4 Pages Essay Samples

What google doesn’t want you to hear about link-building for seo

However, because , to earn higher rankings, you have got to have links. And if you want links, you have two options: Wait/hope/pray that people link to your content (this is what Google wants you to do) Go build some links yourself. While I am all for appeasing the Google Gods, I prefer β†’

Fineprint company case

It is hoping to do some elaborate work cheap for " FinePrint Company." Because SPS would like to simply keep the press running, Bradley proposed a deal with FPC to print a maximum of 30, 000 brochures at $8 per 100 brochures. Relationships to Aim of the Company FinePrint Company's use of temporary labor and β†’

The recruitment documents of tesco essay sample

An example of a job description is shown below. http://www.tesco-careers.com/job.cfm/reference/1209680/source/WCN/ What is a person specification? A person specification is the opposite to a job description, instead of focussing on the details of the job, the person specification details the type of person the company wants for the job, usually a job specification β†’

Apple and samsung case

Rather, the ancient rarity of fabricate would be the whole auto all things considered, and the whole telephone for Samsung's situation. That conveys us to another issue: what precisely Apple licensed. One factor in the four-factor test is what's really guaranteed in the patent, and Apple and Samsung tussled over the issue.

Example of critical thinking on economic questions

The lower the supply the higher the price of organs and therefore, the patients from lower income families would not get enough money to buy the organs. Question 2 Before the World War II USSR were socialists where everything including trade and their market was controlled by the government. β†’

Report on internship in merchandising department

With offices in Hong Kong and Vietnam, the company provides a variety of services such as Prototyping, Logistics & Shipping and Quality Control. Work Responsibilities The department that I am assigned to is the Merchandising department. During the first week of internship, I have received training from my senior colleagues on how to write β†’

General electric under jack welch case study sample

For the purpose of this analysis, it is important to mention that the leadership qualities and vision of Welch as a CEO, where influenced by his personal background; he comes from a working class family and goes through all the stages of professional development within the company. Q1: Corporate Social β†’

Free essay about residual income model

Hence, the equation for finding the intrinsic value of the stock is : Vo= Bo+[ / Bo] In the equation above, while Bo, is the book value of the company, [ / ], represents additional value expected because of the ability of the company to generate additional returns in excess of its cost β†’

Pesticide waste tank explosion at bayer cropscience report examples

This is because the new system called for adjustments, things to check, clarifies and the complexity of the system caused a challenge. On the day of the incident at 5. The temperature rise is because of the pre-heated feed and not cold due to decompositions from the methomyl. The control board operator saw the increased β†’

Interview with a leader essays examples

The objective of this interview is to understand his role as a leader in the company and learn with his experience for our future. When I receive his confirmation, we scheduled skype interview and I prepared for it in advance, to be able to lead the conversation and answer all β†’

Top priorities for developing human resource in the company essay

The HR and the company's management teams sit down at the beginning of the financial year to evaluate the functions of the HR department in the company which are then adopted as the drivers of HR department to meet the goals and objectives of the whole organizations. HR department ensure that its goals are aligned β†’

Example of visual apple ipad essay

My goal in this paper is to explain about the necessity of buying a product, its market demographics, and elaborate on how the images and punch line in marketing influence the consumer. Fig 1: A retro image of a woman holding the iPad In Fig 1 a woman is shown holding an iPad in β†’

Free research paper on symbolism and pathetic fallacy in the things they carried by tim obrien

Edgar V Roberts and Robert Zweig in their " Introduction to Reading and Writing" tell readers about the importance of symbolism within a story." The Things They Carried" is a non-fictional account that centers on the main character Tim O'Brien about his experience in the Vietnam War. The novel is a series of different β†’

Example of research paper on engineering: world trade center new york

It was created through the tube frame design that runs vertically from the base of the building to the apex. - Aluminum was mixed with steel to create steel bushings that ensured the core as firmly fixed and no loose ends were hanging. The major categories of structural steel include: - ASTM A529 - ASTM A572 - β†’

Good case study about payless shoesource

Marketing Payless ShoeSource Re: In order to revamp the corporate image of Payless ShoeSource by expanding the designer collection to increase company sales through lesser cost Recommendations: Short term - The Chief Executive Officer should meet immediately with the marketing group in order to come up with a β†’

