4 Pages Essay Samples

Example of essay on the sociology of religion

Sociology of Religion is the understanding of the practices, organizational forms and beliefs of region of the Society from a religious viewpoint. The study of Sociology of Religion is important because it seeks to enlighten learners on the dialectics and dynamics behind the changes that take place in various denominations in the society.

Marketing assignment

Suppurate Bose Executive Vice President and President, Asia-Pacific Suppurate Bose Suppurate Bose is Executive Vice President and President, Asia-Pacific for Boston Scientific and a member of Its Executive Committee. D, is Executive Vice President and Global Chief Medical Officer for Boston Scientific and a member of its Executive Committee.

Marketing plan for okra assignment

The main focus of this marketing plan is to intros cue a new way of eating ice cream without thinking of getting fat and counting the calories you get every spoon of it. Now, the trend of ice cream has been change to the old traditional homemade in the reason of taste and healthy for →

Addiction and responsibility

The superego, on the other hand, is thought of as the conscience or parent based because it is a moral component of the personality in an individual. Therefore, it is believed that one would become addicted to anything due to the biological model of the theory of exposure.

Should english be the second official language of taiwan essay

Therefore, in this business world, we should understand that language makes us more competitive, more adventurous, and our perspective more international as well, which are the three main reasons why we should make English the Second Official Language of Taiwan. The second reason why English should be the second official language of Taiwan is that →

How manipulation and obsession play a part in fifty shades of grey

Her friend begins to frown." But is not that also the one where he stalks her and controls her and lashes out on her?" The woman hesitates but continues to smile." Yes, but it's so sexy and romantic!" Despite what fans of the popular erotica novel claim, there is nothing sexy or romantic about manipulation →

World literature; poetic adaption of the outsider essay sample

This is the turning point in the book where the protagonist kills the man referred to as the " Arab". To express them in a poem I will use the first stanzas to build up the atmosphere of the intense heat and the gradual effect it has on the protagonist.

Managerial decision making

Therefore, this report seeks to discuss how employee empowerment is essential for the employees themselves and how it is a good business to the organization. Benefits of employee empowerment Employee empowerment is very important to the employees because firstly it brings satisfaction and motivation leading to increased productivity.

Fad diet

2 Although it is true that in adherence to Atkins helps the individual to lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time, one of the biggest problems with the diet is the fact that over time it is very hard to keep the weight off; unless of course one continues to →

Factors that affect clothing choice

This essay investigated and looks at how identity influences our choice of clothing and how fashion has changed males and females perception of what we should look like and the media. Barnard, Malcolm argues that there is a strong link between women and fashion and describes it as " curious cultural profile" and that clothing →

Information technology

Students can also use bookmarks and change the voice and speed that it reads to their individual tastes. It has highlighters that can be used to extract and make notes from the text and therefore is useful in summarizing.

Operations management in insurance sector

It helps to know the risk of claims and effectiveness of the policy. Percentage of Total Lapses = Lapses/Policies Sold Average Time to Settle a Claim It measures the time it takes settle claims.

Antibiotic concentration for treatment

The study further concluded that empiric prescription of multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics in hospital patients occurred frequently; this is specially important because these types of antibiotics are the worst offenders in the development of superb because, essentially, using a broad-spectrum antibiotic is similar to trying to kill a single person by ordering an AC-1 30 missile →

Guide to unix using linux essay sample

Which of the following commands would you use to make a backup copy of the file AR2008? Which of the following commands can you use to sort the file vendor_name and display the results on the screen?

