4 Pages Essay Samples

Good argumentative essay on all citizens should be required by law to vote

On the other hand, this writing claimed that a law must require all citizens to vote so as to be more responsible for the society's future political progress and development. Law Should Require Citizens to Vote Voting must be an obligatory duty of registered citizens. If all citizens will be required by law to →

The past, present, and future of vr technology essay sample

VR technology has changed the way we view technology today, it can save a life and maybe one day it will allow users to experience the touch and feel of the virtual world. In the past, VR was just a flight simulator created by Edward Link. VR technology has changed the way we view technology →

The future of the arab world essay sample

These countries form the Arab league and do stretch from the Arabian Sea that is to the east all the way to the Atlantic Ocean that is to the west. The Arab League Movement was started in the year 1945 as a representation of the interest of the Arabs that was aimed at pursuing the →

Anthem for doomed youth etc

This poem discourages the families from sending their boys to war. It is aimed at the parents, and through the poem, the parents can realize the pain of losing a son. This is a good simile, because Owen compares the surrounding gas to a sea, in which he is safe, but the unprotected →

Stereotyping, through the eyes of teenage girls

Our society is the main culprit of the creation of stereotypes, but these stereotypes often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution when the stereotype is unfavorable. Before we could do that though, we had to get the background information on some certain topics like how boys and girls differ in the issue of stereotypes, the →

Example of elo reflection essay

The possibility for collision is less compared to other motor sports as the driver need to race through the same track. The most appealing among the motor sport After the Friday Night Fun Night event, I consider drag racing to be slightly more appealing to me than other motor racing like circuit racing, cross →

General topic: rebellion in adolescence

It would be best if teens be given chance to take part in making the rules and agree to the consequences that go with it. When teen agers are treated this way, Sure enough, no reason for them to rebel.[ 1 ] Transition: Sometimes, people are too strick with teenagers, and when they behave well, →

Example of middle adulthood issues and their conflicts with other adult issues essay

Middle adulthood entails different issues compared to young adulthood stage and the late adulthood stage of life. Physically, middle adulthood encompasses a broad range of external and internal changes that include thinning of hair, onset of gray hair growth and the acquisition of more wrinkles on the face. Unlike middle life adults, adults in their →

Teenage class struggle: the ruling class essay sample

However, given the context of class struggle and the non-physical brutality that comes along with it, the book is more advisable for girls from middle to late teens. The Ruling Class tells the story of Twyla Gay Stark, the new girl in school who did not fit in because she is poor, unfashionable, and →

I choose you

It's a pare not's obligation to do so for the first few years of their children's lives. They demand them to take up something that may not be in their field of interest even if the child could only learn in a trial-and error basis.

Walking and word swag

Swag is utilized as a noun to describe a person's mannerisms as " cool" when compared to the ordinary layperson. In the contemporary society, a key judgment of one's character is whether their actions contain swag or not. Conclusively, the different aspects of walking, talking, and style can be gauged as a →

Are the teen years the best years of our lives

One's time as a teen is more precious and memorable than that of an adult and it is important that these years are cherished. An adult is able to obtain more out of life, but this advantage comes with a disadvantage as well.

Public health concerns

There are many things that we could do as a community to help combat this problem one of the most obvious to me would be to educate the community as much as possible and I think one of the easiest ways to do that is to produce a television and radio commercial that talks about →

Radio documentary

Troubleshooting refer to take the approach of trying to see of any problems before bring my project to paper, think this is why it takes me longer settle on my assignment, and I know this is something I need to address. I do worry a bit that the voices of the two people →

Example of essay on pick a film

Truman starts to think a lot about his life, remembers many inconsistencies and comes to conclusion that the world is revolves only around him. Flipping through the album Truman understand that there is too many inconsistencies in his life at his wedding photo he noticed Meryl's crossed finger, as a sign of the lie. Unstoppable →

Waste dumpsite and proximity to residential apartments

This provides the principal yardstick for measuring the worth of properties and other similar commodities. Environmental characteristics which are manifested in the form of pull and push effect of the neighborhood, have the push effects characterized by proliferation of squatter settlements, air andwater pollution, squalid condition of environmental sanitation, and breakdown of waste →

The petersons home ict devices

Here is a conclusion as to why the devices are unsuitable, and how the situation could be improved. The family is equipt with a Pentium II computer with a 32mb of ram, a 2Gb hard drive and a 2mb graphics card. A faster, and more update computer, such as a Pentium 4 Processor would be →

Atlanta home loan – case study

In order to prevent this from happening again, it is important to identify the main issues that caused the company to fall, generate alternatives to apply in the future, and evaluate these alternatives to see which controls would be most valuable to your future business.

