4 Pages Essay Samples

Managers skills essay samples

Through the several interviews I have been through I have gained the skills on how to handle them in a professional manner. First of all, I have learned the to always uphold integrity in my work.

Url sources research paper

The support for the Assembly grew stronger than that of the king. Additionally, the king sided with foreign powers to resist the Assembly. He also failed to support the Assembly which was a representative of the people.

Essay on breaking the silence truth and lies in the war on terror

This film scrutinizes the truth and lies at the back of war on terror, examining the inconsistency between American and British rationalization for battle and the details on the ground in Washington DC and Afghanistan. The movie starts with a disturbing sequence of pictures depicting the bloodbath inflicted on the people of Iraq by the →

Essay on olympus has fallen review

Other than that, Olympus Has Fallen is indeed an action-packed political thriller movie that pleases fans of that kind for sure. With the 9/11 memories still burdening everyone's minds, the movie demonstrates how easily something that is granted as the nation's, perhaps even the entire world's, safest place, the Presidential →

Example of reign of terror in the french revolution research paper

In his explanation with regards to the Reign of Terror, he cites that the la Terreur and the American War of Independence in 1776 are similar as they fought for the liberty and rights of the people and used potent power in influencing their competition away from the country. Bulliet, Richard., Crossley, Pamela., Headrick, Daniel., →

Good essay on enriched understanding on terrorism

Introduction Chapter 1 of Bombshell: Women and Terrorism by Mia Bloom, entitled " A Brief History of Terror and the Logic of Oppression," served as an introduction to terrorism as a phenomena per se and the participation of women as terrorists. As a result of the foregoing, some women terrorists end up involving →

Law enforcement research paper examples

Moreover, law enforcement agencies are persuaded to take aim at preventing measures in order to maintain the security of the community and that of the country in at large. The following discussion focuses on the use of racial profiling in preventing terrorism. Using policy issues in preventing terrorism Terror attacks have affected the growth →

Oroonoko, the modern slave of capitalism creative writing samples

She understood that this was a big chance for her to earn more and to help her family and she embraced the opportunity that she received. He received a movie from his loyal collaborators, with his grandfather trying to allure Imoida and bribing media to make Oroonoko look as the head of terrorism.

Parties case study

The respondent to the petition is the United States Department of State who are charged by AEDPA with the duty of designating an organisation has an FTO and later on reviewing the designation in the application of the provisions as to revocation or maintenance of the said designation. Facts: The →

Course work on terrorism and international crime

The increased rate of terrorism in the world in the 21 st century has not only threatened the world but shaken it. There are three crucial statutes in the United States that are used to fight money laundering namely: The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986, →

Free research paper on journalistic casualties of conflict coverage

The journalist who is the core of any story is always not regarded as much as the news reporters are despite the fact that they are the one who go to the ground to gather the news. This leaves the freelancers to deal with what sometimes is a lot more combat than enlisted soldiers are. →

Free essay on preventing terrorism problems in counterterrorism intelligence in the united states

Such groups threaten and do not hesitate to blastoff fatal attacks to the United States' citizens; hence, the intelligence units are limited in their attack plan since it is easier to seek peace with the terrorists than to allow the attacks to lead to such massive loss of innocent lives of the dwellers of the →

Employment law essay sample

The Local 28 Steel Metal Workers had their hiring and promotion system worded and set up so that only white males would be interested, accepted and feel comfortable in applying for the apprenticeship position along with the ability to move up the union ladder into the union and journeymen position. The goal of the →

Developing a performance appraisal system

Many different components, must to be incorporated to make this type of system beneficial for all who use it, and all who are evaluated by the system. The purpose of a performance appraisal system is to receive accurate assessments for productivity and for the quality of work for each employee. Training- Proper →

Zippittelli v. j.c. penney company, inc.

In the summer of that year, plaintiff applied for the shift operations manager job after Johnson informed her it had become available.At the time, she was working as a general lead clerk in the Call Service Center.She was one of four women all of whom had the same job title at the time who applied →

Employee vs. independent contractor essay sample

In the eyes of the law the definition of employee is important and needs to be taken seriously. The IRS uses a 20 factor test to determine the difference between an employee and independent contractor.