Miranda v. arizona

In 1966, Miranda appealed to the Supreme Court, who ruled in his favor, claiming that Miranda's confession could not be used as the police had failed to inform Miranda of his right to an attorney. There was enough to convict Miranda that a breach in the reading of his rights should not have played a →

Operations management: product-based and service-based supply chain

The types of Supply chain include: Product-based supply chain Service-based supply chain Each of the mentioned type of supply chain is explained below with an example: Product Supply Chain The product selected to show the simple supply chain is Coca Cola. Difference between the Traditional Product and Service Supply Chain The ultimate goal of both →

Public speaking topics for teens? assignment

1 Additional Answer Public Speaking Topics for Teens You have been assigned to give a speech to your classmates on anything you want. For a more relaxed humorous speech topic for teens, speaking on " How I would rule the world" is a way to deliver the speech in a funny manner while also speaking →

Social welfare and policy ii final assignment

Furthermore, as the book ' Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy' purports every form of social work practice embodies a social policy. Since every social work practice embodies a social policy, having knowledge about numerous policies is the essential quality and obligation of a good social worker because false premise would lead a social worker to →

Barrie super subs essay

The team leaders lack the motivation and desire to perform their job effectively and work conjointly as a true team. Team leaders were expected to perform at a level that would earn the manager and assistant manager a bonus for productivity.

Was mussolini’s economic policies a complete failure? essay

On the one hand, the largest economic failure is the corporative state due to the fact it failed to meet the needs of the people also seen by the 1927 Charter of Labour; however, its successes can be seen in the long run, in modern day corporatism. Overall, the battle for land was a failure →

The companies commission of malaysia law company business partnership essay

129 of Companies Act 1965, no person of or over the age of 70 years will be appointed or act as a director of a public company or of a subsidiary of a public company. The company required the special notice when the director of a public company is to be removed at a shareholders' →

Quilts by nikki giovanni: literary analysis

But as we grow older and we find we are not as quick or swift as we used to be, we wonder. But when as the table cloth gets old and begins to fall apart, we are put in the back of a closet and forgotten.

What is a conceptual framework and why is it needed

The purpose of the CF was also to improve the processes involved in financial accounting and to limit the number of alternative standards of financial reporting. To conclude, the introduction and development of a CF has resulted in improved practice throughout accounting procedures.

Roles and responsibility assignment

As a teacher, one's role and responsibility should be towards the learners' ability to learn and for learning to be as tailored made for the individual learner. As a teacher, one's role or duty and responsibility is to find what methods works for the individual, so that learners can learn ways to use and understand →

Whole foods pestel analysis essay sample

The macro environment of whole foods is relatively good, and each aspect of the PESTEL analysis plays a large role in determining the quality, standards and efficiency of a company. Although the economic recession has caused grocery stores to have a fall in assets and profits across the industry, most stores continue to stay afloat.

Specimen speech essay

First of all I would like to clarify that I can not be a guest for any functions of this school nor of this Panchanabettu village. Thirdly I want to emphasise the role of teachers in building the future of students.

Analysis of recruitment methods at tata consultancy services

The aim of personnel management is to make an effective contribution to the objectives of the organization and to the fulfillment of its social responsibilities. According to Eugene and Nic ' the process of recruitment and selection is a planned way in which the organization interfaces with the external supply of labor'.

Computer production 12800

The steps that are taken to bring the computer from several small components to a desktop product are organization of the manufacturing facility, assembly of hardware, installation of software, and a test process. Power supply is then applied to the computer and other additional components such as the video card, and modem are added near →

Argumentative essay on true high school story

In a high school story, everyone is stress free and loves high school and life. A true high school story, love is created and broken in a time where we are growing the most.

Favorite movie assignment

Therefore, I would like to share the positive values I had learn from the movie, explain how those values affected my life and raise my readers' awareness about the noble values that a movie can teach.' The Shawshank Redemption' revolves around a banker, Andy Dufresne who is wrongly convicted of killing his wife and sent →

Globalizationassignment assignment

Although the Industrial Revolution only began in the British Empire, as the industrialization began to grow and then spread to neighboring countries and then far away. The imports and exports were the cause of this growth in money, which is also a positive side that the countries are able to sell their products to neighboring →

A life of her own by emilie carles

She told her tale to a publisher Robert Dastenque in the time of her sickness who worked with his writing and the tapes recorded of her story to write this book. Book Review Emilie Carles wrote this autobiography book " A Life of Her Own" about the courage of a woman who made a huge →

Blakes songs of innocence and experience and voltaires candide: a comparison essay examples

