2 Pages Essay Samples

College graduates get low interest

A college education as they say is a direct entry to middle This is because the moment an individual is admitted; one is exposed to limitless possibilities and opportunities in the future. This makes college graduates a safe bet as far as college low interest loans are concerned. The US.

Elements and genre

It fulfills all expectations of romantic comedy movies without crossing genres. The movie The Imaginarium of Parnassus is an example of a science-fiction movie. This movie fulfills all expectations of the movies of this genre.

Receiving higher education

The main related disciplines which I have interest in are the following: planning communication strategies, building relations with individuals in the community and, developing projects to the enhancement of the quality of life for individuals. I find it necessary for me to acquire the basic principles in the field of public relations primarily with regard β†’

A piece relating to the road by cormac mccarthy

The road by McCarthy Prologue of the story The novel starts with the man and kid in the forested areas, the kid sleeping, as they are making their trip along the street. The story is situated in a post-prophetically catastrophic world, date and spot anonymous, however the onlooker can accept its some place in what β†’

An explaning why i am interested in becoming a nurse

Other Why I am Interested in Becoming a Nurse I am interested in pursuing a nursing career because I consider my self a compassionate person who finds pleasure in helping other people. I also find personal satisfaction and growth in nursing as it provides me with knowledge and new experiences that help me β†’

Seminar paper for autobiography of a face

This seminar paper analyzes the behavior and reaction of Lucy in the face of the teasing and torment she received from her schoolmates. The reaction displayed by Lucy is a defense mechanism that she employs to shut out her peers.. Her reaction to the behavior of her school mates is an act of defense as β†’

First day in college

I still remember the goose bumps that I was getting due to the fear of going to a totally new place where I would have to adapt to a new environment and would have to initiate an entirely new social life. I went to my college on the first day with feelings of anxiety as β†’

Survey description

The survey gets information on whether it is easy for a person to choose their major and if the preparatory year in college helps a person in choosing the kind of major they are going to take in the future. The small number of questions encouraged the students to take part in the survey since β†’

Problems and solutions for alcohol

20 July, Alcohol Problems and Solutions Employees in all industries are affected by the problems of alcohol, whether it is the information technology sector or a hospital. Alcohol consumption has been the root cause of distortion of a lot of families in the past and has also been one of the driving forces of violence β†’

Reading log (summary+respond)

The writings of Davis reflect on the body language, the cultural differences and the perception of maintaining the required distances between the two people as they chat with each other. An example of interpreting the conversation would mean many Arabs liking to remain within a breath's distance from each other as they aim at building β†’

Living with diabetes

She did get remission from diarrhea; however her family physician asked her to get blood checked in laboratory for parasites, hemoglobin, leukocytes count and cholesterol level. On seeing blood report, doctor said that her fatigue was not due to lack of hemoglobin. Since she was suffering from shortness of breath and no infection was apparent, β†’


Oedipus: Antigon's Fate At a time when women were not highly esteemed in the society, one woman defies the king's order to grant her brother a decent burial - Antigon the soon to become daughter-in-law of King Creon. First, being aware of the king's pride as evidenced by his willingness to defy even the gods, β†’

Bridging the gap: faith and diplomacy

Bridging the Gap: Faith and Diplomacy From the article written by Madeleine Albright en d " Faith and Diplomacy" and published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs in 2006, the author proffered pertinent issues concerning the role that religion plays in foreign politics and governance. One story focused on Pope John Paul's ability β†’

Lifes dream to be a teacher

Many times, this author pondered the significance of the impact that could be had on childrens' lives all because a career in teaching would be the ultimate choice. Deciding to become a teacher was a personal inspiration not only to this author but to this author's family, friends, and co-workers. Some of the most important β†’

Women with guns

The three reasons why women should carry a firearm are for self-protection, protection of their families protection, and also for self-independence.reasons why most women should carry guns. Women use guns for self-protection now more than ever. The reason that a woman should carry a gun for self-independence is because they should not have to feel β†’

Journal about the text, shame of the nation by kozol, pages 285-317 and 265-284 of jonathan kozol’s shame of the nation

