4 Pages Essay Samples

How people are badly treated and dehumanized as depicted in orange is the new black

Based on Kerman's descriptions of the prison system a likeness can be drawn between the lives and treatment of convicts to those of " okie" as described in the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. In The Grapes Of Wrath the dust bowl causes hundreds of families to be evicted from their homes and farms, β†’

Mass media and popular culture

As a result, both have played a vital role in the development of Popular American Culture. In this paper, Learning Team D will examine the relationships among the media; address the impact of the mass media on advertising, and enculturation, as well as the impact of the Internet andglobalizationon popular culture, and the interpersonal communication β†’

Television mirrors society

There are a scarce amount of shows that are proposed to teach lessons besides cartoons and even some of the cartoons are not all that educational. These are all negative outcomes that actually occur due to pressures and influences under the television.

Koko the gorrilla

Although there may be many linguists who discredit this notion, AOl chat was able to provide transcripts between penny, who is Koko's translator, and Koko the gorilla through the use of American Sign Language The transcripts provide evidence of gestures, behaviors, and thoughts that Koko does through her conversation with penny. To β†’

Sumerian language

Modern-day math still uses aspects of this system. Next, according to the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, writing emerged in many different cultures throughout the ancient world, it was not the creation of one people; however, the Sumerians are credited with inventing the earliest form of writing around 3, 500 β†’

Persuasive language techniques

Example text: It is time for us to show our belief in the value of mateship and a fair go, and give generously to the Good Friday Appeal.5. Example text: I can tell you that, as a single mother of two, I received very little in the way of financial support during my attempts to β†’

The social-functional, social conflict and symbolic interaction theories of education essay

The Social-Functional, Social Conflict and Symbolic Interaction Theories of EducationThe ultimate goal of education is the effective participation of an individual in social situations. This may be connected to education in the sense that the conflict theory " sees the purpose of education as maintaining social inequality and preserving the power of those who β†’

Value of codeswitching in an interaction


A study of najdi arabic & arabic language (saudi arabia)

Arabic is treated as a biggest member of the Semitic branch and it is some what same as Hebrew and Aramaic. Arabic is studied widely in the Islamic world. The Arabic used in Qur'an is treated as the perfect Arabic and is a stander for written form of Arabic. β†’

Acquiring the human language-playing the language game

Explain the ambiguity of the question asked by Jill de Villiers to both children and graduate students: " When did the boy say he hurt himself?" Why is this question ambiguous and why is it interesting to note that this question is ambiguous? Question was " When did the boy say he hurt himself?" and β†’

How effectively does pavel ivanov use language to persuade his/her audience?

The film review about the movie 'I now pronounce you Chuck ; Larry' written by Pavel Ivanov is well suited to its audience who the writer describes as the 'Adam Sandler crowd', although Ivanov does indicate that audiences who get pleasure from comical films, would probably enjoy the blatant crude humour in this movie β†’


Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics as langue and parole. It's the system of a language, the ideal form of a language, the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country.

To what extent should the nhs care for and treat patients with diseases related to obesity

Even though the NHS has been around a significant amount of time, there was a time before it where only the rich could afford healthcare and the poor were left to suffer, resulting in a high death rate amongst the lower class citizens; henceforth the NHS was founded on the grounds of giving free healthcare β†’

Weight loss and use of a low carbohydrate diet research papers examples

As well as recommends lorcaserin and the phentermine-topiramate combination as viable, evidence-based treatments that have been approved by the Food and Drugs Administration for use in achieving sustainable weight loss. Weight Loss Obesity is a serious health problem that affects people in virtually all parts of the world, necessitating weight loss among obese people. β†’

Research paper on healthy eating

In addition, all of the sources are properly cited and referenced. Since the information presented in this article is based on the results of the author's research, which are supported by the findings of previous research, the information in this article can be considered authoritative and reliable. The article also describes the specific foods that β†’


Genetics accounts for approximately 25 percent to 40 percent to childhood obesity.Although genetics is a significant factor, diet and lifestyle also play an important role in the increase of childhood obesity.. The remedy to obesity in children involves many changes including lifestyle, exercise, and diet.

