4 Pages Essay Samples

Brand ambassadors essay

Due to this, it may also help to increase the image of the products of the company. On the other hand, sell products through internet also is one of the successful strategic using by Adidas in order to introduce new products to increase their sales.

Business marketing assignment flashcard

Explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organisation's marketing plans. 2 Make Justified recommendations for improving the validity of the marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organisation's marketing plans.


He loved the solitude of the mountains, and as he dismounted his horse he smiled as the usual thoughts and emotions washed over him His ex-wife sarcastically called it the Zen of the Mountain Man, which he thought was a perfect fit. For a brief moment he gazed at the steed and his hand-tooled saddle →

History and evolution of health care economics assignment

History and Evolution of Health Care Economics University of Phoenix History and Evolution of Health Care Economics Health care economics have drastically changed over the course of history in the United States. Essentially, funding is necessary to compete with the increase in demand for medical services and effective flow of funds is needed to maintain →

Gamids+ v3 with dean inputs essay sample

The current system works when a person taps his/her RFID on the reader, the system will read it and retrieve its data from the system's database, the data of that person will be displayed on the monitor which are located on entrances as well as automatically logging that person's record to the system for generating →

Unit 5 individual project 2

Though there have been attempts to update the quality of health care in tandem with the developments and inventions in medical field, the hue and cry for upgrading the system never ceases. Process measure is easy to interpret as in the case of administering aspirin in acute myocardial infarction that is a direct measure of →

Julius caesar hero

Not only do Caesar and Odysseus have to face the settings in the play but also the conflict. It requires you to be prepared to deal with forces larger than yourself." Some may consider both Julius Caesar and Odysseus a hero from the problems or forces they faced in the setting and conflict of their →

Agglutination & lysine of sheep red blood cells

The second part of the experiment was antibodies that produce lysins in the presence of a complement, which is similar to the agglutination process, and both processes are measured using the same technique. In this part of the experiment the only big difference being was after the PBS, diluted immune rabbit serum, and the sheep →

Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism views on deforestation

Anthropocentrism, a concept defined as a human-centered approach to forests; is premised on the belief that all other things exist to serve the needs of humans. Therefore, the anthropocentrism approach to deforestation can be defined as an approach motivated by human greed to satisfy the immediate human needs at the expense of the natural environment.

Generation assignment

Another way to go about his is to increase the credibility of trade schools and make students realize that if they are not fit for rigorous work load, to pursue a trade that they are passionate about. Contrary, the Millennial fear that they will be unemployed going to a trade school, and force themselves to →

Capitalism and free market assignment

Why? The man at the market prefers free market because the food is fresher and they have an abundance of food. The man at the market prefers free market because the food is fresher and they have an abundance of food.

A child study

I observed a child d Ahmed in the setting to decipher the various s of development that Ahmed was going through. One of the more important observations in Ahmed's case comes from his use of language at the start of the observation period and now.

Under the sun pollution review and summary

Inability to apply considerations for the city of Phoenix deteriorating infrastructure, increased traffic congestion, air, and water quality options will negatively degrade and prevent the enhancement of the community. This proposal for pollution conforms, resolves, and manages the projected expenditures: 1).the financial expense of air control point source is 4.

Sat synonyms list 2 – with synonym or original word definition

90/PAGEOrder NowChurlish rude, mean Synonym: Boorish- resembling or befitting crude insensitivityDearth a lack of Synonym: Paucity- a small amount of something; an amount that is less than what is needed or wantedDiffident lacking confidence, shy Synonym: Timid- feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidenceEclectic diverse Synonyms: Multifarious- of many and various kinds Sundry- →

Historical impact on working conditions (hr, employee labor and relations)

In 1785, when US government marked the western boundary of Mississippi River, the land was sold for the first time in the public realm. The first key event in the US labor history was establishment of the American Federation of Labor in 1886.

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman argumentative

I need to reassure her to leave me the evening, so I can get behind the wall-paper. I wanted her to get relief from her condition and the oppression.

Analysis of spring offensive

Carelessly slept.' However even this early in the transition the last two lines connote the force which is yet to come.' To face the stark.clean sky beyond the ridge.cognizing their pess had come to the terminal of the universe.' The sky being described as space.suggests that there is nil good lying in front of them →

Critique of equal opportunity act, 2000 (trinidad and tobago)

Justify the relevance of the Act with relation to its addressing of the various types of discrimination in employment as outlined by Boatright. Boatright outlines five forms of discrimination under employment, as follows: Discrimination on the Basis of Sex Religious Discrimination National Origin Discrimination Age Discrimination Discrimination against the Handicapped The Equal Opportunities Act, 2000 →

Comparison of 2 web sites

If you are the cheapest, and you merchandise is worth ordering, you are good to go. They have return policies, contact number, and are detailed on the book you wish to order.

