4 Pages Essay Samples

Marketing strategy market segmentation

Due to the Toyota hybrid vehicles includes business car such as Camry hybrid and family car like Highlander, which mean the motivation of people to buy the car is for business and family. Finally, according to the analysis above, the main customers of Toyota hybrid vehicles may be from the elite group of society, some →

Foursquare on backbone or twitter essay

After years and years of of the system being fed more data and becoming more efficient Project Hamlet " was making the correct call 75 percent of the time and saving travelers, on average, $50 per ticket," by the year 012. Unfortunately Jobs lost his battle with cancer but made a major breakthrough in medicine →

The terminator essay

This 1984 film is quite remarkable to me, and what is so different about The Terminator, is that unlike most of these films in science fiction genre, this movie has enough depth and substance that, not only was it fascinating to watch as a child but is still an irresistible temptation to watching as an →

What i learned in on-the-job-training?

I have learned a lot of things in just 200 hrs of on the job training but I have noticed that there are still other things that I have to improve one of it is my verbalcommunication. In my experience I have became an observant and a listener to the people I worked with.

The issue of foreign workers economics essay

Nowadays in Singapore many immigrant workers work, and the term immigrant worker is divided in foreign workers and foreign talents. Balancing the requirements for foreign workforce and the concerns and aspirations of Singapore citizens.

Ugg business essay sample

In the 1970s, the boots were introduced to the surf culture of the United Kingdom and the United States by local surfers returning from surfing competitions in Australia. Main outdoor brands in the United States Deckers company bought UGG Australia, and the company thinks with exquisite materials and comfortable foot feeling, UGG can break the →

Smooth talk

The vulnerability of Connie's character was very present in the story when Arnold Friend's enters the picture and forces her to come with her. Connie's character in the short story was more innocent than her character in the film.

Legal brief

The first one was that both the plaintiff and defendant acknowledged the domain names as part of the emails. The second was plaintiff which refers to the party that files a suit in the court of law also known as the complainant.


While the arguments have been made and supported for the use of fossils, and for the use of various short lived species of creatures there is still the variations of species in some areas versus others. Creationists have adopted the idea of speciation to explain the variances that are obvious with the use of a →

Psych 101 final exam

Psychology is ___.a type of science, the study of mental processes, and the study of human behavior ___ is considered the founding father of modern psychology. The need to take increasing amounts of a drug to get the same effect that a lower dose used to bring is called ______.tolerance A full sleep cycle lasts →

Services to club members and casual flyers

It is a perfect place for having the enjoyment of ridge soaring and cross country flying. The club is established in a set of old farm buildings with naive but comfortable facilities for members.

The fourth dimension, or, visualizing a hypercube

A hyper cube or tesseract, for which are names for a cube stretched out into the fourth dimension, if you were to see a tesseract model in the third dimension you would see a cube inside a cube with the corners connected but that model would be a model of the shadow of a hyper-cube. →

Internet dating and online friendships : harmless or not

Therefore, even if internet dating involves the practice of basic human rights such as freedom of speech and the freedom to chose whom to date, when and where, it is extremely important that the governments step in to regulate and limit this activity for the sake of fighting crime and eliminate harm to society. It →

Feminist movement

Additionally, the main aim of the social movements is related to the power inequalities, possession and income of different classes of people. This particular notion, related to contemporary transnational social movements, can be evidently observed with reference to the operations of Redstockings, an active group in the Feminist Movement of United States during the 1960s →

Innovating steps taken by booz allen & hamilton essay

The company then went on to implement another strategy where the employees were asked to maintain a database with all the information of the companies they are working on individually and then allow the other employees to access the centralized information for any support that they need for their assigned tasks. On the other hand, →

English literature. of mice and men. assignment

Because Candy is such an old character and therefore been working on the ranch a long time, This means he would know a lot about the characters of the Ranch and the gossip that comes along with it. This proves to us he knows where to be " at the right time" to see all →

Film review of five people you meetin heaven essay sample

Eddie tried to save a little girl by pushing her out of the path of the falling cart because accidentally on that day, one of the carts breaks free from the ride and falls to the pier. Eddie finds out that the Captain sacrificed his own life in order to save him and the soldiers.

