4 Pages Essay Samples

Editorial: glial cells: managers of neuro-immunity

The Editorial on the Research Topic Glial Cells: Managers of Neuro-Immunity After many decades of study in the field of Neuroscience that were mostly centered on the neuron there is a mounting interest in the study of the function of the glial cells in many aspects and functions of the central nervous system. Von Bernhardi →

The trojan horse virus: an overview

The policy begins with the assessment of risk to network and build a team to respond. We recommend that the security team to review the following types of changes: Any change in the firewall configuration.

The main belief of islam

I attribute a great deal of the closeness I feel to God to the fact I am required by my religion to pray 5 times a day. I do believe that being such a concrete believer of my own religion will very much make me subject to prejudice in the study of other religions.

My future career

Droplets of sweat began to run down my face as my sympathetic nervous system kicked into gear, sherona grant stand up I began to shake and become weak but gained a lot of confidence and I walked upon the stage and held my head high and looked into the crowd and turned around and received →

Traditional business practices

Using the Internet internally: Cisco is a company that has made maximum internal use of the Internet. Putting the needs of the customer first is a key to growth.

The outcomes of trump’s zero tolerance policy

The purpose of this movement is to illustrate to citizens that change to end and evaluate policies like these could occur through means of peace rather than simply turning to violence.#EndFamilySeperation advocate's reactions are justified because like King they wish to discourage the next generation of Hispanic Americans to conclude that the " white man →

Paradigms in the field of cognitive psychology

In the field of psychology, it has been used to refer to the mental functions and the state of the entities that have intelligence as a characteristic such as human beings. Cognitive psychology, a discipline of psychology, is involved with the examination of mental processes.

Definition of american imperialism history essay

In the 19th century, imperialism and nationalism was at its highest, spurred by events such as the Spanish-American War and the sinking of the Maine. The Spanish-American War was a brief conflict won quickly by the United States over an inexperienced Spanish army and navy." Thanks to the encouragement of expansionists and the reckless as →

The apprenticeship of duddy

He wanted to show that he can have power and money on his abilities and just because of earning more power and money he did not give importance to human feelings and never thought of ther's feelings. He believed in Duddy because he wanted him to succeed in life but not on the cost of →

To spank or not to spank

It is easy to predict the type of relationships that a child who is always spanked will get into fights all the time while in the company of his peers. A good parent is one who shows compassion to a child such that the child never develops the fear of the parent with time.

Pakistan: flood damage assessment of sindh

1 billion and the livestock sector suffered losses of Rs.11. The government of Sindh has estimated the losses to the wheat crop at Rs.12.

Faulkner’s “rose for emily” vs dubus “killings” essay

Love and Death: A Comparison and Contrast of William Faulkner's " A Rose for Emily" and Andre Dubus's " Killings" The French journalist Octive Mirabaeu once said, " Murder is born of love, and loves attains he greatest intensity in murder." This quote echoed through the literary writings of William Faulkner's " A Rose for →

A report on the economic recovery in britain in the 1930s

A report on the economic recovery in Britain in the 1930s In the 1930s Britain's workers was experiencing signs of affluence. However, growth rates were very similar to the rates of the second half of the nineteenth century; this rate was at 2 percent in the 1856 to 1899.

Ten arguments against green shakes

They take a decade to be the feeling of the streets, stationed in the windows of the local inn of our cities, as one of the greatest inventions of the hipster culture. In them the skin and the insoluble fiber are eliminated In fact, to make the shake it is almost necessary to eliminate the →

Modern market equilibrium based on flawed models

This can also be applied to other variables such as the interest rates that will allow the greatest growth of any sectorThis state of equilibrium, as stated in the theory, is an optimum outcome for society. In this model, these changes appear to be external to the economy and a great disruption when in fact →

I their communities being treated unfairly by

In this essay, I intend to give a historical summaryof segregation in public schools, what it looks like, and sanctions that mayput an end to segregation in public schools forever. Buford is known for theirsports and also the fact you can pay tuition to go here if you live out of citylimits.