Personnel planning and recruiting essay sample

The table below shows the type of recruitment in the form of internally and externally. Type of Recruitment SourcesInternally Recruitment Learning and Development within the organization. Externally Recruitment Walk-in Newspaper College recruiting Online register Headhunters Internally CIMB Group is preferred to fulfill position by offering to their existing employees →

Job involvement

The maln focus of the article Is to reveal or find out the correlation between job involvement and employee commitments in the work place or organizations. All through the articles, we have found the positive correlation between job Involvement and commitment. I am totally agreed on this point of view. In the following, I will →

Pushing papers can be fun

In the case study the police captain is having difficulty getting the police officers to perform required tasks accurately. The main issue is the behaviour and the result.

Recommendation for compensation of benefits plan essay sample

With well defined job description and great tools to help organize the information I can conduct a market pay study to help our company stay competitive (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX011879991033.aspx). The job evaluation is a tool used to evaluate the worth of each job in our organization and in the market. With a successful job evaluation system →

Discrimination: equal employment opportunity essay sample

Discrimination is a term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group in consideration based mainly on class, color, religoin and sex or sexual preferences. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Equal Pay Act The EPA prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the payment →

Aes corporation: rewriting the rules of management essay sample

The company committed itself to integrity, fairness, fun, and social responsibility. AES treats all their employees as responsible adults who are delegated to make decisions and taking risks for the company. The company has tried to eliminate all groups of functional specialists, with only the accounting group existed, which is based at the corporate →


The distance an employee must travel daily to work is a factor that can induce great amounts of frustration and expense into their lives. It is vitally important for the management to support the program and for a great degree of trust to exist between employer and employee.

Conducting a good behavioral interview

A discourse about the climate may be utilized or maybe an inquiry regarding the traffic on your way to the workplace. Next, the questioner may talk for a couple of minutes about the organization and the position. The individual in question may then ask you an arrangement from inquiries with respect to your past instructive, →

The issues and constraints in relation to the use of business information

Large businesses need to make good business decisions all the time so it is important that they are able to access their important information wherever and whenever they want, so this is why large business would usually use IT systems to store their information, but as the reliance on technology increases, so does the risk →

Task a mini case study 1

Bear in mind that the aim of the counseling session is not to punish the employee, but to assist him/her to recognize and overcome the problem. In the counseling session, Ann must be specific it is not acceptable to state that the employee is " not making the grade" or " is not doing the →

Homelessness among young adults article review

They also suggest that the homeless problem can be for the better good of the society because it helps solve some problems like unemployment and lack of education in the society It forces the local authorities to shelter the homeless youth and gives them the right to education which maybe they could have →

Impact of traiining methods on employee performance in it sector essay sample

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: * To study the reflection of the training programme * To study about the worker attitude and involvement regarding training programme.* To determine the efficiency of the training programme w.r.t stated objectives and achieved.* To study the changes in the employee behaviour post the training programme. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: →

American history narrative essay

Norrell's historical characters are outlined with the nimble brushstrokes of a capable historian, confident of his ability to attract the consideration of nonacademic readers whilst not losing the regard of academics. Although this study is partial mainly to black and white relations rather than the broader topic →

Two party system dbq

Despite the fact the founding fathers advised contrary to the establishment of political factions as the Constitution withstood the ratification process, a rift amongst men in President George Washington's cabinet instituted the move toward the conception of political party. Jefferson was joined by James Madison leading the Democrat-Republicans, who believed power →

Influence of martin luther king jr on americans

His demonstration of pathos helps the audience better embrace the concepts and the purpose of the speech. It also amplifies the struggles of black Americans and he uses this to show the pain of his people because he wants a change to made.Dr.

