4 Pages Essay Samples

Lady with the double chin

By the time I realized the enormity of my mistake; my boss was standing in front of me and reprimanding me for my mistake. I realized this is the time when I should be able to manage to talk with her and to tell her about my fascination about her and especially about her double →

Stardust: the wall and tristan

As it takes one week for Tristan to grow up, he realizes he must cross the wall to get the star the love of his life is asking for. Second, as Tristan has the star he has always wanted; he realizes his true love is right in front of his eyes, and is not the →

Free metaphorical language essay example

Jennifer Egan used the metaphors for the purpose of attracting the attention of the audience to the comprehensive understanding of the story. The tone in the text is to a large extent metaphorical.

I love yous are for white people

From moving from your home land, to being bullied and picked on for your accent, losing a friend through tragedy and having to meet new friends In a new world, from being physically and mentally abused by your father to molested by afamilymember, from ranking to numb the pain to Joining a gang/clack to feel →

The awakening vs. scarlet letter essay sample

The Power of Romance Versus Society Hester Prynne, the main character in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, is very similar to Edna Pontellier of Kate Chopin's The Awakening, in that both women contradicted the societal standard and followed their hearts as opposed to the rigid marital structure of their respective times in history. In the case →

Interpersonal conflicts in the movie “hitch” essay sample

In my opinion, a romantic relationship between Hitch and Sara who are two main characters in the movie named " Hitch" is a good example of how conflicts can lead to a lot of problems in the relationship if people do not handle them well. Although the problem in this conflict was just a misunderstanding →

What we talk about when we talk about love

Of the four people in the story the person that appears to struggle with the topic the most is Mel. I believethat it illustrates the true diversity of the emotion and is a story to really make you think.

Usage of love in “song of solomon” by toni morrison essay sample

Guitar's love for his race, Hagar's obsession for Milkman, and Milkman's love of his ancestors are ways that Morrison was able to use the theme of love in her novel. Milkman quickly regains his confidence when he unlocks the mystery of his grandfather and recognizes that a he was able to fly, " and he →

Love vs. infatuation

The best description of love can be found in the Bible on 1st Corinthians 13: 4-8):" Love is patient, love is kind. On the other hand, infatuation is the opposite of love.

For their own survival

Sam being the control freak that he is describes and almost analyses her. He realizes that the one who needs to change is him.

Love & forgiveness

You want to hear more of their voice and you think of them so much that you cannot help feeling insecure and want to ask them again and again, " Do you really love me? " Throughout the ages, philosophers and scientists strived hard in order to find out the answer to the age old →

The proliferation of the western civilization essay

At the fore of the history of world civilizations was the rise of Eastern Civilizations or Asian Civilizations, with the Chinese the longest to reign ever. The fall of the east marked the proliferation of the western civilization.

Example of the age of alexander essay

From the age of the pyramids to the age of skyscrapers, pieces of art and architecture have always had a deeper meaning. The growth of his empire came with a number of changes to Greek art and architecture.

Statue of liberty: a symbol of freedom for the nation

She is the symbol of freedom for the nation. September 11th, is vivid in Lady Liberty's mind, still, there is one thing she remembers the most: the hope of her people on that day.

What influenced the architecture and design of roman houses

It would be too simpleminded to say that " all" features of the Roman house served a purpose in propagating the credulence of the paterfamilias. However, the much-exasperated high school English student would argue that the owner's red curtains did not symbolize their self-sacrifice in the name of the Eternal City, but rather that they →

The dc nanogrid architecture

All the subsystems such as DC nanogrid power converter, AC-DC converter, MPPT based solar PV converter battery bank, nanogrid controller, protection and distribution unit are incorporated in a rack in a compact fashion, the Nanogrid controller acts as the master controller of the system, the 48 V DC power lines from DC nanogrid rack is →

Computers in architecture

The graphic representation of the building's curve provided through the software enabled the architect to make changes within the design of the curve and monitor the effect of those changes on the overall design of the building. The curve within the design of the building is basically the original representation of the design that was →

Niccolò more considerate than a leader who

In the imaginary civilization of Utopia, More organizes the structure of society around the well-being of its populace. Contrary to Utopia, the focus of an ideal society is the hierarchy of power and the longevity of the state, according to Machiavelli.

