4 Pages Essay Samples

Working with employees

Since employee behavior affects the output and image of an organization directly or indirectly, it is important to ensure that behavior is checked for excellence. They also point out undesirable behavior in order to correct it and yet improve the image and productivity of an organization.

Intuition as depicted in the book the gift of fear essay

Therefore, trusting intuition is always the best move, as it is the exact opposite of a life being led in fear. In conclusion, intuition is the most significant element that is discussed in Becker's book, The Gift of Fear.

Synthesis essay on the theme of sacrifice

In truth, the act of sacrifice often procures unexpected and valuable rewards in return, as observed in the masterful works of Bronte, Shakespeare, and Dickens. And lastly in A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens entirely elevates the ideal of sacrifice in Sydney Carton's Christ-like death as a noble means to achieve life.

Free literature review about the vortex

Comment on the following sentence concerning Naturalism in The Vortex: " Human condition is put to the test in one of the fascinating physical environments in the world: Amazonia". Jose alludes that the reliability of the knowledge is its usefulness of the acquired knowledge to the perception of the external reality.

Basic concepts of labour market economics essay

Basic concepts of labour market The total labour force in the economy is the number of people employed plus the number of unemployed. 6 The unemployment rate is the ratio of the number of people unemployed to the total number of people in the labour force.

Case: coal and variance

Main Issue and Problems Based on this case, the main issue is regarding to the company performance that not shows the positive performance of the company in the financial results. The main problem in related to this case is about the falling in revenues, the performance of coal-plant, the price of coal and the quality β†’

Oedipus the king summary part 1/2

The first half of the play, " Oedipus the King" is mainly about the King of Thebes and his quest to save his land from a plague that has caused serious damage. Oedipus returns and confidently says to stop praying to the gods, and that he will take care of the issue on his own.

Artificial intelligence vs. pinocchio essay sample

After David is abandoned by Monica he sets out to find the Blue Fairy thinking that she will be able to turn him into a real boy. David tries so hard to find the Blue Fairy and, but all he finds is a lifeless statue.

Barnes and noble product positioning

Barnes and Nobles features advertisement that focuses on how the Nook is friendly for young readers in hopes of enticing them to read more and to use the Nook to do so. To build the digital business, Barnes and Noble has installed what it calls Nook boutiques in 40 stores, with the hopes of expanding β†’

Thao tran

Therefore, one of blood disorders is the most common symptomatic hemoglobinopathy with the greatest prevalence in worldwide which is called sickle cell disease. It means there are 1-2% of all babies having this disease in the total of 25% of people with sickle cell disease.

Blazing saddles and the sellout: themes of racism

how has paul beatty in the sellout and mel brooks in blazing saddles used similar techniques to explore the theme of racism? The juxtaposition of these characterisations serves to deliver jokes wherein black people are not the punchline and effectively conveys the absurdity of racism by ridiculing white people in a hyperbolic manner.

Electronic notice board using gsm

In order to overcome this disadvantage, multiple displays along with a decoder are used to select a particular display and the corresponding information is sent through an ARM controller by using GSM technology. The main aim of this project is to design an SMS driven automatic display which reduces the manual operation The information can β†’

Method of limits essay

Among the 250 Hz row, the ascending mean was 55 and the descending mean is 42. In the 500 Hz row, the mean of A was 47.

Modern art : pablo picasso

The composition of the painting as an object consisting of several perspectives of the same object creates the peculiar angular form that is present in both " Girl with Mandolin" and " Les Demoiselles d'Avignon". At the same time, the later " Girl with Mandolin" is in a sense even ' more Cubist' as it β†’

How to manage a basketball team

This is so you can go into the locker room and gather up the following things: six basketballs and ball bag, the camera, the med-kit, two uniform totes, the dry erase board and markers, the water bottles and towels, the food and drinks for the bus ride home, and a extra uniform. On the way β†’

