4 Pages Essay Samples

Intro to computers chapter 2

Which of the following is a business that provides individuals and companies access to the Internet for free or for a fee? Which of the following is the development and maintenance of webpages?

The flowers essay

Everyday is beautiful, she feels good in the " warm sun." The third paragraph describes briefly about her family, " sharecropper," They are poor, the sharecropper cabin is made of rusty boards, and the life that she is living in...drink water from the spring where wild flowers grew. The end of the paragraph is the →

South korea sociocultural report

We believe that the South Korean management system has to be understood in the context of the behavioral patterns of Koreans, which were formulated by the Korean culture. The employees play a vital part of the South Korean management system, and we attribute its effectiveness to their loyalty, dedication, contributions, and working habits.

Brain injury markers: where are we?

In this Research Topic, we include comprehensive reviews of the current literature on this topic ranging from proteomics techniques applied for the first time to central nervous system biomarker discovery to potential clinical applications of existing biomarkers of brain injury in specific settings such as ICU, pediatric TBI, and the military-relevant battlefield casualty. In particular, →

Effects of drinking on depression

Drinking And Depression INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to discuss on how drinking and depression affects an individual's thinking, what influences people to drink and end up depressed. Causes and effects of drinking and depression The causal factors and effects of drinking and depression include age, weight, drinking history, influenceemotional and mental state →

A critical review of behaviour management education essay

In conclusion of answering the above questions, a summary will be made to indicate how inclusive learning can be implemented within the classroom environment as well as the role of the educator in these situations.II. Encouraging pupils to promote positive behaviour can also be achieved by allowing pupils and young people to feel they are →

Genetic relations

From the given amino acid sequence, the first codons is an instruction to start the synthesis protein of chain while the last codon is an instruction to stop the synthesis. Also the first codon gives an instruction of the site of protein synthesis and the end codon is a stop synthesis that specifies the final →

From novel to camera: gothic elements in psycho

There's a sense of isolation surrounding the place which is a common theme in Gothic literature, whether in the case of the location or the people, and both are true of Psycho; here as elsewhere, Hitchcock adeptly adapts Gothic conventions and themes from literature to cinema. The interior of the house and the woman it →

How have laptops shaped our world?

After the development of a personal computer on January 1st, 1971, engineers and scientists wished to on such a technology, and by the start of 1981, the first laptop known as Osborne 1 was released. Laptops and How They Have Changed the World.N.p, 01 Jan.1970.Web.

Brand preference of mobile phone communication marketing essay

34% have made a purchase using their mobile phone compared to 19% in 2011 25% of consumers engage in online shopping only via mobile To study awareness and attitude of consumers towards mobile phones. Mobile phone manufacturers can cater to the needs of customers by taking feedback about a particular mobile phone product or a →

Stereotypes for autistic people

In order to have compassion you have to have the ability to empathize that is that you have to understand and share the feelings of another. This shows how an autistic person actually can have some moral concern and also has the ability to make a decision of not doing something that he knows it →

Prenuptial agreement: the negative implication on society essay

This discontentment towards prenuptial marriage setting onsets from the context of social views on the marriage wherein it is seen that the assets owned by an individual are what, throughout the marriage, makes the marriage an institution not the mutual feelings and love as seen within the context of marriage socially and religiously. The most →

Education and urban society

Teachers and schools work together to provide the best learningenvironmentfor students and the public and the government always want to see results of effective teaching and student's mastery. The reality of the changing landscape in education, the many educational theories and reforms that beset our educational system and the task of becoming an effectiveteacherare some →

Living with chronic pain and arthritis

The reality that pain is a subjective phenomenon, and pain behavior is the outcome of the contact of somatic, behavior, and environmental aspects, means that learning has a part in pain. Being a chronic pain patient is hard, but finally with the help of physicians and medicine things should get easy to handle.

Baja taco 9508 essay

I analyzed two fast food restaurants; one is an established major fast food provider, Taco Bell, the other restaurant is also a fast food provider, however, relatively new in the industry, Baja Fresh. Taco Bell is a part of the Tricon Global Restaurants Group; one of the largest restaurant chains in the world.

