4 Pages Essay Samples

Close knit family essay sample

In the beginning the reader gets the impression that the Judge is a very strong and determined person, very dedicated to his job and to his family. Of course he does not believe the Judge has the nerve to keep his mother caged in so outrageous a manner and that the people will demand that β†’

She of the state has increased the

The second major problem that Fineman points out isthe restraint that the state shows when it comes to the implementation of theequality laws in a practical world. Law at the moment is only acting to create theinstitutions and the laws for the public which comes in the realm of the publicsphere, for example, the law β†’

Marriage and its characteristic in korean culture

While marriage is not necessary in order to beget children, it is necessary for the purpose of care and training of children. The welfare of the children then is the primary purpose of marriage.

1. men? the first reason de beauvoir

AlthoughHurston struggled all her life financially and to get recognition for her work, she was one of the first African-American woman to bring African-Americanliterature in the spotlight. She suggests that the division of the sexes is biological and not somethingthat happened in history.

Reading journal

In the chapter, we learn that Uma has gone away for school and starts to feel as if school is not that important to her when she finds out that her father wants a divorce from her mother. We learn that Cameron is starting to stare out into space and think of all the possible β†’

Arranged marriages argument

Arranged marriage ensures a better and healthier upbringing of children as the arranged marriages are long-lasting and the risk of divorcing is eliminated, which has a good effect on the children, parents and extended family members makes sure that the children are being well-raised, as a result these children's development has been more fruitful as β†’

Wedding ceremony

The security of your marriage will lie in the true character of your soul, in the steadfastness of your devotion, and in the love you posses in your heart. Rodney Sterry- I will Pastor Price- And Jennifer, will you have this man to be you are lawfully wedded husband, to live together according to God's β†’

Dialectic behavior therapy

Elements of acceptance and change form the basis of the DBT method of treatment have drastically lowered the number of patients who dropped out of the treatment program. In the case of DBT, it is a key aspect of the treatment process.

Short β€˜a depravity according to nature

Melville shows that Billy can rebel against the higher authority of Clarity and Captain Ever. Clarity is lying when he accuses Billy and Captain Ever knows it but he still asks for Billy to be roughs in the room.

Effects of emotion regulation on risk aversion

The independent variables in this experiment were the ER strategy induced and the emotion experienced by the subjects. The textbook deals with the topic of emotion and cognitive regulation by addressing the topics of thought suppression, affect and cognition and emotion regulation.

The life of victor frankenstein essay

This infuriates the monster and he begins to destroy Victor's life. After the monster killed Elizabeth on the night of Victor and Elizabeth's wedding, Victor will vow he was going to kill the monster.

I hope you dance

I hope you dance " And when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance." If you had the chance to sit it out or dance, would you dance? I knew that although things would be extremely difficult to attempt to be able to work enough hours to get β†’

Brutus in an honorable man.

When Brutus thinks that the people want Caesar to fall, Brutus tells himself that he joins the conspiracy for the people. Brutus is known to many as the man of great virtue.

Torture and fear in the handmaids tale

The handmaids tale is a novel by Margaret Atwood, It describes the life of a woman who is documenting her life as it goes on, As the book progresses we are able to see the amount of torture that the woman of Gilead receive. The Eye is a very effective mechanism of fear as it β†’

How to respect your parents

In the Quran, there is a very beautiful description of how parents are to be treated; Allaah Says: " And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'" [Quran 17: 23-24] The recognition and respect β†’

Kubler-ross’ five stages of grief

The first stage is witnessed after the author receives a call on Sunday that Eric his son is dead, the narrator is negatively affected, as he believes it is wrong for parents to bury their children as children are the future and should bury their parents. This means that God understands what he is going β†’

Colette good man who brought justice to

However, in " Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass", an autobiography written by former slave Frederick Douglass, and " Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl", a narrative written by freed slave Harriet Ann Jacobs, the two authors accurately records the lives of slaves. Douglass and Jacobs use irony to show the hypocrisy β†’

Mirror, mirror on the wall essay

The ascription the soul beheld its features in the mirror of the passing moment compares time to a mirror and the soul contemplating its past as the image that appears on the mirror. The brook itself is a mirror of Pearl.

