4 Pages Essay Samples

Pacific healthcare case study

Rubble can utilize is to continue his relationship with Kodak because they are palpable of performing at a high standard, however, if there were something that needed to be addressed and fixed within the medical department about Soda's high cost or the services that they have provided.Mr. Rubble might not choose the other options is →

No child gets ahead

Instead of intensifying the amount of tests, there should be an increase in the amount of projects and group work because the way to really understand something is to practice it and to learn from others. The mission of this initiative is to " provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to →

Chemistry titration- example

An investigation into the total acid content of assorted brands of lemon and lime soft drink Abstract: The aim of this experiment was to determine the total levels of carbonic acid concentration in 3 differing brands of lemon and Lime soft drinks. The purpose of this investigation is to calculate the total acid content within →

England from 1000-1200 intellectual

In 1096 Oxford University was founded, and this was the start of a new form of learning organization which was independent, and able to set its own academic standards. I had not quite appreciated how important Latin was in this period, since almost all of the important books and ideas were written in Latin.

Editorial: enzymes from extreme environments

The authors then focus on the characteristics of psychrophilic, thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic enzymes and discuss their current applications in research and industrial areas, the challenges of working with extremozymes, and highlight future trends in the discovery and production of extremozymes. Among the different classes of extremozymes, thermophilic and thermostable enzymes are the most extensively sought →

Editorial: chemoinformatics approaches to structure- and ligand-based drug design

The integration of these methodologies to the drug discovery enterprise has led to an exponential growth of chemical and biological data, in addition to a sharp increase in the complexity of the R&D process. As a result, current players in drug discovery have invested unprecedentedly in the development of computational methods to extract meaning from →

One malaysia

In fact, he states that it is the goal of national unity envisioned by past prime ministers of this nation with a different approach and method according to the current condition of the world. Firstly, the definition of the application of solidarity is to unite all of the Malaysia citizen to become a single race, →

“the life of eminem”

On his journey to becoming big Eminem struggled physically and mentally, until he was finally able to capture the ears of music producers, and although Eminem was rejected at first because of his race he never let that stop him from being successful; he learned how to turn his unhappy childhood into fame and fortune →

Public speaking topics for teens? essay sample

Additional Answer Public Speaking Topics for Teens You have been assigned to give a speech to your classmates on anything you want. At the same time, your subject You have been assigned to give a speech to your classmates on anything you want.

Chinese new year is really just around teh corner essay sample

Since Chinese New Year is the most important celebration among the Chinese, the celebration is always a grand one where family members gather around the house to eat, chat and play. When cleaning is done, decorate the house with the Chinese New Year decoration, the auspicious home decoration in order to bring your family a →

Shakespeare’s definition of love

The line " Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds," creates a sense of stability for love since Shakespeare argues love is false if it changes with a change in situation. By contrasting the nature of love to the personality of Creon, Shakespeare creates distinction between the stubbornness of love and →

Interaction between positive end expiratory pressure and cardiac index

00134 Positive end-expiratory pressure is essential in the management of acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome in children and adults. In their animal model, the PEEP of 5 cm of H 2 O was the PEEP of best CI and oxygen delivery, and at higher levels of PEEP the CI and oxygen delivery →

The strategy marketing for dockers marketing essay

The company immediately decided to hire John Goodman to be the president of the Dockers division in America. The following are some of the main and distinctive features of Dockers products.

Application of theories on usain bolt: as a whole family in new funny virgin media ad

Under the concept of observational learning, Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte pointed out that when watching a video ad, the audiences tend to focus more on the behavior shown by the model followed by trying to retain the model's behavior in the audience's memory, and perform the same role or behavior shown by the model. BT's →

Factors affecting standard of living

The cost of living is determined by the amount of money needed to buy the goods and services necessary to maintain a specific standard of living." In 1890, the Bureau of Labor Statistics made the first attempt to gather data on the cost of living in the United States, introducing the cost-of-living index. The difference →

How has the concept of free will and individual freedom

For Aristotle, the universe is a kind of life form which is commanded by a higher authority, that laws of nature preside over our world. The order of humans is now realised to be a product of human intellect.

