4 Pages Essay Samples

Costs of employee assistance program

But if the employee is doing poorly at work due to life's pressure out of workplace, then the employer should help him or her cope more effectively and restore the good work performance. This is done through this program whereby Employee Assistance Program counselor at this point helps both employer and employee →

How employees and managers see things differently — and how to fix it

Here are some ways HR and leaders can bridge the management-employee gap. Innovation vs.status quo Managers will say they look to their employees for innovation, but according to the VitalSmarts survey, employees feel that their leaders really value obedience. When the survey asked respondents to identify which norms reflected their company culture, employees were →

Technology and its effects to our thinking essay

One part of our brains that is regularly affected with these new developments is called dorsolateral pro frontal cortex which is in charge of the short term memory issues of the brain. This is the part of the brain where information is usually received and the moment we start this section of the brain, they →

Resistance from the employees

With the implementation of supply chain systems that involve the use of internet technologies, another critical success factor to the implementation of the system is the resolution of security risks that such technologies expose the company to. To ensure that systems are successfully implemented therefore, the authors state that a high level of data security →

How to get the message out to all employees

What the career development program is expected to do It should improve both the adermic level of students and vocational skills It should help to accomplish the objectives set by the advisory of career development It should improve the knowledge in the use of the availabletechnologyIt should set a role model and create a →

Good example of aging workforce case study

The density of the older workers is increasing in the workplaces, pushing the average age of the workforce to higher levels. Promotions and salaries of the employees must be based on the value of work by the employee to the company and should not be based on their age.

Employee motivation argumentative essay

Next, this chapter distinguish between drives and needs wherein Eve learned how needs are shaped through the individual's self-concept and other personal factors. On this topic, needs-goal-directed ores that people experience are shaped by the individual's self-concept , social norms, and past bioscience. And on the last part is about the organizational →

Reflection essay on employee motivation

Front-runner businesses can build a good reputation for high quality, guaranteed satisfaction, and top customer support while shopping and after the sale service. This would challenge the second-movers and make it a little more difficult to compete against the front-runners. This is where one organization purchases another so that the buyer assumes control. Increase the →

Training completed report sample

Asma, accountant in the sub-section, instructed me on how the Oracle system is functioning with the Payroll transactions. I learned how to process salary transactions to employees, terms and qualifications for each employee, and how the payment process is done. I was trained on how to insert elements from the Payroll system into Oracle Labor →

4 ways to make your new employee a raving fan

Most likely, this means that you will need to block out large chunks of time during the first few weeks to spend with your new employee. We recently hired a real estate assistant for a successful broker. Paint a picture for your new employee as to what you want him or her to learn and →

Good example of essay on hofstede five dimensions

This essay will attempt to draw a comparison of the cultural differences between the United States and India and discuss the impact of these differences on leadership in the two countries. Power Distance This factor refers to the extent, importance and acceptance of hierarchical relationships in an institution. However, one must also note that most →

Being self-employed vs. working for someone else

This will be a great disadvantage because not only is the person not able to be self-employed but they might have been out of the work field for a long time and did not gain much experience in a field that they would go out and try to work in after they figure out that →

Loss of freedom through apathy

It is the American vote and in this Presidential election it is a right 250 million chose to ignore. It startled and in a way disheartened me, the way many of the people I polled seemed totally apathetic to the political world around us. To me, spending a minute answering questions about the future of →

Economic freedom essay

In his book " Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" he introduces the term " system of natural liberty", which is equivalent to the current definition of capitalism. Pure capitalism in the nineteenth century led to mass exploitation of the working class by the rich and to further widening of →

Free their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston argumentative essay sample

In the novel, Their Eyes were Watching God, by Zara, the character Janie is in the journey to achieve freedom from male domination, true love and self-independence in a world of racism and female subordination. The two pieces of literature align the themes of freedom/ liberty that are extensively covered and →

Example of essay on slave

The power also got limited by the fact that their masters were still in charge of the whole election process, and they can change the figures to their favor. The slaves also had the chance to exercise power of expression where they made this effective through the mass movements. The slaves used their freedom of →