Evaluation of the visual environment

There are about six different vision systems in the animal world, two examples of which are the eyes of the insects, and another are the eyes of the cat family. There is a big-sized mirror on one side of the wall, a window each on either of the two sides, and has a portion of →

Types & advantages of ecological bricks

Basically, they are bricks that add the geometric shapes of a triangle and a rectangle to slow down the heat and thus keep the house cool. There are also those bricks that do not have a known inventor, very used thanks to word of mouth, and in this internet has a good part of the →

Horticulture and landscape architecture

Both a sense of place and a sense of scale were the two key points he mentioned for campus design. I am so proud to witness the growth of our Purdue campus.

Research paper on distinctive characteristics of ancient greek architecture

The temples, theatres, gateways, tombs, stadiums and other buildings built around this time in the areas under the Greek empire and later, the Hellenic lands constitute the bulk of ancient Greek architecture. The Doric order, the oldest among the three, had the following features in the structures: Conclave curves, also known as flutes were sculpted →

Architecture in the modern arab and islamic world

The wiring depicts that in Algiers, the Arab architecture weakened and lost its proper worth, as it is unable to engage the practicality and architecture but how it is possible that the architecture that is derived from practicality remains unpractical. However, the writer missed the point, one should pass the architectural heritage to the next →

Balancing on-line college studies, work, and personal relationships

A good example for the use of efficient time management in relation to decision making is in terms of choosing between the options of attending the birthday of my beloved niece and continuing my on-line studies. In most cases though, from a personal standpoint, it is definitely useful to use efficient time management and effective →

Commited relationship

In the past, a relationship consisted a man and a woman with same traditions, color, and morals. According to the United States Census Bureau, in married couples tend to cluster in several zones in the United States, including the western states and the northeastern areas.

Relationships and attraction

In order to figure out the need to form bonds we must analyze the benefits and factors of attraction and relationships. We are less likely to befriend someone of anotherculturebecause of the factor, we are more attracted to individuals we look like.

Summary of acheiving stop tb partnership goals

The STOP TB Partnership was formed in May of 2000 by the World Health Assembly in efforts to reduce the number of people being infected by TB. However, " In 2006, the TB pandemic continued to kill 2 million people annually and was growing by 1% each year, despite the World Health Organization also known →

Suyuan woo and jing mei relationship

Suyuan and Jing-Mei's relationship in The Joy Luck Club In The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Jing-Mei and her mother have a very rocky relationship. Suyuan grew up in China and behaves according to the Chinese culture and her American-born daughter Jing-Mei is influenced by the American culture that surrounds her and wants to →

The poison of human relationships

The other day she looked at my calendar and wanted to know who May was" This is a quotation from Rodney Dangerfield and it is quote evident that jealousy makes a relationship crucial and impractical. Feelings of jealousy can consume a person's heart making the person irritable and annoyed.

Bipolar mood disorder essay

Mania is one of the symptoms of bipolar upset. The symptoms of bipolar include passion.which is the high.and depression.which is the low.

Interpersonal relationships paper

The idea is that those with low empathy should help less but when a person's empathy is high, the sense of escape minimizes by the person's primary altruistic motive to help the victim. It is not necessarily just altruism that encouraged the participants to help but a sense of sadness over the victim's plight.

Relationships in little women and cats in the cradle

The effects of positive and negative relationships have lasting consequences on individuals; having both a positive and negative aspect in each relationship assists humankind but negative relationships is the build up of decisions and actions that have negative impacts. Positive and negative relationships are defined by varied perceptions of the characters.