Martin luther kning and the march on washington essay

In it, Luther expresses hope that American society will not be indifferent about the suffering of black people and that economic and political discrimination against them will be ended. At the beginning of his speech, King refers to the Emancipation Proclamation which granted freedom to former slaves. To elaborate his point of view he refers →

George washington – the most influential founding father of america

The ways in which he has impacted America's history include leading the Continental Army, influencing the government as well as becoming the first president of the United States. Leading the Continental Army, he gave America an opportunity to succeed. Backing up constitutional values and the effect he had on the government changed the way Americans →

Political point of view of a students

Moreover, the boy led the way to find his father and pointed at a long box where his father was there and told he reason why his father died. The conflict is showed about the differences between rich and poor or knowledge between people who are on the outside and people who are →

Argumentative essay about american history

The expansion boosted national unity between 1800 and 1823, the treaty of 1818 and Louisiana Purchase boosted the national unity as it helped spur up the era of wonderful feelings and also displayedloyalty. It also marked the downfall of the federalists who were reduced to mere sectionalists. →

20th century social reforms

Both the Great Society and the New Deal Era were created to help the people in our nation and not bring the down like around the Progressive Era. The New Deal Era is like the Progressive Era and Great Society by trying to help the nation get out of the trouble.

American ethic history

The declaration, in its fight for democracy and sovereignty as it was besieged by Great Britain that time had constructed a way in which to breakaway and attain their freedom that is through the declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence consists of three parts; one is →

The silver sword

He was still secretive and shy, he told Joseph about what had happened to his family after he was taken to prison and that helped Joseph a great deal. She was a fast learner, and quickly learnt to adapt to the situation around.

Was trhe weimar republic doomed from the start?

The Treaty and the Weimar Constitution was the public face of this. In conclusion, the downfall of the Weimar Republic economically and politically was inevitable.

Holocaust thesis statement

Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews. There is a detailed timeline which clearly sets out the chain of events leading up to and beyond the Holocaust.

The main events of hitler’s political career from 1918 to 1922

In addition, this feeling was known as the 'stab in the back' theory by many Germans who found it impossible to swallow defeat. Hitler became obsessed with this idea of being betrayed and started to blame Jews and Marxists for undermining the war effort. This event was very significant in his life as it gave →

Italian aggression in abyssinia

The Italians had guns and planes, while the Abyssinians had spears and bows. What the League did: The League held a meeting to discuss the crisis in Abyssinia. The League's members had a long debate before deciding that they would stop selling their goods to Italy. On 19 September, the British and →

Power pride and unity as illustrated in triumph of the will.

The sole purpose of the movie is to glorify Hitler and his party and mobilize the whole country to join the Nazi movement. Among the themes presented, the desire for pride in Germany and the purification of the German people is well exemplified through the speeches.pride power and unity are the major focuses.

The nature and relationship of hitler and geli raubal.

The last time the public had seen Geli Raubal was when Hitler was heard to shout at h as he was about to get into his car: " For the last time, no! " She shouted. It has been said and believed that Hitler and his niece Geli Raubal were romantically involved; although there →

Why was hitler able to dominate germany by 1934?

The principal attraction of the S.A.to many of its members was not the political ideology of the party for which it worked (although a great many of them were probably Nazi sympathizers), but rather its pomp, regalia and display (the S.A.wore the uniform of the defeated German army, evoking patriotic spirit among both its members →

Disc assignment

DISC Assignment Hitler's Willing Executions Did the masses of " ordinary Germans" approve of the mass murder of Jews and act as willing participators in the Holocaust? Shirer J- Ian KershawN- German policeman O- member of SSP- Nazi party memberR- David BuffumT- Italian writer | YES-many of the German perpetrators knew explicitly that they →

Hitler and stalin roots of evil

Both Hitler and Stalin did possess high levels of self-awareness when it came to how the masses reacted to Hitler and Stalin's actions. Both men used relationship management to convince the people that they had a calling to serve their people and they believed they were better suited, more than anyone else, to carry out →

Cricket a threat to other games

However, rarely expressed is the other side of the coin an issue of one man's extreme popularity killing the very identity and existence of all other players in the mix. No Doubt that the game's popularity has brought glory to millions of fans residing in India and worldwide, has instilled a sense of pride even →

Hunger games theme

The novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins has many themes, but the most important overall, is the importance of keeping dignity and humanity while fighting for our life. In the Hunger Games, a sixteen year old girl named Katniss and a sixteen year old boy named Peeta are chosen to go into the Hunger →

The five forces analysis on gaming industry essay sample

In this analysis we will see how these five forces relate to the video game industry, how strong each force is, and answer the question of whether it is an attractive industry for Sony to be in, in 2008. The most recent new entrants into the gaming industry in the past five years have →

