4 Pages Essay Samples

Regimes of recognition and enforcement of judgments

A comparison of the similarities and differences of the respective regimes of recognition and enforcement of judgments under Council Regulation 44/2001 with those provided by the English Common Law. The Council Regulation acknowledges that in the pursuit of a community in which free movement of persons is ensured, there needs to be ' measures relating →

Affirmative action in brazil assignment

The first half of the 16th century marks the beginning of the slavery period in Brazil. Because of the diversity of the population in Brazil and due to the lack of a more reliable system than the system of quotas, it is very difficult to determine who belongs to the minority groups that are protected →

Report on soundblaster band

FindingsFrom the band s company the findings of the investigation indicate that the band s most prosperous period in 2003 year. Increasing sales of music and merchandising: We can regard the band as a commodity.

Fuzzy data approximation. fuzzy logic begins with

This simplifies the work of the system designer and the computer and translatesinto a much more accurate representation of how systems behave in the realworld. Fuzzy logic tries to reflect the humanway of thinking.

Hybrid cars essay sample

Hybrids run on a rechargeable battery and gasoline rather than gas alone, but the power shift between the gas engine and electric motor is so seamless that you are likely to forget about all the advanced technology moving you down the road. With gas prices soaring to more than two bucks a gallon in many →

Verbal communication paper

The main intention of communication is for the message to be delivered to the right recipient through the given channel within a short period of time. This is the filed that has to exemplify the understanding of the modes of communication that are used.

Law and ethics

LAW AND ETHICS Your School of Engineering, Social Sciences, etc Number and of PaperLAW AND ETHICS As the paramedic of a patient who refuses to be brought to the hospital, it is important that the paramedic responds to the emergency situations like Jack's case and extend to him the duty of care which paramedics owe →


Task Reflection: Ammonia Project Introduction When this project was first given to us in the selected group, I admit that I wasnot ready for the challenge because of my insufficient experience in the energy-regulating field. In order to produce this gas, we had to look at the chemical reaction that was involved in the production, →

Communispace essay

I would use the service to launch a new product because the online communities, as explained in the case, give quicker feedback compared to traditional qualitative research methods. The duration that Communispace's services are offered is a huge value because consumer opinions change all the time, and over the course of the year, the customer →

Hurricane katrina narrative essay

The aim of this essay is to outline the way and the efficacy of the United States military and the United States civil services which were summoned to tackle the repercussions of the calamity, the way the government treated the evacuated and the assaulted people, the imperfections of the undertaken safety measures and rescue operation →

Aa meetings essay 2

This was the first time that I had been to a meeting, but I was not nervous attending a meeting. They started the meeting with some group business and announcements, after that I thought I was in a AA meeting, The topic was on the holidays and how to cope.

Downsizing: fiduciary and great harm

The second argument for downsizing is that managers are bound by a fiduciary duty to their shareholders that is greater than any duty to anyone else. On the other hand, the argument that downsizing is permissible because the managers have an obligation to maximize profits to shareholders because they have invested money is also flawed, →

Aspects of the greek tragic hero in american literature assignment

Since then many books and monographs, including master's theses and doctoral dissertations, have helped to make the Greek minority one of the more thoroughly researched in the nation. In time, no doubt, the archives of Greek Americana will be as complete as money and effort can make them.

A chorus of issues

The predominant issue raised in Act I is that of social confines and identity as expressed through the common premise of clothing. The notion of change is a perpetuating theme in Top Girls and conveys a common matter amongst the women of Act I.

Asthronomy lab

The most common color of galaxies in this object is the blue. According to my observation, it was the most prominent color which could be seen in most of the galaxies present in the object.

How canadian doing business in china

There is a grain of truth to the buzz phrase " think global but act local" and this is the topic of this paper, about how a Canadian doing business in China should comport or behave and be a success in business. Conclusion A Canadian doing business in China must use guanxi and give importance →

Aviation’s affects/contributions to air pollution

The thing is that the air pollution matters have become the standpoint of the national welfare in the USA and other countries of the world. L, & Spengler, J.D.

Remembering the past to imagine the future: the prospective brain

Week 6 Commentary Remembering the past to imagine the future: the prospective brain In 2007, Schacter et al.posited that there is a common core brain network involved both in the remembering of one's personal past and imagining the future. The idea that remembered details are reactivated during the retrieval and integration into the imagining of →

The birthmark

Hawthorne has one wondering about Aylmer's age, childhood, or even some of his bad habits as to why he is the way he is. The birthmark is a representation of mortality.

