte's Rational Thinking: It is surprising to note that Comte, a great champion of science or positivism, could transform himself into an advocate of a new religion, a religion of humanity. Comte conceived of a society directed by the spiritual →

Discuss whether any amount of contingency planning would have saved maya’s business in the aftermath of the crisis essay

A contingency planning could help a business to deal with unforeseen eventualities; it is always good to have a few plans to know what to do to deal with the problems arise to prevent failure. If she has a back up of her record, Maya could use the records to plan out what the business →

Psychology big 5 theory

What does the Big 5 actually mean Neuroticism: relates to the experience in unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, anger, or depression Extroversion: relates to energy, motion, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others. In the context of the question of setting up a dating service with similar and contrasting traits, the →

An overview of elogistcs

Traditional logistics generally refers to products manufactured after the packaging, transportation, handling, storage.[pic] E-logistics can also be referred to as logistics electronic logistics information, I refers to the use of electronic means, in particular the use of Internet technology to complete the entire process of logistics coordination, control and management, and all the middle of →

Henri fayol vs. henry mintzberg

These functions serve the purpose of predicting the future of theenvironmentand planning a relevant business strategy, developing a social and technical structure to the organisation, managing the activities of the staff, integrating plans and activities across the organisation and ensuring conformity with the plan via authority and feedback mechanisms to correct inappropriate activity. The 3 →

Language and the heroic code: the battle of maldon

Through use of language the poem eternalizes both individual heroes and traitors, while also reasserting the value of kinship and the promotion of the heroic code. The marginalization of the Vikings alongside the appraisal of the Saxons feeds into the political purpose of the poem, which could be described as propaganda to unite the people →

The potential benefits of western and holistic medicine used

The importance in holistic health care is in recognizing the symptoms as hey arise, at the same time eliminating the cause of the symptoms in the process of restoring health and energy in the shortest possible time. Holistic health care places the emphasis on giving knowledge, and ultimately the responsibility, to the individual in the →

Sports in hong kong

According to a study, " Consultancy Study On Sports for All Participation Pattern of Hong Kong in Physical Activities" published in 2009 by Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission, 39.% of Hong Kong citizens aged 7 or above participate once to twice per week. Despite the fact that further sports development might have some →

Establish concept

Once I have opened the image in full size right click on it and click save image to, at this point you have to choose the correct folder you want to edit the file in. As you can see in the image below I have chosen to crop half of Skepta's body and after you →

Rap’s controversy

It became very popular with the urban public that it soon began to spread throughout the United States and much of the world. It replaced rock music as the creative force in music of the ' 80's and ' 90's.

“the endgame”

In other words, the end is the final move that determines their game from the starting move; all the way to the last move. We can argue that there is a parallelism between his dilemma and the decision that Clov has to make.

Impact of slavery on a child

With the luxuries that even the poorest of children have in current times, makes the life a slave child even more unbelievable to say the least. Games such as " Hide the Switch" and " Auction" were just a couple of the games slave children played to prepare them for the actual beating or selling →

Introduction to microbiology assignment

As the optimum medium and conditions varies for one sample to another, the colony count methods provide an estimate of the number of viable cells according to the medium employed, time and temperature of incubation. Using a sterilized device that looks like hockey stick, the sample was spread evenly on the surface of the agar →

Lack of control, apathy, and the mundane in “orientation”

The narrator, through the company's belittling rules, is illustrating the complete lack of power that the employees have by pointing out average privileges that are not given to them. This appears to be a prominent theme throughout Daniel Orozco's " Orientation", as well as the frequent feeling of apathy that is cultivated through malcontent.

Those with power shape reality

In the book Chloe also shows the power that the police force and the justice in the role of shaping peoples reality. The Tall Man also depicts another type of power influencing reality; how the police force and the justice system had the power to shape the realities of people in the Aboriginal community.

The impossible punnett square

To be able to describe this important leg of the tabletop of science is an amazing feat, thus, Mendel got the title he is more known as: " The Father of Genetics". 11 Aug.2014.

Hitlers rise to power

Hitler's rise to power was a consequence of a number of contributing factors, including resentment at the loss of World War One, the weaknesses in the Weimar republic exploited by using propaganda, the trepidation of the SA, Hitler's storm troopers, his charismatic and passionate oratory skills that captivated the German nation and the poor state →

Acme and omega case study

Acme is highly centralized, managers of the top of the research have all the power to make most of the decisions for the company, and subordinates are expected to follow orders. I think that in order for these two companies to survive they need to have a combination of organic and mechanistic structure.

Call to action & technology and globalization

One of the health consequences identified in the report is based on the fact that obesity may lead to the development of chronic diseases. Furthermore, the report and the newspaper article denote that obesity is on an increase, and people should be aware of its dangers and strife to prevent it.

