4 Pages Essay Samples

Your choice

One of the famous theories presented proposes an explanation subject to experimentation of the development of the galaxy is the big bang theory. It is worth noting that the theory is the most recognized theory in the efforts to try to explain the foundation of the space and is therefore not the only theory consistent β†’

Good critical thinking about definition of norm:

I think that most people who will be around me during the time of breaking this norm in the morning will be parents who are off to dropping their children to their schools. It is expected out of me to wait in lines for their turn and by not doing so; I will risk the β†’

Nature vs. nurture

According to the textPsychology: " The nature- nurture issue-the controversy over the relative contributions of biology and experience. We simply do not have the answer except to say it's the combination on nature and nurture that shape us.

Individual behaviour

Characteristics Remain unchanged for a long period - unless influenced by external forces * Evaluative statements - favorable or unfavorable Components * Cognitive - the opinions, values or beliefs of an individual * Affective - the feelings of a person towards something * Behavioral - the intention of a person to behave in a particular β†’

Nature-nurture and the cloned human

However, if a person wanted to be cloned, the person and the clone should be genetically identical, i.e, a result of the first level. There have been consistent findings that 40-50% of the between-individual variability in personality characteristics is attributable to genetics, and the percentage of variability accounted for by genetics depends on the characteristic β†’

Organizational behavior

Elements of Organizational Culture In the context of organizational culture, values are discussed as shared values, which are values that people within the organization or work unit have in common and place near the top of their hierarchy of values. Two functions of countercultures: provide surveillance and critique, ethics source of emerging values Artifacts are β†’

Insect have varied preferences for different hosts. previous

Previousstudy of Agosta indicated that in the free host choice test both the survival of offspringand the host seed size showed a positive relationship with the numbers of eggslaid on the seed. In addition, this authorhas reported that the transfer of C.maculatus to other legumes and itsmaintenance on these hosts for a relatively long time β†’

Behaviour and people communicate essay sample

It is very important to listen to young pupil, give them time to speak; you need to use your eye contact when you are in conversation because if you are looking around they will feel that you are not paying attention. If there is any disagreement you will need to find a solution to resolve β†’

Consumer behaviour of lakme

Second, with little understanding of the income asperities and the willingness to pay, the players were caught unawares by the price sensitiveness and the heterogeneous sets of needs at different price points. The entry of Macs also helped the efforts of marketers and dispelled the notion that colors are harmful for the skin.

Never regret being a good person

Cristina considers herself a good woman, but she feels sad and discouraged because some people around her say that she is not good, that she is stupid and that people are mistreating her. One of the many miracles of man is that wonderful feeling that bubbles in the heart and invites us to do what β†’

Types of cost and cost behaviour

A fixed cost refers to the costs that the company will incur, regardless of the amount of goods or products they produce. This would mean that there is a fixed cost that will be charged, regardless of the number of customers.

Free sociology essay example

According to Shepard, the concept of social status relies on the different classes held by people because of the variation in the power, prestige, material possessions, wealth, and the authority they have in the society. Social status is relevant to being a nurse as it assists a nurse to understand that there are people of β†’

Attitudes and job satisfaction essay sample

Job Satisfaction A positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics Job Involvement Degree of psychological identification with the job where perceived performance is important to self-worth Psychological Empowerment Belief in the degree of influence over the job, competence, job meaningfulness, and autonomy Another Major Job Attitude Organizational Commitment Identifying with β†’

Virginia woolf’s literary work: a conscious experiment and exploration

Her explorations of consciousness and experimentation in her writings, as well as her challenge of the male dominated writing scene really make themselves bold in her piece titled " A Room of One's Own" published in October of 1929, it was the third piece Virginia released and has since claimed critical acclaim as the " β†’

Utilitarianism and kantianism and morality

The principle of utility should be used on a case-by-case basis in act utilitarianism and the morally right action is the one that creates more well-being. Rule utilitarianism, one that stresses the integrity of morality and rules, is a belief that actions are morally justified if the action is in compliance with a specific moral β†’

The important tasks of the job essay

Job analysis is the formal process of identifying the content of a job in terms activities involved and attributes needed to perform the work and identifies major job requirements. Through job analysis, the analyst needs to understand what the important tasks of the job are, how they are carried out, and the necessary unman qualities β†’