City living and country living – which is healthier?

Deaths from traffic accidents are more common in rural areas because the average emergency response to an accident is 18 minutes compared with 10 minutes in urban areas. There are some surprising benefits to city life, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation's report on Canadians' health, refutes the notion that people are better off →

Good example of essay on home culture vs. oneself

These elements will be discussed in examining Anzaldua's work and establish a link to personal experiences about home culture perception and definition of self-identity. Home Culture in Relation to Self-Identity Evidently, personal migration as described in Anzaldua's work is a symbol of cultural adaptation and an epitome of independency. →

Micro economic home work

What types of " rules" should a government establish to encourage growth Rules of the game affect the belief of the investors and the people who are engaging or willing to engage the productivity activities. When the economy experiences the expansionary gap in the long run, it produces more than the potential output, the price →

Good example of world literature essay

Komura and Neddy are the two main characters that are stylistically used to communicate how tragedies expose both the vulnerability and the consequent rediscovery of different individuals. Haruki Murakami's " U.F.O.in Kushiro" is a story inspired by the1995 earthquakes in Kobe, Japan and was originally published on the 19th of →

Free research paper on role of women in honduras

Laws are being put in place to protect women within their own homes but little else is being done, suggesting a woman's place, in Honduras, is inside her home. According to Boris Branisa, author of " Gender Inequality in Social Institutions and Gendered Development Outcomes", the rates of men and women receiving secondary education differ →

The smart cities: a story of urban transformation

Some of the roadblocks in the path of urban transformation are as under: a) Urban Sprawl Rigid master plans, stringent development controls and building bylaws in terms of zoning regulations, floor space index , ground coverage, setbacks and high restrictions hinder the cities to grow in a compact form. Thus, the huge capacity gaps →

Good example of essay on pulmonary rehabilitation

Oxygen therapy in complex COPD patients should be given priority treatment. The paper discusses about the importance of Home oxygen therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and nurse roles in patient care and education. Importance of Oxygen therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder Oxygen therapy and long-term oxygen therapy →

Lofts at las colinas apartments

The cost of renting apartments across this area will vary depending on various factors, some of which include the location of the apartment, how pet friendly it is, and the amenities available (e.g.swimmingpool, fitness center, high speed internet, etc).. The ten apartments that I will evaluate are: →

“door lock” academic project

Maximum time of every human being is spent at home and it the place to which human is attached the most. Science has somehow achieved its aim of comforting human beings by all means, through the concept of home automation i.e.providing comfort and calmness at home. Advent of artificial intelligence has induced the →

Research paper on value proposition for keller medical associates

This valuation constitutes the marketing hook of the program, a description of the primary research, a validation of results; prove of the patients' access to the service, and a description of the competitive edge. A hook refers to a short phrase used in marketing a product or a service, which serves the purpose of enticing →

Essay on analyzing ???from a vindication of the rights of woman??? by wollstonecraft (chapters

She therefore asserts that it is only education that can act as the key for women to achieve the sense of respect and image that can help them prosper to their full live capabilities. In the argument that Wollstonecraft put forth, she gives more weight to education than any other notion, power, reasons and virtue. →

No pity by joseph shapiro essay

The implication of the title is that disabled rights as a movement is one that is far from pity. This begs one to question the role of charitable organization, the formulation of medicine that is rehabilitative as well as living that is independent as a movement.

The year of 1968 essay examples

Some of the major events that took place in 1968 include the following; the assassination of Dr. Some also led to death threats, injuries and deaths of the people. On April 4 1968, the Civil Rights Movement nearly came to an end with the assassination of Rev.Dr.

