4 Pages Essay Samples

Wife of bath’s tale and the red lotus of chastity essay

This paper is a comparative analysis between Geoffrey Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Tale, and the story of The Red Lotus of Chastity a story which is also known as The Go-Between and the She-Dog. In the Asian story [ India ] The Red Lotus of Chastity, the focus of the moral lesson in the end, →

Transcendental wild oats

The success of this story is based on the validity of the themes discussed, as well as the style of narration used to construct the story. From her point of view, she observes the actions of the characters in the story, and reports it to the audience in a manner that comes off as reproaching →

Analyze the two movies and their themes, compare and contrast the themes and relate it to china and establish the time period and the social and political context through ebrey

The main motive behind producing this film is to highlight the difficulties faced by the rural people in gaining education. Through this film, it was also portrayed that Media is a very important tool of communication and is needed for educating the poor rural population about the high lifestyles of the urban cities.

Animal farm: book report

It is clear that Orwell's purpose in writing the book was to represent the communism in Soviet Russia and his opposition of the communism in Russia was very apparent with the engaging plot of his novel. Jones in the ' farm, the same characteristic that they fought against in taking over the farm, and created →

Personal finance persuasive essay

More important, black households were more likely than white Clinton Hill residents to won their dwelling in 1950." 5 " A final factor that may have limited the speed of revitalization was the Image of the neighborhood. 5th reason: barn raising 5th evidence: " A unique aspects of the revitalization in Fort Greene and Clinton →

The tudors

In 1531 Henry persuaded the bishops to make him head of the Church in England, and this became law after Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy in 1534. The dissolution of the monasteries was probably the greatest act of official destruction in the history of Britain.

Should they have to take finals?

It should be said that high school students should not be required to take finals in their senior year of high school with some requirements that have to be met to be exempted from finals. Seniors should not have to take finals because they have been in school for the past 12 years of their →

Money free essay sample

That is how the author shows that money does not matter through the character. Next, " The Bet" shows that money does not matter through the symbols that are shown in the story.

Introduction: be considered infertile, if after 2 years

Regular practice of the Simplified Physical Exercise, Chakra Meditation, Kayakalpa Exercise and Introspection practice helps in curing the infertility problem of the young men. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThe purpose of the study was to observe the effects of simplified kundalini yoga with and without diet modifications on selected Bio-Chemical Variable, Semen analysis among infertile men.

Identify one example of a specific organization that is building the future urban configuration of cities

World class infrastructure is one of the drivers of the Konza city's master-plan, where the city is set to constitute of modern world class buildings and transport infrastructure, which will serve as the main attraction to the city. The other major aspect of sustainability is that; the city is to keep developing education, technology and →

In death (thanatos) instinct, (cited by birch, a.

Thepsychodynamic perspective looks at the motivations and how the individualpersonality happens to develop as the result of an inner conflict. In the case of anxiety, the psychoanalysts would say that an innerconflict is happening between the id, ego and superego.

Positive effects of media

Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public.

Airbus case summary

In the case of Airbus the company is facing the decision of developing the world's largest commercial Jet in order to compete on the very large aircraft market withBoeing747. If the NPV is positive, the project is worth taking and it is able to cover all the investment costs and make a profit.

Egypt and shifting power / influence structures in the middle east

Role of Israel Though Israel has kept a very low profile in the current situation it is nonetheless very eager to know the outcome of the current unrest in Egypt. The urban population of Saudi Arabia is almost of the same age as that in Egypt and subsidized bread and petrodollars might not be able →

Miss assignment

Model Calibration The assignment guidelines provide the following observed speed data to calibrate the model: " The average free flow speed was found to be km,'her" The idea of calibration is to adjust the model to achieve similar modeled speed results as observed within the field. This means that the Maximum Average Circulating Flow will →

Middle ages vs renaissance art periods assignment

When seeking two art periods to compare and contrast, fewer artistic examples provide a starker depiction of radically changing ideas and mentality than the art of the Middle Ages against that of art from the Renaissance. The iconographic nature of the art is substantial, as it above all revered the purpose of perpetuating the Catholicism →

The accounting profession

The analysis is very helpful for the reader in the sense than one gets to understand both the internal and external environments of the company that influence its performance. Communication plays an integral role in the career of a forensic accountant and is essential that the accountant develops good communication skills.


