4 Pages Essay Samples

A comparison of the openings of a streetcar named desire and a view from the bridge

The opening of a play is naturally one of its most important parts, serving as an introduction to its setting, characters and themes; the best openings also encapsulate both the intentions and style of the playwright. By contrast, Miller gives a brief and more practical set design in A View From the Bridge, with its β†’

African american history of dance assignment

The dance " Pattin' Juba" was developed by patting the side of the thigh and the hip and clapping to produce a syncopated rhythm. The purpose of the dance was to ward off unwelcome spirits or to keep the spirit of the dead in.

Literature: the chronicles of narnia and fantasy

The poem and story that I chose was an African Poem by Walter Dean Myers and the story the Chronicles of Narnia. I have viewed the Chronicles of Narnia and this story seems to have a strong affect on many viewers and I believe it is due to the fantasy of the story but the β†’

A story about tutankhamun in a book by christina riggs

After the rich description of the differences of " cloth" garments and wound bandages, Riggs cleverly provides the reader with pictures of the different styles of wrapping that were practiced in Ancient Egypt for the different classes. Riggs uses endnotes in the back of the book to provide additional information for the reader about the β†’

Western civilization: concept identifications

Word could be spread much farther and more rapidly with more copies of the news, and censorship of this same news was much harder to control. He also translated a much more accurate version of the New Testament due to his fluency in Latin and Greek.

Blow enable the clients to decide the general

Themost essential and the most usually made inquiry, when the client is purchasingsomething, is which item to purchase, in light of the fact that there is anawesome request of innovation when it demonstrates its check in the worldwidemarket. The first and the preeminent is the nature of the item that isbeing purchased.

The marriages solemnized before the commencement of

It now enables either party to a marriage to move for a decree of judicial separation on any one of the grounds specified in sub-section of Section 13, and in the case of wife also on any of the grounds specified in sub-section thereof, as grounds on which a petition for divorce might have been β†’

A comparison of confucianism,taoism and shintoism

In this case, Confucianism and Taoism in the Chinese religion follow some of the same principles, as well as Shintoism in the Japanese religion. For example, in one of the teachings of Confucian Jen it is quoted, " The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of β†’

Mint bar and restaurant evaluation

This was the main area of focus before creating our campaign as once we had decided on the age, gender and social class of our audience we could go about creating our campaign to appeal to this audience. We used young people in the adverts to appeal to the 18 to 25 year olds of β†’

Qualitative data and collection methods

This approach allows the researcher to know the specifics as well as the intent of an activity or the people involved. The researcher in this case does not in any way mingle or influence the actions of the participants in a context or event.

A day in the life in the future: the contemporary man in saturday

In Ian McEwan's Saturday, the protagonist Henry Perowne is given the task of representing the trials of being a contemporary man. This description moves away from the standardized government-dictated society that the world is living in, which contributes to Henry's image of a future man.

Parents responsibility assignment

Thirdly, you are to come up with an argumentative essay of about 500 words entitled '" Parents should be held solely responsible for their children's actions." Do you agree? ' and submit the essay to your English teacher on the first day of school in Term 3. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits The Task β†’

Amines functionalized upconversion nanoparticles synthesis

The utilization of near infrared laser to induced the multiple photons energy transfer impart to the minimization of auto-fluorescence, less damage to cells, and larger penetration depth compete with ultraviolet excitation. In this method, rare earth trifluoroacetates are heated to attain thermal equilibrium in the presence of oleic acid and octadecene.


In Windows 7 Case Study Page 4 of 7 January 2009, Microsoft released a beta version of Windows 7 to the first 2. Microsoft, upon the eventual launch of Windows 7, needed to counter Apple's marketing strategy with one of their own that would help prospective customers see the benefits of Windows ND using a β†’

Managing business resources

2) External recruitment refers to the organisation in this case u insure looking for people to recruit outside of the organisation. A letter of application is also an option; it can be used for instead of application a form but now days they are being used less frequently, this is due to the Equality commission β†’

