4 Pages Essay Samples

Ph meter assignment

For a walkthrough of how to build the simplest possible pH meteror a detailed description of how to build a pH meter/pH controller, see The pH Pages. The pH meter has one control to set the meter reading equal to the value of the first standard buffer and a second control which is used to β†’

Summaries of two articles

Article Summaries number 25 March Summary of " Community Violence Exposure in Young Adults" In the article " Community Violence Exposure in Young Adults," Scarpa aimed to understand the frequency and effects of exposure to community violence among young adults. In the second study of Scarpa in 2002, the same high rates of exposure to β†’

Summaries of at least 4 chapters of the perfection by michael hyde

At the outset of the book itself, Hyde tries to explore the way the philosophers like Edmund Burke and David Hume have delineated with the idea of perfection and through the general comprehension of the terms like " proper", " beauty" and " eloquent" one can easily find the way perfection is related with the β†’

Developmental psychology biological beginnings

Developmental Psychology " biological beginnings" With the advancement of the science and technology, new and improved methods and techniques are introduced in various circles of life. Birth control methods and assisted reproductive technology and cloning are some of the terms that are associated with human reproduction.

Prom night gone wrong essay

So, I took my date and went and found the waiter and told him not to worry about it because otherwise we were going to miss the prom. We have a prom to go to." My date and I walked out and hit the McDonald's drive thru.

What is diversity

The second profile picture is of a woman wearing glasses who is dressed frumpy standing in front of a building with her hands crossed and what seems to be an unconfident smile. Lastly, the third profile picture is of a woman who appears to be in her twenties, she is dressed very casual and sitting β†’

Health care marketing reflection assignment

There is a basic idea which is related to the obesity infiltrate which is the root of the obesity problem that lies in the powerful social and cultural forces which promote an energy rich diet and a sedentary lifestyle". It is also equally shown to be important to success in the healthcare industry are those β†’

There is general duty under english tort law to rescue or assist other. there is only a duty not to actively cause harm. neverth

This brought into view that in such a case the plaintiff must be able to show that the responsibility to protect was the duty of the defendant and not in lieu to general duty on society. Understanding the absence of a duty to reasonably rescue in American Tort law.

Canto analysis

Dante tells us that he has embarked in a journey, meaning, the story is moving from what is literal, from what is real, towards that of fictional, make believe and all. This is a manifestation of hope in Dante's writing, wherein in the trying times, something or someone comes up and proves to be of β†’

Perception away the object, the more blurred or

Clarity: The nearer the object, the clearer it is, the further away the object, the more blurred or unclear it is, e.g, when we look at a landscape, the distant moun tains and rivers look hazy and blurred, while the nearer objects look clearer. When both the eyes are being used in the per ception β†’

1. the rest of the world collectively

This led the rest of the world collectively intorecession by mid-2008, as many of the important economies in the European Unionand Japan, which were dependent on the US foreign financial institutions wereaffected. How the CrisisHit the US Economy and the Rest of the World The financial crisis that started in the United States in mid-2007eventually β†’

Statistics project example

24 Area to the left of z = 0 is P = 1 0. 0 is P Mean, = 240, standard deviation, = 50 Area to the left of z = 1.

Impact of ict on my local commnunity essay

The community needs the CLC to use the video conferencing for schools and universities. At the CLC they used to use ISDN and then would use a remote control to type in the phone number.

Microbiology: viable counts essay sample flashcard

It counts the figure of settlements produced by a really dilute suspension of bacteriums on an agar home base and to detect the differential staining behavior of the life bacterium. The glass hockey stick was used to distribute the sample over the surface of the home base.

“fixing” what isn’t broken essay

In either case, the life of most unwanted animals is not long, but it is full of misery and pain, and it's also a life that's dangerous to pets who they meet. Your pet's personality, like a human's personality, is his or her own, and it will not change after " fixing".