The nature of the case and the central legal issue law general essay

In this case, the aim of the trial court was to assess the quality of identification, and whether the person identifying the suspect can make an error during the identification process. In this case, the court of appeal was of the opinion that it is not the duty of a judge or of the court →

Grain of sand

Montag and his hands had gotten precisely what they wanted, and that was to carry on with their destiny to change their conformed society for the better. After killing Beatty and doing what he had to do to be able to leave his old society, Montag will now go to Granger and the other Book →

Millions takes too long to secure another place,

Millions of people experience short-term unemployment each year, which last a couple of weeks, during their switch of jobs due to the flexibility to the job market. Some of the dynamics deceive people to leave jobs and the temporary periods of unemployment during new hunts turn to long-term and eventually possible unemployment status.

Physics of alpine skiing

The wealthy Brits were some of the first people to take part in Alpine skiing while on vacation in the Alps during the summer months. The shortest event in distance is the slalom and has a total of 50 gates.

Case study example

As such, it is important for me to be familiar with some of these standards in order to understand information management needs for the future of the facilities, which will be introduced by implementing the strategic plan. Question 2 The goal of the database is to track and monitor whether the institutions patients are getting →

The method of ibs and conventional system construction essay

In term of percentage, the conventional building system require d 7% more than size of the IBS.this was because the conventional building system required more construction trades than the IBS.cycle time comparison between structural building system; Cycle time comparison between structural building system show that the mean cycle time for completion of structural element of →

Hildegard peplau nursing theory

This theory is important because the nurse needs to understand the importance of how the nurse-patient relationship can help the patient achieve a better understanding of the importance of their care. Peplau's theory teaches the nurse how to interact with his or her patient so that the patient feels more in control of his treatment →

Religion (jesus)

How does Jesus use of parables of reversal challenge the understanding of the kingdom of God among his contemporaries Jesus is the one who is source of salvation to all mankind, who loves them and heals them from their tribulations and sufferings and makes them good and beautiful. In parables Jesus often relates the situation →


The objectives of a school's curriculum are bold and made available to both students and teachers, to ensure a collective participation of both student and teachers in the attainment of these objectives. The content of the Mathematics curriculum varies in this district school, depending on the level of grade.

Avro arrow

Clearly it was smarter to invest in missiles which could get the job done easier and would cost less than half the price of the existing program. With a new era of anti-aircraft technologies emerging, the government found missiles to be much cheaper than interceptors and just as effective.

Monuments men

Film The Monuments Men Based on a true story of what was a " treasure hunt" In Its most basic deflation, The Monuments Men portrays a hand selected World War II platoon on a mission that sends them to all edges of Western Europe in order to retrieve artistic masterpieces stolen by the Nazis and →

Edward murrow and the birth of broadcast journalism summary assignment

Bob Edwards' Edward Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism is a short biography about the man that established and revolutionized broadcast journalism. Overall, Bob Edwards' Edward Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism was a great book.

Galinsky’s 6 stages of parenthood

The past of parenting is parallel to the growth and development of a child and thus as the child grows and develops, so are the parents as they move from one particular stage to another. The task in this stage is for parents to the existence of their children to them, and they respond to →

Nature vs. nurture

This paper briefly analyses the importance of nature and nurture in the development of a child. In short, both nature and nurture play an important role in the development of a child.

Hrm case study: planning a new program launch at ldc

After the faculty director was chosen, the program would need to be designed and, based on the design, a brochure created. She estimated that the program design would require about three weeks and that the development of the brochures would take an additional two weeks.

Marketing assignment

Specifications You must provide: a promotion plan Powering presentation delivered to your learning group Your assessor will be looking for: a promotion plan that includes: an explanation of your diploma course including benefits and features the target group for your promotion the objective of each promotional activity budget plan for the promotion any relevant policies →

Gender imbalance in the work setting

In Saudi Arabia, not all women have the privilege of studying to the university level. However, a majority of nations that engage in intra-industry trade do not have the same per capita income.

The survival of any organisation

In this research I will try to link motivation of the employees with the performance of the organisation. The basis of the primary research will be to determine the extent to which employees feel motivated to work beyond their expectation and how this translates to the performance of the organisation in general.

