4 Pages Essay Samples

“the english teacher” by r.k. narayan essay sample

Susila's passing on to the netherworld marks a radical change in Krishna's life, and therefore it is valid to term the incident as one which is of " massive consequence and magnitude". He is far too confident and casual in his diagnosis that he is able to tell to tell what illness a patient is →

Descriptive essay – emergency room essay sample

Although the humor aspect of these shows is exaggerated, that is not to say that there is no humor in the emergency room because that is far from the truth. Because of the nature of the emergency room and the clientele that require its services, humor is not commonly accepted in such a place.

Nurse-patient ratio

Nurse-patient Ratio laws are state mandates requiring hospitals to keep to a maximum sealing limit of the ratio of nurses to patients. At the moment, states that have yet to apply any nurse-patient ratio limits typically charge each of their nurses the care of at least 6 nurses and even as high as 8 to →

Interview a helping professional essay

Answer: " My practice is more community-centered and since I work in a supervised clinical setting, my work primarily involves counseling and providing therapy to patients. Answer: " As I have mentioned, I work in a hospital, so I provide counseling and therapy to patients in a clinical setting, within the hospital, and I rarely →

Home birth vs hospitalized births

Some of the perks or benefits of giving birth at home is obviously, that the woman can have anybody in the room with her during this time such as friends andfamily. Another benefit of birthing centers are that although it may not look like a hospital and may very well be a house, there are →

Healthcare marketing essay sample

All the groups that the community hospital would like to keep a relationship with. The decline of Hospitals in the metropolitan areas, the high populations and the need for a service all contribute to the success of after-hours clinics and urgent care facilities.

Virtues, vices, and habits of the healthcare provider essay sample

VIRTUES OF THE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FIDELITY All healthcare professionals are to stick to fidelity as they serve the needs of their patients, that is the very purpose why they became healthcare providers.* Fidelity is derived from the Latin word fidelitas which means " faithfulness" * It also means faithfulness to one's obligations, duties, and responsibilities. →

Example of nuclear weapon in north korea and its influence on its international relationship research proposal

This proposal will look at nuclear weapons in North Korea and its effect on its relationship with the United States and South Korea. The purpose of this academic study is examining North Korea's atomic weapons program influence on its relationship with the United States and North Korea.

Example of term paper on production of nuclear energy

The terms alpha, beta and gamma decay, came into existence; that is, the release of energy when the nucleus releases neutrons and electrons in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Science has documented that the ultimate source of the bulk of terrestrial energy is nuclear, either from the sun's radiation resulting from the stellar thermonuclear reactions →

Electroretinography thesis example

Since all the cells in the inner and outer nuclear layer of the retina contribute to ERG, it can be used as a function of these cells. The size and the shape of ERG depend upon the amount of light reaching the retina.

Free system traffic control essay sample

It is important that traffic control system should help in the management of these accidents with enforcement, engineering and education. It is important that traffic control system should help in the management of these accidents with enforcement, engineering and education.

Example of essay on conversion of energy from one form to another

During the process of energy transformation some amount of energy may be lost because the transducers also consume energy, but the energy loss depends with the efficiency of the device used. One example of energy transformation is the use of solar panel; this device converts the solar energy into electrical energy which is used domestically →

Hiroshima and nagasaki bombing research paper

The use of weapons of mass destruction has been a burner issue in most world conferences including the UN annual summits of the Security Council and even in the meeting of the G-8 and G-20 countries. The armament and even the Non- proliferation treaties have been used to cut down the usage and the →

Efficiency in energy conversion research paper example

Solar Energy: Solar energy is described as the energy that is generated using rays of sunlight produced deep down in the core of Sun. The principles of energy conversion can be applied to this form of energy, and hence wind energy can be converted to other forms of energy such as mechanical energy.

Essay on the earthquake

It was the day when my sister was born and the day when she died. It was the day when my sister was born and died.