Phin report

Recent Health Issues in US: The Role of PHIN in Health Management Institute Recent Health Issues in US: The Role of PHIN in Health Management Introduction The health issues in US are growing for quite a while and therefore they are getting much more attention in the world of academia. The fundamental purpose of this →

Rhetorical analysis of the jungle rhetorical analysis of the jungle

Sinclair's use of descriptive, in depth diction serves to promote a reaction out of the reader, by depicting as thorough as possible his evidence and reasoning, similar to the purpose of his intense tone. After analysis of the different devices used in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, it is obvious that Sinclair's masterful use of intense →

The family of woodstock essay sample

In this paper I will identify the factors that led to the creation of the family of Woodstock, I will list how the family of Woodstock specialized to meet the needs of the community, how the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the Woodstock organization developed and changed over a 40 year period, and how these →

Outline and rationale of educational philosophy

I feel that my teaching methods and beliefs will be in line to what the premise of constructivism is based; learning is the result of mental construction. My desire is to have my students learn how to be motivated, to challenge themselves, want to explore and continue on the path of lifelong learning.

Love and mental health in cosi by louis nowra assignment

The emotive language used in this speech and the increase in henrys stutter shows the amount of anger he feels towards the subject and the betrayal he feels to find out that nick and Lewis support the Vietnamese in a war against their own country.[Banging chair on the floor] " Traitors! You are traitors" The →

Accounting system checklists – lab report example

The selection of the best accounting system software requires a lot of proper research and studies in order for the organization to work effectively. Steps Involved in the Selection of the Right Accounting System Software 1.

Human urinary system parts and functions

It is then carried into the bloodstream to the kidneys by the renal arteries. The location of the right kidney is usually lower than the left kidney because of the liver position.

Vark analysis paper

This is great to have and it shows this writer is well prepared to sit in college classrooms and live forums and be able to interact with presenters and others with live discussions. In looking at the summary of this writer's current positions that the writer holds and participate in, it is very evident that →

Sociology assignment

An example is in a society where the percentage of employment is very high the pockets of people not in employment may be seen as not trying hard enough, but in a situation where the unemployment is high; the system will have to be looked into to see if there are opportunities and training for →

Dubliners, counterparts essay

Tom is Farrington's son who, at the end of the story, is beaten by his drunken father.2." He had done for himself in the office, pawned his watch, spend all of his money; and he had not even got drunk". Alcohol plays a key part in his depression and is the highlight of his day, →

Business applications of artificial intelligence

The goal to understand machine language and achieve problem- solving using AI machine was closer to get idealized and the research on AI continues to take flight until the present age, despite the lack of government fund and public attention. Some of its use and benefits are such as: Organizations can leverage AI and ML →

Sustainable development toward an eco-build homes

The uses of fossil fuel for energy and transport has already damage our climate and as a result of this, the climate change is already having impact on our live and is expected to destroy the live hoods of many people in the developing world as well as ecosystem and species, The research carried out →

Review of the life of pi by yann martel

The Life of Pi is a story about survival, and how a belief in God can make a boy into a man and how facing life and death in the Pacific Ocean can lead to either utter despair or having an unwavering faith in God that can lead to survival The entire novel showcases, Pi →


Colleen's kidnapping became complicated when the victim was brainwashed, and her character changed to the advantage of the assailants. The court concluded that Stan had been coerced and brainwashed to accept the fact that she was part of the family.

A reader response critque of a rose for emily

" A Rose for Emily" is a story about a girl that suffers from a fear of change. Ministers and doctors called trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body and just as they were about to resort to law and force she broke down, and buried her father quickly.