Lin zexu

The high-profile government administrator writes to the British queen in an attempt to persuade her to help the Chinese prevent opium traffic in their land. The way Lin Zexu blames the British reveals a weakness in the position of the Chinese authorities.

Against the death penalty

Long life sentence, as a matter of fact, is a better method of controlling and deterring crime compared to death penalty. In the United States and other heterogeneous societies, the public and civil societies always feel that death penalty is violates the constitutional right of equality and protection.

Business communication

Compensation scheme The system of compensation is vital in the development of the necessary motivation. The success of the company depends on the ability to motivate and cater for the welfare of the employees.

Professional development

Finally, the paper will explain the role of the codes and rules of conduct of engineering institutions in the UK and their effectiveness in ensuring professional standards of work. In order to be recognized as a professional engineer or an engineering technician in the UK, an independent assessment of engineering competence is carried out on β†’

Beauvoir mansion

Dorsey originally rented the property to Davis so he would have a place to write his memoirs The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government published in 1881 and A Short History of the Confederate States of America shortly before his death. The Mississippi Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans bought the property in β†’

The works and life of archimedes

Unlike different spiritual men of his time, he did not travel to other countries, except one, and that the city of Alexandria in Egypt, where at the famous nstitution, Musaeum of Alexandria, he consorted with famous scientists like Conon the Samian, Dositheos, Eratosthenes of Cyrene and others with whom he kept regular contact with, by β†’

Current marketing performance assignment

5 Document and confirm the strategic direction of the organization with owners, directors or senior management, and identify Its Impact on marketing activities 2. 1 Identify and analyses marketing opportunities In terms of their viability and likely contribution to the business 3.

Winterbourne view and baby p essay sample

The serious failures and issues range from a lack of communication and reporting, to physical and mental abuse, and a lack of training and acceptance of responsibility in both cases. The report published on Winterbourne View showed that Castlebeck Care Ltd were not compliant with 10 of the essential standards which the law requires care β†’

Leo program

After the arrival of my adorable son, and the finalization of my divorce, I returned to school yet again, leaving my boy in my mother's care. I was first exposed to English as a young girl of 19, on my arrival in the USA.

Week assignment narrative essay

The footnote to the first portion of the first sentence refers to a ship going down and everyone having to move themselves and their possessions from the Speedwell to the Mayflower. Not everyone survived the crossing; one seaman and one passenger died while at sea: " There was a proud and err profane young man, β†’

Representation of women in goldsmith’s she stoops to conquer and chaucer’s the merchant’s tale

In She Stoops To Conquer and The Merchant's Tale, women and presented in various ways, both in positive and negatives lights. The adjective ' tremendous' is flattering and positive, and to put it in the context women being the greatest " of all creation" shows that he has a much greater respect for women than β†’

Nespresso case summary

The aim of the Nespresso product development was to combine Nestle's research and development strength with its deep knowledge of the coffee business to bring a high quality coffee product to the market. The Nespresso product was established in order to give Nestle a larger presence in the roast and ground segment of the coffee β†’

Ethics in eastern kentucky university

They also reduced the amount of pesticide in their beverages and it was only after this that they were able to recover the lost sales and change their negative image in the country and beyond. Thus the idea of volunteerism should be replaced with a legal and policy requirement; that is to say firms should β†’

Online enrollment system essay

All they have to do is fill up the form and transfer the schedule given and prepared by the Dean and have it signed by the authorized representative of the different offices for the approval, admission and reservation of the class cards. The independent variable of the study is the effectiveness of the On-line Enrollment β†’

Time and bloom: the β€˜winter’ of elizabeth’s life perpetuated by title and superficiality

In elucidating a strong sense of time's passing in ' Persuasion', Austen evokes the seething pain and angst that Elizabeth's approach to ' the years of danger' affords in an era in which marriage and status were ultimately keystones of a successful life, and explores the oversights of the superficial group which Sir Walter and β†’

This type of grouping usually leads to classifying

A heterogeneous class reflects the larger society more appropriately and offers social interactions amongst different types of students which in turn facilitate overall development of students. The system of teaching to a class involves economy in terms of money, efforts and energy although advocates of individual freedom emphasize abolition of classes.