Effects of online gaming addiction in college student

Joshua Smyth, associate professor of psychology in The College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, recently conducted a randomized trial study of college students contrasting the effects of playing online socially interconnected video games with more traditional single-player or arcade-style games.________________________________________ While both multiplayer and traditional single player video games present a double-edged sword, →


Children at this age are supposed to enjoy playing together and not for competition. Additionally, the emphasis put by parents and coaches is too much for such children especially when there are shouting and show of rivalry between spectators of the opposite sides. Response Statsky talks about the effects of competitive games on children who →

Disadvantages of video games essay sample

Understanding Video Games Impact of Games on player Implementation, Design and Monitoring of Video Games Statement of Qualification Games can be bad or good depending on the game type. Given current findings, it is reasonable to be concerned about the impact of violent games on some children and adolescents.

Games and basketball tournaments

That being said, student athletes should start showing more interest in graduating college than worrying about receiving a paycheck. Fifthly work hard enough and end up making it to the pro level, then they will get the paycheck that they have been working hard and waiting for all this time, is not that what most →

When life imitates video response essay sample

I also agree that for children who know the difference between a game and real life, violent games are " harmless" as Leo emphasizes.! There are children that do know the difference between life and video, and this is the majority of the kids that play violent video games.

Defense of the ancients essay sample

In the center of each base is the " Ancient", a building that must be destroyed to win the game. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS DOTA Addiction Abstract of the Study Computer Gaming Common reasons why students choose playing DOTA rather than reading books. This study is done to reveal the reasons why the →

What prevalent worldwide, the traveler’s lid. th while

First off, the inventor of the now ubiquitous Red Solo Cup is Robert L. Hulseman, son of the founder of the Solo Cup Company, Leo Hulseman. In the 1970s he created what has now become known as the Red Solo Cup. At the time, the market was saturated with paper cups that were small and →

Gender difference in play essay

Although the coordinators encourage children to engage in the various activities that provided in the program, most boys appeared to engage in action-figure play and sport board games as much as girls tend to be playing in the play house with dolls and feminine characters' coloring books. Having observed both preschool and school age program, →

Worldview on naturalism essay sample

The lives of the people in the movie indicate how the need to survive influences the actions and behavior of people. The movie indicates how naturalism works in an environment. The movie indicates that the environment one lives in determines the character of a person.

The movie “radio” analysis essay

Then, unsatisfied that he's done all he can, the coach invites the boy to help out with the team. Radio, who says little during his first meetings with the coach, is given the odd nickname by Jones and his assistant after they notice how fascinated he was about the radio in the office. He's helping →

The alvarez hypothesis hits scientific convictions with the strength of a giant asteroid

After compelling evidence was found to support the Alvarez hypothesis, it is now the leading hypothesis for the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. The Cretaceous Paleogene boundary is marked by a layer of clay found in sedimentary layers all over the world. This led to the Alvarez hypothesis that a massive asteroid →

With study on this question. according to report

The doubled screen times of children become a big concern of their parents to approve the advantage of technology. Parents believe that technology is a serious distraction to kids. Because of the widespread use of technology in today's society, it's important for people to use technology.

Character change essay

Maya, who has become an American citizen, has adapted the western culture in which she is trying to fit in and find herself within while trying to abandon her Indian culture which is a big part of her. Maya always thought that she never wanted to marry an Indian man but finally sets a date →

What were the social and political impacts of the partition of india and pakistan?

This essay is based on books and articles I have read as well as interviews from myfamilymembers and detailed research through the internet. One source I mainly used was a book by Gyanesh Kudaisya and Tai Yong Tan: The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia, which gave me a good idea of the aspects that →

Life of pi movie by ang lee: music review essay sample

The movie " Life of Pi by Ang Lee", is a one of the most polemic movies of the year since it is a great representative of why the industries of cinema is call the 7th art, the movie relates the story of an Indian that emigrates to Canada and the journey that involved. →

Inequality and india’s agrarian crisis

The entire structure of global trade and the monopoly of western companies over commodities enable the plundering of 3rd world farmers, therefore they should share the responsibility. As 60% of India's people are still dependent on agriculture, the fertilizers and pesticides are very costly, and the crops yield very little profit, farmers →