Defending your case

It is a form of post traumatic relationship, where the female can go to being paranoid because of the trauma she is experiencing from the pains of the relationship. There are no statistics that show the rate of the victims of Battered Women's Syndrome.

Beer game analysis essay

For the first 3 weeks I just ordered the weekly demand because the demand was low and we had enough inventory. For the first 3 weeks I just ordered the weekly demand because the demand was low and we had enough inventory.

Informative essay – love is something that gets you hyped up

It was just another normalschool day for me or it was until I went to my class and saw a " sexy" girl that made me want to come to school every day despite the fact I had to wake up early or the long distance I had to travel to school or how boring →

Self introductory speech

I did not have the slightest idea as to where I would be in ten years; I only knew where I did not want to be. My dream of staying with my parents for the rest of my life was abruptly shattered at the age of 18 when I found out that I was pregnant.

Gender norms and identity among young children

Therefore, the examples the parents set for their children and the reactions they have to ways that their children interact with gender are critical in the development of gender for their child. It is possible that many children feel pressured to conform to the gender restrictions in society, which is why there is a smaller →

Plato’s cave: still current in mass media assignment

However, in true reality, the people starring in the television shows are merely creating images of Images to entertain the prisoners, and are trapped inside their own caves. Just like the chained prisoners, " the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images", and the television viewers regard the news from Fox →

Study lacally vs study abroad essay

Premium Words Pages Studying Abroad or Locally Studying abroad is a better choice Education Is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Premium Words Pages Disadvantage and Advantage Studying Abroad and Locally Disadvantages of studying abroad essay Introduction Education Is very Important In life.

Miti and the japanese miracle

The book " MITI and the Japanese Miracle" by Chalmers Johnson should be considered the classic of contemporary historical and economic studies because it significantly contributes the fields by examining and analyzing developmental states. Johnson provides overview of the history of MITI stressing that it is central to political and economic history of Japan.

Concerts across time

Music has always done this through the changes in time and the persona behind the music. In general both Baroque and popular music speak to the crowd attending the concert.

Antigone vs. creon

In the tragedy of Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone, the main protagonist, is conflicted whether or not to bury her dead brother and go against Creon's law or follow Creon's law. In the story, Antigone and Creon are responsible for their own fate, seeing as it's their actions that cause them to be a tragic hero.

Should cannabis be legalised in the uk essay

There would be no point for people to buy cigarettes that contained cannabis, as the cannabis can give them the same effects. If cannabis was open to public use in the same way that tobacco is, the users would not be threatened by illegal suppliers.

Personal finance questions

As to the advantages, the Chase bank is convenient in the online usage. What are the largest asset and the largest liability of a typical bank?

Social political factors for 911 responses essay

The attack led to a tune of 3000 deaths of people who would have contributed to the productivity levels of the country building structures as well as other forms of infrastructures were destroyed. Murder is justified to serve the interests of a few in the pretence of religion.

The love song of j. alfred prufrock opens selected poems.

If this is the case Eliot is clearly concerned about the inability of the character to move forward and to care for his own well being and happiness. The damage that he does to himself through his lack of drive is huge.

Commentary on an extract from “miss julie” essay

The first few pages of " Miss Julie" reveals a few aspects of the characters of Jean and Miss Julie, it foreshadows the events that may happen later on in the play and it reveals the gender and class discrimination. The setting of the scene also reveals the issues in the play.

Love in shakespeare plays ” twelfth night – romeo & juliet ” assignment

Although his play " twelfth night " is a romantic comedy while Romeo & Juliet " is aromatic tragedy, they both show that love can cause pain; Many f the characters claim to suffer painfully from buying in love In the " twelfth night " we have more than one love story, Olivia describes love →

Discovery in away and the perks of being a wallflower

The necessity of discovery as a means of stimulation and new world and values can be reflected through the inceptive behaviours and attitudes that require change. This is indicative of the confusion and disconnection that arises prior to undergoing discovery and the necessity of these changes to stimulate new ideas and solidify new worlds and →

Care agencies within my local area. (my post code is se 18 4 ds )

The main focus of this facility is to provide support and rehabilitation to a small number of adults with mental health problems. The ability of workers at Plumstead Lodge to handle long term mental illnesses like dementia places it above the short stay facility of Homeleigh Residential Care in terms of variety.

