4 Pages Essay Samples

Free option one: historical vacation essay example

I hope to see the resilience of Martin Luther King Jr.as he leads the emancipated slaves to confront the men with the muskets. In Ohio the segregation of the blacks by the whites seems not to be enough as the whites insult, oppose, and occasionally attack the setup of the private schools that teach black →

Free essay on briefly identify examples of following issues in e cabets voyage in icarie of 1842

The city was to have orderly workshops, residential unites according to class, a properly planned sewage system and a number of public monuments, spaces and gardens to ensure the proper recreation of the people. The connection between the interests of slave-holders and the U.S.government's foreign policy of conquests and occupations in North America during the →

The rhetoric of henry highland garnet in his “address to the slaves of the united states” essay sample

The Rhetoric of Henry Highland Garnet in his " Address to the Slaves of the United States" Henry Highland Garnet exerted powerful rhetorical strategies to the abolition and Civil Rights Movements during the nineteenth century. The captivating rhetoric of Garnet and his ability to form new alternatives and redefine elements of contention signifies the rhetoric →

Book review on the town that started the civil war

With the division between the south and the north on the issue of slavery, the fugitive slave act was passed in 1850. Spectacular slave rescue missions by the northerners became the order of the day especially in Oberlin, a college town in Ohio which was said to be the most abolitionist town in America at →

Critical thinking on governing the nation

Declaration of American independence and formation of the articles of confederation and eventually the American constitution changed the lives of many people in many different ways. The aim of the government was to decentralize power to the states.

Apush 1993 dbq essay sample

Migrants came to the New World with distinct motives that, in effect made the regions develop differently; the New Englanders came in search of religious freedom while the Chesapeake settlers came in search of economic prosperity. The New Englanders search for religious freedom caused them to develop a diverse economy, societies with tightly bound communities →

Example of world literature thesis

Please type your instructor name here Reflection of Suicide in Kindred, Family, and Letter Family written by Joan California Cooper is the tale of an African slave girl named Clora, her children and the manner in which here blood flows from its African origins all-round the whole world, eventually mingling with that of other ethnicities, →

Market analysis: fragrance

The latest market research report " Indian Cosmetic Sector Analysis " by RNCOS says that the fragrance market, which is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 20% during 2011-2014, will drive the Indian Cosmetic Industry in the coming years. The female fragrances were found to be contributing majorly to the overall sales of →

Challenges in market plan

The change managers were guided by pure facts and not by the machinations of the vested interests. Those standing in the way of change were dismissed.

Nursing care delivery model

It is the nurse that keeps the patient going and gets to know the patient and it is the nurse that delivers the care to the patient. Patient centered care is the right care, the highest quality care and the most cost effective care for that one patient.

Market factors

Marketing involves the free flow of information from the firm or the marketer to the end consumer of the product. It is a competitive necessity." References Abonyi, George." Introduction to the Globalization of Production." PowerPoint presentation to students, March 2007.

A reorganisation of production

The mechanisms of a competitive market would then ensure that the Pareto-optimal allocation is achieved. Pareto-optimal allocation occurs when it is not possible to redistribute goods to increase the welfare of one consumer without reducing the welfare of another.

5 ways to penetrate an already saturated market

In fact, to the determined entrepreneurs, the fact that the market is saturated is an advantage because - it's a sign that there are opportunities in that market. If your customers begin to feel you are slipping into obsolescence, they will bid you farewell and jump ship to the next business that is operating in →

Market segmentation and positioning of offering

Primary's market segmentation result is hence customers of both genders between the ages of 15 and 35, of lower- to middle class. 6% of the 30-34 age lower to middle class makes up a majority of Singapore population, and it makes sense for Primary to target them as a market.