Additionally, a reader cannot fail to the integrity and validity of the structure being incorporated to reflect the legal inclusions of the education systems from local to state to federal governments. The understanding of the difficult parts of the reading lies in the insights acquired during the first reading. More so, a reader is able β†’

Gasoline prices

The idea that this will have a long-term impact on gasoline prices is simply ludicrous, and the only way to actually guarantee a lasting drop in gasoline prices is reduced consumption and use of alternative fuels. Many insist that drilling is a possible fix to high gasoline prices. This can be done through electric cars, β†’

Gay couples

Your full November 25, Persuasive Essay Since nurture part of the nature vs.nurture debate holds a great importance, it cannot be said that same sex couples are not able to raise children having normal sex orientation." There is no proof that children who are parented by same sex couples turn out to be homosexuals in β†’

Fall of usher’s house

of the English of the Teacher 14 December The fall of the House of Usher The most noticeable thing in the story, The fall ofthe House of Usher is that the narrator never tries to contrive a clear understanding of things. The primary objective of the narrator in this story is not to construct rational β†’

Journal 2

I, coming last, am therefore Least" This statement suggests that Heat-Moon Identified himself to his culture and heritage and to honor the kinsmen of his Native land. The second theory that Heat Moon puts across is the theory of nature and the environment through the idea of fertility and procreation. He also describes β†’

School calendar change

The new calendar is aimed at solving problems that have been caused by the old calendar. According to Metzker , the effects associated with the old calendar have been so immense as to be called " summer losses". According to Cooper (" The Effects of Summer Vacation"), a new study program will help solve β†’

Journal entry

Through his work, he advised people to have a compassion for their work so that they could enjoy their work for a lifetime. People seek employment in sectors they consider more rewarding and guarantee money protection throughout their lives. Prior to composing poems and children books, Donald Hall was a teacher; he did not enjoy β†’


Internet Addiction Disorder as the Problem of Modern World Society Over the past decade the Internet has become an integral part of life for many people. However using the Internet can also have an opposite effect. Internet Addiction disorder is a disorder which was defined by American Psychiatric Association as " a clinically significant behavioral β†’

The geography of bliss

The Geography of Bliss Question One Happiness is influenced by the geographical presence in a place. In Switzerland, efficient is happiness while in America it is an element of being home that brings happiness and not the wealth of these countries.

Self evaluation

However, after spending two hours of thinking critically and analyzing all the topics that could produce an enthralling piece; I decided to write about one of the experiences I had while in Italy. I chose the topic since I believed it would touch the hearts' of those who would read it. I stuck to my β†’

My english skills

In my bid to increase my knowledge in English, I strived to get acquainted with all necessary skills that will propel me to the heights of English language. I was a good team player in all assignments that required group participation. My enthusiasm and determination fueled my capability to soar in great heights of communicating β†’

Com 4

Any further inquiries can be forwarded to our HR at [email protected]. Application to the Required Job 1. Once you are short-listed for the job we will send you an email.

Personal review

Her role in the group was to...... She was complete all her tasks in a timely manner and help some of the slow members of the group.

Apa assignment

The article by Dwyer gives an account of how American voters took issues with negative ads that Obama and Romney traded three months to the elections. In his article, Dwyer is for the idea that during campaigns in the United States "...there's no shortage of high-minded talk on the campaign trail". The campaigns β†’

How can high schools better educate students imaginations

Learning works better when students cultivate a candid interest of the environment and its components thus introducing a pet in the English or art class enhances the overall experience. The idea of class pet provides a wide platform for educating students' imagination inside and outside the classroom. For instance, the teacher can ask the students β†’


In addition, structured social protection policies would enhance livelihood of Britons and migrants as they adapt to effects of mass migration. It is imperative for UK government to possess the responsibility of urban regeneration through paying of urban facilities improvements. Moreover, since the government has foremost responsibility of subduing migration and its effects, they should β†’

Should the government impose stricter guidelines on how much students can borrow in student loans

In addition, it will enhance the understanding of benefits of loans to the students. Lucas, Deborah. This book will be important in understanding how the gaps in laws are making it hard for the student and the government to recover from the loans.