Censorship in music today-both sides of the argument essay sample

It is sometimes difficult to understand when a child gets punished for using foul language meanwhile the child's parents have the right to criticize and petition the government whenever they feel the need to do so. They feel that they are being held down. Due to the amendment made by our founding fathers, it →

In what ways does douglass draw upon the principles stated in the declaration of essay example

He famously knew to say that he would readily work with anybody whether black, white, male or even female. He is famous for writing several books about his life and experiences as a slave and how he was able to overcome it and triumph to become whom he was then. Discuss Douglass " use of →

Reflections of prague essay example

This was a quest for freedom and how the liberation of it would cause mankind to inflict pain and death on fellow mankind in the name of: distorting political and religious doctrines, self centered beliefs, and the sensitivity of pride and prejudice to the human worth of personality, dignity and freedom of their ancestor towards →

Basque and kosovo: a quest for freedom

In the latter part of the 1990s, the region of Kosovo gained international media attention when the armies of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic were deployed with the purpose of crushing the desire of the majority Albanian initiative for independence. In the constitution of the former Yugoslavia, the fundamental law set the →

Book: hard to get: twenty-something women and the paradox of sexual freedom book reviews examples

The most distinguishing characteristic of this generation of women is sexual freedom but as Bell shows, this sexual freedom has been a kind of a mixed blessing. The book contains vast information about the subjects of study that the author collects from a wide range of interviews. Hard to get: Twenty-something women and the paradox →

Freedom of information

Freedom of information has two sides namely, the freedom to convey information, and the freedom to access information. As such, it consists of press freedom and freedom to access any information by the general public. To outline the freedom of information at different stages in Nigeria the past, the present and the →

Essay on war on documentary and tongues united

The issues raised in the film reveal how un-accommodative the society was when it came to a black gay, it was probably one of the intensive moments of such an individual as he tried to find his identity. For the society to deny them their freedom and rights simply because of what they do not →

Good example of historical perspective essay

The use of shapes is evident in the image. The use of alignment in the image applies.

Emancipation proclamation as a war strategy essay example

A declaration of the freedom of slaves might not be seen as an effective tactic to restore unity and peace especially when the freedom of slaves is one of the main reasons of the outbreak of the war. However, through President Lincoln's proper timing and planning, the Emancipation Proclamation was able to stop the war, →

Cultural relativism as an ethical theory essay examples

Harm principle argues that no one can limit the freedom of an individual that is either moral or physical and it is not warrantied to do so. This is proof enough that the liberty of an individual is safeguarded since they can do anything provided it does not affect others. Applying the harm principle to →

Example of critical thinking on quantitative research about hotels occupancy in dubai

Tourists from countries like the United States were hit by the recession in 2008, thereby reducing their tour travels to Dubai. The revenues are consistent with the occupancy rates in the first half up to 2008. Considering the hotel occupancy rates and the revenues, I think the revenues are consistent with the projected tourism numbers →

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis

In the article, CFA and EFA approaches are applied in investigating the theoretical constructs and the factors represented in the study about the relationship between technostress and human productivity (Chilton, Hardgrave, & and Armstrong, 2005). The Impact of Technostress on Role Stress and Productivity.

Principal components analysis research paper examples

In that case, one of the preferable techniques is the application of the row normalization with the sum of squares of the variants for the specimen forced to one. A special form of PCA is highly essential in the analysis of compositional data. Every component works with its latent root of the eigenvalue, which shows →

Geo 101

Political Geography of the State of California California bears overwhelming political importance in the whole United States of America. Population Geography of the State of California According to the census of 2009, California is the most populated state in the USA with over 39 million residents.

Volcano – the coast is toast

The ground becomes loose due to the heat of the magma. These activities result in the shaking of the ground and contribute to the formation of earthquakes. Water is seen to boil on the surface of the city.

