2 Pages Essay Samples

Cutting down trees

Trees should not be cut down because most of the paper used is not RECYCLED so therefore it is a waste of time from God to make and plant the tree! Well it has air and oxygen and if u are cutting the trees down u re hurting the enivorment and animals that live near β†’

The water cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Although the balance of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time, individual water molecules can come and go. The water moves from one reservoir to another, β†’

Carbonized template silica membranes for wetland saline water desalination

Previous study was reporting the membrane technology was capable for treating wetland water via ultrafiltration by polysulfone membrane. Hence, in this work we selected interlayer-free carbon template silica membranes by RTP method and investigate their performance for desalination of wetland saline water.

Relaxation destination

My lake house has two screened in porches; the one on the back of the house is used for entertaining and cooking. The second porch is on the front of the house. Our porches are where I usually hangout and spend most of my time when I visit the lake house.

Rafting in trishuli

But in the recent years the country with nature as its wealth has been exploring and promoting a variety of adventurous sports, one of them being rafting. Nepal is a country rich in water resource with studies showing its hydropower potential second to none in the world. Surrounded by magnificent mountains, an outstanding selection of β†’

Gaseous diffusion coefficient essay sample

This is called mass transfer. Description The experiment to determine the diffusivity of gaseous is based on the Winkelmann's method. By monitoring the evaporation rate, which is the rate of fall of liquid surface, and with the knowledge of concentration gradient, the diffusivity can be calculated The rate of mass β†’

Pharmaceutical and personal care products: an emerging water quality issue essay example

In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency is well aware of the potential consequences of the unattended presence of these compounds in both surface and drinking water supplies. The EPA has launched a program to educate the general public and the health care industry in the proper handling and disposal of these products.

Glow stick essay sample

The light from a glow stick will extinguish more quickly at higher temperatures because temperature affects the rate of the chemical reaction. Question: Will a glow stick extinguish more quickly while in a higher temperature? Purpose: To determine if a glow stick will die out quicker in a cold temperature β†’

Gasland documentary response movie review example

Hydraulic fracturing is a process which involves drilling and injection of fluid into the ground at a high pressure so as to fracture shale rocks and in turn releasing the gas inside. Thus, Fox's documentary clearly highlights the environmental as well as social concerns that are created by the exploration of gas.

Design lab

DESIGN LAB Factors Affecting the Solubility of a Solid in a Liquid In this experiment, my goal is to determine the affect of temperature in the solubility of a solid in a liquid. Independent variables: Temperature of the Solution Dependent variables: The solubility of the solid substance Controlled Variables: * The pressure of the β†’

Water spouts

The second way a water spout can form is like a regular tornado, it will form from a cloud and descend down but will touch water's surface. It is not as common for a water spout to form from a cloud, but when they do, they are typically more destructive than a water spout forming β†’

Pros of hydraulic fracking essay sample

Up to 600 chemicals are used in fracking fluid, including known carcinogens and toxins such as...lead, uranium, mercury, ethylene glycol, radium, methanol, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde The math: 500, 000 active gas wells in the US x 8 million gallons of water per fracking x 18 times a well can be fracked = 72 trillion β†’

Americans are wasteful people

However, the government is taking measures to fix the problem, and Americans are contributing to reduce this problem. Of course, the government wanted to reverse the problem and implemented measures. These measures were implemented to promote everyone to recycle.

Lithospheric flexures creating the mariana trenches research paper samples

Bathymetry of Mariana Trench-Arc System and Formation of the Challenger Deep as a Consequence of Weak Plate Coupling. Bathymetry of Mariana Trench-Arc System and Formation of the Challenger Deep as a Consequence of Weak Plate Coupling.

Laboratory work about ice and salt

Something that would give too low a temperature is if the thermometer bulb was directly on the test tube, and the temperature decreased because of the ice/salt mixture instead of the alcohol/water mixture. That aspect of the experiment was successful.

Essay on horseshoe crabs

The crabs have a larger shell and a tail which they use to propel their movements in the water. Reproductive Characteristics The horseshoe crabs reproduce by means of eggs. The crabs have got reproductive organs, which they use, for mating and therefore the fusion of the male spermatozoa and the female oocyte.