What i’ve learned from men by barbara ehrenreich

On Being a Lady In " What I have Learned From Men", Barbara Ehrenreich thinks that women today are still ladylike when it comes to battle of the sexes , viewing being ladylike as just being weak, and nice. Being ladylike does not demean women but in fact, can be used to empower them. β†’

Summary + analysis

The author concludes the article by describing the irreconcilable differences of neo-noir. Analysis In my personal analysis of the article, the author's main aim of giving the examples of movies is to demystify the real meaning of film noir and neo-noir. The authors have tried to demystify noir and neo-noir films by showing that β†’

The necklace

The Neckalce Analyze the symbolic implication of the necklace in the novel The story " The Necklace" by Guy Maupassant tells a tale about woman who lives in an illusionary world and end up in a debt due to her greed for jewelry and wealth. However, the necklace gets lost from Mathilde and in giving β†’

Arab spring

Arab Spring Introduction The ' Arab spring' begun in December in Tunisia, and got characterized by demonstrations and protests across countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The term ' Arab spring' got coined to call these revolutionary events which were meant to usher a bright future for the nations where it took place β†’

Environment does/does not make people who they are

One of the articles read to inform this particular piece of research was that of Gloria Steinam's piece entitled " A Balance Between Nature and Nurture". Within this piece of research, Steinam denotes the fact that both nature and nurture play a powerful and definitive role in defining the individual and their life experience/world view.

Hu300 unit 8 topic 1

The morals of the film and other artistic features used in the film will also be analyzed. Morals in the film The film mainly talks about the life cycle of a plastic bag. The effects of these elements in the film are to portray the journey of the plastic bag to the point of β†’

American me

The governments of the different states are given power by its people during elections to run the states for a number of years. America is known for its prowess in war and international relationships. Being the tourists that we are I have visited a lot of places and different states, and interacted with different people. β†’

Annotated bibliography explanation and assignment

Presented with thorough documentation, the book opened more than a few eyes about the dangers of the modern world and stands today as a landmark work. Albers, Jan. Print. Kim Heacox explores the development of America's consciousness to the environment.


As such, there have been numerous debates on the need enact internet censorship laws that would limit the effects of cybercrime in America. The increasing financial loses and security threats that America experience because of cybercrime triggered my interest in this topic. Currently, America is suffering huge financial losses and security threats subject to the β†’

Salary and benefits of becoming a financial manager

Salary and Benefits of Becoming a Financial Manager Serving any establishment in the capa of a financial manager is relatively challenging given that the individual will be tasked with the responsibility of monitoring the finances of the organization, thereby ensuring that the firm has the financial muscle to accomplish its objectives. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/2013/09/20/6-pointed-questions-to-ask-before-hiring-a-financial-advisor/ Pay β†’

A review of ligeia and william wilson stories by edgar allan poe

The story of Ligeia is not a true classic as it represents some aspects of life that are not real. A timely story is relevant to the age period in which it is told.


Identification of Specific Values, Beliefs, Character Traits of Antigone Contributing to Her Actions and Leading to Her Death She is defiant and loyal to family values, willing to go against the edict of the king in order to bury his dead brother. Five Ancient Greek Beliefs, Customs, Views Using Evidence from Antigone The β†’

Performance appraisal memo

These accomplishments made the group build a Jamba Juice in the San Antonio Airport in time, efficiently and effectively. Still, there were some problems within the group that need some improvements. This led to the group's successful completion in building a Jamba Juice Company in the San Antonio Airport. References Perron, K., & Dembecki, β†’

It takes all kinds

Of all these, the best way to classify people remains that of economic classes. In the past, people were classified as either rich or poor. Arrival of automobiles added a new feature to this classification where the middle-class was born.

