2 Pages Essay Samples

The lemon tree dilemma

Mary accuses Jackie of the leak of the formula solely because she thinks that Jackie is questionable ethically due to her sex change and therefore can easily double cross. Actions that May not Be Considered Jackie's sex change should not form part of the reasons to question her credibility.

Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for egregious violations. your response should be approximately 200-300 words and include a reference citation for your sources

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules on egregious violations might result in multi-million penalties for employers because instead of combining the violations and issuing an aggregate penalty for such violations, the OSHA now issues separate penalties per violation. Egregious violations are serious violations.

Barbara risman’s “ideology, experience, idenitity” (e-reserve)

What did Risman learn about the ways in which both their parents' ideologies and the children's own experiences shaped the children's conceptions of gender in the " fair families" she studied? The study proved that while the children were raised in a family that holds sacred the concept of gender equality, children continue to depend β†’

How reliable are sources b and g for evidence of arab attitudes towards israel

This is correct compared to my own knowledge as the Arab nations did make very aggressive threats before the war and were adamant that they would win back their previous territory and regain Palestine. This makes me think that is just a propaganda article published in an Arab newspaper to 'rally the troops' by mocking β†’

A state court’s personal jurisdiction over non-resident defendant

A State Court's Personal Jurisdiction Over Non-Resident Defendant Whose Sole Connection is the Accident A state court may not exercise in personam jurisdiction over a non-state resident defendant in a products liability action where the defendant's only connection to the state is the accident in question. The decision was justified on the ground that the β†’

Cheating on the rise, hurts those involved

In the grand competition that is class ranking, getting a grade in a class from cheating can put you on top of other students when you really do not deserve it. If I have not convinced you yet that cheating is immoral and hurtful to those around you, just consider the consequences.

Manifest destiny and american exceptionalism assignment

Therefore, you are so far beneath us that you may work to build our empire as slave, and we will do you a favor by granting the gift of assimilation; building Military bases, schools to teach our religion, culture, history, and language, and roads. Another negative is that the God identified in their religious texts β†’

New delhi essay

New DelhiNew Delhi, the Capital of India, is a city of old and new. The city is known for its air pollution, with the city among the top three having the greatest level of air pollution in the country.

Culture competencemodel

As discussed in the article written by Campinha-Bacote, awareness gives a nurse the tools to understand cultural differences and to appreciate how different cultures view the health process. Thus knowledge becomes the binding factor of cultural competence since the more knowledge a nurse has about culture and how culture affects the patient; the more able β†’

Human worth

For example, in the article, " What is a life worth, " Amanda Ripley wrote in response to the families of the 911 victims. In conclusion, the Human Life Value calculators, and their information in deaths, premature, or unplanned, provided the much needed logic to determine the worth of a person's life.

”dear john” by nicholas sparks essay sample

The love story is not really accurate and the plot is predictable. I think Dear John is an easy read and understandable.

Lifespan development in early childhood

The development of a child's learning to use the language is also a significant process in this stage because language is a dominant means in enhancing the cognitive skills. It is therefore important to emphasize the significance of quality emotional attachment early in a child's life because it serves as a powerful model in that β†’

Knowlege on segway

You can choose between the versatile and sleek flagship model, the Segway i2 with lithium-ion batteries standard); the Segway x2, or six different fully equipped packages tailored to such uses as commuting and golf. For Businesses Businesses worldwide have discovered the enhanced productivity and increased mobility inherent to the versatile, reliable and durable Segway i2.

Plot summary rome 45/44 bce creative writing sample

It was also the Rome of the optimates, the ruling elite, and the populares, the have-nots. To be great, in the grand years of the empire was to miss much of the true nature of events.

