4 Pages Essay Samples

Ricoh malaysia deploys document management software

The most important thing is how we have improved access to information and reduced paper in the office," Lim Chuan Wee, technical consultant with Ricoh Malaysia said. In the move to its new office, Ricoh Malaysia's managing director did allow one small filing cabinet for managers and one for staff, but with Alchemy there is →

Ellen case study

It Mould begin with her parents never really being there for her, then go to her father and mother's separation, then her parents separation from her schooling events, then to the separation of her and Harry. A behavioral therapist would lump in and show Ellen that she could not let her mother's death and Hardy's →

A very old man with enormous wings – a mirror of human reactions essay sample

At the beginning of the story, the author wrote " He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, could not get up, impeded by his enormous wings". To Pelayo and his wife, →

A systems view of man-general systems theory

One of the core assumptions of Bertalanffy is that a system should be understood as a whole; in other words, a system is greater than the sum of its parts. The principle of equifinality is also crucial to the systems theory as it helps to distinguish between closed and open systems.

Mission, vision, and values paper

The mission of University of Phoenix is to provide access to higher education opportunities that enable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professionalgoals, improve the productivity of their organizations, and provideleadershipand service to their communities. The ultimate goal of the new strategy is to have an effective impact on the →

The temptations of adulthood

By comparing and contrasting the circumstances and desires of children and adults, Ray Bradbury creates an in-depth exploration of childhood and the aging process that positions his work as far more than a typical coming-of-age story. It is only natural that since Bradbury put so much of himself into Something Wicked This Way Comes, the →

D- day

Joy Hakim, the author of the textbook A History of Us: War, Peace, and All that Jazz once said was a true for the Axis during the time period of the final years in World War II. The purpose of the Operation was for the Allied power to get back on European soil through the →

Truth and justice in jasper jones

The simile of the child suggests that Charlie is the adult now, and that once the truth is out there, Ruth can no longer hide behind her ' motherly' appearance. Silvey employs a stream of consciousness when detailing Laura's abuse, coupled with the repetition of the running on of words, " Thisiswhathappened," this elucidates that →

Culture can’t cure chaos: thematic analysis of ‘reasons of state’

In Alejo Carpentier's Reasons of State, the Head of State's efforts to align his country's culture with the intellectual culture of Paris completely breaks down any sense of national identity within his homeland and further agitates political unrest among the nation's citizens. The only component of this building that evokes any national pride is the →

Persuasive speech “profanity is taking over america” essay sample

So let's analyze what profanity is, who uses it and why, and the effects of such profanity. Now that we know who uses profanity, why they use it and the effects on society, lets see what has been done and what we can do to stop the use of profanity.


Management Management The Job Characteristics Model of Hackman and Oldham in 1980 is one of the essential modelson job redesign as a way of motivating job performance and increasing job satisfaction. As a Manager, before I can increase the motivating potential of a job, I must first be able to evaluate the job on hand.

Taking of their own. they are influenced

If it does not, the members of the legislature may be punished at the next election for failure to obey the will of the electorate. The decision of the electorate is also influenced by religious and caste considerations, particularly in India, and the role of press, publicity and propaganda in a democratic State is significant.

Humanities modern movements

The specific issue of gender, according to the authors, has begun to give new and added focus on the role of women. In the case of prostitution, the autonomy of women, specifically with respect to sexuality, is severely hampered in direct proportion to the imposition and use of State power.

Response papers week 5

This explains the reason as to why in the students response, the meeting seemed only to be beneficial to the manager as they sought opinions and ideas from the followers who were in most cases felt left out of the meeting. The fact that leaders need followers more than followers need the leaders is also →

Scott eaton and his sculpture

What makes his work so fascinating is his knowledge of anatomy and clean use and mastery of the media. The weight of the breasts and the soft dangle of the hair makes the piece soft and sensual.

Website design & development proposal for netrux global concepts limited

We will design the site withGooglein mind, however a further online marketing campaign using search engine optimization is strongly recommended at some stage in the future, in order to maximize the number of visitors to the site. Budget Website design & development The budget for the design & development of the website, including integration with →

Great expectations motif

Dickens uses the motif of hands, which defines certain characteristics of people, to represent the effects of social class on the lives of many throughout the book because he holds a negative view on the social class system. In conclusion, social class, symbolized by the motif of hands, influences the customs of a person and →

Positive and negative assignment

The main outcome is a report on the experience in which you report on your observations, how you approached the assignment, and what you learned about yourself through the experience. You should be trying to draw generalizations from the project experience, your previous experiences, and the course.

