4 Pages Essay Samples

Organizational structure

The Journal in which the article is published is a journal that published research regarding management and social sciences and the article is reviewed by experts of the field and if the article is relevant to the subject of journal, it is published in the journal. Management innovation and leadership: the moderating role of organizational →

Good human resource management case study example

S hospitals will have to be vigil about the qualifications and capabilities of those international recruits, and invest heavily in training them to equip them with the right knowledge and technical know-how. - Can you think of cultural problems U. Nonetheless, the management should not outright demand knowledge of such reasons, →

The myki electronic ticketing system

The MYKI Electronic Ticketing System The MYKI Electronic Ticketing System Although the MYKI electronic ticketing system has beenpraised a number of times, it has also received a considerable amount of criticisms. From the project management viewpoint, some of the things that have been discovered to have gone wrong include the lack of ability by Lynne →

Example of managing my time research paper

Had there been an emphasis on the time management in high school, as a college student now, I would have an easy time settling into an environment and lifestyle full of independence. Of notable concern is the absence of a parental or guardian figure to push me around for getting late in the morning. This →

Example of the transitional model of an organization report

The organization must develop ways to withstand the change or use it for the better of the firm. Transition may vary from one person to another. Phases of transition According to , transition is never an easy process for any organization since it involves the reaction of different people to a certain manner →

The 2009 chrysler-fiat strategic alliance

The weaknesses of one organization would be compensated by the strengths of the other as each of them seeks to acquire the strengths possessed by the partner. This alliance provides the company with a strategic partner to aid in re-capturing the market and at the long run be able to compete with the other auto →

International business-comparative management

The company was founded in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1910, and by the end of the asses had become a small multinational company with operations in Canada and Britain. It was during this period that Black & Decker expanded rapidly in international markets, typically by setting up wholly owned subsidiaries in a nation and giving them →

Six sigma at 3m

Six Sigma at 3M Benefits, Costs, and Risks of the Six Sigma Program Jeanne O'Connell, who is the current Director of Six Sigma Operations, said that the focus of Six Sigma is to bring about an orderly and consistent approach to a business activity. According to →

Research on stress among minorities families

Though this is how Latino parents may feel, the study has concluded that Latino youth are more likely to recognize adults outside their family as resources, more than their parents realize. The research approach used in the article, Same-Sex Relationships and Minority Stress, is " conceptually and methodologically beyond the focus of the individual, and →

Communities of practice – reflection on team work

The main benefit to be drawn from such units is that, there is an assembly of like minds, who come together with the purpose of using their knowledge and experiences, to the benefit of the organization. I will specifically seek to evaluate my role in a virtual community of practice that I have recently been →

General and strategic management

PwC scrolled up to the top of the pyramid of the new Big 5 global accountancy firms by breaking away from its competitors in terms of size and quality.. In 2002 PwC was the only professional services organization that has been listed in Fortune 100 and with net revenue $13. They guide how PwC behaves →

The effectiveness of the incentive plans implemented by federal express corporation in relation to the attainment of organizational goals

The choice of objectives and the formulation of strategic policies for the attainment of organizational goals depend on a variety of factors unique to a given organization and situation. A system of motivation and incentives are positive elements which encourage the individual to the voluntary achievement of the organization's goals. The objective of this essay →

Essay on the goodrich and bart case

An out of the ordinary corporate approach in trying to stop whistle blowing with its resulting bad effects to the organization is to fire all those whistleblowers and also trying to intimidate all others who may be in the likelihood of doing the same. Engineering issues that were distinct in →

Argumentative essay on why i chose mba

The skills that I would acquire in my MBA would assist me organize my business and realize very high profits. My outgoing character would add as an added advantage where I would be opportunistic and maximize any business chances that come to my way. The Jungian principle also describes me as a person who practices →

Analyze the othello essay

As the universal theme of jealousy here is a main reason for the character of Othello decline morally; this enables jealousy to give an enduring value to the play, because it evokes feelings and reminds persons of what jealousy can do to the deepest of human characteristics. Iago dominates the use of →

Essay on policy analysis

The national and state levels attach certain actions and measures that are to be satisfied by the local criminal agencies with respect to the reception of the additional funds and resources. Wolf , reports that the Federal Government has pressurized property owners in the state of California to close →

