4 Pages Essay Samples

Argumentative essay on white lies

However, I strongly believe that when it comes to information which will have a direct effect or impact on the on the well-being of the citizens, these information should be made available, albeit, the method of disclosure should be handled extremely well. Some sensitive information, if exposed to the public, may cause negative effects such →

Free research paper on historical perspective

It was a founder member of NATO, and it also joined the European Union in 1986. Important dates In the history of Portugal, there are important dates that have defined the history of the country socially, economically and politically. Portugal was renamed the Kingdom of Portugal in the same year.

Annotated bibliography on communities and schools

The article is concluded with the illustration of the possible solution that is in the nature of social change among the community, schools and generally among all the involved parties and indicates that this would clearly and properly address the issue. Warren M.R., Hong S., Rubin C.L., and Uy P.S.,. It also gives the details →

key performance indicators essay sample

Key Performance Indicators have been established to maintain progress toward the achievement of the critical business goals. Key performance indicators data will be reviewed regularly by the Company and employees to assess achievement of performance targets. Employees and the Company will actively work toward the achievement of all KPI's. These are →

Report on sovereign wealth fund

The maximum estimate of Sovereign Wealth Fund states around US$ 5 trillion of Assets under Management. Different Sovereign Wealth Funds that we know today There are five types of Sovereign Wealth Funds Stabilization Funds These are the funds that are arranged in order to protect the economy →

The use facebook when they frequently experience unaffirmative

I must sometimes stop to reflect on my own behavior and the possibility of what causes myself and my friends to continue to use facebook; why do we spend so much time exploring via this digital medium? I do not talk a lot to my sisters, brothers or parents, because it is easier and more →

Managerial accounting case: wyndham stores essay sample

Wyndham would be required to pay the first lease payment of $1 million immediately. If the building and building site were purchased by Wyndham Stores, the total of the funds that would be used to purchase the building and the building site would be $6 million upfront, and pay off for the remaining $8 →

Financial sector

Another would be Railtrack who has had operations suspended by the government because all there money has gone, while shareholders want money back. This is an example of the asset having a different value than expected Financial institutions are able to reduce risk through a number of ways, the two main ones being diversification and →

Monetary policy research paper example

The largest component of Aggregate Demand that is affected most by changes in the rates of interest in the U.S.is consumption. During the recession period, the government recommends that the tax rate is cut down and the government expenditure is increased to simulate the economy.

Zafgen of market capitalization of approximately $250 million

Zafgen Inc. dedicated for improving the health and well-being of people affected by metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes and obesity, lost more than 40% of companies investment after it was announced that FDA regulators were about to put hold on Zafgen's primary drug, Beloranib.which in turn will affect all ongoing and planned trials →

Capsim strategy essay sample

Because our company is practicing a Broad Differentiator strategy, we will invest yearly in R&D in each segment of the market. We will put a special emphasis on high end products in order to be up to date and innovative market leaders. Although it is costly to keep our products fresh and new, by →

“education having a retirement plan throughout employment is

A college education is valuable because it will provide economic benefits to a graduate's future. To begin with, a college education will almost guarantee a greater pay. According to the College Board, a person with a college degree will earn an average $22, 000 more per year than a high school graduate.

National association of school nurses essay examples

Finally, NASN offer a membership category for businesses who wish to support NASN but whose members are ineligible for Active or Associate memberships (" Membership Categories National Association of School Nurses"). Although the NASN is a national organization it has Affiliates in practically every State. Those include The Journal of School Nursing, published bi-monthly and →

Marketing case analysis: curtis automotive hoist essay sample

Basic Problem: CAH's basic problem lies in determining whether the company shoud expand or increase its growth prospects, and CAH must decide on whether it should do so in the United States by expanding its existing operations and sites, or whether CAH should explore opportunities in Europe and entry options available to the →

Example of consolidations report

They are as follows share valuation, valuation of business, valuation of fixed assets and shareholder agreement. In the event of a corporate takeover, the financial statements are adjusted so as to remove items which are not reflective of the ongoing business on a continuous basis. Assets that are not part →