Example of civil rights and madison democracy essay

Madison defined factions as a group of people, " united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community". Indeed, Madison thought that oppression of the minority by a majority faction was inevitable because human by their →

Famous thinkers essays examples

In fighting for the rights of the Black American, Martin Luther King advocated and used peaceful demonstrations , which were effective and showed the world that demonstrations need not be violent. Personal, Social, and Political Environment Martin Luther King was brought up in the south were racial segregation →

Example of research paper on affirmative action

The government and educational organizations make certain that their programs are valuable to the minority groups and they ensure complete participation from these groups. The policies created for affirmative action are based upon the results of the previous discrimination, and deal with the present discrimination. The Politics of Stereotype: Psychology and Affirmative Action.

Discussion on the civil rights movement

Describe the process by which the separation between white and black Americans developed and was institutionalized throughout the South in the late 19th century. Following the thirteenth amendment which abolished slavery in the United States, discrimination on the basis of race became a common occurrence by means of the establishment of the →

The declaration of independence declares, all men are created equal essay sample

In this respect, there are elements of the Farmers' intentions as a way of reconciling the separation principle with the need for new government while exercising drastic self-control. This leads to a situation of declaring their reasons forcing the audience to ask for separate as well as equal relationships.

Good example of argumentative essay on malcolm x

Meanwhile, many question whether a person, who was one calling white people " devils" and was a black nationalist promoting the supremacy of black people to white people deserves to be on the American stamp, as, after all, he changed his rhetoric only during the last years of his life and activity. And although the →

Good you can pick any of the topics on document attached essay example

That kind of friendship can easily die and might not have been there in the first place. The fact that friendship can be based on the usefullness or pleasure offered is not a reality because both the individuals in the friendship are consenting individuals. The criteria he relies on for equality is relevant to friendship →

Free essay about order #221944800

It is the duty of the Constitution of the United States to guarantee the freedoms by which I can live my life as I want. I hold that equality is the keystone to what freedom actually means to all of us.

Good example of anthem essay

The obsession of being equal has led to the suppression of many talents and denied many the opportunity to be innovative due to fear " Many men in the Homes of the Scholars have had strange new ideas in the past...but when the majority of their brother Scholars voted against →

Civil rights and equality

Between the 1950's and 1970's many people took part in actions to end the segregation, discrimination, and isolation among the African Americans. In conclusion, the African Americans had to endure a lot of pain and humiliation before they could have their own rights.

Free research paper on rights for terrorists

Items on a questionnaire instrument ought to be constructed in such a way that the dependant; independent and intervening variable where applicable could be accurately measured (Monette, Sullivan & DeJong, 2005). Variables identified to be represented accurately in this instrument are terrorists; terrorists' rights, American and civil rights. They offer a better understanding of both →

Race relations annotated bibliography

The Journal of American History 4 : 1233-1263. In the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, Hall examines the ways in which the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s has been used to further political and ideological causes. American Journal of Sociology 6 : 1661-1693. Robnett analyses the →

Jim crow laws essay

The trains were partitioned, and the conductors of the passenger train were required to assign each passenger designated partition, in accordance with their race. The business operators with restaurants were imposed by a law, which restricted operation of a restaurant where the whites and black Americans were served in the same room. The Jim Crow →

Name research paper

NAACP occupies an important place in the American history, because it made the country aware of the need for racial equality and played a vital role in the civil rights movement. The NAACP was formed at the wake of the race riots that took place in the year 1908, in Springfield, →

Civil rights essay sample

Although the government at the national level in the United States is federal, the states are unitary governments. That is, the rule and decisions are made with reference to the opinion of the majority.

Good essay on how and why legal personality change

The concept of legal personality is rapidly changing; thus, it has led to an increase in detailed discussion on the issue of legal personality. Concept of Legal Personality Legal personality refers to qualities from which an individual or an organization derives their status and legal capacity in their legal system. The main difference between →

Karl marx: labor, capitalism research paper examples

The laborer is only functioning out of free will in the most basic animal instincts, when eating, drinking or when inside of his dwelling. According to Marx, " Communism is the positive supersession of private property as human self-estrangement, and hence the true appropriation of the human essence through and for man; it →

Cynthia bahorich

By the end of 1972, the Vietnamese withdrew from Cambodia and turned the major responsibilities for the war over to the CPK. People were forced to repress their personalities entirely; their only duty was to blindly obey the authority of Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge.