Downfall of adolf hitler history essay

One of the problems of this film, in terms of psychoanalyzing Hitler the man, is that the film narrowly focuses on the end of his days, not including the whole of the circumstances that led him to this place in time. Instead this film presents Hitler in a manner as to suggest that he was β†’

Developing a successful corporate strategy: examining volkswagen

A business strategy can be developed and implemented at three levels of an organization structure; the corporate level, the business level and the departmental level. The development and implementation of a business strategy or model involves the use of organizational design which is the process of deciding how a company must form, utilize and combine β†’

Anxiety & fear essay

Fear is a reaction that is proportionate to real danger; anxiety is a disproportionate reaction to danger or even a reaction to imaginary danger. Although fear is learned, the capacity to fear is a part of human nature.

Personal and organizational ethics

Running Head: PERSONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICSPersonal and Organizational Ethics[Writer Name][Institute Name][Course name and number][Name of paper][Instructor? s name][Date submitted]Personal and Organizational Ethics With many companies who work hard to make sure they are ethical, one way they do it is to make sure they have multiple advocates to make sure that the ethical points they β†’

Reasons for cost overruns and delays construction essay

In 1994, when the majority of the project's designs were completed, the cost of project rose to $7. During these scenarios, the tunnel was closed for repairs which led to delays in other works and cost escalation.

The portrayal of victorian society and its values

This disregard of Eliza and treatment iconifies the upper class disregard of the impoverished, even to the point of complete objectification of the class, that was so prevalent in Victorian Era society. He persuades the audience to do this by encouraging sympathy for Eliza and attacking both Higgins' and Pearce's treatment of her.

3m company

The entire team did not face any risk if the product failed.* The product developers used to visit the factories and workplaces to talk to the workers to get ideas for products.* The developers were not given the share of product royalties as the company believed that innovation was driven by sheer love of it. β†’


This detailed who could have access to what part of the system and the data. Due to the size of the system needed for the data-sharing, the present technology was insufficient and additional safeguards had to be put into place.

The custody of the pumpkin essay

At the very beginning of the story the reader is introduced to Angus McAllister, head gardener to the ninth earl of Emsworth. What is the importance of the title in the custody of the pumpkin?

Grey gardens documentary essay

The two adult females lived on poorness and isolation in one of the suites of the 28-room sign of the zodiac at one of the vicinity of East Hampton. The sound of the sea though non seen on the movie represented that the sign of the zodiac was someplace near a sea.

Organic vs conventional farming essay

Organic Farming versus Conventional Farming With the increase in concern about the dangers of the foods we consume, the demand for organic food has increased at an alarming rate. To grow their crops, conventional farmers use every acre of their farm land; but, for the health of the soil, organic farmers rotate their crops.

First 48 vs. cold case files

First 48 focuses on the perpetrator of the crime, witnesses, the discovery of the bodies as it happens, and with real footage. They have interviews with the new detectives on the case that have solved the cases.

Are artists heroes? artists that defy convention

Whistler in turn responded that the art favored by critics is too detailed, almost to the point of the canvas being stuffed with extras. It is this aversion to change that allows the ridicule and persecution of the different.

Half the human

Discussing the use of the Actor Network Theory, Cyborg concept, and by reconnecting culture to the building/understanding of these two categories, this paper will conclude supporting the claim by recognising ' dynamic hybrid' space, and building upon the ' Trinity of Actants' concept. This new space of research and method has been named ' hybrid β†’

Software engineering

Software and Software Engineering Overview Software Is designed and built by software engineers. Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software.

“henry higgins bullies eliza doolittle.” to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement

Irritated by her whines and wails, Higgins loses his temper and says " Woman: cease this detestable boohooing instantly." The use of the word ' woman' suggests that Higgins is impersonal and does not even bother to ask what her name is. Another way in which we can prove Higgins does not bully Eliza is β†’

Bric countries

According to a thesis published by Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, the economy of these four countries is slowly improving and is likely to surpass the existing developed countries in the world by 2050. Among the BRIC countries, China and India have shown the most significant improvement in terms of their economy.