One of the fundamental tenets of Christianity is the idea of original sin: that is, the original sin that Eve committed when she ate from the Tree of Knowledge, and convinced Adam to do the same, leading to their exile from the Garden of Eden. The loss of innocence is a necessary part of life, →

His team gets the best assignments

Most creative Willing to go the extra mile Gets along well with Carry Often gets allocated extra resources Praised for a provocative ad campaign Terries team: Counseled out of an ad campaign Performs well for the agency Unhappy with how Carry treats the team Holds animosity toward Carry Feels Carry Is unfair and favors Jack's →

Loneliness equals change

Whether it's having to leave your house and downsize to an apartment after a layoff, or having to suffer the pain and seclusion after the death of a loved one, the loneliness can be hard. Because of these conditions, my mother and I have turned to an online public school that I found while browsing →

According the blood sugar can then go on

According to the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases, when the human body has a high level of blood sugar, the blood sugar can then go on to harm the blood vessels that are present inside the body and this is not good because when they are harmed they do not work →

Understanding what taylor to be saying about the meaning of life

In the case of the luminous worms, Taylor seems to suggest that the lives of these insects are meaningful because they have accepted their fate and have served their purposes. One of the main points Taylor makes in his view of the meaning of life is that individuals need to be accepting of themselves and →

Antony and cleopatra and a game of chess essay

This makes the setting and the atmosphere of the two passages key to the understanding of whom each woman is, since they are the reader's only source of information concerning her. Instead of sitting in a barge, the woman in TS Eliot's poem is sitting in a chair.

Drama rupnezel essay

The first performance was quite nerve wracking and I did not know how the audience would respond to my character and the play in a whole. I also learnt a lot about my character during the drama term, for example learning how to develop a woman's voice and how to act like one.

Lbj’s great society

The aftershock of Kennedy's assassination provided a climate for Johnson to complete the unfinished work of JFK's New Frontier. As he campaigned in 1964, Johnson declared a " war on poverty." He challenged Americans to build a " Great Society" that eliminated the troubles of the poor.

Fundamentals of macroeconomics assignment

The unemployment rate is determined by viding the unemployed individuals by the total of all the individuals in the labor force. Each of these sectors is interconnected and work in collaboration for the betterment of the economy as a whole.

For the purchase of consumption materials are: 1.

The purchase of capital equipment is usually differentiated both in procedures and policies from the purchase of consumption materials mainly because of the nature of large investment over a long duration. Purchase of Capital Equipment Vs Purchase of Production Materials & Supplies: The purchase of capital equipment usually occurs once in ten or fifteen years →

Why academic cheating occurs

Test and schoolwork anxiety, mismanagement of time, inability to understand the consequences, the ability to blame others, and most importantly peer pressure are all causes of academic cheating. Struggling to grasp the concept of time management, students can turn to academic cheating as a way to free up time.

Law 421 week 2

By definition laws are, " a rule or set of rules, enforceable by the courts, regulating the government of a state, the relationship between the organs of government and the subjects of the state, and the relationship or conduct of subjects towards each other,". Meaning any business transactions that are from state to state or →

The main contestants that helped overthrow europe’s absolute monarchies

Enlightenment thinker Rousseau once wrote," Only the General will can direct the energies of the state" or in other words, " The people are the power". The French revolution had many occurrences of people challenging the monarch, three of which include: The third Estate, the women's March, and Robespierre's public speeches.

“one members of the genteel sect. but the

In Jamess The Real Thing, the plot is centered on an unnamed artist and his interactions with two sets of models: the Monarchs, and Miss Churm and Oronte. Jamess introduction of Miss Churm and Oronte to the reader is performed with divergent characterizations of appearance and reality between the two sets of models.

Karl marx leadership style

Critics of Karl Marx theories on leadership argued that totality and the conflict of opposites is mainly the core of dialectics. Other Karl Marx's leadership theories suggested that some leaders happen to be the impetus of the conflict in their leadership.

The effect of releasing gaseous acids into the atmosphere as a result of modern lifestyles essay sample

As a result of this we required a lot less electricity and transport fifty years ago, which are the two most damaging factors to the environment today, in the modern lifestyle. The effect of releasing gaseous acids into the atmosphere, as a result of modern lifestyles, results in Acid Rain and more serious Global Warming.