Definition of IMC: According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, " Integrated marketing communications is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan. This is the introduction stage of this product and advertising works as an important tool for communicating and informing about the product to the →


The interview helped me by showing me that this is still a career I want to do when I get older. I also learned about the type of education needed to pursue a career in this field.

The life of street racing

Although the majority of racing is done illegally, there is a safer and legal way to get the racing out of your system which is drag racing at designated strips. The fact is, street racing is and always will be a hobby that is shared among the youth.

Silic case

Because the building was appraised at 12, 500 and originally bought at 10, 000, the firm needs to make a journal entry to account for this increase in value 01/01/2003 Buildings & Land 2, 500 Revaluation Surplus 2, 500 Land & Building = 12, 500 - 10, 000 = 2, 500 As we learned in →

History harley davidson

In 1903, William Harley-Davidson, Arthur Davidson, Williams Davidson, and Walter Davidson started Harley-Davidson in a 10x15 shed in their backyard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Richard Teerlink age 59 joined Harley-Davidson in 1981 and was elected to the board of directors in 1982.

The analysis of morrisons marketing essay

The importance of fresh food available is a key factor to Morrison's and have established the Market Street Format, which is now being adopted by other Supermarkets as this was a gap in the market. This said Morrison's prides itself on its fresh food image with the introduction of the " Market Place" in Morrison's →

Cognitive bias

Cognitive Bias Contents Contents 2 Bias 3 Cognitive bias 3 Impact of cognitive bias on research 3 Impact of cognitive bias on respondents 3 Impact of cognitive bias on researchers 4 Reducing Cognitive Bias 4 References 5 Bibliography 6 Bias Bias can be defined as a proclivity of mindset outlook to the present. Reducing Cognitive →

There the effects of certain forms of

The main objectives are to bringing down the cost and component used in the power system through the enhancement of efficiency and reliability of the renewable energy sources with minimal maintenance & long life robust equipment to beat the future load-demand, to preserve the resources for last longing Universe for the sake of creature as →

Latoya washington marketing department assignment

I am not sure that I would fight the position once the policy was in place, as I do not really think it is that huge of a deal. I would not approach him as he was inadequate and did not know what he was doing, but try to reason with him and give him →

Lgbt issues

Your family are the ones who love you and are always suppose to be there for you and when they are not there for you when you really need them at a time like that. At first I was not so pleased that we would be talking about it, but Paula's story caught my interest →

Case study: overview

However, taking in to consideration the seniority that these ladies had at the jobI believethat it was kind of harsh for the town's council to refuse to reinstate them for employment and for two of them not to be able to apply for any other job in the town. However, I believe that if you →

Talk shows

The need to educate and inform the audience is the voiced rationale for getting the so-called guests to give ever more titillating details of their misdeeds, or of the misdeeds done to them byfamilyor friends. The underlying assumption that most social pathology is the result of a medical problem beyond the control of the so-called →

How to make history education in school more fascinating and effective

According to Katie Lambert, the host of " stuff you missed in history class", most history textbooks, filled with dates and facts, also contributes to the horrific experience. The books and stories present the history as an interesting story rather than a list of facts to be memorized.

The federalist papers essay

They addressed the apprehension of the people about the government that would be established by the Constitution by outlining and elaborating the processes that would uphold the people's rights. Calhoun in the Disquisition deliberately rejects some of the propositions made by Publius in The Federalist Papers including the idea of an extended and complex republic, →

Catcher in the rye

When he gets to Ney York, he wants to call someone to talk with, but he cannot think of anyone he can. I know it is alright, he will give it back to me.