Urban geography

To do this, they study the site, evolution and growth, and classification of villages, towns and cities as well as their location and importance in relation to different regions and cities. Economic, political and social aspects within cities are also important in urban geography. In order to fully understand each of these aspects of a →

Push and pull factors in syrian migration

This has resulted in the officials warning of the need for more humanitarian aid to the support communities. Many Syrians have been forced out of their homes and ultimately their country as a result of raging war. These people are often forced to seek asylum or refuge as a result of the fact that they →

Personal statement example

After much debate and consultation, I have now finally decided to take the chance and apply for the university; one, which I believe, would provide me with good education and at the same time also aid in my personality growth and development into a better individual. During the holiday season in summer, I have worked →

Toponym sweet toponym

What is your county seat town or hometown and how did it get its name? (This should be at least one paragraph - at least 10 lines). Dallas, the birthplace of the name of the town of Dallas is darken and obliges an extensive demonstration. Create a map of the United States →

Northern spotted owl

The wing span of the Northern Spotted Owl is about 45 inches. Habitat The Spotted owl is mostly found in the mixed conifer and conifer-hardwood forests in Western Oregon. This could be because of the fact that these trees provide a good environment for the dusky-footed woodrats and northern flying squirrels to flourish both →

Sacagawea, a national treasure and a hero

This research paper will flesh out and show what is Sacagawea as a whole, how Sacagawea has contributed to help in the Louis and Clark expedition, what is the Lewis and Clark Expedition even is, and what was Sacagawea's origins, and what happened to her after that significant and revolutionary expedition. Sacagawea has a very →

Mt saint hellens

The wind's high speed is the core cause of the deaths and damage on nature, people, economy and structures. The consequences Research confirms exceptionally severe consequences of the hurricane Andrew because of the adverse damages that it caused.

Ap human geography chapter 2 study guide

AP Human Geography Chapter 2 Study Guide Terms: population density - a measurement of the number of people per given unit of land arithmetic population density - the population of a country or region expressed as an average per unit area physiologic population density - the number of people per unit area of arable →

Memory and retrospection in duffy’s poetry

This poem is designed as Duffy's recollection of her mother through her mother's own memories, and her recognition of all she was before the responsibilities and commitment on having children came into her life. Duffy recognizes the sacrifices that her mother made for her children, and celebrates the optimism and hope of her life when →

Good example of sustainability of western diet research paper

This poses great to the environment and the health of the living things. For food and water to be health, the ecosystem should be health. Thus, the western diet and food systems are not sustainable and pose great danger to the health of individuals.

Research paper on the whiskey rebellion

Although, at that time, the majority of Americans felt negatively concerning taxation, the Western Pennsylvania's intrepid farmers proved outright unreceptive to the idea. In 1790, the United State's new national government was making an attempt of establishing itself; considering that the government had taken up the debts accumulated by the →

Mcethics in europe and asia

As of now, Mc Donald's is only known to be vastly successful in the economic perspective of the triple bottom line. The solution to Mc Donald's problem is already in place.

Asean paper

The objective of the association, established in 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, was to " to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the →

Good example of security dillema essay

The aim of this paper is to understand which international relations theory can better clarify Russian foreign policy and provide own assessment. The Russian navy was based on the territory of the Crimean according to the agreement with Ukrainian authorities. Vladimir Putin's statements, his rhetoric and decisions, imitating the policy of Soviet period, reveal that →

Trip to japan

Passports have to be taken care of, flights have to be scheduled, and accommodations have to be arranged for when the flight arrives. Most places will have round trip air fare and the cost of the hotel as a package deal, which is the best way to go.

Good ethics in western civilization essay example

In this study, we try to answer several questions about the correlation and importance of the genesis of knowledge (about ethical theories and thoughts, in the western civilization) and of history, in the present day study of ethical thoughts and theories. The author of this paper has developed the notion that ethics is →

Should britain introduce a codified constitution?

