2 Pages Essay Samples

How would you vote:coral reef

According to the report, the majority of the damaged reefs were found in the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Southeast and East Asia, and the Caribbean/Atlantic. Yes, the United States should participate in the preservation effort of coral reefs. Oil drilling in the gulf has resulted in the damage to these reefs. Preservation of coral reefs β†’


A low protein diet in humans is usually advised to those with kidney and liver diseases and as a result, this negative effect of higher metal toxicity is important to understand. Metals act by binding to organic compounds subsequently altering their structure and possibly modifying their function. Metallothionein specifically works as a chelating agent and β†’


When Koch further developed Pasteur's germ theory, he was the first person to have identified the specific microbe that causes an individual disease. Robert Koch's breakthrough was important because his methods were adapted from other scientists, who discovered the bacteria that cause other diseases. Because of Koch's development, Pasteur was able to investigate vaccination and β†’

Biological races in humans

Stephen Gould stated that we should view race as just part of our outward appearance because it defines very little aspects of our lives. Question 2 The relationship between anthropology and colonialism is uneasy because anthropology disagrees with the colonialist perspective that some races are inferior to others. Development is anthropology's evil twin because β†’

Diffusion and osmosis

It moves from the higher to the lower concentration because of the concentration gradient which is the difference in concentration levels between two adjacent regions. Osmosis is simply a type of diffusion in which water moves from high concentration to that of the lower water concentration.

Biology – patterns in nature

1Outline the Historical development of the cell theory, in particular, the contributions of Robert Hooke and Robert Brown. First to introduce the concept of a nucleated cell as unit of structure in plants.1.2.


Birth and Death of Stars in the Solar System The solar system comprises of the sun and other objects that revolve around the sun. This then resulted to the formation of the sun and planets that make up the solar system.

Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on different growth and yield parameters of rice

Higher no.of tillers, no.of filled grins spike-1, thousand grains weight and best yield of rice was recorded by fertilization of NPK kg ha-1 integration with FYM than alone source of NPK and control.. Higher rice plant height, no.of tillers, no.of panicles, no.of spikelet's, kernel grain weight, grain yield and biological yield was obtained β†’


It also falls into the mesosystem or connection of all the microsystems influencing a child because with my parents absent, I was left to make alot of decisions in my own and was very shy causing me to be behind in social skills in school. To this day, at age 29, these experiences and people β†’

The internet: today’s evolution or tomorrow’s menace

I would not guarantee that efficiency would overcome simplicity in a world wherecommunicationis scarce and a source of information is uncommon. The dilemma at our hand is that people do not acknowledge the fact that even though the Internet might help with our coffee in the morning to flying across the Atlantic, the Internet is β†’


The problem is managed through inhibitory control, which prevents the processing and creation of irrelevant information in the brain that could affect achievement of behavioral activities. The assumptionis that, if a person has a severe disease like PKU, there would have to be some alteration in some of the chemicals handled in the body.

Relationship between the physical body and the technology

This led to the concept of psychogeography as part of the system of unitary urbanism or " the study of specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals" (Situationnise Internationale, 1958). Communications technology redefined subjectivity. Even calling herself a cyborg, " For Haraway, the realities of β†’

Methods section rubric – lab report example

The independent variable was the type of paper towel while the dependent variable was mass of water absorbed. The weight of water held by the paper towels was determined by getting the difference between the weight of the wet and dry paper towels (Baxter, Shavelson, Goldman, and Pine4).

Caring for the earth and its inhabitants

There are several impacts of the rising temperatures but the challenge facing biodiversity is one of the major ones since several life forms stand the chance of becoming extinct. Global warming and biodiversity challenges The International panel on Climate change has reported that every minute change in the regional temperature affects the natural systems β†’

Of the outbreak 1995

Jimbo stole the monkey with hopes of selling it in the black market; however, after failing to sell the monkey he releases it into the jungle. Despite releasing it, he is already infected with the virus, and so is the pet store owner whom he wanted to sell the monkey to.