5 steps to better understand swot marketing analysis

If you are a manager who works in the marketing department, you are actually going to put down the various types of companies that are similar to the company you want to review. SWOT Marketing Strengths As you look at the different types of strengths, you are going to look at where the company has →

Over fishing, problems and solutions essay sample

We have to look towards the future of maintaining our oceans resources." Only 10 percent of all large fish-both open ocean species including tuna, swordfish, marlin and the large ground fish such as cod, halibut, skates and flounder-are left in the sea" To help maintain and preserve our oceans resources countries have been setting up →

Sonnet assignment

To be so intoxicated by love and to be so deeply in love that you lose your ability to speak, or it affects the mind is the true notion of love. Shakespeare uses the personification of Time to tell the reader that " Love" is unaffected by Time; rather Love endures.

Human service interview assignment

The class is small so I can have " eyes in the back of my head" and give students the attention they needs.7. I think because I have found a balance in the way to teach them and counsel them, I do not have to separate the two.10.

How does the dragon provide the most dramatic development in beowulf?

The use of epithets aid in characterizing the grandeur of both the dragon and its surroundings. As the dragon awakened, it became infuriated, and went on to ravage the Geatland country." So the guardian of the mound, the hoard-watcher, waited for the gloaming with fierce impatience; his pent-up fury at the loss of the vessel →

Mean creek- important idea

The director shows us this through the way the characters change during the burial of George, the word " snap" written in a tree and the guilt felt by Millie and Sam. At this moment the director uses a combination of dark lighting and close up shots of Millie's partially hidden face in the shadows →

Improving organizational performance stimulation

The success of any business is pegged the level of motivation of the employees. Understanding the psychology of attitudes and perceptions enables better management of employees in the organization.

Socio-economic and political conditions in sparta and athens after 800 b.c.e.

To improve their economical, social, and political conditions, the Athenians and the Spartans created new political systems, introduced important reforms and stood as the role models in the Greek political development. The main aim of the Spartan men was to be trained as the best infantrymen and sacrifice their lives in the battle.

Project management counting the benefits of solar power in hempstead town article review example

Among these, the sun is the best source of renewable energy considering that there is never a shortage of it despite advanced technologies' dependence on solar energy. The goal of the project is to add to the growing number of Hempstead facilities running on solar power as main source of energy.

The sociological imagination

According to Mills, one of the most central points of the imagination is the ability to shift from one perspective to another, to see the complexity in all findings: from a microsociological view to an outlook of overall world history. In other words, it is valuable to see the link between personal problems and big →

Organic chemistry assignment

These will often Involve determining the class of the compounds and the arrangement of atoms In the molecules I.E. Isolation and Purification of Organic compounds The goal of preparative organic chemistry is the isolation of pure materials.

Nature j. michael bailey, a professor of psychology

But the purpose of this examination is not to prove whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong, but rather to establish a thorough understanding of the biological and social theories surrounding the cause of homosexuality. If someone is predisposed to enjoying solidarity, and is raised in an environment that lacks positive reinforcement of social →

Satire in animal farm, a modest proposal and a political cartoon essay

Animal Farm, Orwell's allegorical critique of the Russian Revolution, reveals the innate malevolence of mankind through the corruption and perversion of Marxist ideals. Thus, in George Orwell's Animal Farm, Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal and John Spooner's political cartoon, the shortcomings of mankind are reflected in an distorted mirror of society, one that is later →

Marian wright edelman mini

Marian Wright Edelman Mini Research Paper Marian Wright Edelman most famously known for her work at the Children's Defense Fund is the founderand president of CDF. The University has strong productive history in attraction of grants for spending on the study of children and families.

Thomas paine’s common sense

Thomas Paine came to America from Britain at just the right time because he would see the condition of America and with the power of his words he would subdue the public in believing in his cause. Paine was a liberal and believed that the government which governs less is the best form of government.

Leed in the construction industry

LEED Continues to be Useful for the Construction Industry The LEED Green Building Program continues its spurring growth in sustainable building, design and construction in the U.S.and across the globe by providing some of the most effective means of achieving numerous global goals. As mentioned, one of the most important benefits to LEED green buildings →

Successful leaders case study

According to Tepper, a firm position, the ability to communicate with subordinats, and capability of making important decisions are the main features of a good leader. In the relations with subordinates, the head should keep a distance and should not closely relate to them.

