4 Pages Essay Samples

Cryogenics: today’s imagination tomorrow’s disaster

With such a misty visualization of what's going on in the field of cryogenics, is it really safe to make such a large investment in a field that we know so little of? He said in a statement about the field of cryogenics.

Healthy eating plan comparison

Because of my unhealthy eating habits I was obese and this caused me to developed diabetes. I am now more aware of how certain foods affect my body and when I am allowed to eat, in moderation, some of the old foods that I used to enjoy.

Textbooks vs tablets

Like phones, when it drops on the drops on the ground, there is a chance of the phone cracking and eventually it starts to glitch. FindtheBest, " What Is the Average Battery Life of a Tablet Computer," tablets.findthebest.com May 21, 2015

Medication safety

Drug and medication safety form critical aspects of patient safety and have received great attention in the US in the recent past for the purpose of effective medical management. In defining safety, the report has it that it is the inverse of harm and explains that drug toxicity determine safety; the less the level of β†’

Business levelbrief assignment

Malcolm Arnold Academy your two businesses should vary in size a description of the types of your businesses a description of the purpose of your businesses, including the aims and objectives of our organizations a description of the ownership of your businesses. With: a description of the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of your β†’

Brutus and antony’s speeches to the crowd after caesar’s death essay sample

After Brutus and his fellow conspirators kill Caesar outside the senate, Antony meets with Brutus and manages to persuade him that he agrees with the reasons why they killed the dictator, so that he is allowed to talk at Caesar's funeral. Brutus uses his speech to convince that he has acted for the common good β†’

Virtues of a perfect bride essay sample

Mary Ann Kohli Eng 101 October 11, 2001 Virtues of a Perfect Bride In Dandin's " The Perfect Bride," Saktikumara is searching for patience, creativity and a good sense of other virtues in a wife along with her beauty. Through out the story the girl proves that she has all the wifely virtues along with β†’

Report to wordsworth and flower-fed buffaloes essay

Literature Poetry Compare and contrast the portrayal of nature in " Report to Wordsworth" and " The Flower-Fed Buffaloes" Both poets of " Report to Wordsworth" and " The Flower-Fed Buffaloes" depict nature in their poems in different ways as well as similar ways with the usage of imagery, figurative devices and through the structure. β†’

A vindication of the rights of woman

Mary Wollstonecraft, " pioneer of feminist thought" in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was the first to bring the subordinate attitude that society had towards women into the open, arguing that women were men's intellectual equals and therefore affirming a woman's right to a full education." A profound conviction that the neglected education β†’

Reliability and validity essay sample

Of the few, one of them is called Alternate-form reliability, which is defined as the amount of relatedness of altered forms of the test. Its definition can be identified as the degree of carnal stability of a scaling apparatus or test, or the characteristic it is created to calculate, from one administration to another; also β†’

The letters in birdsong essay sample

The majority of the letters in Birdsong and the letters from Roland to Vera all feature some information of the attack; however the way in which they are presented could not be more different. The reader is able to understand that Roland was not able to control the situation he is in and this lack β†’

The montessori’s educational innovation – children never learn by just listening to teachers in class but rather through the environment surrounding

The traditional classroom model is a system that is still embraced by many and it's perceived to be the most effective way of learning by the majority of people in the world. However, the belief of most people that children have to be confounded in a classroom to listen and learn makes it hard for β†’

Water’s life-supporting properties essay sample

Specific Heat The specific heat capacity of a substance is the energy required to change the temperature of 1 gram of material by 1? C. In a random orientation, the electric fields produced by the charge separation on the water molecules would cancel, but in this coordinated alignment, the electric fields of the water molecules β†’

Safety with guns

But the correct answer is since the correct thing to do would be to stop firing, point the gun in a safe direction, and call or wait for the range officer to give further orders and if needed clarify as to why someone else gave the order. The correct answer to the question is since β†’

Literary analysis the birthmark by nathanial hawthorne

This passage is one of the most telling of Nathaniel Hawthorne's main character in The Birthmark, Aylmer, a chemical scientist, and a perfectionist. Howard shares that the tie between the blemish and Georgina is a reference to the association between the blemish and the life that Georgina led.