Case 08-1

For purposes of this paragraph, receipts from disposing of loans, debt or equity instruments, or property, plant, and equipment include directly related proceeds of insurance settlements, such as the proceeds of insurance on a building that is damaged or destroyed." Based on the above principle, the insurance proceeds of one of the company's manufacturing facilities →

Causes of lying

It's a natural feeling to want to lie or omit the truth to get out of a difficult situation. The main motives that cause people to lie are the attempts to avoid punishment, to seek attention, and to protect others feelings.

Silver linings playbook

Identity Disturbance is one of the nine criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder in the DSM-IV and is apparent in Tiffany. It is the most effective form of treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder today and therefore is what I would suggest in regards to long-term therapy for Tiffany.

Mankind a slace to technology and is technology ruining

The history of technology has seen rapid advancement in all industries from weapons to machinery and science and engineering. Gore, A, explains that, " Mankind is raising the average temperature of the Earth", with the combination of burning fossil fuels and human created green house gases.


Issuance of New Stock ' Issuance of stock' is simply when shares are given out to investing people in the stock exchange a market for shares. A stock split is to increase the number of shares that a company owns but the shares actually are the same.

Business regulations and practices

1 In contract laws, both making an offer by the offeror and acceptance or rejection of the offer by the offeree must be communicated to both parties. The offeree must receive the offer, and the offeror must receive a communication from the offeree notifying him/her or the acceptance or rejection of the offer.

Collaboration vs complicity in apartheid south africa

However, in Jacob Dlamini's book, Askari: A Story of Collaboration and Betrayal in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle, Dlamini aims to challenge the automatic association between askaris and traitors by including facts about Glory Sedibe's life that could have complicated his decision to switch sides. Dlamini's presentation of these facts seems to suggest a connection between Glory →

Sexuality in the catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger

Another interpretation of the novel is that Holden is a repressed homosexual. The scene that stands out is when he's in his hotel room and spying on the couple on the other side of the hotel.

Organizational development

Organizational Development Characteristics Some characteristics of Organizational development are that it target to change the functioning of the organization, its individuals, department in the firm and eventually can end up influencing the community within which the company is located, finally the entire nation. Mclean draws some core conclusions about various characteristics of OD and states →

Relationship between politics and religion

In the late sixth century, Gregory wrote in the account of the conversion of king Clovis bringing about the history of his armys victory between the fight of the Franks and the Alemannl. In the letter the pope claimed he had superior to rulers in terms of their power.

Editorial: application of protective cultures and bacteriocins for food biopreservation

Editorial on the Research Topic Application of Protective Cultures and Bacteriocins for Food Biopreservation The use of microorganisms and their metabolites for the preservation of foods began in prehistory. The impact of activated plastic and chitosan films loaded with enterocin AS-48 or divergicin M35 on the dynamics of commensal bacteria and the survival of pathogens →

Environmental conservation in businesses

According to the National Restaurant Association, the public has considerably become aware of the significance of environmental conservation to future sustainability of the earth. According to the research by the National Restaurant Association, 40% of full-service restaurants and 31% of quick-service restaurants have adopted various conservation initiatives, in order to remain relevant to the market.

Perspectives death

In " Thanatopsis" by William Cullen Bryant, " A Psalm of Life" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and " The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow the theme of death is shown in different perspectives. Longfellow is a strong advocate of the concept that everyone should be a hero in life and to →

Kotler and keller essay

Performing the distribution and bulk reaking function, the retail sector serves the population for most of the household requirements. The popularity of supermarkets is manifested in the fact that about 61 percent of the family expenditure among all income classes in Metro Manila could now be purchased at the supermarkets, based on the 2006 Family →

Who do you think was the most important figure in russian history – lenin or stalin?