Civility vs. savagery

Throughout the novel, the use of symbolism is significant in representing the progression of civility and savagery. Throughout the entirety of the novel, civility and savagery are locked in a continuous struggle.

Motivation theory essay

The essential element of this law is that an optimal level of arousal is required for performance, and excessive or too little arousal can harm the performance level. This cerebral system raises a high level of arousal that is disadvantageous to the performance of the male.

Prevention of cigarette smoking essay examples

Cigarette smoking is a serious challenge facing the current society and the solution to the problem is raising taxes on cigarette companies, banning smoking in public areas and raising the smoking age to 21years. The solution to the challenge of cigarette smoking in the first place is raising the taxes on cigarette producing companies.

The persuasive antismoking ads

The ads capability to persuade was assessed by checking for the presence of the following elements of persuasion in the ad. In terms of the way the ad delivered the message: allowing of the audience's use of action upon response to the ad.

Legalize it

One of the longest standing arguments against the use of marijuana is that it gives users a " gateway" to harder or more illicit drug use. It seems that those with a vested interest in the legalization or continued criminalization of marijuana will pull whatever strings necessary to sway public opinion to their side.


In my personal opinion I am glad that they have prohibited smokers from smoking in most public places for the simple fact that I am not a smoker and I have kids as well that I would not want to get second hand smoke. The sad thing about second hand smoke is that it is β†’

Internet addiction disorder

First of all, ask yourself " without your computer or the Internet what would you do? " In the world of quickly advancingtechnology, it is hard to ignore the Internet which is becoming more and more important in lives of users worldwide. With the increased role of the Internet in society and business, some of β†’

Research paper on breastfeeding research

The main objective of the study was to prove the negative effects of passive smoke on infants and to analyse whether breast-milk would reduce the harmful effects. Therefore it can be recommended that further study on the daily rate of breast feeding required by infants in the ages of between 0-6 months should be done β†’

Persuasive essay to ban smoking on college campus

West Virginia University and other Universities have a right to ban smoking because they must protect the rights of their non-smoking student's health. By making it harder and more inconvenient for people to smoke, there is a higher chance in reducing the numbers of smoking in that particular area.

Comparative analysis of bangla online abusive comment classification

In spite of the fact that there are a number of methods available to flag and report toxic and abusive comments online in English, there's none in Bangla language. It's been nothing unanticipated that by and large the young in Bangladesh has tumbled to the trap of online induction due to the genuine mitigation of β†’

Drug addiction

The drug itself, as object of desire, is at once utterly coercive and nugatory: it's junk, the broken residue of useful technology, the leavings of instrumental reason; as an object it no longer makes sense and belongs in a junkyard. Drugs was a powerful model of addiction, one that cannot be understood in terms of β†’

Legalzing drugs

Marijuana can have side affects to the natural functions of the brain such as memory lost, having the ability to learn, and even problem solving; allowing it to be illegal causes no difference in it being legal, because people will still get a hold of it. Marijuana is meant to put an impact on the β†’

Coffee monopoly takes a hit: an experiment to extract caffeine out of tea leaves

The cool mixture was filtered using a vacuum filtration apparatus: a conical funnel was placed in a 250mL filter flask, a cotton ball was placed in the funnel, the flask was connected to the vacuum by a rubber hose, the vacuum was turned on, and the entire solution was poured into the funnel. The tealeaves β†’

How flamin’ hot cheetos affect the body

The topic of my research project is " How Flamin' Hot Cheetos affect the body". Additionally, scientists, researchers, and nutritionists all fear that, because it is a processed food, the " hyper-palatable" combination of the Flamin' Hot Cheetos' fat, salt, and spiciness could potentially make it hard for people to stop eating the snack.

