4 Pages Essay Samples

The four basic food molecules

A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together that represent the smallest unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.In kitchen chemistry today, there are many types offoodmolecules such as minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water. But there are four molecules that people refer to as →

Coffee in world history

The did effect the people in positive ways because the workers were able to all get fair and equal pay for the job without any socialdiscrimination. Finally, the social bonuses of coffee are shown, while being biast, stating that coffee is a ready and east source ofmoney, showing that you could benefit →

In these issues government knew they would need

As national health started to takeprecedence in the American society the need for the government to take a vitalrole in these issues grew. National Health started gaining prominence as earlyas 1798 when an act was passed for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, which established a federal network of hospitals for the care of →

Chik-fil-a case analysis

He then shortened it with a capital " A" at the end to stand for top quality. In 1967 he opened up his first mall restaurant in the Greenbrair Mall in Atlanta. The next day he was fired.'" {text: bibliography-mark} _ I could not find the verdict of this trial, but this is one way →

Uk mobile phone industry

This report provides a comprehensive environmental analysis of the UK mobile phone industry, including a PESTLE analysis of the industryenvironment, an assessment of the prevalent competitive forces using Porter's 5 forces analysis, and an individual SWOT analysis for each of the major network operators in the UK, Vodafone, T-mobile, Orange and O2. PESTLE →

Government mismanagement the most important cause essay

However it is argued Government mismanagement is the most important cause due to the fact that it had such a significant impact because it was a continual cause and that it could be blamed as a trigger for the start of it. As most of the members, who ran and organized the UTC, had a →

Launch of a new energy drink

We could then market it as a healthier alternative to the popular energy shots, so that it appeals both to the target audience and the general public. Legal aspects The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code mandates that a formulated caffeine beverage must contain 145 to 320 milligrams of caffeine per litre1 →

Ec456 final

The advent of slavery in South America was when African slaves were brought to the northern colony in Virginia in 1619, to help in the farming of tobacco. Slavery was practiced in all the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries. Although the union won in the war and enabled the freedom of almost →

“there was his next best mentor throughout his

During Bill Clinton's time in the office, he was able to expand the powers of the presidency by recreating the perception and operation of the Democratic Party in ways that effectively weakened the " Reagan Revolution". Although Bill Clinton was involved in multiple controversies that led to his impeachment, he left a significant legacy in →

Biz cafe reflections

Overall, I have certainly developed a better understanding of the management of a small business and what it possibly feels like to become an owner. Having the opportunity to start and run a simulated coffee shop from a practical standpoint, I have been able to broaden and strengthen my knowledge of the →

The fresh sea air blew in my cold face – creative writing

I gazed out to the horizon and in the distance I could see a large unwanted ship. The wind started to howl andthe rain camedown harder and harder. The ship out at sea was swaying and disappearing deep into the troughs between the waves, and as it drew closer I could see that it was →

Harnessing solar energy

Harnessing of Solar Energy: Photosynthesis versus Semiconductor Based Solar Cell Photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells are both used to harness solar energy from the sun photosynthesis for plants and semiconductor based solar cells for human beings. Contrasts The first contrast is in the conversion of energy trapped by the sun photosynthesis converts solar energy →

In day to day social life and across

His book had a staggeringlyimmense supporting audience, for all the right reasons. He made a significantchange in the United States' future; his play with words and how he canmanipulate them in order to paint his thoughts to the best of his abilities toform The Jungle, a mere gander into the mind of Upton Sinclair. Withthis, →

The story of “like water for chocolate”

The story of " Like Water for Chocolate" is about the relationship of the mother, Mama Elena, to his three daughters namely Rosaura, Getrudis and Tita. The changes that a daughter would undergo must be first known by her mother in order for her to be guided or so, like if the daughter will →

Essay on hip hops pioneering women

However, among the three, Dana Elaine Owens has proven to be the most successful and her career and accomplishments have overshadowed the other two women on the national stage and established her as the Queen of Hip Hop. All three women were born in the early 1970s and began rapping a young age. However, their →

Good essay about referee paper

To understand if a country is labor or capital intensive, we should be able to separate the labor and capital intensive goods and instead of using the total production of an industry, the separated data is to be used. CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY TO THE LITERATURE This study tests the single- and multiple-cone version →