Free social media tools literature review example

According to Nelson , different social media platforms and other forms of communication can connect different people, and their voices can increase the timely dissemination and the potential impact of the health-based information and safety. Finally, some of the social media tools can personalize and reinforce the health based messages bay making the information →

Food service workers argumentative essay example

Most of them have had very poor pay and that affected them in the future, a solution was them reached to ensure that all tipped workers receive a minimum wage in order to improve their livelihoods in the future in a very significant way in the future. Others have argued that compulsory minimum wage for →

Manipulations in the othello play

By the end of play it can be debated by the audience whether or not Othello was in the wrong by murdering his beloved wife. At the beginning of the play Othello has everything going for him and is portrayed to the audience as a good man who worked for his position as general of →

Hurricane galveston

If there had been any seawall during the Galveston Hurricane, would it have been of any help at all? This is because there appears to have been some form of distrust between Galveston's citizens and the government.

Product liability essay sample

When she decided to use the mixer, she briefly scanned over the safety instructions in the manual. Under this heading, the manual stated, make sure the speed control is in the " OFF" position and unplugged from an electrical outlet.Mrs. Document that the product was sold with recommended safety devices, warnings and instructions.

Huck finn: father figures in hucks life essay samples

Jim and Huck Relationship In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the character Jim who was a slave of Miss Watson played a vital role in the life of Huck as he accompanies Huck in all his adventures. There is no doubt that Jim has taken up the role of the father or even →

Entrepreneurship discontinuity, under the conditions of: task

Linan, 2004 addedanother aspect of entrepreneurial dynamism and asserted that Entrepreneurshipeducation designed to increase awareness is the one that fits for students whohad no experience for starting a business and who are in the process ofchoosing a career. In the Theory of Entrepreneurship , the attitude is seen astask-related motivation and expectation of gain →

Federal reserve paper

The stated direction of the monetary policy in the United States is towards a monetary policy that will protect the country from inflation, increase the rate of employment, increase the nations GDP The Federal Reserve is important for the continued progress towards a maximum employment and stability of prices. Actions towards the outlined direction of →

Research paper on plight of women in factories

The situation is often worsened when ones husband kick the basket and she has to provide for the family, report to the capitalist " bread" factories whose major interest is to multiply profits and then come back home with the " bread" which is sold expensively in the shops. Herman →

Death, violence and affect: the horror film (reflection paper+discussion)

Running Head: DEATH, VIOLENCE AND THE AFFECT: THE HORROR FILM Death, Violence and the Affect: The Horror Film [The of the will appear here] [The name of the institution will appear here] [The name of the Professor] [Course] The genre of horror films is one of the most popular genres among both the males and the females. Media →

The great depression of mice and men

Crooks represents this factor as he himself was a black American who was margined from the rest of the ranch workers because back then discrimination against black people was not abolished yet meaning they were segregated from the white people which meant they could not find work. They were treated very poorly →

The kite runner: the significance to identity

Using the theme of morality and the abuse of power, Khaled Hosseini exemplifies the importance of family on the societal and moral identity." Do you[Baba] always have to be the hero? " One of the most defining characteristics of Baba is his sense of morality. Amir's identity is largely based on the guilt of betraying →

Movie crash

In the early months of its existence, when it has not yet learned the art of speaking, it wants the parents to listen to it and understand the implications of its movements. The color of the skin has taken precedence on the existence of the human soul.

Exemplification essay

As helpful as technology has been, what with all the advances in science and communication, the human race has started to depend upon technology to the point where many people would not be able to cope with the absence of technology. Many people would not say half of the stuff they say on Facebook to →

Leadership essay essay sample

A leader will ingrain a sense of positivity and necessity towards the set goal using the power of written and spoken word. With Constantinople as its capital city, and large control of lands around the eastern Mediterranean during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. Suleiman overruled the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566.

