4 Pages Essay Samples

Statement of purpose admission essay example

I belong to the school of thought that believes that the brain is an empty slate that is continuously filled with knowledge during the journey of life. My area of concentration has always been and remains machine learning and computational theory. In briefly commenting on my academic and professional goals, I wish to state the β†’

Features in animal husbandry, especially for cows

Slow walk through the fields and high-tech cows seem out of place, but the sensors , artificial intelligence , big data analysis, networking and the Internet of things other elements are beginning to have a significant impact on milk production. Value to work, but to be able to more effectively determine the disease or β†’

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Although there is evidence supporting Gardener's theory of multiple intelligence, it is still merely a theory. The major criticism towards Gardener's theory is the lack of empirical evidence.questions Gardner that he failed to specify which multiple intelligence is supported by what proof for which neural system or adapted cognition module. Gardener's theory of β†’

The implementation of artificial intelligence in computerized agencies

In spite of the way that Facebook has as of late separated ties with some outsider information suppliers because of its open shakeup, AI-affected publicizing efforts on the web-based social networking goliath's pages are still impactfull when we consider the abundance of focusing on data clients expressly make accessible to Facebook. It's critical β†’

India’s intelligence and internal security

New and complex manifestations in the nature of security threats, states resorting to low-cost option of covert actions to achieve their objectives, abundance and accessibility of lethal weapons, availability and accessibility of lethal technology, quick and easy trans-national mobility, low efficacy of conventional security measures, etc. Yet another upcoming threat to Indian's internal security is β†’

The era of artificial intelligence

This quote that Carr speaks about is powerful because it has a positive and negative effect, one being that he hates the fact that having advanced technology is causing him not too obtain the information as he once did when he read a book in the other hand it's a great form to find data β†’

Artificial intelligence replacing the art of traditional selling

It is the way the machines are trained to perform the above mentioned tasks with set of algorithms and yet allowing the algorithm to take new form every time and in accordance to the need. Subtract the time that a Sales person has to collect and research leads on, plan the conversation and the anxiety β†’

Intelligence and its relationship to success in life

Sternberg to the success of intelligence, including three aspects of intelligence, involving comparison, Judgment, thinking the assessment of the ability to find creative intelligence involved, to create, to imagine creative thinking and assumptions, such as the ability to practice involving the use of intelligence, the use of knowledge Capacity. To sports as an β†’

An architecture of privacy sensitive ubiquitous computing

Abstract A ubiquitous computing is term resulted from IoT , Artificial Intelligence and many modern technologies where many gadgets and devices allows us to access information from anywhere and anytime. Users would benefit from receiving information and services customized to their preferences. Security Challenges in Ubiquitous Computing Vulnerabilities: The most addressed β†’

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Theory of multiple intelligence Intelligence can be defined as the combined or comprehensive capability of an individual to act purposefully, rationally and to manage effectively within the environment. In conclusion, although the balance between the pros and cons of this theory is still unsure, it shows a simplistic view on intelligence.

The four styles of creative intelligence

It Is Important for the success of a team that Individuals minimize the negative mindsets and focus on the positive. These individuals lead by inspiring the group and tend to be educators, leaders, and writers. These styles of creative intelligence have different ways of influencing an organization and decision making.

What is intelligence

Smart Is Intelligent right? ) What If I have this brother, who is not too good in the academic field but, is a great soccer player, whenever one on one with the goalie he fakes his body and scores the goal, lots of people would call him a smart or an intelligent player, my point β†’

Future impact essay example

Question 1 What is the " Digital Divide"? Answer Digital divide is a term used to describe inequalities between people, in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of information and communication technologies. According to Lin and Popovic , in the new computer age work has been adversely affected for β†’

Cultural intelligence article questions

Last but not least heart Is the part that suggests that people need to be confident and they should not get discouraged by any setbacks on their way to adapting to the culture. As a foreigner I must say that I fully identified myself with this part, because even though our cultures are β†’

Discipline in high school and elementary education

A Functional Behavioral Assessment should be included within the special need students Individualized Education Plan at the beginning of each school year so that the general education teachers is aware of the students behavioral problems and is able to handle them before the student get out of hand and the other β†’

Discipline in the public school

The only school resource which Justin even arguably involved in creating the web parody was a photograph available to the public on the school's website which the student cut and pasted into his website. School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders.

