4 Pages Essay Samples


While in formal situations, individuals are required to act in ways that would not only withhold high levels of respect but also maintain a positive drive towards the realization of the set goals, informal situations would require individuals to reproduce certain levels of the values and virtues that they posses. This was in relation to →

Ankle sprain

The smallest ankle bone is the talus which completely makes up the bone on the top of the foot. The most commonly injured ligament is the anterior talofibular ligament that connects the front of the fibula to the talus bone on the front outer rim of the ankle joint.

Policy summary

New Mexico: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit orknowingly presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to civilfines and criminal penalties. Rhode Island: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for →

Editorial: coding for spatial orientation in humans and animals: behavior, circuits and neurons

Editorial on the Research Topic Coding for Spatial Orientation in Humans and Animals: Behavior, Circuits and Neurons The goal of this Research Topic was to bring together articles on spatial orientation, from behavior and brain wide circuits to single cell anatomy and the function of neuronal networks. To help to elucidate the cerebral bases of →

Sorry, wrong number by lucille fletcher

What does she want the operator to do? retrace the callHow does Mrs. Stevenson's house? the Queensboro BridgeWhy does Mrs.

Heinrich isaac; research paper

Although Josquin Des Prez was undoubtedly the major figure of the middle renaissance and is most often mentioned before Heinrich Isaac, Isaac is one of several that also deserve recognition. As a professionally successful musician and patroned person of the three most powerful men in Europe, Heinrich Isaac's music was most definitely seen and heard.

Nihilism in a hero of our time and the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

In The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea, Noburo and his group try to go beyond the established societal boundaries; they do not think that rules apply to them because they are above law and order just as Pechorin is. Unlike Pechorin in Lermontov's novel, Noburo and the boys do not know what →

One flew over the racist, sexist, and homophobic nest

The patients and staff of the ward make up the novel's long list of characters. Although the issues of mental illness itself are evident in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Kesey shows and promotes the racism, homophobia, and sexism present in society through the characters of the ward.

Media in society and culture assignment

Consideration of the role, influence and development of the Media in Society and Culture involves addressing fundamental questions about Culture and Society themselves. Amongst wentieth century sociologists, anthropologists and cultural critics the discussion of the Media has been underwritten by the attempt to answer these questions, principally because of the nature and scope of the →

Anti abortion informative outline essay

Thesis: From the knowledge of the meaning of abortion and its history to the variety of methods of its practices, ending with the reasons as to why it is unacceptable for it to be practiced, and why abortion should be passed as illegal.E. From the knowledge of the meaning of abortion and its history to →

Advantages and disadvantages of windows server 2008

To move to a full installation of Windows Server 2008, you must reinstall the system. Some advantages of a Virtual Server it eliminates the need for numerous dedicated servers.

Staffing & talent management f12 assignment #3

This is certainly a recommended model for my organisation due to its appropriateness and consideration of the present day human resources issues. The real business gain of implementing this talent leadership model is that it brings visible results for people within the organisation and the client, by delivering high performance consistently at all career levels.


However after the first century AD when the camel began to be used to cross the sandy Sahara, a network of trade routes emerged, and the Savannah belt of Sudan, being at the center of these trade routes was greatly enriched by the trade of gold, salt and slaves that passed through it. The ancient →

Homeschooling common thing. then two individuals made

This is an applicable alternative for traditional schools for parents, so that they can have their children obtain the same education in the comfort and safety of their homes. In the 1960's and 1970's, John Holt and Raymond Moore encouraged parents to educate their children at home instead of sending them to traditional schools.

Sanitarium marketing flashcard

1 Overview and Situation Analysis Sanitarium evolution of marketing A brand that down any New Zealand supermarket? s breakfast cereal aisle which dominates the shelves...that is Sanitarium! Sanitarium's mission is to lead, inspire and resource the experience of happy health living in the community.

Incompatibility of business and ethics essay

Business and moralss are non the same as they have different aims for illustration the concern may take to maximise net income through the investing made by the proprietors. The job of presents is that people are excessively money minded to believe about the possible bad quality of the merchandises they are selling.