Business ethics case study assignment

Integrity " For everyone to whom much is given, of him will much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more." God has entrusted Benny with the ability to excel in education. We should build a foundation on how the word of God teaches AS →

Results and discussion example

The information on Figure 1 came from the leaf extract on the paper chromatography that we used; with the help of acetone, we saw the spectrum and the differences of the different pigments. The results of this experiment show that there is less chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in the composition of the leaves that →

The singer solution to world poverty

In the New York Times Article " the Singer Solution to World Poverty" the author Peter Singer argues that there is no reason why Americans do not donate money to the needy when they can afford countless of luxury that are not essential to the preservation of their lives and health. Singer relates the stories →

The of sociology, there was no systematic and

Another aspect of the practical side of sociology is the study of great social institutions and the relations of individuals of each one of them. Sociology is of great practical help in the sense, it keeps us up-to-date on modern social situations and developments.

A man’s best friend

A dog is the best pet to own, and there is a reason they are called, " a man's best friend". Any dog owner will tell you that the bond between a human and dog is one that can never be replaced.

Christianity and first nations assignment

The people that they assimilated were forced to let go of their rich beautiful culture and were Introduced to a religion that was carried out ruthlessly by the Europeans, a religion that was made to supported negative reflections towards women, a religion that was based on the ideology of natural order, and a political system →

The physical environment

In this paper I will discourse the Physical Environment.the Social Environment.and the grownup dealingss in baby and yearling attention and instruction plans. The societal environment is seen through the behaviours of the grownups and kids in it.

Alkylation agents as chemotherapeutic agents

The significance of alkylation agents is not only seen in treatment of leukemia, lymphomas and solid tumors. Nitrogen Mustards The nitrogen mustards are a group of DNA alkylation agents which are not specific.

As whether we like it or not, as

The discussion that follows will explore how an increase in the use of technology has been shown to lead to addiction, ADHD, feelings of failure and isolation for some. An increase in the use of technology has been shown to lead to addiction, ADHD, feelings of failure and isolation in some.

Dear tried really hard so that i

However, the cost to my further educationis simply too high and that's why I need a scholarship or at least somefinancial support in order to continue my studies in The Netherlands. In order to do that I need to study deeply in language as ameans of communication and a vehicle for change as well, and →

Marital satisfaction and self-view essay sample

The purpose of the study is to ascertain the validity of the claim that a person's self-view plays a role in marital satisfaction. The study concludes that the participating couples were more martially satisfied when their partner viewed them in a positive way regardless of their depression and self-esteem levels.

Puma men’s footwear essay

In fact the new models are more expensive and the price is a little bit higher when the product is sold in specialized shops.IV. We keep the same target than in France because our product corresponds to it.

Warner music group

1 Countries & Revenues: The variance of the indicators of recession like inflation, interest rates, consumer confidence, level of business investment in these countries have been in synchronisation with the variation of Profitability ratios of WMG. 2 PIRACY: Piracy has had its share of toll on the music industry as a whole; though in the →

The brand preference of mobile phone marketing essay

Source: chales Arthur, guardian.co.uk The findings mark a key shift in the availability of mobile phones and internet connectivity in UK, as millions more people become connected through handheld devices with access to data services on the move 5 January 2012, by tanzeel akhtar Mobile is the most convenient and easy and fastest of all →

Gm and avtovaz of russia

The success that streamed from the joint venture saw General Motors take the threshold in entering the Russian market and allowed Chevrolet to become the second highest selling foreign car in Russia. With the market share of GM declining they acted to move into the unclaimed and untouched market of Russia.

Foreign trade – its changing composition and encouraging scenario assignment

High import growth coupled with moderate export growth this fiscal resulted in a widening of the trade deficit, which is the excess of imports over exports. 0 per cent over the level of imports valued at Rs.

Leadership assignment

Since the beginning of time and into present times great leaders and decision makers have mastered the art of delegation. Step one of any effective delegation or any task is to have a clear and concise understanding of the objective or mission.