Employment and job satisfaction

A description of at least two methods of storing records and the benefits of each 1) Manual System - This is the keeping of hard copies of HR records in staff files. The surveys are carried out anonymously and employees are asked to identify their level of seniority within the company along with length of →

Assignment 4

According to the report published by Center for Disease Control and prevention, it can be viewed that the non-Hispanic whites are likely to possess better health condition as compared to the other group of population within the US. Therefore, with this concern, the primary objective of national health reform would be to provide effective healthcare →

Method of analysis

Theoretical Basis for Nursing, also speaks of the shift occurring in United States population demographics which is resulting in the concept of culture and the increase of cultural diversity. Summary of Article The article spoke of two Haitian immigrants of the fastest growing immigrant communities in the United States coming to the United States for →

Global warming in developed and developing countries assignment

This essay will firstly analyses causes of global warming then it will compare the carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries and finally, it will compare the carbon dioxide emissions in developing countries. There are significant differences in the amount of CO2 between developed and developing countries.


The Public Health Act of 1997 sets the laws for the protection of public health and the prevention of diseases. The Health Professions Act is a law which defines the different duties, functions, and responsibilities of the health care professionals.

And they took us away from our family essay

Poems by Oodgeroo Noonuccal, the film ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' directed by Mark Herman and the song 'Took the Children Away' by Archie Roach all contain expressions of these potent aspects of tribalism. Furthermore, the title of another of Noonuccal's poems, ' Last of His Tribe', implies the feeling of alienation and →

Flannery o’connor: everything that rises must converge essay

While Julian sees his mother and himself as nothing alike, on opposite ends of the spectrum concerning racial issues such as integration and acceptance, it's quite clear to the reader that Julian and his mother are far more similar than it would appear at first, or even second glance. Julian's mother, on the contrary, holds →

Dubliners – eveline and her parents essay

But in her new home, in a distant unknown country, it would not be like that." Although she hates the lack of respect her colleagues have for her, her work is familiar, like her home life, and though it is dismal, it is assured. The treatment of Eveline by her father, and to a lesser →

American dream springboard essay

The United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave, but also the one and only place where you can find the American dream. There are even ways to go from " zero to hero" like going from the lowest job in the store too eventually being the manager of the whole →

The greatness of napoleon caesar history essay

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and deemed by many scholars as the greatest President of the United States. The theories used to compare the leadership of Lincoln and Hitler here are: Trait Theory.

Disadvantages of esl course books

ESL Course books are books that teachers use to assist them in the teaching of the English Language in schools and institutions. The second advantage is that when using the course books, the genres and topics are structured such that they cover the four skill areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

At what age should teenagers be allowed to take their own decisions

What parents do not seem to handle is the fact that the children actually start to live a life of their own. They just need to be told that they are still in control, that they know what the best is for their children.

Facility planning part 1

The Sentara Healthcare Organization decided it was time to locate a facility in the area to provide health care and also to provide health care to the neighboring city, eastern North Carolina and an island between Virginia and North Carolina. Description of Facility Selected The facility is a new hospital in Southern Virginia Beach built →

Global warming assignment

If Paul is wrong, he is, through his influence on the youth of America, directly sabotaging efforts to resist one of the gravest existential threats to humankind and to all aquatic and terrestrial life. For its one thing to agree with the majority and buck scientific orthodoxy; it is quite another thing to not comprehend →

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome essay sample

In the year 1993, residents of southwestern United States confronted occurrence of a series of mysterious illnesses that resulted in the identification of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. In specific, this paper will discuss the role of nursing that has been played in the treatment, diagnosis, and factors related with Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

Restaurant review example

The four-star restaurant was founded by Joseph Bastianich, Mario Batali, and Lidia Bastianich in the year 2005 with the help of a world-class chef, Mark Ladner, and has been on the forefront to offering delicious Italian meals to the people of New York. One of the best meals at the classic restaurant is the Truffled →

Culturally appropriate services in changing community

The original mission statement stated that the mission is to provide community-based primary care for its residents, and the neighborhood. If 90% of the residents in the neighborhood have become Asian then health care services need to be ready to handle that.

The vietnam war was a defining point in history assignment

During 1968 the Vietnam War was a defining moment in American history, in that due to the Tet Offensive, American morale concerning the war and President Johnson decreased, mistrust in the government increased, and the end of the Vietnam War seemed nearer. The Vietnam War in general changed the history of America, but the year, →

Financial management discussion week 7

The exit is the final process where the entrepreneur sells the business to a customer or gives a public offering. The rigorous activity of raising capital for a business is both beneficial and risky.

Planning an advertising campaign

According to advertising.nsw.gov.au establishing the campaign objective is essential for a successful advertising campaign. The 8 Steps of an Advertising Campaign SmallFuel Marketing.[online] Smallfuel.com.

