4 Pages Essay Samples

Abraham lincoln’s dred scott decision & peoria speech

Abraham Lincoln the 16th leader of the United States and leader of the Republican Party was among the strong supporters of the law that prevent marriage between the black and the white. According to Abraham Lincoln, the position of superior and inferior in the American states meant to reduce the number of blacks entering the →

Simple gift essay

In order to counteract this lack of belonging Billy goes down to the creek in his spare time and chooses to belong there Billy decides to pack his bags and leave home. Old bill gave the keys of his old house for Billy to live in.

Pros and cons of government intervention assignment

He states the only important pieces of consumer legislation to emerge from Congress in the past three years were the " Consumer Protection Safety Commission. The Cunningham's objective of their research was to determine how many individuals in various sectors of society know about the consumer protection laws and their rights as consumers.

Pest analysis of pakistan

This is viewed as a positive approach because of the unstable political and economic situation in the country. Furthermore, the percentage of poor in the country continues to rise while the percentage of the rich is gradually falling.

Differences in carter’s version of “the erl-king”

Although obvious, the length of Carter's story has a profound effect on the entire meaning of the story and the overall message; Goethe by presenting the myth in a short poem can present the morals of the story very simplistically. For example the reader can only realise that Goethe's Erl-King is evil through the medium →

Democratic ideals dbq essay

All of the reform movements that began in the early 19th century enabled the expansion of the most important Democratic ideal, the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. During the reform of women's right and abolitionist movements of the early 19th century the cornerstone right to liberty, one of the most →

Intangible assets – woolworths limited essay

Besides.an plus is purely merely recognized as intangible if it meets both of the followers in the acknowledgment standards: It is likely that the expected future economic benefits that are attributable to the plus will flux to the entity; and The cost of the plus can be measured faithfully Classs of intangible assets: A category →

How to build up a meaningful life

To achieve this goal, we are endowed and pointed out the way by the Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was made flesh to save this world according to the plan of the Trinity. That way is embodied in His doctrine through the teaching of the Scriptures and of the Church.

Hire the right employees to staff your salon and spa

PayScale.com says that the median salary in a city like Indianapolis for a hair salon and spa manager with less than a year of experience is $34, 000, while a manager with five or more years of experience earns a median salary of $38, 000. According to the BLS, a manicurist earns a median salary →

The concerns of water pollution in africa

The government of South Africa stores water in dams to meet the supply needs for drinking, industrial and agricultural needs throughout the year. In South Africa, 19% of people in the overall population do not have access to safe water and over 33% people do not have the bare necessity for basic sanitation services.

Capitalism racism and patriarchy assignment

Marxism alone cannot adequately address inequalities of race and gender because it ignores the historical impacts of race and gender As such critical problems will persist Patriarchy Is not Just a superstructure It is an independent oppressive system which must also be dismantled before true revolution can occur Patriarchal norms will persist In the home →

The virgin queen essay sample

" I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too; and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain or any Prince of Europe should dare invade the border of my realm". Queen Elizabeth became a →

Analysis of direct costs

Materials, labor, equipment and all related expenses to the production are considered and direct costs, whereas, administrative, overhead and related costs are considered as indirect costs." Direct Cost: is a cost that can be directly traced to a cost object, such as a product. Direct material cost is the cost of significant materials that are →

The sec’s condorsement proposal

Thus the function of the financial accounting standard board is to form the accounting standards which are followed by the nongovernment companies in preparing their financial statements which helps the investors in comparing the financial performance of the companies as same type of accounting policies and principles are followed by the companies because of the →

Introduction to physiology and pharmacology

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Problem and solution essay

What are the net benefits when Q = 1? At the value Of Q that maximizes net benefits, what is the value Of marginal net benefits?