Communication barriers essay

In this assignment I will be writing about what I understand about communication barriers and how to overcome them, I will also be writing about what are the barriers in my work placement and the strategies that are used that could overcome the barriers Communication barriers are what stops the message getting across or stops β†’

The role of the courts in education

The Role of Courts in Education When there is any conflict between how education is being dispensed and the protection of the rights and freedom ofAmerican citizens under the Constitution, the judiciary and the courts had historically stepped in and should continually to do so. Three of the issues where the courts have successfully resolved β†’

Impact of legislation on internal revenue service

The paper aims to analyze and review the IRS's information security program and its program evaluation programs in accordance with Cyber Security Legislative Proposal of 2012, the Presidential Policy Directive pertaining to critical infrastructure resilience and security and the Executive Order 13636 relating to the improvement of cybersecurity critical infrastructure. Additionally, the measure of expanding β†’

The rape charge filed by the complainant

It is the onus of the Crown to prove a guilt that erases reasonable doubt to overcome the presumption of innocence that should exceed the evidentiary threshold. In cases like these, it is required that the bar of justice be set much higher to avoid a miscarriage of justice.

Plate tectonics and weathering and erosion

According to this, it is important to fix all furniture in the house and lay in a supply of primary necessities. The third type of weathering includes plants and animals that may get into cracks of rocks and with own habitat damage the ground, compelling the rocks to push apart.

Using assessment and feedback

Assessment and Feedback Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in a Gifted Classroom The modern education system recognizes the differences in cognitive abilities, talent, language, interest, and skills among the students. The Role of Assessment and Grading in a Differentiated Classroom.

Safety memo case essay

For this case, The Safety Memo, was sent out to everyone In the office and was intended to be informative and for good use to help the company. It needs to be Implemented so you are able to dullness's who Is In what role In the company and who to ask or report to If β†’

How to bake a cake essay sample

Understanding the personal diet restrictions of the people whom intend to eat the cake is a very important step in the cake baking process. To enjoy a slice of cake but avoid uncomfortable symptoms of lactose intolerance regular milk and butter would not be the ingredients to use.

5 questions about china law

In relation to a work which is created under the sponsorship, and according to the will, of a legal person or any other organization, and for which the said person or organization has the responsibility, the said person or organization will be regarded as the author. For a Chinese citizen copyright owner, how long can β†’

Ancient chinese contributions

This paper identifies ten of the most useful inventions that we owe to the ancient Chinese culture, and then pinpoints four of the author's particular favorites. Ten useful inventions that we owe to the ancient Chinese culture Most people are aware that the Chinese invented paper and gunpowder, though cites the four major inventions of β†’

Demonstrate employment skills and behaviors acquired during my work placement

When I was at BP I made sure to turn off and lock my computer when I left it unattended, kept all information to myself and did not share it with family and friends and also had to sign a confidentiality contract when I first joined. I also communicated with my team face to face β†’

Women in puritan society

In The Heretic's Daughter and The Scarlet Letter, both of the main characters, two different but also similar women, endure suffering not at the hands of their peers, but by the will of the local religious institution, Puritanism. The situations the characters found themselves in were mostly because of their personalities, the strictness of Puritanism, β†’

Analysis of the book β€˜ 1984 β€˜ by george orwell

In 1984, written by George Orwell, the cliche " Actions speak louder than words" is supported in that Winston says he will rebel against the Party but in the end gives into the Party and follows them and also how Julia says she wants to fully rebel against the Party yet only rebels is in β†’

Clueless – representation of teenagers essay

This shows that teenagers love to party and socialise with other people even if it is in the presence of misbehaving. However, this film is an unfair representation of teenagers because the majority of teenagers are serious about their education and are not that rebellious to authority figures shown in Clueless.