In the news week 3

The article dwells on the RNA World hypothesis that claims new evidence that RNA molecules were from reactions of then existing compounds; acetylene and formaldehyde. RNA World hypothesis The RNA World hypothesis is built on the fact that RNA preceded DNA molecules. The hypothesis asserts that RNA biomolecules were able to carry the genetic β†’

Waste reduction, reuse, and recycle:

Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycle Solid waste could be reduced by first reducing the quantity of material that makes a product without compromising the utility of the product. The same incentive could work for household waste reduction where the cost of disposing domestic waste is increased to reduce on waste disposal.


Article Review- " Independent Photoreceptive Circadian Clocks throughout Drosophila" The article reviews the expression of luciferase or green fluorescent protein from the promoter of the clock period in order to monitor the circadian clock in explanted abdominal tissues, head and thorax in transgenic drosophila. The observed photoreceptive properties of the explanted tissues indicate the role β†’

Henrietta’s immortal cells

Henrietta's Immortal Cells If medical researchers were to list thetop 5 important events in biology in the last 100 years, He-La cells would feature in the list. Lying on the bed of John Hopkins hospital in the year 1950, there was no way Henrietta Lacks, who was diagnosed with a unique form of cervical cancer, β†’

Corn lab report

Corn Kernel Color Lab Report Corn Kernel Color Lab Report Introduction The primary aim of this laboratory exercise was to investigate the inheritance of corn kernel color and whether it is determined by only two alleles. The inheritance of corn kernel color, therefore, follows the principles of Mendelian genetics. References Ford, R..

Sosβ€”a sample ordering system for delivering β€œassay-ready” compound plates for drug screening

An overview of our system will demonstrate that we minimize compound waste and ensure compound integrity and availability.Introduction Medicinal Chemistry synthetic compounds at our Merck Frosst Research Laboratory site have traditionally been prepared in DMSO stocks in bar coded 1 dram vials and distributed to the biologists for screening. Until recently, this involved searching for β†’

Discuss the issues related to genetic diversity: mutations, sexual reproduction, migration, and population size

Issues Related to Genetic Diversity Insert Insert s Introduction Genetic diversity refers to variations occurring among individuals in a population. Mutations, migration, sexual reproduction and population size are some of the factors that relate to genetic diversity.

In madeleine lengle’s children’s novel a wrinkle in time, the mitochondria in one of the characters start to die

Describe what would happen to people who lost their mitochondria, and explain why it would happen. Mitochondria function as the powerhouses of the human cell and people who lost their mitochondria would manifest symptoms of mitochondrial disorder, a metabolic disorder affecting muscles, brain, retina, extra-ocular muscles, heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, gut, bone marrow, and endocrine systems β†’

The effect of different antibiotics on gram-negative bacteria culture

Lipopolysaccharide layer is the pathogenic component of the gram-negative. The major concern about the gram-negative effect on the antibiotics is the resistance ability.

Natural selection

In hotter areas, there will be an increase in the population of snails with yellow shells. They are more suitable to the area as they are able to tolerate the heat. Through time, there will be more of the lighter-shelled snails than of the darker-shelled snails.

Dissecting of a pig

Thus the pig is a first-rate example of a mammal and the purpose of this lab is to recognize the specific similarities between the pig and ourselves as humans. Hypothesis As the pig is a mammal, many aspects of its structural and functional organization are identical with those of other mammals, including humans.

Immunological techniques assignment – lab report example

Immunological Techniques Assignment Draw the results obtained from each of the three procedures.Electrophoresis: Radial immunodiffusion: Ouchterlony: Plate 2: Plate 3: 2). Explain the origin of each of the precipitin arcs in each of the drawings. Immunoelectrophoresis: We obtain arcs of precipitin showing the existence of Ag-Ab reactions. The ring diameters can be used β†’


A chromosome is necessary so that there is a " map" of the cells function and structure, cytoplasm is necessary as it is where most of the cell's activity occurs, ribosomes are essential as they are the site of protein synthesis, which powers the activities of the cells, and the cell membrane is needed to β†’

New connective tissue

These chemicals initiate the white blood cells or leukocytes to migrate to the injured site that is known as chemotaxis. The inflammatory response can be triggered by exogenous or endogenous agents like complement found in the plasma helps in releasing bradykinin and fibrinopeptides that helps antibodies to fight against the foreign substances. Two types of β†’

