4 Pages Essay Samples

Arguments for β€˜invitation to treat and an offer

There is also the issue of the application of the postal rule and its limitations in the case of Tahir, the issue of instantaneous communications and when the revocation of an offer becomes effective in the case of Emma and its rules. If Alice had not altered the terms of the offer, which resulted in β†’

Party decline theory in us to be replaced by partisan voting

Although it can be argued that the US is still in a period of ' party decline' as the parties have lost control over the nominations, there has been increasing levels of interparty disagreement and the popularity of pressure groups has increased. Hence, the theory of party decline is not irrelevant.

Legal aspects of health care

It is clear that once a patient enters the premises of the hospital, an implied contract is thereby created and the hospital is under obligation to attend to the needs of the patient with due care and diligence. It is also clear that the delay of more than one hour from the time the patient β†’

Research paper on diagnostic device applications

The purpose of these healthcare information systems and applications is to essentially reduce the possibility of medical errors, provide cost effective solutions that hasten the patient care process and ultimately improves on the productivity of the healthcare facility. This application is more advanced and contains more medical content as compared to the traditional model of β†’

Healthcare spending

These are " All" great things to say about the health care system but how does it affect the spending issues that U.S.is having? " The National Health Expenditure Accounts are the official estimates of total health care spending in the United States". Forecast Chaos is going on with health care spending and a lot β†’

From data, information and knowledge to wisdom

From Data, Information and Knowledge to Wisdom The data-information-knowledge-wisdom continuum is a concept of the transformation of data into wisdom through cognitive processes. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the progression through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum that occurs research information to answer a clinical question pertinent to β†’

Health care vs disabled essay sample

Pro 1st: In korea today, there is an increasing number of people who does not have access to health care, such as proper cancer insurence because of their inability to pay the amount that they need to get the care they want despite the Korean National Health care system. This is because even if you β†’

A current issue related to information technology reports examples

The report presents the following:- Social implications of electronic health records - Benefits of electronic health records in reducing health care costs - Privacy risks of electronic health records - Mitigation measures to electronic health records privacy risks Introduction of electronic health records in the health care facilities has both positive and negative social implications. β†’

The human service movement essay sample

NIMH played a critical role in the development of human services." It's functions were to assist in the development of state and community health services; to study the cause, prevention, and treatment of mental illness; and to support training of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses". An increased emphasis on mental health care, proliferation of β†’

Health and social care dissertation topics

4 The Impact of Racial and EthnicDiscriminationupon the Development of Children of Minority Groups in 2.2. 1 Social Inequalities and the Exposure to Environmental Risk Factors in Terms of Health in UK 2.3.

Hepatitis c virus

Treatment uptake is low in this group and yet the success of HCV programs is not going to be substantial if issues of HCV detection and treatment in PWID are not addressed effectively. Nurse led model in HCV care is an effective strategy to attain the WHO goal of elimination of HCV by 2030.

Example of information technology and nursing research paper

With respect to importance of technology in nursing profession, it is undeniable that computers and other new medical equipment have elevated administration and execution of clinical practices. The advantages of computers in nursing.eHow.

The american health care system’s limited access

According to a published Guidebook for providers entitled " Achieving Cultural Competence: A Guidebook for Providers of Services to Older Americans and Their Families ", there are two general and primary factors that limit certain groups of the American population in their access to appropriate health care. These are the External barrier factors such as β†’

Homeless in cincinnati

Harmonizing to the article, Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness, one of the biggest challenges today is the medical status of those persons who find themselves stateless. Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness.

Formal informative outline of sleeping deprivation

Today I am going to explain what sleep deprivation is, causes for the problem, how to remedy the problem, and how to test yourself to see if you suffer from sleep deprivation. What aids in the accumulation of Sleep debt.A.