Good example of the effects of habitat loss term paper

All these elements endanger the welfares and sustainability of the forests, making life hard for the living diversity of the world. Deforestation is a serious issue that directly affects the habitat of the living plant and animal species.

Zeitoun essay

In this context, Ahmad is talking to his brother Zeitoun who remained in Louisiana when the rest of the family members left for Arizona to escape hurricane. The two children, Laila and Lutfi have been used by the author of the book to elaborate on the theme of suffering in the context.

Research paper on functions

This implies that the period depends on the length of the string and the gravity Two variables can be used to show that the motion of simple pendulum is periodic. The displacement equation is given by = 0 Cos where w = l/g which is equal to the angular frequency of the pendulum.

My favorite art

And the fact that the song is used with the dance is tremendous to me. The lighting and wardrobe is also a reason I like the dance.

Complete name of the student essay sample

Overview of the Romantic Ballet Historically, the nineteenth century ballet is perhaps the landmark in the history of dance. This is the product and culmination of the innovations and discoveries in the later part of eighteenth century which then brought together the different elements in ballet.

Beyonce giselle knowles

She is not only a singer, but she is also a song writer, record producer, actress, and model who was born and raised in Houston, Texas. It came pretty easy for Beyonce to start the pop group Destiny's Child, but it is how she was raised that has ultimately contributed to her success and in →

Elizabethan life/elizabethan dance

Dances for the upper class included the Tintertell, the Saltarello, and the Ballet. It was unique in the many types and formations of dance.

Dance: interpretative/performance skills

The clarity of movement in a dance is specifying and paying attention to every little detail that the chereographer intended. Energy in dance sets the mood of the piece and is an extremely important performance skill to be able to have.

Good history essay example

In Act I, Scene I for example, the music master, the dance master and the pupil are gathered at the house of Monsieur Jourdain, a noble. The above two statements by the dance master and the music master clearly shows that entertainment was a way of expressing a person's nobility in society, and despite an →

Current issues in lifespan development essay

Due to time children spend in school, school need to provide a nutritional and physical active environment. Providing program on who to prevent and understanding the treatment for obesity children can help control obesity.

Good essay on cultural significance of dance genres vis–vis the premises of deidre sklar

This study, in undertaking the foregoing, uses two of the premises mentioned by Sklar in understanding the cultural significance of two popular kinds of dance the ballet and the jitterbug. Given the cultural histories of ballet and the jitterbug, it is thus difficult to dissociate forms of dance from specific kinds of cultural movements.

Evaluation of ‘les noces’

The scenes are: the consecration of the bride, the consecration of the bride groom, The departure of the bride and The wedding feast. The choreographic techniques in Les noces are well thought out for the feeling and mood of the dance.

Play critique of cabaret

The story was easy to follow and I thought the characters, the costumes and the performance as a whole were good, but there were a few problems that I thought needed work. It made me feel like I was actually sitting in the club, and not out in the audience of a play.

How does the body movement of dance performance differ from the ready-to-wear essay samples

The dancer is the soul of the performance; his costume is intended to help the performer look his best during the show, in order to correspond with the dance. Every costume in the showroom is telling me a story of that time period it belonged to, imagining how the dance performance creates a visual and →

Tibetan sky burials essay

There are many burial ceremonies around the world but, the Tibetan Sky Burial in particular, proves to be the most interesting and ultimately the most gruesome of all. Since the introduction of Buddhism to the region in the 800s, sky burials have become the most common way to dispose of the dead.

Why i dance

So the bar is like my family and friends because it gives me the support I need when I dance. So in conclusion, dance is a perfect example of everything I want to be when I am older: Strong, beautiful, smart and hopeful.

The discoveries of cave paintings in the excavations of altamira in cantabria spain

It's famous for the outstanding artistic quality of the paintings it contains, as well as the quantity of motifs preserved. The artist would then blow across the open hollow bone and force the ochre up the vertical bones and onto the surface of the rock.