How they might impact on children’s behaviour essay sample

The disciplinary strategies and styles of B5817565 Parenting that Diane uses could be completely different to that of Thomas and Rowanna's parents. However I believe that the three parenting styles have the biggest impact on the way a child behaves as they seem to have more of a mental affect and can be carried with β†’

Difference of othello’s behaviour in act one and act two

Although he is being accused of kidnapping and raping Desdemona, in which the person who commits the crime would be burnt to death, Othello shows that he is unafraid of danger, ready to risk everything for the woman he loves, and is able to command others despite facing the serious accusation. Unlike the serious person β†’

Business law

Geoff breached his fiduciary duty when he decided to sell his own trees to Jody and sell Tree Farm Corporation's trees at a discount without the consent of the owner. Breaching fiduciary duties is against the law, and for this reason, Tree Farm Corporation should sue Geoff for acting in a manner that is adverse β†’

Fetal health and strength at birth.β€Ί postnatal

Familiarity with tastes and odours through amniotic fluidsFETAL MOVEMENTS Jaw movements The fetus swallows amniotic fluid at a high rate which is critical for fetal and amniotic fluid homeostasis and gastrointestinal development In sheep, the fetus is capable of discriminating different flavors as early as day 135 of gestation The fetus also goes through stages β†’

Superheroes do just as they pleased. to

He is not a regular cop but a violentsociopath who thinks he is society's only protection, and he fights and killswithout reservation. He is self-centeredand he is not suitable to be a super hero.

Suwaira iqbal

According to Proshansky and Seindenberg in Basic Studies in Social Psychology, the attitude of a person to deal with a situation is developed at a very early age. According to Silbereisen and Tomasik " First, countries differ in their welfare systems, and some buffer better against overtaxing effects of social change and others do not.

Qualitative and quantitative social/behavioral inquiry

The main purpose of qualitative research is to achieve a well-rooted understanding of human behavior as well as explanations as to what regulates human behaviour. 1980s and 1990s saw the evolvement of novel methods of qualitative research aimed to cure the probable problems with reliability as well as inaccurate methods of data analysis.

Political behaviour in organisations essay sample

The differential between group and team dynamics stems from the foundation definitions, Group is defined as a social community in which members have a commonality, the commonality need not be significant but enough for relativity. There is a strong causal link between the environment a team endures to outcomes such as KPI's, Profitability of that β†’

Brain response of behavior

Thecommunicationprocess of neurons in the brain is a complex electrochemical process from one neuron to the next in a series of chemical reaction to pass the message. It is a point of worth to note that, once message diffuses through the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron, there are several neurons that will receive the β†’

Intellectual beauty

The speaker asks the Spirit, whose power descended upon his youth like that truth of nature, to supply " calm" to his " onward life" the life of a man who worships the Spirit and every form that contains it, and who is bound by the spells of the Spirit to " fear himself, and β†’

Robert gray poetry analysis

An aboriginal, being the epitome of Australian heritage, is only mentioned in the last line, as the poem is more focused on the changing state of the appearance of the town- this is ironic as humans are superficial. A presentation of the wasteland of western civilization is represented by a city dump, which is a β†’

Where flowers bloom so does hope

In the poem " I tend my flowers for thee" Dickinson uses a wide variety of flowers to symbolize her love and loneliness and to reveal her feelings to her absent " Lord, " the " Bright Absentee! ". When Dickinson says " Rip-while the Sower-dreams" she is describing herself as the sower and is β†’

β€˜nettles’, β€˜lullaby’ and β€˜upon my son samuel’ case essay sample

Also the sibilant ' s' creates the sound of a slicing noise such as the cutting of nettles that is discussed during the poem.' That regiment of spite' shows the extended metaphor used throughout the poem as the nettles are portrayed as an army ready to cause the son pain. The poem ' Upon my β†’

Compare and contrast

One of the typical gestures between lovers is holding hands; in that way, Christina Rossetti is obviously reffering to a beloved one." Remember" is a person talking in the present, hoping that someone to remember in the future." Remember me when I am gone away.", shows that the speaker in the poem wants her lover β†’

Poetry allusions of w. b. yeats and t.s. eliot

One is allusion, a literary device that lets the readers have a mental image of what the writer is trying to express in his article. The Isle of Statues, the Wandering of Oisin, and The Wind among the Reeds were among his famous works, to name a few.