Internet addiction

The internet was created in the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union, during The Cold War. There is so much information on the internet that it basically caters to anyone with access to it.

We should raise cigarette taxes in the us essay

Introduction to smoking and disadvantages of smoking The fact that smoking is injurious to health is a known fact all over the world. The main objective is to ensure that they are aware of the harm that they are causing to themselves as well as to others in the process of smoking.

Conformity and smoking research paper samples

Because the nicotine is harmful, and the habit is typically started due to a conformist attitude in many areas of society, it can be considered a social problem. Teens and young adults are the most susceptible because they strive to fit in, and smoking is often shown as an activity that is cool and will β†’

Drug abuse & ways to fix it

The only way for them to stop withdrawal, they had to be given more morphine, which is what was the initial cause of drug addiction and turned into a cycle. Today, drug rehab centers not only refrain from the use of drugs but also provides a safe and secure environment in order for people to β†’

Essay on art is a way of expression

This is one of the most creative ideas that have been materialized, in the world of art. The above are only outstanding pieces of art today that have become very popular, because of the material used to create them and the kind of technology used.

Smoking and god

The people who smoke inhale C monoxide which decreases the sum of O which goes to the encephalon and in the bosom. They want to smoke for chief three grounds which they are to look mature, to experiment, and to be like their friends.

The tempest essay sample

There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonio's lowly nature, the redemption of the King, and the marriage of Miranda to Alonso's son, Ferdinand. He now lives on an island and has become a great sorcerer.* Miranda, Prospero's daughter, who falls in love with the Prince of Naples, Ferdinand.* Ariel, a mischievous spirit who β†’

Baz luhrman film study: red curtain cinema essay sample

Luhrman devised the Red Curtain style of film making with these specifics in mind: 1) the audience knows how it will end right from the start; 2) the storyline is thin and simple; 3) the world formed in the film is one of heightened realism; and 4) there is to be a specific tool driving β†’

Language in the tempest

In the early Americas, European settlers would completely strip indigenous people of their own culture in order to conform them to European culture and to isolate them from their home. To conclude, the act of stripping one's culture from them can result in

Appearance vs. reality in macbeth

This motif is simultaneously a theme in that the glaring contrast between the appearance and reality in Macbeth is used by Shakespeare to express that one should be careful of this contrast that exists in everyday life. When Macbeth meets the witches in the beginning of the play, the witches tell him only that he β†’

Macbeth practice essay

To become king Macbeth would have to defy ' The Great Chain of Being' by killing the uppermost human, Duncan who was the king at the time. The protagonist's fatal flaw would be his ambition and aspiration to become king, which would defy ' The Great Chain of Being'.

Shakespeare’s purpose of the merchant of venice

In one of his plays, The Merchant of Venice, his intent was to illustrate that whatever you do to a person or to a group at the start, will always come back to you at the end. They demonstrate in the play that it is important to know what family really wants, abide the roles β†’

Shakespeare’s style could be used nowadays

Match The exercise for the phrase, the phrase into this exercise" Know that that the personal crowd After he woke up Shakespeare wanted to decide on which type he needed to make use of All the way down to compose a drama. He understood his viewers nicely sufficient to be taught that which ones to β†’

Themes and ambition and power in macbeth

In Act one Scene five, ambition is shown negatively as throughout the scene lady Macbeth is remarkably formidable that ought to be smart but, Shakespeare says that ambition could be a unhealthy issue through the determination shown by the formidable lady Macbeth to kill the King. Still as however lady Macbeth is artful as β†’

William shakespeare’s description of the difference of imagination and realism as illustrated in his play, a midsummer night’s dream

In the beginning, Theseus and his bride are bored and want amusement before the wedding. Shakespeare sought to recreate the effects of a dream the same way we do not know that we are not falling until we open out eyes and we are safe in bed.