Good example of geographic information system (gis) is used in health care today research paper

The understanding and the knowledge of the primary health care services and population distribution are very crucial in the planning and allocation of available health resources. Geographic Information System health data provides a comprehensive solution to the health care providers and answer some of the basic questions such as: where is the source of the β†’

Communicable disease paper essay sample

It will also include what recommendations can be made to expand the programs within the community to meet these needs if there are gaps in service Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA are staph bacteria that are commonly found on the skin and in the nose of healthy people. The health department's responsibility is to track β†’

The importance of compassionate care in nursing

It is important to be considerate of the deficits and disparities in this population in order to serve them best. This is just one of many findings that illustrate the need for proactive care in this population and the requirement for sanitary facilities.

Us coking coal specifications.pdf

4 Semifusinite Micrinite Fusinite Mineral Matter Total Inerts 9.7 3.2 6.7 7.0 26.6 0. 75 26.81 7.39 1.70 1.03 0.56 2.59 1.33 0.37 1.

“the light begins…the light ends”

Carotene is the most soluble of the pigments and as a result will be carried the farthest by the solvent. Using the formula Rf one can determine the relationship between the distances the solvent traveled to the distance the pigment traveled Materials and Methods for LAB 1: Materials: In the first lab they used filter β†’

Date: 8th october, 2012

25 cm3 Volume of water = 5 1. As it was a semi-quantitative test the exact concentration of solution could not be obtained.

Chemistry in the development of synthetic gemstones

The diamond seller DeBeers is long known to have a monopoly over the sale and distribution of diamonds across the whole world. It is also known that DeBeers has large stockpiles of diamonds that they withhold from the market so that the price stays high, and so that the public still sees the diamond as β†’

Chemistry for dummies

Knowing this pattern is useful in many aspects of chemistry, including predicting the bonding situation of a particular atom and in the prediction of the geometry of a covalent compound. 01 * kilo- = 1, 000 The Basic Chemistry of Acids and Bases A lot of chemistry requires you to understand the difference between acids β†’

Benefits of organic powdered-pigment used for paint

Moreover, root and tuber crops which is the family of purple yam has a lot of benefits to human health. Purple yam is proven to be versatile and composed of different health benefits as we are looking forward to create pigment from this vegetable that actually possess important roles.

A cycle is a biological pathway or process in which the end product of one cycle becomes the starting point for the next cycles: write an essay about cycles.

Photophosphorylation occurs during this reaction which is the making of ADP plus an inorganic phosphate to make ATP. This reaction is shown in the form of the Calvin cycle.* CO2 enters the stroma from the light-dependent reaction, and produces 2 3-carbon glycerate-3-phosphate.* 2 ATP molecules then donate 2 phosphate molecules to produce ADP.

Respiratory system

The blood is circulated by the heart, which pumps the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the body. What happens to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood during rapid breathing?

Energy wedges – lab report example

From the 15 strategies in the Wedge Table we chose one wedge strategy at a time to fill the 8 spots on the wedge game-board, V. Using a combination of strategies will be needed to build the 7 wedges of the stabilization triangle.

Determination of zinc and nickel concentration essay sample

In the second method, the unknown was analyzed through the atomic absorption spectroscopy of the mixture. The 30 mL sample was transferred to the top of the column.

History of alchemy

The Stone was a red colored material capable of transforming metals like iron into silver and gold." Discovering the principals of the Philosopher's Stone was one of the defining and at the same time seemingly unobtainable objectives of Western alchemy".. Today, alchemy is largely a forgotten art but many of the techniques and terms coined β†’

ο»Ώloren inc. essay sample

Brent has been appointed raw material buyer, reporting to the manager of chemicals buying group, and the hexonic acid contract will need to be approved by his immediate supervisor and the director of department. Brent thinks that, the demand for hexonic acid has eased, and there has been excess hexonic acid inventories, and Brent thought β†’

Applied chemistry: rbst and chlorpyrifos in food

In relation to the commonly used food chemicals, this study aims to closely examine the nature of rBST and the chemical composition of Chlorpyrifos. About rBST As a type of artificifical growth hormone, the rBST is actually a kind of peptide hormone that is normally produced the the pituary gland of a cow.rBST can be β†’

Investigatory project essay sample

The objective of the first part of the study was to find the best ratio of ink using carbon from used batteries and charcoal as pigments. The carbon paper was evaluated on the basis of clarity, neatness of the print and general acceptability.