Legalization of drugs

First of all, legalization of drugs will increase drug usage and the number of drug addicts as it will be stabled in our daily lives with power of laws. We are going to be able to theviolencemovie scenes in our streets as underground drug wars will spread to aboveground, the increase in drug addicts will →

Genetic engineering 10205

Some say that people have been trying to change and manipulate nature for many years and that genetic engineering is only an expansion of what has been done. In order to avoid having the decision of what to do if their child has a genetic disorder, some people might opt for prevention and avoid marrying →

If gold rust what iron will do essay

Nevertheless, deep down inside our hearts we still cherish the innocence of the child we once were, and harbour the childish conviction that there is an inexhaustible source of good in this world. Gold is one of the most precious metals which we have coveted to own since time immemorial.

Dominion motors case essay

Any alterations in the design of the motors is likely to cause Dominion to fall below the necessary specifications as given by ENEMA Low winter temperature: As the temperature in Canada were extremely low in winters, the drillers needed extra torque to get the machine started. Pros: It would be a long term solution It →

If only i could go back

Although a sense of denial ran through my head, my conscience overcame the effect and I knew what I had done was wrong." Too late now" I thought to myself. My emotions overpowered me once again and the more I thought of the crime I had committed the more I continued to cry.

Trails of andres bonifacio review

Poetry, on the other hand, more than the fapde and the flourishes, provides the requisite subtlety in the execution the minute gestures that accentuate a character, that last five seconds of absolute ilence before a cut, the symbols, the verses, the rhymes, and rhythms. This film's form, as described above, aptly sets the tone for →

Experimental design assignment

Control group: In an experiment, the members of the group that is not exposed to the treatment or which receives a zero level of independent variable is called control group. For example, in the research, on the impact of alcohol and expectations on sexual arousal, independent variable is the alcohol and the dependent variable is →

Product costing and cost accumulation assignment

Consequently, overhead costs are applied to products for the purpose f making pricing decisions, in order to ensure that product prices cover all of the costs of production. Overhead application: The assignment of all manufacturing overhead costs accumulated in a production department to the jobs that the department has worked on.

Fashion business

The demand for the different fashions is linked with the impact of the social media and the involvement of celebrities. The main purpose of the inspection is to determine the quality and acceptability for the garments.

Economics chapter 11 review

Certificate of Deposits An insured, interest-bearing deposit at a bank, requiring the depositor to keep the money invested for a specific length of time. Divide 72 by the interest and the quotient is the amount of time needed for the interest to double.

Database fault tolerance

Fault-tolerance or graceful degradation is the property that enables a system to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of some of its components. After this, the internal state of the erroneous replication is assumed to be different from that of the other two, and the voting circuit can switch to a DMR →

Structure of the alimentary canal in relation to digestion and absorption essay sample

Different parts of the alimentary canal play a role in the journey of food from when it enters the mouth to when the leaves the body as waste: 1. The circular muscle in the area surrounding the bolus is relaxed which increases the size of the lumen pushing the food forward.

Design process – satellite hinge

The satellite has 8 solar panels with the inner panels held by a 90o hinge to the satellite while the outer panels are held to the inner panels by 1800. Constant Torque Spring Hinge The hinge mechanism consist of a passive and powered constant torque hinge.

Rapid rise of e-commerce in modern global business

I have conducted a thorough research on this topic to bring out the significant impacts of e-commerce in the general global business environment as well as the challenges or limitations that have been associated with e-commerce.E. The main point that I covered was the rapid rise of e-commerce in the contemporary business environment and facets →

The introduction of new coke by coca-cola

There was a narrow definition of the research problem by Coca-Cola, given that the research emphasized the taste only and ignored the feelings of the customers in relation to replacing the old Coke with a New Coke. For instance, when Coca-Cola ignored the fact that the old Coke represented a symbolic meaning to the consumers →

Describe with examples aspects of development essay

Background Parents and family play a big part in children's development and there are many elements linked to a child's background that can affect their development. It can also affect emotional development because they may feel that they are not ' normal' and they are different to the others.

Cash budget essay sample

The main objective of preparing cash budget is to ensure that the cash is sufficient for the purpose of capital or revenues expenditure. G, What are the benefits of a cash budget?