French crêpe cake essay sample

I then added the butter and stirred it in until the butter had melted and the sauce was smooth again. Once the chocolate sauce was finished, I transferred one crepe to my serving plate and then spread chocolate sauce very thinly on top of the crepe.

It601-0903b-07 information technology in business management – phase 2 discussion board

The main competitive advantage that the company has over the others is the fact that it is started by companies that hold as much as 80% of the sir travel industry. The company has created a strong database for itself and gives the Orbitz as well as the companies a huge competition.3.

Introduction: his sins of the past. body 1:

Rahim Khan, Amir's feel of the need to be punished, Sohrab and many other things are all symbols of how redemption is carried through the story of Amir's journey to redeem himself for his sins of the past. Body 3: i) The last symbol of redemption is Hassan's son Sohrab and how he is the →

The tragedy of the commons

Beyond the Tragedy of the Commons Garret Hardin's 1968 opus, " The Tragedy of the Commons," is an often-cited work. In the United States, one example in which the tragedy of the commons may be happening is in the Georges Bank in Northeastern United States.

Case study nissan com fundamentals of ebusiness

Nissan Motor Company is concerned about the use of the domain names Nissan.com and Nissan.net because they do not want potential customers to miss finding their site. The error made by Nissan was not purchasing the domain name immediately, however if you do a Google search on Nissan, the website that shows up is Nissanusa.com.

Family relations

AS a reader after going through this abstract, it is clear that the expectations of this article is to investigates the use of anabolic androgenic steroids among a national representative sample of high school students. The purpose of the study is to investigate the use of anabolic androgenic steroids among a national representative sample of →

Traits of a survivor—-chris mccandless

Rebellion, in all of its forms comes with a price, and McCandless, young and alone, paid that price in blood, on the verge of death he notes a passage from " Wise Men in Their Bad Hours" Which greatly helps us understood his feelings and his admiration for nature, and overall I think what he →

Why had the civil rights movement become so fragmented assignment

Malcolm X was then seen as a new leader to look to, promoting self-defense and black power, the fresh new alternative created an appeal to the civil rights activists in the south. A key factor of this was whether to work with whites as king had wanted, or to totally separate under the ideas of →

Positive and negative effects of human behavior

Further reading will describe how environmental cues shape individual behavior, examine how behavior is modifiable to support the environment, how social norms are essential for individual beliefs and the influence on behavior, and to find solutions to modify habits and behaviors of the general population. Individuals follow social norms for the rewards involved and the →

Poses of yoga for ankylosing spondylitis

The snake pose stretches your spine, lungs, and chest. Yoga International provides directions and breathing tips that will assist you to get the most from the stretch.

Highly homogeneous copper ferrite nanoparticles production

The Curie temperature decreases with increase in the distance A-B. The magnetic susceptibility of the ferrimagnetic materials increase with increase in temperature.

Sarah with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all) are

Medical advice was sought at a private hospitalprior to his admission, where he was then transferred to ourhospital by anambulance as a case of H1N1 Pneumonia with anemia and thrombocytopenia. The major aim of this report was to identify the associationbetween the child's immunocompromised state and pancytopenia with the incidenceof developing viral pneumonia.

Symbols in harper lee’s to kill a mockingbird

However, the mockingbird is not the only symbol in the Finch's lives. In To Kill A Mockingbird, the tree house is where the children go to play, and it's worry free for them.

Animus-inherit or created

Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie, the renowned founder of Carnegie Steel and the noted humanitarian who published the Gospel of Wealth, was a firm advocator for aiding the public, to improve the lives of others out of pure kindness. We are a society of sovereign benevolent people that is motivated to protect the innocent from the perils →

Anti-discrimination act

Yvonne Marie Leyson For: Unidentified VII in the Workplace 10 March, 2006 VII otherwise known as the Anti-Discrimination Act is currently the most valuable tool to combat today's discrimination of employees in the work environment. As man is afforded this kind of freedom, he learns to value his work and the management that respects his →

Obama’s commencement speech

And even though this is his first sentence and it is a joke, he already stresses the fact that his audience has worked hard and that it is something they can be proud of. He is able to create this effectiveness by the use of important rhetorical devices.