Establish & adjust the markerting mix

Below is the table describing the different segments of the Fruit Juice Market SEGMENTATION OF FRUIT JUICE MARKET GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION World Regions The current market of fruit juices in Australia is being fully tapped by the various juice companies available. Aiming at large Family Size Segments: Since the brand Loyalty is very low in this →

The possible worlds essay

In poetry, readers often find themselves in other worlds and other dimensions either through the poet's conscious evocation of these worlds through the images employed in the poem, or through the reader who creates a world out of the melding of what the poem says and what he thinks the poem means. Poems such as →

Exam review analysis essay

What tasks would you like me to complete today? " Defining and Evaluating an Argument A formal argument is a statement of the reasons you are in favor of or are against an issue. The point of view of a speech is how the speaker relates to his or her audience.

Exercise 124 essay

The renamer fragment A trip to Europe! has been attached to the complete sentence, and a comma has been added.________________________________________ 2. The adverb fragment where we could spend the first three nights of our vacation has been attached to the complete sentence.________________________________________ 6.

Vark assessment

In 1987, Neil Fleming designed the VARK learning style assessment which is a questionnaire that has questions that which answered by a person will lead to four scores that gives up to five study strategies which are: Visual, Aural, Reading/write, and Kinesthetic. The author use to think that she learn best from reading and writing →

Saudi aramco: looking ahead

The cornerstone of their strategy moving forward is based on the triad in the areas of: * To be the fully Integrated Energy; Chemicals company across value chain * Expand in Natural Gas, Oil refining and Chemicals Operations with planned $200 Ban USED additional investments in the coming decade.* Secure future beyond oil and gas →

Systems analysis and design assignment

Hence, TIPS are designed to process transactions promptly and effectively to ensure data is available to the customers as and when they require and to the processes that require it. The main objective of TIPS is to intro the execution of a set of simultaneous transactions to simplify day by day transactions and in this →

Social that the situation controlled the individual,

Baron, Byrne, and Suls define social psychology as " the scientific field that helps to understand the creation and causes of individual behaviour in social situations". In 1770-1831, Hegel introduced the idea that the society has specific links to the evolution of the social mind, leading to the concept of a group mind, which is →

iridium case study essay sample

The idea behind doing this is so that you understand the mechanics of the model and see some of the complications of a more realistic model than the ones we completed in class. Compute the Aggregate Senior Debt Balance Compute the Default and Repayment of Default on Subordinated Debt Fill in the balance sheet and →

implementing a comprehensive review essay sample

In the study of industrial psychology, the 360-degree Performance Appraisal is a form of feedback where information on a supervisor's performance is gathered from the supervisor and anyone else who has firsthand experience with the supervisor's performances. If the supervisor believes in the process and values a variety of positive and negative feedback, we then →

Toyota lean customer relationship management

The Lean CRM first guides the prospective customer to website once the customers plan to purchase car. This is the " Toyota push" strategy to push customers to the right information.

Biography of hershel “woody” williams

Hershel " Woody" Williams may have done a lot in the 17 year he spent in the Marines, but the most memorable is the actions that took place on the island of Iwo Jima on the 23 rd of February in 1945. That was the day in history that the then CPL Williams went above →

Case study: laura learns a lesson

Identify the formal and informal events relating to the selection process in this ease. What should the HER Department do to improve the selection process in the organization?

Analytical essay: in the age of information warfare

Different categories of information warfare are personal information warfare, corporate information warfare and global information warfare. In the end, the article accepts the fact that information warfare is real and the nations need to take necessary action to defend their information security.

Aruba marriot – company practicing an innovative approach to hrm

The quality of human resource management function can also be analyzed by looking at the level of positions which are often available within the organization. As far as the case of Aruba Marriot is concerned, the organization is growing and they are offering diverse positions within the organization so that they can meet the human →

Trade manufacture

Whilst I accept that there must be some lee-way given inrespectto the individual facts of a case, the badges of trade and definition of a trade must be made clear for there to be any legal certainty a principle of utmost importance in large scale business transaction. I accept this as it follows the badges →

Sociology: value conflict assignment

In the sociology of deviance, the Labeling theory Of deviant behavior is Often used interchangeably with the societal reaction theory of deviancy. In other words, the deviance is said to be in the eye of the beholder.

Changes in social media, web sharing, and/or similar trends in the internet will affect social and personal behaviors better or worse how is it going to be affected

Retrieved from: http://isedj.org/2013-11/N3/ISEDJv11n3p90.pdf The article discusses the effects the social media and networking is having on the education of the adolescents. The usage and implications of social networking Sites: A survey of college students.