Biology questions

It is present within the nuclei of the cell that are the basic building blocks of a living organism. Food Chain Producers: Producers make their own food with the help of sunlight and water. All plants excluding parasitic plants are in the category of producers. Consumers: Consumers eat producers and other consumers to fulfill β†’

Sports and use of anabolic androgenic steroids among icelandic high school student: a critical test of three erspectives

The purpose of this research was to figure out the whether sports is the main reason due to which high school level students abuse AAS or whether there are other factors that contribute to this abuse. The researchers failed to figure out a strong link between school performance and AAS abuse, but they figured out β†’


submisssion Cigarette Smoking and Fertility The article proposes that a methodical literature demonstrates that there is a strong link between cigarette smoking and an instance of damaged reproductive function. Both a qualitative and quantitative impact is witnessed in the function of the ovary.

Earwig insect

The unique feature of the earwigs is the cerci, which are forceps pincers pairs located in the abdomen. The earwigs utilize the " skin wings" order name; because of the membranous wings located under the short forewings. 2.

Climate change

Data on climate provide some evidence that the world is undergoing a series of climate variability, and the noticeable changes have nothing to do with human activities among other causative factors. Works Cited NASA." Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence". Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.

Prokaryotes vs eukaryotes

In prokaryotes, it's easier to make DNA replication because of the lack of a nucleus, but to do DNA replication in a eukaryotic cell is more difficult. Translation in a prokaryote also takes place in the cytoplasm and is coupled with the transcription.


The main concept behind this paper is to have a clear understanding of the diversity of the ipRGCs and their different functions in regulating behavior. The findings illustrate that Rpe65 / ipRGCs were 20 40 fold and are not photosensitive whether at single cell or behavioral levels. This is a factor that led β†’


The steps involved in initiation of sugar synthesis entails fixation of CO2 to ribulose 1, 5-biphosphate to form glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. 2H20 > 4 e- + 4 H+ + O2 In establishing whether oxygen atoms fixed on ribulose 1, 5-biphosphate originates from water or carbon dioxide, the investigation would use oxygen-18 isotope contained in CO2. β†’

Darwins theory of evolution

The reason for the diversity in life comes from natural selection, essentially meaning that those organisms of a species that are best suited to their environment are more likely to succeed in reproduction. Due to this, the traits of those individuals that ensure that they are best suited to their environment become more frequent in β†’

What did i learn about cell and dna?

Most of the cell's metabolism occurs in the cytoplasm where what are called the organelles work together to perform the metabolism. The nucleus is in the center of the cell. Also in the cytoplasm is the mitochondria, known as the power plants of the cell where foods are burned to β†’

A presentation

The subsequent stage that followed was the neo-classical era which was mostly concerned with the general symptoms of Lupus, and lastly the contemporary era which was marked a shift in the medical research in this area when in 1948 the LE Cell was discovered. Moriz Kaposi proponed there were two types of lupus erythematosus: the β†’

Summary and impact

Scientists uncover features of antibody-producing cells in people infected with HIV Summary A team of scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (part of the National Institutes of Health) conducted a research on the blood of 100 volunteers as patients with HIV-infection and healthy. In particular, the fact that B cells in β†’


The people hugged the tree to save it from cuting of it. Today human is running behind time and fanancial status by puting in lot of efforts. Human is the creator of all.

Artist questions essay examples

Compare the art of Abramovic and Bourgeois with respect to how their art reflects their lives. Abramovic and Bourgeois' art are interrelated in that respect through the use of her body and naked sculptures respectively.

Worksheet 5 – nora eccles harrison museum of art

WALMART is one of the most valuable companies in the world, the leading retail company and the largest public company. WALMART Company being a business organization, there is need for human asset retention in the human resource sector. This makes the company lack skilled and experienced personnel. Cases of employee turnover are very rampart and β†’

Postmedia by postmedia across canada as well as

Postmedia Network Inc providesthe multimedia channels and help market VINES magazine and InterVinInternational Wine Awards. Christopher Water, the co-founder and editor of VINES Magazine, who is also a weekly column authorof " Waters & Wine" that published by Postmedia across Canada as well as throughthe Canoe Network online.