He expanded the Soviet Unions' borders up to Eastern Europe and helped in the spread of Communism right 100 km from the most dominant capitalist state, the USA. All this prove, that even thou Stalin might have had a greater impact on Russia, Lenin had a greater importance than him, because he was the one →

Scarlet o’hara: symbol of the delusional south

Gone with the Wind opens with a grandiose description of the South: according to the opening text, this is the region where " gallantry took its last bow" and " knights and their ladies" took a stand against the onslaught of Northern aggression. For them, it is easier to see the beautiful damsels and the →

George kelly – theory of personal constructs

This paper will present the revelation of history from the perspectives of George Kelly who developed and shared the theory of personal constructs. The authors of the article attempt to incorporate Kelly's theory of personal construct into marketing and selling of products.

Holden caulfield undertakes a journey of personal discovery

Through his inability to conform to the rules of the adult world that he is sucked into, he frequently criticizes people and is extremely judgemental to those around him. The way Holden reacts to the people around him, and how he starts off his " hero's quest", is definitely individual because of his unique personality.

Analysis of merton electronics corporation assignment

The only period Seep-1997 which I chose hedge would make the forecast change to BIT equal to zero. As a result, the unhinged change to BIT and forecast change to BIT would be 1.

“crackling day” by peter abrahams and “a hero” by r.k.narayan essay sample

We can see that Lee's aunt is the string and dominant one in the family, as she is the only one in the family who does not apologise to the whites. Swami is taught the lesson that he has to learn to act like a man in order to survive where he lives.

Richard ivey school of business

In 2009 the company had 74% of the market shares of the Indian glucose biscuit category. The products are available in India, Bangladesh and South Africa because the company had adopted a " follow the costumer" strategy in order to maintain low marketing costs.

Control mehanism paper

Apples use of a concurrent control mechanism is one of their primary focuses because the focus is onenvironmentawareness of the products in the process of the manufacturing, transportation, product use, recycling, and facilities. Apple needs to have eyes on the production cycle to monitor the arbon emitted in the production of their products, so a →


As a growing number of people turn to the Internet for news, and depth of background on the news, the opportunity is there for publications to increase their reach, and become truly up-to-the-minute and interactive. These enhancements to FT.com were to result in a huge increase in the content being published on the site, the →

Thought journal

What particularly interests me, nevertheless, is the section that has guided me to a series of introspection as I examine ' the way I am' in the light of understanding the manner by which I engage with my community. Due to this ' modified self' in the community, I observe that having to put bounds →

Contribute of henrietta lacks in gene mapping

In the 1950's, the practice of taking routine tissue samples without consent from patients was not uncommon, and anonymising the source was not a main concern. Changes in how such samples are taken and handled, and in the processes used to collect consent, have improved the use of informed consent in research.

Book review: quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking

Mahatma Gandhi This quote is an excellent reflection of the author's focus in the book " Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Ca not Stop Talking," by Susan Cain. Part One, " The Extrovert Ideal," focuses on this concept that the author defines as " the omni-present belief that the ideal self →

Hysteria and fear of the salem witch trials assignment

So I ask, " What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials, and the events leading up to the causes? It was said that from the political issues of the special accommodations and higher income given to the minister caused the residents to want revenge thus starting the accusations of the witch trials.

Factors that may influence communication and interpersonal reaction

When wanting to communicate with someone with a cognitive disability it influences the communication as it means the person who is attempting to communicate has to think a lot more about the content and complexity of the communication. If someone is unstable they may scare people as they think that if they try and communicate →

Agonism in the academy essay

A head is a awful thing to waste.and because of agonism in faculty members.pupils now might non be acquiring the full potency out of their head merely because of the manner they/we are being taught. Deborah Tannen.a professor at Georgetown University.in the article " Agonism in the Academy: Surviving the Argument Culture" argues that treatment →

Questions on coke and pepsi learning to compete in india

Ans The key specific aspects of the political environment have India seen as unfriendly to foreign investors for many years, The " Principle of Indigenous Availability", The Liberalization of India's Government in 1991, Pepsi enters in 1986 became " Lehar Pepsi", Coca-Cola follows in 1993 became " Coca-Cola India". Ans In my opinion, Pepsi and →