Editorial: corrosion of reinforced concrete structures

Editorial on the Research Topic Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete Structures Corrosion of reinforced concrete structures is nowadays one of the major concerns on the durability and serviceability of buildings and constructions. The Research Topic on " Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete Structures" presents a collection of research articles covering the relevant topics and current state of →

He institution of adoption became most popular.

The foundation of the doctrine of adoption is the duty which every one owes to his ancestor to provide for the continuance of the line and the solemnisation of the necessary rites. With the passage of time the number of subsidiary sons diminished with the increasing abhorrence and repulsion to the sexual looseness which characterised →

Reflective paper

In the former, my role was championing and holding staff accountable to the process rigor, while in the latter, I developed tools, process, methodologies and discipline of the required efforts. This will encompass the purpose and intent of the process, including the annual flow of the effort and actual work effort of a team.

Environmental health assessment

Accessed: October 20, 2008 Mold in the Home.2005. Available: http://www.moldunit.com/types-of-mold.html.

Crime victim services program bullhead city

Summary of the Program The mission of Bullhead City Crime Victim Service Unit is to meet the needs of crime victims in the community by providing them with unhurried and empathetic ways to safety, participation in the criminal justice system, restitution and healing. It also focuses on ensuring that all the victims of crime are →

Everybody’s issue

Men will not have to be strong constantly and will not have to bear all responsibility of providing for a family. We need to have gender equality to unify the World and make it a better place.

To be gifted or non-gifted – that is not the question

Our class happened to be the " gifted" class, meaning that we had taken the test administered by the school counselor and had been lucky enough to pass. But it is very obvious to me that this categorization is a disservice to the many bright and talented kids whose creative energy is squashed by the →

1-3 com

Digital literacyinvolves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers, mobile devices, the Internet, and related technologies computeris an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory scanneris a light-sensing input device that converts printed text and images into a form the computer can process output deviceis any hardware component →

Gym routine

In relation to the overload principle, the weight you choose must be heavy enough that the last few reps must be a struggle, and you may not be able to complete all the reps, therefore if you are able to complete the full amount of reps quite easily then the weight is to light. But →

Editorial: bioprospecting and biotechnology of extremophiles

In a similar context, epoxide hydrolases found in the metagenomes from hot springs have also been proposed for use in the detoxication of xenobiotics, and as a defense against pathogen attack and stress response in plants. MJ conceived of the idea for the Research Topic: Bioprospecting and Biotechnology of Extremophiles and served as editor.

Elements of information theory assignment

The solutions to the problems were generated by the teaching assistants and readers for the weekly homework assignments and handed back with the graded homework in the class immediately following the date the assignment was due. What is the inequality relationship Of H and ) if Y = XX?

Analyzing and identifying news paper articles

The author recognizes that America needs a well strategic defense plan that commensurate that of the Russian-along time political enemy that traces back to the onset of the cold war, with this, he is quick to note that is not in preparation to go to war with the communist republic but to ensure that the →

Environmental impact

To start with, Italy through corporate partnership has called for the preservation of her historical sites that include the famous Roman monuments where people perceive to be the origin of the western culture. Case in point, the Italian government needs to educate its citizens on the importance of preserving their historical sites such as the →

Two important objectives of progressivism history essay

This was in response to the formation of the Anti-Saloon League in 1893 and it's efforts to banning alchol. The Immigration Act of 1924 was passed and that lowered the quota to 2%.

Critique of racial/cultural for the man who was almost a man

The dialogue of the characters gives away important information like exactly what time period it is, the location and the education of the people talking. To Dave the gun meant that he was a man and he thought he had to act like a man when he had it.

Materialism in the novel the great gatsby essay sample

All that he accomplished was just for the sole purpose of being good enough for Daisy and at the end she decided to stay with her husband. Gatsby did not understand this, he thought that things will were the same when in fact things were very different because now Daisy was not only attached to →

Interventions for the working stage

The abject power of psychological acceptance in a work group can impact the performance and stress levels of individuals, as Grinder and Bandler emphasized the degree of distortion each person are prone to develop, despite the level of control and efficiency they may project. To correct identified cognitive and psychosocial barriers in highly-functioning work groups, →

Business leader:microsoft

The heads of business divisions report to the chairman and the CEO. From the inception of Microsoft, Bill Gates was very open to new ideas.