Spray guns: main applications and benefits

Spray gun is a tool used in spray painting and it's more convenient to use in comparison to some paintbrush. This is a result of the irregular application of the paint because it's tough to control and there's a fantastic trend of this paint to generate drip marks and this also will not definitely get →

The debate on the art merit and value of damien hirst

He stands as an inspiring role model to people of all ages and continues to break the cycle of traditionalism in the art world. Hirst's shark is a perfect example of conceptual art: the simple idea of the piece is the focal point of the work.

Free research paper on music appreciation

The rhythm also compares to the spacing and organization of the figures in the painting. The form and texture of Da Vinci's art piece smooth, religious and calm.

Portrait of the artist’s sisters playing chess critical thinking sample

The question of why the girl on the right has her hand raised is enhanced in the viewer's mind by the depiction of smallest girl in the middle ground with a bemused smile focused on the girl with her hand raised. The mass and volume given to the girl on the left suggest her place →

Portrait of sylvette

He uses these precise lines to express the mathematical proportions and sections of various objects, such as the wall, free space, desk, and young girl. Picasso utilizes various shades of colors to define the kind of light that is being used to show the viewer the imagined depths and value in this portrait.

George washington critical thinking samples

The first art form is the painting from Charles Wilson Peale of General Washington made after he won the battles of Trenton and Princeton at the time of the revolutionary war. George Washington's Farewell Address To the People of the United States.

Judith with the head of holofernes by jan massys critical thinking example

Massys being a renowned painter and a master in the guild of Antwerp in 1531 gained his space in the list of great painters in history. However, in Massys's painting on Judith beguiling style of conquering the enemies of Israelites is laced with sensual themes and sexualizing of the women.

The last supper by leonardo davinci

The Last Supper by Leonardo Ad Vinci, created during the Renaissance, exhibits many of those values from that period, including the portrayal of religious subjects and the use of a realistic style and respective. While in the service of the Duke and the Duchess, he studied nature, aviation, thematic, and engineering, including designing the churches →

Free research paper on movies in art

The dark lines of the portrait demonstrate the intrinsic hues and glows with which El Greco's paintings are informed and the sense of emptiness and hollowness is never so far away. In ' The Dormition of the Virgin' which is also briefly referred to in the film, El Greco creates a sense of occasion and →

Example of essay on creation of adam vs. paradise

One of the paintings depicts an image of unity of God and human while the other shows the place where humans and the creator were disunited. Both of the artworks point to a chance given for humanity in Adam's person.

Commercialization of the navajo sand painting practice

Some of the steps include identifying an evil within a community member, prepping for the ceremony, and various ceremonial procedures, concluded with the destroying of most of the sand used in painting. The criteria for this is that one person may recognize an evil within someone and for the good of the patient but also →

Photorealism: hyperrealism, hyperrealism, new realism, or sharp focus realism

The movement began in the same period as Minimalism, Pop art, and Conceptual art and a articulated a strong concentration in art, over that of abstraction and idealism. Then Audrey Flack, the solo female photorealist of the movement, came along and started to integrate expressive themes and concepts of the transience of life in her →

Free research paper about architecture museum essay

John the Baptist and the two angels being in the painting are symbolic since the angels are known to be holy. The angels are there to show that baby Jesus is the son of God.

The wholley innocent analysis essay

The fetus besides compares itself to a defenceless lamb with surely evokes feeling of understanding in the reader. Bruce Dawes " The Wholly Innocent".which is an highly powerful verse form.successfully establishes the fact that the female parent of this fetus has no right to take away his/her life.


In conclusion, the destruction of an innocent life is immoral; no one person should be able to take a life from anyone, whether it is at conception or beyond. Abortion should not be legal because there are alternative solutions, life begins at conception, and adoption is an option.


Abortion is defined as " the termination of an unwanted pregnancy by removing the embryo or foetus from the uterus of the mother." There are various methods for termination of a pregnancy. S with the legalization of abortion a largest decline in birthrates were seen among women who do not have the capacity to raise →

Abortion pro-life

Conservatives would call the Liberals liars and state that the only reason that they want to abort is because they have no necessary need for a baby. There are over two million couples that cannot have kids in the United States and there is a limited supply of kids available to adopt.