Parameter case study examples

Oceanic team should monitor all the quality related aspects with very closely during the visit. There is no harm in taking some references to check the satisfaction of existing customers and also to access their reaction on product, quality and service they had been delivered. Based on the information available in the proposal and procured β†’

Corporate governance and firms performance literature review examples

Furthermore, both Aljifri and Moustafa and Stanwick and Stanwick stressed on the importance of agency theory in determining the impact of corporate governance, with both emphasizing on the agents the board of directors, as they act on behalf of the principals the company stakeholders. Firmly standing β†’

Example of research paper on the report

The report addresses the International Financial Reporting Standards establishment of general accounting rules followed by International Accounting Standards Board and International Federation of Accounts in control of financial audit. Introduction The CPA report by the public accounting firm reviews XYZ Corporation's financial statement in β†’

Example of case study on how does the changing environment for business affect googles ability to communicate

In the current century, globalization influences the form of business that organizations engage in.corporations find it quite challenging and enriching to undertake their business operations in different systems, nations and cultures because of the prevailing challenges and changes in businesses environment. Moreover, lack of effective business environmental change management strategies, and the pressure of the β†’

Heart failure case study example

Griffin's classification of heart failure according to the New York Heart Association Functional Classification. Ms. Explain how her weight loss is related to heart failure. Heart failure is a condition characterised by failure of the heart to pump blood sufficiently.

Glass ceiling argumentative essay samples

I totally agree with the statement saying that glass ceiling still exists, although we are in the 21st century, and it is a fact that there are some incidences, where women are discriminated and they are treated as 2nd class citizen in many places in the world. While others argue β†’

Fin 510a, managerial accounting essay examples

Interestingly, the results seem optimistic for the company as over the years, the percentage of the cost of sales to the total sales has reduced significantly and if the trend continues, we can expect the gross margin to be in line with the industrial average. However, the net profit margins of the company, indicates a β†’

A stray cat research paper sample

The paper will examine comprehensively the consequences and effects of leaving a cat to stray without due care. The paper will demonstrate that this not only put the life of the poor animal at risk, but also illustrate the weaknesses of the society in ensuring the animal rights are respected and upheld. I live in β†’

Analysis of the challenges faced by rakuten company

Changing names of acquired ventures to Rakuten and integrating old memberships may lead to a loss of loyalty among members of the original company and may ultimately cause a decrease in memberships. Rakuten e-commerce platforms do not own any inventory so its relationship with their merchants will be critical to its success especially in new β†’

Outsourcing case study example

If the cost of hiring is more that the benefits that will be gained then the IT manager can consider outsourcing services. Ability to concentrate on the core task or business Sometimes when services are outsourced, the manager is able to concentrate on key company issues that enable better service delivery and profitability in β†’

Kmart corporation

The objective in establishing a needs analysis that is used at Kmart is to find out the answers to the following questions: - " Why" is training needed? " What" type of training is needed? - " When" is the training needed? - " Where" is the training needed? - " Who" needs the training? β†’

Free essay about organizational ethics and social responsibility

Ethics is the basis that helps any organization to determine the obligations towards the society and do not perform in a way that might be damaging for people or environment. Ethical values and social responsibility become substantial and serve a fundamental role in company's strategic planning process. Stakeholders are all β†’

Cash management techniques essay example

This company is also investing a lot of money on research and development of new products. Financial Management of Company According to the report of business today the balance sheet of the company reflects that there is huge cash in the hands of management. And the reverse is done in case of easy short β†’

Free food application research paper sample

Following are some of the strengths of the application: App Strength: - It helps in discovering nearby dishes as per your cravings and discover which nearby restaurant offers the dish and at what price. - It makes finding good food as a real time ' visual' experience and gives an experience of looking into a ' bakery β†’

Good example of thomas green case study essay

Every organization in the world is now focusing on their marketing department and function to flourish their economic growth and make the things in the favor of the company (Du Plessis, Strydom & Jooste, 2012). Proper communication among the employees and the management is more than necessary to make the organization as a place wherein β†’

The cheesecake factory research paper examples

The company has already signed licensing agreements for expansion in the Middle East and Latin America. One of the main strengths of TCF is its extensive, innovative and evolving menu , 2013). The innovativeness of TCF in terms of its product offerings is evidenced by its new Skinnylicious menu which aims to target the β†’