The β€˜gulling’ scenes in shakespeare’s much ado about nothing: act 2 scene 3 essay sample

This is probably because the women and the men would handle the situation in two completely different ways and it is easier for people to relate to other people of the same sex. Later on in the play there is a short scene to show that Beatrice and Benedick are both utterly convinced that they β†’

Macbeth essay

Although female, Lady Macbeth has proven herself as a central influence to the plot of the story, her strong, individualistic ways and ruthless plans prove to be the rise and downfall of her husbands reign as king and death, as well as her own. The doctor claims it is her disease talking and she is β†’

Aldous huxley’s shakespearian dystopia

Huxley's 1932 novel, Brave New World, stands as a distinct reincarnation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, fusing a disturbing reality of a dystopian future with the key aspects of a classical Shakespearian piece. Grushow reveals astounding evidence that links Huxley's Brave New World to Shakespeare's The Tempest by acknowledging the characteristics of Shakespeare's piece and how β†’

English language: shakespeare: macbeth (ca)

English Language: Shakespeare: Macbeth - A major conflict in Macbeth is the struggle between his ambition and his sense of right and wrong. The witches play a key role in Macbeth; weird sisters are given the power to influence the behavior of others.

Various ways of love representation

As the poem, " I started Early Took my Dog," opens, the first reference made to the mysterious nature of the sea is through the use of the line, " The Mermaids in the Basement Came out to look at me -". To have the main character in the poem have mermaids come from the β†’

Love in romeo and juliet

Another type of love found in Romeo and Juliet is, heroic love. Lastly, romantic love is the last type of love found in Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and juliet by william shakespeare

In act 1 Mercutio to Romeo and Juliet strong because the play shows Romeo is on a quest for love. So the play using minor characters is a success because Mercutio helps make the pure love for Romeo and Juliet.

The tragedy accompanying love in the tragedy of julius caesar

Everything Brutus did was because his love for Rome and in the end, he also died because of his love for Rome. He acknowledged that Brutus joined the conspirators out of selflessness because he truly thought that it was for the better for the people contrary to the rest who were envious of Caesar: This β†’

Good essay about at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet plato

Additionally, the Online Oxford Dictionary indicates that the word " temperate" has its origins in the late Middle Ages, and it literally means "' not affected by passion or emotion.'" The message which is implied by the lines, as it pertains to love, is that true love is stable, constant, and is not affected by β†’

How shakespeare retold: the taming of the shrews differs from the actual play essay

However, classical conservatives were critical about the cinema version of the play because of the perceived differences in the original play and with the screenplay. These differences, changes and other elements between the movie and the play will be evaluated by examining the context of the movie version and the original play itself.

Al capone case summary

Al Capone Case Summary In the beginning it was not like Al Capone had a life that was for the rich and famous. When he was in the sixth grade he was kicked out of school for throwing a female teacher to the ground.

Prison term police recommendation proposal

In an effort to reduce the amount of armed robberies each year it is important to research different methods that would aid in the reduction of violent crimes that take place each year. Deterrence will have then proven to be effective in the fight against this type of violent crime.

Prosecutorial misconduct essay sample

How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example? How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

Free the police essay example

The moves of punishing corrupt police officers build up trust among the citizens, thereby, enhancing a strong relationship between the citizens and the police officers, since the citizens come to learn that no one is above the law. It is also important to note that the use of forensic science was ignored by the police β†’

Critique article review example

The morale of the department also reduces the satisfaction of the employees. The study explains the composition of the various variables in the study.

The pestle analysis of juvenile crime rate rose

Absence of employment is affected indirectly by the government and the private sector as a provider of employment for the community. Poor neighborhoods, it is also one of the largest Juvenile delinquency triggers.