Organisational flexibility: definition and benefits

In the sense of managing human resources, flexibility can be defined as the organisation adapting to size, composition, responsiveness and the people.their inputs and costs required to achieved organisational objectives and goals. Having flex time, so the employee chooses the start of their day and the end of their day, Being able to take off →

Presentation and store design category

The unbridled product access, the ability to trial any product In the store, and the sense of fun and Interaction remain popular and engaging for our clients. Students are to identify what they think is essential from the current in-store model, articulate the opportunities for evolution based on the added advantage created in the client's →

Facts of childhood

She often used to fight with her sister, because she wanted to go places with her sister and was acting like her sister and she was wearing her sisters clothes and make-up, in order to feel older. She used to love to go school to fit in with her older sisters and brothers, because she →

The times they are a-changin

The title of the song itself, which uses the slang term ' a-changing' gives the idea that the change is related to the rise of the African Americans. The change that he is pointing out is something that gets to the bone because it pertains to blood, the blood of the African Americans.

How to do a briefing note

Where is the evidence that supports this Is it apparent in all adoption cases where a non-First Nations family has adopted a First Nations child How much research has been done on First Nations children who were raised by non-First Nation? s families and had a good experience growing up The assumption is that non-First →

Literary analysis of hunger games book 1

Her possession of these feminine even instinctually motherly traits steer my opinion to the thought that these traits are more due to her position in her family then to that of a girl who is tomboyish in nature. Similar to other eldest female children when their fathers unexpectedly die, she had to step up and →

Expressions in horror: dr caligari and nosferatu

Two of the earliest examples of German Expressionism in film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu both tell the story of a young German man's subjection to the madness of a dark overlord with seemingly supernatural powers.

Health care payment systems

Conclusion The various healthcare payment systems are being used to cover, coordinate, and manage the costs of care for patients are copiously complex. The advances of Health Information Technology will be able to allow for the smooth collaboration and integration of multiple payment systems in the efforts of improving the quality of patient care.

Current media environment in russia assignment

Current Media Situation In Russia " The country is not In danger until the power Is In good hands, until the president and prime minister take care of it" such headlines appear in the news of the First Channel, the mall federal channel of the Russian Federation, almost every day. Looking on this situation even →

Miracle college essay

Paul Tilich describes a miracle as " An event which is astonishing, unusual, shaking, without contradicting the rational structure of reality...an even which points to the mystery of being" Miracles are a religious term, they are divine acts of God, and can be explained in no other way, a miracle must contain three basic attributes: →

The concept of distinctively visual explored through henry lawsons ‘in a dry season’, ‘the drovers wife’ and sean tans ‘the rabbits’

This concept and the conveyance of isolation and its impacts can clearly be explored through the short stories The Drovers Wife and ' In a Dry Season by Henry Lawson and alternately through the visual text " The Rabbits" by John Marsden and Sean Tan. This effectively allows the reader to envision the isolated landscape →

Implications of china’s rapid economic development

Discuss the possible implications of such a development for: The world trading system The main implication of China's economic rise is that China has become a major engine of global economic and trade growth. Indeed, although China's economy is a small fraction of that of the United States, in the first half of this decade, →

Long-term strategies of brookdale senior living, inc

The management of the organization has the plan to increase the revenues or financial position of the organization so that to grow on the existing operations. Brookdale has adopted market growth strategies that aim at increasing the level of the market that the company wants to achieve.

Pablo picasso’s guernica

The motif of the shrieking mouth is represented in that of the screaming woman with her dead child at the left, the face of the solider below, and the victim of the flames at the right. The horse represents the people of Guernica, and with the fall of the horse comes the fall of Spain.

Act and rule utilitarianism philosophy essay

The ethical theory utilitarianism is a way of making ethical decisions that can benefit others, " what is the right thing to do?" Being able to determine the consequence of a specific action that has the best outcome for the greatest number of people is ethically right. A quote from the reading points to this →

Whole foods market

In reference to the narrow markets, Whole Foods Market is only present in the US, Canada, and I-J. Whole Foods was the first of its kind and needs to promote that.