The effectiveness of markets

In my view, the examples are quite idealistic in nature, ignoring the fact that free markets are the actual determinants of the effectiveness by which a market aptly allocates its resources, offering incentives, moral, economical and social to the buyers and sellers to carry their trade in the provided environment. In the market environment, where →

Identify and describe ea’s value chain and value chain costs

Operations * EA has a virtuous strategy for the game creation and evaluation.* State-of-the-art tools use to allow for more cost-effective product development and to efficiently convert games designed on one game platform to other platforms.* Have a strong relationship with console manufacturers.* Has an edge on its competitors that no other game software company →

Market promotions chapter three

The explosion in production capacity that marked the Industrial Revolution added to the importance of demand stimulation tools. The rear movement to reform and regulate advertising was pretty much dissipated by the distractions of the war and advertising role in the war effort.

Virgin mobile’s target market (14 to 24 year-olds)?

The pricing option that I deem appropriate for the 14-24 year olds category target market of Virgin Mobile will be the third option; " A Whole New Plan." This option provides no contracts, no hidden fees, prepaid compared to the post paid, and satisfactory off-peak hours. The big carriers in this industry have not responded →

Industrial statesmen essay sample

These leaders achieved the great feat of booming the growth of the economy and industry of the United States and its citizens to become the leading industrial power in the world. He used his intelligence to try a new way of oil business to blow the rest of the market away.

Structures and maximizing profits

The strategic and profit maximizing concepts are determined by the type of market structure." Market structure is best defined as the organizational and other characteristics of a market." Competitive markets, monopolies, and oligopolies three of the four market structures in the economy. When a company offers products in new locations the marginal cost of the →

The total market demand

In the past, coffee producing countries co-operated to control supply and stabilise and keep coffee prices at a subsainable level, and under the " International Coffee Agreement" they operated a cartel. Thus, after the failure of ICA, with the purpose of protecting the interests of coffee producing countries by sustaining balance between demand and supply →

Trends of the market

Elasticity of Demand and Market Structure As the economy weakens, the demand for discounted goods rise as consumers have less expendable income but still have the need for grocery and general researched In their households as well as Ideas from culinary professionals In store to help maximize the use of their Walter purchased products. Economic →

Management case essay sample

The centralization of authority is the location of most authority at the upper levels of the organization. In other word, if the company has low degree of centralization, it is decentralization, which is the location of a significant amount of authority in the lower levels of the organization.

The generation of ips cells from somatic cells critical thinking examples

The authors obtained 24 colonies, and then the authors determined which of the 24 candidates were critical by examined the effected of the withdrawal of individual factors from the pool of transduced gene on the formation of G418- resistant colonies. The authors found that the authors were highly unmethylated in IPS and ES cells.

Good example of parkinsons disease research paper

PD also causes a range of non-motor symptoms and pathology in a number of regions of the nervous system. The principal cause of PD is destruction of the dopamine-producing tissues in the substantia nigra as a due to the interaction between genetics and environmental toxins.

Personalized medicine benefits and drawbacks essay

Despite the potential drawbacks, the personalized model will allow a better understanding of the human body and disorders at the molecular level, and diagnostic tests will become more objective, evidence-based, and accurate. Despite the existing and potential limitations of the personalized medical model, the personalized medical model has the potential to improve treatment outcomes and →

Breast cancer research paper examples

Breast cancer can be referred to as a cancer type that originates from breast tissue, mostly from the milk ducts' inner lining or the lobules, which supply the ducts with milk. Besides a lump, breast cancer may also be indicated by thickening that is different from the other tissue of the breast and enlargement of →

The importance of specific gene expression associated essay sample

The tenacity of these studies was to examine the IL-6 gene expression array in adipose tissue in reaction to exercise, and to establish whether gene expression was influenced by the carbohydrate ingestion. The adipose IL-6 and plasma IL-6 mRNA echelons augmented in reaction to exercise.

Analytical extended definition essay example

The disease changes the shape of the red blood cells into sickle-shape thus the origin of the word sickle cell. Sickle cell is a type of anemia; low red blood cells and insufficient hemoglobin in the red blood cells present.