Playing the enemy response

I knew that he was the first black president that South Africa had seen, I also knew that he was jailed for man years and was the reason that the South African Apartheid was ended. I was ignorant to the journey it took to get there and the millions of hearts he won over in →

Types of coaches classification essay sample

The " Friend" The friend coach is a friend to all of his or her athletes. This coach is trustworthy and has an interest in the lives of the athletes outside of the sport.

Love is what we live for

He moved their genitals to the front so that, you know. Do I really have to " turn pale in the presence of my beloved"?

Tim shores

In this essay it will be discussed that drinking does not help college students, it increases fatalities in automobile accidents, and parents should be punished for giving alcohol to minors. From this essay, it is concluded that drinking does not help college students, lowers fatalities in automobile accidents and that parents need to be punished →

Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased argumentative essay

On that basis the main point of this essay is to show the advantages and disadvantages of increasing or decreasing of drinking age and prove why one is better than the other. In my opinion, the thing we do not want according to the present social, finance, and politic circumstances is that the legal drinking →

Alcohol essay 6

As it is usual for alcoholics to get insensible when they are drunk, they are not thinking of the safety of others and themselves. Excessive consumption of alcohol may result in consequences of one's health and, to a certain extend, the people around them as it is said " better safe than sorry", it is →

Good case study about employment law

The Supreme Court of Canada only recently released a ruling related to random alcohol and drug tests at the workplace in Canada. Concerning the Irving employee case, England reveals that the court established that the company was lacking insufficient evidence to support a random drug and alcohol test.

Essay on alcoholism in the native american society

He conveys alcoholism as a source of domestic conflicts, Loss of potential and lives, and the disintegration of the moral fabric within the Native American Society. Before he starts to engage in alcohol, he is the favorite of the whole reservation due to his great skills in the game.

Sample essay on mdma and alcohol

The rest of the alcohol travels to the intestines with the rest of what is being metabolized and is absorbed. MDMA attacks neurons in the brain, causing the release of serotonin and dopamine while alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, causing incoherence.

Youth, alcohol, and drugs

Youth, Alcohol, and Drugs Drugs as well as alcoholic beverages are one of the many things that have a negative outcome on young people. These causes can lead one to drugs and the effects that most of these drugs have on human body are devastating and can be worse for an adolescence that is still →

Analyzes the real and potential threats of the problem for the united states and research paper

The threats and effects of alcohol and drug addiction in the US are evident from the nature of criminal activities, overstrained healthcare sector, environmental destruction and loss in productivity of the people in the society. The addiction to alcohol and drugs is a potential threat to the level of criminal activities in the US and →

Essay on drugs and alcohol

This includes the type of substance, the frequency and other questions pertaining to the habitual use of the substance. Studies show that individuals, teenagers in particular, who are exposed to environments where drug or alcohol abuse is rampant, the risk of developing a substance abuse problem is higher.

How does alcohol affect our society and our health?

The highest percentage of Alcohol is normally in spirits and the lowest is in beer. The question is, " If alcohol is a killing drug, should it be advertised in the manner of making one think it tastes great and will make you stronger? ".

Slide 6 (treatment barriers) dissertation samples

On the first RQ/H1 mention that " the hypothesis was developed based on the fact that all states were included in the survey and that geographic data was collected. Upon further investigation of the codebook, the researchers mentioned that the data was coded to protect the participant's privacy.

Example of flight some musical thoughts essay

When all is said and done and it seems that Denzel is off the hook, he decides to confess and inform us and the court that he was drunk while piloting the flight that crash landed. At the beginning we tend to dismiss the Denzel as irresponsible for his relationships and the way he consumes →

Causes and effects of fetal alcohol syndrome essay example

As a depressant, alcohol affects the psychological and brain cell development of the foetus. The main and most dangerous effect of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is brought about by the fact that alcohol is a depressant.

Free medical ethics case study sample

This can be seen to direct medical practitioners on the best cause of actions to take to ensure professionalism of the field. In this case, the most appropriate party would be a person who is friends with both Jenny and Cindy.