Black book 2006 (european film critique)

She later, after joining the Dutch resistance, find out the person, Van Gein, who betrayed her parents who had perished in and undevout to liberate the southern part of Holland. Betrayal is one of the things that makes the movie interesting. Finally, the tactics the character use to gain advantage over others allow one keep β†’

Thelesson eugeneionesco

This is evident when he says that he is the " servant of the pupils". From the play, it is evident that the professor is also a domineering and violent person.

Outline your educational goals and expectations. also include what you expect to contribute to the art center community. (be as specific as possible.)

The motive of applying in this college is to see myself as a good artist to accomplish my careergoals. For this reason, I am extremely involved to become the part of Art Center College of Design Pasadena, to best groom & polish my career.

Defending our lives

It is while in prison that they formed ' Battered Women Fighting Back,' a support group for battered women who killed their abusers, that later graduated to a grass root organization focused on showcasing domestic violence as a wide spread human rights violation in the country. Watching this documentary and listening to the testimonies of β†’

Aesthetic of photography

In this photo, the horizontal line is used on the right-hand side of the kitchen building to make the right angle with the shelve. It is used to indicate the sentiment of timelessness and sense of homeostasis.

Free essay on artefact analysis

There is a name " hailha -12" stamped on the piece probably the name of the owner or the studio in which the piece was first exhibited. The artist might also have made this piece in tribute or honor of a noble child.

Michelangelo buonarroti and leonardo da vinci

His art has similarities of the contemporary artists like Leonardo, Giotto, and Poliziano Michelangelo learn the art of painting and sculpture by observing and created his own way of executing the art. The artistic creations changed according to the evolution of the prevailing situation in Rome and Italy as it was clearly reflected in the β†’

Public art

This is a statue of Rosa Parks, and by making her memories be put on a public site, the focus is on extending her work against segregation, social justice and inequalities to the present. What is most striking of this public work is potential meaning. She is placed right in the middle of a public β†’

Art and human values

Key among the issues includes elimination of the boundaries between life and art, ethics of robotics, aesthetic-engineering, embodied and virtual spectatorship and the accountabilities of the artist regarding the art of monsters and machines. Causey presents that Kac's works show relatedness to practices of both installation and conceptual art of the twentieth century.

I would like you to conduct image searches to find examples of all of the types of images listed below

Additionally, other items with that were aesthetic were added to these books with care and keenness thus making these books the most imperative possessions. Victorian greeting cards and scrapbooks seemed to document private mementoes, poetic writings, religious depictions, texts, and other family-related content. In view of the depictions from the greeting cards and scrapbooks, poverty β†’

History and theory of new media

The documentary explores how a combination of talent and agony runs in all the arts displayed in the Crazy Horse. The beautiful women at Crazy Horse work so hard to present the best artistic talent possible to the public visiting the club but in the process of exhibiting the typical " French blend of vulgarity β†’

Race and gender roles

It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. While, on the other hand, it portrays the role of a typical wife clearly taken with her husband and getting hurt and jealous in the β†’

Let’s talk about sex

In the United States, the parents emphasize on the danger of sex and fail to discuss the subject with the teens. On the contrary, the Americans are strict and vigilant in matters involving sex, and curtail the freedom of the adolescents to decide about the issues of sexuality.

The protestant reformation

The shift in the emphases of Protestant art was influential in dictating the works of art that emerged after the Reformation. Protestant Reformation art involved the use of ordinary daily scenes and showed a significant downplaying of previously significant mysteries of faith. The Sistine Chapel ceiling painting was part of the High Renaissance art and β†’

Culture’s influence on social and developmental processes

These two prevailing influences are in a constant interaction state to the extent that is nearly impossible to ascertain that nature is only responsible for a particular aspect of an individual and nurture is the only cause of another aspect. The particular psychological makeup of any person is the outcome of both culture transmission β†’

Campus museum 2

5 Phillip Stearns created the artwork in which is a binary blanket. The process that Stearns used in creating this art is complex since he translated digital data from program that are familiar such as Microsoft word.

About art criticism

It is easy to point out the successful connections of subject matter and the expression achieved; the intended interpretation to be deciphered by the audience. This of course contributes to the stereotype behind the profile of the critic as that of constantly belittling the interpretive expression of art and offering no positive reinforcement of ideas β†’

Broke back mountain and titanic

In Titanic's case, it is the necklace " Heart of the Ocean" and the nude picture of Kate Winslet which Leonardo De Caprio sketches as a symbol of his love. Both are portrayals of tragedies in a time when people were judged by their wealth and social status.