Minority report review

It is the job of the pre-crime cops to correctly interpret the data retrieved from the pre-cogs and reconcile the capture of the criminal before he or she commits the crime. The director Steven Spielberg has once again made a movie that requires the audience to think outside the plot about the theme and moral β†’

How to avoid credit card debt assignment

The lending creditors are taking advantage of consumers, which pile up charges on their credit cards, to the point they are unable to pay of f the card at the end of the month. It becomes a ' means to an end' and the worst kind of debt consumers can accumulate A Good way to β†’

Social science

The graph below illustrates the expected population rate of the United States in 2050. However, with the increase in the number of immigrants settling in the Unites States, there is also likely to be an increase in the investments in the short-run and an increased work force.

Lowe’s vs. home depot financial comparison ; analysis

Home Depot and Lowe's are the first and second highest ranking home improvement retail stores in the world. The Home Depot mission statement reads as follows: " The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products and the most β†’


A government's intervention in the economy of a country, especially in the United States has fueled debates and criticisms, market failures, disruptions in the free-flow of market economic transactions between producers and consumers. Roosevelt and the Congress enacted a host of new laws that gave government the power to intervene in the economy.

Dante: the sinner vs. the sin

In the case of Pier Delle Vigne, it is clear that Dante wishes to clear the name of the damned soul that has been conscripted to hell for the shame of unjust dishonor. In contrast, Dante the writer uses Pier delle Vigne to show that the sinner is not as wicked as the sin.

Socrates and the menos paradox philosophy essay

It can either mean: You know the question that you want to answer, or You know the answer to the question that you inquired about Exploring the statements given: if is true, then is false. The reason for that is you can know the questions but do not know the answers to the question.

Mla vs apa

The main difference between MLA and APA is the fact that you use one or the other depending on the subject of your writing. The upper left-hand side of the page should be your name, the course the paper is for, and the date.

Cons of bottled water

Put it in a reusable water bottle and it is exactly like bottled water except you are not hurting the Earth and wasting our limited resources. Fill up a bottle with tap water, which you can choose the flavor and make it carbonated or not.

Marriot corporation cost of capital assignment

The WAC was calculated by taking the WAC and multiplying it by debt percentage of capital, 1 minus the tax rate and our expected return and adding it to cost of equity multiplied by equity percentage of capital. The WAC was used to find the WAC for each of the two divisions.

Forms of government assignment

Communism: An Ideology that calls for the collective, or state, ownership of land and other productive property, seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production.-Theoretical: A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property In common, actual ownership being ascribed to β†’

Marketing tactles assignment

Samsung produce the world-class products to achieve consumers through improve the products quality and performance, and improve the after sale service of products. 2 price It is simply the amount of money charged for a product or service or the sum of the value that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the β†’

International trade and world output

The relationship between supply and demand, world output and international trade are discussed and examples are provided for specific countries such as the United States and Canada. The same rings true for the reverse, the higher the output from a country the greater the international trade.

Nature of creativity

Novelty presupposes that creativity is a process that allows the mind to work out new solutions to problems, to be innovative and to be original. Just how the brain works so that the individual can become creative has been the subject of debate for a long time, creativity is often thought as a component of β†’


In order to solve this problems, a multi-attribute dynamic segmentation data model was designed and implemented in the MIS application software.-6 In order to enhance efficiency and utilization of the MIS, a highway photocopying system was developed. The photocopying system will also be integrated into the MIS to provide highway visual images to the highway β†’

Monetary policies in financial crisis

A credit crunch is regularly created by a maintained time of indiscreet and improper loaning which brings about misfortunes for giving establishments and financial specialists in the red when the advances turn harsh and the full degree of awful obligations gets to be known. The impact of credit crunch in US is the monetary effect β†’

Logic has said that he still remembers

When he was young he saw his brothers produce and distribute crack cocaine to the people in his neighborhood and to his own father. Logic started school again in the eighth grade and was doing fine, but in the tenth grade he was expelled after he started to skip a lot of his classes.