Relations with the European Union are difficult due to the lack of a codified constitution, as the EU is a modern concept how can Britain claim modernity if it cannot maintain a relationship at ease due to this issue? Although it can be argued we may become a more democratic country with a written constitution, →

Example of article review on turkeys accession to eu

Turkey's Accession to EU Smith stated that the European Union had finally allowed the formal talks on Turkey's bid to the EU on October 4, 2005 despite Turkey's initial application sometime in the 1990s. The EU made compromises with Turkey and its members to begin the negotiations, one by opening Turkey's →

How statutes are interpreted by the courts in the uk

Judges use four core moralities when inferring to statute: The literal Rule, The golden Rule, The Mischief Rule, The Purposive approach. The Literal Rule. The literal rule is the rule used to interpreting statutes. Other cases that were taken to court under the literal rule were: R v Harris , →

European integration of poland research paper samples

Instead, because of certain differences of international legal character, recognition on the legitimacy of the government is not involved in the San Francisco Conference in 1945 to prepare the statutory documents of the UN. Another hurdle of the way to integration in the EU was Iron Curtain doctrine that existed in the postwar period and →

Free globalization and health essay example

However, with the formation of the League of Nations and further the United Nations, it ceased being a national issue to a global concern. It will ensure continuous delivery of quality health care and enhance disaster preparedness. The major health problems in the world have penetrated the world due to globalization.

Free essay on western civilization breeds intolerance

Western civilization breeds intolerance through the rejection of human uniqueness and of the structure of language, causing the rejection of individual differences. Culture asserts that everyone is different. However, because of these cultural parameters, there is a constant tendency to invent it. In contemporary times, the unruly body is the site for a masochistic essence →

Sample report on contemporary business project-1

This study looks at the prospects of an academic city in the Western region. - Background of the study In the recent past, there has been a proliferation of institutions of higher learning in the Western Region. As such, it was important to determine the impact and the effect this →

Reform of the cohesion lesion policy of greece country research papers example

The migration affects the country's economy and GDP. - The situation in Greece The high debts by the Greek government characterize the country's situation. There have been hoping that Greece would recover from the financial ditch, but the ditch gets bigger, deeper, and wider for the state and it has called for the European Union →

The trade relations among europe and africa, asia and america

The reality was that not every country was willing to purchase their products, but many of the Europeans were eager to buy products from other countries. Another big misconception about European trade is that we always think other countries had to yield to the terms set forth by the Europeans. Although, Europeans had a powerful →

Example of feminism and ‘respect for culture’ essay

The reasons for this are various and there have also been cases of misuse of tradition, such as murders in the name of culture. The first argument is that there should be interference of Western people in the traditional policies of non-Westerns. The one case that cannot be justified is →

Good the worship philosophy of john calvin biography example

Because of his radical ideas, and the ways in which he implemented them, John Calvin became an immensely important figure during the Reformation and afterwards, as he was one of the most ardent advocates of Augustinian traditions including God's absolute sovereignty, and the doctrine of predestination. Born in Noyon in →

Biblical worldview

As a prophet of God, King David, said in Psalm 19, verse 1, " The heavens are telling the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." One can hardly look at the beauty, the order, and the wisdom of the universe and not see how wise and powerful God →

Good example of book review on the bible dictionary review

In the explanations there are articles that have been to give a detailed explanation to the issues being addressed. There are various articles in the dictionary one of them being the altar about the alter for making sacrifices by prophets and other people in the Old Testament. The altar was placed in the tabernacle which →

Free report on sensory perception accuracy and fallability

In effect the brain simulates sensory information based on prior experience, memory and beliefs as to the output of the task. Fig 1: Sensory simulation process in the brain Brains have a distinct way of understanding sensory information in that it is associated with the reason or purpose that the individual is trying to →

Example of globalization research paper

The success of these societal systems resulted to globalization. The publication, Is the world becoming smaller? Globalization: the making of world society.

Pneumatology essay

Although I am not really an expert by any means, I am willing to give you some basic information about some of your questions as you try to make some decisions about which church might best suit the needs of yourself and your family, and if the one that you →

Moses and the burning bush, exodus 3:1 -15

As the daughter of the Pharaoh was bathing in the river she found Moses. The story of the burning bush belongs to a bigger unit of the bible.