Forensic psychology aids in a conviction on behalf of elizabeth smart

1 Forensic Psychology Aids in a Conviction On Behalf Of Elizabeth Smart Forensic Psychology Aids in a Conviction On Behalf Of Elizabeth Smart Jessica Hammond St. Leo University & Criminal Justice Department 2 Forensic Psychology Aids in a Conviction On Behalf Of Elizabeth Smart Forensic psychology is a field that combines both psychology and the β†’

Othello’s role in the murder of desdemona

Iago ignites the chaos in the play but without Othello the play would not have ended in this dramatic fashion and the Death of Desdemona would not have occurred. Therefor Othello had the most important role in the death of Desdemona through his flaws of Jealousy and Reason versus Passion.

Good example of democracy research paper

Race Riots in Chicago The Chicago riots occurred at the Democratic National Convention back in the 28th of August 1968. After they were charged, the judge eventually made a decision that provoked the Hispanic and the blacks and they opted for riots.

National crime & criminal information system

The project would act as a computerized index of crime and criminal justice information and will be available to Federal Police, Regional state Police commissions, Federal Ministry of Justice, Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Federal Prison Administration, Authorized law enforcement agencies and other criminal justice organizations and it will be operational 24 hours a day. β†’

The description of marmeladov in crime and punishment

In the course of the novel Raskolnikov must come to the realization his feelings of guilt will only be relieved when he confesses his sins and finds faith in God. This is why he goes ahead with the murder despite the fact that he, unlike Marmeladov does have a place to turn in the form β†’

A crime of compassion

A Crime of Compassion is a nurse's point of view on euthanasia and who is more eligible than a nurse to talk about the suffering that a patient goes through. The participation of the doctor is completely voluntary and the patient must find a willing physician to go through this.

The only crime is pride

Creon, The ruler of Thebes, makes it very obvious to all the citizens that they are not to attempt to bury his nephew or they will be stoned to death. Oedipus' daughter was so involved in doing the right thing that she to take her own life in the process.

Malls are actually a haven for crime

You have your budget, your list of items to buy, and you are in a hurry to get it all done by the time the mall closes. When it comes to the question of who can be the victim of a mall crime, the answer would be anyone.

Psychology lab ted bundy

He was so evil that he tried to use one of his victims to try to stop the killing. What is crazy about Ted Bundy is that he fits in to of the categories in the Essence model.

Money: crime and great gatsby

If they did not have the amount of money that they have, they would not be able to do this. This shows in stats of crimes and what those people, lucky enough to have money, do with the money.

Did the arabs injustice huntington?

According to Huntington, culture is threatening to divide nations instead of leading the way to support unity and oneness in handling international problems or issues, since culture is the primary source of irreconcilable differences and conflicts that do not provide opportunities for nations to meet in middle ground. This is because Huntington was unsure about β†’

Crime in our society essay sample

Causes of crime In order to understand what crime prevention is about, we have to understand the causes of crime. This is the toughest and most difficult method of crime prevention to sustain, but also the most rewarding.

The blood of emmett till by timothy b. tyson: representation of one of the most notorious hate crimes in american history

One of the most notorious hate crimes in American history titles the prominent lynching of a young 14 year old boy in the Mississippi Delta of 1955. Through the course of his book, Tyson explicates the meaning behind the lynching that provoked protests across the country, strengthened memberships against white supremacy, and inspired people to β†’

Motivation plan essay sample

Motivation, satisfaction, and performance are important aspects that a manger must utilize with people and each aspect can be define as a success or failure of the employees or as a team. The most difficult aspect of being a leader is increasing an employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance.

The apprentice (uk): alex’s leadership qualities essay sample

In the beginning Alex showed very good use of his democratic style of leading by allowing his teammates to brainstorm and give ideas on the target market that they would be aiming at and what sort of brand they would like to create. As a result of Alex's poor control of Myles, his team lost β†’

Donny is my leader

Donny Is My Leader The Path-Goal Theory states that, " leaders motivate subordinates to achieve high performance by showing them the path to reach valuedgoalsor results." In thecase studyDonny Is My Leader it shows what Donny perceived asmotivationwas, in fact, demotivating to some of the members of the group thus affecting the productivity as a β†’

Essay summary of leadership theories

There are manyleadershiptheories and the main purpose of all of them is to highlight the factors on which leadership depends to generate best performance in an organization. 1 How successful is an organization is directly proportionate to the styles of management and leadership.