Case study – george david

According to David, he said that the employee scholarship program was designed to meet his goal of having " the best educated workforce on the planet". He strongly advocates the Employee Safety at the place of work, employee's safety always remain as the top consideration in the workplace.* A mix of toughness and sensitivity David β†’

Common ground between islam and christianity assignment

It also discusses the role of Jesus and Prophet Muhammad as the founders f Christianity and Islam, and religious notion of being appointed by God. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol 1 1, No.2.

Ammunition. to her brother when she is

The purpose of gun regulation is not just about safe storage and the misuse of firearms, but also about actually controlling what weapons are in circulation. A ban on high-capacity magazines means that the part of the firearm where the ammunition is stored would be limited to a certain number of rounds.

Mindfulness practice in my life

I plan to maintain the practice of mindfulness in life since it is very helpful. I have also leant to deal with different situations in life such that I am in control of whatever I would be doing.

Water- soluble vitamin

The disorder results in altered development of the hone, pain in the joints and the patient complains of bleeding from the gums. Niacin functions in the form of NAD and NADP and it is essential for up to two hundred reactions in the human body out of which the major reactions are the dehydrogenase ones.

Shifting courses essay

There are many reasons why students are not happy with their courses, and the first reason could be because these students do not really know what they want to do or be in life yet. But because these students who let their parents pick out the course for them or those who picked a course β†’

The saber tooth curriculum education

The cosmopolitan rule was illustrated through preparation and how the demands of the folk and subsequently of the society were met. While the lessons taught by New-Fist were relevant to the folk at the clip, fortunes had changed and the demands of the folk had changed.

Body art

A way of being mischievous for a woman or going over the edge or developing a sexual identity is to have a piercing: navel, nipple, and nose. Measey found that there was a positive correlation between personality disorders and the number of tattoos one possessed; 48% of those with no tattoos had a personality disorder β†’

5 reasons to quickly start using accelerated mobile pages

If you are unfamiliar with AMP, it's that enables pages on your site to load quickly for users on a mobile device. If you take your mobile device right now and Google a keyword related to current events, you will see that the results include a carousel of AMP pages at the very top of β†’

Aftermath of the great catastrophe

What was the after-effect of the destruction of Smyrna on those who lived there and the rest of Greece and Turkey? The destruction of Smyrna was a catastrophic event for them, causing physical assault and murder of civilians, the forced population exchange of people between Greece and Turkey, and the burning of a diverse and β†’

Fueling purpose

In his novel The Wars, Timothy Findley explores the origin of Robert Ross's incentives and investigates his actions as the protagonist strives to preserve life. Moreover, Robert Ross's departure to the training grounds allows him to witness the strict and unforgiving fashion his life will endure for the duration of the war.

Mass media creates rather than reflects social reality media essay

It has been argued by some that the media's role has extended from the conventional reflection of societal values to the creation of new values. Some of the content is distorted, even though one cannot down play the inherent significance of the media's belonging to the society.

Chapter as follows: Ø boiling chamber Ø test

Following point were kept in mind during the design of the setup: Thevolume of the boiling chamber should be kept small to prevent the setup frombeing too large. The refluxcondenser is fixed at the top of the boiling in an opening in the top plate ofthe boiling chamber.

Managing the transition to higher education

Managing the transition to Higher Education Shaping the context of managing the transition to higher education covers crucial issues such as funding of education, states having more local control of educational programs, and the call for greater accountability of schools. Matrix Volume: 1.

Regional conflict essay

The question is not in whether the American intervention has brought the anticipated results, but whether the discussed local conflict has a potential to turn into the war of global scale. The Sarajevo assassination has initiated the beginning of the WWI, and this is one of the brightest historical examples when local conflict has turned β†’

Emerging therapies for the treatment of ms

It is currently undergoing Phase III trials and has resulted in 23% reduction in the rate of relapse of MS while there has been a 37% reduction in contrast enhancing lesions in volunteers. Its side effect is only the upregulation of Liver Function Tests The second oral drug that is undergoing phase III clinical trials β†’

The china job in campos beverages

Supposing that Michael does not want to move to China, would he be willing to stay with Lafleur Would he like to try out other opportunities in New York Karen and Michael need to have a discussion on what they think is important. Besides, he can negotiate with Pierre to ensure that he would have β†’