Teaching project for teenage drug use course work

Public health nurses would play a fundamental role in treatment and prevention of substance abuse and alcoholism in the community The nurses would help in providing treatment to substance abusers and helping them to break the bad habit. Finally, the public health nurses would help in educating teenagers in the community on the effects of →

Essay on you should not license drinking or parenting

In the same way, Bobbi Leder in her article ' Should people be required to obtain a license before becoming parents?' says that the ability of people to be good parents should be checked before ' licensing' them to have children. He also says that, in lines of the road and traffic rules that have →

Research paper on principles of economics

The influence of prescription drugs on the demand of other goods and services depends on the nature of the goods and the relationship between the goods and services with prescription drugs. Therefore, an increase in the price of prescription drugs relative to other goods will result in a decrease in the supply of other goods →

Book review on holden caulfield: sociopath or everyman

For example, Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of President William McKinley, was so devoted to his anarchist principles that he refused to talk to anyone whom he perceived to be an authority figure in the aftermath of the assassination. After all, Lee Harvey Oswald owned Catcher in the Rye as well, but he also owned books →

Coms 2

We are not teaching kids to ride a bike, we are essentially exposing them to harmful substances in hopes that they will " drink responsibly." All this will do is corrupt the growing youngadults and adolecsants; according to the NIAAA and doctor Susanne Hiller-Sturmh fel the brain in this stage of life is still in →

Effects of alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking on oral cancer article review example

It is in this essence that, the research question on the impacts and the effects of alcohol intake on the likelihood chance of contracting oral cancer. Ferreira Attunes Article in the Pub Med Journal the Joint and independent effects of alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking on oral cancer is correct.

I given my ambition, personality, and interest

To get a better insight on the values and expectations of a radiologic technologist, I decided to talk to a coworker who had switched from a Pre-Nursing major to a Pre-Radiologic Sciences major at Boise State University. The occupational aspects of a radiologic technologist directly correlate to what I am looking for in my life →

Target and job satisfaction

To add, Target is also aware of the financial well-being and how its is important to make good financial decisions in the present and to plan for the future. Target is really the best when it comes to the benefits in retail, and that providing competitive pay, insurance coverage, career mentoring and so many great →

Hr job analysis

Introduction Job analysis is the process of describing and recording aspects of jobs and specifying the skills and other requirements necessary to perform the job. The main purposes of conducting job analysis are to prepare job description and job specification which in turn helps to hire the right quality of work force into the organization →

A whole new mind for a flat world

The second section of the article comprises of the discussion where Felder presents a pragmatic argument primarily targeting engineering lecturers with regard to the retrogressive nature of the engineering curriculum dating as far as the period 1960s to the present. This is attributable to the nature of the subjective language employed as it accords a →

Free essay about why i am interested in pursuing bachelor of science in nursing at virginia commonwealth

My career goals are; to complete a bachelor degree in nursing in order to qualify to become a registered nurse, to do National Council for Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse so as to obtain license for practicing nursing, and to complete a Master's of Science Degree in Nursing program in order to become an Advanced Practice Nurse →

Professional career persuasive essay

This essay will discuss my views on my professional goal, the health care Job I plan to have, the skills I currently have and the skills that I will need to alter. I believe that my skills are essential to this Job because I am able to speak confidently on the work I do, my →

I, problem-solving and the course given me

During the four years of my undergraduate course, I gained an in-depth understanding of the various techniques involved in complex problem-solving and the course given me a strong foundation to pursue Master degree from Finnish university. Hence, I am submitting my application to be considered as a graduate student in the Faculty of Information Technology →

The delta college career center

I wanted a career that suited my skill set, while also Hellenizing me, and allowing me to be Of service to other people. Although a degree in iconography does not require me to go to a four-year university, her recommendation to research and prepare for my chosen field is very applicable.

Recruiting essay sample

Consider the employees who previously held the job and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to help decide on necessary revisions Here we discussed over the steps of selection process in the job. From organizations point of view they need to reduce the employee frustration and enhance cultural diversity for developing a good organization.

