2 Pages Essay Samples

Transmission cabling and techniques

It is for this reason that wires as thick as 1/6 inches were used as early as 1892 to counter the resistance because of their relatively low resistance in the transmission of voice calls. The advent of televisions and transmission of not only calls but also video or visual signals called for the introduction of β†’

A rape assault of an 11-year old by 18 young men

This also worsened on how residents responded in defence of the assaulters and to the extent of having video evidence of the act, which could be televised by the media. This article in the Times newspaper was too insensitive and biased while reporting this issue. Considering what happened, the mainly affected person was the little β†’

Importance of clothes in peoples behaviour

A well-dressed student often creates jealousy among others and in order to avoid such things uniforms are implemented in schools." The thrust of organizational management of employees dress is that the appearance of employees communicates something about the organization".Marketing executives or sales representatives often wear formal dresses in order to convince the clients. A well-dressed β†’

Animal cruelty: what can we do to stop it

We can learn this from the personal experiences, by working with a number of animal saver groups, and from time to time, we will realize the results of this unkindness are so offensive as to make one shiver at the thought of people doing such a hateful thing. This only thing can prevent the propagation β†’

Church and state

The founding fathers declined the establishment of America on the principles of Christianity. It is misconstrued that the similarity between the proclamations of the founding fathers and the ideals of Christianity imply that they were intentionally applied in reverence to God.

Difference between beneficence and nonmaleficence with examples

In the context of medical treatment, the process of beneficence denotes taking effective actions towards serving the best interests of the patients. In contrast, the aspect of nonmaleficence signifies refraining physicians to provide ineffective treatments to the patients. The concept of beneficence is recognized as a core value of healthcare ethics.

The adaptive advantages of bipedalism

There are different theories as to why and indeed when bipedalism emerged in hominids and one way to explore this phenomenon is to look at the present day behavior of species like chimpanzees and see how this is different from quadruped species. This encourages more specialization and the development of fine motor skills which in β†’

Explore your favorite object

The object is towards the low-left side of the screenshot. Glucose is a readily available substance. The image is of particular interest because it reinforced my chemical knowledge of glucose as a compound of three elements.

Washing dishes process essay

If you are wearing a hoody or shirt with long sleeves now is the time to roll them up and put on an apron to minimize the chance of your clothes getting wet. As you take the dishes off of the table scrape allfooditems into the garbage can. Rinse with warm water β†’

Physics lab

Torque. In both tree cases different magnitude of torque are applied. This observation is true and can be explained by the equation where, is the absolute torque applied, is the absolute radius, the absolute force applied in the direction of push and is the angle of swing. Conservation of Angular Momentum As the β†’

Plate tectonics

The numerous studies of the earth's layers indicate that plate tectonic events can be predicted. Science should be testable Plate tectonics- The earth is layered. Plate tectonics is attributable to the steady movement of the lithosphere.

Extra solar planet

Extra solar planet otherwise termed, as exo-planets are planets that occupy different solar system besides solar system. They go round their stars closer than the other planet that goes round the solar system.

Kinetic and potential energy

Kinetic energy is the energy a moving object has because of its motion. The kinetic energy of a moving object depends on the object's mass and its speed.

An earthquake report

The words used in the reports appropriately described the effects of the earthquake and tsunami. Department of the Interior & U.S.

Helicopter vs planes

Research indicates that a person on the helicopter has high chances of making it safely to the ground than one on an airplane. In conclusion, it is much safer to travel on a helicopter than an airplane.

Field trip

Layer 7 is made up of 1. The final layer 8 is made up of 1.

Scale in space

In understanding the role of the earth in the universe, the course has informed me of the need for human beings to be effectively involved in ensuring sustainability of the universe. The course also informed me of facts about the universe and therefore undermined myths that humans hold.

Unusual life of the ocean

Scientists discovered in 2011 in the Mariana Trench, deepest point in the Earth's oceans, giant amoebas who have managed to withstand the pressure, unlike the scientists' equipment, which had to be designed with additional support. Besides giant amoebas, called xenophyophores, other forms of life have managed to adapt to such extreme conditions as well, turning β†’

Reflection of light on a water tank

Sur Lecturer Reflection of light on a water tank Reflection is the change of wave front direction at an interface between two different media, so that the wave returns to the medium where it originated. From the reflection experiment, light typically shined upon the water and illuminated a white sheet of paper directly placed below β†’

Basic equations of fluid statics

Surface force : The pressure at the center of the element is assumed to be P. 5 The total force acting on the fluid is L - 7.