Sample essay on gene, phineas and the limb

When the boys are in the tree, Gene is upset with Finny, because he believes that his friend wants to control him. In the final analysis, it is clear that Gene would not be happy until he had merged his personality with Finny's in some way.

Gene editing for treating diseases

The guide RNA matches the sequence of the target gene. In this essay I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of gene editing, and the debate around it.

My dreams essay

I cannot really predict everything that happens in my life, but I know that as long as I have my family, music, and love of my family and friends, that I will always be happy. In the near future, I will be having another surgery to try and correct my spine again.

The nature & nurture issue

To further support their argument that nature has the the superior role in one's behavior, nativists did several twin studies where they separated twins at birth in which each twin would be living in a different environment. Retrieved from https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/triplets-experiment-separated-birth-nature-nurture-test-robert-shafran-eddy-galland-david-kellman-a8188846.html What Was the Little Albert Experiment.

The of people like me who have

The chameleon is capable of rotating his two eyes independently in a 360 direction that is it can rotate the eye by the left alone in a 360 direction without any influence on the right is this not amazing from this creature. The result is a dramatic shift in color These particular cells contain a →

Burqas should not be banned

What the author does not seem to realise is that for the majority of muslims, wearing the Burqa is a personal choice, and most say they do not think it is a ' demand' as such, but more of a way to become more in touch with god and the rest of their religion. Muslims →

Free essay on 4 question

The cause of the Philidelphia Nativist Riots was multifaceted; as Philadelphia improved on its industrialization, more and more Irish immigrants were coming to America to work, especially in the light of the Irish potato famine This brought a new population of Catholics to America, which alarmed the mostly-protestant Americans. In a response of at least →

Hum/130 jesus and mohammad

The death of Muhammad was a passing of the torch from him to his successor. The life of Jesus was short compared to that of Muhammad.

Islam – hajj

Hajj Overview oPilgrimage is the supreme prayer forforgivenessof sins committed and the ultimate preparation for eternity oPilgrimage rituals which must be performed, eg circumambulation of the Ka'ba oThe rites of the Hajj symbolise the essential concepts of Islam and commemorate the trials of the Prophet Ibrahim and hisfamilyoHajj: The annual, week-long pilgrimage to Mecca, which →

Good example of religious studies essay

Relevant bodies like the governments and several organizations are called upon to help in the promotion of religious equality by educating the public, exercising equality in public functions and disposal of management tasks. By giving reasons of why and why not religious equality can be achieved, this essay will major in the three religious traditions →

Organization of islamic countries

President Pervez Musharraf said during his address to OIC head of state meeting in Malaysia that a restructuring of the OIC was necessary to " evolve a strategy to secure justice" for Muslim nations. A major reason was the apathy of the Muslim nations towards the OIC.

Sura light

It is important in the eyes of Allah and the prophets that women are honourable and they are making an example of it in this Sura. In this Sura, Muhammad is preaching about how to become a good Islamic follower and the punishments that will happen if followers lean away from the laws.

Good example of the interrelationship between art and culture thesis

The tie between culture and art is profound and close as the two have a joint and beneficial relationship. The concept of leadership is exhibited by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in his painting, the Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country.

Good yacoubian building essay example

The stereotyping of the religious people led to their alienation as they would be rejected due to their beliefs. The integration of the Muslims in the society provided their only solace, therefore, the urge for them to stay close to each other.

Report for case three footwear international

In addition, a local lawyer was ready to charge four managers of the company as a section of the criminal code that forbade " deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious believers." Analysis for the sandal incident 1) The country has continued to remain split →

Oral traditions of islam

The idea of Quran being the utmost important in authority is generally accepted in the Muslim religion. There is no other superior authority in the Sunni sect.of Islam then that of the Quran and the Hadith.