Sonography career

I think sonography is a career that really fits my expectations, and to make sure I am in the right path I will research this career in depth. This is great for me, because obstetric and gynecologic is the type of ultrasound I would like to specialize.

Personality psychology and seventy question test essay

There was no way a seventy question test where you can only select between the letters " A" and " B" could possibly tell me how I am, how I feel, and how I react to certain experiences. I do things for the matter of doing them because I have to and I never really →

Understanding job analysis

The design was smart and the site was easy to navigate despite the many choices available to explore. The information for this occupation was easy to read and comprehensive.

Goal for my career

The lifestyle I want to have in the future is living in a house. I would like to live in California because it is a beautiful state and is close to the coast.

Hugo to find the concept of natural law

While he was in France, he went to the University of Orleans, and earned a degree in law. In 1618, Maurice staged to overthrow the state's general, which placed Grotius in a difficult position, because he was the Pensionary of Rotterdam.

Computer and technology field

As well as this, it is generally recommended that the specialist is, well-organized possesses a methodical approach to work, has a working knowledge of information security standards and legislation and also has the ability to work under pressure and to impeccable standards. On the Law Enforcement sector of computer forensics, the candidates have to be →

Impact of education essay

In two essays " Learning to Read and Write" and " A Homemade Education", Malcolm and Douglass describe what they have gone through in order to become more successful in their pursuits in life. People pursue in education with different purposes, but the main reasons are to have a better job, develop their knowledge of →

Toorach, consequences of tuberculosis in developing countries. he

For me personally, my time in Uganda has provided me the opportunity to get a better and more holistic perspective on the etiology of health disparities. The stories I encountered pushed me to be a more empathetic individual and informed student, and I developed an impassioned awareness of the socioeconomic and political barriers that hinder →

Career service

Planning and organization is also needed in an office so that you can schedule appointments and organize where the supplies and office equipment goes in the office. The communication between the boss and their employees is important so that they know what to do in the office and how you want things were on.

Cuyahoga river

In more recent times, the Cuyahoga River was known as " the river that caught fire." This is because the river was polluted from industrial companies spilling their waste into the river during the late 1880's all the way up to the mid 1900's. Herrick, of the 1880's even stated, " It is a sewer →

Argumentative essay essay sample

The process of recycle paper, the old paper is turned in to pulp to use in making recycled paper and use fossil fuels in the same way as non-recycled paper. The Negative Effects Of Recycling Paper.

Essay on environmental pollution

The most significant consequence of environmental pollution is global warming. The other consequence of environmental pollution is increase in diseases.

Utilitarianism essay examples

What can easily be inferred from the above definition is that interests of the society should always be held more important than the interests of few individuals and the concept can be further extended to countries and continents. One of the many reasons of concern has been the increased ' Purchasing Power Capacity' of people →

Air pollution essay 24

The industrialization of society, the introduction of motorized vehicles, and the explosion of the population, are factors contributing toward the growing air pollution problem. Air Pollution in the Home You cannot escape air pollution, not even in your own home." In 1985 the Environmental Protection Agency reported that toxic chemicals found in the air of →

Country life versus city life

One of the biggest job source is taking care of the crops, also taking care of the livestock, along with all the other animals on the farms. Even with these jobs the pay was not much, due to the cost of living is less than living in the city.

Enviromental effects of air pollution and the urban area

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues that surround airpollutionsuch as the long term impacts of air pollution, the short term impacts of air pollution, the long term outlook of air pollution, the short term outlook of air pollution and the potential solutions to the air pollution problem. The first short term →

How water pollution effects marine life?