Effective communication case study analysis

In the case ofJohnson and Johnson, effective communication made it possible to regain the tarnished image of the company, which resulted out of Tylenol product death. In addition, effective communication made the public convinced by the company's concern, which was done through advertisements that were designed to warn the public not to use the product →


These are some of the best thinkers you will ever encounter, but the way they show it is unlike anything you will ever want to listen to. The third type of reader is the Historical Text reader, and similar to the Informational text reader, their subject of choice is not always the most interesting; however →

Theeb (2014) summary and review

This is one of the things that attracted me to the film because of how accurate and true to nature the locations were. All in all, Theeb is an excellent feature film from Bedouin culture and accurately highlights and shows key aspects of the culture.

The beginning of confirmation bias: how our schools affect our politics

Teachers have good reason to ensure that students adhere to this writing process when first beginning to write essays; it helps students comprehend the structure of a five paragraph essay, and learn how to use information to back up a claim. Students are taught to select a claim based on zero evidence, and seek out →

External environmental analysis

As per Fortune magazine 2010, Dell is listed as the 38th largest among the Fortune 500 companies of the world. In 1991 Dell made its first laptop and by 1993 it was one of the top five computer manufacturers of the world.

Stress student assignment

Preview Specifically, I will discuss the causes, effects, and means of diminishing the negative aspects of stress Transition First, I will discuss about the sources of stress.II. According to the Student Stress Survey based on the Student Stress Scale and the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, intrapersonal sources of stress were determined to be the most →

No study of quranic education. unlike the

No meaningful analysis can be made of the factors thatfacilitated the spread of Boko Haram without considering the educationaldisparity between the Northern and the Southern part of Nigeria. The casual effect of this gap and discrepancies in primary schooland secondary school enrollments is that without a primary and secondaryeducation many of the Northern children of →

Use of e-stem in physical therapy

USE OF E-STEM IN PHYSICAL THERAPY USE OF E-STEM IN PHYSICAL THERAPY AND ITS VALUE TO THE PATIENT. Electrical stimulation has many roles in physical therapy and the most common is control of pain to the injured patient during and after operation.

Gilbert the giving tree: the cost of altruism in hedges’s novel

Gilbert Grape is a realistic version of just that a young man who resentfully abandons his own dreams to support those of the people around him; in potent ways, the traits of strength, compassion, and sacrifice are seen in the novel What's Eating Gilbert Grape by Peter Hedges. Gilbert has effectively given himself up completely →

Reflective observation report

Staying with the same group was beneficial as I was able to see the development of the athletes and see the full variety of coaching techniques and styles of learning that was applied by the coach. After viewing the drill once over the coach sent the players back in and they showed a visible change →

Role of cognitive therapy in reducing human error

Introduction Human error is evident is all areas of human involvement, and may differ vastly in terms of the seriousness of the outcome. This model highlighted the role of cognitive therapy in helping to reduce human error.

Introduction to measuring job satisfaction business essay

Satisfaction and employee turnover An employee who has a high level of job satisfaction tends to stay at the company because they have a high loyalty to the company. In conclusion, loyalty means the willingness of an employee to keep working and staying in the company and having commitment towards the company that the employee →

One mic by nas

The writer of the song is Nick Butler and he describes the song's structure as a slow build up from simple scrip to the full production, the composition is a bit interesting in such a way that the song is like two mini hip-hop versions that would be clear when Nas gets to the third →

Speech critique: sermon assignment

He began by telling a story about the bible and Jesus' baptism, then explained his own experience In baptizing and finally transitioned back to the message, relating everything to the bible. As he continued the standard story transitioned Into a very good point and the climate changed to everyone agreeing and accepting his message with →

History and political science

Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War The Viet Nam War is one of the biggest wars that the world ever experienced and had some serious consequences1. The author of " Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War," is a professor of history at the University of Indianapolis, and makes a combination of three different formats in →

Irwin mitchell

Irwin Mitchell has partnered with The Speech Recognition Company of London, the UK's leading provider of speech recognition solutions, to implement a successful project, resulting in measurable benefits.commercial Property Lawyer and Partner, Martyn Holland, based at the Irwin Mitchell Sheffield practice, is particularly positive about the speech implementation, " It's fabulous!" he enthuses, adding, " →

Market structures analysis essay sample

Being the price maker in the industry I want to offer the " Neutron" at a price that signifies the quality and quantity of what the notebook has to offer. It is important that I keep in mind the image, style, and customer's perception of my product which is more valuable to me than the →

Why i chose to come back to school and what i expect to get from my education? essays example

As a nursing practitioner, I believe that staying abreast of the research studies on the new illnesses being discovered periodically and the advance treatment methods introduced to counter the same would equip me with certain essential qualities to give the best treatment to my patients. A professional nursing program like the RN from Jersey College →

Population ecology essay sample

When a group of single species occupy the same general area it is known as a population. The number of species within a group that occupy the same area or habitat is known as population density.