Never give up cultural identity essay

Firstly, as the main character of this story, the mother always keeps pride in her cultural identity through what she says and what she does, and we can also see this through others' reaction to her.' We got a water tower on the reserve,' my mother said.' There's a big one in Lethbridge, too.'" "'You β†’

Sports development continuum

P1 describe three examples of the sports development continuum, from three different sports M1 compare and contrast three examples of the sports development continuum, from three different sports, identifying strengths and areas for improvement Sports Development Continuum Foundation: means the early development of sporting competence and physical skills upon which all later forms of sports β†’

New mexico’s border issues

Even though there large group of border patrol personnel's guarding the border, alien immigrants can still sneak in through various locations due to lack of funds and consistent patrol in the area. Due to the acceptance of low wages by illegal immigrants in New Mexico and other states, about1.

Gender stereotypes

However, this belief has in turn created a notion that has spread among the male gender in many societies and greatly contributed to the perceived laziness in men as men do not want to do work and leave most of the duties to women. Another fact that shows that men are lazy is that some β†’


It will show ways of how the approaches understand the person and also what the psychological distress is experienced by the individuals. Person centred and psychodynamic counsellors, both have one main aim to help people develop in a positive way and to move forwards, however the methods they use to reach this goal varies Psychodynamic β†’

Process improvement plan: operations

The proposed process improvement plan will satisfy the bottleneck in the process of waiting until the end of the week to start discussions and papers to ensure full understanding of the concepts; however, this delay resulted in poorly written papers because it did not give me adequate time to ask questions. Capacity, in the case β†’

Marketing parker pen strategy

Parker Frontier Ball-point Pen From the 1920s to the 1960s, before the development of the ballpoint pen, Parker was either number one or number two In worldwide wrltlng Instrument sales. Available in a range of finishes, the Sonnet is a work of beauty, emblematic of Parker craftsmanship

Ancient greece contributions assignment

The important contributions of the Greeks to the Western society were philosophy, politics, medical science, Olympic Games, architecture and mathematics. The marble sculpture of The Discus Thrower by Myron shows that the ancient Greeks believed in the beauty of the human body and that they liked to maintain fitness.

Piaget and vygotsky were both considered constructivists education essay

The 3rd phase in Piaget 's theory is the concrete operational phase, happening between the ages of seven and eleven. Vygotsky 's belief of the zone of proximal development is the 2nd portion of his cognitive theory." A zone of proximal development is the degree of development instantly above a individual 's present degree ".

Editorial: dna damage and inflammation under stress

In this Research Topic we had contributions relative to the above field and groups working in all of the above areas and model organisms linking DNA damage, inflammatory and innate immune response, and a variety of systemic effects associated with the above phenomena. Specifically, in the review article of Spanou et al.the role of genetic β†’

Editorial: applications of novel analytical methods in epidemiology

Editorial on the Research Topic Applications of Novel Analytical Methods in Epidemiology Over the past decades, the repertoire of quantitative analytical techniques in disciplines such as ecology, decision science and evolutionary biology has grown, in part enabled by the development and increased availability of computational resources. The objective of this research topic is to contribute β†’

Robert fosse

On September 23, 1987, just as the show was opening, Robert had a massive heart attack outside the theatre, and collapsed in his hotel room. Robert Fosse was inducted into the National Museum of Dance, in April 2007.

The forbidden planet

The magic in " The Tempest" is transformed into science and technology in " The Forbidden Planet". This is the equivelent of the magic in " The Tempest".

Variables and distribution questions

This is a sample because a random sample of 150 local restaurants is selected from all local restaurants in the area.3. This is a parameter because 15 of the students who dropped the class are from all students who had taken the first exam.4.

Qualitative and quantitative problem statements

Quantitative statement of the problem- Relationship between leadership styles in nursing and outcomes in delivered care Leadership involves influence of followers towards achievement of set objectives and is important in change implementation or in transformation of operational environments. Perspectives of decision making in request for euthanasia: A qualitative research among patients, relatives, and treating patients β†’

Paranoia college essay

It was the first time in three months when the phone had rang and Chloe had been at home alone and the caller was not him". The sound of the dialling tone after her Mother had put the phone down, made Chloe suddenly realise she was on her own again, and she did not like β†’

If i were a prime ministe of thailand

We, now, could produce a good generation, but we fail to maintain and teach them to be in a good moral. Apart from hese, as we can see that today we are facing the unrest problems in the south and there are many opinions and suggestions to solve the problems.