Population control in china

This giant movement encouraged the peoples of China " to have as many kids as possible in order to prove China's greatness as the world's most populous country" (" China Passes the One-Child Policy" 1). The one-child policy has been in place for over 50 years and if it continues to prosper then life in →

Free essay on marxist theory with emergence of criminal law

Although the ruling class heads most of the state institutions and partake in formulation of criminal laws, Structural Marxist theory articulate that such institutions should function effectively so that to sustain viability of capitalism in the society. This implies that the state institutions work in favour of the society and not the ruling class. Traditional →

Factors that lead to war

Resource is the materials of which a country is able to produce with the availability of certain goods, while ideology is the system of ideas and beliefs of which humans possess and is able to conclude certain actions by their own will The most basic motivation of war is the willingness of oneself to start →

How we survived communism and even laughed

This essay will be discussing and exploring the hardships men and women had to face under their communist countries, specifically the lack of goods/products, the challenges/burdens women faced, and the authors reasoning on why she believed communism failed. The book discusses the author's personal experiences she has endured in a communist country, but primarily focuses →

Land acquisition and deadly clashes in india essay sample

The police had played a dubious role in the entire act and the state government was put to question by the media and the entire nation. The land of Nandigram, an isolated strip in the interiors, was the place of controversies after the Communist state government had declared to strip the lands off the innumerable →

Free essay about communism, fascism, and liberalism

The following discussion will examine the characteristics of the Communist and Fascist systems, as well as what each of these groups would declare as problematic with the Liberalism. Communism The foundational belief of the communist philosophy envisions the absolute disintegration of the class system, where each citizen owned nothing for themselves because the government →

Us history essay examples

The four freedoms that he believed people throughout the world were entitled to were the freedom of speech and expression, religious freedom, the freedom to not fear and the freedom from want. He also says that the committee is the best that is there to fight against the insidious nature of communism and also offers →

Good example of history essay

Ending at the beginning of the year 1943, the trial of these suspects was the primary factor that elicited the Zoot Suit Riots. The Mexican Embassy wedged remonstration against the conduct of American servicemen during the riots and this saw the creation of a committee to ascertain the causes of the riots.

Historical essay term papers examples

It is through the actions of charismatic, intellectually talented, devoted, and unfathomable leaders, such as Lech Walesa, who had the interests of the society that the society changed to the better state that humanity currently enjoys. For example, at the age of around ten, he was in conflict with the priest, and he strongly and →

Gerald franklin

The propaganda term " bandwagon" is the persuading of the audience to follow the crowd. A third form of propaganda used mostly by Boxer, is related and linked to the propaganda term " bandwagon" is testimonial statements.

Research paper on was the vietnam war doomed to fail

At the end of 1955, a cold war era was brewing due to the differences between the North and South Vietnam. Kennedy's government was however committed to the Vietnam War policy from the administrations of Truman and Eisenhower.

The two old ecocnomic system: socialism and capitalism

Socialism refers to an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy.[1] " Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[2] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.[3] →

Free term paper on deficits and surpluses in the us federal budget

The country has been in the red for quite a while over the years. Deficits and Surpluses in the US Federal Budget The US treasury was established in 1789. Further analysis shows that in the period 1789 to the beginning of the Great Depression period in 1929, the budget was in the red or →

Capital budget recommendation

Net Present Value allows decision makers to analyze the present value of a capital investment and determine if the investment will compensate the cash outflow used for capital investment by an excess of the desired rate of return. Taking the cash outflow and inflow from each alternative and the desired rate →

On think they would save a lot

Republicanswant to repeal the Affordable Care Act over healthcare by taking a big risk in effort to cut taxes or because it would be a bigtax cut for the rich. Republican goal to revoke the AffordableCare Act it is because they think they would save a lot of money in the nextfew years and to →

Who killed president john f. kennedy

Despite all of the controversy surrounding the death of the President, the clearest and most rational answer for who shot and killed the President is Lee Harvey Oswald. On the afternoon of November 22, 1963 fear struck the Nation when President Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in his motorcade through Dealey Plaza in →

Theodore roosevelt as a model president

And he wanted to be the one to do that. He was there for the workers and wanted to help them.