Contemporary issues in financial management-integration management and the pathfinder model for ge capital

Integration Management and the Pathfinder Model for GE Capital Integration Management and the Pathfinder Model for GECapitalIntegrated Financial management is carried out by the use of Integrated Financial Management Systems. The first step in application of the Pathfinder Model is the pre-acquisition stage which starts off with cultural evaluation where there is an assessment of →

Mcdonald’s french success story

In this article Rick Fantasia resume the initial misunderstanding between Fast food and French culture " Fast food, with its suggestion of speed, standardization, and the homogenization of taste, would seem to represent the direct inverse of French gastronomic practices, and thus the combination of the two has been the subject of considerable speculation from →

Color field painting

The concept of Color Field painting was to separate this type of work from the earlier work of Abstract Expressionism. Color Field painting initially appeared to be cool and austere, effacing the individual mark in favor of large, flat areas of color.

Food technology

In the Philippines, the be yam is also cooked and served as a vegetable. Be or bi yam is one of the country " famine crops".

Newton’s second law – practical report essay sample

Introduction: Newton's second law states " The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object". A mass carrier was suspended to a long piece of string, →

Sally: opera and negotiation essay sample

The approach to this will be to use all the information that was provided in the analysis to determine the best position of strategy to save the Opera on opening day, to find a fiscal solution that will benefit both the Opera and Sally using a BATNA strategy. The second is that you would have →

Being a leader today

The potential of the transformational leadership construct is countless in terms of the outcomes it provides over traditional transactional leadership style. The employee is impressed by the leadership style and follows the chosen path of the leader.

Aliens, go home

Even though statistics from various polls illustrate that most Americans are in favor of granting illegal immigrants the amnesty they need to subsequently get a green card, it is still not a good thing to do. If you are changing your laws for the convenience of people who were ready to break them, what is →

The edge of equality: the problem of more’s utopia

The highest officials of Utopian society, which include the priests, the holy people, and the senate, are the heads of society and have the most say in the way people live, showing that there is a hierarchy in Utopia. But the limits to equality begin and end with the need for a moderator, a type →

Southeast asia

Although the different parts of Southeast Asia have some similarities in cultures and values, I only agree to a limited extend that Southeast Asia is a single geographical, historical and cultural unit. Hence this essay will look at some of the possible evidences of Southeast Asia being a single geographical, historical and cultural unit, as →

What makes a great grandmother?

Through her wisdom, my grandmother is able to depict the traits of a hero. Similarly, through her honesty and fidelity to her husband, my grandmother is able to express her loyalty.

Marketing assignment

Allows you to know your customers very well As the internet continues to open up a wealth of marketing opportunities the need to stay directly In tune with customers' specific wants and needs will increase twofold. You can anticipate the needs and wants of your current clients, and use this Information to base your marketing →

Analysis of the film eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

The story, moving back and forth in time, which is surreal, tells how Joel and Clementine have become unhappy and have reached the end of their relationship; he says she talks too much, accuses her of having sex with anyone, while she has had enough of trying to know and understand him. The methods to →

3 alternatives better than raising startup capital from the 3 f’s

Our first investor was fond of asking about what he called " the three F's," as in " Who are the friends, familyand fools willing to help fund the expansion of XYZ?" The goal was to raise capital quickly so that we could expand and capture market-share. I worked odd-jobs and found ways to generate →

Problem solving and ambition

As we saw in this case, the student was motivated by his ambition to solve the problem; as mentioned earlier that ambition is eager or strong desire to achieve something, he's ambition here was to solve the question although it took him humongous effort and time. It is the driving force in life, which motivates →

Religiosity and freedom in the brothers karamazov

This is paralleled by Ivan's beliefs contrasting with Alyosha's in the frame of the novel itself." The Grand Inquisitor" serves mainly to delineate the conflict between the two principal belief systems evident in The Brothers Karamazov that of accepting mankind's freedom, and therefore his suffering, and that of rejecting it. The suffering of the innocent →