Placenta abruptio — a nursing perspective research paper

The paper concludes with a nursing process based plan of care for this condition including suggestions for assessment for the presence of the condition including possible presence of blood, fetal heart rate and maternal blood pressure changes, and shock symptoms. The prognosis of placenta abruption is fetal and maternal distress with continued bleeding.

Good example of essay on critical analysis of we do abortions here: a nurses tale

Through her experiences, Sallie wishes to inform her audience that, despite the very valid moral and ethical objections she may have to the practice of abortion, and the unsavory nature of her job, she feels it is a necessary and valid one. The failures of the rest of society make abortion necessary as a corrective, →

Analysis of the role of the chorus in anicent greek plays essay sample

The role of chorus as shown in Sophocles' Oedipus King the actually extends our understanding of the play in that the chorus commentate on the action, analyse the meaning behind the actions. They act as a kind of advisor to the characters, this role they simplify the action and the quickens the awkward and slow →

The role of mythology in a tale of two cities

One of the most interesting of these motifs is the present of myth and more specifically the extremes of human nature. Setting is of incredible importance in " A Tale of Two Cities" and takes place in the cities of London and Paris.

In search of the trojan war

In Search of the Trojan War The Trojan War was a war that was fought between the early Greeks, the Mycenaean's and the people of Troy that lasted approximately ten years. The idea of " The Trojan Horse" helped put the war to end and as a result the Greeks came out victorious.

Philosophical basis of bigfoot existence: myth and reality

The historical record of the story in the Oregon nation dates back in 1904, following the sightings of a bushy wild man in the Sixes River area by the settlers. It is argued, the interest in the existence of the Bigfoot is so enormous despite the lack of compelling evidence.

The journey of a king

The Journey of a King In Homer's epic poem, " The Odyssey", Telemachus and Odysseus set out on their own journeys to become men; as a result, they become patient, brave, and honorable men. When Telemachus arrives at Pylos and have dinner in King Nestor's palace, he waits a while to admit that he really →

Busting the 5 myths about small business lending

But if you are committed to finding funding and open to the necessary conditions, securing a loan for your brand new business is possible. Even so, before applying for a business loan, it is still important to take steps to make your credit report and score the best possible reflection of your financial history.

Women in the odyssey

Overall, women and feminine power have a very influential role in the plot of the Odyssey. Thus, the women in the epic who are seen weaving are technically weaving the destinies of the characters of the story.

After in the heads of two more

When the Cyclops returned in the during the evening he again led his sheep in and rolled the stone to close the mouth of the cave, and proceeded to bash in the heads of two more men and eat them. Odysseus and his men then took the got a stick sharpened the end of it.

The downfall of the sumerians essay

This interest in measuring long periods of time led the Sumerians to develop a complicated knowledge of astronomy and the first human invention of the zodiac in order to measure yearly time. Like all human cultures, the Sumerians were struck by the wondrous regularity of the movement of the heavens and speculated that this movement →

Bigfoot: theories, hypotheses, and myths

I still do hope that Bigfoot is real" by writing this it shows the readers that he too wants to believe the creature is real and it will give the reader a sense of goodwill from the author. He uses the balance of those positive and negative pathos words as a subtle approach to show →

Honors u.s history

S History The beginning of the 1900s marked the start of the Second World War Although the U. If the dropping of the atomic was bombs intended to stop the war quickly and bring peace to the tension, then the U.

The evaluation of ronald reagan

He had a vision in his mind of what the country was destined to be and decided to chase it, bringing along the hopes of many that chose to support him. Reagan had the capability of capturing his audience by knowing exactly what to say, he knew what he needed to tell the people in →

Has the cold war really ended?