A program evaluation to determine if the united states military support to civilian law enforcement agencies is adequate in curt

The goal of the research is to detail what steps will be taken to understand the necessary approaches for military assistance with local and federal law enforcement in the restriction of further action by drug trafficking organizations. Drug Trafficking Organizations have many available resources as well, however, with the technology, support and administrative assistance of →

Vincent van gogh: genius or madman

Vincent Van Gogh, genius or madman? 'The connection between genius and mental illness is paradoxically both clearer and murkier than that between genius and high intelligence.' Van Gogh, possibly the most famous example of a known genius who beard the title of a mentally ill individual, had severedepression, inflicted serious injury on his own earlobe →

To which extent do host country effects influence hrm

The main challenge for the HR department in a multinational enterprise is to find the balance of global standardization and localization. Therefore, it is the task of the Human Resource departments to face the five factors, which are defined by Geert Hofstede: 1 Power distance, which deals with how power is distributed in a country →

Best of marketing assignment

Find inspiration for new campaigns in the visual trends for both SIS 14 and A/W 14, or explore how to maximise the impact of catwalk show's with a round-up Of the winning digital initiatives from the past season. Hot on the heels of the epic selfie' taken of A- list stars at the Oscars, Calvin →

Business -assignment

Increase in variable Expenses Another possibility is the increase in variable expenses. Surely, a fourth possibility is the decline in purchases.

Questions for financial quiz

0 Depreciation 30.0 25. 0$ 610.0 1.

Memo week

Check online the uniqueness of the company name and register online at the PR Department of State to obtain a business certificate.2. A return must be filed with the Secretary of Treasury by corporations on or before the 15th day of the month following the end of the taxable year.

Coca cola uses swot analysis to access their performance

The logo of Coca Cola is one of the most famous things in the world. Another aspect that could be viewed as a weakness is the lack of popularity of many of Coca Cola's drinks.

Reviewing the optimal consumer environment

The environment that a consumer is exposed to should be thoroughly focused on and attended to for the objective is to be met. Every detail from the location to the manner of how the employees offer you assistance to the store's physical appearance and attributes is focused on to better to serve the consumer.

Paul’s view of women in the ministry

One of the most profound references that can be found to the views of Paul is in the book of Romans. Romans 16: 1-2 states: " I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of →

Tess-the victorian woman

She belongs in that higher world, however, as we discover on the first page of the novel with the news that the Durbeyfields are the surviving members of the noble and ancient family of the d'Urbervilles. This torment represents the most universal side of Tess: she is the myth of the human who suffers for →

Cfa- economics

For example, It is clear that when the share value S, the value of a put option should go to zero. The expression G is a solution of the BBS equation for any S'.

Using gel filtration to study ligand protein interaction biology essay

The purpose of this experiment is to seperate particles as complex and the other small ones by helping gel exlusion chromotography and calculate affinity as a percent. 250micromilli of first sample was put into the gel and added 50ml acetate buffer slowly.6.

Txu europe

Just like all business today, TXU Europe is in a constant state of evolution and it must find ways of adapting its staff to the changing needs of the business. It's has made training more accessible to staff, and enabled us to target learning so that it meets the needs of the business more effectively.

Special education discussion

PEOPLE LIVING WITH DISABILITIES Most stories about people living with disabilities are portrayed by the media as people with many problems. The stories affect the perceptions of the individual towards the people living with disabilities in that they tend to pity them.

The gas man cometh

The documentary, " Gas Land", by Josh Fox, Is a film about the problems with contaminated groundwater due to excessive and unregulated natural gas extraction across the country. In the film, Fox travels all over to talk to many people who have rented out their land to natural gas companies, only to get contaminated water →

The sport and art of dance

Jazz, one of the most popular forms of dancing, usually consists of a more upbeat and fast tempo movement. The dancer will feel high levels of pain and eventually a decrease in the function of the injured muscular group.

Televised death or the cemetary as a guide to social order

From this location, it can be deduced that the community is of a higher social structure in terms of economic and social status. In turn, the choice or option for people to bury their dead in a particular type of cemetery is influenced by their social class or level.

Compensation and benefit systems

Compensation and Benefit systems Compensation can be defined as any way of rewarding the employees and workers of an organization for their efforts. Therefore, compensation and benefits are the remuneration of employees in the form of money and fringe benefits.

French society of 1789

In France the French society was divided into three estates; The First Estate consisted of Clergy which had a population of 100, 000 people, Second Estate consisted of Nobility which had a population of 400, 000 people and Third Estate which was the last, consisted of the Bourgeoisie, wage earners and peasantry, simply put they →

Another look back, and a look ahead

In his article Tenner argues, through the use of the rhetorical appeal ethos, compare and contrast, and cause and effect, that society is advancing at an alarming rate and suggests a " retreating from intensity" in order to allow society to slow its progression and accustom itself to new technology. When Tenner talks about " →

Young black male essay sample

What might a young white woman think of young black male as he is getting closer and closer in the middle of the night? All his life before that age he was living in a neighborhood where most of the people were black, and mostly criminal.