Engineering a new constitution for oz essay

However, with a democratically appointed president, many of these tensions can be alleviated, as the will of the people will be served through a leader that is agreed upon by the majority of the people of the land of Oz. Glinda would act as an interim president for a term of two years; this would →

Abolishing slavery: abraham lincoln

Fast-forward about a decade when Lincoln was in the presidential seat and Lincoln was facing similar issues in his struggle to unify the wilting United States. As president Lincoln's main goal was to unify the two sides of the United States: the Union and the Confederacy. Perhaps the only reason Lincoln supported →

The resignation speech of president richard m. nixon

Nonetheless, he realized the magnitude and uniqueness of the document, although at the time he probably did not realize the candid insight into his atti-tude andpersonalitythat it would provide. Facing impeachment as well as the possibility of criminal charges, it is likely Nix-on strongly felt the legal implications of any admissions he →

President obamas presidency essay sample

The arguments against Obamacare are the effects on Medicaid, whether it is constitutional or not, and costs of running it. It was started in the 1980's and today it is one of the largest sources of healthcare funding in the United States.

Trump vs. clinton — hot topics that will affect the average american

For the average American, following the ideas and proposals of presidential candidates is not always easy.likes to jump on the stories that garner the most attention, and focus laser-like on the hot-button issues. Think: Donald Trump's comments about banning Muslim immigrants, and the heat Hillary Clinton has taken for her use of a private →

Development of the american experience, thomas jefferson

Clearly, Jefferson uses this line of argument to convince the people of the morality of self-governance and of declaring independence vis-a-vis the state of being enslaved and virtually dependent on the British for political, social, and economic sustenance. By acknowledging the doubts and difficulties that surround the decision to break the ties →

The political situation in chile in the 20th century

The economic and political models of the Popular Unity and Pinochet periods were very distinct as Allende wanted to create a socialist society while Pinochet wanted to eliminate " the chains of totalitarian Marxism"; the policies made under the Pinochet regime would not have been possible without continued state intervention, something that was looked down →

Evaluate president kennedy’s handling of the cuban missile crisis

For America the main goal was to persuade Khrushchev to take back the missiles. Achieving this goal the most important persona was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whose successes and failures were crucial in the progress of Cuban Missile Crisis. He was the first one who placed missiles in Turkey near the territory of Soviet Union and →

A scrap of paper by studdert kennedy and geoffrey anketell just a little scrap of paper

In the first line, the description of the " little scrap of paper" sets up a vivid mental image for the reader. This paper is not overly valuable and not something that is important, yet to the recipientfamily, it is the most priceless artifact. The colour of the envelope adds irony and contrast to the →

Free essay on critique of the film olympus has fallen

In it, the film has incorporated many factors that threat the world today, using the most secure place as a groundbreaking. The plot and story of this film are developed in a way that amplifies the genre or rather the theater style incorporated in this film. Essentially, the genre and theater style of this film →

Power of advertisement essay sample

It also helps inform the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products useful to them. Contents and process of product is most important thing in making products but the challenge is how they will market those products.

The role of media essay sample

Paying attention to the media is how we stay informed about what's going on in the world around us and what our government is doing. The Media as Gatekeeper A gatekeeper stands guard at a gate and decides who gets to pass through and who does not. That means the media also determines →

Mcdonalds twitter campaign: hype vs. reality case analysis essay sample

It opens up doors for angry consumers to complain, and bash at their company. 2) Who are the different audiences McDonald's needs to keep in mind when planning to use a social media campaign and why? When starting a social media campaign McDonald's needs to think about organizations/people that have a positive perception →