The kite runner persuasive essay

The Kite Runner has a happy ending because Sohrab is alive and safe in Amir's hands at the end of the book. Amir is happy because he repaid Hassan for his loyalty, Soraya is happy because she finally got the child she never had, and Sohrab is happy because he has a home, a life →

Is tess a victim of society essay sample

It is later understood that her mother has not gone to fetch her husband but instead to join him leaving Tess in control of the family that she has the responsibility for. In this way the society that Tess has been brought up in with added accountability for the family and the attitude of helping →

Environmental toxicology

However, most people today probably do not know the magnitude of the effects of these accidents and the horrifying side-effects that it has had and continues to cause. Understanding the side-effects of exposures, the lingering effects of this radiation exposure, and the relationships of the exposure to diseases that are prevalent in the areas studied, →

The concept of structural adjustment

It is worthy of noticing the fact that the concept of structural adjustment is quite closely related to the issue of debt as it is viewed as an influential international actor. It is also considered as one of the ways to overturn the fall as well as marginalization of these states as globalization of the →

God and the meaning of life: is the existence of god necessary for life to be meaningful? essay

Very few have had the luxury to sit & contemplate the meaning of life. Belief in God and the after life gives the believer meaning beyond day to day survival. Parents who have to feed their children through a tube implanted in the stomach, or suction the saliva out of their kid's mouth, knowing their →

Analysis of the significance of othello’s last speech

However, his speech, albeit elegant and characteristic of Othello's extravagant and Romantic use of language, is flawed, ironic and thus it is impossible to see the events of the play in the light that Othello would like us to. Thus, Othello has a strong motive not to portray himself as he really is, but how →

Science & nature in frankenstein & blade runner essay

Thus, the ethical concern about relations between nature and science was the core idea of many literary works at all times. A novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a romantic work that reflects the consequences of " blind science" and human ambition, and Blade Runner by Ridley Scott depicts the industrialized →

Women role essay

While on the other hand, the author of Text 1 Frank is talking about a woman that looks at the positive side of life, a woman who is free in her life and looks to life optimistically. While in text 1 Frank is talking about the woman that work and take care of →

Strongbow advert

This advert is a humorous advert because it is set in the mouth of a blue whale that has its mouth open in the middle of the ocean without water coming into the mouth. This humour is put into make the advert more appealing to people who what to buy this beer and therefore this →

The analysis of the movie “lars & the real girl”

Aloof from the outside world, Lars dwells in loneliness and struggles relating to others, to the extent of repeatedly turning down his sister-in-law's attempts to include him as part of the family. The existence of Bianca afford Lars the chance to learn to love in which he gradually resolves his crisis and develops →

Economics is concerned with the efficient use of scarce resources for the purpose of attaining the maximum possible satisfaction of our material wants

Dynamic efficiency, which consists of the firms ability to utilise the technological innovations of the time and adapt their products and services to changes in the consumers taste. Monopolistic markets are also found to be less efficient when looking at dynamic efficiency as they have no reason to produce at the minimum average cost and →

Frankenstein-sympathy for victor or the monster

By the end of chapter 5, where the monster comes to life, the reader's sympathy for Victor is even stronger than before because Frankenstein is portrayed to be weak due to all the effort he has put into his experiment and the disappointment he feels at the end. He exclaims, " for this I had →

Support individuals to manage their finances essay sample

Their role would be to make payments on the service users' behalf and can create a plan for the finances of the service user. Professionals Professionals are the staff that work with the service user on a day to day basis and are able to help the individual at a closer level when →

Discuss the role of women in the play othello

Bianca the first of the women I will discuss in the essay, fits easily into the latter category. Bianca is a prostitute and very fond of Cassio, who tends to ignore her and treat her badly. We get a clear picture of how Bianca is regarded by the men in the play when Cassio says →

The kite runner essay (critical writing)

This paper elaborates the theme of sin and redemption as applied in The Kite Runner. Redemption comes only after sin and this idea of redemption stands out in The Kite Runner because sin is so bearing. As the book closes, Amir redeems himself after forgiving himself of his past sins. One of the most outstanding →

Selected business and they are barclays bank and nhs

This has brought about some fundamental changes in the way the NHS is structured and the way in which the different organizations within the NHS relate to each other. The functional areas in Barclays bank and NHS are The main function of an administration department is to control paperwork and to support the other entire →

Example of facebook facial recognition essay

Recently Facebook use an application used for facial reorganization, many blogger and social media activists started to critically analyze this tool and its impact on Facebook users. Body It has been over 3 years since social media website Facebook started a new tagging feature in America that use a technology named as facial recognition. →