Example of dont waste your life report

Despite all the information and changes taking place in the world, the Bible is a source of information that is reliable since God inspired men to write the Bible, therefore the Bible is the best source for God's message to us, it is also the best source of information on which life is wasted and →

Evaluation coldplay viva la vida essay sample

Further in this article I aim to decompose this song, examining the strength of its lyrics, the appeal to its listeners, the instrumental part and the clarity of the speech that resides from the song. Supporting Paragraphs Living in the past, back when " I used to rule the world" →

Problem 4 essay example

Some problems with the system have been highlighted below and proposed solutions to them itemized. Problem With the increase in number of elderly Americans living beyond the age of 65, it has become imperative for the government to increase funding for the programme. Stone Solution Policy makers should, as a matter →

The impact on nursing of the 2010 iom report on the future of nursing critical thinking

The Impact on Nursing of the 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing In November 2010, the Institute of Medicine issued a report that was bound to change the dynamics as known in the profession and bring forth reforms that would improve this profession. Such measures and changes would help improve practice →

Samson in the bible

Yet, he squandered all of his potentials and abdicated his responsibilities as a judge of Israel because he became proud of his strength and disobeyed God. This happened at a time when the Israelites were not following the statutes and the decrees of God. Samson was to become one of the leaders of the people →

Free essay on a call for better food

However, the cafeteria is not sufficient for the needs of the students, which has created a situation that must be rectified immediately. First of all, there are not enough choices on the menu. The name of the game is competition students that do not have to stay on the meal plans will go to the →

Reflection on jesus

The teachings of Jesus, His death and resurrection, and the promise of His return provide believers with a firm foundation for living, confidence in God's power and provision in our lives, and clear direction in The Way. Throughout Matthew 5 and 6, He challenges believers to examine our motives and make →

The role of women in christianity, islam, and hinduism: a comparison essay examples

Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism each have different struggles with women's rights and require different things from their female members, and have handled the growing equality of women in decidedly different ways. Christianity is an all-encompassing umbrella term for a wide range of different types of religious faiths, many of which have little in common other →

Example of arnold school of public health usc study examines why african americans research paper

The french quarter is protected by floodwalls that do not surround the rest of the city of New Orleans, was this the only reason the french quarter did not flood? In the 1700s, when the city was founded, the French Quarter was the highest level of ground adjacent from the Mississippi river, and it was →

Punishment in the iliad, the odyssey, and the hebrew bible

In many of the Greek based books, there was a lot of cheating going on. In the Hebrew Bible, there are severe punishments for cheating. Within the Odyssey, book III, one example is about how Nestor explains to Telemachus, - "...ut we were over there, fighting hard at Troy, and Aegisthus who was taking his →

Women and religion essay example

This has been a contributing factor in the discrimination of women even in the leadership of the church. Religious Influence on women before 1800 Men were favored most than the women because of the growing bureaucracy in the church. The number of women continued to increase in the church membership despite of being inferior. →

The experience essay

In the distance before reaching the intersection I observed the frail stature of a woman standing with her cane out- stretched trying to make her way to the other end. Interestingly, she was standing there at the pedestrian crossing where vehicles were supposed to stop and at least give her priority due to her condition. →

Compare and contrast women of the bible essay sample

The main difference was in how those qualities were used and whom the women served and worshiped Jezebel was a Phoenician princess, a daughter of the king and queen of the rich coastal city-state of Sidon. Esther is the beautiful virgin selected to marry Ashasuerus, the King of Persia after the King banishes →

Analysis of cain and abel: the first two sons of adam and eve

We meet the main characters of the story in the first two verses. Cain is Abel's older brother and we learn of their occupations, " Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. The god in the story of Cain and Abel when the context is not →

The bible vs. the world on a turtle’s back essay sample

The story continues by explaining how the birds of the sea gently caught the women and calmly placed her on the back of a turtle. While on the turtle's back, the women planted the roots she had gathered on the descending trip. From there, the women began to walk in a circle the direction →

The pros and cons of the women’s suffrage movement

The law in the Wyoming Territory, the first state to allow women to vote, reads: Female Suffrage Chapter 31 An Act to Grant to the Women of Wyoming Territory the Right of Suffrage, and to Hold Office Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wyoming: →

Analysis of the 2nd amendment of the u.s constitution

" A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, will not be infringed". Within the Constitution is the Second Amendment, which protects the right to own guns to the people of the United States.