Exports and imports of kenya’s government for the last decade

Between 2000 and 2010, Kenya registered a sharp decrease in its exports and subsequently the relative importance of the same. Restarting and sustaining economic growth and development in Africa: the case of Kenya.

Study ringgold pool and patio essay

John Jr.must research the costs that would be incurred by the company to install these pools and investigate at what price the company would have to charge for installation to make it worth the company's time. In the exhibits and figures are a life cycle diagram for this project and a Gantt Chart for the →

How to achieve your goals

In the new world of work, it is important to consider multiple directions in which yourcareercould move and to focus on those moves that help you develop your employability the most. It could also help us to align our interests to what the company is looking for.

Editorial: advances in analytical methods for drugs of abuse testing

Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in Analytical Methods for Drugs of Abuse Testing This collection focuses on innovative approaches and analytical advancement in drugs of abuse testing and monitoring. Another significant advancement in the area of non-targeted analysis is the development of activity-based assays such as the one for the detection of synthetic cannabinoid →

Career develpoment plan part (iii)

The career map formed by the assessment acts like the initial document for carrying out the Performance Appraisal procedure, along with the Job Description and Job Responsibilities' documents provided to employees at the time of induction. The feedbacks, out of appraisals, lead to the opportunities which are given to employees for filling the gaps.

Duffy’s perspective on religion in “confession” and “prayer”

Duffy speaks for the secular community, and represents this group through the unknown people in the poem: ' a woman, a man, the lodger.' Moreover, Duffy includes herself in this group, as we can see by the use of the pronouns ' we' and ' us,' showing that this work was written in the poet's →

Refining solutions critical thinking examples

During the latter process of creative thinking where I engaged through a rigorous process of finding a problem through curiosity, I found that I have been prejudicial in my interactions with my surroundings. In this paper, I will refine the solutions I identified during the previous exercise with the aim of getting a working solution →

Napoleon, machiavelli’s perfect prince essay sample

Napoleon was wounded in battle and upon his return to France he was given a hero's welcome. The Prince" says that a good prince should be honest and faithful but when necessary he should be able to break his word.

Itf – college essay

Which of the following describes the part of the IPv6 address that identifies the subnet address? a. Which of the following is used on a wireless network to identify the network name? a.

Dispute summary in business

The employee also promised to devote full time and best efforts to the company's business and the related business interests of its corporate affiliates; acknowledged that, as part of her employment she would have access to and become acquainted with the company's confidential information relating to the company's present and future clients, companies from which →

Editorial: network bioscience

Editorial on the Research Topic Network Bioscience In the last decade, the very nature of biological research has changed as large-scale data arrive at torrential force and it has ushered in a new era of Bioscience; but also this high dimensional big data is being used to support inference of various types and multiplicities of →

Why is product innovation considered by many organisations to be important essay sample

It is not just the conception of a new idea, not the invention of a new device, not the development of a new market. There is still a high risk with new products as to predict consumer reaction to the market and the product is not easy to do so.

Brave new world – how does society treat death in chapter 14? essay

The Brave New World treated death much as they did birth, this was in contradiction to the way the savage felt death should be Death in the Brave New World is not important, it is simply something that happens to your body when it has got worn out. They are being death conditioned" In the →

The themes of existentialism in “the shawshank redemption”

The writer wants us to believe that Andy is having an out of body experience during the trial that puts him in jail for the murder of his wife and her lover, which we know he did not commit. Throughout the story Andy display a great desire to hold on to hope in order to →

Born on the fourth of july

Born on The 4th of July is a film based on the true story of Ron Kovic, a young, naive man who went to Vietnam in the noble efforts of serving his country - once there, he was shot in the chest and was forever paralyzed. The opening scene of the movie pictures the mood →

Race and gender throughout malcolm x’s life

The Autobiography of Malcolm X, is a book that talks and mentions Malcolm x's life on how race and gender played an important role in his life and what turned him into who he was and how it had an effect on his later decisions on his further days of his life. For Malcolm X, →