Sunni islam

Of these four, the Sunni denomination is by far the largest, comprising of 90% of the world Muslim population, with Shi'a comprising of the second largest percentage. So anyone claiming to follow the Sunnah, which are the actions of Muhammad and can show that they believe the Hadith, which are narrations of the actions of →

Muslim women

If we look back in history in the life of women in the pre-modern Islamic world, their life was very different than the life of a woman in the Islamic society today. In the article by Suraiya Farooqhi, ' Subjects of the Sultan: Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Period"1 it showed a different →

Perspectives of religion

Perspectives of Religion Perspectives of Religion Religion has always been a part of society; it has played a key role in many social events and will continue to. Religion sees women as inferior to men; men are and have always been in the role of leadership in both society and the family.

Divorce: the scourge of islamic women

Although it is pretty apparent that the equal rights of both men and women are honored and uphold, it cannot be denied that the issue of divorce remains as one of the biggest challenges confront by Islamic women. One of the most evident impacts that Islamic women experience in divorce is the " social stigma" →

Sunni and shiite origins of the islamic schism research paper

It was not until the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 C.E.that the first schism in Islam occurred, separating it into the Sunni and Shiite divisions. Abu Bakr and the Sunni community believed that the ummah should have a single leader appointed or elected by merit, while the Shiite believed that leadership of Islam →

Most beautiful teaching of islam

Love God In Islam one of the first things we are taught it how to love Allah, and how much Allah loves us. According to a hadeeth narrated by Aishia our neighbors are not just the ones that live next to us, in front of us, and behind us.

The place of tolerance islam essay sample

Their world view, he claims, is based on Islam as the only true path, and, he says, they " display an intolerant exclusiveness, and a belligerent sense of supremacy vis-a-vis the other". In addition, the scripture says" " To each of you God has prescribed a Law and a Way.

Book critique critical thinking examples

The introduction of the book speaks about the life of the Prophet. It also speaks to the historical background of the book leading to the introduction of the prophet in the Quran.

Essay on history

The period in which the Silk Road was used was also a period which marked the springing up of major religions and their spread in the region. As a result the Christians had the opportunity to influence the traders in terms of religion.

What is cleanliness?

The above few examples from the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet reveal that without cleanliness of our body and environment, one cannot receive the proximity of Allah spiritually and most importantly, faith cannot be completed in the absence of cleanliness and purity. There is a dire need to educate and sensitise people →

Belief in allah narrative essay

When a person believes that the heavens and the earth and the world around him have been created by Him, and it is He who is governing them and it is He who will one Day call all mankind to account, then this is the beginning of religious awareness. We will examine each one of →

Republic act no 1425

The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes. As such, he →

A philippine hero

And throughout his life, he had theloyaltyand devotion of the those who belonged to the League of the Veterans of the Revolution. Antonio Luna which was a great blow to the military viability of the forces of the Republic, may forever bar him from reaching the same exalted place in the affections of the Filipino →


The history of Filipino fashion is made up of the mixing of cultures and the intentional separation of social classes. The History of Filipino Fashion.

Martial law and the fourth republic (1972-1986) essay sample

1081, which he signed on 17 September, the same day.[42] Marcos, who henceforth ruled by decree, curtailed press freedom and other civil liberties, abolished Congress, shut down media establishments, and ordered the arrest of opposition leaders and militant activists.[43] The first years of Martial Law saw an increase in military hardware and personnel in the →

Travel information la trinidad essay sample

It is bounded on the north by the municipality of Tublay, on the south by Baguio, and on the west by Sablan and Tuba. The very name " Benguet" was once limited to the area of what is now the La Trinidad Valley.

General provision

It also stipulates general provisions on the benefits, pensions, assistance and care to war veterans and their dependents as to the retirees of the government and the private sectors. The aim of the foundation is to abide by Constitution of the People's Republic of China.

Lyceum of the philippines university

Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite Campus Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Management A SWOT Analysis on " MANILA OCEAN PARK" In Partial Fulfilment of the subject Recreation Management For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Submitted by: Gorospe Erika S. Name and General Location * Manila Ocean Park * Behind →

Philippine literature in the spanish colonial period essay sample

The Spanish colonizers wanted to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ. The church authorities adopted a policy of spreading the Church doctrines by communicating to the natives in their own language.