Parental responsiveness

The response to the child's cues, olfactory, tactile or emotional, is important in the relationship between the parent and child. The parent can identify and withhold the stimulus that causes the child to cry or apply a stimulus that the child is comfortable with.

Campaign finance

Corporations work hand in hand with the media to act as the mirror of the society.' The Big sky, Big Money' video shows the organizations' incentives to track politicians. I support the idea of the unions and corporations as they assist the citizens in wise decision making during election.

Abraham lincoln: the great emancipator?

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States of America, was the man who rose to the presidency and took the steps needed to end the situation of separation by making sure the South did not secede from the Union and continue to be a slave-owning population. He believed that white people were superior →

The most valuable gift essay sample

Other than the cars parked along the sides of the road, it was as if I had the roads to myself. In the seconds to follow all of the stories that I had heard of time slowing to a crawl and of one's life flashing before his eyes during an accident came true.

Strategy definition of lloyds bank tsb

STRATEGY DEFINITION OF LLOYDS BANK TSB By Location Strategy Definition of Lloyds Bank TSB Strategy ment of Lloyds Bank TSB To grow our franchise balance sheet by 40-50% in five years by providing businesses, communities, and households with an outstanding customer experience by adopting a simple and straightforward banking model that can sustain growth and →

The feminist undertones gothic literature

Other aspects of gothic literature are the oppressed heroine and the women in distress. She writes from a unique feminist perspective: that the oppressed heroin in the story serves as an outlet to voice concerns about the repression of women in careers, marriage, and treatment.

Example of reflective paper: research in mainstream media and sense of self essay

Although the article is very informal and aims to entertain the audience in addition to providing them with interesting information, it is professional and all key points found in the original research paper by Chandler and Schwarz are included in the text, such as explaining the difference between learned and inborn gestures or the development →

Tootsie roll loan package

The loan package also includes Liquidity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Solvency Ratios, and explanations for each ratio to assure the creditors will see how creditable the company and providing the financial evidence needed to determine whether the company is a low risk investment. Liquidity Ratios Shown here are the Current Ratio and working capital for Tootsie →

The peace during the pax romana provided a time for christianity to rise

The Christian message of hope appealed to those out of power and suffering under the rule of the Roman authority, because the Christian message gave people hope and a thought of salvation. In addition because of the simplicity and directness of the Christian message, people could easily catch on to the message.

Essay about history final analysis flashcard

Tot the difficulty of simultaneously controlling the Italian and German areas f the empire and the opposition by the popes and the cities of northern Italy.B. Both the difficulty of simultaneously controlling the Italian and German areas of the empire and the emperors' determination to control France and the Balkans.

Police operations

Department Organization Paper " What if the structure of police organizations is shaped by factors beyond easy human contrivance, such as the size and age of the force, the degree of stability in the politicalenvironment, the complexity of governmental regulation, the geographical dispersion of the population, or the nature of police work itself"? Moreover, these →

Two faces seen as one

Innumerable poems address the concept of love, with the written battle between positive love and negative love continuing to be waged today. Shakespeare forces people to reexamine their preconceived notions of love, and come to grips with the fact that sometimes what they believe is love, really is not.

They the cor­responding indian states might have

They may, subject to any provisions which may be made by Act of Parliament or of the Legislature of the State enacted by virtue of powers conferred by the Constitution, sue or be sued in relation to their respective affairs in the like cases as the Dominion of India and the corresponding Provinces or the →

Penelope’s true meaning

The other side of the spectrum is the idea that Penelope is the " female Odysseus". Penelope's guile shows that she is the real hero of The Odyssey, when she uses a " test to verify Odysseus was who he claimed to be".