Principles of classical conditioning & operant conditioning

Backward conditioning is studied in the third experiment where conditioned stimulus is preceded by the unconditional stimulus. The basis of classical conditioning is law of effect by Thorndike.

Maintaing ethical standards

I have also made clear that I will maintain the highest of standards of professional competence and always continue to improve my skills to better help her. We also discussed the ether dying and the step mother raising her, the issue of abuse did come in the form of Cinderella forced to clean the house, β†’

Personal philosophy

Religiously, the order of the universe is the sign of ultimate wisdom and goodness of God. This is according to Kathleen Higgins, a professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas.

Zach samach

This can be exemplified by the discrepancies in messages of a student writing to a professor compared to that of someone writing to a friend. In quintessence, writing is to the highest degree, a necessitation of modern society.

Life as we know it concept paper

When Messer and Holly were told they would become the parents of Sophie, Messer was looking for a way out. In the movie Messer and Holly argue about how they are responsible for Sophie, this is when Messer finally freaks out and says, " She's not my kid".

The importance of family harmony

My mother and I had the love and support of my grandparents and four uncles. I would have to say that the impact of family, school, and peers has shaped my values and all that I am.

On to the adoption of the doctrine of

On the contrary in the United States, due to the adoption of the doctrine of separation of powers legislative powers have to be exercised by the Congress and it cannot be delegated to any other organ of the government. With a view to removing doubts as to the validity of delegation, the President of India β†’


My 15 April 2007 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Global Economy The world is becoming a global economy because businesses are able to reach customers throughout the world. The advantages of a global economy include that a large number of countries are able to participate in this new economy, instead of being dominated by the β†’

Information system briefing

The content of this paper will allow you to identify the process for selecting and acquiring an information system, Explain how the organization's goals drive the selection of the information system, and identify the roles that each of the organizations' stakeholders play in the selection and acquisition process. How the Organization Goals Drive the SelectionOf β†’

Profitability & break-even point

At the moment we are in the bidding phase, which means that we are in negotiations with the customer, we have a bid team travelling in and out of London to talk to the customer, to have meetings with our subsidiary in London and to work on the bid document, which will be a synergy β†’

Gender stereotypes in advertising

This advertisement for Gardenburgers found in the August 1997 edition of the American magazine Vegetarian Times is reminiscent of the advertising of the 1950s. The play on gender stereotypes, the reversal of gender roles is seen in the image used, the headline and the content of the copy.

Influential psychologists on behavior

Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis; focusing on the unconscious aspects of the human mind and behavior. Freud once said, " The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind".

Aatheism: the case against god by george smith

The subtitle The Case Against God has a twofold meaning: first, it refers to the philosophical case against the concept god; and, secondly, it refers to the psychological case against the belief in a god. It is my purpose, however, to demonstrate that the belief in god is irrational to the point of absurdity; and β†’

Ethical hacking narrative

In order to discuss the ethical, legal, and social implications of this issue, one has to understand the definition of Ethical Hacking. The Word Spy states that " Ethical hacking is a computer hacker who attempts to infiltrate a secure computer system in an effort to learn the system's weaknesses so that they can be β†’

Life span perspective

There have been a number of developmental theories that seek to explain the questions that we have related to human development. One of the most leading theories of human development is the psychoanalytic theory.

Corrupt colonialism in “the man who would be king”

Although many approved of the expansion of the empire and the colonizing of many natives in the Eastern parts of the world, people did not always agree with the methods and motivations behind the actions of explorers and colonizers. This story is a clear criticism from Kipling on the ills of the British colonialism occurring β†’

Discuss anthropology and its subfields sociology essay

Cultural anthropology is about the living societies and cultures, cultural anthropologists visit or join any group of people to know their society and culture and then they will compare the differences and the similarities of the culture of each group of people. One of the main uniqueness of anthropology and other fields of study is β†’

Machiavelli was right!