The purpose of the lab is to determine the human impacts on the sustainability of report examples

After collecting background information, the time progression of industrialization and human development was, used to analyze how human activity has affected ground water levels. - Results/Outcome Data collected indicated that forest cover and ground water levels from 1800s to 2000s have been reduced by 90% due to human activity. Growth of cities, industrialization, and settlement β†’

Effects of temperature on toughness and fracture surface appearance of a36 steel reports example

To compare these two materials, the amount of energy required to break a respective piece are compared. Procedure Equipment: Tinius Olsen machine, Pair of thongs Material: A36 steel and the aluminum samples, Boiling water, Dry Ice In order to achieve the objectives of this experiment, several samples β†’

The florida straits essay examples

Introduction A terrestrial hotspot is a general term applicable to areas all over the globe that either have worldwide essential levels of endemism and biodiversity, regarded to be under risk in some cases, or include associate illustrations of essential environments. These negative effects may change the compostion, functioning and diversity of this essential β†’

Example of essay on types of volcanoes & geological records

Abstract In this essay, it is presented a resumed description of the different volcano types that can be identified, according to the types of rock layers they leave behind after their erosion. The main types of volcanoes that can be identified are the stratovolcanoes, which leave behind layers of rock of different components, β†’

Free essay on aguinaldos navy

However, in this image, which allows us to " see" history, historians can have the clear picture of the war and properly make assumptions such as the difficulties in crossing the river, and the number of people aboard the boats. However, in the image, I was able to see the types of boats, their sizes, β†’

Lab report

Introduction: Benedict's tests allows for the detection of the presence of reducing sugars. The copper sulphate present in Benedict's solution reacts with electrons from aldehyde or ketose group of reducing sugars to form cuprous oxide, a red brown precipitate.

Coral reefs salt marshes mangroves essay sample

Shipping and boating- constant activity which leads to death of marsh wildlife Global warming is also putting the salt marshes at risk because: Increase of big storms Rising sea level Changing temperatures Mangroves Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats. Mangroves are vital for β†’

Caged bird analysis

The opening of the racism theme is on the line 13, Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, it represent that the society was strictly divided in racial groups and also shows that the religion is a quite an important factor in the live of our main character, Maya. The way Momma was mentioned right in the beginning β†’

“white privilidge” by paula s. rothenberg essay sample

Do you agree with him? When Harlon Dalton suggests that most white people do not give racial recognition to their backgrounds he means that most white people do not see themselves as raced. By not seeing race when they look at themselves leaves whites with the inability to see that race is part of β†’

Higher learning essay

This is showed at the end of the movie with the exchange between Malik and Kristen when they were staring at the memorial for the dead. In the beginning of the story Kristen and Malik are sharing an elevator going up to their rooms.

Colored me – neale hurston

When she was a little girl she was not aware that she was black. It was by the time she was sent to school that she realized the fact.

Women, culture, and society

Because of the definition I formed of Lorde's statement and the definition given above of multiracial feminism it leads me to believe that Lorde's statement may be incorrect that is to say if she indeed is saying that the tools of racism cannot be used to destroy it then what exactly can? In order to β†’

Skin deep response

Dane states directly to the other teens in the group, " no way I can step back and change that," meaning his grandparents that were involved in the Confederacy. Because Dane was raised in a mainly racist family and dominantly white neighborhood he was brought up to think he was better than β†’

Racial discrimination? well, what exactly does it mean?

Racial discrimination has existed for eons now and while we would like to believe that it has reduced or is non-existent in the society we live in today, the fact of the matter is that it still exists and can be felt in different facets of the society even today. We, Indians, faced cruel and β†’

Db 3 critical thinkings examples

The study has established a barrier that is created by the discrimination and stereotyping that has been hardwired into the thinking of people, due to the circumstances evident in their lives. The lesson in Elliot's study will forever have a positive impact on the diversified workforce of today. The lesson β†’

Free anthropology essay sample

Never again? It is a deep wound of the heart of humanity." Most people see genocide as a crime of vast scale this term loses the sense of the individual human tragedy that takes place countless times as something that would never happen here". The movie " Indian School: Stories of Survival" depicts the β†’

Nationality differentiation and its effect

Most people will not directly discriminate other races, but that does not mean it does not happen everyday. Many will argue that their race is superior over another, or that the actions of a few individuals of a certain race determines how that race of people are, therefore making them unequal. I do not think β†’

Can we talk

It is hard to live with someone and not know that person in the relationship, intimately or sexually. My spouse and I find a common ground, if one thinks there is a problem let the other know so that we do not have to live with the problem.