What really has to do with it was what happened after the Second World War ended, which was the division of Berlin, Germany into the Communist and the Capitalist. That is when the cold war started between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Book critique a piece of my heart

The book " A Piece of my Heart" by Keith Walker is a compilation of twenty-six stories told by the Women who served in Vietnam. What is interesting to learn about in this book is the way that these women arrive in Vietnam.

1970’s to 2000’s has life changed in the united states?

One of the biggest similarities between the 1970s and the 2000's in the United States is that our troops are overseas fighting a war. In the early 1970's, the U.S.was at war in Vietnam and today we are at war in Afghanistan.

Hazards of nuclear wars

It is likely that miles and miles of city around the affected scene would be turned into a desert and no one might be in a position to come to the aid of the victims. What has taken the world centuries to accomplish would be destroyed in a few days or months of nuclear war.

Abel girma

The US and USSR cooperated during the war to defeat the Axis although each had prewar tensions and differing ideologies which were reflected by disagreements over plans for post-War Europe at the crucial conferences of Yalta and Potsdam, resulting in their unsurprising split. Historical animosity existed between the USA and the USSR as early as →

Analyze the edgar allan poe essay

A few of the hypotheses are that Poe was an alcoholic, whose drinking led to his death, had medical problems and diseases that eventually caused his passing, and the Cooping Theory, which ended in him being severely beaten which led to his death a few days later. The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe's Death.

Two halves of the same song

The story was a direct reflection of love vs.rebellion with the mother and the daughter, presented in a humorous almost sounding sarcastic tone to show the two kinds of people in the story; the one the mother thought the daughter should be and the one the daughter thought she should be, and in the end →

Pride and prejudice jane austen

The Novel at a Glance Pride and Prejudice is a comedy of manners that explores how considerations ofmoney, familybackground, and personal vanity can complicate the course of true love. An entail is a restriction on the inheritance of family property, and in the case of the Bennets, the entail stipulated that Longbourn, the family home, →

Machiavelli: realism over idealism

To Machiavelli, this is an extremely dangerous delusion for it ignores what he considers the reality of the human condition: humans are brutal, selfish, and fickle. The prince has many characteristics that are crucial to his standing in a society such as: it is better to be stingy than generous, it is better to be →

Reader’s position in jane austen’s emma

As a result Mr Knightley shows to be the only one capable and willing around her, to help her through and towards her development. Knightley acts as Emma's amentor' throughout the novel, we see on many occasions, him upsetting her with the truth, them in conflict, and a lot of realisation about oneself.

George orwell’s “on the rainy river”

In " On the Rainy River," having a goodeducationdoes not have much on an impact on Tim's life, because if your nation calls on you to defend your country, you are going to have to make a difficult decision on whether you are going to flee or going to war. Although Tim is educated on →

What is sylvia plath best known for?

The black is used to connote the evil of the Germans while the white represents the innocence of the Jews. Therefore Plath is using colours to create imagery of her view of the suppression of the Jews, this creates an empathetic impact on the reader.

Plato compared to machiavelli and lao-tzu

Lao-Tzu believed in the power of the people." Lao-Tzu takes the question of the freedom of the individual into account by asserting that the wise leader will provide the people with what they need, but not annoy them with promises of what they do not need". Plato and Lao-Tzu philosophies of what a ruler should →

Effects of social media on the conduct of military operations in the nigerian army

The purpose of this paper is to suggest ways of mitigating the negative effects of social media on the conduct of military operations in the NA. The aim of this paper is to discuss the effects of SM on the conduct of military operations in the NA with a view to making recommendations.

Ethnicity a major hurdle for nation development in africa essay example

Rwanda is one of the nations that have faced ethnicity as a problem to the point of near collapse. The 1994 genocide that occurred in Rwanda has been blamed on ethnic identities in the country.