Farmer jones and czar nicholas

George Orwell, the author of Animal Farm expertly connects the irresponsible Farmer Jones to the real-life Czar Nicholas II of Russia who was also overthrown by those he controlled. He was one of the best educated monarchs in Europe because his parents foresaw the obstacles of the 20th century and prepared him for every challenge β†’

Introthere and woman exonerated since 1973 and

The issue of the death-penalty still a relevant topic because It has the power to put innocent people on death row, it can be cruel and unusual and it has proven to be expensive to want to spend the taxpayers money on. Paragraph 2 It is also important to note that the death penalty is β†’

Healthy growth

Adulthood is considered as the last stage of human development. Adulthood is divided into early adulthood and late adulthood and each of the development stage has its unique characteristics.

Business law-discussion

Personal thoughts on the benefits of consumer protection laws to the society, Difficulties caused by the laws to the society, and Recommendations to improve the laws Benefits Currently, consumer protection laws play a key role in enhancing availability of quality products to the buyers at fair prices. Arguably, the approach forces manufacturers to trade safe β†’

Short answer

The ability to see the reasoning behind the different reactions of the two individuals to a same situation is known as social imagination. Social imagination is also the ability to see the different views or perspectives of a situation that one is involved in.

The american sociological review

The American Sociological Review of Article: Status struggles: Network centrality and gender segregation in same-and cross-gender aggression Authors: Robert Faris and Diane Felmlee Source: American Sociological Review, 76, 1, 2011. In this case study, Robert Faris and Diane Felmlee evaluates aggression from a social network point of view.

Arm holdings strategic swot analysis

This paper evaluates the strategic position and activities of the microchip producer ARM by means of a PESLE analysis and a Porter's six forces analysis to review the company's internal and external environment. Using these analytical tools, the author deems how well ARM's strategy fits within the constraints of the external environment, the distinctive elements β†’

Most longer wick for more fuel to vaporise

Most of the heat from the spirit burner didnot reach the base of the tripod stand itself. This can be improved by covering the top of the tin can during thereaction, which will reduce a large amount of heat energylost in the air, thus lowering the temperature of thewater.

Essays park

As it happens, our cerebrospinal fluid....actually flows into and throughout the brain when we sleep to fill the void from the missing blood. As we cycle through five sleep stages roughly every 90 minuets, the cerebral fluid flows in and out, gently cleaning our brains of toxins".-" Sleep deprivation is toxic and can kill you".

Ernest hemingway assignment

He was the child of Clarence Hemingway, Clarence was a doctor and graduated from Rush Medical College and Grace Hall was an opera singer and they got married in October the first in 1896. Some examples of his work are " A farewell to Arms " He wrote it when it was the First World β†’

Explore canadian cultural developments and further examine those which would impact the investment plans of a german-based luxury car manufacturer

This culture is deeply rooted in the country's history, the need to preserve their culture and the reluctance to make serious investments due to their fear to take risks. Firstly, the reluctance to develop their businesses hinders the innovation of new industries in the country thus making the Canadian country to largish backwards in terms β†’

Democracy in united states

In this government the will of the people should be shown in every decision made. However, this right stops once that person hits someone straight in the face and violates their rights.

Turn that into happiness

They made eye contact and she was running but did not make it in time for her to get time from him and then he used the grief that he had instead of sitting around he used it to make his life better and make it to where he could live without her and could β†’

Philosophy 101

It is in this regard that he decided to overthrow all his existing beliefs and ideas and use only reason as his sole basis for establishing a permanent truth, i.e.the one thing, which he cannot doubt further. In order for Descartes to be deceived to fall into error, he must exist.

Global value chain and domestic value chain

Example 1: Global value chain in marketing and Sales Managers of marketing and sales in the Global value chain are likely to face the challenge of diversity in cultures, religion amongst other factors that show diversity in the society. Example 2: Domestic Value chain in Marketing and Sales The challenge of the diversity of preference β†’

Bsb119 global business

The general publics were also affected by the barbaric handling of the Australian cattle. During the time of the ban, the government lost $320 million dollars from the entire six months period.b) The transfer risk is the most interfered from the ban of live cattle trade.