My favorite part of the story and its significance report

The most remarkable part of his story that really left a mark was the one that described how he directed the opening of new Chick-Fil-A stores and how he administered every transaction and inquiry that has something to do with his franchising company. It is only a reflection of the ethics that you have for β†’

Good case study about software engineering

Both the software architecture and classical architecture are similar in phases of development for instance; There is the blueprint plan in the work phases of classical architecture whereas in the phases of software engineering there is the involvement of software architecture design. In classical architecture, there has to be implementation planning involved whereas in the β†’

Final team paper

The methodology and research is based on the action research design and will detail how we get our results. The result of our research indicates that recycling will be successful depending on the belief of the employee and customers. Starbucks - Business Research Method I The objective of this analysis is to β†’

Free research paper about history of sears roeback company-exploitation of the american market

This process helped to evade the middlemen who happen to increase the prices of the products reducing the purchasing power of the products. It was a way of advertising their products as the more they were in most regions, the more the people came to learn of their existence.

Why is it important for a business to budget? essay sample

It covers every operational area of the organization". In order to cover the different areas/aspects of the organization, a variety of budgets can be used and the most common ones are the following: " Operating Budget", that is a " budget that focuses on revenues, expenses, and profit to be made given those revenues and β†’

Report on service experience

The report explains my personal experience of visiting the coffee shop and uses the three stage model of service consumption to analyze the quality of service. The report has used three stage model of service consumption along with the identifying the perceived risks and how I managed to reduce these risks.

Comparing manchester airport to starbucks

Starbucks runs on entire sector primary, secondary and tertiary because they pay farmers to grow the beans so they are primary, they are in the secondary sector because they roast the beans into coffee, and they are in the tertiary sector because they sell the products and provide a service to customers. In addition there β†’

Example of argumentative essay on corporate social responsibility

The groups influence policy and governance to be a part of the initial conversations and the other entities share the ownership of projects from the start. These strategies help to increase penetration and sales of the company's products.

Marketing research on heineken research paper

This should be compared to the cost of running the campaign in order to determine if the campaign is paying back as intended to the business. This metric is necessary for Heineken since the company operates in different market segments and as such, it is important to identify the rate β†’

John falstafp v revere furniture company essay examples

Falstaff case in that Mr.john Falstaff claimed that the nature of the work at the floor was strenuous to his back which probably caused his back ailment and further leading to his termination of work. This is because it is the nature of the job which had contributed to his ill health.

Mcdonald’s beef-fries controversy

However, in the early 1990's, Mcdonald's was facing problem due to changing customer preferences and increasing competition. Customers were becoming increasinglyhealthconscious and they wanted to avoid red meat and friedfood. The furore over the matter seemed to be settling down, when to McDonald's horror, some of its restaurants in India were vandalized.

8 ways to reduce your company’s expenses

Second, you could reduce your expenses. Increasing sales requires a lot of planning, strategy and moving pieces to fall in line, but reducing your company's expenses is something you can do very easily - all it takes is a little bit of time. Not only can this help to absorb some of your lease expense, β†’

Nirma: a journey towards the milestone

Being a son of farmer he did his early education from a local school of Mehsana and later he completed his graduation in Bsc.in chemistry at the age of 21 and started working in the New cotton mills in Ahemdabad as a lab technician. After three years of starting the Nirma he left his job β†’

Good case study about marketing

The company started their strategy by first changing the leadership in the form of the new CEO. The aim was the completely reinvent the image of the company.

Youre name essay

GlaxoSmithKline Case Contrast and compare traditional Pharmaceutical R&D structures to the CEDD structure. If we compare and contrast the traditional pharmaceutical R&D structures with the newly developed CEDD structure, we find that the new CEDD structure tried to increase the overall productivity rate of the pharmaceutical R&D structure; it tried to fill those β†’

Case study on the principles of tqm in toyota

Also in the education system it offers opportunities to various levels so that all employees develop technical expertise of their job requirement and contribute the company in Toyota Way for success with pride and confidence. Explain what is Toyota Education System and discuss how it supports the success of TQM implementation. Toyota Education System and β†’

Vodafone egypt

This paper focuses on what Vodafone had to consider in concerns to entering the Egyptian market in 1998." Vodafone's corporate growth strategy is to use the technical and managerial expertise of the parent company to enter markets and leverage this knowledge in its subsidiaries. Vodafone, being the market leader, and wanting to expand, had to β†’

Walt disney company

With its mission to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment, Walt Disney continues to seek and develop the most creative experiences. Walt Disney's values are what make the company stand out. The variety of training and the benefits of the training supplement the organizational culture of the company.