Reviewing criticisms feminist writers made of criminology criminology essay

At the heart of feminist criminology, a critique of extant criminology lurks for the reasons below, the failure to theorise or engage in the empirical study of female offending, the neglect of female victimisation and, particularly, male violence against women and the over concentration on the impact of the criminal justice system on male offenders. →

Information technology acts

Prior to caller ID, there was a time when someone would answer the phone in surprise because they did not The interesting comparison of The Consumer Protection Act of 1991 and the Do Not Call Implementation Act of 2003 is though these are two different laws, they go hand in hand in regard to what →

A discussion, comparison and contrasting of the poems grass and the mist by carl sandburg

A Discussion, Comparison and Contrasting of the Poems " Grass" and " The Mist" by Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg is an internationally acclaimed Americanpoet, who claims the rare honor of having been awarded with the Pulitzer Prize twice. Poetry can be perceived as an art form where the artist has the leeway to display various →

Should gay marriage be legalized

Homosexuals should have the right to marry because marriage is the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, two people who love each other regardless of their sexual preference should be allowed to marry. There were statements on the website as well that said the →

The internal business process perspective: dukes childrens hospital

The management team and their employees were cash strapped, and this ultimately affected the quality of the services that they offered. This meant that the staff and the management team worked around a strategy that cuts down on the amount of money that each patient visiting the hospital paid.

Critically compare and contrast tolstoy’s nevella the death of ivan iiyich with kurosawa’s masterpiece ikuru

Critically compare and contrast Tolstoy's novella The Death of Ivan Ilyich with Kurosawa's masterpiece Ikuru A great, philosophical thought passed through two stories about the most uninteresting, most common people in both Tolstoy's novella The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Kurosawa's film Ikuru. Characterizing Ikuru in general features it is possible to mention that the →

Suggest some actual government policies that might be used in your country (name the country) to improve the investment climate. explain your reasoning

The quality of the investment atmosphere is connected to scarcity decline by the impact of superior investment atmospheres on private division action, and therefore on financial development and employment." The quality of a country's investment climate is determined by the risks and transaction costs of investing in and operating a business, which in turn are →

Encryption algorithm as a composition of function

The S-DES decryption algorithm takes an 8-bit block of ciphertext and the same 10-bit key used to produce that ciphertext as input and produces the original 8-bit block of plaintext. The encryption algorithm involves five functions: an initial permutation; a complex function labeled fK, which involves both permutation and substitution operations and depends on a →

Pro-choice argumentative essay essay sample

The ancient Hellenes recognized the human in the infant only after the appearance of the father with the child in the temple. Since the embryo is connected to the mother with the help of the placenta and the umbilical cord, its condition depends on the health of the mother, so it can not be regarded →

Do the ends ever justify the means?

The major concern that arises in the novel in my opinion is the lack of informed consent and knowledge given to Henrietta before and her family afterwards. It is a process of communication between a patient and physician that results in the patient's authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention." In the 1950s →

Elizabeth short case

This case was so famous because the case was unsolved, the woman was beautiful, and the murder was so gruesome. Media from all over the world wanted a piece of this story and the story was headlining for weeks.


A second positivity in regard to technology is the issue of Improvement in education. This leads to unequal distribution of resources as there is a need to improve in certain areas of the economy.

Daimler chrystler

To make any cross cultural merger a success there has to be an audit of the characteristics and cultures of the two companies. The Daimler-Chrysler deal was never expected to be a merger of equals.

Social change

The Value of Collective Action in Working toward Social Change THE VALUE OF COLLECTIVE ACTION IN WORKING TOWARD SOCIAL CHANGE Collective action can be defined as actions that seek to improve the conditions of a group in terms of power, status, or others. The rational choice is that I need to be part of a →

10 herbal medicine

Lagundi - known as " 5-leaved chaste tree" in english is used in Philippine herbal medicine to treat cough, colds and fever. It is also used to treat coughs, colds and insect bites Types Of Herbal Medicine Medicinal plants can be used by anyone, for example as part of a salad, an herbal tea or →

Speech to inform – sleep deprivation essay sample

And as a typical college student, I have experienced a lack of sleep time and time again. Thesis: Sleep deprivation has many negative effects that cause harm to college students and everyone should know how to fight sleep deprivation Preview: Today, I will inform you on the background of sleep deprivation, the causes and effects →

Cutting cafeteria costs essay sample

Maria focuses on reducing the costs of the two main ingredients in the casserole, the potatoes and green beans. Determine the amount of potatoes and green beans Maria should purchase each week for the casserole to minimise the ingredient costs while meeting nutritional, taste, and demand requirements.