Good president nixon and the watergate recordings essay example

One the other hand, because the quality of the recordings ranged from poor to passable, it was difficult to really get a sense of Nixon's vocal patterns or detect changes in pitch or inflection. In any event, below I describe my analysis of the recording that I heard. The first recording, dated June 23, 1972, →

International trade

Policymakers in the United States gained from a quicker glance at the successor perceptible to the president, who prepared a similar tour before taking the summit position in 2002; nevertheless, the chief point of the tour was to improve the vice president's report at home. Ever since the mid 2009, the current of services and →

Technology evaluation different time, different place

Lotus Live Technology Assessment Questions Assessing the Cultural Practice For the technology selected, answer the questions below: Does the technology: Allow for collaboration between individuals in the organization? Yes No Do not know Allow for collaboration between teams in the organization? Yes No Do not know Allow for collaboration →

Animal farm essay sample

So this message gets the readers to think about the novel. George Orwell wrote a novel using animals, to tell people about the failure of the Russian Revolution. But in the case that he used animals, people thought about the little freedom some animals get and they connected this to the Russian Revolution.

Formalist critique of othello essay sample

If only Othello could see his own failings, look beyond his ego, he could see the treachery he faces, but there is nothing for it and his falls blind to Iago's hatred. Frye further posits, in tragedies, "...the central character is given the greatest possible dignity in contrast to the other characters, so that →

I am sam movie review

He is unexpectedly the dormant character in the film. Sam'shappinesssolely relies on the happiness and security of his daughter Lucy alongside the support of his also mentally challenged close friends. Consequently, the viewer is manipulated to side with Sam's viewpoint that he deserves custody of Lucy and has enough to offer her →

Name essay example

ASSIGNMENT 1 THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA ' Instructor's Name' ' Subject' The Great Pyramids of Giza are a symbol of the magnificent construction techniques of the Ancient Egyptians. However, based on archaeological evidence Egyptologists have put up many theories to explain the constructions of the pyramids of Giza, which includes the external ramp theory, and →

Effective parenting styles

Authoritarian Parenting In the authoritarian style of parenting, the parents set strict rules for children to follow and set high demands that these rules are to be obeyed or they be punished end of story. The most common aspect of this authoritarian style of parenting, is the parent neglects to give the →

Free argumentative essay about do you think medical marijuana should be legal in the united states why or why

The state government of California initiates the necessary regulations about the legalization of medical marijuana. The local government in California controls the aspects relating to the planting and the sale of marijuana. The non-profit organizations oppose the use and legalization of marijuana in California.

In what ways did prohibition change us society in the 1920’s essay sample

But on the other hand, prohibition appeared to bring about a totally opposite change to the US society; criminal activity increased, not just within organized crime but also throughout the general public who had developed a general disrespect for the law. Furthermore there was a rise in gangster culture due to the enforcing of prohibition; →

Ap biology midterm study guide

Know the names of the monomers and polymers for each of the four major groups of organic compounds.7. Know the products of the light reactions of photosynthesis, and know which products are utilized in the Calvin cycle.21.

Solar power

Solar Power The amount of solar energy that hits the earth is equal to the electrical output of million Hoover Dams. The trick is to capture a small amount of the solar energy and convert it to a form that we can use, such as electricity, that can be used to power our automobiles, factories, →

Nathaniel hawthorne between

The key-elements in Hawthorne's work are the reflection and, at the same time, the criticism of the Old Puritanism's exaggerations, the obsessive preoccupations related to cases of conscience. Moreover, Hawthorne once defined as a Romantic science his short stories and novels are marked by a concern with the American past with the role →

The effects of sin on hester in the scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter shows the different pieces of the Puritan society such as the religion in general, the community as a whole, and punishment, and it also shows the moral and psychological aspects of life. The novel depicts the consequences of sin on the individual. " The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human →

The cop and the anthem critique essay sample

This is used by the author to show Soapy's situation as a homeless person and the importance of Soapy's need to survive the winter. Allusions are used several times in this story. Therefore, Soapy has to become a Committee of Ways and Means because he has to decide where to spend the winter. The author →

Democratic consultation

The advertisement campaigns have done well to hit to focus on the achievements of the president during his term in office instead of slandering his opponent s this paints the candidate as a man of integrity in a field which is often referred to as a dirty game. The adverts attacking his opponent have also →