Free understanding the csr by volkswagen report sample

Exploring the theme further, as a writer, I would be focussing chiefly on the unique features of Volkswagen's CSR policy. In paragraphs to follow, we will be discussing the various aspects of the CSR activity by Volkswagen, which all when combined together form the complete CSR policy of the company. - Ecological Aspect: Volkswagen is especially β†’

The review of the documentary: the corporation

The authors of the film study the impact corporations have on the modern society in general and individual people in particular. The film presents unprejudiced view on such mega corporations as McDonald's, Coca-Cola, IBM and Nike. They make a good deal showing true appearance of corporations and influence they have on average people. This is β†’

Evaluation essay

The Honda Accord is the best overall sedan when compared to the Toyota Camry. The price for a 2012 Honda Accord is $21, 680 and the Toyota Camry is $22, 055.

Good example of case study on mcdonalds organizational chart analysis

Lower organizational level, however, divides management responsibility by geographical region, creating four areas of delegation. With the above observations in mind it is possible to conclude that McDonald s Organizational Chart is a mix of functional and divisional chart types that reflects reasonably small amount of managers and larger organizational functions β†’

Investor ratio analysis

The ratio is given as follows: Dividend per share = Dividends pertaining to a period Number of shares in issue The ratio provides an indication of the cash return a shareholder receives from holding shares in a company. Although it is a useful measure, it must be remembered that the dividend received β†’

Stock analysis – hastings entertainment inc report sample

The reason for short listing this company is that this stock is old, under evaluated and performing good in the industry. Overview of the Company a) State of Incorporation the Hastings entertainment was incorporated in Texas. b) Price/ Equity Ratio 0.20. c) Market Capitalization 16. The company serves a wide β†’

Example of essay on expectancy theory of motivation

Employee motivation, according to the expectancy theory is influenced by a combination of these components and a decrease in one of them will inevitably lead to the weakening of the motivation. Expectancy theory, therefore incorporates both individual objectives and organizational goals, and stresses the importance of motivation enhancement for the achievement of certain results. In β†’

Employee selection and development proposal research paper sample

The company must conduct a research to determine a suitable method of selecting and developing competent employees. Research overview on employee development and selection Current research on the development and selection of potential employees focuses on how to select individuals with talent, ability, skill and knowledge to competently meet the demands of the organization. β†’

Free essay about database

The structure of these tables is similar to the spreadsheet, and the tables are related to each other using the one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships. As stated by Harrington , in mathematical set theory, a relation is the definition of a table with columns , and rows β†’

Unbalanced lines essays examples

This will help to reduce the risks that interferes with the survival of Smith ford Pharmaceuticals. During the company's growth, it was left out in the cold to grow in any direction rather than in a way that will benefit the architectural design that was planned earlier. When the water lever was not lowered, the β†’

Example of essay on shanghai disney land

Shanghai also would be the site of the World Expo in 2010 and is making significant infrastructure improvements. The government of China has partnered with Disney in the project to gain in the exports directly through local sales agents and foreign sourcing of immediate and the final products. Transport industries will require huge investment as β†’

Good example of swot analysis of the holo-generator essay

This dynamic nature of the needs of this target market has had companies changing their products with the aim of meeting the needs of the market. Strengths In an evaluation of the strengths of the Holo-Generator, it is apparent that the capability of the Holo-Generator to play three-dimensional music videos is its selling point. β†’

Teenagers prefer branded products essay examples

Teenagers want to become like their stars and in this course of affair they start using the products of same brand which is advertised and used by these cinema or sports personalities. Recognizing the value of teenagers, companies focus their marketing strategies on them and make every effort to draw the attentions of teenagers towards β†’

Free business plan about netflix internal analysis

The leverage situation of the Company over the years has been: - Revenue Growth The revenue growth of the Company is on an increasing trend. This shows that the market for the Company is ever growing, and there is an expectation that that the Company will generate more revenues with expansion. - How well is the β†’