Bend it like beckham and wondrous oblivion essay sample

In ' Wondrous Oblivion,' the Jewish family are disrespected by the English who live on the same estate, but when the Jamaicans move in next to the Jew's, the English diverted their attention from the Jews to the black Jamaicans. This also gives the audience the idea that the English, in both ' Bend it →


Border security measures are a group of measures that are implemented by a country in order to monitor and regulate the movement of people, animal or goods across the country's borders. The Department of Homeland Security has been created after the 9/11 attacks in order to regulate the flow of people and goods across the →

George washington plunkitt

Not merely did Plunkitt supply occupations to his components but he besides provided fundamental support and a signifier of insurance for the poorer households in his territory. Plunkitt's ain benefits from authorities are obscured and.in some manner.vindicated because of the support he provided for his community.

Human service personal interview

The interview consisted of 11 questions prepared in advance to help provide insight into the types of services provided, the goals of the organization, and how the organization could provide assistance to clients. The information received through the interview was educational about how the Arc of the Ozarks strives to work with people in the →

A study of leonardo da vinci

Some say that Da Vinci is the father of anatomy and that his discoveries of the human body greatly affected the world, during the Renaissance and in present day. Leonardo Da Vinci was fascinated by the flight of birds and tried to recreate flight.

Researching the four goals of psychology

The second goal of psychology which is explanation is used by psychologist in attempt to explain the behavior of an individual which help to understand our universe and what place we old in it. Prediction which is the third goal of psychology is used by psychologist in their attempt to predict behavior in an individual.

William golding – lord of the flies

For those of you who do not know the book, Lord of the Flies is a book about a group of young schoolboys, who are stuck on an island and in a time of chaos and fear, turn to savagery, resulting in horrific actions and behaviours. For example in chapter 11 one of the boys, →

Early childhood academic article for rattler

From my experience in working in a preschool as a teacher, I have learned that it is the experiences that the children are having and the various relationships that will help them in the future. All the education that I have been part of during our life as a teacher is really about sharing and →

History of corruption in china

Due to the Chinese strong historical background of corruption, the main contributions were low salaries of government officials and poverty in most families, as well as the environments in which corruption has existed for many years in all dynasties of China. The ideology of the Kuomintang was the " Three Principles of the People", which →

Evolution of cognitive psychology paper assignment

Within this research paper the writer will provide the reader with the definition of cognition, a through explanation of the interdisciplinary perception as it is associate to cognitive psychology, then describe the emergence of cognitive psychology as a discipline and, finally conclude with the impact of the decline of behaviorism on the discipline of cognitive →

Lsd and the counterculture assignment

Albert Hofmann, a chemist, first created the drug in 1 938, but it was not until 1943 that Hofmann unintentionally ingested a small dose Of the drug leading to one of the greatest discoveries in the history of psychoactive chemicals. Psychedelic drugs became a growing trend, even receiving the endorsement of Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary, →

Various devices f scott fitzgerald uses to create his image of gatsby’s world essay sample

The story teller's use of adjectives gives the impression that he watches Gatsby's life critically, " or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach....his enormous garden." the narrator is experiencing the events of the household while he is describing them. The change from the past tense to the present tense signifies a →

Omega dietary suppliments

The right to a pension regardless of whether or not the employee remains with the employer until retirement B. An organization is adjusting pay to better match a local labor market in which the cost of living is rising sharply.

Sin, that’s the message!

Over the course of a few years, Dimmesdale continues to hide the secret that he is the father of Pearl; Chillingworth finds out the truth and tortures Dimmesdale. In the end, Dimmesdale and Chillingworth die, and Hester still remains to wear the scarlet " A".

The american expectation and immigrant response essay sample

Stating that one had to work for three horses in America shows that the work they were forced into was backbreaking to the point that it felt like it was the work only three horses could handle properly. Life in America was a difficult thing for immigrants to grasp in the 1900's.

Business manangement

In the case of " Who To Lay Off?" a questions approach can be employed according to Robbins, Coulter, and Vohra to identify ethical considerations. International Management Styles The ethnocentric attitude towards management is a preference of the home country's management style and an aversion to the host country's methods.

Perception and language essay

Before analyzing why " we see and understand things not as they are but as we are" in relation to perception and language, we need to know the definitions of perception and language. To continue with this analysis of the dog, a person who comes from a culture where dogs are considered bad luck might →


Orientation Geographic area to be served by agency?" the service area will be limited to the county of the parent agency and any requested bordering counties of the parent agency for the first 6 months following the date of your initial survey. The governing body and group of professional personnel appointed by the home health →

College ghost lore essay sample

The event became a tradition, and Larry would lead the people up to the gravesite each Christmas to play the flute. First, is that the town of Emmitsburg has come to embrace these stories and make them a tradition.