Our appearance, the way we dress, etc. reflects who we are essay sample

It is therefore important to be consistent in the style we adopt throughout our lives'. There is no doubt that people have always wanted to look attractive and stylish. It also seems to me that it is helpful and important to be consistent in the style we adopt throughout our live.

Free essay on pathos

It takes one from paper to the experience bringing the words to reality. It helps us understand that harming others causes more than just pain. It appeals to our sense of identity and therefore speakers and writers use this art to benefit the intended audience.

Emotional intelligence – summary

171 Mitch McCrimmon, the author of " Why Emotional Intelligence Is Not Essential for Leadership", presents an argument contrary to that of Daniel Goleman's claim that leaders must be emotionally intelligent to be effective. Returning to the topic of the article, the author contends that " emotional intelligence is critical for management, though not so β†’

Steven’s triumph in remains of the day

Stevens's " Triumph" Although Stevens claims to recall the evening of his father's passing " with a large sense of triumph" due to his professional duties, various hints throughout the night suggest that Stevens feels much more sadness than triumph. When Stevens visits his father, Stevens clearly seems to be in denial of the β†’

The lovely bones (mise en scene) essay sample

The lighting is generally quite dark and cool-toned to create shadows and show how sinister parts of the film can be. Examples of this are scenes when her killer is shown, to make him appear to the audience as an evil man. However, in the scenes where Suzie is seen alive and in heaven β†’

My passion in singing

When I was a child, I already use my talent in singing because one of my dreams is to make my name shine in lights and make my faces known to everyone in the world. I started singing in front of a crowd when I was 6 years old. That was the β†’

Lajwanti and a girls plea essay

In ' A girl's plea', the girl describes that her father sees her as ' A meek, dumb, shy, submissive, frail woman. ' She is made to ' eat humble pie and drink sheer humiliation' indicating that oppression was her food and drink. In sharp contrast to ' Lajwanti', the girl attempts to revolt back to β†’

Skateboard essay topics: choose your own approach to having fun skateboard essay article

What exactly can you consider in such paper? A little bit of history in your skateboard essay First of all, you may reveal the history of this activity development. You can devote your skateboard essay to depiction of the first steps of this phenomenon. Is it somehow related to surfing?

College hazing that changed my life

He showcases that by doing something out of the ordinary and joining the rowing team. Also another thing that I believe he tried to get across is to strive for what you want. Finally, he tried to get across that you do not have to be normal its okay if you are not.

Our emotions diary

To accurately identify the range of our emotions and to classify it correctly takes greater control and self-awareness that I could not possibly muster. On the other hand, I also felt confused on whether I got it mixed up; whether I experienced the situation and then the physiological arousal together with the emotion occurred at β†’

Define what is meant by counselling skills essay sample

When a Client first comes into contact with the Counsellor a verbal contract is established for the protection of the Counsellor and the Client. This is a great technique for communicating the correct message between Counsellor and Client.

Dangers of smoking

Making the right decision for ourselves and not giving in to society's image is beneficial for everyone. Society is the one to be blamed, but we do not have to fall into the trap.

Hubbly bubbly – harmless recreation or not?

In fact, the World Health Organization is concerned about the increase in hubbly smokers around the world that they have compiled a research paper on the topic and are hoping to distribute it around the world. A typical hubbly session last much longer than smoking a few cigarettes and it has been suggested that the β†’

Drug and alcohol abuse and social imagination

In one way or the other, we all have friends or even family member who abuses drugs and alcohol while sometimes we may be the one who is involved in the misuse of the same drugs. It is good therefore to understand that it is one of the challenges that most individuals are grappling with β†’


Smoking tobacco is legal.2.it's the person making the decision to smoke choice.B. Banning public smoking not only avoids serious health problems to the non smokers but it could possibly decrease the death of the smokers.A.