The divide between science and religion essay example

Consequently, scientists are expected to maintain a professional touch in their work and contribute to the development of the scientific field. The theory of evolution appeared to be a diversion of the popular creation theory found in the Genesis chapter of the bible. Apart from Darwin, other scientists have also supported the idea that there β†’

Cognitive psychology research paper

The development of modern fields of cognitive psychology is marked by four major milestones: the shortcomings of the behaviorism psychology, the capacity to account for the shortfalls using abstract constructs, the possibilities of linking the abstract constructs with perceived mechanisms through what is known as artificial intelligence and neurobiology, β†’

Current applications of differentiation and differential equations research paper examples

In addition, electrical apparatus problems, such as the Ohmic heating problem of a thermistor, are modeled using differential equations. Current Applications of Differentiation and differential equations Differentiation is a process of finding derivatives of functions. In addition, electrical apparatus problems, such as the Ohmic heating problem of a thermistor, β†’

Inter and intradisciplinary communication essay examples

A culture of intra and interdisciplinary communication can be cultivated in different ways. These are stipulations that guide communication and engagements between medical professionals in the medical field. Conclusion Communication is an integral part of healthcare.

Ucmj report sample

First, if the officer leaves his place of duty, a higher ranking officer must have appointed the place of duty, the defendant must have known of the place and time of his or her duty and the accused without authority failed to go to his or her place of duty. For article 86 to be β†’

The uniformed public services and why discipline plays a part

But what is the impact of discipline on the Public Services and is it having a positive or a negative effect on the Public Services as a whole. One positive impact Discipline has on the Public Services is how it can be used effectively to punish those who have broken any rules and regulations whilst β†’

Inferential statistics case study example

The research involved the sampling of the population samples that were used to represent various parts of America. The hypotheses of the study were 1. Therefore, some of the independent variables in this research include the number of gun shows that were staged during this period.

Free primary characteristics of anthropology essay example

Additionally, in Anthropology, the comparativism contribution is that it enables to understand and give meaning to the general trends, which make the human life as it is, from their evolution to being part of the society. On the other hand, Holism is another perspective that highlights the whole or the general idea, instead of its β†’

Sample essay on software/technology exploration and critique

In the simple program compiled, a user could choose from the three following options: to begin a game involving random selection of numbers, to execute a program that involves computation of distance using different concepts of geometry, and a program that computes the slope β†’

Gender and discipline at home and school argumentative essay examples

Parents and caretakers as well as the day care facilities have the responsibility of defining the gender roles as well as the discipline of their children. While relying on this definition, this paper will analyze a TV documentary on the use of corporal punishment on Ugandan children in a move to enforce discipline. The TV β†’

Free essay about formulate one

The Basel rules are recommendations developed by the BCBS (born in 1975 an organization formed by the major central banks around the world) to establish the minimum conditions that a bank should have to ensure stability. Over the past decades the solvency conditions have been fixing and updating, and thus confirming the agreements Basel β†’

Literature review on the transformation of trond in out stealing horses

The Transformation of Trond in Out Stealing Horses Out Stealing Horses is the story of how an elderly man reconciles with his past and becomes the father that he should be. Trond realises that all this time he has been living in the shadow of the past and needs to enjoy the present β†’

Free essay on cited works

What does Brokeback Mountain show us about attitudes toward masculinity in the United States between the 1963 and the 1983 and the possible effects of these attitudes? The film and the story Brokeback Mountain do not present homosexuality as a positive or negative phenomenon in the society, but as the unaccepted in β†’

Free essay on father or parent figures in the adventure of huckleberry finn

However, despite the problems in Jim, he displays all that is expected of a parent to Huck. This is seen in a number of incidences that occur in the course of the narrative. First, at the Frame House, Jim notices that Huck's father is naked and is actually dead.

Family assessment report samples

An effective family assessment also aims to build a strong relationship between family members and in engaging families and helpers in exploration of goals, values and strengths in order to create mutual respect and trust. Identifying Family Data The family to be discussed here is a nuclear family that β†’

Good essay on remembering satan by lawrence wright

He examines the peculiar case of the memories of abuse in Ingram's family as well as the flawed investigations, which followed. The Ingram's family was hard working and Christian Fundamentalists. In addition to the rituals presented in the narrative, the child molestations and rapes are also a common phenomenon in the society today and in β†’

Founding fathers of united states

Together, their opinions and ideals helped shape the growth of our nation from domestic policy to the basis of the government's operation. George Washington was the first president of the United States of America as well as one of its founding fathers. He was the most influential person because he created a strong judicial branch, β†’

Critical and creative thinking questions essay sample

The rock would be igneous, igneous rocks are formed from the solidification of molten rocks. The source of these rocks can be discovered underneath the layers of the earth's crust. Chapter 15 7.