Caring katniss: character analysis for “catching fire”

The theme of the novel becomes obvious as the connection of loyalty between the characters Katniss is loyal to her family, a young girl who reminds her of her sister, and must choose it is worth being loyal to within the arena. Plutarch shows loyalty to Katniss by pulling her out of the games, and →

Ethical debate on human cloning

On the one hand, according to the theories of Greek philosopher Aristotle, it would be true to say that human cloning is unethical because of the ridiculous methods are employed to get there. Moreover, the theory of naturalism ethics, methods of cloning are not the result of an action according to the order of nature, →


Therefore, it is in order to conclude that Norah is suffering from DID due to the personality shift and loss of memory including basic information such as her real identity. In a bid to ensure that Norah was indeed suffering from DID it is important to ensure that she portrays all the symptoms of DID.

What can philosophy contribute to the study of personhood

The analysis and work of the philosophers led to the eradication of such misconceptions and led to explain the meaning of what a " person" is. A few philosophers further extend the definition of personhood and demand the presence of the understanding of moral reasoning and ethics for classifying someone as a " person".

Creating a plan

The success of the project depends on how each member of the team interacts. The performance of each member of the team is imperative for the success of the project.

Book review: embryogenesis explained

The backbone of the theory is articulated as follows: 1.at early gastrulation, in each ectodermal cell there is a complex of cytoskeletal elements composed of a ring of microfilaments, a mat of microtubules at the apical surface and parallel to it, and a ring of intermediate filaments. Curiously, but not mentioned in the book, this →

Young america and old europe in nabokov’s lolita

In the context of the book, young Dolores Haze is the embodiment of young America and its culture, while Humbert Humbert represents the older, refined European culture. Humbert takes advantage of the idea of America as a nation of consumers through Dolly.

Literature review on pain management

Some of these aspects are: " language and interpretation problems", which has focus in the language deficit, where second language demonstrate a barrier in the treatment although it cannot be a problem if it has a translate or health professional who speaks the client's language; " nonverbal communication problem", which is a fundamental key factor →

Stakeholder theory in organisational management

There is a danger that this may be interpreted as bribery-inability to provide evidence of quid pro quo payments still leaves the question open and therefore there is no transparency-additionally, the experience of the individual may only be from an advisory and not consumer position-what qualifies the employee to make the recommendation? Stakeholder theory reworks →

Case study on the rwanda genocide history essay

As a result, leaders of the political opposition were killed, and almost instantly, the massacre of Tutsis. Authorities used RTLM and Radio Rwanda to encourage and direct killings both in those areas most eager to attack Tutsi and members of the Hutu opposition and in areas where the killings originally were resisted.

Article critique: workers of the world, relax by alain de bottom

The author in this passage had in mind those people who were mainly dissatisfied with their work and was trying to give a solution to it. The author has tried to trace the attitude of people towards work from pages down the history.

Hyperconsumption, alienation, and false consciousness

Consumerism, or the " active ideology that the meaning of life is to be found in buying things and prepackaged experiences," defines the life of individuals and entire societies in many aspects to the extent that it has an entireculturebased on consumption has been formed. In as much as consumerism and the culture that arises →

Business of tourism

Temporary change an alteration in a certain measure or condition In an activity of institution to which it is likely to return later. Sustainable tourism all forms of tourism development, management & operations that malting the environmental, & concern Integrity & well being of natural, built ND cultural resources, Socio cultural a term used to →


Politics is important because it is in the nature of the human beings to be political. The study of politics is scientific to the extent that it is possible to gain objective knowledge about the political world by distinguishing between facts and values.

Reflective essay on plagiarism

To make sure that the student is serious with work, the possible total marks that can be awarded in the second attempt of the paper is seventy percent and not a hundred in order to make the student to work harder. While there may be different forms of plagiarism, the bottom line is that it →

Silent light: a movie review

The opening and closing scenes also involve sounds that come from nature such as the sound of the crickets, the croaking of the frogs, the chirping of the birds and the faint cry of wolves in the distance. It also sends the idea that more focus is given to the setting or to the natural →

When feelings and don’t fight them, talk it

It'snow all up to you to take that scar as a lesson and not as a punishment. Put away the pictures and the gifts that remind you of your ex becausea part of loving is learning to let go.