How has my writing changed in this semester why

As a result, I have learned how to organize my papers, express my thoughts in written form and structure all ideas in order to be understood by other people. When I started the class I could not do many things; I could not write analysis essay, my grammar was not the best and I had β†’

How do you live the good life

These cases identify the problem in definition of a good life because people often confuse temporary happiness and material things with the meaning of a good life. I hereby offer a perception of how to live a good life. The term good refers to anything that is desirable or can be qualified under specific standards, β†’

Violent video games effects on children and teenager

It is argued that the content and plot of games is often not appropriate for the young and not mature individuals as far as it is focused on aggression and killing. As a whole, there is substantial ground to believe that violent games teach children to response to situations in a violent way, acting like β†’

Climate refuges

Climate Refugees Up until the time that I came to view the movie " Climate Refugees", I never thought of the problem of climate change as one that has been causing the calamities around the world and the seemingly massive migration of the people from the affected countries to other places around the world. The β†’


To the audience, the topic of the story revolves around an undisclosed major issue being compared to the hills which look like white elephants. As organisms of interdependent existence the answer to questions regarding choices versus fate can be affected by the views of the people of close interaction. In the story, the two main β†’

How do you view the unification of women on campus, and how would you improve it

Hence, it is essential for women to come together on campus and address the issues that are affecting them both in the school and the outside world. This paper will assess the issue of women coming together on campus, illustrating its benefits and ways of improving this unification. As mentioned above, the unification of women β†’

Digital nation

The second section contends that the internet fosters personalization or the introduction of " Daily Me," which digital technology empowers from a positive perspective. The internet is similarly an instrument of regular manipulation and exploitation, which is a negative perspective. Seventh, PBS' Frontline believes the internet is a tool that can help educate, which is β†’

Team progress report assignment

The company's communication leaders, however, attach high value to formal communication in the day to day running of the organization. AT&T, on the other hand, places high emphasis on formal communication throughout the organization. Despite this, AT&T highly still attaches high value to formal communication among the employees and the senior members of the organization. β†’

How you have experienced social change in qatar over the last 5 years or so

Social change in Qatar Social Change in Qatar Answer one Social change is the adjustment of structures within the society. Apart from the increase in the number of women participating in the country's labor force, most of them tend to focus in certain occupations, particularly teaching and clerical jobs. Answer two As the Qatar β†’

Negative messages

In fact, I have enjoyed working for your services and I would also appreciate the most if you came again when you visit our country. It is not my intention to break this news to you. It was own responsibility as customer to study your insurance coverage, in that you may have known that the β†’

Teacher and student mindsets

This will be implemented through the establishment of a free system of learning whereby no students is discouraged or made to feel inferior to the rest. Some students may tend to feel more intellectually superior that the rest and develop a tendency of bullying the rest knowledge wise.

The benefit consuming organic and whole foods

Benefits of Organic and Whole Foods Whole food is foods close to their natural In other words, these foods are unrefined or unprocessed. It is healthy to eat both organic and whole food since there are a couple of benefits associated with the foods. Processing food results to loss of minerals, vitamins, fiber, as well β†’

Hairstyles of the damned discussion

Full Hairstyles of the Damned 26 June Question No one problem that Brian has with Gretchen is he is in love with her but does not know how to profess his love. The rest of the world considered her as fat although she might just be plump or chubby but it is also β†’

Emergency letter from dr in eyes to the son of the patient that he can get leave of absence from the compagny so he will be able to help his mother during and after the surgery

Your valued presence will improve the chances of recovery for my patient along with giving her a sense of security that she must feel with you besides her. In the light of the matter I would request you to obtain a leave of absence from your company to be besides your aging mother in these β†’


This is not to defend plagiarism as an acceptable practice in school but kicking somebody out of school for a single offense of plagiarism is just too extreme. I agree that plagiarism should be removed from student's consciousness that they should always practice academic honesty. Giving a warning and graduated punishment to the student eliminates β†’

Global language

Ability to communicate in French along with English will help an individual in accessing employment opportunities in areas where French and English is used professionally to communicate. An individual who has the ability to communicate in French along with English can gain access to the top universities throughout the world. An individual can gain access β†’

Case study assignment

Google, Inc Case Analysis al Affiliation Alternative Strategies and Recommendations The aim of the strategy: " to convince the market that Google could handle the balancing act between commerce and conscience and, in the process, re-establish their company as the innovative leader with a soul that it had in the past". 1. Final Recommendation for β†’

Compare my ometown wich is saudi arabia to the city i live in now wich is murfreesboro tn