A lesson before dying essay essay sample

First of all, he allows his lawyer's words to define him as a person, but after Grant Wiggins explain to him that he is a man not a " hog", he begins to stand up for himself as a black man with dignity. Even though Jefferson refused to let Grant in for a while, he →

Research paper on passion and tradition

Johnson's action is " in keeping with her own knowledge of the meaning of the quilts, the spirit that they embody, and her need to make decisions based upon her own values". But one of the most interesting elements of her work is a sense of cultural ambiguity, reflected in her support for, and criticism →

Malaria crisis in ghana-west africa

To mirror the ranges of malaria transmission intensity, the respondents in these villages were selected in areas of high, medium, and low altitude. In any case, finding of the study was useful as it provides a new model in analyzing serological data in understanding the transmission intensity of malaria.

Apartheid regime in south africa essay sample

After 1948, the National Party Government of South Africa brought in a series of laws to further institutionalise the segregation of black and white South Africans after 1948. Therefore, this Document shows the packing up and removal of a street full of Black South Africans by whites in keeping with the belief in racial separation →


Whether it be the burning of her former love's manuscript or supplying him with the pistol to shoot himself, Hedda's indignity shows the ability of man to have total disregard for the life of another. To Hedda, it is absurd that she would have to be under the power of a man.

Sex and gender in sally potter’s orlando

Would I then be ", " A real woman? " Yet it is this conversation, the embodiment of Butler's theories on gender performance, which bring Orlando to the ealisation that she longs for a child. Orlando's gender does not change her character in any way, she is the " same person.

New girl heroes: the rise of popular feminist commentators in an era of sexualisation research proposal examples

This could be made possible and successful through appreciating the amazing works of the new girl heroes that have emerged in the society.- Angle: The lack of recognition of the efforts made by new girl heroes widens the gap between lives of the teenage girl of the past and that of the current society. The →

Judith s. murray’s views on education, religion and gender equality

To end Gustafson's biography of Murray she states, " Murray was at the forefront of the movement in the revolutionary Atlantic world to extend the promise of equality in the Declaration of Independence to women as well as men". Murray's views on education, religion, and gender equality, through her literature pieces of work, brought attention →

Feminism in aliens

As the film moves, more and more do the triumph of the female characters overcome the inferiority of the " masculine" soldiers; Cameron explores the power of the relationship between mother and daughter or just mother and its offspring. Aliens, written and directed by a male, is a film that yells for the strength of →

Feminism hurts the modern woman

It was established to benefit the women and make them equals to men; however it failed to do so. These are the women who are a disgrace to the feminist interest group.

Theory research research papers examples

Thoughts have been formulated to describe the behavior of the child and to help the teachers understand the causation factors for the behavior of the child in a learning environment. The teachers can also be in a position to work on a strategy of reducing the impact of the historical aspects that influences the learning →

A literature based classroom begins with assessment essay

The most common reading comprehension assessment involves asking a child to read a passage of text that is leveled appropriately for the child, and then asking some explicit, detailed questions about the content of the text. However, sometimes teachers find that a child who can not read and understand a passage of text also does →

Reflective assignment about a personal teaching philosophy

It will function as a model for my boarding to the profession of instruction with the purpose of success in learning." Which came foremost, the poulet or the egg? " If my pupil were to inquire me this inquiry, I would likely smile at him and answer, " Why do not you happen out and →

All students can and will learn given the proper tools, technology and conducive environment essay

Going back to the example of creating a mathematical system as an educational tool, the invention of the calculator and computer have greatly contributed on this. The teacher has control over what tools to use in facilitating the learning process of the student.

Effectiveness of using handouts as an aide in teaching english

The followings are some of the positive effects of using handouts into students study. Handouts could be persuasive for those students, because it can easily capture the mind of one to review and study his/her lessons.

Aids to effective teaching essay sample

Evaluation of the proper task should be very clear.5. Assignments should be within the ability of students in amount and difficulty.9.

Language skills related tasks essay sample

Harmer says, quoting Cook 1989: 60, in his book The Practice of English Language Teaching; ' In order to make sense of the text we need to have pre-existent knowledge of the world.' It's suitability for a receptive skills lesson lies in the fact that the information is broken into four small sections: The article →