1 of the crude product was then placed aside for later TLC analysis. For the TLC analysis, solutions were prepared of benzophenone, crude diphenylmethanol, and recrystallised diphenylmethanol, by dissolving 0.

Multistep synthesis of benzilic acid

With the literature melting-point value of benzil being 95oC, the product was deemed of pure enough quality to be used in the preparation of Benzilic acid. The product was then transferred into a flask containing 3mL of water at 70oC and then stirred.

Example of cardiovascular and pulmonary reflexes report

Reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the cells may result into the reduced pH in the blood which eventually results in the reduction of the blood vessels. Experimental variable was change in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood while the dependent variables were the heart rate, breathing rate and the depth of β†’

Chemicals are everywhere: impact on reproduction

In 39% of these cases the problem involves the woman, in 20% the man and in 26% both; there are also 15% of cases where no specific clinical disorder can be identified as the cause. Phthalates are found in a variety of industrial and consumer products, and as they are not covalently bound to the β†’

Tea flavonoids (phytochemistry) essay sample

The Tea Council released studies that proved the efficacy of tea in the diet. They have proven that the antioxidant property of tea flavonoids protect against and even reverse cognitive declines in aging such as Alzheimers disease.

Applying to king abdullah university of science and technology

In the same year, I was selected by my university to meet the Norwegian ambassador in order to convince him to contribute to the development of Kabul University. By increasing my knowledge in Analytical Chemistry, I will be able to perform the necessary analysis and help my country import good quality medicines.

Overview of stevensite mineral: classification, history, uses

Although, Edwin Augustus Stevens died in 1868 at the age of 73, he is accredited for the discovery of the mineral Stevensite. Synthetic recreations of Stevensite are in existence and are popular for research purposes due to the purity and ease of production.

Energy transfers which take place in living organisms

The ATP used in plants is made from the conversion of light energy from the sun, to chemical energy by plants, into the form of organic molecules during respiration in all cells. In the light- dependent reaction, light is captured and the energy is used to add an inorganic phosphate molecule to ADP to make β†’

Blast furnace

Blast furnace consists of five constructive elements: top cylindrical part is top throat, that is necessary for the charging and distribution of burden in furnace; the highest splayed conic part is shaft, where the heating process of materials and the reducing of iron from oxides pass; the widest cylindrical part is belly, in which the β†’

Precision worldwide, inc havard case study

By immediately stopping production of the steel rings PWI will lose quite a bit ofmoney, but in the long run they will be able to bring in a larger profit and more clientele with the production of the plastic rings. During the production phase of the new plastic rings, PWI can try to sell all β†’

Cellular energetics study guide

NAD+ - oxidizes glucose to 2 pyruvate in glycolysis, oxidizes pyruvate to CO2 in the Kreb's cycle 2. PGA is reduced to PGAL using the products of the light dependent reaction, NADPH and ATP 9.

The importance of the water budget

The aim of this research was to appreciate the biophysicalenvironmentand relate the importance of the water budget concept to their understanding of the hydrologic cycle, water resources and water resource management. One of the aims of the research was to determine the factors that influence the productivity and management of these water resources and to β†’

Water crisis

People are dependent on the rising and setting of this huge, flaming star; but withpollution, littering, and soaking up all of the natural resources, the world will cease to turn. The author details that water is the gateway to human development, and the lack of water in third world countries is what is slowing down β†’

Free aymara chola dress essay sample

This is the traditional dress of the Aymara women for those who stay both in towns and rural areas. This in-depth study of the Aymara people of South America helps us to understand their background and culture better.

