4 Pages Essay Samples

Comparative formal analysis of artworks

The emphasis on different body parts of the sculptures signifies a shift in culture due to the rise of civilization. Comparing to that of the Venus of Wildflower, the statuettes have a more normal proportion, despite the size of their eyes and hands.

Give me dignity or give me death

It is not in place for the fighters of disease. And it is the patient who deserves the right to make that decision.

Ethics paper on death penalty assignment

One of the scenes from Green Mile, a film staring the famous Tom Hanks, portrays a scene where a prisoner Is sentenced to death. Later on in the movie, John Coffey, who was an innocent man who was sentenced to the death penalty for a crime he was accused of.

10 reasons why late to bed and late to rise can make you successful

Now there is no doubt these men are highly successful, but I have had some significant success myself and have found that I am most comfortable and successful when my sleep time is 1 to 2 a.m.and my wake time is 7 to 8 a.m. I look at my calendar at night for the next β†’

The rivalry among competing sellers economics essay

We have analysis here the five force competition in context with Tourism industry analysis of the five force of competition, are as under relating to Tourism Industry. The strongest of the five competitive forces is usually the jockeying for position and buyer favour that goes on among rival sellers of Tourism Industry.

Post partum assessment

Signs of being anxious, depressed, uncooperative, etc: None present Partner or spouse available and/or supportive: Yes, partner is by the mother's side and actively engaging baby. Heart Sounds S1 and S2: Present Murmur: None present Breasts Wearing bra: Yes, Supportive Soft, filling, firm, engorged, redness, or area of tenderness or discomfort: Breast or filling with β†’

Inclusivity dynamics that work for unskilled nurses

Strengths and Weaknesses The nursing profession in Australia is currently one of the most robust as a result of the wave of inclusivity for unskilled workers. J, " Strategies for Enhancing Autonomy and Control Over Nursing Practice" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol.

Moby dick and the whaling industry

Herman Melville uses the perils of whaling to develop his idea of revenge in his well-written book, Moby Dick. As he describes the events in his book, he uses his own thoughts and the thoughts and feelings of other characters in the book from an outside point of view.

Ockham technologies case

The case ends as James Triandiflou, the founder of Ockham Technologies, describes the company's early growth in launching an enormous deal with IBM and triumph over financing their business operations because it received financing offers from successful investors and venture capital firms. Ockham's realized that the deadline to deliver the product was tight.

Li&fung case study analysis

Recommendations 0 The first step that Lie & Fun should take in order to continue expanding its business and reach its target requires us to look back at factors that have successfully contributed to the current formation of Al & Fun, namely through acquisitions. In conclusion, we believe that Lie & Fun is definitely well-positioned β†’

The effects of gender socialization assignment

I recall when I was in elementary school I was encouraged to play only with boys and to show no interest In girls. It is part of human nature for culture to be in competition with each other; however I have really noticed the competition within my own class and race.

What were the causes and effects of the salem witch trials assignment

The girls were asked to name the witches that had bewitched them and they spoke the names of three women. The girls also called him the " Black Minister" and agreed that he was the leader of the Salem Coven.

Not enough affordable housing essay sample

Global citizenship focuses on the world we live in and the people living in it because we as people make the world what it is today. When they migrate to Canada, they are trying to make a better living for their family but the problem with that is not being able to find good jobs β†’

Lying is never right

This is because, according to Webster, it is possible to lie without making a false statement and without any intention of deceiving. Lying is opposed to the virtue of truth or veracity.

Buy usa

The exporters could obtain such information from the commercial services of the government website and could participate in those trade shows to explore opportunities in the international markets. The commercial website provides registration opportunities to the exporters of the state for participating in the trade shows and international business events.

How animals in art can reflect cultural values

Cultural values differ between places and times, for example the Old Stone Age cave paintings at Lascaux in France, give us an insight into the importance of the animals to the existence of the people at that time. The painting shows a lightning storm in the background with the rain falling in a diagonal direction; β†’

Texas deca facts – spring 2017

The four outer points represent the second set of DECA's guiding principles and the polished leaders DECA prepares. The dues for membership in National DECA are $8.00.

Google’s offering

To participate in the auction for the IPO, the underwriters will require that an investor agrees to accept electronic delivery of Google's prospectus, any amended prospectus and the final prospectus. A bid received by any underwriter will not constitute an obligation or commitment of any kind by the bidder prior to the closing of the β†’

Buying behaviour analysis essay

INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL, AND CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR BUSINESS BUYING BEHAVIOR AND BUYING PROCESS Buying behavior can be defined as the activities and decision process that involves in choosing between alternatives, procuring and using products and services The behavior of buyers is broadly categories into two types 1) Endogenous factor. Feature Article Holiday Decision Making Process STAGES β†’

Eternal law and human law

I agree with Augustine's argument on the necessity of both eternal law and human law and the belief of how temporal law is based on eternal law. Though there are many differences between eternal law and human law, Augustine elaborates that eternal law is both necessary and crucial for human law to exist.