How to do an assignment cover page

Before actually writing a title page, it is crucial to make sure that the frames of a task have not been changed during the process of writing the work. Case capitalization is a good means to underline the idea and leading thought of the cover page.

Chief classification of careers

Various types of careers: Qualification based careers: In an understanding of the different types of careers, the aptitude and educational qualification of the individual have a prime role. Skill-based careers: Another chief category of careers is the skill-based careers in which a primary factor determining the person's career is the skill of the person.

How were puritan families organized what roles were assigned to men and women how was property owned described the relationship between parents and children

This leads to the assumption that the patriarch of a Puritan family was the dominant force in the family. Men were the head of their households, while their wives and children were submissive to their husbands or father's will.

Exercise four

So, matters such as the place where you want to use the computer device, how portable should be, and the size of the screen must be all considered. In the following table is presented a comparison of three types of laptops.

Favorite place

The excitement and thrill that rush through my veins when going to my favorite place, sends a thoughts to my head about what I will do and where I will go. The excitement and thrill that rush through my veins when I think about going to my favorite place the following year.

John hick and david hume

They both believe that if God is good and powerful, then there would be no evil, that God would have created the world and the people in it as, " perfectly moral persons who could only do good and could not do any evil". Differences between Hick and Hume is that Hick believes that there →

Dharma bums

This quote from Ray Smith shows that a dharma bum must always believe in oneself and take the journey to becoming a Dharma bum from within. The truest dharma bum that is written about in the novel Dharma Bums is the one of the main characters, Japhy Ryder.

Robert nozick’s experience machine

Once we gain these good experiences, we look for the next opportunity in order to gain that same great feeling that we had in our last experience. We come to realize that this experience machine, while being tempting, does not correspond with our values and desires.

The pursuit of a dream- the falling girl by buzzati essay

Possibly Buzatti created Marta in " The Falling Girl" as a reminder to those young women of the early to mid 20th century how easy it is to lose their lives in the glare of the dazzling brightness of a goal that is unattainable. Marta is progressing through the stages of her life as she →

Albert camus’ idea of life having no meaning in the myth of sisyphus

In Camus' story, The Myth of Sisyphus, Sisyphus is convicted to futile labor, revolts against his own death, and is perceived as the absurd hero. Camus claims that Sisyphus acknowledges the futility of his duty and the certainty of his fate.

Imperialism involves the practice

Currently, the United States of America is one of the greatest superpowers in the world, needless to say the USA and strong nations alike worked diligently to gain a dominant identity. Subsequently leading to modernization through global interaction and the sharing of cultural and religious practices, resulting in a national identity and the knowledge of →

Sharps bedroom advert

In the photo the car is the only object there which suggests it is the sole thing the audience needs. The first words the reader sees are the slogan ' Takes you miles away in seconds' which suggests the car will take you to another world which links further down the page when it says →

Strength and weaknesses of ontological argument

While Anselm claimed that the God, who is defined as perfect, must exist because an existent God is better than a non-existent God meaning that if he did not exist, he would not be perfect and therefore, would not be God, Gaunilo applied this logic to the example of a Perfect Island. In this response, →

Unsolved mysteries essay: jack the ripper

But the scene of the crime was not the only time Jack showed his game of play. But this letter was sent to the police to mock them and scare the nation out of their wits.

Three fun facts

The first step to accepting this truth is to make the distinction between when someone is actually just better than you and when someone who is not gets things that you deserve. K, while it's cliche, you should strive to be the best you, you can be.

Why the decision to strip lance armstrong of his titles is wrong

Worst, the use of " analytical non-positive" proceeding to convict Armstrong that requires the testimony of a witness was tainted with corruption making the ground of his conviction to be doubtful if not illegal. Yet despite of the guarantee of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of United States for Armstrong to have a judicial →

Assignment 1 week 7

The key elements that an organization must focus on to promote change are: Motivation: The employees need to be explained about the necessity of change and they must be convinced of the personal and professional benefits to themselves, as well as to their organization. If the management, senior executives and the employees have their shared →

Marks and spencer narrative essay

Kay argued that the success of M & S was founder in architecture which is defined as the ' network of relational contracts within, or around, the firm'. In the year of 1998 annual report and financial statement, M; S reported a 5% increase in group turnover and a 6% increase in pre-tax profits, the →

Scrooge in a christmas carol

The constantly changing appearance of the Ghost of Christmas Past represents how memories of the past can change. The hidden appearance and terrifying presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come represents how the future is mysterious and frightening.