Many novels have examined the use of fear, but William Golding's Lord of the Flies studies it with the most clarity. A rule based entirely on fear is doomed to collapse, as history shows in the forms of Stalin, Hitler, and Mubarak.

Structural functionalism assignment

As defined, stability is the strength to stand or endure and or the quality or degree of being stable, in a state of equilibrium. This proves that there is an adherence of the members to be in constant contact and interaction with each other for a positive working relationship.

The art of negotiation – reflection paper

Reflection Paper The Art of Negotiation Herzing BU 336-7A Denise Greaves By: May Lor January 18, The Art of Negotiation The art of negotiation is a practice that is evident in daily life experiences. According to Thompson, the art of negotiation is subject to the influence of diverse and dynamic factors.

How i learned to drive analysis essay

It allowed the actors to interact and allowed the audience to get drawn into the action of the play. The road signs on the floor were well done and added to the emotions of the play.

Capstone checkpoint week 9 crt/205

I know that when I sit down to read something now that I cannot have a closed mind, I have to look at it from every angle that I can. If I have to use fallacies when writing I will be able to do so and I will be able to use the correct one.

Customer satisfaction on plugin hybrid system

Part of the problem hybrid cars has had in gaining popularity can be found in the fact that this is too broad of a definition. Customer satisfaction helps to direct the direction in which these vehicles are developed and constructed in a reciprocal web of giving and take.

An analysis on characterization in sense and sensibility

Introduction In the novel Sense and Sensibility, the biggest bright points is around the two heroines the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. This passage catches the two characteristics by comparing and contrasting them to put forward to the correct attitude of sense and sensibility to deal with marriage and other things.2.

The economy

This is a development that has been achieved by the overall improvement in the economies in the world. This is due to the increase in the investments of people who are living across the world.

The judiciary interpret parliaments intention law constitutional administrative essay

In United Kingdom Control of the three main institutions, the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary are mainly on the hand of the Regina. Named the head of the Judiciary as the Lord Chief Justice and appointed the Lord Chancellor as the head of the Chancery Division of the High Court.

The theory of physicalism

Proponents of the knowledge argument say that complete knowledge of the physical world does not explain the subjective experiences of perception and interpretation of outside stimuli. Much of the information human beings have about the world is not in the form of physical information and cannot be explained by physical laws.

Racism and prejudice assignment

They conveyed their message through strong acts of violence, to instil fear in the hearts of all negroes, and the majority of the state's population were forced into racism, in fear of being targeted by the KKK. The audience can feel Parker's sympathy for all the dead negroes who fell victim to the racism and β†’

Ethics and entertainment video game censorship assignment

Building ethics is a learning process; the things one learns, as one grows, will govern and guide the rest of one's life. Parents have claimed that the violence portrayed in Grand Theft Auto has a strong influence amongst children and teens; children and teens have followed suite of what they see.

Evolution of cognitive psychology assignment

Evolution of Cognitive Psychology Cognitive psychology is defined as " the scientific study of mental processes". Throughout this analysis the author explains the interdisciplinary perspective in relation to cognitive psychology, the emergence of cognitive psychology as a discipline, and the impact of the decline of behaviorism on the discipline of cognitive psychology.

Paper #6

The end of the Cold War, the changing nature of conflicts since the early 1990s had increased the level of debate over the direction of United States foreign policy. As a consequence of 9 /11 the foreign policy of the United States changed markedly, with the invasion of Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime and β†’

History of the nfl dallas cowboys

The Stadium is also the first to be located outside Dallas County and is the largest domed stadium in the world. Dallas city become the first city to host the super bowl which was held at the Cowboys stadium in 2011.