Problematic issues nursing students encounter

The lung in to the unrevealed world of work based with a combination of conceptual and experimental learning which authorities professionalism, worth, knowledge, skill and positive attitude on the sector nursing care. Clinical learning experience is one of the main nursing education which is effective to the progress of qualifying to nursing the experience can β†’

The art of acting: character and social class in behind a mask

By first understanding the role of the governess in the household, one can see how Muir artfully carries on her act, while, at the same time, showing how the Coventry family performs in much the same manner. It is important to first draw attention to the role of the governess in the household.

Police officers and power abuse

If police officers are abusing their power through corruption, without any regard for human rights and by taking advantage of the law. Stand up against officers abusing their power through corruption, without any regard for human rights and those who are taking advantage of the law.

Teachers perception of gender bias in the classroom education essay

Their research illustrates that male students not only receive more of the teachers' attention in reference with the number of the questions asked in the classrooms, but the same is also true in case of the follow-up questions. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM While a significant amount of research exists in context of students' perceptions of β†’

William shakespeare’s “sonnet 18”

Throughout the sonnet, Shakespeare is comparing his lover to a summer's day, while coming to the conclusion that his lover is much better than summer. The most prominent figure of speech used in " Sonnet 18 is the extended metaphor comparing Shakespeare's lover to a summer's day throughout the whole sonnet".

Two-career family versus one-career family

Two-career family versus one-career family Two-career family versus one-career family In the recent years, the rate of divorce hasgone high globally and this can be associated to a couple of reasons. In doing this, there is a risk that one of the areas will not fully be attended to; either the family or the career.

Lab work 9

Pericardium- a fibrous tissue that covers the outside of the heart and some parts of the attached major blood vessels. The capillary is the site of the actual exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other metabolic products between the blood and the tissues of the body.

Bottling company persuasive essay

Although the consumers in Jordan have much of options for other drinking water utility options, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Jordan has the advantage of a strong brand name of the parent company. 24 The Macro-Environment of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Jordan The macro-environment refers to the key aspects of the organization that are β†’

Concepts of electrostasis

In the case of the inner electrons, the opposite is true. As a result, the intensity of the earthquake is recorded.) A length of wire is bent into a closed loop and a magnet is plunged into it, inducing a voltage and, consequently, a current in the wire.

Hedonism and the experience machine philosophy essay

If you want to plug into the machine, this means that pleasure is the only thing that you desire, and if you do not want to plug in to the experience machine, then there other things besides pleasure that matter to you. We would not want to plug in to the machine because we believe β†’

Making the case for teaching our boys to… bring me home a black girl

This audience may or may not be convinced by the reasons put forward by the author, however, given that the article puts down love, which is one of the strongest appeals to pathos, in favor of racial superiority and inferiority that are said to remain in interracial marriages, according to a senior marketing executive who β†’

Strategic management – nike & reebok

Reebok is a global sports and fitness company and there purpose is to ignite a passion for winning to do the extraordinary, and to capture the customer's heart and mind. To sum up, it is obvious from the competitive strategies that Nike is leader in innovation and complex products and Reebok is leader in performance β†’

Developments in transportation

A lot of cities in New York benefited from the Erie Canal which "...connected the Great Lakes and the Midwest to the Hudson River and New York City". In the beginning of America's independence, they realized that trade and a flourishing economy were going to be important factors in their success.


It can even strike people who are not predisposed to it, primarily because of the influence of the modern civilization - above all, the development of technologies that diminish the amount of physical movements for people and, of course, the spread of fast-food that is a source of extra calories and a reason for multiple β†’

The boston matrix for cadbury’s

This is the category in which products within this category have a high growth and also have a higher share within the market too. The reason this section is the best section is because products within this section need very little amount of advertising due to the high market share that they have.

Abstract or outline essay

This will be the second page of the paper. Format of the Abstract The abstract will be page 2 of your research essay.

Summer readin essay (lord of flies + dr jekyll and

The relation is that Ralph is mainly a good kid that is just enjoying himself by not having adult supervision and Jekyll is the good side. He is very likable and has shows good leadership in the beginning of the story.