Yellow wallpaper assignment

From the narrator's point of view, the nursery, and the yellow wallpaper in particular, become a prison which reflects her inner thought and tortures her mind. The focus of the story moves continuously inward, describing the narrator's absorption into the Gothic world of chaos and " imaginative freedom," however Gilman controls the heroine by the →

Southridge private high school

The cigarette butts and garlic were then weighed, 5 grams of each were used in the experiment. Next, the cigarette butts and garlic were combined with 75 ml of water then boiled.

Understanding mircodermabrasion

In the end, Mircrodermabrasion is another process that seeks to slow down the process of aging and greatly enhance and improve the confidence of people who patronize such practice. Also, it is the process wherein it utilizes various devices to try and remove a portion of the skin; the stratum corneum.

Downgrade warning

Ans) Analysts' independence means the freedom that the analysts have in promoting the efficiency of the markets and recommending an investor to buy or sell a particular stock. Morgan Tells Analysts To Warn of a Downgrade' analysts independence is negatively affected when it needs to clearly communicate to the company and the client banker the →

Norse gods mythology

Viking gods of the Norse mythology had their roots in the Scandinavian prehistory, particularly during the Germanic-Iron Age that has come to be known as the Proto-Norse Age. The surviving aspects of the Norse mythology are mainly because it became overly popular during the High Middle Ages such that, the gods were phrased into the →

The oates

The situation of this story is about a teenage girl being followed back to her own house; once her mother and father leave a strange man comes to her house and gives her no choice but to leave with him. Connie was trapped in her house by her parents then this stranger shows up and →

The nature of activatory and tolerogenic dendritic cell-derived signal 2

This leads to a transcriptional reprograming of DCs with the consequent expression of three signals, namely signal 1, signal 2, and signal 3 necessary for the priming of antigen-specific na ve T cell responses and T cell polarization. The DAMP and PAMP receptors expressed by different DC subsets and the consequences in the activation of →

Editorial: cross talk between the immune system and metabolism

A review by Tu and Yang summarizes the potential mechanisms of IL-33/ST2 axis in the metabolic disorders. A study by Ning et al.investigated the alterations of urinary microbiome in gout patients, indicating the new prospects for microbiome in the diagnosis and treatment of gout.

“a lesson before dying” by ernest gaines

Towards the ending of the story he is more accepting of the town and knows what both he and his community needs, " You could give something to her, to me to those children.... In the beginning of the story Grant does not stand up for what he does and does not he lets people →

Wavelength functions of a spectrophotometer

65 mg/L and the concentration of bromophenol blue in Tube B is 1. 833 mg/L and the concentration of bromophenol blue in Tube B is 1.

Portland public schools’ fiscal frailties

Portland Public Schools stands out in the crowd of school districts of the metro area for the way it handles money: salaries and staffing just do not match up with the rest of the districts. In order to augment the financially deprived education of their children, some parents in the Portland district raise large amounts →

Maple sugar urine disease essay sample

All subtypes of MSUD: MSUD Type 1 b, MSUD Type II and Thiamine Responsive MSUD vary in its severity and characteristics of the disease can all be caused by mutations to the BCKD complex. The chance of parents who have tested positive for the defective gene responsible for MSUD children have a 25% chance of →

Gay, defined

How can there be a double meaning of both " homosexual" and " stupid" for the word " gay"? The meaning of the word " gay" should not be " stupid", although it is for many people.

Legality of patent process

Personnel who would otherwise be engaged in promoting innovation throughout the organization will have their attention diverted elsewhere by the litigation, which will consume the human resources of the technology developers in addition to the financial resources. This suggests a model in which the final product could not have been produced without the patented technology, →

Comparative study of the intertextual perspectives in metropolis and 1984

What is revealed in the comparative study in the opening sequence of Metropolis also sends a message that existing power structures are in the need of reform, as the audience views the industrial enslavement of humans. The utopia and rebellion in 1984 is seen through the paperweight that is a symbol of Julie and Winston's →

Accountability of adult student

This paper examines what it means to be accountable, how accountability is relate to college success and how to practice accountability in daily education. The school programs require one to be a part of small group, and it is extremely important to be accountable within the team.