Discuss the impact of data quality problems

MySpace later installed a layer of servers between the database servers and the Web servers to store and serve copies of frequently accessed data objects so that the site's Web servers would not have to query the database servers with lookups as frequently. Some of the problems MySpace has encountered are the inadequate storage space β†’

The age of imperialism and the future developments of european politics

This indicated the extent of mistreatment and the main aim of colonization which was to acquire as much of the resources as they could from the colonies. A speech by Kaiser Wilhelm II; the German emperor directed to the North Regatta Association in 1901 shows that the acquisition of the territories by the European states β†’

Marx and burke’s contrasting views of ideal progress

Such repugnance, in fact, was indeed expressed by Marx, reflecting the two polar views of his and Burke's respective philosopher parents, in this quote directed at Burke: The sycophant-who in the pay of the English oligarchy played the romantic laudator temporis acti against the French Revolution just as, in the pay of the North American β†’

Calm and conceited – the white male traveler in film, from classic to propaganda

He, the white male traveler, mimics these same behaviors which author Ann Kaplan juxtaposes through the combination of male and imperial gaze in her analytical piece " Looking for the Other: Feminism, Film and the Imperial Gaze". Kaplan's analysis of the male and imperial gaze perfectly consociates the cinematic techniques to the social and cultural β†’

Kill turnus, refound rome: the closing scene of the aeneid

Aeneas killing Turnus at the very close of his story is directly a step toward the founding of Rome and also relates to the reestablishment of Rome under Augustus. In this case, Aeneas is analogous to Augustus and Turnus plays the role of Antony.

Get out: illustration of the enduring yet elusive psychology of slavery

In the film Get Out, director Jordan Peele expresses the idea of modern slavery and systemic racism through the satirical portrayal of racial exploitation and suppression. Moreover, Peele utilizes the sunken place as a metaphor for the subdual of black identity and modern slavery in a white-dominated society.

Cooperative principle essay example

The theory posits that speakers tend not to speak to prevent misinterpretation and the listeners on the other hand give the speaker the benefit of the doubt by making assumptions that some sense is being conveyed. His primary objective is to unravel the mystery behind the process of the speaker generating the meaning and how β†’

Standing firm on the word of god religion essay

There is no immediate antidote to sort everything problem, but there is a place of calm, where the hustle and bustle of life challenges cannot touch you.* Do you know that there are words in the Bible for every situation in your life?* When storms are blowing in your life you forget that Jesus is β†’

Research article analysis internal consistency reliability concept

After this selection, the experiment proceeded to the 1989 study with the stereotypes of the ageing people being varied with people's attitudes towards the elderly, attitude tow the ageing process, the capability of the elderly and their social capacities. An example of the within-subjects in the Braithwaite et al, research is where Anova was used β†’

Themes in samuel beckett’s β€˜waiting for godot

Recognizing the social order is an illusion and believing that the world is absurd, they can as in the theatre of the absurd present bizarre characters in bizarre situations. Some of the themes that occur and ' reoccur' in Beckett's works are, the search of self, the absurdity of man in the world, the dedication β†’

Overview of shamanism

The shaman uses sacred words, objects and rituals to protect men from evil spirits, his role is that of rival to the bad spirits and a guardian to the ordinary man. The belief in spirits and the ability of the Shaman to communicate with spirits was important to Shamanism.

Leadership strategy

It is a fundamental change in the ways the organization The study will relay on the comparative case study, because of availability of literature on the topical issue. Fourthly, evaluation of the changes already implemented in the organization is paramount to the success of the organizational objectives.

Malnutrition case study sample

Also, PF his condition and the fact that his wife is not able to take care of him must be major sources of psychological stress to him. Apart from other causes, hormones and cytokines are also linked to pathophysiology of renal and heart failure-induced cachexia.

Animal farm: society in the eyes of twain and swift

This is what separates man from animals." The Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain and " A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift both present a different view by comparing human behavior to that of animals, but while Swift has written an essay that sarcastically proposes a radical solution to Irish poverty, Twain presents human beings β†’

Whiteness of a different color essay

In Ethnic Islands: The Emergence of Urban Chinese America, Ronald Attack speaks to the role of china towns had in the perception of Asians in the U. The depiction of the Irish as inferior and similar to blacks and Indians is captured in the witnessing of the Irish New York City draft riots Of 1863.

History of northern and southern united states

By the start of the nineteenth century the industrial revolution began in the North. As the Union had a paid work force, the profits made were lower and the cost of the finished manufactured item higher.

What is self-care theory?