Uk food market

M; S principal trade associations are with the Confederation of British Industry and the British Retail Consortium and founding members of Business in the Community. In 1998 M; S became the first British retailer to make a pre-tax profit of over i?? M; S are selling their product to the customer and try to satisfy →

Relationship between international trade and economic development research paper sample

This will lead to domestic competition that is healthy as manufacturers will improve on the quality of their products so as to remain relevant to the industry. An economy that is open to external trade will grow faster than an economy that is closed only to internal trade. Many developing countries fear that opening up →

Positive effects of caffeine

Due to the high consumption by the public, many scientists have tried to bring the public to the knowledge of the effects of caffeine on human health. Positive Effects of Caffeine Although it is argued that, the intake of a small amount of caffeine does not create adverse effects such as the cardiovascular effects, →

Predictive analytics for analysing the house sales (housing market)

In this process, to predict the sale of the house the factors used are price, bedrooms and bathrooms and location of the house. This project aims to forecast the sales of the house in terms better accuracy.


A fashion house that is creating ripples of admiration is Givenchy with its Fall/Winter 2013 collection for women. Hubert de Givenchy, one of the first and most important haute couture designers worldwide, set the trends of Parisian fashion and defined elegance worldwide and fast forward to the present and the →

Primark the global beauty market (abf, 2016). primark

The ONS blamed the steep rise in the annual rate of inflation over the last year to 2. Irrespective of all the pitfalls of the retail sector and the economy in the UK because of the fall in the value of pound, Primark is still standing strong and has been successful in generating revenue when →

Airborne express: economics of strategy and organization essay sample

Airborne did not try to focus in the large portion of the market which was taken by FedEx or UPS. Overall Airborne lowered its cost wherever possible and hence it was able to deliver the service at a lower price.

Security in the transport industry research paper samples

Given the necessity and importance of the transport industry to any economy in the world, from sailing to trucking to air transport, threats to the transport industry should be addresses with immediate gravity. The major modes of freight transport are by rail, shipping, air and, for relatively shorter and lighter loads, trucking. Understanding the motives →

Motor temperature ratings

However, depending upon the design and cooling arrangements in the motor, motor surface temperature in modern motors can be high enough to be very uncomfortable to the touch. High Ambient TemperaturesShort motor life* Rewind motor to higher class of insulation. Oversize motor to reduce temperature rise.

Recipes for a successful restaurant essay

A bad location is one of the biggest reasons for restaurant failure. " A restaurant's location is just as important as the food and customer service. A bad location could cost a restaurant the type of audience or consumers it needs to survive. In addition to location, marketing is also an important factor for running a →

Multiple causes downed the challenger

All was going well for NASA and its space shuttle program until January of 1986 when the Challenger exploded 73 seconds into the flight, killing all the crew. Since then, the shuttle program has been besieged by controversy, much of it stemming over the causes of the Challenger explosion. In fact, " the accident investigations →

The psychology of fashion fashion essay

Therefore, manner, being in close contact to our organic structures, has started to have the attending of public, creative persons, and intellectuals. Psychology of manner look It is a common expression, that persons play the functions associated with their individualism and rank in society. A one-compartment pocketbook, on the other manus, points to the →

Water energy resource plan

The process of photosynthesis then starts as the begin feeding on the nitrogen and phosphorus enrichedenvironmentleading to murky and hard to see through water this is a sign of eutrophication. My sustainability plan is to educate others on the causes of eutrophication and the effects it has on ecosystems. Increasing awareness will allow many to →

Introduction business sectors in which the products and

1Discussing the core concepts of marketing for the travel and tourismsector Marketingassumes a vital part and it is a decent strategy to support thetravel and tourism area. The coreconcepts of marketing are: Needsand Desires The packages in marketing and promotion are begunfrom the requirements and requests of the clients and sector. Products Products exist as →

Sustainable largely studied in literature in the

The development of sustainable strategies to combatthe consequences of the harmful effects of transport in logistics is what isreferred to as " Green LogisticsDevelopment". The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals describes Logistics as " the part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow andstorage →

School-based nutrition programmes in the uk

The proposal presents the research question, the aims and objectives, a short background literature review, a suggested methodology and a discussion of the expected outcomes and timetable for the proposed research. Research question What are thehealthproblems facing schoolchildren in the UK, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Malaysia and what impact can school-based nutrition programmes have →