Editorial: nanosized drug delivery systems: colloids and gels for site specific targeting

Editorial on the Research Topic Nanosized Drug Delivery Systems: Colloids and Gels for Site Specific Targeting Recent advances in nanomedicine and biomaterials have provided new promising tools for in vitro models and targeted drug administration in vivo, aiming to increase efficacy while limiting side effects. Nanosized drug delivery systems are designed to modify the biodistribution →

Quantitative and qualitative methods of research

The qualitative method is a kind of logical research. On the contrary, quantitative data is the one that focuses on numbers and mathematical calculations and can be calculated and computed.

Religion issues in purple hibiscus

The richness and relevance of the purples and reds combined with the ever-present religious theme of conflict exhibited through the Old and New Testaments. Purple, in the Christian church, is the liturgical color for the Season of Lent: the time when Jesus suffers on the cross.

Good comedy is tragedy narrowly averted assignment

The audience are presented with Don John's plan to deceive Claudio creating a dramatic irony within the audience, keeping the idea of tragedy in the back of the audience's minds throughout the following ' comical' scene. In Act 2 Scene 3, there is the benevolent deception that Beatrice and Benedict are in love with each →

Fdr supreme court packing

President Roosevelt naturally criticized the Court on a number of occasions, the last time in June of 1936; but because of the negative response from Congress and members of the media in those instances, he said nothing about the Court during the 1936 presidential campaign. In Similarity, William Raspberry a writer for the Miami Times →

Porter’s five force analysis for lifestyle broadcast industry

As a result of this the customer is the king and all the channels are doing their best to gain customer satisfaction. There is no particular brand loyalty of the channels but there is loyalty for the shows telecasted in the channels, paving way for high bargaining powers of buyers.

Cajun cuisine

" Cajun" and " Creole" cuisine is native to the " Bayou" country in the State of Louisiana. Creole cuisine was the creation of the French and Spanish settlers and their Black servants, and it is perhaps the best characterized by the sauces.

Drama: ruby moon essay

The use of the transformational acting between the two actors is one that is used to question the identities of others and in general, the issue of identity. The element of a fairytale is produced to support the timeless sets in this play and is clearly established at the beginning and the end.

Microbial metabolism

Fermentation affects the supply of food in many countries and without the microbes that produce these foods the body would wither and become susceptible to various diseases. Embden-Meyerhof pathway is essential in fermentation because the products are important components of beverages and foods.

The definitions of multi-cultural education

And to investigate the teaching techniques of elementary school teachers and adaptations that can and should be made in order to increase the knowledge level of diversity among the students in the classroom. And most importantly, teachers may have to adapt their teaching styles and methods to adhere to the diversity among their students in →

Japan after world war ii assignment

The recovery and development of Japan can be shown in: + The growth rate of GDP + The increase in GDP per capita + The share of Japanese exports in the world exports The growth rate of GDP After the War, Japan was lack of almost all the resources including food, clothes, pure water, and →

Respectful interaction – personal narrative

I stood up and faced her, and told her if she was not in the mood to work, she should look for another beautician to replace her because I could not tolerate her behavior. I was taken aback, that she had the nerve to talk to a customer in that manner.

How i want to start a business venture: quick italian pizza

The structure that is going to be used to set up the business is the corporate structure. The use of Pro-Forma financial statements is a great way to project the financial performance of a company in the future.

To kill a mocking birdexample essay

We have 24hours in each day and the fact is not going to change, so we must identify the important goals and aims that truly matter to us in order to lead a fulfilled lifestyle. We need to have a very clear idea on what needs to be done, when it will be done and →

Raquel browning, a private investigator – creative writing

Mrs Clifford pulled the photographs out of the envelope again, as Miss Jenkins left the room, and looked at them as she sipped her tea. She left, and posted the photographs.