Implications for mental health intervention

The diverted girls group consists of girls that have engaged in behaviors that have brought them to the attention of the juvenile justice system but instead of being entered into the judicial system were referred to some form of community-based services. I believe this paper provides a clear explanation of the concepts expressed in the →

Elements of gothic literature

The final element of gothic literature is the psychological instincts create by the atmosphere of the story. This led to the origin of gothic literature which is used in the story ' The legend of hollow'.

Marijuana legalization or prohibition

When comparing the Alcohol Prohibition in the 1920s and compare hat situation with the current situation with the legal status of marihuana, we cans ee that a repetition of history is occurring. To prevent the abuse of marijuana, governments should build a system to regulate its use.

Impossible idyll

Mother Culture is essentially a guru to the Takers and the spine to their of life. The Takers believe they are the prophesized rulers of the world and that it belongs to them entirely; This leads to an egotistical mindset that is largely responsible for their twisted perception of Mother Culture's overarching story.

When the emperor was divine

By analyzing the loss of identity of the characters in the book, the paper will derive the Japanese Americans sufferings at the time and at the same time drawing the history of America where the power used to oppress these people. The writing style adopted by the author aims to demonstrate the nature of life →

”thank you ma’m” by langston hughes essay sample

Jones, but instead of dragging him to a police, she takes him to her home, takes good care of him and kindly gives him some money and a life lesson before letting him go. Besides the story is very well-known and admired by lots of people around the world because of its meaningful themes and →

Hills like elephants essay

In this story the man claims to be devoted to the girl and yet strives to persuade her into the abortion, which evidently reveals that he is not prepared for the responsibilities of a father. The perplexed state of mind of the girl portrayed in this story discloses the girl's resistance towards the termination of →

Recruiting source choices internal vs. external

The enlisting beginning choice is a class measure, which is largely about the combination of the cost and the velocity of the choice of the new worker. Internal enlisting is the best tool for the occupation vacancies, this is because the experience is available within the organisation moreover; it enables the usage of human capital →

More than just a disease essay

This disease makes Neil feel insecure and his mother's attitude towards him also does not help, she is almost ashamed of her sons condition and this makes Neil feel that he has hide the fact that he has psoriasis. When Neil is unpacking his case he hears his mother's voice." Be tidy at all times, →

Child labour

Take a position in the community and build a consensus on the norm that all children should go to school. Different views in the community are gradually likely to change attitude towards the norm that kids should go school to discourage, demand and to limit the supply of child labour.

Analysis of deportation at breakfast by larry fondation

Although there are a lot of tables unoccupied at the diner, due to the time of the day, he chooses to take the counter's seat to have his breakfast. It can also be said that Javier's character is timid, or that he is scared because he is guilty of something, so he just surrenders quietly, →

Ap world history summer assignment

The barriers that the environment set led to the diversity of human culture and diets based on the condition of the weather correlating with their geological position. Mesopotamians were unified under the priest, the religious figure of society, but then was passed on to the king, who took all the responsibilities of the kingdom.

Saudi arabia still projecting the real picture of islam

Saudi Arabia is the center of the Islam as the entire Muslim ummah ahead towards this region during the holy month of Zil Haj to perform the annual pilgrimage to the holy city of Kaaba, in Makkah and also to pay homage to the Prophet's grave in Madinah. And since then Saudi Arabia has made →

Neutralize adequately

A clean burette should drain smoothly, and there should not be drops left behind sticking to the walls of the drain burette. Carefully pour some of the 2M NaOH from the beaker into the burette to rinse the walls of the burette thoroughly with this solution.

Romeo and juliet essay sample

He is able to intimidate the characters of a woman such as wiggling his hips. At the beach Mercutio acts like a friend and fights against Tybalt instead of Romeo and he is later killed.

Cooking oil made candle

A candle wick is usually a braided cotton that holds the flame of a candle or oil lamp. As the candle burns down, the burn pool goes deeper into the candle, so that the shape of the melted wax is a cylinder.