Merck pharma case analysis

With the regulations and the FDA allowing businesses to advertise to potential consumers directly thru the mail, television, or print ads in the local newspaper, MRL had to re-think their own strategy and begin what the new CEO Ray Gilmartin called a " New Reality." In his view, what made MRL the powerhouse in the →

International marketing

Jean Louis' work in the island presented him with this opportunity after a close observation of the economy and the market gap vis a vis the potential as a tourism hub. The steps taken by Jean Louis' company, IBS, to establish itself in the tourism industry in Zanzibar suggest a well laid out strategy to →

India of my dreams essay

It is truly a sad reflection of the sate of literacy in our country. India has made rapid strides in many spheres.the economic condition of the people is better today than it was at the time of independence.

Natural brown rice

And, just like long grain white rice, our brown rice is grown in the U.S.A., and is Kosher approved. And, just like S&W Extra Long Grain White Rice, our brown rice is grown in the U.S.A., and is Kosher approved.

Critical thinking on sports in the united states of america

From a historical perspective, this paper suggests a number of remedies that need to be pursued and implemented. The role of the media is crucial in the development of the sports industries and the consequential solution of the current ills. It is factual that most of the sports ills have occurred with the support and →

Causing climate change essay

At such elevation, the act of clearing the woodlands greatly outweighs the idea of storing them for carbon conservation. For the purpose of extracting sources such as carbon, timber and labeled, the activity of effective deforestation may present a beneficial factor for the activity of deforesting. Exploitation and clearance of natural forests are destroying the →

Q1. nextgen type of program governance is the

NextGen type of program governance is the evident in the implementation of the program which is to provide a description of the aviation environment and the motivation to move to NextGen, present an overview of the projected cost of NextGen implementation, and offer an indication of the benefits that are likely to accrue from the →

The industry structure & the behavior of firms in the pc industry

In this paper I will discuss the industry structure and the behavior of firms in the Personal Computer Industry. Dell Computer Corporation is still a major player in the PC industry and will continue to be in the future.

Coffee growers persuasive essay

Early adulthood is a time of struggle to gain the skills and credentials required for a job that can support the family they wish to start and a struggle to feel in control of their lives or is when people figure out when they want to do and how best to realize theirgoals. The use →

Informative speech about eating disorders

Purpose: I want my audience to understand the factors that make up their credit scores. Thesis Statement: The factors that make up the credit scores are: payment history, debt, length of credit history, new credit, and type of credit used. Organizational Pattern: Categorical Forms of Support: Explanation, graphs, expert testimony, statistics.

Preliminary market research findings for future marketing strategy recommendations essay

Preliminary Market Research Findings for Future Marketing Strategy Recommendations According MarketResearch. com Consumer Goods article Housewares Market Research Reports, the housewares industry is composed of various companies who manufacture and produce a variety or household goods and products. The trends of housewares industry are based on a general population opting to spend more time →

Pakistan mobile operator forecast, 2009 – 2013 essay

Total wireless subscribers in Pakistan to reach 130.million in 2013 The publisher forecasts that total mobile subscribers in Pakistan will increase from 94. Mobilink will continue to be the largest player in Pakistan's mobile operator space over the next five years. They expect that Mobilink will have 36.

Analyzing the importance of energy efficiency construction essay

This decrease in the energy ingestion is non needfully associated to proficient alterations, since it can besides ensue from a better organisation and direction or improved economic efficiency in the sector which is overall additions in productiveness. THE IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY The energy efficiency is really importance because there are utile in multiple →

Pharmacy career essay

As a leader and manger of a busy, acute care pharmacy, I had found my career niche within the profession. I have discovered that a pharmacy career in the traditional sense does not hold much appeal to me.