Why are coastal and mountainous regions often much more windy than other locations at similar latitudes

This results in movement of the wind from the mainland to the sea regions due to the pressure difference that has been created by the alternate heating of the main land and sea. This explains why mountainous regions are windy as compared to other regions. Mountainous regions are characterized by relief rainfall while the coastal regions β†’


Based on such a perspective, this paper addresses the aspect that despite the fact that fracking indeed causes earthquakes, it does so to limited extent as compared to other causes such as reservoir-filling. Fracking, which is also the hydraulic fracturing process used to access oil and gas from rock and shale has caused a significant β†’

Preservation of biodiversity

Preservation of Biodiversity Preservation of biodiversity should be secondary to the well-being of people. All countries should not be held to the same standards in the preservation of endangered habitats and species because different countries have different levels of economic strength, and socioeconomic and political issues.

John dalton and atomic theory outline and sources

Experiences in his life that led to his interest in science and the study of the atom A. Study of elements led to interest in components of elements and his atomic theory.D. This is the general path to his discoveries.

Astronomy homework assignment

Hence, perhaps at one point, there were star clusters at one place and galaxies closer to each other. Question 2 The brilliant, Greek mathematician and astronomer, Eratosthenes of Cyrene had an easier way of using geometry in determining the size of the earth. He assumed that the sun was miles away, perhaps compared to β†’

Wall switches and light fixtures in a building

54 mm in thickness (NFPA 2011 The light fixtures of the place usually etermines the location of the switch to help get the most efficient lighting for the place. Outdoor lighting fixtures of a building have to be protected trom weather tactors and any other exterior tactors by sealing the wires and having underground cables.

Econometric analysis – math problem example

Taking the first, with the French data as example, it can be said that economic theory holds that consumption should be directly proportion to income while it should be inversely so to interest and unemployment rates. It is, of course, incumbent upon theorists to interpret why there is variance, if evident after analysis, and this β†’

Truth behind superstitions essay

A second is that superstition is defined as the opposite of something praiseworthy and usually true religion or true science. Superstition in the modern era is less likely to be contrasted with true religion and more likely to be viewed as the opposite of science, reason, or modernity.

Environment and behavior essay example

Worry has been thus said to assume an important role in the process that results in individuals changing their routine behavior to a take a proenviromental direction. The findings on the relations between worry and hope, however, showed that only individuals having positive emotions could experience impracticable optimism and thus become inactive. Here both hope β†’

Behaviorism, cognitivism and considerativism

In order to control the class in this way teachers must apply positive and negative reinforcements to change students behavior and discourage disruptive behaviors. Cognitivism In cognitive theory the most important thing is internal mental process of the learner during the learning process. Against behaviorists that consider learning as a passive activity in this β†’

John foulcher- harry wood summary essay sample

In my opinion this poem is a poem of a young aussie man who was born poor and wanted better for his family in the future, he wanted his grand kids to be wealthy and not fight for survival day by day as he did. From the beginning up until Stanza 4 the poem β†’

“there is a garden in her face” by thomas campion essay sample

But the woman cannot be as perfect and as beautiful as the speaker makes her out to be so it gives it a sense of falseness and makes the reader think that he is just dreaming of this woman. In There is a Garden in Her Face, the subject of the speaker's affection is β†’

Young” and “the bean eaters” analysis

For instance, " The Bean Eaters" and " Young" both have an example of hyperbole since in Young says " a million of leaves sailed on there strange stalks" and in The Bean Eaters it states that there was " crumbs, receipts, etc'" covering every corner of the old couples single bedroom. An hyperbole is β†’

Medusa by carol ann duffy

She also uses onomatopoeia " hissed" reason for this is to contact with the audience make the reader feel as they are in the poem. The poet also uses rhetorical questions during poem, for example " Are you terrified? " which she answers it in the following line.

Learn traditional poetry essay sample

Free Verse poetry which does not require meter or a rhyme scheme. Haiku type of Japanese poetry which presents a picture of nature. Lines 1, 2, and 5 of a Limerick have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with one another.

As i walked on evening analysis

Time is personified through the poem in many of the stanzas; time is often referred to as ' his'. The capitalisation of words such as ' Time' and ' Justice' are treated as names, therefore personifying the concepts in the line " And time will have his fancy" this line also shows β†’

Sister maude

Sister maude is about two sisters who do not really get along very well, also this poet is ambigious becase the poem is unclear the reader does not now how the my dear died or the parents and the my shame, also this poem is written in by christina Rossetti. In Sister Maude β†’

Strawberries – critical essay

The writer also uses very clever word choice to enhance the reader's understanding of the situation: " With the two forks crossed." This hints to the reader that the poem is in fact about two men. This lets the reader know difficult it must have been for someone not being allowed to express their love β†’

Essay about poetry

This poem had a lot of alliteration the roots ere and re were repeated very often, and the only roots used in the poem. This is cleverly placed to bring the attention of the reader o the conclusion.