Taekwondo: a list of important skills for success

Sticking to it, I have found a new appreciation for my TaeKwonDo club and skills and I am grateful for all the people who motivated me to carry on. Through learning to replace physical strength with self-control because of my TaeKwonDo lessons, I have become better disciplined in the art of defense which I have →

Us business law cases

Failure of the minor to rescind or to ratify " within a reasonable time" after reaching the age of majority is a waiver of the right to disaffirm the contract. In this case, the Court said that the period of 10 months after reaching the age of majority is an unreasonable time within which Smith →

Academic dishonesty

It humiliates the integrity of the University and further, it dehumanizes thepersonalityof the teaching personnel by insulting and injuring his individuality. And among the latest innovations of cheating is utilizing the assistance of essay-writing companies especially those found in the Internet.

Little sister

JORDAN Bella I would like to go with you. Bella: Katie, you look beautiful...

On the sidewalk bleeding

Andy's jacket to me represents what others see, almost like a protective cover from the true him and he, as a person, represents what he hides from the world. Andy and Johnny also realize near the end of their life that they need to be more ' them' and less like they are to the →

The holocaust and history of kinder transports

The hardest part out of the holocaust was the separation of families because the parents were not aloud to come on the Kindertransports. In conclusion the Holocaust was very hard to flee from and it was very hard to let go of the losses of families members and other people in the process.

Report on the religious life of planet earth

Religion is defined in Collins English Dictionary as a worship and act of obedience to a supernatural power that is considered to be divine or the one having control of human destiny, thus, the Creator. Humans may appear to be religious in many ways but analyzing the real definition of religion, it appears that their →

Mad money – college

Faced with the reality of losing her home as her debt begins to increase, Bridget accepts a job on the cleaning crew at a local branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. Also, since the couple is in debt, they were not able to pay their housecleaner for the third time, as the check, payment to →

The focus on waste minimization construction essay

The product of construction industry that all of variety of waste which occur at every step of the construction activities and practices on site this amount of construction produced need to be taken seriously because it's affecting and big problem to the environment. That gives impact to the environmental so we can reduce that by →

World war ii brought a clash of titans: hitler versus stalin

Then he signed the Munich agreement with Neville Chamberlain, which said the Czech republic was the last place Hitler was going to attack. He launched a new series of persecutions at home, this time against the Jews and followed in Hitler's footsteps.

Complementing gender analysis framework sociology essay

Contrary to the existing gender analysis frameworks, the Complementing Gender Analysis framework proposed by the author provides a new approach towards gender analysis which is based on perceived equity principle, putting men and women in complementing roles. Most of the gender analysis frameworks such as the Harvard Analytical Framework or the Gender Roles Framework, the →

Government’s responsibility on the environment

It is thus true that the today's government has a role to play in regulating and managing the environment we live in because the market system tends to ignore the environmental fallouts that have resulted in global warming issues. The government is also likely to spend a lot of money in implementing these policies.

Sahara desert

To the north, the Sahara Desert's northern boundary is the Mediterranean Sea, while in the south it ends at the Sahel, an area where the desert landscape transforms into a semi-arid tropical savanna. Since the Sahara Desert makes up nearly 10% of the African continent, the Sahara is often cited as the world's largest desert.


Currently, the trade relations between China and the U.S.is prosperous about 75% of U.S.imports are from China, making it the country's 4th largest partner. Trade and the transformation of China.

Learning to walk in the customer’s shoes

During the technology boom years of the 1990s, TI became a product- and technology-centric organization taking advantage of the demand of the times. In the case of TI, executives and managers participating in the training may be asked to rate training effectiveness by the percentage improvement they believe they can achieve because of the training.

How successful was the heath government of 1970-74 assignment

However, the Heath Government is widely considered to be a failure, there are many factors of the failure of the heath government, whether it be is failure in dealing with the trade unions, the devastating actions of Bloody Sunday or perhaps it was Heaths incredible bad luck during his time in power. However, one would →

The tales of coyote: a cultural, mythological, and literary analysis of chabon’s antagonist

To begin, one characteristic that Chabon borrows from Coyote, in the myth Coyote and the Origin of Death, to form his own antagonist is patience. This dialogue demonstrates Coyote's patience, something that is also found in the Native American myth of the Caddo: Coyote and the Origin of Death.