Critique of mary worley’s article: fat and happy

She believes that people should not be ashamed of their bodies, or try to change them to fit in with the crowd. She discusses a new outlook on body image and believes that we all should create " a new relationship with our bodies, one that does not involve self-loathing". Worley explains that society feels β†’

Good case study on medicine: 75 year old overweight male presents

With regards to aging and unassociated with any other disease process numbness in both legs at age 75 accompanied by obesity could signal nerve damage linked to poor circulation in the extremities. Blood vessels and heart muscles tend to age with age. Besides, this disease is associated with the aging process since it is caused β†’

Problem of obesity in alameda county

Piedmont Unified School District has the lowest rate of students being overweight compared to San Leandro Unified School District." The highest levels of obesity in Alameda county are Pacific Islanders , following Hispanics , American Indians , and African Americans compared to the levels of obesity of Asians β†’

Free article review on global trends in childhood obesity

De Onis, Blossner & Borghi in the study on the global trends in child obesity have assessed the extent of this problem from a global dimension and the article is reviewed and is presented below. Health policy issue The article deals with the issue on childhood obesity, β†’

How losing weight changed my life

I have better self-esteem, am more energized, and have found a career to enter that best fits my interests. Seeing the results I have received from my hard-work and effort through a proper diet has made me want to learn more about it.

Compare/contrast macronutrients

There are good and there are also bad carbohydrates and it is up to us to choose which ones to digest as part of a healthy diet. It is up to the consumer to decide to include Carbs in their diet or accept the potential risks of cutting them out completely.

Coronary heart disease

In my research I plan to introduce how heart diseases are caused and also the best prevention techniques to ensure that the number of people affected by Coronary Heart Diseases, specifically Heart Attacks, is falling each year instead of climbing. This article is a published study done by The College of Pharmacy and Drug Topics β†’

Ethical analysis of obesity interventions research paper examples

The paper will then go on to utilize a particular ethical framework to examine a selection of obesity interventions for ethical issues. Specially, Baum, Gollust, Goold, and Jacobson of the University of Michigan School of Public Health have formulated a framework of six considerations for the analysis of public health ethical issues. The present proposal β†’

Essay on obesity tax

Obesity tax Obesity tax is a tax levied on fattening beverages or foods by tax authorities with the objective of discouraging unhealthy diets and internalizing the externalities and economic costs associated with obesity. This paper evaluates the economic reliability of imposing obesity taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages and sugary foods in the United States β†’

Free essay on what has caused the dramatic rise in overweight and obese adults in america in the

This paper attempts to dig into the causes of the dramatic rise in obesity in America in the last ten years and furthermore, explores its effects. One of the major reasons for the sharp increase in overweight and obese individuals is an inactive lifestyle (" What causes overweight and obesity"). This is not possible if β†’

Melissa legault

Exercising regularly and eating an appropriate amount of calories will cause a person to maintain a healthy weight. It boosts the circulation in your body and the delivery of nutrients to your skin, which helps the body to remove toxins.


Hypertension or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated.[1] This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Combinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can achieve even better results.[50] β†’

Fighting against obesity

By doing this a person who suffers from obesity can have a visual of the changes in diet that need to be made. An example of some of the changes that could be made to a person's diet are the inclusion of complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains while eliminating foods high β†’

Personal diet and activity plan

Another important lesson that I have learned in this class is the importance of exercise. The first change that I have made because of this class is my vegetable intake.

Correlations and confounding variables essay sample

The most significant effect of a confounding variable on the research design is that the researcher might erroneously reject the null hypothesis after analyzing the results incorrectly and thereby establish a false correlation between the independent and the dependent variable. Correlation in research refers to a statistical technique that is used to show whether and β†’

Good example of compensation of africans report

The westerners also believe that the Africans were also involved in the trade; thus, they are also to be blamed. The slave masters should accept that they were responsible for underdevelopment in Africa because of slavery. The idea of compensation to Africans is good, even though, not all Europeans and North Americans were responsible for β†’

Free growth of the american society essay sample

That is not how the developed countries of today encourage their citizens to promote growth in the society. American Indians were the native inhabitants of America. They were oppressing the Natives in their own country. The growth of the American society was at the expense of the natives who had to conform to the new β†’

Example of qe3, fiscal cliff and the european debt crisis term paper

This is done by injecting a pre-determined quantity of newly created money in the economy through the purchase of debts from banks. The graph shows what's happening in the bonds market with the QE3 policy of the Central Bank. The increase in the spending behavior of consumers sparks increases in commodity prices. The β†’

Example of instance of racism essay

The way I see, it the product of Afro Centrism is not black supremacy, it is not a struggle against Europeans; it is a struggle for Black people's rights across the world. A process that if not stopped, we are going to lose all the pride that is of being African.