Leper’s poetry

Given that he could not see anything because of the sun in his eyes he describes the situation through the shapes he could see of their bodies. By using this simile to describe how the image of the silhouettes of two boys appeared in contrast of the sun, he is trying to convey a sense β†’

Miniver cheevy: couch potato

In conclusion, Robinson's message is very powerful in its depiction of a character who retreats from the current situation and justifies his action with the excuse of circumstance. Robinson has combined imagery, rhyme pattern and consistent characterization to give the poem the central core of its power.

Horror of war in dulce et decorum est

In the first of four stanzas, Owen presents the death-like calm before the storm of the gas attack. We do see it - through the vitality and freshness of Owen's language.


Although a bedcovering may generally be regarded as warm and comforting, the prompt urged students to find other dimensions of meaning: the speaker's identity as shaped and expressed in a family of multiple colors; the power of the past, of imagination and of dreams to create the future; and the links among generations. The colors β†’

Leda & swan analysis

The structure of the sonnet is Petrarchan, an Italian form of the sonnet that characteristically divides its theme into an octave, in which a problem or emotion is stated, and a sestet, in which the problem or emotional tension is resolved. There is a pun on the word still; the bird's β†’

Poetry father returning home

All the while he is trying to evoke, through the racial conscious, the invisible connection with his ancestors who had entered the sub-continent through the Khyber Pass in the Himalayas in some distant past (the allusion is perhaps to the migration of the Aryans to the Indian subcontinent from Central Asia). The β†’

Analyzing the stanzas

Though she did take steps to fit her feelings into the rhyme (she kept a dictionary by her bed, to help her find just the right word), if she could not find the rhyme, she came close.* " Ballad-like" meter * " Ballad-like" implies song-like, and many folks have put Dickinson's words to music. Here β†’

Helen farries “magic of love” and john frederick nims “love poem”

The Theme of Love in Helen Farries " Magic of Love" and John Frederick Nims " Love Poem" The word Love is a strange feeling that can be one of the most exciting things someone will ever experience. But in John Frederick Nim's poem " Love Poem" he uses metaphors to talk about love β†’

Definition of poetry essay sample

Basically she is saying that poetry allows you to use your senses and imagine that whatever is happening in the poem, is happening to you. The way poems are structured and the connotations in them give you a greater personal experience than a regular story would. It makes the reader feel remorseful for dysfunctional β†’

Compare the ways poets present breakdown of a relationship in ‘quick draw’ and one other problem from relationships

Compare the ways poets present the breakdown of a relationship in ' Quick draw' and one other problem from Relationships.' Quick draw' is about the breakdown of a relationship. In Manhunt, reputation is used, the poet used ' and' which reflects a continual process of healing, this also gives

Essay interpreting “one art” by elizabeth bishop

Essay Interpreting " One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop In " One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop, the speaker's attitude in the last stanza relates to the other stanzas in verse form and language. The last line repeated, to the effect of " The art of losing is not hard to master" suggests that the speaker β†’

“this moment” by eavan boland essay sample

I find this part of the poem very touching to me since the speaker is describing about the love and warmth of the mother towards her child. The caring of the mother reminded me of the time when I was little and my mother was comforting me when I was crying. It also reminded β†’

Analysis of β€˜alone’ by edgar allen poe essay sample

From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw; I could not bring My passions from a common spring. From the same source I have not taken My sorrow; I could not awaken My β†’

Ap english language – synthesis essay example essay sample

Despite the fact that there is statistical evidence, there have been controversies as in how much effort should be put in to solve the issue of global warming. The seriousness of global warming is evident." In the 20th century, the world's average surface temperature rose by...the fastest rate in any period over the last β†’


They should pick the best of there employees to give them training courses to be the next managers to lead the company to a better future. After setting the goal of the company and achieving it the company should make a party to celebrate their goal, to have a better loyalty.