Australia’s economy essay

The high dollar of Australia has hurt the manufacturing sector, whereas the service's sector is the largest portion of the Australian economy, about 70% of GDP and 75% of jobs. Australia has benefited from a dramatic flow in its terms of trade in last 10 years, stemming from rising worldwide commodity prices. According to the →

Free accounting case study analysis for sportswear kit case study example

Similarly, the non-operating items section of income statement for Sportswear-Kit may include irregular business activities such as sale of old plant equipment and a factory. Overall, the purpose and usefulness of income statement is to provide an insight to the management and investor base whether the business has earned or lost money during the reporting →

In earth’s resources. to put myself in the

I am confident that under the guidance of the exceptional faculty at YaleUniversity, I will be well placed to pursue my goals in the world of academia. As such, I am excited to pursue research in this field tohelp tackle challenges facing the world of today and tomorrow.

Nursing-sensitive indicators essay sample

J, nursing-sensitive indicators can be used to identify the issues that interrupted the flow of quality patient care. Understanding Nursing-Sensitive Indicators A solid understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators can assist the nurses in the case of Mr. Knowledge of appropriate restraint use, as well as the care involved while caring for a patient in →

Firestone recall ethics: utilitarianism

Although the ethical elements of the recall might seem outwardly simple, in reality, when one applies the concept of utilitarianism to the situation, things rapidly become much less straightforward. One of the most interesting questions that comes to light is that, strangely enough, of company profits. Furthermore, since Firestone was already in →

Good essay on aristotle and epicurus concept of ethics

The concept of ethics in philosophy and in the business organizations is different, but the purpose of emphasizing on ethics is for the benefits of the people either in the form of student or the form of customer. The concept of ethics is as old as the epistemology of philosophy is. The ancient philosophers including →

Discovery and reason: science’s pathway to truth essays examples

Even though no one saw the dark side of the moon until the Apollo missions of the 1960s, it is true that the moon had a side that observers on earth could not see. We may not think of it as important, but Thomson's discovery paved the way for the →

Comments for improvement essays example

This must either be " Aristotle's beliefs" or Aristotle believes" then alter the rest of the sentence to logically and grammatically follow the one you choose. Page two, paragraph 1, sentence 1 (sentence 2 of the paragraph that begins on page one," " Nicomachean Ethics that explains" should be " Nicomachean Ethics, which explains". Page →

Analyze the socrates arguments essay examples

At the end of the argument, Meno obviously losses the argument and Socrates seems to show him how he ought to think and give definitions when asked. Considering the second definition, Meno defines virtue as the power to rule others as earlier seen. He annuls all that Meno gave as a definition in this second →

Incorporating relational ethics framework in clinical practice

This helps the HCP to better understand the circumstances that lead the patient to make certain decisions. Incorporating relational ethics framework in clinical practice helps the healthcare professionals to view the patient and self with a different perspective. Smith: I saw her last month, when she visited me in the home. Me: Do →

Greed is good essay sample

In other words, greed allows society as a whole to raise standards of living at the expense of more necessary goods and services for which people agree to pay. After all, in addition to the negative side, there is a positive side to greed. As per Kant's formula of universal law if the world population →

Different types of ethics, and persuasion

In other words, the ethical choice is the one that lets the greatest number of people experience the beneficial consequences of that choice".(Magee, 2014, pp. Politicians use the utilitarian ethics in order to influence the public that guns kills people, however it is the person that is holding the gun that kills people with the →

Morality and ethics

Ethics is used to refer to the formal study of those standards or conduct. Sometimes, one refers to the study of conduct as moralphilosophy, but that is less common than just saying " ethics." One might say that morality is ethics in action, but in the end, the two terms can be →

Advantages and disadvantages of biometrics

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics Let us now examine the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics in two groups of applications: the commercial positive recognition applications that may work either in the verification or the identification modes, and the government and forensic negative recognition applications that require identification. Advantages and Disadvantages of DNA Testing in →

Counseling theory

Creating a process to evaluate the positive and negative affect of dual relationship and boundary crossing could have on the counselor's license or the treatment of the client can become key component. When a counselor client nonprofessional interaction with a client or former client may be potentially beneficial to the client or former client, the →