Slumdog millionaire

There are sufficient twists and turns in the story to keep the audience glued to the narrative. The suspense built up in the initial stages of the plot is successfully resolved in favor of the hero.

Still-life photography

It is a beautiful art captured in its entirety through the usage of various techniques for enhancing mood and light through breathtaking images of inanimate objects. Having a backdrop that matches the subject to the maximum extent has a lot of bearing on the success of the shots. In most cases, black velvet is mostly β†’

The painter of light

ART2 The Painter of Light Looking at a variety of Rembrandt's canvases reproduced in books and on the internet, it is easy to see why he is knownas " The Painter of Light". As in Caravaggio, the painter uses light to enhance the drama of the moment captured on canvas: the lighting appears to come β†’

The movie story: racial insults and social problems

Farhad had a break-in at his shop, so he went with his daughter Dorri to buy a gun. Farhad had a break-in at his shop, so he went with his daughter Dorri to buy a gun.

Essay on the tennessee arts commission

National Endowment for the Arts Home Page.N.p., n.d.Web. National Endowment for the Arts Home Page.N.p., n.d.Web.

Picturing the perfect by tim bascom

The author has been able to creatively provide an insight to creative process through the aid of designed models. With the help of this written piece, I have been able to develop understanding regarding visual models that encompass our mindset of bringing abstract to words and expression. I would suggest my peers to make use β†’

Keywords:exotic storyteller. if you are one such passionate

If you are planning to visit India sometime soon, you can catch a glimpse of the diverse culture of the land, by opting for these products. If you are one such traveler who was left speechless by the magnanimous cultural diversities and rich philosophical experience of India, come and explore one of the most loved β†’

Personal statement for universities

However, I would like to be exceptionally proficient in film and attain the world recognition. It is due to the above reasons among others that I would move to a bigger space for improvement. I understand that this is an international university that is fully developed, and equipments are up to the standards.


Is graffiti a real culture and can affluent in art categories or it only is a kind of vandalism and always effect people's life? Although, most people misunderstand graffiti, absolutely, it is a form of art, and it can affluent in art categories.

Free essay on humanities 20th century

This is the reason why it is harder to be better able to understand life for a person who has studied humanities or arts. On the other hand, many artists create their own worlds and people who enjoy looking at their paintings get a chance to visit these worlds. However, this ability to create a β†’

Animation question

Upon hitting and reaching the ground, the ball flattens out because of the gravitational pull on it. The principles of stretch and squash would make the scene appear more appealing to the audience.

Sample essay on music and the influence on the society

This analysis shows that music has an influence on the society in that it allow societal members to identify themselves depending on the content of music genres developed and played at any given societal contexts. In addition, music has been used a medium of expressing the thoughts and perceptions that people have regarding certain matters.

The life and seal art achievement of one famous qing dynasty seal artitst

This research aims to give a brief historical background on Wu Changshuo as a famous Qing Dynasty seal artist and consequently highlight some of his seals and the general concept of Chinese seal art. Wu Changshuo: Chinese Seal Artist. Introduction. General Chinese history can be dated back to the various dynasties that ruled China during β†’

The martial arts film

The Martial Arts Film This review paper is on an article written by Stephen Teo entitled " The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National" where he advances or posits his idea that Chinese filmmakers use the cinema as a way to promote Chinese nationalism, particularly by depicting specific genre β†’

Rosie the riveter

Ultimately this is significant because it represents that the government officially recognized that women were important not only for domestic roles but also for industrial and other commercial roles. The next scene follows the same trend as the last scene in which the War guide in September 1943 recommended that all magazines write about women β†’

Ciara favorite artist music

It's a song that Deejays would play in clubs and at parties; because people can actually feel the beat of this song and turn it into one of their own. The artist of the song is a very well known artist. This is my favorite song because Ciara really puts joy and a β†’

Utilitarian objects as art

In its utilitarian condition the object functions as a means of keeping time; it also includes a digital function that records the day of the week and the date. Internally the Clock is battery operated and contains a motor mechanism, as well as digital functionality. Throughout the 20th century the Clock functioned as an essential β†’

Character transformations in film stories

CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION: THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT by [Insert Here] [Insert and Number Here] [Insert Here] [Insert Institution's Name Here] [Insert City and State of Institution Here] December 10, 2011 Character Transformation: The Long Kiss Goodnight Over the years, many films have been produced centring on character transformations. As the film progresses, the character transforms β†’

Film review: the simpsons movie: a mixed blessing

Ostracized by their neighbors because of Homer's idiocy, the Simpsons find their way to Alaska, only to return to save their town from destruction. Lexically-rendered movie field: The family patriarch inadvertently sparks an environmental disaster. The environmental disaster causes the government to lower a giant dome over the town.