Implementing affirmative action policies assignment

To: Board of Directors From: Human Resources Date: February 20, 2011 Subject: Implementing Affirmative Action Policies So it has been brought to my attention to recommend to your company's Board of directors that we should implement a plan of Affirmative Action Policies and how they are incompliance with the EEO law. What is Affirmative Action, →

Noise pollution assignment

Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today, Its more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth, arbitration, and the associated growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of noise. Sleep disturbance is one of the most →

Dracula book review

The book suggests that " good" is strictly Christanity, and Dracula is of course the " evil," probably representing the devil, and not just in physical appearance. Van Helsing emphasizes the importance of killing Dracula by telling them that they must destroy him, as it is a religious duty, and if they fail, then what's →


The report explains the steps of how the groups are made in an organization to have a complete team building exercise where the task is to form a group of 3 to 4 members depending on the work to be done in the team, and to build trust and good relations between the group members →

Literature review job design and workforce diversity

" In the current business environment, what role do Job design and workforce diversity play In attempts to Improve Individual and organizational performance? " Literature Review A significant number of Ideas have been offered to explain Job design and workforce diversity which impacts on individual and organizational performance in business environment at the present time. →

Genetic biotechnology

It is form of biotechnology which involves the deliberate altering of the genetic material of living things so as to enhance or remove a particular trait of the parent organism. The DNA of the new human is often identical to that of the original individual.b) Therapeutic cloning Therapeutic cloning involves the removal of the DNA →


The content of this letter is the conclusions drawn by the certified public accountant concerning the accounting procedures and policies of a company, its internal policies, as well as the internal controls. These financial statements include the statement of cash flows, the income statement and the statement of financial position of a company.

Going abroad assignment

Knowing the meaning of an extended loan helps determine the choice of the subject to be selected to this assignment. In most cases is a good decision making technique to let employees in this case the engineers know about the opportunity and let the individuals request if interested in the specific assignment.

Evolution vs. creatinism assignment

Different theories had been postulated to explain it but none of them elucidated the process as well as the theory proposed by Charles Darwin in 1859 known as ' The Darwin Theory.' The latter came as a shock to the monotheistic religious groups who believed a divine power to be responsible for the creation of →

Outline and evaluate social psychological theories of aggression

Artificial as hitting a doll is not the same as hitting a person, as there is no evidence that young children intend to harm bobo in modeling experiments.3. From this experiment Marsh concluded that aggression is one of the norms of the group, as group membership is likely to lead to aggressive behaviour, however it →

The importance of production elements within buried child

Within the elements of production, the concepts of costume and set are fundamental factors in establishing the world of a play. Due to this, the role of costume and set are equally as important as character in determining the atmosphere and tone of the play.

Jeff koons

It is important for my research because it gave me a better understanding about Jeff Koons, and all the important events that happened throughout his life. It is important for my research because it gave me a better understanding about the medium that Jeff Koons uses to create his artwork.and massive chromium stainless steel balloon →

Editorial: from structure to function – the interplay between cell adhesion molecules and the cytoskeleton

The aim of this Research Topic is to highlight some of the key players at the intersection of cell adhesion molecule-mediated cell-cell interaction and changes in the cell architecture regulating eukaryotic cell function. Reciprocal interactions between cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily and the cytoskeleton in neurons.

Freedom and responsibility in the fixer

In this case, Deputy Warden is the character that encourages and fuels of the failures of Yakov in both achieving a sense of freedom and admitting to a crime that he is not responsible for. Yakov's title as The Fixer, not only acts as a description of his occupation but also a metaphorical description in →

Jesus rejected at nazareth theology religion essay

But when he visits Nazareth, the people there cannot accept the wisdom and miracles of Jesus with the ordinary Jesus they knew as. But the vitality of the story lies in part of Jesus and his reaction to whole rejection.