Colonnade hotel and resort essay sample

As the Director of Franchise Properties, this communication needs to advise Penny Hyatt, the CEO of Colonnade Hotel and Resort, and the corporatate level, on how to revise the overbooking policy and some suggestions on how to address the negative attitude toward Colonnade properties in general. My first reader is the CEO of the company, →

Week 9 discussion paper

I would expect that different organizations deal differently with such challenges, depending upon the nature of the business and the culture or country the firm is trying to penetrate or is setting up business in. It is sad to note that while graft and corruption appears to be welcome among the political leadership in emerging →

Crown corporation

Crown Corporation started as mining company, but a series of acquisitions and divestitures during the 1960s had totally transformed Crown Corporation from mining company to a manufacturer of superalloy castings for aircraft and industrial uses and aluminum products for the building, packaging and aircraft industries. A planned addition of 85 million pounds in 1972 would →

Taxation and nation building

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nation Tax is a compulsory payment or contribution made by the citizens of a country to the government for the general benefit of the country. Most of us sees tax as means for the government to corrupt the money of the people, to overburden the indigent, to drain the salary of →

”share jesus without fear” by william fay essay sample

I pointed to many of the objections that Fay speaks of in the book. Knowing Fay's background after reading his full testimony in the back of the book, he is the epitome of the type of person that I would have feared to witness too before now.

An occurrence at owl creek bridge analysis

It did not appear to be the duty of these two men to know what was occurring at the center of the bridge..." it is plain to see how the uncaring the soldiers are. This is the malicious part of Realism, and it is also the theme the author stitched through the story.

Women and depression

Women and Depression Christina Eddy October 2012 Women and Depression WOMEN AND DEPRESSION Introduction A. There are doctors who believe that much of the depression in women is hormonal and could be brought on through their menstrual cycle or menopause.


Investigative deception is the most acceptable form of deception because at this stage, the goal is to establish or prove guilt and it is very easy because the suspect is in their usual element, the place where they thrive or feel comfortable. Testimonial deception is perhaps the most difficult and least acceptable form of deception →

Dental impressions essay

The elastomeric materials are: * polysulphide, the very fits type of material, this is now deemed ' old fashioned and rarely used due to demanding technique, unpleasant smell and possible toxicity of lead dioxide ingredient.* Polyether Silicone * Silicone Desirable properties of impression materials: Accurate reproduction of surface detail: requires a low viscosity material allowing →

Safeguarding: local government and vulnerable adults

The approach is to maintain an appropriate balance between the promotion of independence and the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. As in relation to safeguarding, those working in the care sector have a key role to play in the safeguarding/protection of vulnerable adults.

Fauvism art essay

The leaders of the movement were Henri Matisse and Andre Derain.- Artists and style Besides Matisse and Derain, other artists included Albert Marquet, Charles Camoin, Louis Valtat, the Belgian painter Henri Evenepoel, Maurice Marinot, Jean Puy, Maurice de Vlaminck, Henri Manguin, Raoul Dufy, Othon Friesz, Georges Rouault, the Dutch painter Kees van Dongen, the Swiss →

Loyalty programs and purchase behaviour

This research primarily focuses on the effect of consumer behaviour towards loyalty programs and the changes in their purchase behaviour. So the outcome of this research finds the changes in consumer purchase behaviour between the nationalities and the evaluation of their relationship makes the economic triumph towards the loyalty programs.

Competition for japanese market

The company accounts for about half of the virtual currency's daily euro trading, Powell said in a telephone interview on July 29. Competition for a slice of Japan's virtual currency market is intensifying as new entrants seek to take advantage of the vacuum left by Mt.Gox.

Difference between humanistic geography and positivistic approach assignment

Phenomenology believes that knowledge is subjective and that the understanding of the individual is crucial. Humanistic researchers believe that it is impossible to separate the mind and reality and therefore there cannot be a set of standards and reproducible methods to be used.

North america immigration

The reason of migration was higher availability and opportunity of Job in USA than in Mexico. Mexican immigrants in USA registered and unregistered According to the 1990 census of United States of America the documented Mexican population was 4.