The arts and crafts movement

These are the guidelines that he considers fundamental to the practice of art. The author perception on an ideal book is because of the type of printing that existed in 1843 that was primarily for communication in adverts and was a practice of the unskilled people. According to him, the text designs during that period β†’

Fashion trend – prints

Now, you do not have to ask your fashion stylist if your floral blouse matches with your animal printed pants because the fashion world has gone crazy with PRINTS. The more prominent the clashing prints and colors on your wardrobe, the more trendy you are.

Reaction of the eye of the prize ( awakenings)

Reaction of the movie Eye of the prize The movie ' Awakenings' provides a touching experience of the struggles of the civil rights movement. The movie fails to capture what the situation was like for blacks in America prior to the start of the movement.

Jacques-louis davids painting, the oath of the horatii

Jacques Louis David's Painting, the Oath of the Horatii al affiliation: Jacques-Louis David's Painting, the Oath of the Horatii Jacques-Louis David painted The Oath of the Horatii to demonstrate the period of war between Alba and Rome in 669 B.C. Instead of treating the denouement of the action, David's piece of artwork demonstrated the β†’

New york fashion week

New York Fashion week 2009 During the last year's show, the organizers promised to provide a bigger showcase to house the bi-annual New York Fashion week event. Starting from this September, New York Fashion Week moves to Damrosch Park at the Lincoln Center complex, home to the Metropolitan Opera house and American Ballet Theatre leaving β†’

Pop artist andy warhol

He later found a place among the elite in the society through his works of art. He was an established international artist with his works becoming famous in the 1970s and 1980s all over the globe.

Personal sales presentation

A person's ability to react to the problems of the customers and the demands of the populace makes him a good sales man. As a Sales Executive, I have fulfilled my responsibilities and worked for the growth progress of the company.

Risk management table

Risk Management The team applied a significant set of risk management considerations in the process of ranking the probability and impact of the different types of information security threats to an organization. It is vital to note that, in the final ranking, major emphasis was laid on the impact of a threat to an organization β†’

What price ergonomics

The form of advice entails the nature of interface to be taken, how to relate the functions and the elements of the device to the user goals, prediction of the satisfaction of user and estimation of the device's error potential and its time performance. In spite of ergonomic methods proliferation into teaching, research and industrial β†’

Cis206 linux question

That will ensure that they spend less time doing the same thing with scripts that have been put to test in the past. The scripts are also easier to use thus saves the administrator a lot of time. These are typical symptoms of attempted attacks. Administrators also create scripts for alerts on the usage of β†’

Java programing

of the of the of the Object Oriented Programming Object oriented programming is a programming methodology, where data and its interactions are of central focus rather than processes. Finally, the system behavior is modeled after the interactions of these data items. When confronted with a complex programming task, the programmer can make use of object β†’


Their products have been admired the world over, the Fortune magazine has ranked it the most admired company in the world from 2008 to 2012. The success of Apple Inc.is characterized by innovativeness, acquisitions, and product diversification. Apple Inc.is a company that has grown to a multinational with a great reputation across the world.


The media types differ in terms of performance, bandwidth, distance between repeaters, susceptibility to noise, their costs and their security needs. Their differences are highlighted in the table below. Media Type Bandwidth Performance Distance between Repeaters Twisted Pair Cable 1MHz Poor Very short Coaxial Cable 1 β†’

Foundations of information technology assignment

IT has been used by various companies like the airport authorities to come up with metal detectors and walkthrough detectors that are used to detect metallic elements in peoples luggage and also on people especially with the walkthrough detectors that scan the whole body. Cloud storage is used by essentially all companies to store vital β†’