Organizational structure: zappos

This style of management and organizational structure has put Google on the list of one of the best places to work. One of the core values is to create fun and a little weirdness.

A meaningful place to you

It was a meaningful place because I am the one who organized our trip to that place and it was really a success. It was my very first time to see fireworks in the United States and I felt really happy.

Inequality in public education

The role of education is mostly understood to be important in our society for the purpose of enhancement of individual life as well as advancement of the nation. It has been proven that most of the charter schools do excel and this is increasing the demand for the applicants who wants to join the schools.

A sociology study of male self image

The stated aims of this research were to:* Investigate attitudes to masculinity from a representative sample of males in the local population* Compare these views with those of a group of his peers and fellow sixth formers at christleton high school* Examine how his findings can be explained, evaluated and understood in the light of →

Apple versus dell

Apple versus Dell Apple, Inc.is one of the largest consumer electronics producers in the world. Although Apple has the advantage of more retail stores in more countries, Dell has much more revenue generated by its sales outside of the United States.

Conformity as a psychological concept assignment

Kathy herself is the victim of such a struggle she wants to identify with the crowd that appears to be " with it". This is because most of the activities in the party are those that are deemed to be lusted upon by the youth in that age bracket.

Ulysses as a dramatic monologue essay

The dramatic monologue as we understand it today " is a lyric poem in which the speaker addresses a silent listener, revealing himself in the context of a dramatic situation"." The character is speaking to an identifiable but silent listener at a dramatic moment in the speaker's life. Hence he is determined to make the →

Applying roland barthes communication theory

The image features an American flag in the background, a bright red apple with one green leave, a sentence " Building American Dream" and a small rainbow Apple logo in the bottom corner. Barthes concepts helped to understand and perceive the image of an Apple poster in a different ways and led us to interesting →

Comparing modern fashion to fashion of the past

For the purpose of this comparison, the fashion of the Victorian period will be used. The designs of the fashions of today are very different from the designs of the past.

6 ways to set your personal training business apart from your competition

Part of the appeal and popularity is the convenience of being able to both take the portable kit almost anywhere and get in a strenuous workout that targets all the major muscle groups in just 25 minutes. Follow the for tips and inspiration to grow your business.

When might extend over one of the surfaces

When the reverse is the case, that is when the piece of stone merely acts as urge of producing flakes and these flakes are further shaped then the shaped pieces are called the tools while the core is a waste. As a result of this the working end of chopping tools is jagged or wavy →

The great gatsby as a social commentary

The first time Nick sets eyes on Gatsby, he does not approach him because Gatsby's behavior of " stretch[ing] out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way" arouses Nick's curiosity and interest. Until then, Nick realizes that the green light is a symbol of dream and hope for the future, which is →

A new meaning for green house

Houweling Nurseries as a forward-looking example to other agricultural business The history of Houweling nurseries that includes its humble beginning, its success, and long-term sustainability capacity that it has demonstrated establishes it as a model for other agricultural business to emulate. Consequently, Houweling demonstrates, to other agricultural businesses, the commercial scope of agriculture that requires →

Operation fly trap

In her Ellwood she would study the effects of the justice department and the consequence it has on the community andfamilyof the criminals involved. The time she spent on the inside, with the people of the gangs and the lives they lead, would lead Phillips to question both the success of this operation and the →

Behavioural and signalling theory

The research explored the empirical link between these variables and four hundred and thirty two Fortune 500 firms which were selected in investigating innovation as mediating factor between board diversity and firm performance and also three hundred and twenty six Fortune 1000 firms which were selected to investigate reputation as mediating factor between board diversity →

Antz: governmental issues like monarchy, communism and democracy essay sample

The way that this government functions in the film is that the queen is the one that makes all the decisions, although she has an advisor by the name of General Mandible which is a form of a unitary system. This is due to the nature of humans.