Music and movie piracy essay examples

The essay also examines how piracy affects the producers of music and movies who invest a lot of time as well as a lot of energy into the production of music and movies. The essay also examines the effects that music and movie piracy have on the greater society as a whole and especially the →

Notes on the construction procedures

The works and constructions that are made to satisfy basic needs such as security, housing or transport, must be executed following a certain order or pre-established plan according to a set of norms or rules capable of ensuring their success. Factors that influence the properties of concrete: Concrete properties Component materials Dosing and →

Free research paper on kelun chen 2004 chinese porcelain art elegance and appreciation san francisco long

Due to the translucent nature of the material, it has gained widespread use in the pottery industry to make kitchen ware and some other materials mainly of prestige 1. The use of porcelain can be traced back to the 4th century in China and Japan. Chinese porcelain is the oldest porcelain attributing the origin of →

Nutrition guidance assignment

It has been suggested that lack of support leads to a decrease in breastfeeding, so any educational information that can be given to thefamilyto help support the mother can help increase the longevity of breastfeeding a newborn. Part 3: Patient-Centered Resource Womenshealth.gov, is a credible website resource for mothers-to-be and new moms to utilize. →

Nursing should not unionize

It seems that there are various strong arguments against the unionization of nurses. The first argument, in the opinion of Anne Shields and Kathleen Rice, is that unionization of nurses goes in stark contradiction with the Florence Nightingale Pledge to " devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care". In this noble →

Lpn to rn transition essay sample

The paper also shows how one can be able to transit from the LPN level to the RN level through the concept of professional socialization. An RN is one who has graduated from a nursing program in the university and usually has a higher level of knowledge as compared to LPN and LVN →

Hipaa essays examples

HIPAA mandated the federal Department of Health and Human Services to build up regulations to implement the mentioned privacy requirements, known as the Privacy Rule. Elements of HIPAA most importantly stipulate that the chief responsibility of the privacy rule is to; substantially define and subsequently limit the conditions under which the PHI of an individual →

Performance measures

The reason for the US government to carry out a continuous process of data collection on the process of care and patient hospital experience is to ensure that the public is satisfied with healthcare service. To ensure this is the case the US government collects data on hospitals and compares it using the " Hospital →

Advocacy in nursing

Arts and Science of Nursing concepts Nursing Advocacy The heart of nursing is advocacy. From experts to mindless clerks: the center for nursing advocacy chooses the best and the worst in portrayals of nurses.

Overcoming asynchronous online learning limitations

This paper will discuss the major limitations and challenges of asynchronous learning and the possible strategies to overcome those issues in short time. The major challenge with asynchronous learning is that it requires learner to take the responsibility of learning, reflection, and all thought processes despite the time flexibility and other advantages.

Example of abnormal psychology essay

This kind of anxiety orients a person towards the anticipation of threats and motivates them to act so as to avoid occurrences that could lead to physical harm and/or psychological distress thus preparing the mind and body to take action. The first is that worry results in decreased levels of both emotional and physiological reactivity →

The history of diabetic wounds nursing essay

Due to a lack of feeling, the foot wounds of patients with diabetes often go unnoticed and escalate to ulcers, infections and amputations. The cost to the NHS of diabetic foot ulcers and consequent amputations is vast.

Neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient

Evidently, one of the main goals of cancer treatment is to try to ensure that the patient is as healthy as possible throughout the treatment, and therefore the problem of neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient should be addressed to try and reduce incidences of the problem as well as complications that may arise from the →

Issues with end-of-life care in nursing essay sample

It is the facility's responsibility to ensure that there are training programs on caring for the dying readily available for health care professionals, and to provide support for these staff members; death requires a great deal of attention to be paid to the patient and the family. Being aware of what patients face when dying →

Develop a clinical question in a pico format that will yield the best and most relevant evidence

Additionally, the effectiveness of the treatment forms the basis of the patients' selection and decision to continue in that treatment. The purpose of conducting clinical trials is to ascertain the efficacy of each treatment and its combination, and determine which preventive or management strategy best facilitates in reducing ventilator-acquired pneumonia.

The pico question

These can include avoiding sweet or sugary food such as ice cream and cakes , stop smoking, and engage in more physical activities like walking daily or go jogging at least once a week?" Moreover, a collateral question is: " What happens if the patient is given another kind of diabetes medication and undertakes →

Nursing image analysis

Though nurses are often lonely this detail is not usually very well highlighted in order to make the image free for other author's objects. As to the characteristics of a nurse as a woman it must be said that the usage of the nurse's image in the world wide sex industry is →

Coad (coronary obstructive airway disease)

Be keen on noting the characteristics of the cough and the sputum produced. An oximeter is sometimes used to assess the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the patient's blood.