Donald trump’s views on immigrants

When President Donald Trump says things about immigrants that they are supposedly bringing drugs, crimes, and that they are rapists he says this without knowing how they are. In that interview Lesly Stahl asked Donald Trump, " What about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants? and President Trump responded with this →

Commentary – rinconete y cortadillo essay sample

This passage takes place almost at the end of the novel, and describes Rinconete's thoughts concerning the events he has just witnessed in the house of Monipodio. The boys are amazed by what they have seen and the passage ends with Rinconete thinking that they should not spend long in Seville, as part of the →

Article assignment

What was the goal of the research were they examining?) The researchers were examining the difference that a smiley face on a customer's check would make in regards to the amount that customer would tip the server, as well as the difference between a male or female server using the smiley face. In this study →

Phase 2 discussion board

Therefore, Robin was selected as a best vendor for this role because he has the experience and skills required to be a business analyst.iii). Therefore, Terry was selected for this role because she has the required skills and competencies to perform this role.

Zipcar analysis essay

In order to make ZipCar fundable, Robin Chase needs to recruit a capable management team, substantiate her role and that of her partner provide a realistic timeline to develop the IT infrastructure, develop a roadmap to the expansion of ZipCar in Boston, detail a supported analysis on network effects and pinpoint the next target cities →

Traditions of iu: 1938 (unit 3)

One of the provisions of the GI Bill was to help veterans pay for a college education. The YMCAWhat was the process of living on campus for women in 1938?

There are real people hiding behind your segments!

It, in very few words, reminds us of the reason we engage in segmentation in the first place, to try and reach as many people as possible, knowing that each person is driven by a different set of wants and needs. The issue with the 2nd segment, is that by including " or more" people →

Auschwitz concentration camp

The three main camps of Auschwitz were called Auschwitz I, established in April 1940, Auschwitz-Birkenau established in October 1941, and Auschwitz-Monowitz, established in October 1942." The best estimates of the number of victims at the Auschwitz concentration camp complex, including the killing center at Auschwitz-Birkenau, between 1940 and 1945 are: Jews; Poles; Roma; Soviet prisoners →

Effective interrogation techniques essay

However, in 1937, the US Supreme Court ruled against the use of violence to extract information and confessions, and directed that the information obtained by the use of such techniques would not be considered valid in court. In this regard, the use of excessive force to extract information becomes a legal issue due to the →

1-hexen-6-ol c6h12o structure

0 C Molar Refractivity 31.1 0. 3 cm 3 Polarizability 12.3 0.

The role of the supreme court law constitutional administrative essay

Legislature develop the law that is necessary for the constitution to carried out the task and the executive use the powers that gave by the legislature to govern the country while the judiciary interpreting statutes and applying the case law. For the High Court judges and below were chosen by the Queen on the advice →

‘good night and good luck’ and marxist social theory

This influence of the media by the government and the corporate world according to Clooney, has led to undermining of the freedom of speech, and the right to information which are the most basic liberties in America. The events of the film are clearly a reflection of the modern world where the news and news →

Kfc strategy essay

And the strategy of more company-owned outlets should be used to boost expansion and maximise profits in the long term development in China. The proper and valid business strategies need to be used in KFC China.

Network administrator essay

The kind of information stored in a business database is confidential, personal or financial which makes securing the information a critical part of every business operation which wants to carry out transmission of data over a network. The general network security policy must ensure that strong passwords are used and that intrusion detection is included, →

Sammy character in the a&p by john updike

Some people try to deny the regulations of the society, although, their rebellion is an illusion due to the fact that the system of norms is more powerful than they think. In addition, the author wants the readers to understand that Sammy cannot break the social norms and rules because he belongs to a lower →

Ken kesey and the eisenhower administration

The hero's struggles against the Combine parallel the struggles of Kesey and his peers against the policies of the Eisenhower administration. It's is easy to find similarities between the workings of the Combine and the Eisenhower administration's domestic and fiscal policies.

Pest analysis of canada

Canada is a rich and beautiful country full of agricultural land, but the majority of the population resides in the southern provinces. A Leader of Nearly 10 Years From 2006 to 2015, Stephen Harper, the leader of the conservative party, governed the country as the prime minister of Canada.