This paper will show the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law between Saudi Arabia and Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and why I would love to reside in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I would love to live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee than Saudi Arabia because of the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law. Everything has β†’

Classic and non classic analysis in likelife

ic and non ic analysis in ' Likelife' ic style is identified by a collection of techniques which are used by the writer rather than the attitude depicted towards writing.' Likelife' presents a mixture of classical and non classical forms of writing in literature as the writer uses these styles to explain the events that β†’


Being employed by this company, I would feel safe for I would be building my experience in one of the largest and most popular companies in Qatar, which would be good for me in the long run. I would like to work for Qatar Petroleum because this is a very old company. Working with Qatar β†’

English literature

The background of the story was set in mild summers of 1945 surrounded by the environment of conflict, war and disruption which was the outbreak of the prejudice and discrimination against the African Americans.Mr. However, he resists his anger with his heart pounding to beat her but somehow; he learns to control his angers and β†’

Walter williams

26 July Critical Analysis of Walter Willliams's Argument Passing the Senate Resolution 26 does not mean that the African Americans have to be compensated, and if by any means the compensation has to be made, the money has to be retrieved from the American government. The biggest fallacy in Williams's argument is that reparations have β†’

Language of argument in the real world

In fact, this particular healthcare reform would only benefit a small group of individuals such as the large-scale health insurance companies like Aetna and Cigna at the expense of the general public and the private sectors. Regardless of whether or not each person can receive an employer-sponsored healthcare plan, Galewitz mentioned that part β†’

My First Speech As I prepare for my first speech

Stage fright is a tangent that haunts me immensely and this is the reason why I do not feel much confident about the same. It helps to ease down the nerves and allows the individual who is giving a speech the comprehension that he is doing something right and without much fuss. Nervousness in front β†’

Ripe figs

Although she had to wait only for a few months, she would go into the garden to see how ripe the figs were, to know how much time was left for her to go down the Bayou-Lafourche. Her impatience had made her feel that she had waited very long for the figs to get ripened.


The virtual world has led to the creation of a same group hating community where the form of bullying is against a specific group of people and it is so powerful that there have been many times people have actually committed suicide and other harmful acts because of it. The form of cyber bullying has β†’

See below

In the closing paragraph, an appreciation and a positive expectation of a future was stated to the customer. Fitness Equipment Store 4309 S Morgan Street, Chicago, IL, 60609, United States January 21, 2012 Mr. If you want to have the newest model of treadmills, Fitness Equipment Store will provide a generous assistance β†’


The author of the book, David Anderson, clearly believes that Wolfe characterizes the sentiments of Stout. Since the research deals with the government abuse of power while Hoover was in the FBI as described by Stout in The Doorbell Rang, this book would help in explaining the character of the said director. Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri.

Respond: what is the american dream

The American Dream The American Dream...this issue seems vulnerable for many citizens of America. The author of the article states that the people's perception of American Dream did not only change their life for better but on the contrary caused more problems.

Ethics memo

Rose line: There is a dire need for the implementation of monitoring policies for the employee internet usage at Texas Technologies Opening: Considering the recent activities that have come across at Texas Technologies regarding the use of internet during office times, a strict policy is vital to be put into action for preventing the β†’

Activist letter

Cutting down of trees has the immediate impact on the climate and puts agricultural and human activities at risk. One has to bear in mind that forest cool the air above it by turning water that comes from the soil into moisture. Charcoal and firewood is mostly used by people in most part of the β†’

Golden lines from robert ray’s thematic paradigm

He states, " The movies traded on one opposition in particular, American culture's traditional dichotomy of individual and community that had generated the most significant pair of competing myths: the outlaw hero and the official hero,". The second part I would like to acknowledge is his division of these hero-official oppositions. This quotation can be β†’

Cultural controversy

The cut is often referred to as circumcision, who to those unfamiliar with it makes it analogous to male circumcision and legitimizes it; conversely, the extent of the cutting is not comparable to male circumcision. While the proponents insist, the term Female Genital is meant to dehumanize it, the truth is; the term describes it β†’

Discussion forum

The type of irony that is of particular interest in the story is the irony of the situation. When the girls stop at Sammy's slot and are told off by the store's manager the boy sees the incident as his opportunity to impress the girls.