Social networking

According to the social networking theory, there is a difference between social networks and the face-to-face traditional socialization. Purpose of the research: The purpose of this research is to examine the discourse and relational variables between online and face-to-face communication to discover howinitial face-to-face communication differs from online communication between given two strangers.

Reading summaries

In this context, the ratio of income and expenditure is not balanced and hence increases the level of poverty The inequality in spending the cash is the major reason behind the insufficiency of the wealth amid the poor people giving rise to poverty Poor people most of the time spend very few amount in the →

Psychological disorders :

Most mainstream thought in the fields of psychology, neurobiology and related specialties relates each disease to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There are psychological problems that are related to heavy exposure to chemical causes, such as amphetamine psychosis, and lead poisoning, which can result in mental retardation.

Editorial: the green side of the water cycle: new advances in the study of plant water dynamics

Editorial on the Research Topic The Green Side of the Water Cycle: New Advances in the Study of Plant Water Dynamics Dynamics within the water cycle is a crucial topic under current climate change conditions. To understand terrestrial ecosystems and their role in the water cycle, we need to characterize the uptake, storage and transport →

Roger sherman

Roger Sherman was a signee and a helper in the drafting of The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. He also presented a letter to his home state, Connecticut, entitled, " To the people of Connecticut from a Countryman", which helped explained to the people why ratification for the constitution was needed and →

Evolution of cognitive psychology assignment

The field of linguistics investigates the structure of language and the specifics of language use and what it says about the mind. According to Stout George Mandler, a longtime researcher in the area of memory and cognition, has gathered together his notes and selected bits from previous publications to assemble a new book cast as →

Red from green essay sample

She is forced to see herself and her father in a different light after a float trip " down the river" where a grown man shows an interest in her. The story is set around the four people in the Avon rafts: Sam, the protagonist, her father, her uncle, Harry, and his client, Layton.

Advertising assignment

This paper will evaluate how well the Galvan Dental Care adverts complies with the requirements of the Texas Occupational Code, Texas Administrative Code, and the American Dental Association's Principles of ethics and code of professional code of conduct. 002 of the occupational code on the other hand deals with restrictions and the regulation of advertisement →

Essay experimental design

Both designs have their merits, and the choice of designs should be carefully considered in the context of the question being studied and in the execution of the research study. A third factor to also consider is the nature of the research design, choosing the one which provides the sensitive and uncompounded test of the →

M4a1 part a

Applicability of Schein's Conclusion about Organization Culture AFFILIATION: Applicability of Schein's Conclusion about Organization Culture From: [email protected] To: Human Resource Manager Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 4: 15: 40 PM Subject: Company Culture Applicability of Schein's Conclusion According to Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkoy, culture is one of the major constituents of an organization and it →

P3 equality, diversity and sociological perspectives

In Dungrowin house, service users may suffer this level of discrimination especially the practicing Jew and HIV positive service users. In Dungrowin house, the practicing Jew and HIV positive service users will just accept the discriminatory practices to be normal.

Open adoption vs. closed adoption

Open adoptions are adoptions in which the birthmother, the biological mother of an adoptee, is allowed contact with the adoptee. Closed adoption is an adoption where the birthmother of the adoptee is not present in the child's life in any way shape or form.


A common misconception in the United States is that without a degree, students have no chance of earning enough money to make a living. As a society, the narrow-minded view when it comes to post high school education is inhibiting the success and happiness of young adults.

For a better way of living

The entire body of a person is used from the physical to the mental. And so they had to leave the farms for the city to work in factories and the industrial sector.

Social image in euripides’ bacchae

Throughout the play, Dionysus recollects the complex circumstances of his upbringing as the child of Zeus and a mortal, Semele. This also connects to Dionysus' reputation as the god of ecstacy, frenzied dancing, and wine, all of which were recognized as threats to the Theban social order by Pentheus.

Great books i – chretien and marie de france

Sends the other one to a convent - new town, prays, then sees a large ash tree and puts her in it. Milun and her live near each other, sends a letter in the feathers of a swan.

Will catalonia’s independence fuel other secessionist movements in europe?