Free book review on wolf eric europe and the people without history

The European history has been associated with the industrial revolutions that saw the development of trade and culture of the people. They ked to the formation of trade ties between Europe and other nations and exposed the continent to a multicultural society that had a lot to share in terms of goods and culture. β†’

History essays examples

His hopes were fanned by the military victory of the American founding fathers who were in the front line in ensuring that liberation was achieved by all means. Irrespective of the pride that was held by the Americans that they had gotten rid of nobility and royalty, the common people made a move to defer β†’

Was the treaty of versailles a fair settlement?

Lloyd-George was likely the most substance out of the three pioneers since he had needed a bargain between the French and American plans in the first place. The reparations they needed to pay on account of their blame were still moderately little, considering the sum the French would have gotten a kick out of the β†’

Crime and law policies of the british colonies

These statutory forms of the crime was not to overturn the common law crime but rather to improve or to add on to it. The most fundamental which precedes the pre-Union statutes was the Larceny Act 1861 of the English legislation. The enactment of the General Law Third Amendment Act replaced the provincial housebreaking offences β†’

Vincor and the new world of wine essay sample

First time they try to be international, first experience. Global Wine Industry new world: U.S., Australia, Chile, Argentina old world: France, Italy, Spain Australia leader of new world wine exporting Top 10 wine exporters accounted for 90% of total exporting France world leader in wine production β†’

Miss havisham

This may explain her difficulty to show love on Pip and Estella and the harsh way in which she treats them. She did in the end appear to find a friend in Pip and begs his forgiveness.

Analysis of the different types of love in romeo and juliet essay sample

They alone die for their love. Different characters talk about love from very different points of view. First there is Idealistic love, Romeo's early sadness is a kind of intellectual love; he is in love with the idea of being in love. He becomes more mature as his love and relationship with Juliet β†’

Analysis of the anime film “your name”

In the film " Your name", there is a very important and central crux of the film that Mitsuha is switching with Taki from 3 years in the future. In the film twilight is described as Taki and Mitsuha's last moment together.

Night train at deoli essay sample

A period of psychological and physical transit. Deoli is a silent and desolate station and the author is very much sympathetic towards the lonely station when he used to go to meet his grandmother at Dehradun. He is in love with the silent beauty of the atmosphere, seemed that as if the town is β†’

Is lowering the drinking age a good idea?

Although in most states, the legal drinking age is 21, teens are still allowed to drink under this age, regarding some circumstances. One of the biggest debates on the drinking age is whether or not teens are mentally mature enough to drink by the time they turn 18.

Why you should volunteer before launching your career

By the time I graduated and moved to New York to start my , I better understood my abilities and instincts not only as a businessman but as a human. Some people are so eager to get out there and start working their way up the corporate ladder that they forget to develop their sense β†’

Be aware of your future

Communication is a big part of being involved in the beauty industry as you have to interact, suggest and ask what your client wants. Time keeping skills are incredibly important when it comes to a session as there may be other customers waiting with a booking and you have to keep to the schedule.