Socio-religious movements in maharastra and south-india

The aim of the society is the promulgation of theistic worship and social reform, and its early goals were opposition to the caste system, the introduction of widow remarriage, the encouragement of female education, and the abolition of child marriage. The society never required members to give up caste, idol worship, or the traditional religious →

Effects of globalization and modernization essay sample

This union feared that a purchase by Walmart would represent a loss of jobs and a decline in the local manufacturing and production, consequently causing the closure of local businesses. The South African authorities eventually approved the takeover, but imposed some general conditions to protect local jobs. Western corporations have been acutely aware of →

Punishment in ancient & medieval india and the world

Though attempts have been made in India to prevent illegal migration, they have been relatively weak. The 25-member committee, led by Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sushma Swaraj, took note of reports that counterfeit notes were in large circulation along the India-Bangladesh border and presence of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in large numbers poses →

The bhopal gas tragedy

November 1984, most of the safety systems were not functioning and many valves and lines were in poor condition. In addition to this, several vent gas scrubbers had been out of service as well as the steam boiler, intended to clean the pipes was nonoperational. The reaction was sped up by the →

Essay on communicate one 1 complex idea body of information or message using three 3 different

In this paper, three visual communication approaches; Symbols and signs, Charts, graphs, Cartoons, and illustrations, are looked at critically and a clear and rational analysis of the effectiveness of each visual in communicating the message is provided. Part One The complex message is illustrating educational materials: HIV/AIDS awareness 1. A great deal of →

Free essay on radio as a symbol of salvation

Thesis The book all the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr is set in mainland Europe, principally France and Germany in the period preceding and during the Second World War. They act as a symbol of defiance and as a symbol of hope. Ultimately, the radio is the reason why the two →

Understanding the storys setting essay sample

When the writer changes the course of her writing especially when the description of the color of the jar or the exclusion of other things where it was placed is mentioned I somehow find it to be a difficulty. Although it may be considered that the characters Andrea, her dog, her husband, the real-estate buyers, →

Saskatchewan aboriginal culture and associated symbols essay examples

Culture of any place imitates values and belief of the people, the way they live, their behavior, Arts music and architecture of the place. Culture reflects how people from diverse backgrounds and regions live together in communities and form common beliefs, values and norms. Saskatchewan culture is mixture of American, English, European and aboriginal culture.

Essay on leviticus

Principally, the book focuses on certain rituals which are part and parcel of proceedings and show a respect towards the Tabernacle as the Holy Place of God. This intrinsically meant that the Tabernacle was a hugely important place of symbolism and was also part and parcel of God's message towards the Israelites. This is another →

A symbolism of death in the play macbeth by william shakespeare

It causes pain and suffering but it can also bring out the truth in people, such as, in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, one of these death scenes is the death of Lady Macbeth which brings upon a new meaning to the audience. In Act 5, Scene 5, Macbeth hears a scream and turns →

The choice of nature in gallaghers poems essay examples

Although the poems " Choices" and " Orange Sutra" have contrasting themes, they both use symbolic imagery of nature to help the reader understand the meaning of the poem. In the poem " Choices," Tess Gallagher expresses the boundless opportunity for growth that can be found in the world. In →

Symbolism in “heart of darkness” by joseph conrad essay sample

In Heart of Darkness visual imagery and symbolic character construction such as, the Whited Sepulcher, the character of the accountant, the Thames and Congo rivers, Kurt's painting and the map of Africa are used to challenge the pretences of the imperialist ideology and expose the gap between its ideals and its practice. Through this religious →

Free beijing olympics 2008 and its relation to culture essay example

The torch was the longest in the history was relay torches, having achieved the furthest distance since the torch relay tradition began. It showcased the respect the Chinese have in their ancient tradition and how it continues to form the basis of its existence even in the contemporary atmosphere. Therefore, the →

Good essay on reevaluating retribution; response to act i of the piano lesson

Boy Willie wants to sell the family's piano in order to buy the land of the Sutters, the family that once owned his. It is a symbol of the Charles family's past and their freedom.