Aristotles aphorism in hamlet

It was obvious that Hamlet did without a doubt have a character emergency because of his clashing inward and outer encounters and the weights and desires from those in the Royal Court of Denmark. He perseveres through clashing inside and outer encounters, for example, the phantom of his dad asking for him to correct reprisal β†’

Goals and interests

Observation of how people with different cultures interact in the company, I got specifically interested in studying the Canadian culture that I found interesting. My goal is to further my education in English and to obtain in-depth knowledge in Canadian culture.

A tale of two citiestopics persuasive

As a result of their action, the wealthy suffer terribly in the French Revolution as many are killed under the guillotine. Madame Defarge, the aristocrats, and ultimately peasants who have given into the mob mentality will suffer painful deaths as a result of their harmful behaviors.

Mulai periyar dam

Mullaperiyar Dam or Mullai Periyar Damis a masonry gravity dam on the Periyar River in the Kerala state of India. The dam is located in Kerala on the river Periyar, but the dam is controlled and operated under a period lease by neighboring Tamil Nadu stateSupreme court judgment came in February 27 2006, allowing tamilnadu β†’

Wobbling pivot

There was a riot that had happened in China where there was a riot that happened and there were a lot of people protesting for domestic tranquility in Beijing. In the streets of Changing there were people in taxis and most of them that took a ride was businessman and foreigners because the fares prices β†’

The birth of complex cells

The n, they have to provide an evidence HOW did the host cells symbiosis with the living c Hence, being able to see how science is conducted, I really appreciate all the perseverance and patience the scientists put into a research just to find ONE evidence to support/overthrow a theory.2. Yes, this paper really allows β†’

The erie canal

The only way for this potential to be achieved is by opening a great navigable canal to allow the agriculturalists bring in raw materials for the industries and provide a ready market for the industrial goods. The Erie Canal will promote the natural connection and intercourse between the farmer and the merchant who will be β†’

Sunrise wheelchair case study

The purpose for Guardian to introduce the lightweight standard wheelchair, with a forecast market growth rate of 15% yearly, is only meant to complement Guardian's existing product to seek for higher growth in its division since the profit margins of its existing product lines are razor thin. If Quickie continues to lose competitiveness, adding Guardian's β†’

Day when every thing went wrong

However I ran to my bus stop and to my utter misfortune the bus had already left. Again I ran to my house and luckily my brother was there to take me to my school.

Case study on absenteeism

In the second half of the XXth century people have become disappointed with the political life of the world, the humanity has got tired of the two world wars and the global policy has lost its support of the public. Today it is easy to find people who have never come to the elections of β†’

Contemporary voice on classic ideals

The theme of loneliness in John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, and the loneliness felt by the people affected during World War II go hand in hand. Because both the novel and the war were set during the great depression much of the same emotions were felt by the citizens in America.

Law and ethics assignment

What are the different types of roles of the nurse aide in securing informed consent prior to providing care to the resident? Code of ethics may differ from one facility to another, but revolve around the idea that the resident is a valuable person who deserves ethical Different types of abuse and neglect are Physical β†’

Andrew jackson assignment

He was the first president to invite the public to attend the inauguration ball which was held at the white house. He had the support of the public to veto the bill and was re-elected as President for a second term.

History assignment

The greatest beneficiaries of the revolution were White Women and African Americans since the revolution inspired Americans to question slavery and call for women rights. The white men were the least beneficiaries of American Revolution since a large population was now involved in the voting process and public officials were now elected by the people.

Collaboration in global public health

The future public health challenges include the provision of state of the art health care machinery and medicines, as well as the positive linkages amongst the doctors, paramedics, and the patients. Having their practical incorporation within the public health settings is important as it would save lives and bring treatment domains into a possible zone.

Stimulation review

Why? What was the outcome of your decision? Why? What was the outcome of your decision?