How have john pilger and tony parsons used language essay

Comparing Pilger's title with Parson's you see that Tony parsons is way more insulting." Beggars of Britain" The word ' beggars' means someone who lives by asking others for money and food. With parsons only mentioning negative things about the beggars he just shows us the bad side of the beggars and builds on that →

Personal philosophy of success

The strategies I will use for my personal philosophy of success are Setting Priorities, organization of materials, and DAPPS, Dated Achievable Personal Persistent and Specific. MY first strategy I think is very useful for my college career is one of my own " Setting Priorities".

The barn and mid-term break – seamus heaney essay sample

The Barn describes the location and setting and it tells us a lot about the barn he is in. In " The Barn" he says " The roof gulfed in" gulfed is an action so how could the roof have gulfed? ell it is personification, he made the roof a person by implying that it →

Why should we worry about environment?

According to Muchener Ruckversicherung Insurance Corporation it is the most damaging natural calamity that has happened in the center of Europe. It is the obstacle of eliminating hunger and reducing poverty in Africa, China and the south of Asia.

Multiple perspectives in atonement essay

If this was a viewer's first experience of Atonement, they would be forgiven for sharing Briony's misunderstanding that Robbie was the villain of the story, commanding Cecilia to jump into the fountain, especially with the ominous music playing in the background, and while Briony's mistake is shown clearly in the novel, with McEwan writing ' →

A major factor of technology

Technology is a major factor that has influence Halifax; it changed the number of services that it could provide to its customers. The cards allowed the customers to purchase goods without the need for cash in hand and it is good for security as opposed to carrying cash.

Copyright infringement: similarity versus sameness essay sample

In earlier years, the courts maintained that intent to infringe the copyright of others is not essential to the act, nor is it a defence for the action, as in the 1931 case of Buck v. Jewel-La Salle Realty Co.[2] It was postulated in earlier times that innocence is not an excuse for copyright infringement →

Logistics db

In order for the Going Inc.to manage its supply chain effectively, it has to improve the speed and flexibility for its manufacturing framework. Going Inc.should address one of its major production hurdle; that is the time taken to produce one plane and the way in which the company adhere to its production design.

Globalization law

Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East. Networks of privilege in the Middle East: 1st ed.U.

That lachlan macquarie was a good governor essay

These actions were done in the way that Macquarie personally believed was the way to reduce crime in the colony, and this shows a devotion to maintaining law and order, which is a sign of a good governor. These enemies were often stifled by Macquarie12, and it was their meddling that eventually led to the →

The bluesky software consulting firm

Question 1, in the case asked to address the differences inleadershipstyle and approach today and in the recent past at Blue Sky. In question 3 of the case study, it relates to strategic plan and decision-making process.

The significance of songs in august wilson’s fences

The songs, which permeate the lives of the Maxsons, reveal how Troy imposes his fences on his wife and children, and how these characters react to such fences. As the first instance of song in the play, this song helps to reveal Rose's mentality regarding her role as wife and mother.

Nike strategic management

Question 1# Nike's Operating Environment In the analysis of the company's operating environment, the essay will focus on the corporation's internal as well as external environment analytical frameworks. Although, the economy of the nation has had a few decline in the economic productivity, the excellent economic performance of the corporation has remained steady.

How did civil war change the united states history essay

The issue of slavery which had kept the nation divided for about a century was settled in the aftermath of Civil War and the victory of the Union army was the main reason behind the settlement of this issue. After the settlement and resolution of this issue, the American society became more harmonized Economy benefited →

Dental health

Kazemi was to increase the amount of Calcium and Vitamin D to his diet. Kazemi was to quit smoking and reduce the amount of carbohydrate and sugar to control diabetes.

Group criminal activity

Initially, the gang operated as two separate and independent units, but with time, it has disintegrated and become a " loosely network of individual sets that are often in open confrontation with each other" The gang and grown to become one of the most vicious and violent associations of street criminals in the American cities. →


The pressure is now on the hands of international managers as how they can strengthen their companies in order to face the difficult changes of a highly competitive and open market. Although competitors have a potential of derailing a business, they are also indispensable learning tools for managers who want to get ahead of the →

To what extent have eu member states lost the power to control their borders

The paper " To What Extent Have the EU Member States Lost the Power to Control Their Borders" is a wonderful example of a term paper on law. It is also noted that the number of EU employees in the UK is estimated to be three or four times the number of Britons working elsewhere →