Speech ranscript on one flew over the cuckoos nest and the green mile essay

The techniques used in this film emphasis the experience of the institution. At the beginning of the movie distant camera shots are used to show the slave labour of the inmates working on the work farm.

My today and we welcomed him warmly. i

I am not sure if I should believe the witches, but it had me thinking what would happen to Duncan for me to become king? I know I am not.

Opinion on behalf the partnership between l and p

Legal Advice IN THE MATTER OF: L And P OPINION ON BEHALF THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN LAND P Introduction This is a legal article discussing different issues in reference to the relationship between L and P. In summary, if L thinks of taking the job to Spain, the best solution to the occurrence is to break →

Extended critical response final draft

A combination of teachers helping kids in the school environment and enhancing the girls' natural talents rather than eliminating them because they do not apply to their sex and the elimination of bias from our society, is what the authors believe to be the solution. TO sum up, I am a firm supporter of Barnett →

Development through life stages assignment

Nature/ Nurture Is Involved In many other factors that Influence the Individuals placement these include; Language Causes of behavior Gender role behavior Aggression Diseases /illness All of these are argued to fall into either the category of Nature or Nurture as they might be link that It Is affected by the development. Nurtures would argue →

Nike in brazil: a host country view

Earlier on in the year, Nike had invested a record amount for the right to sponsor the Brazilian national team in the World Cup. Advantages of having Nike in Brazil from Brazil's point of view On the other hand, the fact that Nike is such a large and powerful company can have its benefits for →

Gender roles and household pressures in ‘rear window’

Right at the beginning of the film, Jefferies claims that his " drastic" move is to " get married", and his argument about the troublematic Lisa Fremont, while Stella suggests that she is " loaded to her fingertips with love for [Jefferies]". On the other hand, the antagonist Lars Thorwald is the opposite to Jefferies →

Judging means forming an opinion philosophy essay

This quote tell you to judge people from their personality, just like judging a book people will not read if the cover page is ugly and that is the mistakes that they are making. It is always a good policy to not only give the benefit of the doubt, but to get all the facts →

Teenagers today

As a Malaysian, I really hope that teenagers realize the importance of education and work very hard to be a smart student. In a nutshell, teenagers are our hope; they are the next generation to rule the world.

The sudan countries sign agreement to resume oil exports

South Sudan stopped the oil production in the beginning of the year 2012, after having a dispute with the northern side over the transportation fee required. The two countries have suffered a lot from the oil revenues loss, with the southern side, depending on it for approximately 98% of the revenues in the country.


These studies are hard proof that hypnosis has proven to be a successful technique in many aspects of the medical field. From medical procedures, mental issues, and addictions, hypnosis is a proven method to help improve the lives of people across the world.

Accountant admission

He respected the fact that I had the courage to take him aside and talk to him and did not hide the truth from him. Finally I worked with a budget to monitor and evaluate financial progress of the organization.

Free critical thinking about the underwhelming reality of recycling

The recycling just gets picked up and dumped in the regular trash because it is too expensive to recycle. Recycling is not going to save the world, but it's not supposed to.

Female genital multilation

The second type is the excision which is the " partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora ". The third type is the infibulations which is " the narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal.

The kite runner – importance of forgiveness essay

Amir and Hassan are best friends until Hassan is raped, and Amir does not help him. This is shown by Hassan's forgiveness of Amir, by Amir's forgiveness of Baba, and by Amir's forgiveness of himself.

Romeo & juliet: how does shakespeare assignment

This is a tragedy play of Shakespearean as it describes a series of unfortunate events that lead to the deaths of the foe's children, this is a way tot keeping the audience's attention. The way old Caplet speaks to Table at the party shows the difference in the characters' attitude; it also shows how wise →

Patriarchal oppression in the industrial gothic

In his short story, " The Tartarus of Maids," Herman Melville employs these characteristics of the Gothic in order to highlight the mistreatment of women in an industrialized society. In Melville's " Tartarus of Maids," the women lack agency because they are at the mercy of the mill owner, and therefore cannot act freely without →

Baiting the trap in “the cask of amontillado” case study example

For most of the story, the reader does not know the name of the narrator, only the name of his enemy. The narrator is quite clever in the way he baits Fortunato; he does not beg Fortunato to come taste the wine and instead implies that Fortunato is too busy to do so.

Difference between swot, pest, steep and steeple analysis

The aim of SWOT is to identify the favorable and unfavorable internal and external factors to reach the goal. Some of the questions you can ask here are: What are the obstacles?