Environmental health and safety/ interaction of hazardous materials

For eachof the following compounds: 1) give an acceptable name; 2) identify the functional group; and 3) discuss general key chemical properties of the chemical that a fire, environmental, health or safety personnel should know. Acceptable Name: butyl ethyl ether or 1 - ethoxy butane Functional Group: Ether Acceptable Name: 3 β†’

Arsenic delivery recommendation

59kgs net weight safely and abiding by the guidelines set forth by the Code of Federal Regulations under Title 49: Transportation, the following are the recommendations to maintain the integrity of the shipment, mitigate the effects of accidents causing the spillage of the hazardous chemical to the environment, and prevent the personnel from accidentally inhaling β†’

Soil concentration

The salt concentration found in soil solutions is measured in form of its salinity. The amount of Cl- present in a given soil solution determines its salinity, which is required for proper plant life.

Chemical reaction paper

The most common type of bleach used in the world today is made of chlorine compounds. The chemical bond in the chromophore is broken which converts it to a compound that has no color or cannot reflect color in the normal spectrum.

Chlorine and magnesium lab introduction

Introduction The purpose of this lab experiment is to determine the atomic weight of magnesium by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas evolved when hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium. H2 + Mg2+ + 2Cl- In this experiment there is a one to one relationship between the number of moles of hydrogen β†’

C60 metal ions, although there’s no evidence to

Instead, the structure was confirmed byobserving the structure of the first fullerene derivative synthesised C60 1. This derivative has also been used to determine the ratio of 13C: 12Cwithin C60 when the C60 has beenpartially enriched with 13C. The scientific community was eager to investigatethe structure and properties of the molecule further; however, they β†’

How much gas is preduced

The Ideal Gas Law states that; where P is the pressure , V is the volume , n is the number of moles of gas in the system, T is the temperature and R is the ideal gas constant, given as 0. Therefore, the mass of magnesium used in the reaction β†’

Chayenne georges

Here Athena is trying to get Telemachus to realize that it's time for his father to come to Ithaca, and he has to get the suitors out of his home. In The Odyssey Telemachus is portrayed as a boy who has to grow up, he needs to find the courage and guidance to find his β†’

A strange day essay sample

This can be of assistance in motivating employees to visualize and align their personal aspirations with the demands of the organization they serve. The purpose of the study is to recommend implementation of succession planning to the Office of Accountant General in Botswana which to this end does not have any succession planning β†’

Portia(merchant of venice)

She is a beautiful and rich lady who is living on the will of her dead father, the person who wanted to marry her have to try his luck to choose one of the three caskets and in one casket is a portrait of Portia and if the suitors fail he cannot marry a woman β†’

October 24, 2012

She is also aware of the passionate and warm feelings that the female contains for her lover. The fact that she is even speculating the possibility of killing her lover makes her capable of taking action.

Maria victoria henao’s marriage to pablo escobar

Irrespective of the fact that her marriage to the Colombian drug lord was very distressing, with the narco-terrorist having open affairs with several mistresses, Maria remained loyal to her husband until his demise in 1993. Maria would later reveal that she grew fond of the man because of his smile, the attention he accorded to β†’

The end of dating: what i learned about marriage essay

In his opinion, the core of this problem is the fact that people get married thinking that it is the solution to all life's problem. When compared with arranged marriages that grow in progression, the idea of passionate love from the beginning to the end is a myth.

Arranged marriage is not relevant in today’s society

Thus, the technology plays a major rule in our life's today. Besides that, educated is one of the reasons why arranged marriage is not relevant in today's society. In a nutshell, arranged marriage is not relevant in today's society because of several reasons.

Process to get married essay sample

Others are more informal but original such as those who go hiking with his girlfriend and they propose in the middle of the mountain. Once the girl say yes, the fianc has to talk with the parents of the bride and ask for permission to marry with their daughter. After the parents of the β†’

Heart of the matter

She's harried but content with her choice, perhaps because her husband, Nick, is the spousal ideal: a hunky pediatric plastic surgeon who loves kids. While a nice butt and a compassionate bedside manner are a plus, they are not enough to show why he's worth all the fuss.

An analysis of “true love” by judith viorst essay sample

In the end, she knows he loves her but she still has doubts about her husband's loyalty. The setting of the poem is one of a typical family home. The wife recalls times that her husband has upset her and the tests they have went through in their marriage, yet, beyond all of this, β†’

Cause-effect essay* causes of divorce

Lack of communication is one of the main causes of divorce. Now we know that lack of communication, financial problems, and violence are the main causes why people get divorce.

The mustache

The mustache Several themes are used in the text " the mustache" by Robert Cormier, one of them is Love, which is a kind of clich , but it's is a different kind of love, because the grandmother " Nana" has this intense love which she gives to her grandson because she thinks it's β†’

Barefoot in the park: character summary

Her impetuosity is not shared, at first, by her mother or husband, and they are aghast when she cheers the crazy antics of Victor, a neighbor. He witnesses, to his mortification, a fight between Corie and Paul.