Love and desire in phaedrus

The soul is the charioteer and the choices are the horses. Coming back to the question, what is love and desire, one can get a good understanding of it by reading Phaedrus.

Fly cheap airlines essay sample

Why does inflation make nominal GDP a poor measure of the increase in total production? -Nominal GDP is the value of final goods and services evaluated at current-year prices and are calculated by summing the current values of final goods and services. In the other hand, the real GDP is and services in the base →

Jonah and the whale essay sample

He was able to use Jonah to deliver a message despite Jonah's unwillingness and complete distaste for the message. Jonah and the whale The story of Jonah and the whale is too important to be left as just a children's story.

Jang brand audit essay

Kamran Siddiqui INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE The purpose of this brand audit is to analyze the brand Jang Newspaper and determine the true personality of the newspaper. The brand extensions from the Newspaper in the form of the online newspaper, GEO television and MKRF have given it immense publicity and are widely acclaimed as the most credible →

Supply chain differences

Business to consumer supply chain consist of all activities of electronic business between the businesses and the final user of the products, that is the consumer. For a business to business supply chain the volume of transaction is always very high as compared to the volume of transactions in a business to consumer supply chain.

Limitations of new media

So openness and freedom of the online platform provided by new media technologies reinforce the sense of citizenship and democracy but also have potential to disrupt social order and democracy. 2, Digital divide: Disadvantaged groups- (the poor, the elder, the undereducated, and thous In rural areas-continued to lag behind in their access to and use →

Never be educated at home by their parents education essay

This is based on the fact that, it is not a matter of traditional class; the children will be taking their learning process with the help of their parents who will be acting as instructors. Those proposing for this motion claim that, it is not a matter of traditional class the children will be learning →

Is conformity to group norms a good or bad thing

Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group. Informational conformity occurs when a person lacks knowledge, therefore they look to their group for guidance; or when a person is in an unclear situation and socially compares their behavior with the group.

Water pollution assignment

While one country is dumping chemicals into their rivers and lakes, other countries as well as the marine life are getting affected where those rivers and lakes go into the ocean. In " Ocean Pollution," it declares, " Toxins from pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals used on farms contaminate nearby rivers that flow into the →

Real value of both elements of the

In 2004, Arsenal struck a deal with Emirates Airlines and this deal wasworth 100million for 15 years for the naming rights of the stadium and eightyears for the kit." The combined value of both elements of the sponsorship isby far the biggest deal ever undertaken in English football". As the years have gone by money →

Pepsico-frito lay essay

The mission and strategy of PepsiCo-Frito Lay has been biblical and a code of honor shared between its executive management and its team of employees. The mantra of " Performance with Purpose" encapsulates the mission and strategy of PepsiCo-Frito Lay.

Hrm in toyota essay

Actually, it is extremely important to analyze the management of the production and human resource management of the company, its basic strategies of the development and related ethical issues in order o clearly define whether the current policy and management style of Toyota fully meet the demands of the new, globalized economy and, therefore, it →

Importance of technical education

The Education which teaches the concerns of a society is called Social Education. The technical education produces technicians for all type of industries and it is true that the progress of a country much depend upon its Industrialization without which a handsome economy would not be possible.

Ethics of recycling assignment

One of the major ways Americans have been trying to combat the issue of decreasing numbers of one-use resources is to use more renewable resources that we are able to recycle. Some of the downfalls to recycling include inconvenience and a sense of false security on the current status of our planet.

Erp final assignment

A planned order is sent to a plant and is an MR.request for the procurement of a particular material at a determined time. Describe several of the lot sizing methods used in SAP a.

Little red riding hood essay

In the versions of Little Red Riding Hood written byCharles Perrault, Little Red Riding Hood was characterized as being " the prettiest you can imagine," but gullible in depth of no survival. Little Red Riding Hood is definitely grown up with the changes of time.