All i had to do was show up?

At the end of the season, every team member on the roster receives a trophy, every science fair participant receives a ribbon, and every registered runner receives a medal at the end of the race; but what people do not know is that giving children a reward takes away a child's motivation and ambition to β†’

Editorial: the science of pair-bonding and future directions

Editorial on the Research Topic The Science of Pair-Bonding and Future Directions The goal of this Research Topic was to bring together broad scholarship on the science of pair-bonding and to inform future directions for research on this topic. Potretzke and Ryabinin provide a mini-review of the prairie vole, the neurobiology of pair-bonding, and the β†’

When men cry: grief and masculinity in the song of roland

Due to the lack of significant female influence in the narrative, The Song of Roland establishes a form of masculinity that allows for a much broader range of emotional expression. The weeping, fainting and suffering of men demonstrates a heightened sense of loyalty to the king and the nation of France.

Rappiccini’s daughter

Giovanni, the central male character of the story, is the second figure to serve as a poisoner to Beatrice. After his fears are confirmed that Beatrice is poisonous, and not the woman he dreamed her to be, he informs her of the antidote which she readily takes.

P&g vs colgate essay

As of now both the NAD and ADA do not have a defined stand on the issue but due to their primary interest NAD's would like to ensure that P&G's claim of a better product is substantiated before the P&G ' Mumbles' advertisement airs and the ADA's interest would be the scientific accuracy of P&G's β†’

Constitutional amendments

The Amendment's impact on contemporary society is that it gave the government a learning lesson with regard to unpopular legislations in the face of the demands of the public. The latter Amendment repealed the provisions of the Eighteenth Amendment concerning the nationwide prohibition on the use of liquor.

When patient confidentiality is violated

This scenario should not occur, this is a reminder that it is the responsibility of all healthcare professionals to protect the confidentiality of patients receiving care. There are legal aspects of maintain patient confidentiality, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA), of 1996 is a federal law enacted to maintain the privacy and security β†’

How far was american victory in the war of independence due to poor military leadership

How far was American victory in the war of Independence due to poor military leadership To the extent to which cause had the most significant effect on the outcome of the War of Independence is a perceptual view which has become very debatable topic, whereby historians have failed to conclude a main reason. Although, the β†’

The great gatsby

The examples of Jay Gatspy, in The Great Gatspy, and George Babbitt, in Babbitt support Emersons strong convictions. He was a man that lived his life in fear of being an outcast of society, and only had ambitions of raising his social status, no matter what the cost.

Article procedure code for leave to execute a

136 of the Limitation Act, 1963, the period of limitation for the execution of any decree or order of any Civil Court other than a decree granting a mandatory injunction is 12 years.Art. The maximum period of limitation for the execution of a decree or order is 12 years from the date when the decree β†’

Government class notes assignment

As we continue our study of the leaders in history who helped shape the philosophy and formation of governments, let us commit to both imitating the good and avoiding the bad. He presented he state as a living organism with the ruler as the head and the subjects as the rest of the body.

Civilize them with a stick by mary crow dog

Although the revolution that the teacher inspired within the students, to include Mary Crow Dog, did not affect any type of violence, it nonetheless was based on revolutionary/Marxist movements that were sweeping the United States at that time that were based on violence and therefore the causation of such a movement was necessarily grounded in β†’

Aztec or mixtec ceremonial knife

The eagle, in Aztec culture was a bird of the day, and helped the sun across the sky. 39, No.4 pp.

Article review on main theme / purpose

The model that the authors proposed serves as a framework for broader and deeper study of the dynamics of sport tourism by other practitioners in the field. The authors also carried the hypothesis that Sport Tourism Quality impacts tourist satisfaction, which consequently positively affects the tourist's intention to return to the place of the sport β†’

Three cups of tea

Along with education and patience, Greg Mortenson comes to the conclusion that it does not take much to change a society for the better. The experiences had and lessons learned by Greg Mortenson are things that a person can only hope to have in a life time.