Emotional and sexual repression in winesburg, ohio

In " Drink," the reader follows a young man traumatized by his experiences of prostitutes growing up in an inner-city slum, and how his perception of women and sexuality changes after falling for a girl who is unlike the women he knew as a teenager. After he was forced to flee twenty years before the →

Emotional impact of absence: troubled personal development in ‘in the country of men’

The emotional hunger of Suleiman to be with his father is shown in his expressed desire to be ' following Baba like a shadow', the privilege rather of Nasser. Such confusion ultimately increases the distance between Suleiman and his father and results in an even greater emotional disconnection, and the loss of a reliable paternal →

Child sex abuse female offenders

Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic experience affecting the lives of not only the victim, but those close to the victim as well. Although most of the offenders receive proper punishment for their actions it is important to raise awareness of child sex abuse to minimize the child victimization.

Third wave feminism

It was surprising to our neighbors to see my mother supporting my decision to wander outside of the norm of our culture. On the same token, self-expression is the basis of my life decision to separate myself from the common beliefs of my culture.

Cancun – one of the largest tourist attractions of the world

Cancun is one of the largest tourist attractions of the world. Indulge in XoximilcoThis is one of the most popular traditions in the city of Cancun.

Le silence de la mer analysis

France, as is usual in her traditional guise of ' Marianne', is the feminised party; the ' femme' of the metaphor, whilst Germany is portrayed as the husband; the ' mari'. With the fairytale's protagonists evidently serving as symbols of the two countries, the soldier inverts the emotional dynamics of the story by focusing on →

Horses by edwin muir essay sample

It is thus a bridge between the past and present and is expressed in the form of a piece of literature. The closing paragraph of the poem is very powerful in how it expresses his mixed feelings towards the Horses.

Social theories on hiv

According to Goffman, the process of stigmatization takes place in contexts of mixed social interactions, which force the stigmatized person to confront or face the causes and effects of stigma. Goffman asserts that people have the ability to be in control of the social data or information that we utter to the world.

Corporate restructure essay

In general, the idea of corporate restructuring is to allow the company to continue functioning in some manner. Financial Restructuring Financial restructuring is the reorganization of the financial assets and liabilities of a corporation in order to create the most beneficial financial environment for the company.

Walt disney analyses

Furthermore, the environmental factors affect the activity of the company due to weather conditions that can be negative for the park's profitability, manufacturing prices and conditions. Is the largest media and entertainment company in the world and it owns 11 theme parks and various channels Disney is one of the major Hollywood studios Disney employed →

Health care careers diagram and summary essay sample

In the delivery of healthcare every member of the healthcare team plays important role in ensuring that the most appropriate care is provided to the patient to the best of their expert capabilities. As a primary healthcare professional in community pharmacy, they assist members of the community with the identification and treatment of both major →

Exploring team members’ roles

Belbin lists the labels and the principal concerns and characteristics of the eight roles as follows: Implementer concerned with the practical translation and application of concepts and plans developed by the team. This involves the clarification of team objectives and problems, assigning tasks and responsibilities, and encouraging team members to get involved in achieving objectives →

Blood brothers

The first time Edward and Mickey meet is when they are seven." My best friend always had sweets to share." Mickey is describing Eddie as his " best friend." When the brothers first met Edward shared sweets with Mickey, this small gesture started their friendship. The next time Edward and Mickey meet is when they →

The importance of bioequivalence

The importance of bioequivalence studies is increasing due to the large growth of the production and consumption of generic product. The rationale of bioequivalence study is the monitoring of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters after the administration of tested drugs.