Idea of belonging

The poem is mainly a nightmare about the idea of ancestry/belonging, and Skrzynecki uses the blood allusion in " The wind tastes of blood" to show that the root is in our blood which connects us to our ancestors. Each of the texts shows us a strong will to belong and we can see that →

“there is no place in the humanist worldview for either immortality or god

Through this method, Descartes explains the existence of man as a " thinking thing," the capacity for human error, the overall trustworthiness of our senses, the existence of a physical world, the mind and body as separate entities, and the existence of an infinitely perfect God. Descartes uses the entire third and most of the →

Body ritual among the nacirema by horace miner essay sample

In the article, " Body Ritual among the Nacirema," author Horace Miner talks in detail about the culture of a North American clan, the Nacirema. The focus of this activity is the human body, the appearance and health of which loom as a dominant concern in the ethos of the people".

2 questions about the road

The reason for this bond is due to the nature of the world that they live in. The boy is the leader of the future because his eyes are already adjusted to the light of a world completely alien and incomprehensible to those of his father's generation.

The play lucky spot

The prospect for success narrows even further when Lacey Rollins, 30ish with fading good looks, one of the Taxi Dancers Hooker hired to work at The Lucky Spot, emerges from the living quarters to inform the others that the rest of the dancers have fled on account of the news that Hooker's estranged wife, Sue →

Human resources strategies

A risk of the use of gain sharing plans is that the bonus incentive might cloud the judgment of the employees." Companies that have experienced the benefits of improved involvement, communications and teamwork would argue that their gain sharing plan is much more than a compensation program". Another strategy to increase the likelihood of success →

Event management – case study 1

Moreover, because of these undesirable incidents in the tournament, the spectators and participants were obviously dissatisfied with the outcome of the event. A more comprehensive training should be systematically developed and enforced to ensure the promptitude of each cheerleader.

History of tipu sultan

The main focus of the external policies he displayed was that a balance was essential to restore a sense of normalcy in the governance of the country. They failed to realize the magnitude and the implications of British imperialism.

The impact of technology on daily life

Fixing the morality of the people itself The wrong way of using the technology is cause they do not use it wisely. That's why everyone have to help each other for the development of technology and the goodness of human life.

You attitude

When you begin your correspondence with " I," from the very first word you are telling your readers who the most important persons in the correspondence are, and it is not them. You can use " WE" in that case when you want to include the reader.

Decisions, decisions

I thought that was a great idea and had my mother tell me all about it. Mostly because I did not just say doctor, I had a specific field I wanted to do and I was focused on it.

Motif catcher in the rye analysis assignment

Holder constantly thinks of himself in a negative light, which plays a role in why he flunked out of Pence and why he is in such a depressed state. In Holder's mind, the only way to fit in with the others and feel better about himself is to demean others.

Fomite transmission and microbes in the environment essay sample

Microbes in the Environment Part I Microbes in the air 1.label the bottom of three prepared dishes, air, water and soil. Describe what type of growth you observed in the water dish.

Reflective in wr

The concept and cause and effect essays are the two main papers I will use to make an evaluative analysis of the outcomes I have learned, utilizing the writing process in Basic Writing I, with expectations of receiving the grade of at least a " B" on my portfolio. This essay has a conclusion that →

Assesment planning

The goal of assessment and diagnosis is to identify client's danger to self and others. Together with the assessment of client's history and current functioning, it is necessary to identify client's strengths and weaknesses.

Conflict and omaghassignment assignment

Conflict occurs in social settings and has a great impact on a persons daily life and the lives of those in the society. He objected to violence because it appeared to do good, but the good is temporary and the evil it does is permanent and that violence, impatience and anger cannot do good in →

Department of health and human services

Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services The Department of Health and Human Services is the United States government's primary organization for looking after the health of the American people and offering indispensable human services, for those who are not able to assist themselves. The fundamental difficulties of health care →

Drowning and swimming pools

The actual medical definition of Hypoxia or hypoxiation " is a pathological condition in which the body as a whole or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply." From what I have read in many articles there seems to be confusion on what drowning really is so there are two sub- →

Prioritizing projects at dd williamson

The projects considered most important were immediately placed on the top of the importance list, and the rest went through the scoring process to be ranked in order from most to least important. Since the projects had already been ranked in order of importance, it would be easy for the team to hold a future →

Better people: a song analysis of teen culture

The writer of this song, Xavier Rudd, is likely referring to the wealth of resources available in order to make a difference and could further be inferring the ease at which one can acquire these resources. In the song, these lines refer to the outlook towards personally making a difference; however it can also be →

History of c.v. c.v. healthcare corporation

Under the CARS initiative and in correlation with the company's Code of Ethic Policy, C.V.in early 2014 made the decision that the sale of cigarettes and bacon products was a direct conflict. The chain wanted to stay aligned with its CARS responsibilities and want its customers to take them serious a s partners in better →

Michael and hannah in “the reader” by bernhard schlink essay sample

Their relation starts really rapidly into the sex scenes so after a few yearss Hanna asks Michael to read to her.at first he thinks it unusual and asks her to read but she says." You have such a nice voice.child. This is because she thinks she is acquiring excessively near to Michael and he might →

5 online basics your business needs to survive

If you want to build a reputation for your business - or at least satisfy your existing customers - there are some online basics you will need to put in place. Once you get your foot in the door, you will find it easier to escalate the visibility and reputation of your brand with more →

Zagat survey case study part iii

Earlier In the study, the universal estimate used was simply the mean value of the sample taken for the variable Cost. A larger sample would only lower the standard error and the t-value for the level of confidence, thereby narrowing the interval closer to the true population mean.