Rhetoric analysis assignment

From that sentence, she is going to be rebutting the stigma behind the cause of breast cancer, at least in her family's experience. She narrates the memory that happened to her and her family in " September 7, 1957" " The bomb, the cloud...

The cold war begins essay sample

Decide whether or not the events related to that aspect of the Cold War could be considered part of the U.S.policy of containment. The first sentence of the first paragraph will be the thesis statement and should name the aspect of the Cold War and state whether or not the events related to it could →

Genre 8

Since informational books are informative and aimed to be educative, use of comparisons help to clarify the issues to the reader and build from known to unknown. This make it to be real such that when the writer, writes about an experience he has gone through; as he develops the story both the writer and →

Kievan rus to russia flashcard

Nicknamed " Money Bags" Ivan ICreated a city whose nickname was the " Window on the West" Peter the GreatCreated a great NavyPeter the GreatGained large areas of Poland and Siberia for RussiaCatherine the GreatWhat event led to Bloody SundayRusso-Japanese WarWhat city did Ivan The Terrible massacre because he thought, in his paranioa, they were →

Hawthorn craft market essay

The statement of the problem is has the move affected the sales of Hawthorn Craft market and how will the move affect or change the shoppers experience. The research targets how the market will improve the profits of the market in the region due to the move.


This is because the cost of goods and services in Ireland is higher than that in the United States as the country is an island with a limited population. Besides, the infrastructure in the United States is superior to that of Ireland.

Annotated bibliography

This source is reliable, mainly because it is a peer reviewed article, and the authors of this article hold professional degrees in psychology. This article is reliable and relevant mainly because the authors use examples, and they identify the methods that should be used in improving the treatment of addicts.

My heart was so full of love that it overflowed essay

But as I was very buy in the affairs of the office, I knew that without great firmness of purpose, I should never effectually attend to the subject. I therefore, then and there resolved, as far as possible, to avoid all business, and everything that would divert my attention, and to give myself wholly to →

“the road not taken” and “when death comes” poems comparison essay

And if one was to consider the idea of the immortality of the human soul, the possibility of the afterlife and the certitude of our physical death, life becomes an affair of profound perplexity; and at times, one of little value and significance. I will show that implicit in these two poems is the celebration →

Stanza by stanza explication of “the road not taken”

The simplicity of " The Road Not Taken" is what allows the ultimately ambiguous ending to transform the poem into one with such a universally recognized meaning that it is equally suitable for hanging on a kitchen wall of a farm in Iowa and for being analyzed by English majors throughout the libraries of the →

Relationship between biological factors and behavior

One study in particular which demonstrates the use of recent brain imaging technologies in investigating the connection between specific areas of the brain and mental cognitive abilities is the Maguire study. Another study, which also used brain imaging technologies to observe the relationship between biological factors and behavior, is Jim Fallon's study on psychopathic behavior →

Frankenstein: literary analysis

The stress of hunting for his creature was the death of him, in the end. His remorse in this part of the book, not felt because he is making another creature for the creature he already detests, but is felt for the rest of the sin that has been committed since the day his creature →

Stanley milgram versus diana baumrind essay sample

The experimenter would insist the teacher to continue with the shocks and the teacher would decide how far to go. The setting in which teachers went the farthest in inflicting pain to the learner was when the teacher and learner were in different rooms, and the experimenter was present with the teacher.

imperialism in world war 1 essay sample

It is the most important cause of WW1, because it created a build-up of tension in Europe and outside of Europe, and through imperialism, the three other causes were able to affect the beginnings of the war. Alliances such as the Triple Alliance, which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy that lasted until the start →

Swami vivekananda contribution towards india essay

It is in the background of Vivekananda understanding of the causes of the degeneration of women in the modern age that he evolved his ideal of " Indian womanhood". He criticized the pattern of education introduced by the British in India.