Free bulimia nervosa: causes, impacts and treatment research paper sample

At one end of the spectrum is anorexia nervosa, and at the other end, is binge eating, with bulimia nervosa located somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. In some cases, a mental health provider and a dietician who is adept in the treatment of eating illnesses.

Literature search

1001/jama.281.2.163. This is a qualitative study describing the quality of end of life care from the perspective of the patient. Music Therapy in Hospice and Palliative Care: a Review of the Empirical Data; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2005 print This qualitative study focuses on the effectiveness of music therapy in alleviating palliative associated →

Problems of the nursing teamwork

Additionally, they felt that they have the right to defend others if they had seen them encountered with the problems. Given the observed NTW elements of the mutual trust dimension, the results of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences between its elements during (pre, immediately post-program implementation and three months later) where →

Analysis of registered nurse versus licensed practical nurse

However, it is important to note that there are some LPNs who earn more than RNs depending on the duties they carry out and the location of the hospital. This is because they are meant to ensure that the LPNs carry out their duties effectively. It is hence essential to note that the most important →

Dec paper

Between ADN nurse and BSN prepared nurse therefore, it is expected that both would have foreknowledge of the Acts but in terms of its detail and scrutiny, the BSN prepared nurse would have an upper hand because it is part of the requirements of their curriculum to go beyond the introductory stages of knowledge of →

Complex adaptive system

There are varieties of different professions in healthcare from nurses to doctors, specialist, paramedics...and even the concept of health itself is very complex as there are many determinants that can influence one's health. Moreover, health care matches the definition of a complex adaptive system, which is a collection of individual agents with →

Change theories, conflict theories, and leader as a change agent

Consequently, the role of a leader as a change agent is considered to be of utmost importance to ascertain harmony and coherence in the workplace. With these considerations, this essay intends to discuss and explain the change theories, conflict theories and leader as a change with reference to nursing environment.

Ethical issues around psychiatric medications and their administration by registered psychiatric nurses in the context of their

This is for the reason that the psychiatric drugs may have adverse impacts on the patients under medication, both in the body and the brain of the patients. Anderson and Currie are devastated at the point that psychiatric medication is something that scientists have nothing to do with or are unwilling to delve →

Curriculum framework essay examples

This paper will describe the philosophy, concepts rationale, and proposed uses of a curriculum framework designed for a nursing program. Philosophical Foundation The inherent beliefs about the four metaparadigms of nursing that are person, nursing, environment, and health will constitute the philosophical underpinnings of the framework. The goal of nursing is to assist clients →

Journal medical mission in dominican republic

Journal Medical Mission in Dominican Republic A Visit to Escuela Basica Alemana Every year I travel to the Dominican Republic, alongside other local university students and doctors to provide medical care to the rural communities. This gave them a sense of hope that some people cares about them, and they had to appreciate us for →

Research critique, part 1 essay sample

Purpose and Research Questions The purpose of a qualitative study indicates the focus of the study. The literature was effective and relevant to the focus of the research study.

Learning assessment tools

Critique ASU Course Learning Assessment The curriculum of Master of Science Nursing is based upon the conventional standards defined by Quality and Safety Education for Nurses which were given to the American Sentinel university in 2009 and by then the university makes it sure that these standards are conformed in every →

The impact on nursing

The treatment and care needed for the patient today is far more complex and is different in nature, hence today's nurse need to be equipped with the competencies to deliver high level care." Nursing curricula need to be reexamined, updated and adaptive enough to change with patients' changing needs and improvements in science and technology, →

Nursing care for dissociative indentity disorder

Steinberg's structured clinicalinterviewfor the diagnosis of DID identifies the five core symptoms as amnesia, depersonalisation, derealisation, identity confusion and identity alteration (as cited in Gleadhill & Ferris, 2010, p.43). DID patient may also have the symptoms such as fear of others, loneliness, deep insecurity and lack of a coherent sense of self, loss →

Describe how one’s emotional intelligence (ei) level can either enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care envi

The physiological illnesses are believed to be the mere manifestation of psychological ones and therefore, the nurses are suggested to provide emotional antidote in order to pull up the suffering humans. The medical practitioners are trained to consider pain and death as the part of the profession and because of this reason, they →

Ldl cholesterol

These checks are conducted through ' lipoprotein profile' blood tests (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The total level of cholesterol is significant in determining the risk of CHD in any individual. The risk category is determined according to the table below: (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005) The LDL Cholesterol Goal based on the FRS Score →

Certified registered nurse anesthetist (c.r.n.a.)