Dogona and dagara cosmology report example

Regarding the Dagara the paper analyzes the five categories that they believe in as stated above. Dogona Cosmology The Dogona tribe fled away from the Egypt as a result of the religious prosecution. The Dogona believed in the sky God whom they referred as the ' Homa.' The tribe believes that the Homa visited β†’

Day the earth stood still

Everything became an argument and it seemed like Becky and I had gone from being perfectly compatible, to mixing like oil and water. It's sad to say, but I must have been blinded by all of the " I love you" and " you are the only one I ever want to be with" comments β†’

The source of life essay

Life itself, according to proponents of this theory, grew out of what was known as " Haldane's Soup," becoming increasingly complicated through a series of evolutionary changes that resulted in the immense biodiversity of life on the planet as we know it now. All of this begs the question of what the first spark was β†’

Decision-making with a strategic emphasis: earth baby, inc.

10 per jar of baby food and would provide GDI a limited right to advertise the product as manufactured for Great Deal by EBI. Initial calculations determined that the direct materials, direct labor, and other variable costs needed for the GDI order would be about $2 per unit as compared to the full cost of β†’

Deforestation and global warming essay sample

Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land. Areas affected by logging are more susceptible to fires due to the number of dried and dead trees.

Earth layers research paper

The inner portion is the core, in the middle is the mantle, and the outside is the crust. Over the course of this paper, the composition and formation of these layers will be described more specifically. The iron located within the inner core is solid, despite the high temperature; this is because of the mighty β†’

Norse creation and the book of genesis essay sample

When asked how everything in the world was created and formed the beginning of life, many people will turn to the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Contrary to the Book of Genesis' creation story, the story of creation in Norse mythology is much more elaborate and magical. As the Book of β†’

1000 word essay on planets

Mercury, which is the planet that is closest to the sun, is the first and smallest of the inner planets. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and is said to be the most closely resembles to Earth in size, density, and distance from the sun.

The urgent issue of oceans deterioration

The ocean is easily one of the most absolutely beautiful things we have here on this planet, and it takes up a lot of space on Earth, almost 75 percent of it to be exact. While we are not able to reverse the mistakes of the past we can definitely try to better the β†’

Good essay about planetary science

- The Role of the Doppler effect in determining the rotation rates of both Mercury and Venus The Doppler Effect describes how waves of any kind move, depending on the direction the source of the waves is moving in and the position of the observer. For example, in the diagram below, the two individuals β†’

Earth layers essay sample

The upper mantle is rigid and is part of the lithosphere. The inner core is considered to be solid because of the behavior of P and S waves passing through it. 5.

April 22: earth day

If the environment is damaged, then the weaker the support of the order of human life on it. Problems of Earth is incredible (both in the world and in Indonesia) starting from: The greenhouse effect is the effect of burning fuel for power plants, combustion processes in transportation and other industries.

Essay on biblical worldview

The vocation of chaplaincy borrows a lot from Genesis 1: 26-27; it gives an understanding of man's uniqueness, and God's plan to redeem man to a new creation made in his likeness. For many centuries, Christians have held onto the belief that man is created in the image of God, β†’

The martian chronicles by ray bradbury essays examples

This story collection tells about the colonization of Mars by humans, running from their troubled and devastated Earth; about the conflict between the aboriginal creatures of this planet and the newcomers, resulted in annihilation both Earth and Martian races. But, The Martian Chronicles is not only the science fiction story collection at all, but it β†’

Hong kong’s relationship to china research paper example

It was the plan of the Chinese government that the OCTS principle will cause the transfer of the administration of the Hong Kong to the people of Hong Kong. The OCTS has two primary objectives and they are: 1).to encourage the people of Hong Kong to inform the Chinese government β†’

China facing the 21st century

After the fading of China's last dynsaty, the Qing , the country emerged into chaos, conflicts in between the Guomingdan nationalist party and the Chinese Comunist Party. When Deng took control of China in 1978, the country was still feeling the impact of the Great Leap and the Cultural Revolution.