Alignment of academic standards with ell proficiency standards

The law say that each state is to embrace English Language Learners in the state assessment and evaluate the student's language skill " with valid, reliable assessments in the areas of oral language and reading and writing skills, more specifically comprehension, speaking, listing, reading, and writing". Since the federal standards has been made to the β†’

Booker t washington famous person

She was a leader of a large protest against segregated eating places, and she was the only black women to speak at the International Congress of Women in 1904 that was held in Berlin, Germany. C, she was one of the few black women invited to speak on the Pan-African Conference in London.

The truman show critique assignment

Everything in the show is set up to make Truman's life perfect, everything is taken care of, he does not need to worry about anything, everything is provided; Christof controls every little thing that takes place in the life of Truman, he has the power of making things happen. In addition, The Truman Show is β†’

Chapter jack rabbit male).who would often would wear,black

He was a young boy growing up, that was good but he was bullied to death and he lost his own mind, and made murder slowly with his own mind. A scream was coming out of the house with a wife and husband upstairs-he was sitting back when his wife was giving birth.

Personal statment for pharmacy school

I had to suspend what I had come to do and join in the delivery of medicines to the locals. Working in the drug store has added to the wealth of passion I have developed in Pharmacy.

Study on the spanish conquest history essay

The Aztecs on the other hand conquered and ruled over Central Mexico and their culture was rich and they had a wealthy living. Upon the arrival, Spaniards were astonished by the advancement of their cities." Gazing on such wonderful sights...there were great cities, and in the lake ever so many more, and the lake itself β†’


Product Engineer Will Lewis explains, " Fan design is as much an art as a science, so more often than not the quickest and cheapest way to determine a fan's performance is to prototype it and test it. For example, Vent-Axia has used toolmakers in Korea, and the data could be transferred to them within β†’

History of art paper assignment

The " Statuette of a Standing Woman" currently in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is made of terracotta and dates back to sometime in the late fourth or early third century BC. The portrayal reflects a realistic approach to life and strong attention to detail evident in the folds β†’

The world’s industrial fisheries

Another factor that has been instrumental in affecting the population of these black-legged kittiwakes in the North Sea has been the change in oceanographic variables. The most common form of prey for the black-legged kittiwakes is the sandeel, and it has been shown that during the most active period of sandeel fishery the survival of β†’

Herbert marcuse: one dimensional man

Reassessing Subjectivity, Criticality, and Inclusivity: Marcuse's Challenge to Adult Education. Reassessing Subjectivity, Criticality, and Inclusivity: Marcuse's Challenge to Adult Education.

The wonderful benefits of school lunches

Since the meat is assumably fake, the manufacturers can inject all the vitamins and minerals you need for the day into that one piece of chicken. Most students think that the school does not care as to how the lunches are ' disgusting', but they do.

Its you might think we are crazy, believing

I printed out maps of the camp, and Fran printed out the schedule so we know exactly what time and place to escape. I tiptoed over to Fran's cabin, and knocked on the door.

Psychology: reaction paper

This education will also enable me to know the right methods that they can use to make the customers use their strengths to tackle some of their problems. At this stage I can have an understanding of the clients' problems, and I will be able to learn various aspects like the strengths that each customer β†’

The stress reaction

The body's fight or flight response kicks in every time the brain perceives a threat and hormones are secreted in the body to ready it to cope with the danger. McEwen and Krahn opine " How a person copes with stress by reaching for a beer or cigarette as opposed to heading to the gym β†’

Tax return position paper

The regulations are issued by the treasury with the intention of giving guidance to the internal revenue code. The role of internal revenue code is to enable the taxpayer to trace tax references and materials used in taxation.

Gluten free diet: pros and cons essay

A gluten free diet is the path that some among us must take, but only those that fall under the umbrella of gluten intolerance and all that it covers. What people do not relies is that the intake of fruits and vegetables are supposed to increase.

What exactly is abortion and why is it so controversial?

An abortion is a procedure, either surgical or medical, to end a pregnancy by removing the fetus and placenta from the uterus. Abortion is one of the most divisive and controversial issues of our day.

Untitled document

The idea of writer's block originated in the 1800's, when writers and poets believed that their creativity came from various deities, and a shortage of ideas indicated a disappointment of the gods. The first step in relieving the strain of writer's block is to come to terms with the fact that it is perfectly normal.

Human development

The child gathers up the information in his view of the world at different ages and incorporates them in his mind in the form of conscious intelligence. Consider the development of language and explain how that might influence the development of the concept of the self.

Steel industry in youngstown, ohio

The abundance of large deposits of coal and iron contributed to the development of the steel industry in the area. The growth in power of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s also contributed to the increasing class conflict in Youngstown.