”my last duchess” by robert browning essay sample

The poem is a dramatical monologue of a conversation between the Duke and an emissary of the Count of Tyrol the conversation is completely one-sided, we only hear the Duke's voice. Browning shows the Duke's ownership of the Duchess in the title of the poem, it is not called My Last Wife or even My β†’

Major concerns of simon armitage`s poetry

Poem" is one of Armitage's life problem poems When You do not remember the good things a person has done but the bad things a person has done you remember. Also he starts off the poem with " And if it snowed andsnowcovered the drive" which is like the poem is the second part of β†’

Backdrop addresses cowboy analyses essay sample

This idea could also be said to be suggested in the beginning of the poem when the West is described as a hyphenated " almost-" with " silly" continuing on the next line. This shows that the cowboy is not infallible and once again puts the backdrop in a superior position to the cowboy.

“stopping by woods on a snowy evening” by robert frost

In the poem, the speaker seems to be travelling through the woods with his partner the horse. In this poem, sleep means death, and the speaker is saying that before he dies, he has to do many things

Poem commentary: constantly risking absurdity by lawrence ferlinghetti essay sample

But another subtler theme of the poem is the survival or death of the poem, which is compared to the life or death of and acrobat, as we will see later on, these depend on the one who " catches" it, in the case of the poem the public and in the case of the β†’

Since u went away

To collaborate this with the idea that everything reminded the persona of the departed, it seems that the persona spends his days and nights thinking about the dear person or object. As we go on to the second and third lines of the fourth stanza, we see that the persona's life is disoriented.

Wilfred owen essay sample

Owen Challenges the reader to question the understanding of dying for your country in war by showing the harsh reality of it through his personal experiences. The poem Anthem for Doomed Youth also challenges the reader's thoughts and perspectives on war by contrasting the treatment of the dead soldiers compared to those of civilians.

Compare & contrast essay

The tone of " To a Daughter Leaving Home" differs from the tone in " At the San Francisco Airport". Winters' " At the San Francisco Airport" is a closed form poem that uses images and tone to convey the attempt of this father to keep his composure as he sees his daughter off to β†’

Critical analysis of “bird on the wire” by leonard cohen essay sample

This section is important to the poem because it helps you realize the situation and feelings of the speaker. This section is important, because it shows the conflict between the speaker and this other person, and it also gives you a hint to the cause of his problems he is trying to escape.

Essay of sayeed abubakar essay sample

The poem " Poem of Hatred," by Sayeed Abubakar centers on the idea of the stupidity and vices of humanity. Therefore, the major elements Abubakar implements into his work affect how the readers comprehend the theme because his strong use of diction, the various uses of figure of speeches, and the clear imagery presented throughout β†’

Pretty flacko nigga

The speaker of the poem Is recalling all the stones of crazy things Hard Rock used to do before he left and telling the listener how much of a bad ass Hard Rock was. The situation of the poem and the whole reason why the speaker is even recalling all of thesememoriesis because it's been β†’

Poem commentary “before summer rain”

The speed of the poem in the first two stanzas has a very swift speed, " suddenly, from all the green", the use of the word " suddenly" suggests everything is happening quickly and instantly there is little time to think both for the reader and narrator. In the poem there is a shift in β†’

Thematic and tonal echoes of annabel lee in lolita

This continues throughout the story of Lolita and as the audience, we begin to see that the characteristics of Lolita correspond to those of Annabel Lee. In both phrased, there are many overarching themes but the one that is most similar is the way in which the authors compare Lolita and Annabel Lee to aspects β†’

Tears, idle tears

The speaker sings of the baseless and inexplicable tears that rise in his heart and pour forth from his eyes when he looks out on the fields in autumn and thinks of the past. It is as fresh as the first beam of sunlight that sparkles on the sail of a boat bringing the dead β†’

Poetic analysis of ben jonson essay sample

He had a down to earth way of reaching the soul of a man and exposing hypocrisies of life. He used the standards and morals of the time to poke fun at man and his insecurities with short lyrical poetry.