Pablo escobar

He was born in 1949 by a peasant farmer and a schoolteacher, and at the age of two, they moved to Envigado the city of Medellin in Colombia. He was once ranked the 70th richest man in the world according to the Forbes Magazine with his firm controlling a fleet of planes, vehicles, and boats.

Disorders of the brain

The disease result in hindrance of the I-functioning of the person and can motivate the patient to behave in an odd and senseless manner. The MRI is the Magnetic Resonance Imaging system, wherein the brain of the patient is studied with the aid of scanning and imaging.

The internet, freedom of expression, and terrorism

SUICIDE TERRORISM AND CYBER TERRORISM The Internet, Freedom of Expression, and Terrorism Female Suicide Bombers The threat of terrorism has not been adequately addressed by the authorities for a number of reasons, primarily being the issues and grievances of the terrorists were not given due course to be heard or resolved satisfactorily. As such, →

Quafayshia essay

The memorial image is located on the outside of a building and includes a portrait of Malice Green with the year he was born and the year he died. In the young soy room there is a projection of him on the wall talking and in the other room there is the same thing but →

Product analysis of sprite

This paper writes on a product of coca cola " sprite", and seeks to address the concepts of product, price, promotion and place and its effect on the survival, competitive advantage over like products, preferrence by customers and it's place in the beaverage drinks market place in the Malaysian community. The Coca cola company in →

“december didn’t have an infinite source of

This is reinforced by the event of the Great Depression, in which the U.S.was forced to concentrate all efforts into economic repair. With this the U.S.was able to begin a small form of imperialism which would slowly, and subtlety grow.

The wives of henry viii

As an infant she was engaged to the prince of England and she married Henry's older brother, Arthur, in 1501. And that is the story of the wives of Henry VIII.

“a hanging” by george orwell essay sample

In the forenoon.the prison guards prepare the everyday executing for their captives who are kept in " animal coops." As the officers follow the waies to put to death a Hindu captive.who has hardly a motivation to populate.they treat the captive in such a manner it shows that they do non care about his feelings. →

When i was a lad

I was quite confident that I would have a bit of money left over and I was correct, after I had purchased the Beano Annual I had a pound to spare. A couple of days into the holiday, my elder sister and I rented a pedalo.

The three little pigs

Well, he went to his drug dealer and asked him if he could get a whole truck load of pot leaves so he could build his house. It was not until Dopey had called Holy and said that Beelzebub was very angry and trying to come into his house that he realized exactly what kind →

Evaluation of brand management at odeon cinema

Odeon has evolved as a market leader in entertainment industry of United Kingdom and it has been leading the market since decades. Brand Slogan: Odeon Cinemas Fanatical about Film " Brand image is the current view of the customers about a brand".

Determination of the equilibrium constant for esterification essay sample

Since the initial amounts of all materials are known and the overall changes in the reaction can be reflected by the determination of the final amount of acid. Equation for the esterification reaction between ethanoic acid and propan-1-ol: CH3COOH + CH3CH2CH2OH CH3COOCH2CH2CH3 + H2O 5.No.of moles of ethanoic acid = no.of moles of sodium hydroxide →

Social policy assignment

The private sector is services that are offered for profit making, but they still have to run to the standards of the local authorities and are subject to the inspection of the care commission. The majority of funding of social care services come from the central and local government.