Analysis of this is water speech by david foster wallace

He urges his audience not to operate in the automatic belief that they are the center of the universe, but instead, take the time to put themselves in their shoes and understand that they may be dealing with tragic circumstances that are beyond their control. We would be mindful of the people around us and β†’

Determination of ascorbic acid content in vitamin c tablets essay sample

INTRODUCTION To calculate the mass of the ascorbic acid and hence the mass percentage of ascorbic acid in the vitamin C tablet. Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid in the vitamin C tablet and thus the mass percentage of ascorbic acid.the mass of ascorbic acid in the 25ml of the solution is 106.9mg.the mass of β†’

Solids: recrystallization and melting points essay sample

The mixed melting point of the unknown with the benzoic acid was 107. Recrystallization involves dissolution of a solid in a solvent at elevated temperatures and the reformation of the crystals as the solution cools, allowing for impurities to remain in the solution.

Comparison of australia and india in water sustainability

Despite the fact that India has a testing monetary circumstance and immense interest for the water and power they stepped up with regards to the support of sustainability to participate in decreasing the world's climatic change demand for the water and electricity they took the initiative for the sustainability energy to take part in reducing β†’

Global warming and ocean acidification research paper example

The cause of global warming has been mainly due to the effect of greenhouse gases that absorb and give off infrared radiation coming from the sun increasing temperatures on the surface of the earth and the lower atmosphere. In conclusion, the causes of ocean acidification and global warming range from artificial to nature.

Promotion of commerce by maritime governance essay sample

In amid of the challenges experienced in maritime governance, commerce activities have thrived to a great extent. Maritime Piracy and the Construction of Global Governance.

Good essay on the increase of contaminants in the lakes

The author, Deborah Blum, discusses the major reasons for the increase in the contaminants in the lakes and how the government should act for this issue. The author's main objective in the article is to persuade the readers that the issue about the increasing contaminants in the water bodies is alarming and the government should β†’

Example of bony fish research paper

The most common shape of the bony fish is the roughly cylindrical form, which tapers at both the head and the tail. The skeleton of the fish is made up of the vertebral Colum, the cranium, the jaws, ribs and the intramuscular bones.

Statistics essay sample

The number of chosen objects is proportional to the number of objects in group. For example, we can test hypothesizes that content of substance in the water samples is greater, less, equal or not equal to the certain value.

Freezing and melting of water.

We collected temperature data during the freezing and melting of water. We analyzed graphs to determine the freezing and melting temperature of water.

Benzathine benzylpenicillin

As a result, the job of this researcher would be to coat the benzathine benzylpenicillin with different polymers in order to slow down the dissolving process. Then, this researcher will use a visible spectrospectry to determine the concentration of the drug in the water.

Good adopted from: panama canal, 2014 case study example

The Panama Canal is one of the finest works of the 20th century. The project of Panama Canal was one of the most exclusive and expensive public works in American history completed by the amount of USD$302 million.

Free report on procedures

The experiment also had an aim of calculating the percentage yield of the synthesized product as well as performing a test for purity of the product produced. The mass was recorded in table 1 and the mass of the salicylic acid calculated.

Good movie review about fracknation

The movie tries to prove its authenticity to the anti-frackers about the importance of fracking, and how essential it is for any nation to generate energy and gas. McAleer provokes Joshua fox, the director of Gasland; a documentary that released in 2010, to prove fracking can have dangerous and ill effects on the people living β†’

Wine to water: a bartender’s quest to bring clean water to the world-review essay examples

Wine to Water: A Bartender's Quest to Bring Clean Water to the World is a well written piece by Doc Hendley, which reflects a motivated path of his life to make clean water available for the needy people around the world. The tone of the book is quite direct and its content visualizes the essentialities β†’

Have completely must come to an end.

It's time to askcertain questions to our local chief of police to figure out if the trainingand psychological/screening tests are done in the academy's enough to show ifthe police officers are capable of really knowing when their lives are reallyin danger or if they feel threated for any reason. McLaughin, there is a video aboutDorian β†’

How is racism depicted in β€˜life for a life’ by alan paton? essay sample

The tone of the language in the story conveys aggression and superiority on the part of the whites and inferiority and subservience on the part of the blacks. The imagery of the valley and the river where Enoch Maarman is supposed to have slipped and died represent a barrier between the black and the white β†’

The culture and tradition of racial prejudice in maycombs society in “to kill a mockingbird” essay sample