Zara internationalization analysis

Operating Filial When ZARA first started opening stores outside of Spain, at the end of the 1980's and beginning of the 1990's, they looked for markets that resembled the Spanish market, had a minimum level of economic development and would be relatively easy to enter. This analysis was made to see how much alike β†’

Recommendation report

The HR will design, or rather develop, a new strategy to train its' employees in a manner that addresses the problem concerning phone etiquette. New training will require executive coaching and mentoring of the proper understanding of what the company expects from its calling center representatives, what duties are to be performed, β†’

Article review on answering 3 questions

The continued use of the internet by the society will have significant implications on the future of e-business. The availability of the internet will increase the scope of the needs of customers for choices of holiday destinations. 2) Government policy can act as a barrier to entry or an aid to entry into an industry.

Example of advertisement and smartphones essay

Apparently, all three ad images are trying to gain their confidence from the audience by implicitly suggesting that the smartphone is the latest trend in mobile technology. One of the most effective ways to capture the attention of the target market in advertising is by means of using a tag line. The smartphone iPhone 5s β†’

Essay on new media

It consists of two words like " invest" and " idea", which means that you are going to invest a certain amount of money to realize or make people's ideas possible. My platform offer users to have the opportunity to open a business from a start. Also creating idea of " live" interaction β†’

Expectancy theory of motivation

First is the effort-performance relationship, second is the performance-reward relationship, and finally the reward-personal goals relationship. When the organizational reward for high performance is meaningful to individual employees, the reward-personal goal relationship of expectancy is met.

Example of case study on environmental management report

As a result, this document intends to: Enhance the identification of opportunities to implement pollution prevention methods. Avoid the problem of being the cause of pollution around the facility. Provide a mechanism that prevents pollution and educate the workers of the facility to understand the significance of environmental friendliness. Goal The goal of this β†’

Case study on marketing in lego

The intent of this thesis is to analyze various factors that play key roles in marketing. The company has set a target of becoming a world class brand, thus causing it to manufacture a diversified range of products such as video games, clothes, and watches and recently Lego has tried β†’

Toyota motors swot analysis case study examples

The Toyota Prius was widely welcome by the whole world and Toyota was widely commended for this product. The company also revels in her strong global brand image which is based on the quality of her products, customized ranges and the production of green cars. Hence, the continued efforts at improving the quality of her β†’

Free essay about auditing

In all types of auditing, auditors recognizes and perceives all the proposals forwarded to them for review, collecting evidence and evaluation and while using this basis they formulates the final judgment that is disseminated through the audit report. As a result, it was essential to assess the likelihood of material misstatements which could result due β†’

Business research paper

The actual purpose of the activity is determining marketing management and organization performance and their influence on marketing performance. The purpose of the audit is not to criticize the activity but to recognize any other activities that would be more effective. This is vital for the marketing process since the β†’

Sample essay on finance

Unlike Company B, it is focused on one product line of ethical pharmaceuticals with more focus on robust R&D rather than its brand management or development. On comparing the business scenario of both the companies, one thing that is straight forward is high end operations of the Company A. It β†’

Case study of lincoln electric company

Integrative Case: The Lincoln Electric Company Abstract " We are a global manufacturer and the market leader of the highest quality welding, cutting and joining products. 30 Identify the stakeholders of the company you chose (Lincoln Electric or Southwest Airlines) and discuss the β†’

Environmental issues caused by engineering companies essays examples

Due to the diverse nature of the company, its operations are prone to many environmental issues that have the potential of causing greater risks to flora and fauna. The outcomes of the environmental impact assessment towards the issue revealed that the establishment of the wind turbine in a location was against the rules of the β†’

Success factors in goldman sachs research paper

The customer service in Goldman Sachs acts as a benchmark and a model to the other companies. The senior management recognizes the needs of the employees in their tenure with the company and supports career growth to avoid attrition and create a healthy environment.

Mgt490_case #3_style and systems essays examples

This is because the synchrony of the organizational style and the systems in place either impedes or enhances the efforts of organizational management. As an important system in the company's organizational style, innovation is one of the attributes that have propelled Google onto the pinnacle of global business.