What life has taught me essay sample

Solar energy is a natural renewable resource that is available in unlimited quantities and is a great source used for solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, solar powered cars and calculators.i Solar power is energy received directly from the sun, later converted into other forms of energy. The simplest answer to the question, why →

Book review: surgery, the ultimate placebo

What I find most compelling is that this is a book borne out of the professional experience of the author and reflects on the author's own discovery of the evidence, or lack of thereof, behind his training and expertise. This makes the book a manifesto for science in medicine, in general, and for the use →

Applications of dc series motors

When a current was passed through the wire, the wire rotated around the magnet, showing that the current gave rise to a circular magnetic field around the wire This motor is often demonstrated in school physics classes, but brine is sometimes used in place of the toxic mercury. In a series wound DC motor, reversing →

Marketing plan company assignment

Consumer Product Classification The classification that the food processors are going to fall under based on the marketing and characteristics of the product is shopping. Company G offers our consumers to customize a color of product that matches heir home d? cord, and we are also offering a higher end quality to the type of →

Healthy grief

Coping with loss has been called" a spiritual process that includes locating our loved ones in time, place and transporting our recreated experiences to the here and now" Kubler- Ross grief process in the book of Job when God let Satan afflict Job to prove Job's loyal to him. Job does believe in God and →

From man to boy

In the beginning lines Coleman produces the appearance of a setting in which the weight of an entire world the reader does not have to see to believe in, is resting on the shoulders of the narrator. The exposure of the treatment of the housekeepers by the students at the college serves to call further →

Bartering system

Most of the economists of the world agree that having a global economy, the countries will be developed equally. According to a webpage article from economy watch, states that, " global economy can have the increasing opportunities of the economies in large scale and by opening up of the economy, the industrial sector will be →

People have become overly independent on technology

While I do feel that we are starting to lose ourselves, I am also a big fan of the potential of technology. But I see the benefits as well and I do not see why there cannot be a balance.

Should infants be placed in day care (i say yes)

The placement of infants in daycare has been a controversial issue and many studies have been carried out to explain the effects of this placement on the children. It is clear that the income of the household increases in cases when the children are placed in daycare as the parents can dedicate a good amount →

The significance of shakespeare’s regards toward his mistress in “sonnet 130” essay

This becomes an evident theme by the end of the sonnet with the help of the line, " And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare." The theme is expressed through this line because of the drastic switch where Shakespeare emphasizes his affection towards his mistress instead of her flaws. In this sonnet →

Inspired by praise song for my mother essay

I felt sad that day, because it was the day I leave my friends, my house, my country and especially my family. But then I can remember standing in front of my family in the church and about to do a speech.

Sushi versus meat pie essay

Seisei-sushi was the most popular type of sushi during the Muromachi period, which was the fish eaten with rice. The raw fish was eaten with the rice while it was fresh and the process of preserving fish was no longer used and was now a Japanese cuisine.

Mental models and mindsets paper essay sample

The four stairss to alter mental theoretical accounts and mentalities are understand their mental theoretical accounts and mentalities.prove new attacks.overcome inhibitors to alter.and last do the alteration to his or her mental theoretical accounts and mentalities. Mattel will necessitate to see a new manner to rethink the concern and mental theoretical accounts.

Industrial location model by phunziro mphwina

This is to say that the arrangement and distribution of things in line with space has a lot of effect on the efficiency of other economic processes. This is to say that since there area differences in distribution of raw materials which is one of the determining factors in the location of the industry.

Napoleon bonaparte: a true tyrant

Ideals of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution were both rooted from the desire to abolish absolute authority, ensure the natural rights of men, and develop a stable government. He most proudly stood against the ideas conveyed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens on the people's right to " unrestrained →

Coke zero

Coca-Cola Zero or Coke Zero is a product of the Coca-Cola Company. The market segmentation of Coke Zero is people who love coke but unlikely to get weight gain or sugar intake.

Ann tyler versus gap inc: banana republic

The adoption of the two selling techniques has enabled the clients to realize convenience and the likely increased sales to the retailers. Such a layout allows the customers to pick products of choice as they move in various stores and outlets that are run by the retailers.

Case study gen

Her vision is to use existing technology In retail to develop a new product and create the demand from a new market. He feels a new product launch is the key to the success of the company.