Aicpa code of ethics essay sample

Lastly, the scope and nature of services article tells accountants to use the code of professional conduct as a guide for which jobs to accept. The next section of the code of professional ethics is the rules: applicability and definition. Accounting professionals are expected to maintain a level of objectivity, integrity, and independence in →

Example of allied therapies essay

What are the educational and licensing requirements for that professional? The education requirement for a psychologist is a Degree in Psychology in college; furthermore, before they can get a license they should have completed an internship and one years of professional experience. In hospitals, they determine the individual needs of sick patients and recommend a →

Ethics and morality

As we grow up we are taught the difference between what is considered right and what is considered wrong, which is based on what is socially acceptable. We learn from a young age how we are expected to behave, the rules we have to abide by given fromfamilyand the morals we should →

How safe is safe case study essay sample

PPI is noticeably making the right decisions by acting in the best interest of its employees in making yearly improvements to keep the facility safe, the preventive measures that are being taken by the leaders of this organization is not only benefiting to the employees, but it's also protecting the interest of the company, as →

Convergence and global accounting standard

There has been slight difference in IFRSs and GAAP approach in accounting which is one of the problems currently being solved to reconcile accounting practice in US in accordance to IAS. IASB standards are based on principles as opposed to those of FASB which are basically based on rules. Interpretation And Application →

Young’s double slit experiment

The change of the interference pattern was recorded.4. The filament of the lamp was seen by a student standing a certain distance away through the same double slits with a piece of blue filter placed in front of the lamp. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands →

Deviant behavior and consequences

The deviant behaviors of teachers can have serious consequences. These consequences can impact the welfare of others in the school setting that had nothing to do with the educator's deviant behavior. But when teachers behave negatively, it destroys all trust and belief in the person. The following →

Innovation climate

Due to increased competitiveness of products in the global market, high innovative climate produces productivity, which are highly marketable than products for a climate that does not support innovation. I will rather work in company B due to the following reasons. This is because they attract highly and skilled workers from diverse areas who may →

Free case study on sociology: theories application paper

Introduction - Brief Description of case chosen Overview of perspectives - Conflict theory - Social constructionist perspective - Social behavioral perspective Application of perspective to case study - Strengths and limitations Conclusion - Benefits of theoretical perspective to social work practice Introduction Brief Description of case chosen A →

Can behavior be passed down genetically?

Examples include the use of the SSRI drug which alters the reuptake of serotonin in the synapses and consequently our mood, or the loss of important cognitive functions due to brain damage. The influence of cognitive, social and cultural factors on behavior cannot be denied, and even though there may be a genetic predisposition for →

The special challenges of neurological based behavior essay sample

It is a severe developmental disorder that affects the way a child sees and interacts with the rest of the world. Still there is a long way to go in case of treatments for bipolar disorder. With the present day advancement in medical sciences and genetics, in future it would be possible that such →

Political poetry by margaret atwood

Though speculative, a reading like this is supported by the poem's representation of a cowboy who violently protects his own interests in an imagined landscape filled with heroes and villains. Regarded as a heroic figure by the myth of manifest destiny, he is conversely seen as a reckless tyrant by those who →

Analysis of philip larkin essay sample

Throughout the poem there is a sense of regularity Larkin uses the regularity of the poem to assure the reader that although the lambs have been born at winter what the lambs have to endure is temporary despite their lack of awareness to conditions which will come. This is supported through the regular iambic →

Managed care cba

Health Affairs, 24 , 1554. Tufts Health Care Institute: Brief History of Managed Care http://www.tmci.org/downloads/BriefHist.pdf What is managed care? Managed care is a system of delivering healthcare in such a way that the costs of the service, quality and the utilization of the service is provided and handled by one healthcare organization, and →

Health care workers needlestick injuries health and social care essay

Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that over 1400 wellness attention worker infection to Hepatitis B occurred due to needlestick hurts In 1993. To minimise the hazard of occupational exposure to the bloodborne pathogens through transdermal hurts, the US federal statute law has been acted with the beginning of OSHA Bloodboren Pathogens criterion in →

Morbidity, mortality and associated factors in patients with emergency laparotomy

In Tikur Anbessa hospital, acute appendicitis 122 , Intestinal obstruction 62 and PPUD 21 were the three commonest cause of acute abdomen.[23, 34]In our study appendicitis and PPUD the leading and third cause of emergency laparatomy respectively, which is similar to the study done in Tikur Anbessa. This difference is due →