Good essay about ctos and cios

A table of Selected CIOs A table of Selected CTOs - Summary of CIOs As seen from the tables above, most of the CIOs have a Masters degree. None of the CIOs have a second degree in any field. Most of the CIOs on the list did their Bachelors and Masters in β†’

Case study on finance

The report also contains recommendations to the management to achieve the targeted sales and to counter issues related to the cash flows. The current picture of the company's financial does not show healthy performance in terms of its cash flows. The average collection period of the account receivables has increased β†’

Good problems encountered by the company case study example

This was enabled by the Oracles multiple adjustments to their technology code. Searching a reliable partner The company had the challenge of finding a company that could provide the required solution to the task. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the operations manager to find modalities of reducing cost and time of implementing a β†’

Free essay on reflective statement

The skimming process of reading the case study gives the reader the much needed impression that his initial fears emanated from the jargon and the lack of understanding of the market strategies. Whilst having an overview of the historical management strategies of the firm in acquiring its status as one β†’

Essay on selling a security program

The measures include the ability to carry out a cost and benefit analysis and this will show the benefit of placing the camera and at the same time calculate the amount spent in the camera and the money getting lost. Going by the cost analysis, the cost of the camera only comes once and if β†’

Compensation and benefits report examples

It is a show of appreciation for their work as well as an encouragement and incentive for the employees to work and attain the company's targets. The organization can measure the performance levels of individual or group levels in different ways. The method is easy because it only involves checking the performance of all employees β†’

Quaker oats company

Achieve enduring profitable growth by expanding the brand and leveraging the strengths of the McDonald's system through innovation andtechnology" One of McDonald's corporate philosophies is to make the customers want to come back for more. The increasing demand by consumers for fresher and healthier food has pushed McDonald's and otherfast foodchains to alter β†’

Example of research paper on wide spread adoption of tax software and its implications on h&r block and business

As such, the paper aims at elaborating on how the adoption of tax software and especially the emergence of consumers who are technology savvy have impacted negatively on H&R Block and other similar businesses. Tax filers are shifting to the use of software and an online platform because it has β†’

Essay on enterprise resource planning (erp)

If used in the proper manner, communication between department heads will be easy and smooth especially when a problem exists in the performance of the company. Among the main key, implementation issues of the ERP is the ERP consultants' issue. The implementation of ERP requires functional, interpersonal and technical skills, and in the current time β†’

Free essay about the global supply chain of wal-mart stores

Under the global strategy, the subsidiary management follow-up and a process of monitoring by Wal-Mart Stores is aimed at supporting global supply strategy alignment and international business control. Explaining matching global chain elements The global supply chain strategy is given shape by the following main matching elements: the first of these elements is industry β†’

Continental carriers, inc.

The argument of the debt financing being a risky venture since the proposition was to pay out to a sinking fund does not make sense. Over the course of the next seven years, CCI had a historical growth in revenue of 9%. 72 and the use of debt would increase the earnings per share to β†’

Example of report on review of movement of company’s share price

While analyzing the share price of KFC Holdings Ltd, the movement of the share price can very well be evaluated. The share price recovers in the month of May and maintains the position reaching highest in the month of July.

Company background essay example

The services will also be targeted at house wives and older people who look for a way to relax at the end of a busy work day. Mission Statement The mission of Your Massage is to revolutionize the massage industry in USA and bring massage services within the reach of a number of customers. β†’

Marketing strategy by ben & jerry’s research paper example

According to Taylor by studying the segments with low loyalty, Ben & Jerry's could find out how to gain strategize marketing and gain more market share. Target market The target market of Ben & Jerry's are people between the ages of 5 and 35 years. Voters also win a year's supply of β†’

Free essay on homework assignment one

This will reduce cases of cheating within the firm. The stakeholders in this project will include the sales manager, the project manager, the marketing directors, the brokers and finally the clients. This allows the project manager to monitor use of resources. b.

Emergency and disaster preparedness case study example

The precedent of a nation declares the drought disaster as a national issue and urges other nation to offer some help. Additionally, politics has the upper hand allocation of national resources to manage drought. In fact, the declaration raises the effectiveness of governments, volunteer organization and NGOs in approaching disaster. Companies have always proven to β†’

Most actives % gainers % losers term paper

This may raise some disagreement,. The success of relationship between the business owner and the investment banker mainly depend on two factors: the first is the stage of life of the company and secondly the investment bank quality. The more the investment banker knows about a business the easier it is to attract investors.