Hypothesis and conclusion

Racial profiling has been a contentious issue in the United States and all over the globe, particularly to the extent on which the action infringes the very fundamental human rights and civil liberties protected by the law. Research objectives To determine whether racial profiling has worsened after September 11 To determine the extent does an →

Technological deficits in the vietnam war assignment

America lost the war because the weapons provided to the grunts and tunnel rats, although slightly different for each specialization, were unsuitable for the given environmental conditions, and for combating the guerilla tactics the Viet Congo employed. Due to the Viet Songs underground tunnels and their anti-aircraft system, the heavy bombing of the North became →

Linear equations

Dependent and Independent Variables in Science Science has been working toward the exploration of the nature for several centuries. Linear Models: The understanding of the dependent and independent variables help formulate linear models.


This ever evolving behavior forms the basis of community life and inculcates in a human being the necessary demeanors that are in reality the requirements of the prevalent society. Another aspect of socialization is the persistence of a culture and traditions which form the basis of a society.

Editorial: ureteropelvic junction obstruction (upjo) in infants

Between the first description of an operation to correct an ureteropelvic junction obstruction by Trendelenburg in 1886 and the 1970s, little changed in the diagnosis and management of this condition. A shortcoming of emphasizing the AP diameter is that the degree of calyceal dilatation and the thinning of the parenchyma may pose a greater risk →

The human experience with technology

Has technology really added stress to our lives I believe that it changed the nature of the stress. Technology is and does what we want it to do.

Databases and storage

Some of the improvements to the system would be to construct the system to be available for all employees in every Home Depot store locations the access to view the necessary information. This upgrade would be a benefit because the improvement of the database management system will help the call center to answer more calls →

Pediatric case study essay sample

I bottle fed her then swaddled her tightly and laid her in her crib. I brought her to the nurse's desk and rocked her.

Global strategies: chrysler and fiat

The unlikely union between Chrysler and Fiat is currently beginning to produce new motors, which combine talents and designs of the two companies. Both companies were falling off in the motor industry and therefore merging and acquisition is part of the strategic plan.

I know why the caged bird sings

The Black female is assaulted in her tender years by all those common forces of nature at the same time that she is caught in the tripartite crossfire of masculine prejudice, white illogical hate and Black lack of power..". By the end of the novel her development is cyclical and she is back to where →

Social exchange theory in psychology

In the scene where Gary comes home from work and wants to relax but Brooke has a romantic dinner ready for the two of them and wants to Gary to go to the Ballet with her as a couple. The Social Learning theory, where people learn from each other by observing, modeling behaviors and attitudes →

A comparative study on open source asic tools

As the complexity of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits design process leads to the usage of Electronic Design Automation tools for design and optimization. CAD tools are the collection of rules, algorithms, different methodologies and tools which automate the design, testing and verification of electronic devices.

Definition essay (definition of good student)

What Defies Us All throughout your life you here how important it is to study hard, stay out of trouble, and to stay focused, but there is a lot more when it comes to being a good student and when the definition of good is " of a favorable character or tendency" and the definition →

Reflection on oral presentation

Therefore, it is essential to reflect on my previous performance on oral presentations and try to develop implementation plans to overcome my weakness in the future. To overcome this weakness, I have to pay more attention to the task of oral presentation and be more active and enthusiastic.

Difficult customers essay

Difficult Customers The customer leaned across the counter." You mean I spend thousands of dollars in here, and I cannot return a defective tool? " he said." Well, the tool is not really defective," replied the counter salesperson." So you are calling me a liar? " The customer now had everyone's attention. Tell the Customer →

World without

In this society, the government Is killing all their enemies and that Is the cause of the devaluation of life. This proves that society's lack of reflection is a factor in the depressive nature of Montage world.

Basel iii, solvency ii

Difference between Solvency I and Solvency II The difference between Solvency I and Solvency II is their fundamental based. What are the challenges that encounter by the Basel III and Solvency II?

Plato’s allegory of the cave analysis assignment

It was not really clear for me the way he described the scene metaphorically and it was difficult to visualize the scenario to realize the purpose behind it because of the rarity of it. The released prisoner that comes out of the cave and tends to return, represents the man accustomed to the error, who →