The grapes of wrath

In the entire movie, maturity is clearly shown; this is the concept that life's process requires a rebirth of the mind. 6 Feb.2014.

Policy paper

In the face of the states' efforts to cut social spending, the Obama administration expressed apprehension over the negative effects of cutting the funding that used to be meant for education. The Ideology behind the State Funding of Education In February 28, 2012, Associate Press came out with a news report about President Barack Obama's β†’

My experience in studying economics

Opportunity cost conveys the fact that for every choice you make there is a loss that you have to incur. To explain it in a simpler way, take the example of apples and mangoes.

Historical development of nursing practice research paper sample

The objective of this paper is to provide a brief but comprehensive discussion of the different important transition of events that happened in the history of nursing practice, focusing on the ones that significantly helped shape the nursing practice as we know today. Modern Day Nursing is basically the result of all events that are β†’

The challenges facing cross culture communication business essay

Looking into the various growing economies and industry verticals opting the globalization route it is very clear that it is not always easy to manage the cross culture resources using the essentialistic perspectives like those of Hofstede and Trompenaars. I found the coverage of topics in the provided source materials to be very exhaustive and β†’

What’s the use?

School is a great place to learn, and quite frankly we probably would not get all that far without it, but when you go every single day to school and sit staring at worksheets and textbooks and come home to do more worksheets and stare at more textbooks about the same concepts which to you β†’

Aren’t marry juliet to paris and she

Juliet's parents, LadyCapulet and Capulet lack the ability to appreciate Juliet's decision to not marryParis. FriarLawrence is the final person to deceive Juliet and whose betrayal most directlyleads Juliet to her death.

Term paper solution baby dumping solution essay sample

School should give special education to pregnant teenagers on how to handle the solution in the future and how to care for their babies. Parents should give complete religions education for their children, school should focus to the moral value in syllabuses and government must give campaign to teenagers are three of the solution that β†’

Multistep synthesis of benzilic acid essay

With the literature melting-point value of benzil being 95oC, the product was deemed of pure enough quality to be used in the preparation of Benzilic acid. The product was then transferred into a flask containing 3mL of water at 70oC and then stirred.

Lord of flies analysis essay sample

Also, the parachutist represents the end of civilization and loss of innocence by Ralph crushing the skull of the parachutist at the end before he's hunted by the hunters. This is what the dead parachutist symbolizes and how it's different from the Lord of the Flies and the beast.

The english legal system department law general essay

The Court of Appeal is the highest court but lower than the Supreme Court in England and Wales. The Court of Appeal is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court.

Ideology: the common thread

This shared feature is illustrated through the victory of individualism over collectivism in Anthem and The Misfit and the grandmother's simultaneous spiritual enlightenment in " A Good Man is Hard to Find". The ideological upheaval is the return of true Christianity in the grandmother and The Misfit, a victory that parallels the return of individualism β†’

The conundrum of dreaming

It is the thought that dreams are messages from the Heavenly being that put us on this Earth. One, " Every dream is about the dreamer," and two, " that every person place or thing in the dreams is the dreamer".

Attend college assignment

Making the decision to attend college has already made my family proud and I would like to continue to do that. I will create and adhere to a schedule.