Leadership and community

As the results of the change process become imminent, others will be pulled in and accommodate the process. It means that all stakeholders must be involved in the creation of new policies that characterize the change process.

Performance appraisal system essay sample

They are an opportunity to review strengths and weaknesses, to take an overall assessment of work content, loads and volume and to look back on what has been achieved already and to Set Goals and Objectives for the following period ". The performances metric system should clearly tell the manager and the employee where they β†’

Leadership style

Awareness of the need for change within the department might be present but there seems to be no clear idea of its implications and hence a sense of urgency, the first crucial step in an organisational transformation2, does not seem to exist. Best is referring to the necessary change simply as a " task" which β†’

Servant leadership in nursing article review example

It is worth noting that this type of leadership requires the deepest level of intuitive perception and understanding, empathy, the ability to look within and around, a sense of community and a stable framework of values. In the nursing setting, a leader as a servant can be considered the one who creates the conditions to β†’

Authentic leadership essay sample

Because this leadership style is still in the formative stages of development, the description of this style is likely to change with more research in the upcoming years. To use the Authentic Action Wheel you locate the problem on the outside of the wheel, and use the response that is connected to that type of β†’

Applying leadership theories

His focus during his second year as principal was to build relationships with the staff that could eventually benefit the success of the school. This school year, the principal was more confident that he would be able to achieve his goals.

I am a leader because essay

In he competing values management practice survey, I got the highest score in mentor role in Quadrant 2 which shows that I am a team builder person which is connect to The building team In Quadrant 2 of The competing values skill assessment which I got 5. This quadrant is a contrast of quadrant 2 β†’

Comparing and contrasting leadership and management

The meaning of the two terms therefore overlaps in some sense, but while leadership is founded on a set of personal attributes like charisma, charm and trustworthiness, management the application of vested authority to control people and resources. Managers lacking leadership qualities may not be effective, that is why the concepts of leadership and management β†’

Alex sander case study essay sample

This will make it very difficult for Sam to coach and guide Alex.* Sam has a vested interest in Alex's success because he hired Alex. He must provide this feedback and coaching to Alex, who is an individual that places no value on the feedback and believes that his main weakness is that he only β†’

1000 words personal statement reflecting current knowledge and skills and future career planning and objectives

I am currently pursuing a foundation course in Leadership and Management and have an opportunity to work with a non profit organisation in the area of Pastoral care and mentoring youth. My knowledge and the experience drawn from my work related tasks have given me an understanding of the needs of others and I always β†’

Leadership role

Leadership is applicable to all facets of your life: competencies that you can learn to expand your perspective, set the context of a goal, understands the dynamics of human behavior and take the initiative to get to where you want to be. And he knows that being a leader to his family and members of β†’

Good research paper about bipolar and heredity

There is certainly a hereditary component, since research indicate that 90 percent of persons suffering from bipolar disorder have a member of family diagnosed with a depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. Additionally, research exploring the connection of bipolar and genetics discovered that children having a biological parent suffering from bipolar I or II disorder is β†’

Leaders and managers

This could be due to the fact that they rely on the inspiration and motivation provided by leaders, and this is what Granger assured- " management is the organization's way of coping with the fact that leadership is always in the clouds". The Difference between Leadership and Management.

Relationship of leadership to the politics

Definition Leadership-This is the practice of controlling and directing the behavior of individuals towards the completion of some commongoalsand objectives. Understanding is the key for leaders to make use of organizational politics and also to enhance their own leadership credibility.

Quot;aeneid” by virgil research papers example

It was the biggest and the strongest empire in the world, which was believed to have control over most of the world's resources. The desire for Aeneid to travel to Rome was birthed by the need to be associated with the roman leaders for the purpose of invoking the needed favor to build the city.