Description and influence of stakeholders

The influence that they hold to the business is that if it was not for the patients there would be no NHS, and also if there were no patients or people getting ill or sick they would not have discovered any of the diseases that are around today, which means there would not be as β†’

Speech notes

There are a few types of informational speeches: Speeches about objects Speeches about events Speeches about processes Speeches about concepts When a public speaker talks about things that can inspire your senses, like touch, smell or feel, it is a speech about objects and involves talking about things in the sensory and physical world. A β†’


Supporting Detail: Moreover modern technology is one of the many causes of noise pollution in our environment. Supporting Detail: Evidence: In addition modern technology is used as a tool by malicious persons to carry out scams throughout the world.

How democratic was andrew jackson? assignment

Jackson felt strongly that the common man was the power behind the government, which is why he extended the vote to the common man. Although Jackson was democratic by extending the vote to more of the population, he did not listen to the will of the people, selfishly bused his presidential powers, and mistreated the β†’

Marketing homework flashcard

The cash gifts, typically in the form of checks made directly payable to the children, were given to Buder with the understanding that he would safeguard the money and invest it on behalf of the children. The stocks were purchased in Buders name as custodian for the children, as required by the Uniform Gifts to β†’

Wanted: creative solutions to shape a workable future

The first step in shaping the future is to gain a deep understanding of the experiences and practices of its pioneers. The human lab rat, Lyft driver and other individuals personify seven archetypes of the on-demand economy, as outlined in a new report out from Institute for the Future.

The integumentary system

The Integumentary System The larges organ of the human body, the skin, contains two main layers such as the epidermis and the dermis. As the new cells are created, the older cells are pushed to the surface of the skin and die.

Transpiration lab report

Then, put the leaf with its stem in the opening of the tube with the end with the plastic tubing clamp. As the light, temperature, and wind increased, the rate of transpiration increased as well.

A rose for emily essay example

When her father died she did not believe it, she was in complete shock. Since Emily did not truly believe about the death, she did not think of disposing the body".

Biologically important molecules essay

The basis for this test is that starch is a coiled polymer of glucose; iodine interacts with these coiled molecules and becomes bluish black. The violet color is a positive test for the presence of protein; the intensity of color relates to the number of peptide bonds that react.

Describe a professional situation that you would define as an ethical dilemma define the ethicl conflict how you resolved it and what you learned from it

On one side was the temptation to encourage this sales executive to continue with the same sales strategy, and encourage the other members of the sales team to follow his example, and thereby boost the sales of the team, and my performance. This could lead to a drop in sales, and my performance in the β†’

The danger of ritual and tradition in “the hunger games” and “the lottery”

Both systems utilize a combination of mood and dialogue, references to the chaos prior to the order, and the characterization of authority figures to portray the outcomes of communities thoughtlessly submitting to the practices of tradition. In " The Hunger Games," the mayor also reads " the same story every year" at the reaping, and β†’

Life application of psychology: how psychology helped me

The reality of that is, my experience dealing with certain things are unique to me and how my brain processes information and obstacle that are thrown at me. As it relates to self-awareness, I have become more aware of how I respond to the things that affect my mental state.

Events in 1968 america

One of the biggest attacks of the Tet Offensive was the Battle of Hue. While standing on a balcony of the Lorraine Motel the next evening, King was shot in the neck and killed.

Plagiarism essay

In order to understand the reasons plagiarism is committed it is important first to ensure that it is properly defined. Carelessness when noting the bibliographic information of sources leads students to plagiarism as a result of not being able to properly cite the information later.