Science and values in health care provision essay sample

In addition, the employment of surveys that would serve as tools in assessing the current standards of the nursing programs may help in the identification of problems and issues that hinder the progress of the nursing profession in the country. RESPONSE TO STUDENT #2: Obesity is generally considered as a multidimensional health problem →

Comparing the help agencies niosh and osha can give for implementing an employee motivational program

Employees who get involved, and are well informed, tend to feel more a part of the program, and will respond better to the overall program. Our Recommendations Since safety is such an important issue, we have decided that the first alternative would be the best choice. NIOSH and OSHA both offer a free service →

Annotated bibliography example: food day october 24, 2012 essay sample

I think this is a great source; it gives me a lot of information about the topic, and has many links I am able to click on. They use a lot of facts that are backed up, so it would be useful to use this site and the article in it.

Health care system evolution

Between the GreatDepressionthrough July 1965 health care had numerous debates in this country. In the 1930s a third-party payer health insurance was introduced including Blue Cross and Blue Shield and others to cover the cost of care in the event of illness or accidents. In 1976 formed the Health Care Financing Administration which is a →

Nursing and patient care: it’s all about love

The basic form of love is the capacity to share and understand the sorrow, pain and joy of others Love is both the heart and unifying force of caring. Nurses' expressions of love towards patients can independently expedite the recovery process of the patient, since a suffering patient is more in need of, and →

Economic history and evolution of health care economics

In today's society health care and medicine has become one of the life savers for patients with health care issues. More and more new technologies, research, development of new procedures and medications have taken over a major change in health care industry while comparing to back in 1940's when there →

A randomized controlled trial of an enhanced balance program to improve mobility and reduce falls in elderly patients

However, the conventional balance training which have walking as a primary balance training does not appear to have much effect to prevent fall risk. The bright side, the enhanced therapy has the components of all conventional therapy but also with additional balance exercises, which might provide and improvement and enhance the therapy with the present →

Scenario essay on radiotherapy and patient satisfaction

As stated in a ' Patient Safety and Quality handbook', ' the major concern about disruptive behaviors is frequent occurrences and the negative impact they can have on patient care.' It puts patient on risk that Alison failed to report it, as he has not receive any disciplinary action for his behavior. This also shows →

The outstanding abilities of those with savant syndrome

How could someone with seemingly no practice in a field excel beyond any of their peers and how are these patients able to break the typical idea of human learning is something that must be understood to truly deepen humanities knowledge of the brain. Savant syndrome is described as a rare condition in which persons →

Disparities in healthcare

For this purpose, and the overall lower cost and efficiency, this study would overall incur a lower cost and data can be collected much faster than an experimental design. To prove that ethnic minorities are discriminated against more than Caucasians, I will pull much of y data from different studies that all come →

Healthcare policy report: medicare’s new benefits catastrophic health insurance

From here the bill took what appears to be a fairly normal trek through Congress though the outcome is not always the same. During the policy formulation phase the President sent the bill to Congress for action and stated that it could not be completed until they had come up →

Healthcare utilization

Health care reform will not only affect patient coverage but will force changes within the utilization of health care as well. The changes made from health care reform have a major impact on health care by influencing the level of spending within the health care industry. The concept of universal health care would ensure that →

Health care market

Economical relations between government and medical institutions are characterized as relations in favor of the third party: medical institution is a manufacturer of medical services, and the government is the buyer, whereas population of country uses those services (in case the citizens are insured, they can use medical service). In relation to →

Kraske or jackknife position

Arms are usually positioned over the head for turning. Anesthesia Factors One of the most common concerns about the prone jack knife position is the safety of the airway during anesthesia. It was found to be an important factor in determining the patient position and type of anesthesia →

Competency adn vs. bsn

So what is the difference in the level of education and competency of the graduating nurse from an ADN or BSN program? Especially when all RN's regardless of educational level are taught and promise to uphold the definition of nursing set forth by the American Nurse Association, " Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization →

Development of brazil is investing in health care.