Traumatic brain injury’s severity assessment, treatment and rehabilitation – concussion prevention is better than cure

A concussion occurs as a result of external forces that come into contact with the head resulting in injuries in the brain thus causing a malfunction in the nervous system.' In cases of concussion, prevention are better than cure'. It emphasizes the importance of the precautions needed to be taken in order to counter the →

Choose one example of clearly propagandistic communication and analyze it in historical context using communication theories and tools to unpack its structure and meaning

The Propaganda During the intense battle of Germans and the Allied Forces in 1914, the British government published a written report about its accomplishments in the war. In some instances, the corollary effect of propaganda endures for a long time and is actually passed on from generation to generation.

“dancing with flavor” the origin of salsa dancing essay

Salsa is a refinement and a fusion of many Latin and Afro-Caribbean dances. During the 1940s and 1970s, people in New York appreciated this kind of music and it was later given a specific name.

Greasy lake by t. coraghessan boyle

Its late at night when the boys arrive at the lake, they end up in trouble with a big greasy character, as they call him, and the whole lake is surrounded by death and decay. The boys from Greasy Lake met their match and learned that they really werent bad characters and Connie from Where →

Court report assignment

You can attend the Magistrates' Court; the District Court; the Supreme Court; the Court of Appeal; the Queensland Murmur Court; or a drug court. If this happens while you are in court, you should decide if what you have already seen is sufficient for you to complete your report well.

French tourism

Paris is called the " City of Light"; the lighting of monuments and buildings emphasizes the beauty of the architecture in the city. It is one of the most known monuments in the entire world, and definitely one of the most photographed.

Multimedia assignment

They are used for the following reasons: Show the placements of elements Provide a rough plan for the client such as text, graphics, links, headers, footers and banners Layouts and Sketches can be for the Web, Flash and Animations. If the user can control the access and the order of the content then it is →

Hamlet: pro or anit-revenge?

In support of the pro-vengeance view, characters who took revenge or supported it were, with the exception of Claudius, apparently honorable men Hamlet, Laertes, Fortinbras, and the Ghost. Also, in the eyes of the people just named, avenging the death of a father was a very respectable endeavor, indeed if the dead was not satisfied →

The u.s. supreme court powers

ACS U2IP In its capa as the highest court of the land, the Supreme Court of the United s confers, on lower courts, the mandate and authority to hear cases. Finally, jurisdiction quasi in rem is the legal reference to legal jurisdiction of court over property rights of an individual that is absent from the →

Dangerous jobs essay

For instance, on considering globalisation, the potential for harm and particularly the exploitation of the vulnerable and the weak, then we see that this is also not a valid decision to make on the basis of business ethics. It is with this in mind that we can say that it is unethical to make a →

Editorial: electrochemical sensors and biosensors in medical and pharmaceutical bioanalysis

Editorial on the Research Topic Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors in Medical and Pharmaceutical Bioanalysis This Research Topic collects different contributions in the emerging field of bioanalysis, highlighting the most relevant advances reported in the literature as well as some original research studies in medical and pharmaceutical bioanalysis. In this context, the exploitation of electrochemical paper-based →

Editorial: nano-bio interactions: ecotoxicology and cytotoxicity of nanomaterials

It has always been a challenging task to grasp the full picture of nanotoxicology and nanoecotoxicology, as multiple parameters should be taken into consideration for assessments simultaneously, including the physicochemical properties of ENMs, the migration and transformation of ENMs in the environment and organisms, and the physiological and pathological conditions of the testing organisms. The →


In particular, the imperfection of the system of higher education, what the author vividly highlights by the use of irony in the description of the University Martin, the protagonist, studies at, expressly making it look like an advertisement, with all the impudence and vainglory typical of the educational establishments of renown. But the whole point →

The lord of the flies essay sample

I will talk about some of the events on the island and I will build upon the two pivotal personalities of Jack and Ralph. He weeps for the end of innocence and the darkness of man's heart and for the fall of Piggy.