Poem appreciation on the death of a next-door neighbor by billy collins essay example

It also provokes readers to feel the emotions and the weight of why death had to take such a person. The poem has some few instances of repetition; the weight of my clothes, not histhe harmony of his house, not his" Repetition stresses on the theme of the poem and draws the attention of →

Critical essay: the light in-between oceans

Stories can change our lives and the way we live it; filmmakers use scenery, music, and symbolism to achieve this. Music is one of the most important things when it comes to setting the mood for the scene or even the entire movie. Symbolism, scenery, and music are the fundamental parts of a film that →

Example of rhetorical analysis of metaphors article review

Metaphors effectively convey the message about intertexuality because a reader's understanding of the context of the words used by the writer produces the overall meaning of a written work. Where is the original thought that he/she contributes to the body of knowledge? The example used by Porter to expound on the idea of the →

Good example of essay on the tower of london

The origin of the tower dates back to the Roman Empire when the city of London was founded. The decline of this power can be traced back in the William's ruling when he built the tower of London. The entire name of the castle originates from the white tower that was built by William the →

Symbolism in guy de maupassant’s the necklace

She absolutely loves the necklace and when she and her husband attend the party, everyone notices her and the necklace. However, instead of telling Madame Forestier that the necklace had been lost, Mathilde buys a replacement necklace worth 40, 000 francs and gives that to her friend hoping she would not see the difference.

Example of essay on strengths and weaknesses of symbiotic interactionism

Self-awareness or reflexive thinking, the symbols used and a negotiated order are keys that help the two interacting bodies understand and communicate with each other.Specifically, focuses on the use of rules, words, gestures and the roles of individuals in interacting. An outstanding strength of the theory is the fact that it →

Symbolic interactionism in glory road

The more they win, the more racial discrimination is thrown their way due to the amount of time black players are given on the court. Black people were not considered as equal to whites during this time mainly because of their racial background, and fake assumption about intelligence. Racism Second, one of the major →

Symbolism of the red flapper dress in angela’s ashes

Frankie remembers the dress in the trunk as "...her bright red flapper dress with pgles and black frills she brought all the way from America. She wants to keep that dress forever to remind herself she was young and dancing". Angela often stares into the fire and she is probably remembering better times and regretting →

Literary analysis of “the daughters of the late colonel” by katherine mansfield essay sample

Literary Analysis of " The Daughters of the Late Colonel" by Katherine Mansfield Essay Sample " The Daughters of the Late Colonel" by Katherine Mansfield is a subtle short story about two daughters of the late colonel who are left with the task of preparing his funeral and getting on with their lives →

Division/classification essay essay sample

Their interactions are odd and would fall into the fantasy category because in reality, a spider would not befriend a pig and be able to rescue them from their fate. Charlotte's intelligence is mind boggling at first because when she reveals her plan to Wilbur that she will advertise what a unique and special →

Fiction coursework final draft mollie coucill

The house was humongous and daunting, a charcoal-burned monstrosity towering over its extensive graveyard, with hundreds of memorials and tombstones protruding from the ground at various angles. Of all the various windows lining the stone walls of the house, only one was lit; and through it was a collection of the most curious and fearsome →

How does robert louis stevenson explore the concept of duality in dr jekyll & mr hyde? essay sample

Dualistic symbols and events were used through out the story but towards the end there were more religious aspects used than scientific, to differentiate the importance between them. The characters of Jekyll and Hyde have been used to symbolize the division between science and religion, representing the theory of Darwin. Ever since Darwin →

How to read literature like a professor – part 1 essay sample

The stated reason to go there is that Huckleberry wants to escape the society that wants to civilize him. Authorial violence is death and suffering that the authors create for the good of the story.

Romance in “the horse dealer’s daughter”

Even the title of the short story restates the concept of her lack of identity because " The Horse Dealer's Daughter" denies Mabel of a name, and implies that Mabel belongs to her father. Mabel has nothing left in life and yields to the rescue of Ferguson.

Call of the wild

The introduction of the story " Call of the Wild" by Jack London sets the story in the late 1890s in California. During the four years of his puppyhood he had lived the life of a sated aristocrat; he had a fine pride in himself, was ever a trifle egotistical, as country gentlemen sometimes become →

A good man is hard to find: many key literacy elements such as point of view

This story flows from the minute the story starts straight to the conclusion of the story. After the family ran into The Misfit then the story began to slowly lead to the denouement which ended up being the death of all the family members.