Citizen kane critical study

The superficial insistence in the projection room sequence that " Rosebud" is the simple answer to Kane's multifaceted psyche serves as a " thinly-guised satire of Hollywood" by satirising the emerging prevalence of procedural noir films in the 1940s. As such, the recurring motif of a jigsaw puzzle supports the fragmented insights given by other →

The discovery of america

The Vikings society is known in the history as first notated discovery proving that Columbus was not the first to discover the New World. Columbus discovery occurred in 1492 but, the discoveries from the Vikings go all the way back to the period of 790 to 1066.

Ann summers

This has been instrumental in helping Ann Summers to capitalise on the success of existing stores and plan the opening of new ones. With RemoteWare, Ann Summers is confident in its ability to sustain a remarkable period of growth into the new millennium and beyond.

Personal finance problem – linear programming

He gave the guidelines that at least 10% of the total money should be invested in each of those options and the investment in any of the above category should not exceed 40% of the total investment. And finally they should offset the risk of investing in precious metal by investing 20% of their investment →

“apple inc – failing and succeeding” essay

The decision regarding Apple's choice to not license their operating system and software to other computer companies was a non-programmed decision because the decision was made solely on the fact they were the first to introduce an operating system and thought that they were superior with their command in a premium market making their non-programmed →

City of the beasts

Ale's rites of passage such as his trip to the Amazon, saving the chief, Majority, and the ritual with the people of the mist present themselves as challenges he must overcome in order to successfully complete his Journey. In the beginning of the book, Alex hears the news that he will have to leave his →

Corporate accounts

The paper looks at each bank and the strength it commands in the market. These are: The Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and The Dubai Islamic bank.


In the middle of my sophomore marching season, I made a vital decision to quit and instead pursue my passion for dance. Although I determined that I would not continue on, I felt it necessary to keep my commitment to the Red and Silver Brigade by playing until the end of the season.

Kaiser permanente botches its kidney transplant center project essay sample

Kaiser paid a $ 2 million fine to be levied by the California Department of Managed Health Care for the various state and federal regulations it failed to adhere to in its attempt to set up a transplant program. Burks was the first of over 100 patients on Kaiser's kidney transplant waiting list to win →

Business cycle of pakistan 1960-1970

Answer: Parkin and Bade's text " Economics" gives the following definition of the business cycle: The business cycle is the periodic but irregular up-and-down movements in economic activity, measured by fluctuations in real GDP and other macroeconomic variables The term business cycle refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production, trade and economic activity in general over →

Cardiovascular and smooth muscle pharmacology in the next decade

Classical drug research and development was based on the identification of selective membrane targets such as receptors or ion channels that promote a specific reaction to a given drug in the midst of the chemical cacophony of the receptor or ion channel biophase. This drug revolutionized the management of angina pectoris and is one of →

Applied rnai: from fundamental research to therapeutic applications

The authors review precisely and concisely all the aspects of miRNA biogenesis and the discoveries concerning miRNA function and role in cell and organs as well as their wide potential therapeutic applications. The chapter related to miRNA blocking agents offers a very complete and precise view of this complex area and should be read by →

Customer service

When Burger Barn executives looked at Creamy Creations, they were pleased with the food quality and the friendliness but disturbed by the lack of efficiency. It was becoming clear that with the recent changes, Creamy Creations had the potential to become a profitable member of the Burger Barn family.

Disabled and the band played waltzing matilda essay sample

The poem " Disabled" and the song, " The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" both show the horrors of the war from a soldier's perspective, describing from the day they joined the war and how this affected their lives after the war. In the song " The Band Played Waltzing Matilda", the soldier is conscripted to →