Why to travel alone

While traveling with friends or a significant other can be a lot of fun, traveling solo for a certain amount of time can prove to be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do because of the great people you will meet. When we travel with friends or a partner, we tend to →

Broken wrist

When I was a boy I did not check if the good ol' monkey bars were safe. I was at my aunt's house because my mom had to go to work and I was not old enough to stay home alone.

What is educational technology? assignment

Settler notes that a 1970 Commission on Instructional Technology defined it as both " the media born of the communication revolution which can be used for instructional purposes...and " a systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching. Therefore, in the view of most writers, researchers, and practitioners →

Altered states of consciousness assignment

Sleep is a state of altered consciousness, characterized by certain patterns of the brains activity and inactivity. Meditation is the focusing of ones attention to clear the mind and produce relaxation.

Sociolinguistic research essay

The interest in the way women and men talk has grown astronomically since the mid-1970s, and sociolinguistic research carried out in many different cultures means that we now know far more than we did about the ways in which women and men interact and about the ways in which their patterns of talk differ. Then →

Thuan nguyen

Like most stories, " A Rose for Emily" and " The Lottery" both use a literary device known as foreshadowing in which both of the authors give clues and hints throughout the story that lead the reader to upcoming happenings in the story and prepare the reader for the ending. In " A Rose for →

The effect of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on the extinction of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference in mice

Results suggest thatincrease in hippocampal and amygdalar cGMP levels via blockade of PDE9 has aprominent role in the consolidation of extinction learning. BackgroundThe administration of a drug that changes the affective state of the organism in aspecific context triggers an associative learning process and the formation of long-termmemory.

Johnny got his gun: mortality

So did all those kids die thinking of democracy and freedom and liberty and honor and the safety of the home and the stars and stripes forever? - You are goddamn right they did not. Along with his limbs, his face is gone, and with it use of his eyes and ears, and is left →

The importance of protecting rain forests

Explain the Importance of Maintaining the Biodiversity of Tropical Rain Forests Biodiversity is the variation of plant and animal life in a certain habitat, in other words it is the variation of life forms within a particular ecosystem. The native and indigenous peoples rely on the rain forests for their way of life.

Gauley bridge and bhopal disasters

The tunnel's construction began in the 1930's, and it required the contractors to blast and drill through two mountains near the Gauley Bridge. During the period of construction, in the 1930's, African Americans were still dominated by whites, and more than eighty percent of the workers were blacks.

Insert short title

The information age, also known as the digital era is one of the hallmarks of the post-industrial society and is associated with both developed and developing countries in the world today. Strategic thinking is thus harnessing the power of the data in order to reap the benefits of data warehousing and can be further enhanced →

Business memo assignment

Part I Identify the target audience: Store managers: Store employees: Retail customers and the public: Identify the communication types that will be used. Date: May 19, 2009 Subject: Changes In operation timings: You will be aware that there Is an increase in the gas prices causing higher costs to the company as well as inflating →

Business development checklist essay

Are you developing the new business you need to meet your business plan? 3. Do you have a client satisfaction policy and what are the realised benefits of that policy? 33.

Decreasing income inequality

As indicated by Bin Xu, the associate professor; faculty director of Business in Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, between 1995 and 2000 the income of skilled workers in China had grown significantly relatively to the income of unskilled workers, consequently the inequality had increased as well. As the cost and prices of some →

A discussion between two characters–about moral relativism

A discussion between two characters- About moral relativism Ethics, a set of rules in a society that regulates people's behaviour by defining wrongsand rights in a society, is a fundamental aspect of people's behaviour. Jenifer: The relativism approach to ethics is an interesting and confusing one because it seems to blur the clarity in defining →

How does shakespeare use deception to structure the plot in ‘much ado about nothing’

Don Pedro's plan of wooing Hero for Claudio is the first act of deception the audience sees but, unlike Don John's plan, it is for a good cause and leads to the engagement of Hero and Claudio. This is particularly important as it shapes the characters' personalities which helps to construct rest of the plot →