Time and space metaphors in li bai’s “shu-dao nan” essay sample

The entire distribution of " Shu-dao Nan" was followed the timeline, from ancient times to the present , and the space, from Qin to Shu. When the way from Xianyang, the capital city of Qin, to Shu was experienced many years and countless hard-working trailblazers, it was exploited. Following the order of the β†’

To what extent does sex education exert impact on teenagers in hong kong

Although a married couple is not wish to getting pregnancy, a normal sexual activity is still enjoyable for both of them. In the old Chinese society, most of the people were start to having the sexual activity after they were married because there may not know what sexual intercourse is as there are lack of β†’

China is closer to command or market economy? essay sample

Before rendering my opinion, it is more important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides and I believe China is closer to being a modified economy country. People, who advocate that China is one of the command economy countries in the world, have their sound reasoning. The new policy ruled that β†’

Pakistan china relation development

The area in which the two nations reside has undergone numerous Geo-strategic changes namely Sino-Indo relations, the collapse of Soviet Union, 9/11 with Pakistan becoming front line state in the war against terror and so on. In context to all these developments, China and Pakistan find themselves on the same page , β†’

China in the classical era

The mothers of the girl child must do three things; " first she must make the child sleep under the bed this shows the baby that she is lowly and weak, second she must give the baby a potsherd or a piece of broken pot to play with to make the girl child realize that β†’

How successful was the great leap forward in achieving mao’s aims

The great leap forward failed in the countryside as bad as it did in the towns. The weather in 1958 was excellent there were still two problems that prevented the harvest from being a good one. In 1959 Mao Zelong admitted that the great leap forward had failed in a speech to the party leaders.

Business in china essay

This willingness was also echoed by China's Commerce Minister Bo Xilai statement, indicating that since China's entered to the WTO, they have already revised more than 2500 laws and regulations, forming a set of foreign trade law systems in accord with WTO rules and regulations.(The Economic & Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of the β†’

Example of graduate school translation program personal statement

Finally, the British Empire, and its successor in global hegemony the United States of America, along with Hollywood and the Internet have cemented the use of English as a lingua franca in International affairs and business. The types of positions that would be made available to me with a professional qualification in translation are too β†’

Essay on informal social control

The influence of cultural difference in the implementation of informal social control and its effectiveness is evident in the comparison of the three nations namely, Japan, China and USA below. Japan is a country with low crime rate applying informal measures as means of social control. This shame culture of Japanese and Chinese society is β†’

Lu xuns diary of a madman literature review

The madman who is also the dominant character in the story helps bring out the themes of the story. The madman was transfixed and absolutely sure that all the people that he met, saw and knew were planning to eat him. The madman spirals downwards to extreme paranoia and he β†’

Why did the embassies of lord mccartney in 1793 and lord amherst in 1816 fail? essay sample

He responded to the demands of the new British embassy with unenthusiastic comment which goes " All in all, I am not glad of this event". The Emperor also told Amherst that as long as he will not agree to kowtow, he should be given a local reception at Tientsin only, and told that β†’

Negotiating indian and chinese culture

It has unity in diversity and diversity in unity. The name is derived from Indus, which is derived from the Old Persian word Hindu from sanskrit Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the Indus river The most followedcultureis Hinduism. India is also called as home to diversity of wildlife which has variety of β†’

Touching the void

The challenge of the mountain and the fragility of life is demonstrated on Day 4 during the descent when Simon makes the heartbreaking , life and death decision to cut the rope connecting him to Joe. The tense re-enactment serves to draw the viewer in and to constantly re-evaluate their own opinion. The gravity of β†’

Consumer behavior nokia

Appearance:- In the above analysis, 28% of the respondent gave their opinion as highly satisfied with the appearance, 52% of the respondents gave their opinion as satisfied, 20% of the respondents were not satisfied. Most of the respondents were satisfied with the price, company image and Battery backup of Nokia.