Leflunomide c12h9f3n2o2 structure

3 C Molar Refractivity 61.0 0. 3 cm 3 Polarizability 24.2 0.

Aging & psychosocial

To a certain extent, it has been considered by Estes that the major difficulties that are faced by the elderly, for that of the geographical area of the United States are those which are brought about by the perceptions that are formed of them. The clear emphasis of the author with regard to the relevance β†’

Knowing your audience argumentative essay

This paper will discuss some of the potential needs of the families of the miners in receiving a message about this incident. As mentioned earlier, there are some considerations a person has to remember when communicating with the families of the victims and employees in this matter because of the different roles and people in β†’

Editorial: clinical microbiology in low resource settings

Editorial on the Research Topic Clinical Microbiology in Low Resource Settings The field of clinical microbiology faces increased pressures in low and middle-income countries where the burden of infection is highest and health systems appear least able to respond to pressures, such as antimicrobial resistance. The regional and national variations of clinical microbiology implementation in β†’

The of it is to support and

Organizational contexts and climates do play a role in how groupware systems work, but people present a serious challenge to the quality and efficiency of groupware solutions. People often present the most serious challenge to the quality and efficiency of groupware systems.

Global warming – persuasiveassignment assignment

The seventh core principle is 7.) Research that identifies the Sun as a major driver of global climate change must be taken more seriously. EDP argued the sun is a major driver of global climate change in the sense that it is what gives us heat it is the atmosphere that regulates temperature it is β†’

Does globalization have a purpose

This is one of the negative and most visible aspects of globalization on a tax system. C) iii) Masson's paper starts by outlining the economic dimensions of globalization - increase in the flows of trade, capital and information.

A passage to india

The assault charges filed by Adela, however, are a turning point in the novel; indeed, this is where the limits of the friendship between Fielding and Dr. In the final analysis, Fielding and Dr.

L robert kohls view on understanding american values

The inner beliefs dictate how a person views themselves and some of the values include the idea that Americans believe they can control their own fate, that each person is equal to each other, that we have the right to privacy, and change is good and brings about personal growth. As Americans follow the values β†’

Creepy craig story

Zara always felt suspicious of the man who lived there, because when she waited for the lift to go to the floor of her unit, he would stand there at least four times a week and watch her as the doors closed. She felt uneasy about being on her own but it was only a β†’

The window towards the lighthouse

One example, in particular, is that of the drawing room window, which develops the story's theme that memory defends the mind against the strain of change. The majority of the action of the first scene occurs in the backyard, but one main character, Mrs.

The conscious and the unconscious

The conscious part of the mind is what readily available to our thoughts as we percieve them, The preconscious is the part of the unconscious the closest to the conscious. On the other side of the scale, Erickson consider the unconscious both of the patient and the therapist as the best ally to the cure β†’

Peace and simplicity: defining freedom

Washington knew that freedom was real and that it was essential to have in the new government in North America. Freedom is the ability to choose, and so they did have freedom.

Islamic finance

Hence, the present state of this Islamic finance is trying to upgrade and cope up with the economic, banking and finance crisis with trend and advance in technology and it seems it will still be involving from generations to generations. Hence, the major concern in analysis to this monetary transaction is to evade riba despite β†’

Circularity and nonlinear narrative in β€˜jasmine’

At the end of the novel, Jasmine narrates: " Watch me reposition the stars, I whisper to the astrologer who floats cross-legged above my kitchen stove," which brings back up the image of the astrologer and ties the end of the novel back to the beginning. In Jasmine, Bharati Mukherjee challenges Western modes of understanding β†’

A refreshing analysis of t.s. eliot’s “the love song of j. alfred prufrock”

Through Eliot's use of bleak imagery, a wavering tone, and carefully connoted diction, Prufrock is portrayed as a highly uneasy, indecisive, and scared man." The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and ultimately the grave flaws of a fragmented mind.

Theater of cruelty essay

For Antonin Artaud, the theater's " double" was life and it was a " double" not merely in its efforts to reproduce situations that could presumably happen in real homes and real streets to real people, but also in the sense that the theatre, like life, had in it the ability to contain " metaphysics, β†’

Value of philosophy

Value of Philosophy Philosophy is the study of questions and reasoning which leads to the betterment of the individual who studies it. An engineer who is required to build a bridge requires only practical knowledge such as the tensile strength of materials, the densities, and the weight the bridge is required to carry.