Compare the ways

To accentuate the importance of state social control and the Liberalism's political agenda school attendance became compulsory up to the age of ten with the introduction of the 1880 and 1902 Education Acts. It was also around this time and Britain's earlyglobalizationand the changing social and economic conditions that prompted the Politician's and educated members →

Perceiving the need for social change in “a christmas carol”

The writer's purpose is stated in the words of Marley's ghost: " Mankind was my business" and implemented by allowing the reader to share the rigorous re-education of Scrooge. Scrooge believes in ghosts, and the chained, doomed ghost of Marley introduces the reader to fear of the supernatural, of death and of the afterlife.

Behind your style assignment

In many ways so At the beginning of the article, Eraser immediately brings light to the terrible conditions of sweatshops and the workers that are not much less fortunate. Eraser Ravisher gives numerous examples of the conditions that these companies force their employees to work in.

Arming against hitler: france and the limits of military planning by eugenia c. kiesling

Author's prime focus, at the beginning of the research, was to look into and dig out the reasons of military failure at strategic planning level but eventually the study focused on more important part of the determination of strategic choices made by the French top commands. This book requires a careful study and an in-depth →

Themes in jurassic park essay

In the film, Jurassic Park's owner John Hammond is being sued millions of dollars after a man is eaten by one of the raptors at his park. Money and greed are bad in the film and in the end; the greedy people the lawyer and Dennis Nedrey are eaten.

Beowulf and the bible essay

Over the many years of research and analysis of the poem, scholars came to the conjuncture that the author of Beowulf was indeed Christian. However much Beowulf may come off as a pagan warrior, the poem is very much enriched with Christian symbolism and allegorical interpretation comparable to the bible.

Market share essay

Because Brita has already acquired about 80% of the market they have a huge advantage over their competition. So far, it has been a successful strategy for Brita and they should continue to use that to promote their products.

Dealing with troublesome behavior in the classroom essay sample

To guide students mentally and correct their troublesome behavior in the classroom, the teacher must possess the virtue of patience and tolerance. Hence, a teacher should be patient and tolerant to deal with the troublesome behavior of students in the classroom.

Expeditions to dunn’s river waterfalls essay

I believed the most secure way to climb the falls was in group formations, under the supervision of a Fall Guide, who was normally equipped with special knowledge and skills who knew how to navigate the intricate hike into the caves. We would always stay until the sunset because it provided the perfect end to →

When you just can not stop falling asleep

What to do if you think you have narcolepsy The obvious answer is to see your physician for a diagnosis. If you know you have to stay awake, take a light diet in the mealtime.

Comparing and contrasting themes across genres essay

Both the story and the newspaper article express a similar theme and purpose, but they also have some difference in them. The article explains the mess the eruption caused, where as the story focuses on explaining and expressing Rolf Carle's and Azucena's thoughts and emotions.

Certainty of subject matter

This does not affect the creation or operation of resulting, implied or constructive trust; a trust caught by this provision need not be declared by writing; it need only be evidenced; Absence of writing does not render the declaration of the trust void, merely unenforceable and the writing must contain all the material terms of →

Communication in a digital age

Technological determinism can be defined a reductionist theory which argues that the technology of a society drives the cultural values and the social structure that characterizes a certain society. In this light the culture of a society has therefore in a great way been molded by how the people in that society communicate.

Progress equals change essay

It is evident that slowly but surely, progress has taken place in the fine art society, and thus, the statement of knowledge leading to progress in human thought still holds true. However, using the argument that progress must be a change for the better, did progress take place in my room?

Compare and contrast two successful global companies commerce essay

UPS is the third largest employer in the US and has been operating for the last 103 years. On the other hand, Amazon.com is one of the successful survivors of the internet boom in the late 90s.

Wishes for sons by lucille clifton

One of the aspects of the poem, which will become the subject of this essay, is the voice of the mother resonant throughout. Hence, the mother's pain and suffering while taking care of her child, is the dominant theme of this poem and we will elaborate on this theme in the paragraphs to come.

Strategic plan for panda express in south korea

While there are still plenty of opportunities to expand in the US, it would be wise to start looking to new countries and locations such as South Korea as I have previously mentioned. Like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, Burger King also has a presence at a majority of the US military bases in South →

Outsourcing offshore at darden

It is easier and more economical for Darden to outsource the catching of their fish/seafood. The quality and freshness has a batch to make with their luxuriant supply-chain.

Grafitti: art or crime?