Fiona Hyslop, the external affairs secretary, commenting on Catalonia's independence stated: " We understand and respect the position of the Catalan government", and that the people of Catalonia " must have the ability to determine their own future". In both regions, a desire for independence cried loudly, as over 95% of the voters in Lombardy →

Servuction assignment

I have one short term goals that I will need to achieve to reach this goal ND it will be to give myself enough time to study and complete my course work. The short term goals that I set to achieve this goal is first to get my resume together to where it is repressions →

Rhetorical analysis: “mother tongue” essay sample

This is the only way that Amy knew she would get the respect her mother deserved, the respect that she did not get by speaking " broken" or " fractured" English. This is also an example of how Amy still switches roles with her mother by helping her out with the things she needs to →

Management of pediatric delirium

The manifestation of the symptoms and the progression of the disease are well known in adults. The primary aim of the treatment of delirium is identifying and treating the underlying cause as well as avoiding possible precipitant factors effectively.

Uniform accounting standards produce uniform

For example, the FIRS states that assets are to be recorded at the lower of their historical cost or net realizable value on the statement of financial position as a result all assets are reported in a uniform way. There are many other cases that lead to uniform financial reporting, but the main point is →

Sample cv for finance professionals assignment

Furthermore I have gained exposure in issues relating to guidance on audit reports issued by the Public Accountants and Auditors Board in the advent of the multi currency regime, some of which have been approved by the ZSE. Supervision of audit staff and coordination of the execution of the audit fieldwork.

Replicating milgram: would people still obey today essay sample

Volunteers were told that the experiment was looking at the effects of punishment on learning, and that they would receive $50 for participating in the experiment in contrast to the $4. Stevenson states that a sample should be representative of the population and all the social groups within it, and that a study should have →

Awareness of rights when shopping online law commercial essay

Its means that the actual goods must match with the picture of the goods and any description given to the e-consumer that are before purchase. Contracts Act and The Sales of Goods Act in Malaysia have not state the detail of how long the e-consumer can cancel their online order, when is the cooling off →

An analysis of the different economic bodies and their impact in different countries in the book, why nations fail, written by doran acemoglu and james robinson

In the book Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson, it's stated that it's the economic institutions that are the foundation of economic development which is evident through the fact that economic institutions allow people to trade and build their own businesses comfortably. As explained in Why Nations Fail, the reason that Mexico currently has →

Lingerie a fashion statement fashion essay

In the past, in order to get high quality lace, you would have to spend a lot of money and time searching for a store that would be selling it without the high mark up that these things get. If information in a sense is power, you have the power of a great consumer to →

Process on job analysis: the validity and reliability

Job Analysis Job Analysis Job Analysis, The Validity And Reliability Job analysis is a way that one looks into the substance of a job in terms of activities and characteristics necessary to perform the job. A miscalculation in the process is a factor that promotes the reliability of the information.

The concept of hard rock cafe

The hard rock cafe is a contagion of restaurants that exemplify remarkable cuisine with the experience of " Rock and Roll". The customers in South Africa will appreciate the merchandise that is an essential element of the " experience" strategy of Hard Rock.

Supply chain

2 of 2009, to develop, construct and operate the rail network to transport passengers and goods of the United Arab Emirates. Delivery 7 The Etihad rail links three principal centers of population and industry in the United Arab Emirates.

Liabilities and principals of agents: authorized and unauthorized

Those duties Include; compensation which might be payment for the performance of services by the agent when requested by the principal, reimbursement tor expenses for which the agent may have had to pay out of pocket in order to carry out the request of the principal, to indemnify the agent for any liabilities encountered, to →

The u. s. discount department store industry

In a surprise move, Edward Lampert, Kmart's Chairman of the Board and a control-ling shareholder of Kmart, initiated the acquisition of Sears by Kmart for $ 11 billion in November 2004. The remainder of this assignment answers discussion questions based on the content of Unit 4 and the Case Analysis of " Kmart and Sears: →