Plan from outer space assignment

Regardless of what the plot was intended to be, it is difficult to not be distracted from the message in the film by the poor acting. The lines are not particularly good that he actors are given for their characters, but they are spoken in such a way that the viewer is not as aware β†’

Low debt ratio: how does it contribute to company performance? assignment

Statement of the Problem The debt ratio compares a company's total debt to its total assets, which is used to gain a general idea as to the amount of leverage being used by a company. The purpose of this research is to determine whether companies with a low debt to equity ratio perform better than β†’

The thirteen american arguments: an evaluation essay sample

In the American context, Fineman presents that irony that while the Declaration of Independence unequivocally pronounces the inclusion of " everyone" as a person, it required America to shed blood and to loose lives to apply and realize its own declaration. As part of democracy and of a sovereign people, it is a duty of β†’

The whaler essay sample

The boy is not the only one who gets disappointed, another character in the short story is the Whaler, the boy's biggest idol. The Whaler tells the boy a secret, the secret about his whole life based on a lie.

Which poem depicts the agony of love and which the ecstasy

Overall I think this poem depicts the agony of love and is very negative to it and shows what it can do to a person. I think that Christina Rossetti's poem is the most ecstatic because it uses a lot of positive natural imagery and words which promote love as a wonderful thing.

Analysis of the coronation of napoleon essay

The first aspect that is significantly noticeable in the painting is that of the occupancy at the cathedral. In the painting one notices that the contrast in lighting and perspective places Napoleon at the center of all the viewers, in and out of the painting.

Growing a garden of neurons

Their algorithm can be used to build a network consisting of millions of neurons each with a unique morphology. A framework for modeling the growth and development of neurons and networks.

Free effectiveness of housing policies and real estate prices in san francisco research paper sample

This essay seeks to examine the level of effectiveness of the housing policies and real estate prices in San Francisco. This study establishes that, the policies guiding the housing and real estate in San Francisco are ineffective and inefficient because of their inclination to specific market theories and environment.

A demand to die – donald β€˜dax’ case essay

In her case, the right to autonomy had a stronger implication than in the case of Donald. In the case of Donald, there was a chance that his condition may improve as the doctors could restore his vision and functioning of the hands and legs to certain extent.

Richard the third essay

In Shakespeare's ' King Richard III', human condition is shown throughout the play through the words of the characters, but most noticeable is through antagonist Richard and how he is power-hungry, also Shakespeare's need to perpetuate the Tudor Myth. While in ' Looking for Richard' Al Pacino's 1996 docu-drama human condition is shown through Al β†’

Electronics microcontroller (picaxe) project essay

This checks if an input switch has been pressed." wait 12" lets 12 seconds elapse until the next command, this means that the lights do not change the instant the pedestrian presses the switch.- " let pins = 10" transfers the byte " 00001010" to the outputs, which keeps the pedestrian red light on, but β†’

Research proposal on target population and purpose for the design report

As shown on the brochure the electronic waste not only affects the environment but also impact negatively on the human health damaging the various tissues of the human body. The consumers of electronic devices should recycle the e-waste to reduce their negative impact on the human health as well as the environment.

Criminal procedure policy paper

Sometimes people think that the justice department protects the criminal justice.the criminal justice system provides the defendants, and this restricts the system. The people who are in support of the criminal control model say argue that, the criminal justice system must have the ability to be efficient in the way that the wrongdoers are prosecuted.

Ceo’s and foreign policy

In this same way, formalized relationships of ritual representation are dissimilar and experienced very differently from a long-cultivated relationship, based on guanxi, between the President and a CEO. He feels that companies are affected by war and acts of invasion, and that therefore they should be consulted before the government acts in such a manner.

The expedition of lewis and clark

The Lewis and Clark Expedition was one of the most important missions in the history of the United States. Through the mapping of the Louisiana Territory, the discovery of new species and land, and the greater understanding of the new Indian tribes that was gained, the Lewis and Clark Expedition became an invaluable asset to β†’

Existentialism vs. phenomenology assignment

Phenomenology and the response to Hegelian Idealism Absolute idealism was a huge part of Western culture but through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the greatest political movement took place. The individual confronts, as the most important fact of human existence, the necessity to choose how he or she is to live within this absurd and β†’

Example of research paper on aristotles principles of rhetoric within queen elizabeth is speech at tilbury

Moreover, the queen makes her troupes and people trust her by repeatedly employing several logos to confirm to them about her commitments in general life as the leader of the kingdom and in the ensuing war as a general to lead them in defeating the enemy who is the King of Spain. In this case, β†’

How can a nurse improve and develop professional identity?