Racism is the prejudice of skin colour and the way in which Harper Lee shows racial prejudice in " To Kill a Mockingbird" is by taking the reader through various methods used by Maycombs society. Scout is the narrator of the story " To Kill a Mockingbird" and is probably the most important figure of β†’

Glory road essay sample

Determined to make a statement to not only the college basketball community but society as well, Haskins found a way to integrate his team and become a success. By overcoming the immense amount of discrimination shown to both its players and Coach the 1966 Texas Miners basketball team was able to make a statement to β†’

How did hitler use propaganda to gain support? essay sample

This shows that Germans were interested in the film, and Hitler's ideas were able to spread to lots of people. Films, posters and education were used by Hitler to gain support from the people.

The title of to kill a mockingbird

The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot, but it carries a great deal of symbolic weight in the book. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." That Jem and Scout's last name is Finch indicates that they are particularly vulnerable in the racist world of β†’

Nella larson’s β€œpassing” final

She was selfish, and cold, and hard." Now moving onto Irene Redfield, she also is born of African American decent and White decent, but she decide to live her life as a Black woman and marry a black doctor and she has two sons with him. Irene is jealous and does not really like what β†’

Did hurricane katrina expose racism in america?

This program is a classified by Reed and Steinberg as a " relocation scheme" disguised as a voluntary program designed to remove impoverished and unemployed blacks out of the area in attempts to blot out some of the nation's more darker areas." Move to Opportunity became a perverse euphemism for policy abdication of the poor β†’

The evolution of racial inequality

Jumping over to America, slavery of the African American race and sometimes the Indian race, were shipped to America in the 16th century and up until the 19th century, these people were forced to work. Today, racism is not as harsh and brutal as it was in the past; it has become more or less β†’

Racism since segregation

The extent of the brutality and cruelty involved with racism has lessened substantially since the days of slavery and the cross-burning days of post-emancipation that existed sporadically until well-past the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The fight for integrated school was promoted by the vast disparities in the education of black and white students.

Racism as the eternal problem of humanity

People of colour that have experienced racism, especially children and teenagers need as many inspirational and motivational people as they can, especially when the person sharing their own experiences, thoughts and emotions has similar experiences. An example of this is Steven Olivers ' Real' poem it's a slamming disquisition to racism and to people that β†’

Racial wealth inequality and african americans essay samples

The reflection of all the inequalities in the US societies is the wealth gap. In the past quarter century, there has been a huge gap in the wealth among the white Americans and the African- Americans in the United States.

Argumentative essay: racial profiling in america

Many people today have the mentality that people of color are the people who do the most wrong, but not every person of color is a criminal. People of color should not be used to the effects of racial profiling.

A meaning of black lives matter movement

Somehow when saying black lives matter it was like saying all life matter do not matter. So " All Lives Matter" is a response to " Black Lives Matter".

Ethical analysis of the longoria affair essay sample

The widow of the deceased Private Felix Longoria was simply told by the proprietor of the funeral home that the whites in the town would not like it if the funeral home held the wake for her husband. This analysis will focus on the framing of the documentary to show the messages it did and β†’

Difficulties interracial couples experience

The interactions with people that mixed couples experience can be viewed as symbolic interactions because the gestures and words that are interpreted often in negative ways can contribute to the difficulties faced. This generation is commonly the population participating in interracial unions and they are often more accepting." Their parents however, are not as educated β†’

Race, gender and class

Race, Gender and Class 12-20-12 Crash Stereotypes The movie Crash is a film that begs audiences to question all the discrimination and all the wrongs that occur and are often unseen by the general public. Any person can tell that in the movie Caucasians were clearly separated from the rest of the minority groups and β†’

Struggles over racial relations from past times to now

DeBow used several biblical quotes and characters from the Bible to provide the readers with a strong reason to defend the institution of slavery. According to the study fifty-eight percent of respondents said that racism is now " a big problem" in the US.