Professionalism, organizational role & practice in nursing career

As, such students face the challenge continuously of trying to find time outside of perusing their course, having sufficient finances, family support and the struggle adjusting to nursing care in the clinical setting has for years been a constant struggle for many nursing students while studying. At times they fail to find the time to β†’

When can discipline a student is by

Teachers also have to be very firm with the students, because they have to know how to respect and listen to their teacher. Most elementary teachers have a technique to discipline the kids who are distracting other students from learning. For example, in the online site it states, " 33 state-funded preschool programs in 27 β†’

Job description of school counselors

They advocate for students and work with other individuals and organizations to promote theacademic, career, and personal and social development of children and youths. They evaluate the strengths and challenges of these individuals, offer specialized and vocational counseling, and arrange for medical care, training, and job placement. Rehabilitation counselors meet both with disabled individuals as β†’

Get better at your own job by doing someone else’s

I did not set out with a goal of understanding the roles of our team members or the questions of our clients, and I was not on the hunt for , either. What happened was that when our backup plan for covering for an account strategist fell through, I took it upon myself β†’

Quitting my $97k job saved my life

Maybe you are not making themoneyyou want or you would like to try a different role at your company. Identify what you are missing, and take steps to get it. If you want to change something in your life, there's no time like the present.

Ntu career

Value = 208.25/ = 1893.5.award: 10 out of 10 points If a firm has a free cash flow equal to $50 million and that cash flow is expected to grow at 3% forever, what is the total firm value given a WACC of 9. 25 $18.78 8.award: 10 out of 10 points Caribou Gold β†’

T.s. eliot: symbolism as the sign of poetic wholeness essay

Eliot's The Waste Land was the product of his continuous work the unique combination of postwar disillusionment and the revelation of the modern world culture. Throughout the years, and in the light of numerous successful dramatic works, his The Love Song of J.

Why i choose mechanical engineering as my career

My entire bachelor program showered light upon " The Laws of Physics "," The Laws of Nature "," The Laws of Friction "," The Laws of Stability "," The Laws of Current " and much more. And my in-plant training at Goodwin Motors partially fulfilled the quench of working with β†’

Go cray essay

It was a success and as I as on my way back to the ground I had this awkward feeling as if the landing was going to be off. The first 4 weeks were strictly bed rest. In these 4 weeks, I thought in my head, " my career was over before it was even β†’

The are solid foundations for my future research

In the near future, the development of quantum computation and nanophotonics willlead to another information revolution, and I am determined to lead this scientific progress. As the leader of a group of four students, I wrote a C program and then designedand set up an optical system to test the properties of the spatial light β†’

Good ethical question project assignment literature review example

Those supporting the research and even those corporations funding it have proposed their support throwing weight on the fact that unused frozen embryos from in vitro fertility clinics would otherwise be destroyed hence they see the ethics of using them in the research. According to Goodwin , The uses of β†’

Critical thinking on ethical considerations in genetics and genomics

This brings out an ethical contradiction since the sister is also a patient in the same hospital and by informing her, there is likelihood that she can be prevented from contracting the disease since she has a probability of one to two in inheriting the disease. As a nurse, it is both illegal and unethical β†’

Genogram – a pictorial representation of a family

When one is trying to depict the family structure, size, its members, in the form of a structured format, then it is a simple flowchart or a family tree. Making of a genogram: It is extremely easy to make a genogram when one is aware of the basic information of the family members.

Dna: characteristics, history and the importance to forensic science

It is the carrier of genetic information. History of DNA It is a common rumour that Francis Crick and James Watson first discovered the concept and molecule that we know as DNA in the 1950's. It was actually by using the work of the pioneers before them that Francis and James were able to β†’

Genetically modified food: is it acceptable essay examples

This controversy regarding the farming and marketing of GMOs is because many people are fearful that it may lead to health and environmental effects that are damaging, unfavorable and potentially out of control. The process of production of genetically modified food involves the modification of plants in the laboratory for β†’

Essay on human genome project

The Human Genome Project has been developed by the collaboration of US Department of Energy and National Institute of Health, in order to determine the basic building pairs of human DNA which exist in a sequence. Speaking concisely, the main objective of this research project is to understand the overall genetics of humans. There β†’

Study guide 3/1/11

Relate the role of the base pairing rules to the structure of DNA. The bases in a strand of DNA relate to the base pairing rule due to the combination of GC and AT, make equal strand, that is held together by a hydrogen base.4.