Dignity of labour

This contempt of manual labour is absurd and wrong and the distinction between manual and mental work is misleading. All manual work even so called unskilled labour requires some thought and the skilled work of the engineer the carpenter and the builder and the potter is really as much mental as manual.


In present days the Stock Broking has become a business, the broker takes a share of transaction as his fees for each and every transaction. Some of them are as follows: Emkay Share and Stock Brokers: Emkay is one of the well known stock brokers in Mumbai India.

New yorks two great waves of immigration

These many ways or approaches to immigrants that also serve as a challenging environment to them are the prejudices that in the past have hindered progress from the newcomers. The role of immigration to American history or to New York history specifically, is as significant as to understanding the purpose of the immigrants' existence.

Bureaucracy report card

The said report card seeks to provide a picture of the performance exhibited by the public servants, and the bureaucracy in general, based on a number of facets that needs to be considered but mostly depends on their experience of the service rendered to them. If it could be as easy to remove a public β†’

Dawes act

I would change the fact that the Indians could sell their land after 5 years, and they should not have to pay taxes. The Indians should not have had to pay taxes because they were forced to take control of the land.

Greek roman

This rule allowed the people to have a say in their government and the direction they wanted to take it which seemed to bring a happier nation for the Greeks. This in turn led everyone under Roman authority to take a sense of pride and changed the city thought of life into a world concept.

Grandmother passing away

I had never seen my dad cry before so I did what any ten year old would do, I wrapped my small arms around his neck and cried with him." I love you Daddy." Now, August 9th was the day we all dreaded, the funeral. After today I knew I was going to remember my β†’

Graffiti art

Since the root of the word " graffiti" is " to write," then it can be interpreted as a human need forcommunication. Without a better understanding of why artists turn to graffiti, it is not surprising that the average person's image of this type of artist is far from accurate.

Sutherland, theory of differential association nine principles

Sutherland believed that criminal behavior was not inherited or a result of any other biological condition.in other words the individual, without prior influence from others, is incapable of inventing criminal behaviourThe behaviour is learned in interaction with other people in the process of communication. The process of learning criminal behaviour by association with criminal and β†’

Time management as a learned skill 10794

What you plan to do in the meanwhile while you are on your course to accomplishing your goals. This is the schedule that you will follow from week to week, this is how you will plan your time weekly to show major issues that you need to set aside time to accomplish.

Example of personal style pest analysis assignment

However, my grandmother was from a working class family with a strong cockney background and remained a Labour supporter.* My mother, who moved to the UK aged 19, also remained partial to political support for the working classes.* My grandfather Donald Jackson was from a working class background who earned a scholarship to the Royal β†’

Religious diffusion in the early medieval era

The spread of the Islamic religion gives us an excellent example of how both the empire and the religion intertwined to develop the foundation of modern social geography in the world. Unlike the Buddhism and Islamic, Christianity placed a great stress on the structure and organization of the church.

Why is race explained and understood differently arround the world

This classification is differently understood and explained in the world today because of the historical affiliations and use of the word. The publishing of Charles Darwin's book known as " On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" in 1859 brought the β†’

Why is a greek tragedy

The ancients made a comparison of the drama in the plot as part to the tying and the untying of a knot. An excellent example of the ancient Greek tragedy was the Medea, the title of a book written by Euripides to show the ironic expression for the Athenian disillusion.

Ethics: haroun and the sea of stories *study questions*

The perspective of protecting children from the darker elements of stories is really more a modern perspective. For example, the elements of the story concerning the parallels between the villain and the man that stole Haroun's mother are not an aspect intended for a child reader.3.

Satire on smoking essay

Everyone is taught over and over that smoking will give people a bad image, but the truth is, if you want to be cool, or fit in with the crowd, smoking cigarettes is the right path to take. The best part is that you will not have to worry about going on a diet.