Trends vs fads essay sample

Well, instead of persons of this time period in the United States shunning this revolutionary idea and name, they embraced all that it stood for. This question will never really be answered since no one can never know the outcome of changed history, but it is common knowledge that things would be different if history →

Barbara ehenreichs the roots of war

In the very introductory paragraph of her paper itself, she negates some of the widespread misunderstandings on war such as the ideas that ' war is essentially human', war is essentially modern capitalist' and war is instinctual'. The idea is that the ' actual war' is only the extension of the war efforts which constantly →

Plot summary and analysis of mice and men by john steinbeck

At their new job in a ranch, they meet old Candy and his dog, as well as Curley, the boss's son, Slim another coworker who gives a puppy to Lennie and Crooks who has to sleep in the barn because of his skin color. Consequently, due to the way Lennie was excluded and mistreated because →

Fireproof: movie review about love

The weaknesses of Caleb very significantly led to his wife Catherine not to submit to him or even respect him as her husband in very many aspects. Caleb's father comes on in the movie to positively impact the life of Caleb by introducing to him a book titled " The Love Dare". What Caleb's father →

The complex relationship between george milton and lennie small

He often imitates a kid since usually a little kid offers regard to an elder person who acts appropriately with him and treats him in a nice method. I think George is a very lonely, because although he has a constant companion and friend in Lennie he is of a much higher intelligence level and →

Examples of defamiliarization in mary shelley’s frankenstein

Despite the fact that the creature has general aims, and of the societal population around him, he tries forming an understanding to the society's standards. The old man proceeds to tend the upset creatures emotions by assuring him that he's not the one in the wrong and that it would be a pleasure to be →

It is very different to deposit thick

Chemical bathdeposition and chemical vapor deposition are the two techniquesused to deposit the thin film of CdS layer on insulating substrate. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and XRD are used to characterize the Au film on SAM.

Example of essay on afl survival change to win federation

As a result, the unions failed due to lack of substantial support from the public and the laborers as wells. The economic situation in United States during that period contributed to the fall of the IWW and KOL unions. Hence, the leadership of Gompers was more effective than that of the other unions and this →

Implementing strategies for developing their businesses

In the course of this strategic direction the company needs to adequately devise marketing and promotional strategies keeping in mind the geographic and cultural factors pertaining to the different regions. Similarly in relation to marketing and promotional activities the firms need to adequately communicate with the social entities to obtain their views in regards to →

Of mice and men is as much a commentary on the lives of migrant workers and the society of the time as it is about lennie and george. discuss

The author John Steinbeck describes the lives of two migrant workers travelling together in search for work. The American dream was the belief in freedom that allows American citizens to pursue their goals in life through hard work and bravery, this was seen to be the main factor that motivated most of the migrant workers →

Research paper on budget checklist – clinical research operations

Below is a brief overview of some of these factors. Factors to Consider while Preparing Budgets for Clinical Research Operations The research team: It is important for the researcher to determine the number of staff who will be required during the clinical trial, their qualification and the duration of time they will be working →

Scarlet letter images

This may explain why the themes of sin, secrecy and guilt are used in Hawthorne's fiction, exploring hidden human dimensions. The images of sin, secrecy, and guilt are constantly portrayed in Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, through the presence of recurring motifs of light and dark, sunlight and shadows; as these themes →

Othello vs o essay sample

It is an adaptation of the Italian writer Cinthio's tale " Un Capitano Moro." The story focuses on the following main characters: Othello, A Christian Moor and general of the armies of Venice; his wife Desdemona, The daughter of the Venetian senator Brabanzio; his lieutenant Michael Cassio, A young and inexperienced solider, whose high position →

Heroin addiction vs cancer support groups

Preference of forum: There is considerable difference between the preference of forum for the support group between the Cancer patients and the Heroin addicts. Owing to the great difference in the society's attitude towards Cancer patients and Heroin addicts in general, the type of forum that either of the two groups would like to avail →

The secret history essay sample

Through the three books he created: " History of the Wars", " The Buildings of Justinian", and " The Secret History", he is our primary source of information about the reign of Emperor Justinian. Procopius had a great dislike for the Emperor Justinian and the Empress Theodora, and wanted his audience, which would have been →