Radiation and pregnancy

The probability and extent of effects on the unborn child can be attributed to factors such as the degree of exposure and the age of the baby when it was exposed to radiation. Babies are most susceptible to the severe consequences of radiation between the second and the fifteenth week of pregnancy, most especially when →

Time management argumentative

You are not ' superman/woman, but what can you to ensure you are effective with your time. Finally, when you attend a time management training, you also learn how to develop you own plan of work.

Stereotypical image of women in henrik ibsen’s dolls house and in august strindberg’s miss julie

Henrik Ibsen the author of the doll's house briefs us on women play a sacrificial role in the society and the struggle that they go through for individuality in their social and married life. Whereas ' Miss Julie' sets another scenario altogether although even this play pictures the hardship faced by the women in the →

The bias towards women during the salem witch trials

For example, " According to this opinion, that women were evil, whorish, deceitful, extravagant, angry, vengeful, and of course, insubordinate and proud" demonstrates how women were thought of during the time of the trials and prosecutions. Ministers, the leaders of the Puritan church, believed that women and men were equal to God.

Government basis

The government of the country where the goods are coming from guarantees the acceptance of the corresponding goods as payment by the other country. While the actual buyer is selling the goods in the country where it is imported, the servicing bank gives it a chance to gather the accepted currency.

Manolo blahnik

Manolo Blahnik has been designing shoes since 1971 and has received many prestigious awards, including three special awards from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and the British Council's ' Accessory Designer of the Year' in 1990 and 1999. And the secret of toe cleavage, a very important part of the sexuality of the →

Assignment criteria p5 essay

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economic Development of New Zealand describes their basic functionality as a protection from electric shock through the provision of an electric supply that is isolated from the earth or ground while Encyclopedia Britannica Online says that these are " usually employed for reasons of safety to isolate a piece of equipment →

The bacteria, fungi, protozoans, viruses or some other

The collection of gene and their products from all the microbesliving within and on the human body are referred to as the human microbiome. The microbiota increases in diversity with theintroduction of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes as the time after birth increases 17, 18.

Intrusion detection

The accomplishment of the Intrusion detection system or IDS offers a great advantage for the detection of the possible security concerns and attacks on time and effective handling of these concerns. An Intrusion detection system or IDS is hardware and software based system to identify unwanted efforts at accessing, disabling or manipulating computer systems, mostly →

It depends on the which book has been chosen

James Darsey's The Prophetic Tradition and Radical Rhetoric in America is an ambitious book, both in terms of the argument being made and the amount of material being covered. Part of the prophetic message consists of noting that sometimes the reasons for acting, the inspiration for doing, are not easily reproduced as the product of →

The strategic choice and evaluation paper marketing essay

The current paper is devoted to the discussion of strategic choice implemented for the growth and development of AT&T Inc, which is rated the 7th largest company in the USA, according to the 2010 data on total revenue. In addition, the authors of value discipline theory believe that the choice of a segment of service, →

Effect of temperature on plasma membrane red cabbage

Pickering said that due to the different solubility properties of the two side of phospholipid, large molecules and aqueous containing ions can not pass the membrane freely. The observations suggest that the leakage of pigment from the red cabbage was at 70 " , precisely in the range between 60 " and 70 ".

Of mice and men

And in John Steinbeck's novel 'Of Mice and Men' he describes the life that individuals had and the complications of lifestyle and dreams that were hard to accomplish. Another reason why John Steinbeck uses Crooks in his novel 'Of Mice and Men' is because He is the forlorn character of the ranch.

Accounting and regulation; will there ever be full comparability

Aspects of accounting and regulations that promote full comparability With reference to the writings by Benston et al, they stated that certain forms of accounting regulations provide a basis for full comparability of accounting records from different sectors and countries. For example, Penman stated that accounting records could be fully comparable on the basis that →

Celebrity role models children emulate

Even the person that we are to trust the most, the President of the United States Bill Clinton, committed adultery; sending the message to our youth that it is acceptable to be dishonest and o betray another's trust. Parents are responsible for their children, not the celebrities and how they decide to live their lives.