War on women’s reproductive health

This collection of articles provide different perspectives on Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a savior to millions of women but the defunding of it is rising. Protect Women's Health is an article by the editors of Scientific America and they talk about how abortion is the smallest part of Planned Parenthood.

Jefferson essay

Justice Thurgood Marshall said, " The blacks were so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect...and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit." This excerpt shows that in that time blacks were not treated the same as whites and clearly →

Is abortion murder?

The idea that any woman who becomes pregnant as a result of non-procreative sexual intercourse must continue with her pregnancy does not take into consideration the fact that there is a tremendous discrepancy between the enormous potential of human fertility and the real-life ability of women and couples to provide all that is necessary to →

Are human rights “subversive” to the current “society of states”?

To Amstutz, the appropriate, effective, and lasting approach should be by way of restorative justice. Simply put, what Amstutz appears to mean is to break the barrier and bridge the gap by giving allowances and offering of incentives to offenders, while motivating them to come out →

Bel 492

Central Idea : Human trafficking has become the global issue as it will lead to slavery, black market's organ trading and drugs' trafficking, the victims as well the traffickers and how to end human trafficking. Today I would like to inform you about what is human trafficking, who are the likely victims and the traffickers →

Human rights essay example

Below is a discussion of two main rights which have drawn much attention in the present world. According to the United for Human Rights Organization , there is the provision that all human beings are innocent until proven guilty. In line with this, the Human Rights Watch observed that in 2011, the condition of →

Main rights of children, young people and their families due to the convention on the rights of the child

You also have the right to know and be cared for by your parents , and the government must make sure that you are not taken away from your parents against your will, unless this is in your best interests (it will be in a child's best interests to be taken away from their →

Community service can restore social justice and uphold human rights

Community Service is crucial in today's society because it can help to restore social justice and protects and upholds the rights of those who the volunteer helps. With these opportunities, people can make it out of poverty and this creates a smaller gap between the rich and the poor, which is noticeable in a socially →

Us constitution as a tool for peace establishing

Explain the ways in which the constitution seeks to prevent the ' tyranny of the majority The ' tyranny of the majority' refers to the political situation where the majority of an electorate is able place its own interests above all, at the expense of the minority groups. There are several ways the →

An oral presentation arguing for the legalisation of euthaniasia essay sample

A plan to stop our wasting of scarce medical resources on those who are incurable and those who have no drive to live. Over the next 10 minutes, I will persuade each and every one of you that it is essential that euthanasia is legalised. Rather it is immoral to give patients no option →

Reflection paper on the movie “amistad”

Slavery is the product and the extension of unjust act. In addition, we need to promote and protect the rights of all especially the most vulnerable in our society.

Inequalities between men and women in sport

A grounded voice for women in sports is needed for the sportswomen population to express the values and thoughts to situations which can help afflict change how women are viewed in sports. It has nothing to do with sports but it proves a significant point that men rule this world, and that's not how it →

Susan b anthony and elizabeth cady stanton

The Declaration argues that women are separated by the government and the society of which they are a part of and it insists women to be considered full citizens and to have the same rights as men. Y, the convention became very popular and women hit a very big milestone in history. The 19th Amendment →

John updike a&p essay sample

He does this to show his manager that he cannot control people and tell them what to do, or embarrass anyone without punishment. The rebelling is because of how the manager handled the situation, and Sammy was found of the girls that where in the store, he was trying to show the girls that →