Faculty and attitudes about their specific interests. what

The use of political language is to foster and stregnthten events, people, andthe politician's goals, and to conceive them in a desirable and filthy way to manipulateand control the ideas and behavior of people. Itis important to study language as a tool of communication during their wholelife and it is considered to be the vital β†’

Good vs evil analysis essay

Another author Is William Faulkner with his short story " A rose for Emily', he shows this women who Is longed disturbed for long by the death of her father, they say she Is crazy, that she Is going to kill herself, and things Like that lead her to kill someone and hide him In β†’

Introduction the public is obviously aware of

In the Grub, the unhealthy eating lifestyle of the author's community is the exigence. It may therefore be difficult for the rhetorical audience to think of the solution on their own and this may impede the correction of the exigence.

A risks analysis

Subcontract some of the manufacture of the components to a low cost foreign manufacturer.sales prices can be lowered due to lower production costs increase in production entails increase in labor force required. This is because most of the risk can be controlled and remedied.


Euthanasia Euthanasia The article ' Physician-assisted suicide as a real option' by Leo Chan and Donald Lien looks into the economic costs and benefits of euthanasia. In the opinion of Chan & Lien the scholars claim that if the benefits outweigh the costs, then selecting euthanasia is a rational choice.

Society and the individual in brave new world

" Every one belongs to every one else," whispers the voice in the dreams of the young in Huxley's future world the hypnopaedic suggestion discouraging exclusivity in friendship and love. All the fetal conditioning, hypnopaedic training, and the power of convention molds each individual into an interchangeable part in the society, valuable only for the β†’

Flower pharmaceuticals essay

Fully allocated capital cost * Relevant This cost is not relevant since it cannot be avoided if the company decides against this project.* Explicit This cost is explicit since it is an out of pocket cost that the company would pay regardless of whether or not they accepted the project.* Calculated correctly Yes.2. This cost β†’

Supraventricular tachycardia (svt)

The sinus node is a natural pacemaker that controls the rhythm of the heart. You have a history of SVT and an episode does not go away with the vagal maneuver, or if other symptoms go along with the rapid heart rate.

Shell oil crisis nigeria

The problem in Nigeria is not caused currently on going not because of imperialism but because of the corruption in the government. This is a major issue because the Niger Delta is the region where 100% of the countries oil is mined.


The paper " The Failure of the Drug War" is a breathtaking example of a term paper on social science. Clearly, the threat of imprisonment is not sufficient to keep citizens from partaking in the drug, nor is it effective in ensuring the drug is not available on the street.

Issues and controversies

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be infringed. The NRA and other gun-rights groups contend that it is not the Brady law that has helped to spark a nationwide decline in crime but ' Right to Carry' β†’

A life of flawed virtue in the vicar of wakefield

Again, the pride of virtue and his stubbornness stand in the way of the lives of his family. Throughout The Vicar of Wakefield, Charles Primrose's major character flaws, pride and stubbornness, lead to the suffering of his family.

Tinnitus: causes, effects and treatments

Pharmacotherapy is a therapy usingpharmaceutical drugs and is mainly used to reduce the intensity of tinnitus. L, & Kyoung S.S.

Management report topics essay sample

As manager of a midsized company, you have been asked by the management council to justify the installation of a Wi-Fi network for your company. What are the pros and cons of switching a business operation to a Linux system?

Busang – a river of gold

The Indonesian government was threatening to redistribute ownership of Busang, the mining region in which Bre-X had property rights, due to its fear that Bre-X was a short-term player not serious about extracting the gold or a long term commitment in Indonesia. The Sudjana Proposal: Bre-X Minerals & Barrick Gold Due to the corruption and β†’

Small group experiences

The definition of the situation is the reactions to the shared agreements between one another and each member of the group expected one another to participate in the activity and share ideas together. In conclusion to this " experiment" or " experience", it was that of our basic and interpersonal needs that brought the group β†’

Community healthcare strategy

Milio's Framework of Prevention Problem Analysis Nancy Milio, PhD, RN, was a public health nurse who formulated a framework for prevention, which aimed to explain the connection between the individual's state of health and that of the community. Milio formulated six propositions in an attempt to explain the interrelation of a person's choices as they β†’

Movies changed my life

My mom had a job but my step dad at the time did not and he was quite mean and would not let us come out of our room so we stayed in our room and watched movies. My mom and my step dad fought a lot and the house was always war grounds which β†’

Heart of darkness-the contrast between light and dark essay sample

The river is displayed as a river of fire, similar to the rivers of fire in the depths of hell. As the story moves deeper into the jungle, the obscurity and unknown of the jungle begin to set in." The long stretches of the waterway ran on, deserted, into the gloom of over-shadowed distances".