β€œfinding your roots”

Due to this, study of DNA and its applications has become more and more important hovering lot of attention to carry out DNA usages for identification of inheritance, legal issues, study of human behavior and many other medical applications. DNA testing is used in the process of Gene hunting, Genetic profiling, Gene targeting and drug β†’

Religion essay aisha

She had a large impact on the Islamic faith and contributed to the development and expression of Islam and may be considered an inspiration to Muslim women in today's society. So pulled her to me and told her what the Prophet meant." This hadith showed Aisha's role in the development and expression of Islam as β†’

Free essay on intellectual contributions of islam

In this context, when all people are equal in terms of social status, it creates a powerful basis for the promotion and maintenance of a just social order, and of a safety of society. In general, the aspect of knowledge it is provided as part of the world harmony provided by Islam. Special attention will β†’

Origins of the world religions essay examples

Some of them are inherent in nature and the others are spirits of our ancestors. Hinduism is a term, which is widely used in order to refer to a number of " philosophical and religious traditions throughout India". At present time, the historians suggest that the evolution of Hinduism can be divided into three main β†’

Qayamat ki nishaniyan

But their hearts will smell and will be dead 29. Ayaats from the Quran will be decorated and calligraphy will become common 35.

Social media about muslims

According to Suzy Ismail " Social Media and networking sites must have and has definitely changed the spread of Islam and the perception of Muslims in the minds of many people around the world", especially and mostly in the US and India. After the 9/11 bombings and destruction of the Twin Towers by Bin Laden, β†’

Role of media and islam in pakistan’s politics

India joined the community of the democracies in 2000, at the turn of the millennium, and later became a member of the UN democratic funds in2005. It has sought to contribute to the efforts aimed at promotion and strengthening of democracy in its own way. This explained Nehru's vociferous argument in favor β†’

My hero essay examples

There is nothing unusual in having three men near a busy road in London, however, what could have transpired to bring about the circulation of the pictures of the three men? Dressed in a black hoodie, Jake was jogging back to the military barracks just outside London he β†’

Religion: sufism essay sample

It is thought to be a divine transmission of light to the student rather than the normal word of mouth communication to the ear. Some other scholars held the opinion that Sufism was strictly the imitation of Muhammad way of life that connects the heart to the divine intervention.

Quibuyen’s rizal; by: joyce anne tuliao

Furthermore, the illustrados provide the masses the ideology of European liberalism.- Ileto: texts of Rizal have 2 opposite and irreconcilable meanings the elite's modernist discourse on Rizal as the ' liberal reformist' and the peasants' folk perception of Rizal as the " Tagalog Christ" - According to Quibuyen, the conflict between Rizal and del Pilar β†’

A study of socio-economic essay sample

There had been arguments on how mining industry can recover an acceptable role in society and the economy? Employees of the mining company are the primary concern on this study because they are implementers and violators what the Mining Act of 1995. Importance of the Study As a response to the β†’

Should cellphones be banned in schools?

If a student is texting during class they cannot put their full, undivided attention into what the teacher is saying, there for what is the point of trying to explain something to someone who is not paying attention. Teachers come to school to educate students because it is their job, and they find it disrespectful β†’

Cell phone use should be banned

It's time to take the cell phone away". A study from the Harvard Center of Risk Analysis estimates that cell phone use while driving contributes to 6 percent of crashes, which equates to 636, 000 crashes, 330, 000 injuries, 12, 000 serious injuries and 2, 600 deaths each year, according to a β†’

The effects of mobile phones to the education essay sample

But the best idea is the students should not be permitted to utilize cellphones during school hours and during both inside and outside a classroom. The story behind this study, the cell phones pose as distraction to students, with cellphone. This study aim's to help the students to realize that cellphone can cause of β†’

Cell phones in school.

In other words, someone in " Twee tribune" believes that cell phones should be allowed in school but a good handle full of students believes that cell phones should not. Many students and parents believe that cell phones should be allowed in school but the question is how well do you do in school while β†’

Poorly equipped for monitoring and managing security

Yet, to be competitive, organizations continue to seek a seamlesstechnologyenvironmentthat allows them to provide voice, data, and video services to exchange documents, to collaborate, and to deliver products and services in cost effective ways. The Case Study solution must take into account the Gardner Group's statement from the perspective of the company and should create β†’

Cell phone problem solution

Silent lunch will be given and they will lose the next incentive time and would be sent to ISS for the hour. For students who break the cell phone rule a second time, their phone will be confiscated and sent to the office. This solution will solve the problem because it allows β†’