This paper will have three parts; the first part will explore the effects of the nursing intervention on subjective distress, side effects and quality of life of breast cancer patients, the second part will examine how to utilize the internet and what challenges the researcher faced, and last using the computers office tools a pie β†’

The house on mango street – esperanzas voice

Even with all the issues that Esperanza faces, she uses poetry as a means of escape, and uses it to help rebuild her self-confidence. The House on Mango Street talks about the shame Esperanza feels due to her families poverty, the unfairness of the racism she faces, and how beautiful poetry and music can be.

To a civil war

While many may argue that the division between the states views on slavery was the contributing factor leading to the Civil War, economic sustainability was the contributing factor which lead to a civil war and concerns such as a differential beliefs and values, economics, and political interests. The Expansion of Slavery in the United States.

The internet real-name system

The real-name system takes the effect of anonymous statement too easily, which affect the rights of freedom and supervision of the Internet users. 2010 The anaylysis of real-name system in Taobao.com.[Online].

Charpy impact test of polypropylene at various temperatures

The distinct difference between the two methods is the fact that a specimen tested in the Izod is fixed in the horizontal direction instead of vertical direction tested in the Charpy.Fig. There is a large variety of methods to measure impact energy of polymers and the most common used test is the Charpy test.

Healing hospital: a daring paradigm

Components of Healing Hospitals The premise of healing hospitals is on the creation of an optimal healing environment for the patient. Therefore, the wellness of these aspects of the patient is critical for the realization of the healing objective through concern for the patient, compassion and unconditional love.

Robertson davies: the pleasures of love essay

Robert Davies sends a message to the young against love and to the questings of uncommitted middle age. Thus adults and young couples who lack the meaning of this concept in their affairs fail to experience the pleasures of love.

Tata ace- case study

Ruling out the possibility of developing large commercial vehicles due to the high cost of development and fearing loss of revenues from their niche standard size truck segment, Tata motors decided to develop TATA ACE targeting the Light Commercial Vehicle Segment. Tata Motors addressed all the key requirements of the market with TATA ACE, A β†’

Moore’s theory of democracy analysis

He makes a pointed argument, comparatively explaining how relationships between classes change with increasing commercialization of agriculture and this lays the groundwork for the process of change in the social structures.[1] Moore elaborates on the political and economic power of class structures and the process of social change, and he analyzes their relationship and how β†’

To kill a mockingbird

This allows the reader to witness Aunt Alexandra in a tender light and catch a glimpse of who she really is. Out of all the impressions we get of Aunt Alexandra this is one of the most significant as it is the point Aunt Alexandra realises that she does not have to conform to the β†’

Comparison of engineering licensing system

However, we will only be looking in to the part 66 subpart D of FAR which concerns the Mechanics and the licensing requirements necessary for the issue of an Aircraft Maintenance License in the USA. We will be going in to details of the CA I-J part 66 which includes all the requirements which are β†’

Good example of case study on highway administrator case

The reliability of a crew for excellent work in filling potholes will be determined by the quality of its performance. It is in the beginning of the study that it would be extremely easy to determine the crew that will offer adequate services.

Humanity is the only religion theology religion essay

Humanity is an important part of life which tells that to help others, try to understand other and realize the people problems with our own eyes and try to help them For showing humanity you do not need to be a rich person, even a poor person can sow humanity by helping someone or sharing β†’

Pestle analysis of nokia

Social/Cultural Factors Affecting Nokia The major cultural factor that has hurt Nokia has been the widespread adoption of smartphones and the growing use of apps. Nokia has not been able to significantly tap the potentially lucrative market for other kinds of mobile devices such as tablets and wearable technology.

Assess the functionalist view that the family performs important functions in today’s society? essay

The functionalist view on the family is mainly based on the American sociology of the 1940s and 50's which says that the nuclear family is essential to the survival of society. There has been a lot of criticism of this functionalist view of the family, especially because they do not look at family diversity and β†’

The possession of nuclear weapons can never be justified

The ' Just War' theory asks ' When is it right to fight? ' and ' How should war be fought? ' If a country kept nuclear weapons as a means of defence and defence only, surely they are justified in having them, especially if neighbouring countries have possession of nuclear weapons and have in β†’

Does music help concentration?