Example of swimming research paper

Fangshicun Health states that the kicking motion of water can help facilitate the circulation of blood to the body's organs. Blood circulation to the body is crucial. Some of the disadvantages of swimming include chlorine exposure and water getting into the nose.

Video game addiction

Addiction makes one to be quite aggressive, it is hard to concentrate and one does not even have time to eat or sleep, because the only concern are video games. In my opinion video games is a good way how to kill the time when one is bored.

Drug court effects on criminal offending for juveniles and adults

92 of them were adults in drug courts, 34 juveniles in drug courts and 28 individuals in DWI drug courts. Data collected on the participants (92 adults in drug court, 34 juveniles in drug court, and 28 individuals in DWI drug court) were general recidivism, drug-related recidivism, and drug use.

Effects of addiction to drugs and alcohol essay sample

However, abusive usage of both the former and the latter may result to severe effects on both physical and psychological aspects of the human body. Indeed, drugs and alcohol are created to ease the pain and discomfort of people in distress, but not to add more to it.

Smoking in public places

A lot of people find it cool to smoke in public places, but it's not really any cool because it annoys other people, and it's disturbing to non smokers. In addition, smoking in public places is one of the main reasons that cause pollution, because hookah and cigarettes are all exhaled in open air which β†’

Critical thinking on methadone treatment therapy

Research shows that this is one of the most effective programs in helping addicts fight with various forms of addiction. Addictions to opiates are especially difficult to manage since they are significantly affected the functioning of the brain. Methadone is effective since it can block the sedation and euphoria that β†’

Good report on heat pipes

Objectives The aim of this experiment is to study the effective thermal conductivity of a heat pipe. 01 cm. - Ring stand with clamps. - Glass beaker. - Hot plate. Figure 1: Heat Pipe Results Beaker 1 contains the copper wire, and beaker 2 contains the heat pipe. Fourier's law of Conduction This β†’

How smoking affects your body

Smoking and the Heart The effects of smoking on your heart are devastating. Nicotine raises blood pressure and makes the blood clot more easily. The tars in smoke can trigger cancer of the esophagus and throat. Smoking causes increased stomach acid secretion, leading to heartburn and ulcers.

Brutus and idealism

This is not a normal consequence of idealism, however it's an example of the possibilities. A certain amount of idealism may not be dangerous, but Julius Caeser displays what more could cause.

Megan amrhine

Juliet is pressured by her parents to marry Paris and by the Friar to carry out his plan to help Juliet escape marrying Paris. Juliet also wants to please the Friar by carrying out the Friar's plan to prevent her marriage to Paris.

Bottom’s dream

When Bottom awakens from his dream, the last of the effects of the fairies' mischief is cast off. While he recovers his senses the audience experiences a sort of awakening as well, as the setting transitions from the dreamy woodland back to the real world of Athens.

Romeo and juliet by shakespeare – analysis of juliet’s soliloquy act 4 scene 3 essay sample

This also shows how desperate she is for the mixture to work and the pressure she is under. She then reveals her fear of marriage to Paris." What if this mixture do not work at all? By going through her thoughts about the future, she allows the audience to bond with her and feel β†’

Good essay on the motif of blood in the book macbeth

This essay evaluates the money in which the motif of blood is employed in the play. The major idea in the play is the killing of King Duncan that occurs in the second scene. The soldier elaborates to the King about the performance of Macbeth during the battle that makes the audience to assume that β†’

Romeo and juliet essay sample

Unfortunately and unnecessarily, Mercutio aided to the death of Romeo and Juliet by bringing Romeo to the Capulet party and motivating Romeo to get his mind off of Rosaline. Romeo's point of view on love is that there is one true love for each individual and the belief in " love at first sight". β†’

“macbeth” tragedy by william shakespeare essay sample

Two of the main characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, share commonalities and differences that combine to create the tension and ambitious greed needed to form the future sequence of the play. There are many similarities between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. This is how they foil each other, since both have ambition but only Lady β†’

Sonnet 29

In the second quatrain, he begins to list the qualities that he wishes that he possessed. He is so happy that he scorns the notion of changing his state with that of a king.