Pros and cons on industrialisation

As industrial workers incomes rise, markets for consumer goods and services of all kinds tend to expand and provide a further stimulus to industrial investment and economic growth. Advantages Centre of economic life shifted from the villages to cities and towns where the factories were situated.

Natural resources and energy

The Everglades is located in Florida in the Southern of the United States and comprises a natural region of the subtropical swampland. The impacts of the occupation of the human population and their activities in the Everglades have lead to a change in the drainage pattern, the complete wipe out of the wildlife habitat and β†’

How to win friends influence people

This book include the fundamental techniques in handling people, the ways to make people to like you, how to win people to your way of thinking and the techniques to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment. Then you can throw down a challenge and make the others to think in your ways.

Competitive advantage strategies

On the other hand, others inflate their prices with the aim of aligning themselves to a particular group of customers especially those who have a notion that expensive goods or services are of high quality. In addition, persistence, possessing an innovative staff and awareness of the need analysis of customers can skyrocket a firm to β†’

See description

And as a result, Hinduism lacks a single trend or an individual whose actions can be attributed to the founding of the religion. Hinduism is believed to have developed during the Iron Age India, hence its classification as the earliest religion in the world.

Convocation address essay

As part of his attempts to survive the horrors of the camp, Faludy gave mini-lectures in the barracks at night on a variety of subjects. All we have to guide us in this present is the accumulated thought and experience of those who have lived before us." This convocation address has had a significant impact β†’

Are literature circle effective

Literature circles are mostly used during a classroom to expand the view of the book and really see the details in each others opinion, but are they effective? In a certain way literature circles are helpful when it comes to comprehending the book everyone in your group is reading.

The last rajah ratan tata case study

The chairman of the Tata Group India's biggest conglomerate, with businesses ranging from software, cars, and steel to phone service, tea bags, and wristwatches usually drives himself to the office in his$12, 500 Tata Indigo Marina wagon. Since 2003, Tata has bought the truck unit of South Korea's DaewooMotors, a stake in one of Indonesia's β†’

Though together and enjoins upon them certain

Though we do not equate the State with society, yet the State provides the framework of the social order. The distinction between the State and society is all the more necessary to understand, because the will of the State is in actual operation the will of government.

Pets in classroom

However, some believe that pets in the classroom are a good idea because pets are a great educational tool, students can make connections to the wide world of animals, and students can see how their actions affect others. Pets can help you make good connections to the world." You can learn a lot from classroom β†’

5 inspiring lessons from the cubs’s journey to the world series

The grit, resilience, hope and triumph seen in last night's game between the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians is a great reminder to the rest of us that anything is possible. Never giving up, relishing the pressure and setting highgoalsdrove these players from the bottom to the top.

Answer for case study

Firstly, he recommends that the international Group establish and take over the " on-the-ground" representation in foreign markets and at the same time, it should identify " local champions" in each of the lock factories. Such information includes the market segments and both the strength and weaknesses of competitors, which are very useful In promoting β†’

Propaganda at nazi regime

After the Germans began World War II with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the Nazi regime employed propaganda to impress upon German civilians and soldiers ideas that the Jews were not only subhuman, but also dangerous enemies of the German Reich. The goal was to encourage apathy and acceptance of anti-Semitism laws in β†’

Database management system

It envision a recruitment agency providing excellent and efficient recruitment and deployment services manned by highly competent and efficient personnel to sustain a community of prime workers who are committed to the pursuit of excellence In their field of endeavors recognized globally for their Integrity, honesty and efficiency. Learning in the service of the community β†’

Facebook college essay

Individuals who have an account in facebook are now using more of their time to socialize with other people from far distance and lack of time. Facebook allows user to search for new and old friends, it makes less awkward when communicating with strangers or people we are not familiar with, and also why all β†’

The mortal immortal essay

The Mortal Immortal is the first story to present this emotional intensity. In this way, it is much easier to identify and, in the case of Winzy, empathize with.