The analysis of a short story “a rose for emily” by william faulkner

In " A Rose for Emily" the narrator talks about a woman who has a mental illness that is labeled idiosyncratic this illness caused her to suffer and struggle immensely with her instability and with evolving in what happens to be the world around her. Emily was sheltered by her father, he kept her →

Interaction: environment and organism

Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear onEarth, and are present in most habitats on the planet, growing in soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and deep in the Earth's crust, as well as in organic matter and the live bodies of plants and animals, providing outstanding examples of mutualism in the →

Journalistic interview paper

The high of being a part time is that one brings a real life experience to the classroom while the low side is that some students will complain that the part time lecture is not effective in the classroom. It is important for the journalist to have basic knowledge about the interviewee and the topic →

The lottery

The story is about a small village that seems normal with a positive attitude to life and everything in it but in the end Jackson portrays how humans can be evil by writing about a women who is loved by everyone in the village and has many close friends and family within the village but →

Main points of the thin red line movie

Despite their diverse backgrounds, the soldiers form a tight-knit group as they face the war horrors on the island. The movie is a fictional depiction of the Battle of Mount Austen, part of a string of battles fought on the South Pacific island of Guadalcanal. Unlike in the movie, where the Americans are attempting to →

The merchant of venice critique essay

Valencic: In exploring " The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare while trying to classify it, as it is a troublesome play to classify in the usual Shakespearean categories of comedy, history or tragedy, I came to the conclusion that the ultimate view of this drama is neither simply a comedy or a tragedy, but →

Case-in-point analysis

Hurricane Katrina of Institute Hurricane Katrina Introduction In 2005, one of the deadliest and devastating hurricanes hit the American Gulf Coast causing immeasurable damage to the New Orleans city and the surrounding coastal cities. Due to the growth of the city, individuals settled on the delta wetlands which had been drained and filled in.these wetlands →

Critical thinking 1

In businesses, the normal profit is required business profit and not in economic profit. b.problems : 6, 9, and attached) 5. Year Cash flow Disc rate N p v 1 75000 ^-1 68181. 55 The manager should choose the second project that promises an →

One product of a famous company

The concepts include availability of substitute products, responsiveness of quality in terms of the motor vehicle, time and importance of the motor vehicle in the consumers' budget. e) Comment on whether the company is using its resources efficiently or inefficiently With its performance in the global markets, it is evident that the Mercedes Benz →

Information technology and the canadian economy

The economy of 90's majored on microeconomics, while in the current economic world; governments considered the approach of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Role in the Economy In microeconomic, the entrepreneur has a role of determining a profitable function of production, as he assumes the risk which associates the realization of a new product and acting as →

Wind power

Wind Power Wind power is arguably one of the most ecofriendly, and cheap sources of energy. This makes it imperative to do studies that are more rigorous, research and development on wind power in order to reap the full benefits of wind power.

Small organizations vs large organizations article review

We expect the study sample to increase with the increase in the size of the organization; which is not true in this case. We can base our comparison according the size of the organization (i.e.small Vs large organizations), and the sector type (i.e.public sector vs.private sector). An organization with more than 1000 employees is considered →

Huckleberry finn best intentions

Huck travels with the African American former slave Jim all over the Mississippi river in hope to get to a anti-slavery state, but they go through a lot of problems heading the wrong way and deeper into the southern states. Throughout the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there are characters who →

Sin: hawthorne’s biblical truth

Hester becomes repentive sin, Dimmesdale is unrepentive, and Chillingsworth is deadly sin. Hester learns to find forgiveness of her sin though the trials of wearing the A.

Fontana leisure parks essay

Management The body given the authority by the board of directors to implement the policies it has to lay down in the conduct of the business of the corporationExecutive Director A director who is also the head of a department or unit of the corporation or performs any work related to its operation. Internal Audit →

Risk assessment

Malathion Risk Assessment Malathion Risk Assessment This report assesses the risk to Genericville regarding the application of Malathion as a preventative and precautionary measure to control the mosquito population; and , therefore, control the spread of West Nile Virus. Given the low levels of malathion used to control mosquito-borne diseases, ATSDR finds this assessment reasonable".Exposure →