Fargo movie essay

The plotting of the movie really adds up to the tinge of hominess that viewers might be feeling while watching the movie. The movie was shot in an unseasonably mild winter weather of early 1996 that forced the crew of the movie to move locations more often to scout a suitable snow-covered landscape. These are β†’

In its title. in fact, there are

It is possible that in the years between the completion of the book as " First Impressions" and its amendment as " Pride and Prejudice", there were two other works at the same time, a novel of Margaret Holford and a comedy of Horatio Smith, with the same title. Darcy is the emblem of pride β†’

The irony of colonization through christianity: “an outpost to progress” by joseph conrad essay sample

Conrad uses one of the most powerful and well known symbols of Christianity, the cross, as an ironic marker signaling Christianity's unsuccessful effect on the wilderness and as an ironic benchmark measuring the moral values and facade of the Europeans designated to the trading post in Africa. The story employs two eager Europeans, Kayerts β†’

The castle

To draw the audience into the world of the play the play writer uses visual techniques such as , lighting, sound, stage setting, costume and makeup, gestures and mime, along with language techniques and the use of themes and the scene of the play. The play writer Louis Nowra draws his audience into the world β†’

The prince turns into a pauper

THE PRINCESS TURNS INTO A PAUPERBy rajaNaiduThrough the space into the sky with the earthly clouds around us, I felt as if I amgetting ready to land. I held thehandle of the seat tightly and I felt as if my heart went to the bottom of my tummy.


Touching the Void Brandon Large 9M Structure of the Film 1. a) I think that the film maker chose to use interviews and re-enactmentsbecause provides a much better engaging atmosphere for the audienceand it also provides the feeling of you actually being there and witnessingthe events that happen throughout the film.b) The advantages using β†’

Comedy central roasts list

Insults are good for you. For seven years I was the liberal co-host on a late night FOX News panel show, so believe me when I tell you that a regular walloping can be good for the ole wallet. The Mannings got off easy. My one pre-show interaction with Rob Lowe was His Handsomeness telling β†’

Kinds of television shows

Unscripted TV shows are open shows that are not planned with a set script are organized by the television crew, the scriptwriters and show owners. Talk showsTalk shows are television programs that comprise of one individual or a group of individuals who engage in discussions on various topics that are controlled by a host.

To kill a mockingbird analysis

In To Kill a Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee has explored themes and ideas through the characters, settings and plot of her novel. Through investigating the troubled situation of America?? s South in her novel, Lee has demonstrated the various aspects of human evil and how they have shaped a profound impact on the β†’

Forces of habit

This determined if the drug caught on in a particular area, and it determined how the people used the drug. The development of global commerce and the emergence of industrialization beginning from the sixteenth century enhanced the revolution. They determined the drugs that would become global commodities based on the product's shelf life and the β†’

“untouchables” by thomas l. friedman

Friedman, discusses how the world is globalizing into three types of skills which allow the countries, companies, and individuals to survive in today's middle class era as compared to the last fifty years. Friedman stresses, " The key to thrive in today's globalization, " you must find the key factor in a flat world to β†’

Analysis of different views on the idea of globalization

There is different theory about the opening of the idea of globalization. Some are of the vision that it started from the mid of 20th century with forest conference 1944." While" the others are of the view that this concept was properly ongoing with the institution of W.T.O.in 1995. One may commend or criticize; the β†’

Pressure forcearea research paper

The other component of this force that is parallel to the direction of flow of the fluid is called the drag. This lift force is given as the integral of the vertical pressure forces over the whole wetted surface area of the aerofoil. The lift L is given by where: p is the pressure, n β†’

First day in my new job creative writing example

Seeing them already en route to school at just after 7 am is only one of many new experiences for me on this my first full day in a new job in a foreign land. Behind me a bell tings in the tram, the yellow doors unfold and close, and β†’

Free report on competition and analysis of global airline industry

In this report, the leading companies globally in this industry will be identified and the key factors affecting the market will also be analyzed. Scope of the airline industry The scope and scale of the global airline industry can be categorized as full service which operates many airline services β†’

Budget proposal research proposal examples

The proposal will entail an upgrade of the existing systems and making them topnotch and world best to achieve the mission of the agency. Need for the Proposal The proposal is important, both to the agency and to the government. A systems improvement will mean that many more nations will copy the agency's deeds β†’

Ceremonial speech creative writing

I would like to thank you all for coming here today for honoring the statue dedicated to Superman, this famous and very appreciated character who is a leading figure in the comics world. Thesis Statement Superman may be a fictional character, but for me and for many children from then β†’