The academic giants: british vs american

Most of the people studying under the Cambridge system that I have asked seem to like the American system better, saying that in it, there is not as much emphasis on exams as in the latter. In most schools, the practice is to take exams based on the knowledge you gain and past knowledge in β†’

This blessed house analysis jhumpa lahiri

The root of the conflict between Jhumpa Lahiri's characters Sanjeev and Twinkle in " This Blessed House" is the clashing of their two very different personalities in a situation that forces them together. Twinkle's ability to find interest in non-useful items and Sanjeev's inability to understand that is the root of the conflict between the β†’

A dream within a dream commentary

Indeed, in the concluding lines of the stanza, the speaker inquires, " Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?" The speaker realizes that everything he perceives could be one, big illusion. In the second stanza of the poem, the speaker wholeheartedly wants to prove to himself that there is β†’

Opportunity to show how his or her employment/volunteer or extra-curricular activities were demanding, important, and led to ski

Role Played by volunteering and extra-curricular activities Introduction My engagement in volunteering programs and extra-curriculum activities were pertinent in my skill development, especially in the gaining confidence in dealing with people. During my stay in Sri Lanka, I managed to implement two annual outreach events to aid the needy and the poor in the society.

Testing for macromolecules

Image viewed under microscope Under magnification 10x10 B) Test for lipids In the test tube containing margarine, when alcohol is added, the margarine does not dissolve in the alcohol and was suspended on the top of the solution. C) Test for nucleic acids Under the microscope, the slide without aceto-orcein stain added to the epidermis β†’

Module 1 case study

I do believe that China is gaining and the Yuan is a powerful currency in it's own right but the bottom line is the American dollar has the stability and confidence that people in all nations can agree is there. 2) Is the exchange rate of the Mexican Peso determined in a fixed or in β†’

Themes of a tale of two cities

Charles Dickens gives the subtitles " Recalled to Life" and " The Golden Thread" to the first two books in A Tale of Two Cities. In this way, she is his " golden thread" that keeps him grounded and on the path he wants to be on.

Role of swot analysis in personal development

To be successful in today's competitive world, it's essential for one to be able to identify his or her strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats that are presented to him/her. Carrying out SWOT analysis highlights the pros and cons a person possesses but the result will depend on how an individual β†’

Recruiting source choices internal vs. external

The recruitment source selection is a course step, which is mostly about the combination of the cost and the speed of the selection of the new worker. Internal recruitment is the best tool for the job vacancies, this is because the experience is available within the organization furthermore; it enables the use of human capital β†’

Fear and anxiety

Fear is known to be a cognitive and an emotional response to a situation in which someone feels threatened, related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance. My fear of driving can also be related to anxiety because when I do drive I tend to feel nervous and worried.

Marketing mix of audi assignment

Place in the marketing mix of Audio Presently, Audio has 28 dealerships across 11 states in India, and in 2010 Audio India reported an Increase In sales, compared to the previous year, of 81%. Audio has witnessed a stellar performance during the last year and the first quarter of 2014 in India.

Macroeconomics problem set assignment

The more rapid the sustained growth rate of the money supply, the higher the expected rate of inflation. Thus, modern analysis indicates that the long-run implications of the earlier quantity theory of money are correct: Money growth and inflation are closely linked." The money supply in an economy is the benchmark by which interest rates β†’

Religion of the rastafarians

The advent of Rastafari is the climax of God's revelation and they teach that Jesus predicted the coming of Haile Selassie or the Ras Tafari. The first concept is the teaching of Babylon and the establishment of the white oppressors.

Persuasive speach – buy vs. rent

Tax advantages Now that we are coming to a close on the semester some of you are going to be faced with the decision upongraduationas to whether you should buy or rent.I. Today I have shown you that buying a home is better then renting.

Should xenotransplantation be allowed?

Besides that, enough animals could be reared to supply sufficient organs and tissue to surmount the current shortage of human organs and tissue for transplantation. Successful xenotransplantation of genetically modified organs and tissue would eradicate the need for the careful matching of the organ or tissue with the recipient, necessary in transplants between human beings β†’

De facto standards in the ebook space: adobe or microsoft? assignment

Despite Microsoft having secured several exclusive deals such as the sole rights from Random House to publish Michael Crimson's newest novel, Timeline in Microsoft Reader format, and another deal to solely own the publish rights a series of 15 popular Star Wars books for a limited period of time, Adobe still stands strong as the β†’