Miss brill and miss emily essay

2011 Miss Brill & Miss Emily Emily Grierson from " A Rose for Emily" and Miss Brill from the story " Miss Brill" are two women that are trying to relive their past in the present time. She is unable to see that she is no different from McPherson 2 the others around her at →

Self esteem: friend or foe essay

She goes on to cite that we as Americans focus on self-esteem, creating associations and task forces to aid in the development of self-esteem. Therefore I agree with Slater that self-appraisal may help our society to be more successful and happy; yet, I disagree with various points contained in this article, many of which, however, →

New mind in data mining

Change over this data got into organized information Identify the example from organized information Analyze the example Extract the profitable data and store in the database. The objective of data extraction techniques is the extraction of helpful data from content.

William shakespeare’s heroines, and determine if his

Even though Shakespeare never really had a womanas the main center of his plays, Shakespeare's heroines encompass a wide rangeof characterizations and personality types, from the uncompromising franknessof Cordelia in King Lear, the quickwit of Kate in Taming of the Shrewand of Beatrice in Much Ado about Nothing, and the intelligence of Portia in the →

Bacterial growth rates essay sample

Perform this step for each of the three colonies being isolated, taking care to flame the inoculating loop between each transfer.d)Incubate the isolated culture plates which will cause all organisms in the new culture to be descendants of the same organism, therefore providing 3 pure cultures, each of which will contain one of the organisms →


The prevailing pattern of same-sex relationships in the temperate and sub-tropical zone stretching from Northern India to the Western Sahara is one in which the relationships were and are either gender-structured or age-structured or both. Israel is considered the most tolerant country in the Middle East and Asia to homosexuals, while the Israeli city Tel →

Individual states should have more power

It is sufficient to note that when a law is created by the federal government it needs to be good and fair, but there is a downside because if the total power lies within the federal government, then there will be no room for addressing some of the unjust laws that might affect the citizens →

Digital marketing in india

But the staffs at these organizations in India is many a times not that well trained for digital marketing & usually the high potential leads are lost due to inability of the staff to convince the lead. Many of the premier business schools are in a positing to run the digital marketing program.

Giftina rates dropped drastically. $16 trillion of

In 2011, the U.S.economy was struggling to get back onits feet after the recession. The constant fluctuation of the economy is a goodindicator of whether a signification inflation or recession is on the way ifthere's a rapid change in the GDP, unemploymentrates, or demand.

Importance of personal responsibility assignment

While teamwork and communication with others is vital to personal responsibility, personal responsibility is highly important to academic success. In order to be able to use personal responsibility to achieve academic success in an online community a student must possess integrity.

The concept of the outsider in emily dickinson’s poems

Just as our voice goes down on the pronunciation of Somebody, we do the same for the word Frog, and use hint of disdain in our tone." To tell one's name- the livelong June-" Is the next line of the poem, and it emphasizes that the " Frog" In the poem Is boastful, repetitive and →

The art of persuation

The Art of Persuasion By definition, persuasion is the process in which you convince a reader or listener to think or act in a certain way, through the use of appeals to reasons, values, beliefs, and emotions.someone to believe what you say is no more than simply convincing this someone to either accept a new →


I am an adult and appreciate the feelings that come from visiting the dentist and the same can be felt by children, especially those whose visit is for the first time. The inside of the dentist's room is designed predominantly for functionality, machinery and equipment needs to be housed to the best of its ability →

The fortunes of germany during the weimar republic 1919 – 1923

Secondly, the reparations demanded by the Treaty of Versailles drained the country of capital which would have been required to restructure the economy; thirdly, the government's attempt to solve currency led to hyper-inflation. Germany's air of economic prosperity in the years 1923 - 1929 was therefore due to self-deception and the illusion was finally shattered →

Summary chapter customer-driven marketing strategy

Targeting: Evaluate segments and decide which one to pursue Positioning: Design a product and marketing mix to meet the segment's needs Differentiation: Differentiate the firm's market offering to create superior customer value Positioning: A market offering occupying a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.1. Many products →