Chinas history as a superpower in earlier eras essay example

Textile boom in the British Empire was experienced in the well over seven centuries after the Chinese had the revolution in the technical and innovation in the textile industry. However, China leadership was not long lived as it fell prey to emerging competitive economies like the British. This led to china's growth in economy and β†’

American airlines flight 587 term paper examples

In memory of the victims a memorial was constructed in rockaway Park. Cause According to reports the vertical stabilizer and rudder of the plane were separated, it was found in 1 mile north of the wreckage, as it fell in Jamaica bay. The A300 flew in an area of turbulent air as β†’

Free article review on why is the compound 1 important

The dimeric iridium intermediaries and cyclometalated ligands were made as per the literature method. Synthesis of iridium complexes. A combination of dppmmi+Br, Ag2O, and the dichloro-bridged cyclometalated iridium complex in 2-ethoxyethanol was excited to reflux for 12 h under nitrogen in the dark. It is critical to β†’

The plane – creative writing

I looked out of the window and the ocean was like a magnet pulling the plane down. As we got on the plane everyone was nervous.

Example of essay on the mcdonaldization of society

Henry Ford is considered as the pioneer of his ideology, using it in the production of automobiles and it is claimed to have achieved a very efficient production method. The process of McDonaldization is identified with main four features; that is, efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. The process of McDonaldization has also proved to be β†’

Aviation safety and security research paper examples

Aviation security refers to the measures taken to guard against the causes of occurrences that may hinder the smooth operation of an aircraft and making it a safe to operate environment. Laws and security measures put in place function to regulate aviation operations. It also identifies a system structure set β†’

Sample research paper on environmental impacts in aviation

Despite the efforts of reducing emissions from automobiles and using less polluting turboprop and turbofan and more fuel-efficient engines, the continuous rapid development of aircrafts contributes largely to the total pollution involved in aviation. Carbon dioxide is also produced from emissions that come from generation of energy used in the airport, the construction of airport β†’

Healing hospitals essay sample

Healing hospitals strive to reduce the mechanical aspect of the industry by incorporating technology into the background while still remaining on the cutting edge of advances in science. At Mercy Gilbert Hospital, Gilbert AZ., a top notch healing hospital, they believe that healing is not the same thing as curing, where the definition of β†’

Continuity of care essay example

Currently, the 8 hours shifts do not cater much for the continuity of care since the time of interaction between the patient and the nurse is significantly reduced. In such a case, continuity of care becomes very hard. The presence of 8-hour shifts means that in the course of 24 hours, a total of three β†’

Benner’s theory and usefulness essay sample

Nurses who wanted to be preceptors also had to get approval from 3 peers and they write a 500 word essay stating why they want to be preceptors and had to attend an eight hour preceptor class. Preceptor education is based on Benner's concept of framework and how they can support new nurses during β†’

Record management essay sample

But the college is slow in recording the information of the patient because it is hand-written and it takes a lot of time then keeping the record sometimes is being thrown due to the patient not returning to the clinic. Statement of the Problem This study aims to develop a computerized dental patient β†’

American healthcare still tied to reducing costs: the impact of uncompensated care on hospitals

The long-term care hospitals are involved in patients suffering from chronic illnesses that are very expensive and thus it reaches a time when patients are unable to afford healthcare due to the increasing cost of care. Uncompensated care is detrimental to the overall delivery of quality healthcare since it limits the ability of a healthcare β†’

Pico and evidence appraisal worksheets essay sample

What needs to change in nursing, what can you change with the support of evidence in the literature? Describe the problem or practice issue that you want to research. What is your practice area; clinical, education, or administration? (This is NOT where you will list your PICO question) Step 3: How was the practice β†’

Hospitality organizations

The article is going to define different aspects of restaurant outsourcing and its benefits and disadvantage to hotels and restaurants. Purpose: - To describe the drivers and strategic intent behind restaurant outsourcing in hotels, and to critically compare the benefits and challenges to hotels and outsourced restaurants. In addition to it, Rutherford.defined that, The appearance β†’

The advantages and disadvantages of government hospital and free health care

It should not be expected that citizens have the best quality of health services due to the limited budget and expenditure of the ministry. Another disadvantage of free health care is the shortage of doctors and nurses. With the availability of free medical services, citizens have the opportunity to make the most use of the β†’