Love in shakespeare’s “as you like it” essay sample

Self-expression and Love before Time Being one of the most famous playwrights in the world history, Shakespeare also managed to gain the status of the author of the most intriguing, symbolical and philosophical plots in this plays. This statement is based on the analysis of two aspects - interpretation of love and female β†’

Shakespeare’s last play

The beginning of ' The Tempest' starts with a great thunderstorm. Hence The Tempest." A tempestuos noise of thunder and lightning heard. " So already Shakespeare is getting the audiences attention by starting off the play with a ship in the middle of a storm. By doing this, Shakespeare makes the audience think what kind of β†’

Analyze the william shakespeare essay

Body Paragraph #1 Topic of the body thesis: that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name.- Find evidence - like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it upor support the topic sentence of this paragraph.- Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence Another example that shows β†’

William shakespeare: greatest poet & playwright

England's greatest poet and playwright was born in Stratford, the son of a tradesman and Alderman of Stratford, John Shakespeare in 1564. He used some of these books as sources for his plays. One of his most prominent sources of literature was the book The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre families of β†’

Romeo and juliet and human nature moves

Forbidden love is a theme that exists within Romeo and Juliet, The Titanic, and the song " Love Story." Works Cited Andrews, John F." Falling in Love: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet". Farrel, Kirby." Love, Death and Patriarchy in Romeo and Juliet." Shakespeare's Personality.Ed.

The character of prospero in “the tempest”

His love for and extreme compassion towards Miranda are contrasted really highly versus his hatred of Antonio and his maltreatment of Ariel and subsequently Caliban. Prospero undoubtedly manages the dramatic action of the play but his motives are oftentimes uncertain. Shakespeare instantly establishes a possible, understandable reason for Prosperos retribution: to promote his daughter to β†’

Robert pack’s main point of view on macbeth is this. β€œmacbeth is a good man whose intention is to do evil.” pack compares the story to those of hamlet, othello, and lear. he says β€œshakespeare’s plays all reward

He says " Shakespeare's plays all reward retribution, and punishment take place on earth and within the sphere of mortal life." Macbeth is punished by his soul, not punished physically Macbeth is about a man who violates the moral order and is punished for it. Pack compares the story to Dante's " Inferno" by saying, β†’

Critical thinking on violence in candide and macbeth

Candide is Voltaire's attack on the philosophy of such Enlightenment thinkers as as Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, who believed that the present world was the best of all possible worlds, and that all things turn out for the best. In both works, the purpose of violence is to demonstrate masculine prowess, but while in β†’

Hamlet: symbolism in yorick’s skull

Hamlet, in the height of his depression and obsession with death, is greatly affected by the image of the skull and the symbols it represents. The discovery of the skull also brings realization to everyone's eventual disintegration, and the fact that everyone in society, no matter how rich or poor, is brought down to the β†’

Figurative and poetic shakespearean language

Imagine switching the television on to hear a commentator calling a game of football: " Marry, In the very alarm he doth leap and Like the eagle he soars to grab the flying pig- skin. Your Job Is to write a two-minute scene in Modern English and then a Shakespearean translation of the same scene.

Macbeth as a tragedy personal statement examples

Macbeth As A Tragedy One of the most prominent themes in the story of Macbeth is ambition. Macbeth is very dark and dreary, the darkness of the play invokes a negative vibe.

Elliot’s brilliance of the rigid kind and article review examples

Complexity of the Human Mind Elliot's Brilliance of the Rigid Kind and Complexity of the Human Mind The key to T.S. In fact, the sharp criticism of Hamlet does not stop with the play itself but rather extends to some of the well-known critics, such as Coleridge and Goethe, who found " β†’

Labelling theory on crime and deviance

For many sociologists, the work of writers such as Becker, Lemert and Goffman become the accepted, orthodox perspective on deviance. Nevertheless, In the 1970's it began to provoke strong criticism. Interactionist rallied to the defense of their work and attempted to show that the criticism were unjustified.