ο»Ώcomparative commentary on “salome” and “medusa” essay sample

With the help of the religious story of Salome and John the Baptist, the audience can easily understand that she had killed the man however she acts reckless and does not care about the fact that she is a murderer, which indicates the power of women. In the first stanza of the poem there is β†’

“seduction” by eileen mcauley essay sample

In another stanza the poet again implies that the girl is not as innocent as she seems as she went to " day trips to Blackpool, jumping all the rides". The reader gets this perception from the very beginning, starting with how the boy is shown- his purpose in the story is simply to seduce β†’

Theme for english b

The fact that he only hears Harlem implies that he has lost touch with the feeling and visual context of the African Americanculturedue to the integration of schools. This point is emphasized by the speaker's epiphany that his paper will be a part of the instructor as he explains, " You are white yet a β†’

Ode to the west wind

Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, is a poem which allegorizes the role of the poet as the voice of change and revolution. The poet uses the epithet ' wild' for the West Wind to refer to the untamable, swift, proud, fierce and impetuous spirit of the West Wind.

The woman who shopped

The poem is potentially ' an indictment of western consumerism and our addiction to shopping' Duffy's strategic structuring of her poem is able to inform women of the dangers of consumerism and how it can transform you into an image of feminine stereotype. Thus Duffy is successful in presenting the dangers of addiction and how β†’


The poet starts the poem with a sentence that is very direct and describes his feelings from the beginning which is " I know what the caged bird feels, alas", the word alas is an expression of the grief and sadness the poet is going through." When the sun is bright on the upland slopes, β†’

β€˜nothings changed’ by tatumkhulu afrika and β€˜charlotte o’neil’s song’ by fiona farrell

However it could also be suggested that 'Nothings Changed' is also protesting about racism.'Nothings Changed' tell us of the poverty and struggle of the black people versus the distinguished lives of the whites.'Charlotte O'Neil's song' shows a young girl servant who suffers inequality at the hands of her rich employer. In the third verse of β†’

Example of mgmt444 ip #5 research paper

The individuals also want to learn more about the other members that make up the team including have a good understanding of the task that is ahead of them and how best to approach it. The best leadership theory that ensures maximum productivity in a team is Relationship leadership theory as it involves all the β†’

Geography research papers examples

The tourism industry is a unique industry in the world since the production of goods and services occurs at the same time and place as their consumption. The differences between the visitors and the hosts are a vital reason for the tourist from the West traveling to Latin America and Caribbean.

Example of admission essay on sahil patel

In one of the other parts of the store, movies and music were being sold and in the back there was a rack of dazzling and scintillating saris with colors bursting right out of the dresses. I could not speak the language, I was not used to the smells, and I only went to India β†’

Good eli and oskar movie review example

What we see in the movie is that Eli is using Oskar. The point is that Oskar was already in love with Eli and after she had saved his life, he felt that he owned her something.

Selegiline vsrotigotine monotherapy research paper example

The primary pathology of PD is the reduced level of dopamine in the corpus striatum because of the failure of dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra. The aim of the treatments used is to increase the amount of dopamine in the brain.

Example of firearms should not become illegal research paper

Owning a gun for the purpose of hunting only is possibly the commonest of arguments in the USA, although a lot of hunters, through contact and experience with different forms of firearms, become easy with their use and frequently may wish to own guns for other purposes too. To refute a person the right to β†’

Research paper on profile of an interest group

The organization seeks to ensure the rights and wellbeing of each and every war veteran and of the service members who is their member is well taken care of by the government. In 1993, a bridge in the city of Chicopee was renamed as " American Legion Memorial Bridge" by the commonwealth of Massachusetts as β†’

Free synthesis of aspirin report sample

The percentage yield of salicylic acid from the reaction was 0. I added 5 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid to the reactants in the flask.