At the end of the surgery the anesthetist needs to monitor the patient until the effects of the anesthesia wear off. The nurse anesthetist can have a great impact on how the patient feels about the care they receive. The obvious impact that a nurse anesthetist has on a patient is freedom from the fear →


In a clinical setting, there is a number of equipment that needs to be operated and as a nurse it is a prerequisite to know how to operate them. To complete the BS Nursing program of studies and to graduate is a momentous moment that I am really looking forward to.

Professional accountability paper

What is meant to be a professional nurse is basically, for me, is to align the roles, responsibilities and skills of a nurse with the overall demands of the profession. Since professional nurses interact with people in need of help, it is therefore extremely important that a nurse must develop the skills of professional understanding, →

Globalization scholarly

The health care system of Nigeria is characterised by a low performance of the government in promoting the accessibility of quality health care services. Healthcare Systems of Nigeria Health care plays a crucial role in promoting public health since it determines the productivity of the citizens and affects the economic performance of a nation.

The role of the registered nurse (rn) in maternity nursing

Maternity RNs also evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of care and make modifications to meet the changing needs of the mother, newborn and the family.4. Labor and Delivery Nurse: As a labor and delivery nurse, the RN is responsible to provide care to patients in labor who have uncomplicated or complicated deliveries.

Applying ethical frameworks in practice essay sample

Patients have the right to anticipate privacy of their medical records and all data and information related to their care and doctors and nurses have a legal obligation to break confidentiality when it is truly and ethically necessary. In the reading which is assigned, the Nurse revised the obligations of confidentiality by violating the guarantee →

Evidence based practic- incentive spirometry

The first element is the patient's conditions that needs care, the second element is the " patient's goals, values, and wishes" and the third element is established evidence in the scope of the patient's problem. Identified nursing intervention and significance of determining best practice in the intervention Usage of Incentive Spirometry is the identified nursing →

Health prevention and promotion essay sample

Per the American Journal of Health Promotion it is " the art and science of helping people discover the synergies between their core passions and optimal health, enhancing their motivation to strive for optimal health, and supporting them in changing their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health". In the →

How do the opening scenes of ‘lethal weapon’

This is one of the many parallels that the director has chosen to show of the two characters. The lighting in the scene of Murtaughs house has been done in high key to give the feeling of a warm happy neighbourhood; this is an opposite compared to Riggs' trailer as the lighting has been done →

Essay on titanic

The wreck still excites the mind and imagination of the people. In the film, the director tries to show all the tragedy of the loss of the Titanic. The plot of the film is based on the story about a terrible disaster, which happened on 12 April 1912, in the →

Braveheart. movie analysis and its affect on the society

It tought many people of what it was like back in the 1300s. First of all, Braveheart was a movie about the early Scottish people. For example, Jon Lackland was leader once in the Middle Ages and he lost all of the land that his mother had passed down to him in a matter of →

Creative writing: godzilla in japan

Then all of a sudden the Yamitsu and its valiant crew were plucked out the ocean and rose high into the air. He fell to the ground and everyone knew that that was the last of Godzilla.

Psycological view of the movie groundhog day

The very skeptical weatherman regretfully accepts the assignment and travel to the town. Once he makes his report he proceeds to his hotel and goes to bed looking forward to returning home the next day. In an effort to leave the town and anymemoriesrelating to the town the weatherman is forced to →

Oskar schindler

The greed of earning money overpowered him and drove him into the world of illegal trade. While enjoying his life in luxury, he realized how the Jews were suffering. Schindler, with the help of his assistant, reached to a conclusion that he would use the money to buy as many Jews as he can from →

Lieutenant henry’s moment of illumination

This realization opens the door for Henry to live the life he truly wants to live, and not to only go through the motions doing something he does not love. He sees that Catherine is who he wants to be with, he has to sometimes put himself first, and that he does not belong in →

12 angry men by talita e. sigillo

After reasonable doubt to the testimony is applied, juror number three used the above quotes as his reasons to support his claim that it was the boy that the woman saw, concluding with evidence that do not follow through with his claim and thus being " non sequitor". For Juror number three the boy was →