Stand your ground argumentative essay sample

Despite the fact that Stand Your ground is supposed to be used for self defense, it is often used an escape to commit a criminal offense along the lines of murder. Even in cases where the law makes the most sense to be used, the Stand Your ground motion is sometimes still denied.

Fraudulent investment operation of ponzi scheme

We learn the key elements in running a Ponzi scheme. We learn how a Ponzi scheme falls apart.

Adolescent in modern society essay

Once they grow up a little, emotionally that is, many of the former gang members Recognize that it's not a good idea and they try to leave. At that point, some gangs have a " no exit" policy and life gets difficult. It really is unfortunate that so many of them believe β†’

Essay, compare and contrast the ideas of thomas hobbes and john locke.

Also, it made me aware of who I should hang out with and the better choices I should make. I also did not like the feeling of being in a back of a cop car and having my mom have to see me like that.

Gun and gun control

Gun and Gun Control Course: BCOM/275 January 27, 2013 Instructor: Gail Zwart Gun and Gun Control, written in the New York Times on 1/25/13 The worldwide controversial topic of gun control has taken our nation by storm. But since our most recently and horrific active of gun violence the government has decided to take β†’

Literature review caribbean studies

According to Lea J.in " What is to be done about Law and Order" she suggest that the nature of crime is found with the principles of an individual and by extension the community and the nation. The literary works of these authors mentioned explains concepts and give in depth information β†’

Level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming violent

Nowadays, it is observed that the number of criminality is rising in several countries and is more violent. Drug lords and dealers must be imprisoned for life and be penalized. In the case of poverty, the government should provide more budget to the Department ofEducationand even provide subsidized tuition to students of β†’

Telehealth use in california state correctional system essay examples

The remote location of the prisons makes it difficult for the prisons department to contract or hire on-site physicians; consequently, sick inmates will have little access to health services. The use of telehealth has the potential of improving health care of prisoners by bridging the distance and the time barriers β†’

White-collar crime

Crime- the violation of a society's formally enacted criminal law. 3. White-collar crime- crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations. 8.

Good nicolas berdyaev modern ideologies at variance with christianity essay example

He also equated Nationalism with Communism and considered the nationalistic ideologies as the prime source of all the evil in the world. In the times of Nicolas Berdyaev, the world witnessed the horrors of the World Wars and the brutal murders of millions of innocent people. As a philosopher, Berdyaev tried to trace the roots β†’

Stopping injustice

This injustice was spreading across Europe. The United States found this to be unjust and had to interfere because they found this to be a threat to them. So Iraq's injustice to Persia was a threat to justice everywhere else in the world.

Deterrence theory essay sample

In the state of Louisiana, you are able to carry a loaded gun in your vehicle as long as it is in plain, open view. Once you cross the state line into Texas, the law changes, you cannot have a loaded weapon in your vehicle and the ammunition cannot be in the same space β†’

Mafia/italian stereotypes essay sample

The Sopranos shows this because the soprano family is all Italian and all the people who the family deals with are Italians. One of the biggest stereotype about the mafia is that all of the gangsters can do what ever they ant and they almost never get caught or punished for the crimes they do.

Gun control argumentative essay

Gun Control Argumentative Essay All guns have the potential to be dangerous and should be dealt with precaution. So, when a crime with a gun is committed the forensic officers would find the fingerprints on the bullets fired, because they have to be loaded by hand, and track down the criminal from their records β†’

Pro gun control

The topic of gun control increased in popularity in the 1960's when national crime rates dramatically increased." With more than 20, 000 laws on the books at the local, state and federal levels, firearms are in fact one of the most regulated products in America, " says the National Riffle Association.The argument for gun control β†’


Myers frankly discusses the consequences ofviolence, drive-boys and gang war through his articulate characters, but tempers these episodes with such a love of his fictional community that every character shines wrought with the hope and strength off survivor. Changing his point of view from teen to adult and back again through each vignette, β†’

Burglary & distinguishing characteristic

A charge of burglary can be made whether or not a crime takes place inside the building or premesis; the act of trespassing is what sets burglary apart from the other two crimes. Robbery involves taking property which belongs to another person, by use of force or β†’