Good example of good behaviour games as an intervention for maladaptive behaviour: a literature literature review

For this reason, the use of good behaviour games as a remedy for maladaptive behaviours is effective because it " moulds" preschool up to third grade students to realize the essence of obeying rules, which is feasible through avoidance of maladaptive behaviours. Medland & Stachnik further notes the effectiveness of good behaviour games as an β†’

Evaluation essay

It could be an illness of the cognitive department of the brain, or it could have to deal with a person's body part which is not functioning properly -Main Body:- Group discussions tend to reduce the feelings of loneliness and anxiety by a group of people sharing their problems and finding the right treatment - β†’

Example of the ideas of ruth benedict biography

In one of her prominent works, Ruth Benedict explains the story of a certain community that lives on an island northwest of Melanesia. In her works such as The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, Ruth Benedict explains that the difference between primitive cultures and modern cultures is time.

Debate topic the civilizing mission was a just enterprise research paper examples

Although the true origin of the word is not very clear, the Greeks, the Scythians and the Indians were believed to have used it in some of their cultural activities. Civilization enhanced the ethical and moral understanding among Indian communities and this led to the elimination of these retrogressive practices in the region.

Good neighbors: a short story creative writing example

I set the shovel to one side and wiped the sweat from my brow. I then took a sheet of paper on the table next to my bottle and glanced at the first name on my list.

Essay on bedouin and modernity

Due to lack of water and pastoral land, the Bedouins were always on the move in search of the same for their animals. In fact, following the improvement in the transportation and communication systems, the community has been opened and connected to the rest of the world, thanks to the growing tourism activities in the β†’

Community: sharing one skin

Wiki, 2011) The bounds of Okanagan territory are roughly the Basin of Okanagan Lake and the Okanagan River, plus the basin of the Similkameen River to the west of the Okanagan valley, and some of the uppermost valley of the Nicola River. Wiki, 2011) A group of Okanagan people in the Nicola Valley, which is β†’

Aids in the african american community

So, it appears that efforts to combat HIV/AIDS have been hindered by our lack of knowledge about the sexuality of African-Americans, research that has not seriously examined the variability of behavior and attitudes within African-American groups, community and religious leaders who view the AIDS problems as punishment from God, our intolerance of gays and bisexuals β†’

What is rotaract

To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems, and opportunities in the community and worldwide To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people How does Rotaract fit into the Rotaryfamily? A Rotaract club's service projects are designed to improve the quality β†’

Detroit bankruptcy essay examples

The issues of bureaucracy in Detroit city bogged down the contracts and deals. The debt worsened the economic situation of Detroit, and the city was in no position to pay the debts and meet its state obligations.

Walmart facing discrimination lawsuit

And if Walmart utimately lost the case, the company would need to pay billion of dollars. And if that is the case, the company's workers will have more power to them.

Negative aspects and disadvantages of the progressive era

The Progressive Era from 1900-1920 was not effective in bringing about true progressive reforms at the national level because it had been a slow process by the presidents co-opting the ideas of true progressives, limited trust-busting, which led to corporations expanding abroad, and continuous racial injustice towards African-Americans. In conclusion, although the Progressive Era had β†’

Economic inequality

I will argue that economic inequality is perfectly Just by defending the entitlement theory and distributive Justice from the works of Robert Nonionic and analyzing the works John Rails and Michael Sanded. The only way inequality can be Just is if the inequality favors the least off members of society." The aim is to use β†’

Article review on hiv article critique

The purpose statement is very well stated and pertinent to the study objective of this research paper. The research design seems to be apt in addressing the aim of the article.

Discrimination and media

Media Issue on Discrimination The media has played a role in tackling discrimination by creating awareness to the people in anti-discrimination. Reports from the media can sensitise law enforcers to be sympathetic and pass laws that outlaw such kind of discrimination in getting employment opportunities.

To kill a mockinbird racism, sexism, social class conflict

To be a lady in the south obviously means more than simply being a female; one has to look and act the part according to the people of that time. Class was important then as it is today and, according to Karl Marx, is the cause of all society's problems.

Far from the madding crowd composition book review examples

Bathsheba Everdane's relationships with Farmer Boldwood and Sergeant Troy do not succeed.- There is no true love between Bathsheba and the two men.- Although she takes long to realise it, Bathsheba's true love is Gabriel Oak.- A good marriage is founded on mutual love between the partners.- Body - A marriage should be based on β†’

Positive discrimination

Through affirmative action, men and women are exposed to areas of study or fields of work that they may not have otherwise considered trying their hands on. In a civilized society, it is not exceptable to treat people differently, on the basis of gender.