China college essay

Ma He follow Zhu Di fight many war and also he is smart and strong, give many idea to help Zhu Di to win every wards After the emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang died, Zhu DI became a new emperor and call himself Ming Cheng Zhu. THe reason why emperor Ming Cheng Zhu want Zheng He β†’

Case study on early childhood education

Early childhood education is quite a controversial topic and students have the opportunity to research the definite case of early education and draw the objective conclusions. One is expected to take into account the individual qualities of the child and solve the problem of early education effectively demonstrating knowledge and writing skills.

The elections in several member states (lee

Even Lessa mentioned that, The dictatorships installed in Chile and Uruguay in 1973 and in Argentina in 1976 shared a common ideological foundation in the National Security Doctrine and the global backdrop of the Cold war This shows the ideological influence that allowed these regimes to gain power in their respective countries while being acknowledged β†’

How reality tv participants function as a reference group essay sample

Still in some countries, variations of Big Brother are adopted to further segment the market to which the casting of the reality TV will be used a reference group. In most instances, the cast as a reference group are often used as a marketing tool and channel to understand the consumer behavior for the particular β†’

Mktg 4050

To explain the concept of value proposition, one has chosen Coke as the brand that offers consumers the ability to quench their thirst and experience a happy, refreshing feeling after a drink, making one want to drink more. The message is one of unification and living in harmony with Coke to experience and share the β†’

Forum on executive branch

Moreover, at the very outset of his speech, he mentions the absence of danger from external foes due to the unexampled growth and prosperity of the country during his reign. In short, it is pertinent to say that his attempt to make his policies sound practically acceptable through the use of appropriate words and logical β†’

Country comparison: demographics

Still considering the two countries on the aspect of the economy, India posts a GDP of 4, 060 in Billion $, on the other hand, China has a GDP of 10, 090. This is probably due to the population growth rate of Japan which has negative growth.

The importance of sleeping for a student

I have come to the conclusion that to sacrifice my sleep in order to get good grades is a paradox. Therefore, I have decided that I will plan ahead and make a schedule quite a while before my exams start so that I am familiar with the topic that I am studying and will not β†’

The oppression of jews during wwii

The Germans thought that the Jews were in the way of them because they were not a part of the " Aryan Race". Due to all of the ways the Jews were abused, their life in Germany was miserable.

Can write ain 24 hours – assignment

Even if you think that your topic is complicated and rare you may be surprised at the staff of professional writers that we have built over the past 10 years.approach, we know that this method simply does not work. Even if you think that your topic is complicated and rare you may be surprised at β†’

Informative speech – continuation career path

To come to my career plans in this business, I want to use my education as an IT major to contribute to the success of the company. I believe that with the use of IT in business, it would be possible to manage inventory and sales and purchases in a better way.

Degrees of homicide

The dad saw the kidnapper the next day in an interview and in a sudden rage, the dad grabbed a revolver from a nearby officer and killed the kidnapper. Comprising elements such as the killing of another human being was unintentional; the death occurred either during the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to β†’

Brief a case

D argued that the contract was not valid for it did not have consideration, and there is no consideration unless there is a benefit to the person who promised. Rationale Under the bargain test for consideration, Hamer forbearance was somehow a benefit to Sidway and a detriment to him.

Electric sector in ivory coast

The mission of the country in terms of electricity is to make Ivory Coast the center of the Western African power pool. Recommendations The government should allow private and foreign investors to help in distribution and transmission of electricity.

Creating a structured lesson plan

When creating the lesson plan, the teacher must consider the student's background, lesson objectives, and the skills to be taught, the resources to use in teaching, the activities, the time constraint, and the connection between the previous as well as forthcoming lessons. The teacher should adhere to requirement of competency and the published standards that β†’

Bosom friend

I addition, Jenia goes in for sports and she is fond of tourism. And I could say, these words are about my friend as Jenia, because she is a true one.