Martial law reflection paper

2 I realized how blessed I am, that I can do what I want to do, when I want to, because of heroes who sacrificed their lives for that. 26 I salute to all the martial law heroes who laid down their lives to give me and every other Filipino the freedom each of us →

Research work

Jose Rizal sent letters to the Governor General for the approval of the said project. In addition to this, if the Governor approved of the plan, it would reveal to the world that people had been forced to self-exile in order to realize and obtain liberation.

Long test in philippine literature in english essay sample

If the sentence is false, underline the word or phrase that makes the sentence wrong and write the correct answer on the space provided.1. The dead poet's niece is the chieftest mourner because she.A.lost her favourite uncle B.did not have a chance to be mentored by her uncle C.is the embodiment of the double standard →

Reflection in philippine literature

In fact, the truth is that Philippine literature lies within the innermost seat of my heart. It means that I am a Filipino in thought, words and in action is the result of my experiences of Philippine literature in my life.

Manila: a beautiful city

During the final years of the Spanish Occupation, Escolta Street had the reputation for being the best of the trade districts in Binondo, Manila, and the originally Chinese merchant district in the capital. The most impressive part and one that is easy to miss are the frescoes painted on the ceiling of the church.


The researcher would like to express their deep sense of indebtedness to those who unselfishly contributed their valuable time, pieces of advice and knowledge to the accomplishment of this study especially to _________, our who supports and assist the researcher to his study. The study aims to know the qualifications of a man in order →

Poverty in the philippines

The importance of this research is to widen the knowledge of every person and make them aware of the things that happen into our country. We, as the researchers were concern for this problem and we are sharing our knowledge to awake everyone.

Honda corporate social responsibilities

Thus, the Honda Group of Companies in the Philippines composed of Honda Philippines, Inc, Honda Cars Philippines, Inc.and Honda Parts Manufacturing Corporation has drawn and implemented not only Policies of Corporate Governance and compliance with laws but it has also established the Honda Foundation, Inc.and registered it with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December →

Roots of the filipino character essay sample

Joy and Humor The Filipinos have a prospensity to cheer and laugh and have a fun- loving approach to the ups and downs of life.5. Lack of Exhaustive study and self-analysis The Filipinos have the tendency to be superficial.

Chapter 16

Life in Brussels * Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels.* They lived in 38 Rue Philippe Champagne which was run by 2 Jaceby sisters.* When Albert left the city, he was replaced by Jose Alejandro, an engineering student.* In Brussels, Rizal was busy writing his second novel which was continuation →

Economic issues filipino people face today

But the most Economic issues that our country faces today is the poverty, poverty is refers to a completely lack or insufficient of foods, shelter, clothes and all other material that can be use in our daily life, because of the incapacity to afford them. The reason why most of the people here in the →


Our former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is getting money from the government that we were all even trying to pay our taxes for a good economy even though that our parents were all having a hard time earning such money to pay the tax, but she just stole it from us like it was hers, →

Issues affecting the aged

This discussion will cover the topics that are affecting the aged in our communities: the biological changes including health and fitness; the overall decline in cognition; coping with death; and the grieving process of a loved one. Death and the Grieving Process " The loss of a chosen partner is, for many people, one of →

All human life is sacred essay sample

What has actually happened in our society is that clever arguments has convinced those with no anchor of belief in God to cling to, that merciless slaughter of unborn babies is morally unjustifiable, and even essential for the happiness of the individual and good of the society' The catholic trust believes that any baby is →

Assessor essays examples

It is important to describe the essence of ' Antigone' in brief, as the basis of analyzing Teirisias character in the most popular drama of the time. Both the brothers die, and the kingdom is in the state of anarchy, in desperate need of a commander to rule Athens.