Essay summary of racism

In that very same article it also talked about blacks and whites, and how many people who are under the age of 30 who cross the color line without giving a second thought to race. Moving onto the next article which is titled, " Gender Perspective in Cross-Cultural Couples," it states that in modern relationships, β†’

Caribbean studies definitions

El nin ' o refers to the warming of the sea surface in the equatorial Pacific, which leads to the atmospheric changes known as the Southern Oscillation and rainfall and temperature variations globally. Culture The culture of a society is the way of life of its members, the collection of ideas and habits, norms and β†’

Essay on japanese movie swallowtail butterfly

A homogeneous society is a society where most of the individuals within the society share the similar kind of culture, values, language, ethnicity, and spiritual system. Ageha, the main character is a victim of these phenomena as nobody wants to stay with her.

Evolution of human sexuality

Human Sexuality Today in the World of diversity Rathus, A, S, 1992. Human Sexuality Today in the World of Diversity Roberts, Foehr, & Rideout, 2005, Sexual Life and Now

Sexual orientation discrimination

People discriminate towards people's sexual orientation because of the supposed threat to the institute of marriage, as well; there is still the debate to whether or not sexual orientation is biological. Discrimination toward people's sexual orientation kills but it still survives because of the supposed threat to the institute of marriage and from the fact β†’

Kathleen jolicoeur

Packer Junior Language and Composition 5 March 2013 Minorities in America: The Similar Plights of the LGBT and African-American Communities Throughout history, society has shown a particular dislike for groups of people who did, or did not follow the " social norm; " two groups that fit this criteria are people of the LGBT and β†’

Yellow wall paper, beast in the jungle, and my contraband

In " The Yellow Wallpaper" and " The Beast in the Jungle" we see how symbols are used to portray and dramatize the theme of the story. We also learned how women were treated, or " expected" to act, in works such as " The Yellow Wallpaper", " The Beast in the Jungle", and " β†’

The female sex-role stereotyping in boys and girls

The main method used to develop the women to the reader is through the minor characters. The second minor character to appear in the story is the office manager of the Hotel at which they are staying." The wife went downstairs and the hotel owner stood up and bowed to her as she passed the β†’

The effect social expectations of the nineteenth century had on women living in that time period essay

It was a man's job to take care of all money transactions because they worked for the money and because women could not buy land in the nineteenth century, taxes were left to the men. As a southern women, she was expected to have her wedding in the south even though her new husband disapproved β†’

Henrick ibsen a doll’s house

Nora is the epitome of what a wife was expected to be during that time she did everything her husband asked her to do, did her motherly duties, and celebrated at the thought of the comforts in her life now that she is married. Through most of the play, it was Torvald who gave Nora β†’

Mabel dove – danquah essay sample

Started writing a regular column for women in the " Times of West Africa" in the 1930s under the by-line " Majorie Mensah" and also published short stories. Started writing a regular column for women in the " Times of West Africa" in the 1930s under the by-line " Majorie Mensah" and also published short β†’

The death of ivan ilyich essay

Though it is fairly obvious that Leo Tolstoy uses the dramatic life of Ivan Lacily to show his opinion of dysfunction, in a sense he also shows his readers the importance of family to one's happiness. In some sense Tolstoy is warning his readers of the importance of family to one's happiness.

Monogamyname essay sample

This makes it, therefore, essential for people to have the right of choosing the number of spouses to have to make polygamy right. To prevent this, polygamy ensures all the families involved are in understand and appreciate the existence of the other.

My thesis on same sex marriage

Most married couples will look at gay marriage as a threat to the constitution of marriage and will cause the demise of the traditional marriage. The legislation of the states will one day allow same sex marriage in to be legal.

Radical feminists question relevance of consent to morality of sexual acts

Primoratz writes that "...radical feminists typically question the very relevance of consent to the morality of sexual acts." Rape is to be quite frank, the lowest and most demeaning act a man can do to a woman. Catherine A Mackinnon says that's in our society sexuality is " a social construct of male power: defined β†’

Kailum gorman essay sample

The reason why one perspective is not sufficient in sociology is because there are all kinds of different perspectives that can explain and describe a certain subject and there are too many different types of opinions, variables, situations, etc.to only have one type of theoretical perspective in sociology. I would also try to combine the β†’