The effects of man's abuse can be seen on a daily basis, from the disappearance of long existing sea life such as whales, to garbage washing up on the shore, to the disastrous oil spoils that cost millions of dollars each year to clean up. Now that the water is so polluted people want to →

Sarah matthews

The two girls argue back and forth about what they can do in order to help the environment, but using the environmentalist approach will not change the earth because it is already destroyed. In the comic strip writing by Jensen and McMillan, the environmentalist approach thinks that change is necessary in order to preserve the →

My appejay hhw class 10

Write a speech on ' Discipline is my way of life' to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school. 1 13 25 to to to 12 24 36 Mind Pollution causes global stress Effects of pollution on Flora and Fiona Pollution is a curse 36 onwards Cyber Pollution Note: Project to →

Effects of plastic on the human body essay example

However, in an era where everything is for expediency, the pace of the day to day existence has compelled the human race to adjust to the ways of a modern society where the issue of health is of the essence. Due to the fact that the World Health Organization has voted for a global legislation →

Eng 101-01

Russell Hardin, an american journalist indicates, to a large extent, individuals will choose to ignore the reponsibility of garbage disposing if the governemnt will not take care of the purge system and provide garbage trucks in the areas. As a result, there will be no appropriateness unless the governmnet will take care of the mess →

Plastic water bottles causing flood of harm to our environment rhetorical analysis essay example

Selection of rhetorical devices is also carefully chosen to inform the readers unfamiliar with the notion and ignorant of environmental danger about harm of plastic bottles and induce the audience to seriously consider limiting or ceasing the usage of such packaging. It also contributes to the strict text organization and highlights the most prominent points →

Margaret garner critical essay

However, the owners have a bigresponsibilitytowards their slaves especially when it is fugitive for they need to pay to the District Court of the United States when an officer or a marshal captured a fugitive. The purpose of this paper is to show the relation of the Fugitive Slave Act to the life of Margaret →


In the success of Lincoln's attempt to preserve the Union and free the slaves, Booth took matters into his own hands by killing Lincoln. This is what Tunisia needed to get their selves to stop the corrupt government, and thus the revolution started.

Hemingway’s view of women is a source of constant controversy essay sample

Catherine then asks, What would you like me to do now that youre all ready and Henry replies Come to the bed again and Catherine answers, All right. Catherine is stupid and na ve enough to accept her role in this position and to acknowledge that she does not possess a mind of her own.

Tituba, black witch of salem: oppression and feminism

Hester is a strong minder of the hardships that women have to face and the consequences of not abiding by the rules that the men have set up for them. Unfortunately throughout this novel that is what happened to almost every woman, starting with Bean, then Hester, then the women of the witch trials, and →

Civil war effects on present american society essay sample

The four-year siege between the eleven rebellious Southerners and the Federal government of America led the outbreak of the Civil War starting from 1861 up to 1865. In the South, however, demand for cotton and tobacco increased and the planters needed more slaves to do the heavy work of cultivating the fields.

Comparison of booker t. washington’s up from slavery and web dubois’ the souls of black folk

A deeper examination of these texts can be done by a comparison of chapter fourteen of Washington's work, entitled " The Atlanta Exposition Address," and chapter three of Dubois' The Souls of Black Folk " Of Mr. Dubois organizes the text in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of his message, which was to point →

Racism in history of the united states

While Eric Fone argues that white Englishmen in Jamestown and the Chesapeake area had varying degrees of " liberty," the fact is that true liberty depended on the ownership of land. The answer was to pursue a strategy of " divide and conquer".

Good critical thinking on critical analysis of bloodchild by octavia butler

This paper critically analyzes the story Bloodchild by Octavia Butler showing various elements of the short story that changed the view of the readers in the story. The story is a dystopian story that shows the human perceptions of space and the view of the author that the things that happen in space resemble the →

Good example of race students name essay

Du Bois who championed for abolition of slavery and the global recognition of the rights of the black race. Understanding the long-term history of race can inform policy decisions today by invoking the need to have systems and structures that safeguard equality in the society.

Ronald wilson research paper sample

Discrimination in the American society was in manner that the whites were superior to the blacks and the women were inferior to men. Sojourner truth theory of realism was instrumental in shaping the American society.