Reflective essay on the us healthcare system

To me, this first mandatory fund, also known as the Prevention and Public Health Fund, is very important since as I am planning a career path that involves public health and the health of the community. By law, the Prevention Public Health Fund must be used " to provide for expanded and sustained national investment →

Social warfare

An examination of the interactions between Gatsby and the Buchanan's reveal the constant power struggle between the old and new rich during the 1920's. Gatsby deliberately choses the word " never" to exaggerate the fact that Tom and Daisy's relationship is a lie.

The business case for corporate social responsibility: a review of concepts, research and practice

The concept of corporate social responsibility works on the idea that business houses have additional responsibilities to society other than making profits for the welfare of the shareholders and for the firms' better stature. Direct comment In total, this paper discusses different aspects of the CSR concept.

The day you were born

I was ordered to lie down and relax so that the medicine could fully take effect and was urged to let the nurses or doctor know if I was not completely numb within a few minutes. When the doctor came back in to check my progress, we were all happy and relieved to hear that →

Phantom time theory

Maybe, the switch in calendars may just be a small part of the problem; could it have been the start of the falsified history? With gaps in historical documents like this, it leaves a doubt in the mind of anybody that ponders the existence of this time period.

Ameer bardien essay

According to:" Unemployment has a big influence on poverty in South Africa because there are a lot of people that do not work, or are just not trained for a certain Job, or they Just do not want to work, and then there are the people that are trained but cannot find a Job because →

Library media specialists

Flexible scheduling is a tool used to enhance the use of the library as a source of guidelines in supporting the educational processes. This idea has resulted from poor time allocation which is a failure on school's library media specialists' crew Flexible scheduling In reference to school library media specialists, flexible scheduling together with flexible →

Allocative efficiency of markets with zero-intelligence traders

In one set of ZI markets, the traders are subject to the budget constraint; in the second set of ZI markets, the budget constraint is absent. Regarding the efficiency of the markets, one important result is that the efficiency of the human markets and the ZI-C markets is almost the same at 100%.

Rembrandt’s the mill essay sample

The Mill was well acknowledged by connoisseurs and artists because of the lasting impression the painting projects to the viewer. In addition, the presence of the silhouette of the mill that is positioned against the turbulent sky imparts a dramatic effect that compels the viewer to further imagination.

International business law essay sample

Article 30 of the Vienna Convention deals with the obligations of the Seller wherein it specifically states that it is the obligation of the Seller to deliver the goods, had over documents, if any and also transfer the property in the goods to the buyer. The obligations of the buyer on the other hand include →

Product is good quality essay

Another way how quality and adding value can help sell products is if products are checked for quality and quality is added during every production stage, this gives the business for providing high quality products which allows them to add value to their product. By adding quality to PEP's product, PEP will produce products that →

The dangers of radio isotopes

Radiation warning symbol The greater the dose of radiation a cell gets.the greater the chance that the cell will become cancerous. Alpha.beta and gamma radiation The degree to which each different type of radiation is most dangerous to the body depends on whether the source is outside or inside the body.

Lars and his psychosocial development in life

Based on Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Human Development, Stage 1, the lack of dependablefamilymembers during Lars'childhoodresulted in Lars developing a sense of mistrust and insecurity. In treating Bianca as a real person, Lars is able to deal with issues that occur as the relationship develops.

The in 1998, the indo-pak theater has often

The simmering Indo-Pak rivalry and dangersof an Armageddon were epitomized by the recent war of words between themilitaries of both countries." We will call the nuclear bluff of Pakistan. Deterrencethrough Ambiguity: Undefined RedlinesAfter the overt nuclearization of SouthAsia in 1998, the Indo-Pak theater has often been referred to as a nuclear flashpointowing to the continuation →

Unit 3 discussions

Technology has made it easy for the counselors to deal with both the parents and students in that the counselors can use the social networking sites to avail information to the parents and students who may not be in a position to physically attend certain meetings. Due to the availability of Google documents, the counselors →