Ethics in business

One of the things that motivated the decision maker in this case study was that some of the customers who had made a reservation might have failed to turn up. This was not the only motivation that made the decision maker to make the decision of giving away a room that was already reserved for β†’

Commentary: how cells can control their size by pumping ions

In our opinion, this is a significant shortcoming of the model because the role of chloride channels and transporters in cell water and chloride regulation has been proved beyond doubt. A mathematical model of the volume, pH, and ion content regulation in reticulocytes.

9/11: a day full of tragedy

When the planes struck the building, the floors impacted by the plane began to collapse on top of themselves. Less than fifteen minutes after the first attack, the south tower collapsed into a cloud of smoke due to the weight of the collapsed floors and heat of the fire.

Fiscal policy in malaysia economics essay

Fiscal policy can be further explained as the use of government spending and taxation to further influenced the economy. In the longer term, the government can foster a sustainable economy by improving infrastructures, providing better education and scholarship to boost the professional participation among the public, encourage public participation in corporate as well as academic.

Linguistic morphology assignment

This is the case of affixes, parts of words at the beginning or at the end that work as a type of modifiers in order to get a new word and in some cases the new word can pertain to a different grammatical word class or not. On the other hand, the suffixes those are β†’

Why is the criminal justice field important to our society? assignment

Punishment and rehabilitation are two of the four acknowledged objectives of the criminal Justice system, with deterrence and incapacitation being the others. The Why Is the Criminal Justice Field Important to Our Society?

Economic impacts of the three gorges dam essay sample

Food & Trade The Three Gorges Dam is quite a positive force for the Hubei province, and a great step forward to advancement and development of the coastal towns and cities. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Jan.2013.Web.

Tanpin kanri: retail practice at seven-eleven japan

They growth had been very carefully planned, taking advantage of the core strengths that they had developed in the areas of information and distribution systems focusing on the convenience retail business as an operating company, devoted to responding to changes in expectations and demands from customers without deferring delivery. Supply chain management is a strategic β†’

Dslr or a digital camera?

The first mass use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to the year 1900 and during the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments, just like how a digital camera β†’

The seal program in education

Following the implementation of a pilot scheme under taken by 6 Local authorities in order to ascertain its effectiveness within schools, a primary school programme to develop Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning, was rolled out nationally by the then Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of a national voluntary programme designed to β†’

Beyond wisdom – love with all your heart

Such in this case the knowledge on this matter is coming from someone who is doing it professionally, has a doctorate and is passionate about it because of his personal reason. When it comes to recommending I will recommend this book to people who are regular readers and are familiar with the concept of self-development β†’

Damn cat: the blasphemous spirituality of poe’s the black cat

It is the mark of a true master to escape from this gallery of cliche and craft details which make a unique statement; in Edgar Allen Poe's short story The Black Cat, so much is accomplished in chilling, gruesome style. Edgar Allen Poe's short story The Black Cat is a thematically rich, grisly tour-de-force, one β†’

Risks of preterm labour delivery

When the baby full gestation, the baby's lungs, brain, and liver are not fully developed or functioning properly and this will cause the baby to have difficulty breathing and can cause death. Pregnant women that are not educated on the symptoms and signs are more at risk due to the fact that they are unaware β†’

Technology is the best way to reduce

Technology Is the best way to reduce the Impact of an earthquake. One of the main uses of technology is the prediction of when and where an earthquake will occur.