The targeted investments in Brazil are in favor of programs directed tohealth, educationand improvement of public services. Another benefit is the social inclusion through participatory stimuli, as well as Increased productivity and economic stability Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 201 1 With the definition of unilateralism that primary education becomes an education for all, →

Chemical process control an introduction to theory and practice

The second design question is " How do we select the best values for the adjustable parameters of the feedback controller chosen?" This is known as the Controller Tuning Problem. Tuning for some overshooting on startup: This method is a variation of the continuous cycling method.

Enzyme function lab essay sample

The reaction lasted about 10 minutes. 4.a) The hydrogen peroxide is used up and the manganese dioxide remains unchanged. Part two Title: Enzyme Function Purpose: To observe the role of enzymes in chemical reactions and to determine the kinds of cells that contain more of the enzyme catalase. →

Aaron wong

The appearance and reactions of the elements in a triad were similar to each other. He arranged all the elements into a table in order of relative atomic mass.

Natural and common ph indicators experiment essay sample

Some other natural indicators include: Carrots, cherries, grapes, hydrangea, onions, poppy petals, rhubarbs, thyme and tulip petals. Aim To investigate the uses of various common and natural indicators in acidic, neutral and basic solutions. Part A: COMMON INDICATORS Equipment 0. I have learnt to wash my test →

Lab report: titration lab

The procedure: The first part of the laboratory experiment will be the preparation of the reactants and the choice of an indicator. You will need to prepare the analyte, a solution of NaOH, of a chosen concentration and volume and prepare a solution of HCl, the titrant, accordingly.

Boyle’s law – solutions

0 L of a gas at a pressure of 1. If I blow up this balloon with 3 moles of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1 atmosphere, what is the temperature of the balloon?

Radioactive decay essay sample

Therefore, the atom will become an atom of the succeeding higher element in the periodic table as demonstrated by the following reaction: While alpha and beta decay may constitute the breaking apart of atoms, they are not the same as nuclear fission. One example reaction of nucleogenesis is the following fusion of Hydrogen and →


Then zinc is used to remove the bromine atoms. Debromination Debromination is the opposite of the bromination because it involves the removal of the bromine atoms from the organic molecule. The Stereochemical Course of the Addition of Halogens to Cholesterol".

Global environmental issues research paper

A lot of land is needed for cattle ranching especially because the demand for beef for export is high which means that the amount of deforestation is large to make enough room. In order to increase profits slavery is used in the slaughterhouses which prepare the cattle for meat us and processing of the leather.

Groundwater recharge in urban areas

To get rid of water scarcity evaluation of artificial potential groundwater recharge zone could aid in proper advancement and implementation of groundwater and surface water resources. Moreover, the main advantages of the RWA include adequate utilization of available natural resources, increasing current supply acceptability, reducing contaminated loads of water body, reducing load of sewage network, →

The key concepts of diversity

The classifying of the four criteria in minority groups are the race, ethnicity, religion, and the gender. It can or it is usually the people that meet more than one of the groups into this that have the way of hardest times of dealing with things in the country or something that comes to mind.

“in defense of prejudice” by jonathan rauch essay sample

Rauch brings to the reader's attention that one cannot have both the first amendment and a prejudice/racist free world. He says, " Where there is genuine freedom of expression there will be racist expression," also stating that " If you want to believe in intellectual freedom and the progress of knowledge and the advancement →

Slavery and racism argumentative essay

Brilliantly, he orchestrated the plan to deceive Delano and hide from him the current situation in the ship. However, he is convicted of rebellion and sentenced to a cruel death in the end. Indeed, it is the institution of slavery that caused the slaves to rebel.

Ethnicity: oppression and racism essay

Ironically, the womenfolk adore men who offer useless support. Some of the instances that can be compared to the bars of the cage include scenarios where the people who are oppressed assume that nothing is happening, and participate in their oppression either directly or indirectly. Since the society accepts these conditions and are not rebellious, →

The policy status quo to prevent racism in american schools research paper

To overcome the discrimination issues, there should be a policy stating the equality of rights for all the races and ethnicities. The main policy associated with the education field which works to state the equality of students' rights is No Child Left Behind. Thus, one of NCLB policy's functions is to state the equality of →

Free black like me assignment essay example

Griffin's main goal was to bridge the gap between the whites and the blacks and not to offend the whites in any way. Griffin's, in the book, argued that the blacks and whites did not understand each other at that period of time, a situation that can be observed in the current society, although not →

Media bias: conflicting ideas creative writing example

Americans and other populations of the world trust and believe on what the media reports on the media outlets as the truth. According to Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo's article " A Measure of Media Bias", media bias is measured by estimating ideological scores for major media outlets. - Once the media bias has been computed, →

Discrimination everywhere!