On literature review

Literature Review The internet has contributed greatly to information literacy and the use of the library. The paper reviews the literature on the topic of the impacts of internet on information literacy and library skills. The use of the internet has led to increased skills in the use of the library.

Peer review for 3

It starts with: " In contrast, globalization has both negative and positive affect on our life..". The author explains the weaknesses of each argument in the next paragraph, although the connections are not clearly stated. It responds to privacy concerns, but it is not clearly connected to paragraph 3. The second counter-argument to the thesis β†’

Driven to explore (portfolio#3)

Artists find a way to show their internalized feelings though sometimes tragic. Many of these artists start out struggling but then through the practice of creating their art and in combination of their religious traditions, they are able to move on and create and eventually become well known. It is through embarking on their journey β†’

The company man

THE COMPANY MAN By Location of the The Company Man " The Company Man," is one of Ellen Goodman's writing that clearly shows the picture of the corporate America. At his funeral, the company president describes Phil as hardworking and a difficult man to replace.

Has racism ceased to be a major problem in the world

The prevalence of racism was experienced in Africa, Asia and America at first, and then spread through colonialism to the rest of the world. Racial discrimination towards the Jews, Arabs and Turkish people has become a cause of grave concern.

What you learned in this class

The outline of the research with the thesis statement is included in the paper. Formatting the paper is important in business letter writing, research paper writing and establishing a movie review.

Thomas jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, third president of the united of America, was a farmer, a scientist, an aesthete and a violinist. However, not everyone saw this side of Jefferson, such as Ellis, who disagreed with the ideologies of Thomas Jefferson in his article " American Sphinx: The Contradictions of Thomas Jefferson".

How are conjoined twins typically viewed by society according to dreger, how do reactions to conjoined twins relate to fears and anxieties about conjoined sexuality what does this seem to prove for dreger

Conjoined Twins: A Critical Analysis The book written by Dreger en d " One of Us" proffered pertinent issues of conjoined twins from diverse perspectives: that of the twins' views and those viewed by society. One Of Us: Conjoined Twins and the future of Normal.


The case went to the Canadian Supreme Court and a ruling was made in 2013. References News, C.. Retrieved from http://www.rappler.com/nation/15858-kennedy-to-sotto-this-is-a-clear-case-of-plagiarism

Annotated bibliography example

The five important components of usability are: Learnability: how quickly the users get used to, to the design of the website. Efficiency: how easy it is to perform the tasks on the website. Memorability: how easy it is for users to memorize the design if they visit the website after a long period. Errors: what β†’

World war z: an oral history of the zombie war by max brooks

The paper " World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks" is a perfect example of a book review on English. What Brooks is saying here is that at times ignorance can be very costly to the level that it may take away a person's life unnecessarily. The message, in β†’

Philosophy of science

Module Philosophy of Science Feyerabend's perspective on the concept of science can be viewed as being radical by most science philosophers. However, I strongly agree with his argument that science is an ideology that we must preserve society from based on the arguments in the section below.

The saudi dream

This is part of the Saudi dream, which the country is working on to bring it to reality. In order to liven this dream, the country leaders and citizens work collectively to achieve this. One of the most used strategies by the leadership in Saudi in order to achieve the Saudi dream is the aspect β†’

Spend the money

Receiving one million dollars opened countless doors of opportunities to fulfill the desires and dreams that were left untouched because of financial restrictions. The first thing I would like to do with my money is to build a dream house where I can live with my family. Moreover, I want to be a part of β†’

Annabel lee

Literary Analysis of " Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe As Edgar Allan Poe substantiates his creation of " Annabel Lee" with thethematic details pertaining to the demise of his love, he utilizes rich imagery through the ' kingdom by the sea', the sea itself, highborn kinsman, sepulchre, angels and seraphs, as well as moon β†’


A declaration for release from anti-discrimination laws looks in one respect more directly to look like the claim in Christian Education in South Africa versus The Ministry of Justice. In Christian education, the right of a learner not to undergo physical punishment at the hands of teachers was held to assist the wish of religious β†’