Although she listens to music two hours a day, Shana prefers to be next to someone talking, but she also believes listening to music helps creativity during class assignments. She said, " It helps motivate me in class"." I listen to music four hours a day with the combination of being at home and dance β†’

Richard iii free essay example

Richard is imprisoning the son to keep him from taking the crown and waits for him in London. The Duke of Buckingham is helping Richard a lot with all his dark plans, and Richard promises him an Earlship when he will become king.

Education: indentify agancies of socialization, signifying other reference group or factor that influenced you to adopt this par

The latter refers to the task of persons and institutions, as agents of socialization, to inculcate the values of social order to every person. This reasserts the importance of education for a person to partake in a constant learning and unlearning processes.

The 7p marketing mix

The selection of this hotel is because of three aspects of reasons, firstly, this hotel is a service provider that provides all types of services compromising accommodation and entertainments for the customers; secondly, as a large and famous local hotel, sufficient information could be acquired on the internet as well as from some of the β†’

Managing service operations

Now ME must refocus their attention to come up with a plan to boost the morale within the company and determine how to escape the typical " survivor's syndrome" with the remaining employees of the company. The anxiety comes from the person fearing that they may be next to be let go and that they β†’

Emma and clueless

Through the characterization of the protagonists, Cheer and Emma, who are perceived to be perfect in every way, possessing many virtues, as they are 'handsome, clever and rich'. They both perceive the danger Emma and Cheer are putting on ATA and Harriet, Knightly sees Harriet as ' the worst sort of companion' as she is β†’

Risk & return analysis

73 shows that Nike's returns are somewhat similar to that of the markets, but still not enough to be affected by the overall economic situation the market may face. 04% which shows that the current market has had a major impact on the rate of return for the T-note over the past decade.

Place – observation & analysis

Traffic hums in the distance for this is an outdoor swimming pool in the heart of the city, but if you close your eyes, you can hear the sound of the birds singing like angels to heaven in the trees at the edge of the park. The only living things in the second description are β†’

Lord of the flies text response – symbols of civilization essay sample

Ralph acts more as a president than an absolute monarch; he takes into account what the others think and uses that to form a just society, demonstrating that he is the more civilized out of the other boys. Piggy is the first one to propose that they use the conch " to call the others β†’

“we could have done it:” fanaticism in the long walk

In Stephen King's novel The Long Walk, 100 teenage boys walk the border of Canada and the United States in the ultimate game. Is is due to this crowd's fanaticism that the Long Walk continues, and they are thereby culpable for the ritualistic murders of 99 boys on the Walk.

Evaluation of australia’s divorce laws

Broken families have been present since the start of humankind, divorce is very common in today's societies, and is the major cause that results in family devastation.although, in certain cases, divorce is that the sole answer for a family to measure in peace, one should assume over and over before taking such a call, which β†’

Introduction fascination with nature first witnessed in

On top of this, the language that the poets have used in writing the poetry has spread around the world. Born in Carlisle in 1975, Jacob Polley is seen as one of the poets who have shaped the nature of English poetry in the 21st century.

Supportive work for family

The authors of the article carry out a study to show the effectiveness as well as the demerits of some of the methods of avoiding work-family conflicts. The paper has also highlighted the way in which the work-family conflict avoidance methods relate to the well being of the worker or employee.

Maternal and child health journal

Further, the study found that breast feeding regardless of income group, reduced the number of chronic health problems in the infant children and the number of hospital visits. On the surface it would seem that poor women and families would not be able to afford the convenience of bottle feeding and would therefore have higher β†’

Media ethical challenges in the age of the internet

Stanisha Johnson Media Ethical Challenges in the Age of the Internet CMM-330 Ethical Issues in Mass Media Spring 2010 Research Paper Over the years the internet has literally revolutionized the mass media industry and, in the process one of the most affected areas by the internet is in the area of compliance with media ethical β†’

Trifles analysis

The house seems not in a happy mood because the house wife was not in the moods to welcome her visitors and she was not in either happy or sad moods which gives an impression that something is wrong in this house. In my description of the house, and the mood, the way it makes β†’

Into the shadows with the lead investigator of the ghost adventure crew

One of the investigators walks from one side of the screen to the other as they try to set the cameras in place. In most of the episodes of Ghost Adventures, the use of sounds is crucial to entertaining the audience.