Definition of inclusion and how it defers to integration

According to the government the term Inclusion is defined as " The department for Education and Employment Green Paper explains that Inclusion is a process, not a fixed state....meaning not only that pupils with education needs should wherever possible receive their education in a mainstream school, but also that they should join fully with their →

Exams v. students

Due to the amount of stress being placed on students, plus the expectations to do well in school, they often do not get enough sleep, causing sleep deprivation and a hindering of their educational performance. With the high amounts of sleep deprivation and stress, students do not have time to do extracurricular activities, which colleges →

United states government’s role assignment

Technology united States has been playing a dominant role In the computer Industry In the world ever since the advent of computer. The key reasons why united States government support for the computer Industry was able to produce remarkable results was that the government's function was always clear-cut, constantly making adjustment according to the industrial →

Canterbury tales

The author interpolates humor into many tales, provides comic relief, and shows the reader a different type of humorous genre. Geoffrey Chaucer provides humor in many of the tales from Canterbury Tales. The humor in Canterbury Tales adds emphasis to many lessons in the novel, acts as a comic relief, and demonstrates a rarely used →

Cultural and disease

Five million of those affected by this disease are under the age of 18, making asthma the most common chronicchildhooddisease. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children, with increasing morbidity and mortality.

Paul marcartny

The need for a cover up The reason for the cover up was simple since the Beatles were one of the majormoneyincomes for Britain if they broke up or the fans did not like the band since Paul was dead Britain will lose one of its most financial incomes of the time. The cover up →

Audit partner rotation assignment

The 2003 rules on the topic of audit partner rotation states that an audit partner must be rotated off the audit engagement if he/she has worked on the engagement for the prior five consecutive years and be subject to a five year " time-out period" from the registrant. Will the benefits outweigh the changes that →

Chlorotrifluoroethene c2clf3 structure

3 cm 3 Polarizability 6.5 0. 0 dyne/cm Molar Volume: 82.5 3.

Analysis of another fine mess by ray bradbury

This is the basic idea one takes on the first reading of this text, but Bradbury portrayed those two ghosts as doppelganger of the two women Bella and Zelda as their part of personality which is still young and cannot admit the fact that they are old now and are not loved. In this short →

Professional standards and institutional ethics in nursing

She was correct to go over the head of her administrator and hire a lawyer in order to ethically take care of this issue. In addition, the American Nurses Association encourages a policy that empowers nurses to be in control of staffing plans based on day-to-day changes in resources and patients.

Was the world never the same again after columbus founded america?

Just like a cause and effect case, Columbus's vision was the cause and the discovery of America was the effect. Like a chain reaction, Columbus's vision to sail west to reach Asia led to the discovery of America.

Does descartes manage to defeat scepticism

Descartes highlights that there is a contradiction in saying that God is a deceiver because that would imply that God is malicious. Descartes can deal with this by saying that 'it is the nature of a finite intellect that its scope should not extend to everything'.

Discussion forum

According to Ted Dagne in his book, Somalia: Conditions and Prospects for Lasting Peace: " A United Nations report and several news sources have suggested that piracy off the coast of Somalia is caused in part by illegal fishing and the dumping of toxic waste in Somali waters by foreign vessels that have, according to →


As a function of this understanding, this brief paper will seek to utilize the example of the recent war in Libya as portrayed in the news media of the United States as a personal reflection piece concentric upon popular culture and the interpretation thereof. Though it was true that Gaddafi was a dictator of Libya, →

Increase in tommy john surgery amongst young athletes

Tommy John surgery is reconstructive surgery of the ulnar collateral ligament in the elbow. Tommy John surgery has become a phenomenon in the last couple of years.

British policy towards eu integration

Having this in mind and the fact that ' British politicians and officials never had any intention of joining the nascent moves towards a European union in the 1950s', it seems that Britain is only in the EU only of necessity and not of their own will. Adding to this is the public's ".ignorance of →

The death penalty narrative essay

The Death Penalty Crimes that result in the death penalty is called capital crimes or capital offences. The death penalty is not a human rights violation; they took someone else's life.