Positive accounting theory essay sample

In this case, ANZ has made a voluntary social disclosure to the public in order to " soften the blow" of the political costs which are often imposed on banks.b) Because the majority of the voting public are also customers of one of the big four banks in Australia, external political costs are often imposed →

Summary of “the memoirs of richard m. nixon

In February 1972, Nixon visit to China, who became the first U.S. Nixon, the Memoirs of Richard M.

Assignment case study

I have and uncle since he was six he has been in a mental institution was release some weekends to my grandmother's care and it did not work out due to the fact that she did not have proper training and education on how to take care of a mental patient. Medicare, Medicaid and the →

Psychology- proposal – lab report example

Upon approval from the school, I will use the entertainment hall to conduct the research since it will be convenient in providing the different noise levels. In the experiment you will be required to read an article in a noisy environment.

Theories of learning essay

The theory of andragogy has been around for nearly two centuries and the findings are particularly linked to the work of Malcolm Knowles. In this assignment I have looked at the main areas of andragogy adult learners being self directed, ready to learn and intrinsically motivated.

The chronicles of narnia: the magician nephew

Lewis, The Magician's Nephew is in fact before the story The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and tells the tale of the creation of Narnia and how evil was introduced into this magical land. Characterization The character that I have chosen is Aslan He's one of the main characters and also he has a →

Comparison of english and macedonian adjectives

The comparative and the superlative form are formed analytically adding?- for comparative, and?- for superlative, to the basic adjective form. If there are more than one adjectives before the noun, all of them agree in gender and number with the noun, but only the first adjective 1 et the definite articles morphemes, and the other →

A comparison of atonement and lantana

Contrastingly, Lawrence utilises mise en scene, soundtrack, camera shots and dialogue within Lantana to express his concerns regarding not only the infidelity and betrayal in contemporary urban life, and the importance of redeeming oneself, but the influence of socioeconomic status on the attainment of happiness. The stark contrast between the lighting of Valerie's telephone box, →

Beijing sifang automation co

The preparation includes making job description and person specifications because the company needs to be very clear on the job requirements and ensure what the kind of person they are looking for. The standard used in shortlisting will be justifiable in terms of the job, have objective validity and apply equally to all candidates.

critical analysis tom lux

The poem's title bleeds directly into the first line, " The People of the Other Village / hate the people of this village" Thus begins the alternating structure of the poem. Already, the only difference shown between these two villages is the word " other" and the word " this." By being vague, the author →

A critique – reggio emilia approach a educational philosophy assignment

The Regis Emilie Approach model was felt to be very important in the early years of the development of children, since that is when they are forming who they will be as individuals, This led to a program that was created based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in →

Tarrgon as insectiside essay sample

The focus of the problem is on the effect of substance of the leaves and not on the other part of the plant. The researchers use leaves of tarragon plant to make an effective and cheaper insecticide.

Holden caulfield inner journey dramatic monologue

Yet, my egotism, conceit and emotional instability, incited from the traumatic death of my brother Allie, blinded my ability to realise the bitterness and arrogance I was engulfed within. Through his trenchant criticism, I was forced to realise my problems, while the ambiguity of my motives compelled me to encounter the complexity and ambiguity of →

Social security

The huge problem with the current situation facing Social Security is the increasing deduction of workers in the work force paying for workers retired. The early designers of Social Security and many Democrats are baffled at the recent proposals to change Social Security.

Arnav fees upfront.? data structure: relational databases were

Schema or No Schema: A NoSQL database lets you build an application without having to define the schema first, making it easier to update it as your data and requirements change unlike relational databases which turn rigid after forcing us to design the schema first? NoSQL databases are designed to handle unstructured and semi-structured data →

Marriage ancient china assignment

Although the way people get married is different a woman's role in the marriage is similar culture to culture throughout ancient India, China, and Japan, divorce is a common practice in American now, but thousands of years ago there were still laws and criticisms among couples in Indian and Chinese Civilizations preventing such action, and →