Manufacturer – kea case study

To strike a balance between less expensive and cheap, KEA implements its strategy in designing, building and distributing its products that passes the taste of customers In terms of price and quality.2. Along the process of manufacturing the product, the designing is continuous with changes being made to make it more economical to produce, package β†’

General study: elementary or early childhood education assignment

Title of the Career; Nature and/or description of the career; Training and education required for the career; Jobs outlook for the future; Earning potential of the career; Positives and negatives of the field; Required skills, knowledge and abilities to perform the Job; Related occupations. As a teacher, you will wear many hats a communicator, a β†’

The lessons of loneliness and isolation in β€˜black boy’

As Wright grows older, his constant exclusion from society informs his development as a character and further informs the person that he is to become, by virtue of the light he shines on his isolation from his family, the White world, and African American society. Richard brings to the forefront of the consciousness of his β†’

Coffee shop marketing plan essay sample

Coffee Break will ever offer a assortment in the bill of fare and miscellaneous java drinks in concurrence with a structured conversation system. On each tabular array there will be a subject.and the frequenter is free to discourse the non secular subject.

The butler lumber essay sample

Thus, it is imperative to analyze the various options available to Mark Butler in order to meet the cash needs of the Butler Lumber Company. Thirdly, an important part of the assets that contributed to the shortage of funds is the firm's accounts receivables.

Personality reflection

In fact, it can never be compulsory, because personality can only be revealed in relation to circumstances that are appropriate to the aspect of personality that is relevant. In creating an accurate picture of a personality, observation is the only way in which to truly gain an understanding of how someone has developed in socialization β†’

Critical thinking

I had to inject a lot of critical thinking in my post-secondary school education to have a break through and never to regret thereafter.in the choice of which university to join I had to take into account the pros and cons of each institution from comparing and analyzing what each of the universities offered in β†’

Requirements analysis and railway reservation

The purpose of this source is to describe the railway reservation system which provides the train timing details, reservation, billing and cancellation on various types of reservation namely, Confirm Reservation for confirm Seat. 2 RESERVATION: After checking the number of seats available the customers reserve the tickets.4.2.2.

Is a college education important

The reasoning I have behind disagreeing with Allitt is that although in his eyes these courses are unnecessary, the idea of college is to make one a well-rounded student, in all aspects of the academic world. In conclusion to this article that I have written, I feel as though I am now capable of giving β†’

Social justice assignment

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations report of the State of Food Insecurity in the World in 2004, every six seconds a child dies because Of hunger and related causes. World hunger is occurring to 870 millions people in the world and 98 percent of them are in developing countries.

Why are some volcanoes more hazardous than others essay

There are several reasons that influence volcanic hazards, these include the viscosity of the magma, proximity to population centres, materials that are ejected from the volcano, the magnitude of the eruption and the plate margin that the volcano rests upon. The other, less viscous lava is the basic lava which has a 44-52% silica content β†’

The environmental social and economic impacts of building environmental sciences essay

The construction and operation of buildings consume tremendous amounts of natural resources while producing wastes and pollutants that contribute to environmental damage and potentially compromise the health and productivity of building occupants. The City of Bloomington uses the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system to assess the sustainability β†’

Is salem witch trials a joke?

To continue, most did not know that children were executed an accused for practicing witchcraft which was very sad to know that so many innocent were slaughter and imprisoned by this one allegation that was not actually true it had become so despicable that people would actually kill all those innocent souls doing too being β†’


A salmonella infection is set to begin with the bacteria entering the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa. Describe how it affects humans The salmonella bacteria attack the stomach and intestines.

Engineering design project

The specimen is a Fire Resistant Glass System which the thickness Of the glass is 16 mm. B) Describe the fire performance and the fire behavior of the selected system.

Discussion board forum pontiac got

When he drove out to the property, Martin was surprised to see smoke rising from the stone chimney of a little cabin that someone had constructed in the center of the land since the last time Martin had visited. When he drove up to the restaurant, Martin noticed a sign that indicated valet parking was β†’

A study on technical analysis. pcs securities ltd.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM It is always difficult to the customers to trace the market trend due to dynamic changes of the market. To study the risk and return of the securities.3.

Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

Which stance do sociologists strive to adopt, and what are the difficulties associated with that position According to Andersen and Taylor, culture refers to the values a given society holds, the symbols they admire, the language they speak, the material goods they can create and the norms they adhere to. According to sociological theory, the β†’

Taking out summer vacation? assignment

Summer breaks are the only time of the year when students can stop being students and forget about school! One of the main reasons why summer vacations should continue on is because that is the time when students can relax and lay off the stress that kids from grade ne to university go through all β†’

The effect of social media and the digital age assignment

The Effect of Social Media and the Digital Age on New and Independent Musicians ay sh0J02424 Social Media and Music: The Effect of Social Media and the Digital Age on New and Independent Artists Traditionally, artists have had to beat down the doors of big name record companies to get their records heard in the β†’