The debate on whether the myths and legends about ghosts are true or false is on going and has come to a point of which it is all opinion. Although stories that have been passed down and may have changed but it is amazing that the stories dating back to Germanic times still hold the →

Race and ethnicity assignment

He helps us to learn more about the moral foundations and the values of each and the liberal and neoconservative perspective's on the morals they value more and why. I am the type of person that if I see someone in need of help or ask for my help, I will do what I can →

Yugoslavia break-up essay sample

It is important to note that this breakup was fostered by the civil war and the following genocide by the State of Croatia at the time of the Second World War, the formation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the overestimated idea of Greater Serbia and the when the Balkan adapted its policy of Pan-Slavism. NATO's →

Ford pinto argumentative essay

Assess fords handling of the pinto from the perspective of each of the moral theories discussed in this chapter. As Friedman has argued, the role of business is to make money and a cost benefit analysis is a very useful tool in figuring out how to do so.

I have a dream speech analysis

Due to the continued presence of racial inequality, segregation, and discrimination, Martin Luther King, Jr, uses allusions, metaphors, and parallelism in order to unite and motivate his audience to make a change and end racial inequality in America. He continues on, stating that it is time to " rise from the dark and desolate valley →

Marketing analysis case study: la shampoo analysis

It will help the company to encourage new customers who had never use La Shampoo. And the brand image is very important for La Shampoo as a stylist image.

Personality theory

According to the text, personality is not easily identifiable, but it can be recognized as? a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person? s behavior. The correlation of socioeconomic factors and the formation of an individual? s personality are hard to overlook when discussing personality →

Treatment: of treatment: 4 to 5 weeks.side

The type of surgery you undergo will depend on the type of breast cancer you have. It can be used to: try to cure the cancer completely make other treatments more effective for example, it can be combined with chemotherapy or used before surgery reduce the risk of the cancer coming back after surgery relieve →

Creating an interrelationship between firms

In the business environment, firms, companies, and industries work together in meeting the competing demands in the market and overcoming various obstacles. In fact, even with the best product and best business practice and ethics, a solid business relationship between companies and customers is very essential to the success of the business.

The road not taken – by robert frost essay sample

The road the traveler chooses may not be the easiest, however it is the may be most rewarding. This demonstrates that most people choose the other path: the choice made by the traveler was not a popular one.

One should be har working or smart working essay sample

MEANING OF SMART WORK: Working smart is working with a goal in mind, a goal that is meaningful to you. Source of motivation: While a smart worker derives his happiness from the deals he made and the work he got done, Hard worker is happy to solve difficult problems he encountered in course of his →

Pop culture

Interest of youth in the type of music has changed considerably as it is evident by the popularity of pop music, especially rock music, and the surge in interest of attending concerts. It has also lead youth to ignore the healthy nutritious food which is a main requirement of a growing body to provide strong →

Cross dressing

The stereotype that men are masculine and women are feminine is not the reality of gender versus sex. Cross dressing is viewed as wrong in the eyes of a stereotypical society.

Advertising ethics assignment

Think there needs to be more exultation services monitoring advertisement use of product deception, false advertising to children, ads for legal advices, negative misconstrued political ads, and stereotyping in ads.think the best way to determine whether or not an advertisement is unethical or not is by initiating and implementing measures similar to the Canadian Code →

the sampler essay sample

The old man thinks it is embarrassing getting reminded that he cannot afford the puddings, and he is therefore forced to buy the most expensive of the puddings to save his dignity. Also the old man is so confused and embarrassed, that the only thing he can think of is paying for the pudding, and →

Creation myth essay

Myth still remains one of the major links that merges the different cultures and religions from various ethnicities." The Creation of the Titans and the Gods", as well as " The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe", are among the many creation myths that highlight these combinations. The Greek and Roman legend " The →

Who learns more from inspector goole’s visit and why essay

At the beginning of the play, Mr Birling is described " hard-headed business man", this shows his character being really arrogant and it shows all he cares about is money and it shows all he cares about is money. However Mr Birling is furious at Eric and is more concerned about the money than the →

Pcs model

The theory is based on the idea that people are capable of solving their own problems and that it is important to work on problems the client deems important. One of the benefits of this is to empower the client in the collaborative role used in task centered work.