Why does ruse say that creationism should not be understood as a science

Creationism and the Christian creation story found in the book of genesis of the bible are inextricably tied as it is the creation story that lays the foundation for creationism. It is Ruse's position that the beliefs discussed above that constitute creation-science should not even be understood as a science at all and as thus β†’

Informative essay on enron case study

The Enron case demonstrates the need to reform the accounting and corporate governance practices in the United States. One of the aspects that struck me was the vision of the top management.

Drama and character assignment

Plot The chain of events or actions in which the characters are involved and during which the dramatic conflict starts, develops, comes to a climax, and is resolved is the plot. There should be scope in the script for a lot of emotions and drama.8.

Types of political system

Every systems needs to meet three requirements which are the system is available to every political systems, means if the system that would be implemented is able to answer certain chain of questions like how it supposed to be, the system is demanded to be in a simple and easily packaging so if perhaps someone β†’

Critical thinking and society exercise

The fact that the previous employees were no longer on the project should have been the first clue that we needed to look closely at the materials we were using, it could have saved us a lot of growing pains. If any of us on the team would have taken the time to critically look β†’

Twelfth night

Some supporting characters Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Feste, and Maria seem at first to be explicitly comical characters, added to the story only for their additions to the funny scenes and witty dialogue of the play. His role is mostly that of a pawn of other characters, like Sir Toby and Maria, and β†’

Case study toys

Options of both expanding and Producing in the month of July or October to meet the Christmas Demand for toys and also the uncertainty or speculation that the income pattern might as well change which may / can affect the sales and the demand for the Toys produced.) Certainty vs.uncertainty: As seen in the case β†’

Academic reinstatement

This is after the realization that the reason for my failure in the exams was an external life effect and nothing to do with my capacity to excel academically. But having enlisted services of professional I came to the realization that my life is independent of those and that I am responsible for the life β†’

Description of one of your own high school classmates

Every one of teachers emphasizes the importance of subject they teach, saying it's almost impossible to enter university without having at least A- for it, back at home parents remind about the A's required to get to a decent college and when the stressed student tries to relax a little watching TV, tons of overwhelming β†’

Short on power, long on responsibility by richard m. ingersoll

Teachers mold the minds of the young, the future leaders and citizens who would determine the fate of the country and the world. Administrators may be former teachers but they are usually lost in the nature and the demands of their new positions that they tend to forget how it is like to actually hold β†’

What is total reward?

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to talk to you about the Total Reward concept and the benefits it can bring to your businesses. Total Reward Strategy comprises 5 key elements which when you deliberately and consciously intergrate into the system, leads to the success of the organization.

Loyalty the causes of the fall of rome history essay

The Roman Empire also fell because the political of Rome because Rome kept on having problems like the military was disturbing the politics to help Rome. There was less confident and that made Rome fall because there was no hope for the empire to stay or not fall.

Photography and crime

It is a form of objective evidence that the criminal actually appear at the scene of the crime. The first professional approach to the situation is to ensure that the scene of the crime is secured.

Working capital

Clarion is experiencing in his company is due to large inventory and loan payments.4. Clarion to avoid reaching the level of expansion he anticipates in such a rapid matter.

Speaking to inform essay sample

A speech about the history or evolution of an object would be arranged in chronological order.d. There are two kinds of informative speeches about processes.a.

Analysis of market and arrangement of production

The oil and gas market in china is expected to grow extremely from the year 2020. This move is to reduce the cost as well as to increase the eminence of oil and gas in the country.

How and why strategies of river basin management are different between ledcs and medcs flashcard

The only other significant use of the water would is as a supply to the agricultural business, which is merely a side effect of the scheme and not the main reason for the building of the embankment. There are a range of reasons that can explain the stark differences in river basin management between the β†’