Advertising in the modern society

They are fully aware of what is happening and could also distinguish between facts and false claims from the marketplace. On the other hand, there are also consumers who unconsciously participate in the process. Advertising creates product images and perceptions for the consumer. Depending upon the advertising message and →

The women’s role in advertisements essay sample

It seems that to be thin is a goal for most women and as Bordo points out, it is the result of advertisements and a public image of women maintaining a number of roles, including that of server and of the sexually repressed. She says that the real woman, as advertisements show, is the →

Advertising industry

The proposal will also study the characteristics of the psychological impact of the advertisements as a marketing tool to increase the purchasing power. The third aim is to analyze the communicative nature of advertising, define its main types and functions. Finally the proposal will analyze the existing technologies like the IPod and the psychological impact →

Rhetorical image analysis essay essay sample

The block of text on the bottom is supporting text and considered less important on the ad so it therefore on the bottom. It seems chronologically correct to be in this format with the website on the bottom since we read top to bottom. The size of the text of the PSA is just →

Cigarette advertisements

Cigarette Advertisements The tobacco industry is the second largest advertiser in the print media, including magazines and newspapers, and the largest advertiser on the billboards. One of the main reasons why teens tend to take up smoking is that it tends to be the popular thing to do.

Advertising scenario in uk

In today's world advertising is of utmost importance and organizations invest a lot in advertising because in nearly all the scenarios advertising increases the sales of organizations. The history of advertising is wide and varied and organizations stress a lot on advertising. These mediums and types are discussed below:

branded goods essay sample

First of all, brand is " the outcome of object-ives, it is produced in the test and trials of object-ivity, and it is, sometimes, a matter of object-ion" and or the foreword meaning of the brand is " a set of relations between products or services". Each part of it is a general situation plus →

hucksters in the classroom essay sample

One of the major problems identified in this case, is the fact that the many inadequacies in the school system in reference to providing teachers with the material that they need to adequately educate students, has led to a situation in which teachers are utilizing many outside sources in order to supplement the teaching material →

Pox marketing campaign essay sample

The content consists of emphasizing the following product characteristics: high portability with RF wireless technology, free and remote links among players, stealth play and easy-to-carry size. Hasbro is a leading role in this industry so some audiences, notice that tweens are somewhat loyal to their brands, will notice and be lured by its new →

Race difference and the inclusive society criminology essay

TOPICOverrepresentation of ethnic minorities in certain aspects of the criminal justice system: race and sentencingINTRODUCTIONThe overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in the criminal justice system looks like this: in 79. This raises the concern as to whether or not the media distorts the perceptions of the involvement of ethnic minorities in the criminal justice system.

Gran torino

The Gran Torino is a relic and a symbol of the past, of pride, of a job done right, and of his ideas that he hopes to pass on to future generations. But the Gran Torino is most importantly a symbol of the ethics and beliefs that Walt holds dear that he wants to be →

Literary analysis of tell-tale heart

Moreover, for the larger part of the play, Helmer is portrayed as having the most power in the relationship. He controls all themoney, and gives it to Nora as gifts. All those years, she has been what her father and husband, symbols of society, want her to be. The →

Sexism & bigotry

As I researched for this paper in the Museum of Tolerance in N.Y., I learned that the human mind makes 11 assumptions about a person in the first 7 seconds of meeting them. We must be aware of this in order to take a positive action rather than a negative approach based on →

The effectiveness of two types of sanctions criminology essay

The purpose of this study is if CS sentence is more efficient than criminal fines in the reduction of recidivism. The second answer is which are the factors related to the probability of in-program recidivism among a number of offenders sentenced to complete CS sentences.

Based on james q wilson-“just take away their guns” essay sample

We have to get the guns of the streets, but our leaders are not going about it the right way. The only way we can stop them is by higher punishment when a firearm is in use during a crime. Those of us that use firearms for the right reasons should not be the →

Free research paper on aspirin therapy

Once aspirin blocks or rather inhibit the action of the above enzyme, a concurrent reduction in the production of prostaglandins a chemical that fosters heart attack is reduced. The third factor that makes aspirin appropriate for the management and prevention of heart disease stems from its potential to reduce the risk of death. The above →