Effects of henry truman’s decision

The United States, much as the remainder of the war fighting world was, were trying to soldier on after the largest amount of deaths in the history of mankind. As the Japanese head of actions and military personal/war was insisting to continue to fight on and not give in to the Americans, after the dropping →

The fountain

The movie created an interesting concept, allowing a person to think about what is really important in life, and attempting to change the idea of the fear of death and the unknown by highlighting the divine presence in every day life. The whole point of the movie was that " death" is not a disease →

What connections have you found between the ways in which larkin and abse write about death? in your response, you must include detailed critical discussion of at least two of larkin’s poems.

The language in " Mr Bleaney" conveys death for both Mr Bleaney and the voice of the poem, as the speaker related himself to the former tenant." One hired box" connotes coffins and death but is actually a description of the small room; this is similar to " They moved him" which suggests the transportation →

The death of the ball turret gunner

A Reflection on " The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" Rebeca Espirito Santo The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner " From my mother's sleep I fell into the State And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze Six miles from the earth, loosed from its dream of life I woke →

Romeo and juliet – fate or impulsive actions? essay sample

The young blood of the men from both sides and their attitudes lead to street violence, and Romeo forgets to get all the information about Juliet's death and her attraction was too strong for him to delay his suicide. Their impulsive actions and not fate or destiny leads to their unfortunate end to the young →

This dead butcher and his fiend-like queen essay sample

I believe that the quote ' this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen' is not an accurate assessment of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The quote " This dead butcher and his fiend-like queen" to me is not a very accurate assessment of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Poem analysis: do not go gentle into that good night

Throughout the poem, the repetition and rhyming of the last words helps to allow the reader to understand the making of a form of writing know as a villanelle. The second key phrase, " rage, rage against the dying of the light, " gives insight towards Thomas's following poem, the " Elegy, " when the →


Annie Dillard, the author of " The Death of a Moth" and Virginia Woolf, the author of " The Death of the Moth" have very different outlooks on the subject of life and death. She see's death as Woolf creates a beautiful essay on the fragility and importance of life.

Philip larkin the trees

This conveys and image of delicate leaves in the wind along with the last words of the poem; afresh, afresh, afresh which portrays a sound of trees getting in contact with the wind. Each stanza contains the same amount of lines and the same rhyming scheme which displays the cycle of trees and cycle of →

Poetry comparison essay sample

He knows that this is unavoidable and thoughtlessly flirts with death but, comes to the realization that he is not ready for death when he loses his mother and friend. In the end, he embraces the reality that death is final and one has to learn to accept death.

Page 1

Another way to look at the last line is that when she saw her husband again she felt such a grave disappointment because of the fact that she would again be subjected to live under his rule that she died. Mallard was intensely infatuated by her marriage to her husband that she died from the →

“sunflower” by simon wiesenthal essay sample

I understand that he did kill those people and that he cannot ask their forgiveness because the are dead but what he would have to do is ask for their forgiveness in the afterlife or from his God. And I also believe that he will atone for his crimes in the end.

English essay

It's the way the tile conveys a strong contrast in the imagination of the reader." Anthem For Doomed Youth." The connotations of the word " Anthem" creates a very positive theme for the poem. The way the author uses the contrast to give the reader a taste of the bitter irony theme to the poem, →

Suicide is wrong

People do have the power to destroy themselves and suicide, but that is not the same as having a right to suicide. People need to show that having thoughts of suicide is not shameful and reaching out for help is the best thing that one can do.

Issues of the elderly

There is a theory that older people are thought of as burdens to both their famiies and the health care system, which allows people to instantly feel remorse for the younger groups. The life course perspective encompasses normative events, normative history-graded events, and normative age-graded events which allow the individual to move on to different →

A discussion of symbols in a death of salesman

This can be interpreted that the competition, the clemency lacking quality of the American Dream ultimately leads to Willy's downfall. This is a crucial point in understanding and evaluating the play because the American Dream that Willy thought as infallible, in the end proves to be fallible by leading Willy to his downfall.