Are movie stars’ weddings too extravagant?

Regardless of whether the wedding is huge or humble, so long as the two persons are faithful to and caring for each other, their marriage will always be graceful and memorable. In this era where divorce is no longer a taboo and divorce rate is shooting relentlessly worldwide, it seems grievously insensible and frankly wasteful β†’

Emotional intelligence

Put yourself in the role of a social worker at the macro level and who is using macro practice skills to effect planned changed within the field of practice you selected. For example, you might be working at the Department of Health and Human Services and your job is to develop better programs and services β†’

Californias growing education crisis term paper

This will make the state of California to lag behind in development. Universities and colleges are facing a challenge of fees increase of about 18 percent in every year. This shows the inability or unwillingness of the state of California to fund for its education system. The solution for this crisis is to improve the β†’

Definition and causes of poverty

If you live in poverty at a young age it does not mean when you are older you will not have a family a car, electricity, clothes, a job, a healthy family and a good supply of food because you can try to get a job get enough money to get living essentials and get β†’

Example of the modest proposal essay

The author claims that the remedy of poverty by the Irish Children is to sell them to the opulence in the society. Swift and Jesse observe that Irish people such as the landowners will find the meal of children as a delicacy.

Asian immigrants to the u.s. essay

The point is that just because many Asian Americans have " made it," it does not mean that all Asian Americans have made it. In many ways, Asian Americans are still the targets of much prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. Asian Americans are increasingly becoming the targets of hate crimes in the U.S. Asian Indians and β†’

United states welfare system argumentative essay examples

In this paper, I will discuss the pros and Cons of this system, how it is being misused, and the reforms in our legal system that are required to be conducted so as to ensure that the intended purpose of this welfare program has been achieved. The US welfare system consists of both pros and β†’

Tutorial task essays examples

As evidenced by the inscription of the third century B.C., it would seem that it was up to the treasurers to defend what belonged to the gods. Accordingly, the attempt to defend the Acropolis was strategically worth making because it would seem that the resistance of the treasurers' o the temple and the poor people β†’

Sample research paper on obesity in latino communities

Obesity is one of the most common health problems in the United States of America and the Latinos are the second largest obese people in the nation. This paper intends to discuss the obesity in the Latino community and several other related aspects of the area under discussion. Obese and overweight Latinos Latino population β†’


She had to evaluate the situation in order to make a careful decision one that had moral implications. This case posed many ethical dilemmas and decisions the business needed to make.

Good article review on terracog

The poor decision-making process is the cause of the dilemma at the organization. According to the case, the production and design departments fail to agree on the retail price of a new product.

Causes of high school dropouts essay

Students suffering from financial problems often drop out in order to get a job and help support their family. Growing up with this kind of influence and pressure, even as a teen, to make money and help out with the family, causes stress and is likely to cause dropouts. All of these factors and many β†’

Sample article review on consumer behavior

According to the author, the difference between mental accounting and financial and managerial accounting is the fact that mental accounting involves households and individuals and not organisations. The other also highlights the process of mental decision-making. The author illustrates the transaction utility that shows what happens when an individual purchases a β†’

Simple introduction of purchase decision of laptop

Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals, group, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. Buying Behavior refers to the buying behavior of the ultimate consumer. And the findings of this first objective will provide the basis for the second research objective β†’

Free essay on ad1w7

Absence of such a provision in the code of ethics may reduce the ethical decision-making. Ethics training in public organizations acts to foster ethical decision-making. However, the content and approach that is administered to the public officials has a significant impact in improving ethical decision-making in public organizations.

Mgt210 banglalink

Orientation, training, and skill development is designed in Banglalink to enhance the overall performance and familiarity of new employees to become a part of the company.Types of Training: Among the types of training, traditional training and technology-based training are the two forms. The decision on what type of training is appropriate for which employee really β†’

Romanticism vs rationalism

He is trying to conform to the ' imaginary' rules of society. On the other hand in the poem " Saturday at the Canal" by Gary Soto, there is a 17 year old guy that hates where he is.

Cyp 3.1 ac 3.4

Social workers are there to help vulnerable children, young people and their families this might include children on the child protection register or disabled children. This person works alongside other professionals to help diagnose or support children and young people with mental health problems.

Child labour essay sample

In effect, these are activities that are detrimental to the physical and mental health of children and that hinder their proper development. Child labourers are at a high risk of illness, injury and even death due to a wide variety of machinery, biological, physical, chemical, ergonomic, welfare/hygiene and psychosocial hazards, as well as from long β†’