Research paper on jim crow

This was from the time of 1877 and the 1950s. It is valuable for a person regardless of the race to understand what the Jim Crow is and how it affected people.

Mark twain controversy

The style and slang that Mark Twain used was, at the time, acceptable and normal to people who lived in the South, where the Black race was frowned upon. It would be wrong to take out the word " nigger" and replace it with slave because, by taking out the original style of writing and β†’

Inequality of women in south asia

The four major countries that we are going to consider are Nepal and India where the majority of the population are Hindu and Afghanistan and Bangladesh where the majority of the population are Muslim. In Bangladesh and Nepal, the cases of violence against women have been increasing over the years.

Free essay about responses

Also, the author takes some incredible presumptions with the implications of gay marriage, such as presuming that the teaching of gay relationships with straight ones equally is a bad thing; they state that gay marriage would bring this about, but fail to adequately explain why this is a negative. In the New York Times op-ed β†’

Transphobia and discrimination toward transsexuals

The concern of this paper is an examination of the issues of discrimination and legal remedies for transgendered persons. The agency could afford to be bold in its discrimination because " it's not explicitly illegal to discriminate against the transgendered, because no federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity." The legal dilemma β†’

Example of essay on love before marriage: pro-argument

To establish the argument of love being the strongest bond and reason for couples to get married, it is first important to know what love is. According to the latest research on the psychology of ' love', humans tend to seek affection through feeling accepted and appreciated by another, but this does not constitute the β†’

Investigation of age discrimination in epic

Past appraisals and personnel files of the candidates were not used until after the candidates were given the Job, therefore, the senior vice president of corporate claims and managers of corporate claims did not know what the work ethics, skills and communication of the candidates were. Gus Atavist and the other candidates were not discriminated β†’

Traditions essay example

The Pagan aspects of the tradition is associated by the fact that it is celebrated during the spring equinox. Unpacking the Pagan Elements of Easter.

Example of critical thinking on functionalist theory

Deviance is the name given to the behavior that violates the social norms or their existence created by the masses. The sociologists supporting this theory state that deviance is not a characteristic that lays in the behavior of an individual but it lies in the interactions of a deviant and the society.

Health and social care essay sample

1 The legislation and codes of practice that relate to Equality, Diversity and Discrimination that apply to my own role are... 2 You can support others by showing that you do not accept the use of labels to describe people whatever the differences are, and while in the working environment respond to people and service β†’

Urban sprawl the growing generation will face with

Education of landowners to keep their land and create wildlife habitat areas, which give places for wildlife to live and go as land around them develop instead of selling the land to developers to create suburban communities, that expand further and further away from the cities themself, is vital. This will keep from using up β†’

Controversy over the gender wage gap and the redistributive tax implementation

Besides, the wage gaps result in more significant gaps in the participation of men and women in the labor force. The lower earnings in the informal sectors imply that women in the informal sectors will have lower earnings compared to men in the formal sectors.

Essay on the little things

No, he required the " hate" and the " shame" from the guidance of the outside world. But despite Gregory's sacrifices, self-caused illness, and the looming reality of poverty, his obtaining the desire of the Helene Tucker is a failure.

Definitions essay examples

Computers are utilized in the maintenance of electronic records in a manner which is secure, retrievable, editable and which can be used to track and maintain quality of care. It was once the only form for medical insurance for use by hospitals and other institutions in the submitting of claims to healthcare insurers.

Critical thinking on accounting care organizations (aco)

In healthcare analytics which is one of the services that the ACOs give, the teams identify opportunities for the management of costs and quality of healthcare. The ACOs work in a coordinated manner with the intention of aligning the incentives of different players in the healthcare industry towards the provision of affordable care services.

Nursing essays example

The emerging complexity of health care systems offers challenges for advance practice nurses in their influence with the political aspects in terms of policy making and implementation of health care laws. Health care system is a combination of contributions from the different branches of government and private sectors in the society, thus, it reflects the β†’