In a research by O'Brien, StrzyzewskiandSzpara2013, on nurses working in the surgical department it was found that by creating an organized process of educational projects to encourage, support and promote professionalism nurses were able to improve their professional identity and complete their practice successfully safely and effectively. Moreover for a nurse to improve their professional β†’

Criminolgical review of ‘murder on a sunday morning’

The film brilliantly depicts an ignominious false conviction of an innocent 15-year old for a crime he never committed, the cover-up of the real culprits behind the crime, and finally the clemency of a public defender coming to his rescue in the courtroom. The motive behind the forceful arrest and the subsequent psychological torture of β†’

Llc company case study

In addition, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations to the Tramway Commission is a Joint initiative to SOX that is meant to provide a framework that will guide a company on risk management, internal control, and fraud deterrence. In addition, the accountant moves the checks into the safe in his office, which is a great practice β†’

Video games: the finest form of art

Being immersive, intellectual, and interactive, video games can be regarded as the best form of art being the ultimate combination of the arts. When played, even from the start of the opening scene the character appeal and smooth animated graphics beckon the awestruck player into the whimsical world of the plumber, princess, and mushrooms.

Comparison of two religions essay

Buddhism remains the dominant religion of the Far East and is increasingly popular in the West. Meditation is in the central focus of Zen Buddhism and the only way to liberation in Theravada Buddhism.

The influence of hollywood on society essay

Furthermore, " children under the age of 18 were the victims in nearly 20 percent of the violent crimes committed by criminals now in state prison, and that more than half of the juvenile victims were 12 or younger". The gravity of the situation can be learnt from the fact that the Office of Juvenile β†’

Science limitations

Fears over the possibility of transgenic genes Jumping to wild weedy relatives heightened in 1996 when a Danish research team observed the transfer of such a gene - something critics of deliberate-release experiments have arned of for years and biotech companies have dismissed as a remote or nonexistent possibility." Rifkin explains that the transfer of β†’


I used both my hands to grasp the staff in the middle and held it out in front of me like I was gripping the handlebars of a bike. I was no doubt afraid of it hit hitting me, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was very likely to β†’


An F0 is sometimes referred to as a Gale Tornado, and they have wind speeds to 40 to 72 MPH. If you are outside during a tornado the best thing to do is lie on the ground or in a ditch and cover your head with your hands.

The welfare reform act

Along with all of the other positives that have come with the Welfare Reform Act the biggest change that was recorded was the drastic change in the number of out-of-wedlock children that are being brought into this world which has been said to have been brought to a virtual halt. With many things there are β†’

Kaiser disbelief. bismarck realised that twenty years

After the collapse of the renewed Dreikaiserbund in 1884, Bismarckrecognised that there was a possibility that the isolated Russia wouldjoin with France who was in a similar situation. For Bismarck, this was the ultimateblunder and Germany was faced with a nightmare war.

School counselor essay sample

Most school counselors who enter this profession with the intention of honoring the preamble of the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors, which states that the students have the right to be respected, treated with dignity and gain access to a comprehensive school counseling program for all students. Thanks in part or in whole to β†’

Cuckoo search algorithm essay sample

Cuckoo's breeding behavior: Cuckoo has the habit of laying their eggs in the nest of some host birds The mother removes one egg laid by the host mother, lays her own and flies off with the host egg in her bill. Considering the number of eggs each cuckoo has and also the cuckoo's distance to β†’

Wide sargasso sea animals essay

The black and white color of the goat Is symbolic of the black and white color Issues that exist on the Island. The use of the cockroach is to symbolize the idea of race, and the infestation that is Antoinette.

The main sources of scots business law law constitutional administrative essay

Name on written law is legislation, the three sources of legislation that are binding in Scottish law are: Sources of LawEuropean legalisationUnited Kingdom legalisationScottish legalisationEuropean legislation proposed by institutions of the European Union. Examples Act" Statute Law Act 2013[5]- An act is recommendation of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission an act is β†’