And none of the questions I asked pertained to the location of the vanity mirror or cell phone connection. Laziness has caused the feelings of others to be hurt, and discrimination to continue.

Caryl phillips cambridge

The first section of the novel is in the form of a journal, narrated by Emily herself, and gives readers a sense of Emily's identity through her depictions of her surroundings. Phillips takes a gendered narrative approach to explore eurocentric influence in the depictions of black womanhood during the African Diaspora and how it has →

Good essay about you dont fight racism with racism; the best way to fight racism is with solidarity

Reflective Essay on Hidden Colors 1 and Hidden Colors 2 I believe that the above quote encapsulates the message that the presenters of the documentaries, Hidden Colors 1 and Hidden Colors 2 desire to send the African community, especially members of that community who are based in America. It is my personal →

Example of prejudice in campuses essay

On contradiction, the students in the campus have an access to the same facilities. The contact hypothesis explains on the impact of direct individual interaction on the reduction of prejudice. The contact hypothesis is used as one of the tools that are used to regulate the level of prejudice in →

Running head: racial segregation

Running head: Racial Segregation Racial Residential Segregation Author Author Affiliation Segregation is defined as the division of people of different races of daily activities, such as education and housing. Massey, 1985." American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass".

Example of argumentative essay on racism

This notion has led to many problems between people of different ethnic backgrounds and races as the seed of hatred is planted in people. Racism is one of the negative trends that have existed since the human race begun. People of different background have in the same capacity suffered due to racial disparities.

Free paper 1 essay example

This is a misconception as people think that there is no racism as well as inequality. White racism is the belief that white people are superior to black people, or other people of color for that reason white people should have domination over non-white people. However, the union is about white people, and in that →

Free essay on oratorical leaders and the magic of stereotypes: martin luthers speech

The second part in the approach looks at the future of unification of the races for the achievement of American dream. The type of prejudice that forms the focal point of the speech is racial discrimination that was prevalent in America those days. Luther chooses to identify with the crowd in the opening remarks of →

Diversity and inclusiveness essays example

The opportunity presented by this case is that if a business would be aware of the diverse nature of every individual in its workforce, then it would be able to make use of the differences in personality and volatility in order to move forward and utilize this as a resource. When a business has employees →

Political speech

Referring to the scripture and using the delivery style of the pulpit, King imbues his speech with spiritual quality and has managed to merge his voice with the prophets, infusing it with the spiritual authority of the Bible. The metaphor, " an oasis of freedom and justice" is used to show that there will come →

Free how to be re-elected as an incumbent democratic senator in 1970s creative writing sample

The contestant may be questioned by the voters on the actions taken to address the various challenges in the community thus should have a planned strategy of being truthful to the voters and at the same time showing no negligence on the previous promises. Considering the impact of taxation issues →

Free essay about reaction paper on the film crash

The film is fundamentally a drama about the races of humans, and the effects of racial prejudices on the people in the city of Los Angeles. The lead characters of this movie have their lives intertwined, and the audience comes to know about all of them as their stories intersect with the other. The film →

Telephone conversation

The Nigerian poet Wole Soyinka uses the poem the telephone conversation to express the apathy one, particularly the black has, against Apartheid. The poem starts on a mild note where the poet negotiates the renting of an apartment with the landlady over the telephone.

What i think about gay marriage

Just because you do not want gays to get married in Georgia does not mean you have to take their rights from them that is wrong on so many levels." Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found afamily." " →

“sweet home alabama” vs. “the notebook” essay sample

The similarity is obvious in " Sweet Home Alabama" and " The Notebook" since in both there is a seven year absence period for the couples, their choices in the types of lives they want to live are uncanny in appearance and the two girl's reasoning towards the end of the movie are the same. →