Cell phones

Cell phones depend on satellite and signal, which means anyone, can take their cell phones anywhere they choose, while house phones depend on the wires in the house which limits anyone from using it outside of the house.. Adults or teenagers would not have to be exposed to the distraction of using their cell phones β†’

Expository: mobile phone and body paragraph

Throughout history, many inventions have been created.[This sentence is a very general statement to introduce the topic.] The Industrial Revolution started in the late 1700s, and since then humankind has been developing at an exponential rate.[This sentence is a less general statement to narrow the topic.] Truly amazing and useful devices, such as the steam β†’

Acquisition of motorola by google

The combination of the two makes sense and will enable faster innovation. Motorola Mobility has a long history of innovation in communications technology and the development of intellectual property.oIts many industry milestones include the introduction of the world's first portable cell phone nearly 30 years ago, and the StarTAC the smallest and β†’

Texting while driving: is it worth dying?

How many of you are guilty and willing to admit to texting while driving? Which is one of the many organization being formed to raise awareness on the dangers we are discussing state that, 1)." 80% of crashes, and 65% of near crashes, involved some form of driver inattention within 3 seconds of the event." β†’

Inflation and united states economy essay sample

A stereo produced and sold in the US by a Japanese company _____ 2. A bottle of French wine, sold in the US _____ 11.

Osim swot analysis

Introduction to the segment of holistic lifestyle products and their need in today's market Short intro to brand ism and its heritage A short study on what has been ism's market standing in Asia (this will help ease the soot analysis in the essay) Introducing what the essay will be about - will & How β†’

Swot analysis of curaçao international company

Its Phoenix contact center was next, In 2012. Like its competitors in the industry, Cura ao International Inc.(mentioned here as " Cura ao" or the " company"), is a diversified language services company, operates wrought Its two sections: Cura ao Is for clients In the field of healthcare: healthcare plans, clinics and hospitals, β†’

Pest brazil

Political environment Greed and Corruption Increase in government expenditures Political stability and emphasis on consistent economic policies and growth Position of international influence and power Many environmental restrictions and regulations Going into business: High bureaucracy, lack of transparency of rules and slow legal procedures (are hurdles β†’

Psychology paper 6 project

251 TYBA DECLARATION This is to certify that the project entitled ' Psychological impact of unemployment' which is submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the T.Y.B.A.in Organizational Psychology, University of Mumbai, comprises only my work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used. INDEX INTRODUCTION β†’

British sky broadcasting group

The top-down approach begins at the top, by analyzing thehealthof the UK economy and the effect on the performance and profitability of the companies in it. However the UK economy has just recently entered 2009 in recession, on the brink ofdepression, after unlimited bailouts and running a colossal 15% of GDP budget deficit, the UK β†’

Inflation and pestle analysis

Pestle Analysis - Political Political issues as part of the pestle analysis include all sorts of factors that normally derive from the government in the form of policies or legislation. For the purposes of the pestle analysis of a self-employed beautician, there is little in the way of trade restrictions and tariffs β†’

The fashion indistries affect on body image

But how does fashion media impact our body image issues? Celebrities in the media can impact us negatively, but they do not always have to be negative influences, they can be positive too, as well as different types of media may alter the opinions we have on ourselves. The positive side to these β†’

Descartes’ account of pain vs. kripkes account of pain, regarding the mind/body argumentative essay samples

Kripke is not saying that I create these possible worlds - for if I understand him correctly - he is not thinking of conceptually a series of real Rogers - he is using the imagination to conceive of the possibility of a Roger who is X, Y, and Z, but in all of them still β†’

Free essay on daily dietary intake

I took a total of about one gram of fruits, half a kilogram of vegetables, seven liters of plain water, two liters of vegetable soup, a handful of Brazilian nuts and one and a half kilograms of meat. This constituted the three daily meals and also in between meal snacks. β†’

Virgin group – richard branson

Since the Virgin brand itself is the company's greatest asset, protecting the brand image is critical. A second short-term problem is Virgin's financial information that is fragmented, hard to locate, and even interpret. With the company's different alliances and joint ventures, questions about the financialhealthof the Virgin group were being asked.