Examples of first graffiti drawing were found in the walls of Pompeii and Catacombs of Rome, and considered as an art form. Graffiti as one of the street art forms uses special materials for drawing, it has certain techniques how to draw and the overall outcome of graffiti drawing differs from any other form of →

Social media vs. personal communication assignment

A good example would be the medical field: If you are travelling out of town/out of the country and you are hurt, doctors are able to pull up your records to obtain vital information in your medical history. Social media also becomes a " breeding zone" for hackers to commit fraud and launch spam and →

Property by valerie martin essay

Both women hate each other dearly and the reason for their hatred to each other is the fact that they each remind the other of the life they are subjected to daily and the fact that they have to put up with the property tag. When dealing with Manon, she is married to a man →

Saturation assignment

As I continued to drift off into my own thoughts, I suddenly noticed a boy and a girl sitting next to the fountain with their feet up against the barrier of the pool of water. As I listened to the songs, I could hear in the background the trickling of the fountain as each stream →

Fire protection methods essay

Three factors are necessary for the fire to take place.-the fuel, oxygen or air and the heat to raise the temperature of the fuel to the ignition temperature. The duty of the Fire Marshal is to extinguish the fire.

Tv evangelism

Later, Oral Robert, another pioneer of the television evangelism, was able to reach 80% of the potential television evangelism audience in 1957, which was the largest show of the time. With time the new phenomenon began to spread to distant places as a direct result of the large number of people that we are able →

Introduction to risk assessment – hazard identification

Most of the time we relate risk to natural disaster, which is unpredictable and we are unable to identify the major destructions happed after this. The general lack of pesticides and their harmful affects is adding to the already aggravated issue.

Most perform well in their test. this

A good number of adults go back to college later in life, either to advance their education or finish the courses they had been forced to suspend for a number of reasons. A majority of the adults that go back to college later in life often do not perform well in their test.

Gilded age and industrialization

The gilded age was a time in the 1890s when there were several railroads built and led to the establishment of the enormous initial concentrations of money, produced the first big corporations, and created vast treasures. As a result of this mode of transport, several companies were connected to the available raw material and human →

Jrl 101 ch9-10

What's the purpose of " cookies" on a website? What's the purpose of network affiliates?

An analysis of secondary sources from hurricane katrina essay sample

1 Previous to the Hurricane, President Bush " downgraded the organization and merged it into the Department of Homeland Security," which had been primarily focused on combating terrorism since September 11th and the Iraq War, and clearly explains FEMA's insufficient resources after the hurricane. Big Blow in the Big Easy was not the only article →

What i admire about the amish lifestyle essay sample

The Amish obey the Ordnung, which is a list or written rules that basically outlines all the aspect of Amish life and the basic of their faith families, and is a perfect way to live. One of the aspects about the Amish customs that I admire the most is the fact that they do not →

Anatomy and physiology essay sample

The skeletal system is made up of all the joints and bones in the body. This system is the largest of the body.

Survival of the broken: analyzing “my faithful mother’s tongue” and “leningrad”

In the two works, " My Faithful Mother's Tongue" by Czeslaw Milosz and " Leningrad" by Osip Mandelstam, a sense of survivor's guilt is expressed through the diction and the tone of each poem. Milosz then concludes the poem with the line, " For what is needed in misfortune is a little order and beauty," →

Gross domestic product

Nominal GDP is the value of the final output measured in current prices, whereas real GDP is the value of output adjusted to remove distortions caused by price changes through the process of chain-weighting. The preliminary estimate of IPI is released around the 15th of the each month, and is subject to revision in each →


With this re-evaluation of the brand strategy for the group, the time was right to focus on integration and consolidation of the disparate IT systems in use across all of the group's businesses. To achieve their aims Littlewoods had to bring together all their systems and applications and consolidate the IT skills and resources around →

Canadian tire case analysis essay sample

CTC is In the thick of a common.yet really disputing concern state of affairs of how to maintain the plane in flight while it rebuilds its engines. Business Intelligence: Its Impact and ConsiderationsThe determination to set about a Business Intelligence Project will decidedly assist CTC aline its IT capabilities with the overall concern scheme peculiarly →

Silk road change and continuity over time

However the importance of silk along with other spices, the spread of ideas as well as disease, and the continuous diffusion of culture remained the same. The main purpose of the Silk Road had been to deliver goods from place to place.

Robert mcfarlane and the fall of the soviet regime essay

The attention in the room shifted to me in a solid wave....' It has five components,' I began.' The first is to strengthen our economic base...essential to underwriting our foreign aid program and to restore the defense foundation of your policy... This system would evidently fulfill McFarlane's goals of demonstrating aggression to the Soviets, and →

Factors for innovator success

High level of persistence and resilience shows that the innovators truly believe in themselves and the unique value of the products. Instead, innovators should combine the customers' need with their own creativity and imagination of a designer to create a new idea.