2 Pages Essay Samples

Cultural differences essays example

Adopting the cultural differences and ethnicity in the organization means promoting the diverse workforce group for the purpose of doing various organizational tasks. Ethnicity and cultural differences adoption have many advocates, but it can backfire also by a number of areas like it requires the great capability of the management to manage the work force →

Marketing applications

In particular, the most needy, children and young women from low-income groups, can benefit from products with reduced but still valuable animal protein intent that supply essential amino acids and also provide vitamins and minerals, in particular iron. Unlike fresh meat, many processed meat products can be made shelf- stable, which means that →

Course work on customer relations executive

Career Objective: Short Term: To be placed as a Senior Executive or Assistant Manager in the Customer Relations or Marketing department at an organization of repute where I may be able to utilized as well as develop my customer relations and marketing skills. Long Term: To further my educational qualifications and work experience in →

Courseplan e-commerce assignment

Objectives The course expresses the needs of business organizations to take advantage of the capabilities of the Internet and ICE especially in establishing a new viable trading channel. Learning Outcomes After completion of this course, the students will be able to: Explain the potential benefits of e-commerce to business organizations. Define the components of an →

Medical services reimbursement course work

While Medicare is a governmental health insurance program for people after 65, Medicaid is a governmental insurance program intended to help people with low income. Medical Services Reimbursement Medicare is a governmental health insurance program. One of the main peculiarities of the program is that it is meant for →

Free essay about bullwhip effect

The bullwhip effect is an event in the supply chain where there is variance between the orders sent to the suppliers and the sales made to the customers. It leads to underestimation of demand for the product due to the irregular orders. One of the impacts of the bullwhip effect is the distortion of →


Note: Director of marketing at right-away: Higher salary, will be promoted to vice president In a few years, So much marketing responsibility based only on a summer's internship Unsure the vice president of operations' reaction to her - small company, headquarters were In a rundown warehouse section Assistant product manager at Housework's Home care Dillon: →

Swot analysis of the rms beauty future performance in the market

The foundation of every marketing strategy should include a SWOT analysis, an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.Through the analysis, the adverts identify internal and external factors that will affect the company's future performance.SWOT analysis is done as a component of the overall corporate planning process in which financial and operational objectives are →

Description of the current brand

The strategy has allowed them to have multiple variations of the brand and sub-brands that has enabled it to cater to different market segments. The organization has eleven brands. In addition, it enables it to compete in different parts of the world due to differences in consumer needs. In addition, the organization has sub-brands.

Individual 6

Individual Assignment The successes in advertising products rely on the producers' understanding of the characteristics of the majority of the population that would be watching or hearing the advertisement. The idea of standing out is rather unheard of in feminist and collectivist cultures. On the other hand, highly-individualistic and masculine cultures are much more impacted →

Walmart vs nordstroms marketing strateg

Wall-Mart Is a perfect example that everyone can relate to, I am sure most of us are aware that Wall-Mart makes purchases from sweatshops around the world because they know the majority of their customers will try to Justify anything unreasonable Just to save a few dollars. I would only make purchases →

Marketing and considerable repeat business

What should be your thoughtful reaction? , Your company is about to introduce a new product that will increase the fuel - mileage on ANY gasoline-powered car by 25%. This is a genuine product that REALLY works and has received endorsements left and right as a tool to help America become less dependent on foreign →


This makes it easy for the business to expand its operations in the market. Custom marketing is cost effective. This is because it informs and persuades the customers to purchase the products or services. With the increasing levels of competition in the market, custom marketing is the best strategy for business-to-business market.

Good preparing to business research essay example

While the combined approach could be appropriate for this case, the primary research design for this business research is the quantitative research design. Considering the hypothesis that is going to be tested in this business research, the quantitative research design offers the best approach.

Principles of marketing

According to Kotler & Armstrong , a company may choose brand extension, which involves the use of renowned brands to introduce others in the market; line extension, where the successful brand names are used to design more product in the same product line; it can also introduce multibrands which means creating a number of →

Marketing’s role in strategic planning and how marketing works with its partners to create and deliver customer value

Consequently, they are in charge of helping associations execute a promoting reasoning all through the vital arranging process. Second, advertisers encourage accumulate and break down data required to look at the present circumstance, distinguish inclines in the promoting condition, and survey the potential effect on these patterns. At the working level, advertising administrators must spotlight →

On opportunities case study samples

This is given a rating of 4 relative to the popularity of e-commerce and e-based technology in the health care industry along with increase in the usage of certain technologies because it warrants the openness of the market to the development of innovative ways under the said condition. In addition, the strengthening of the foreign →

Advertisements and tourism websites

In the rapid globalization and advancing technology, websites of tourism are the most popular form of advertisements for the tourism industry who se. Tourism websites have become popular primarily because they are able to provide the customers with the necessary information and services that facilitates their desire of relaxation and at the same time whet →

Billboard influence on social issues

Billboard Influence On Social Issues In response to evaluating the effectiveness of advertisement, it is no doubt extremely vital to include all evidence when evaluating the advertisement. The author of study is failed to make logical arguments in the study.

W 5 ois

In most cases, the information systems, which form the main component of their information technology investment, are put in place in ensuring that efficiency and effectiveness is achieved and that there is increase in productivity. An example of this is an information system that is introduced with no changes in organizational hierarchy and structure, creating →

Successful marketing strategy of haagen-dazs

Aimed to make itself the represent of top-class ice-creams, Hagen-Dads tried to make the feeling of satisfaction and happiness its selling point. So Hagen-Dads make its ice cream the symbol of romantic and fancy.

Recessions since 1990 in the us case study example

The GDP thus shrunk by 5.1%. The first recession of the 90's was caused by a major oil price rise due to the First Gulf War and a high level of inflation. This combination of policies together with a decline of oil prices brought US out of the recession in 1991. The recession that started →

Case study

Countries in Persian Gulf believe in heavy breakfast and consequently a wide variety of food groups are available to choose from during breakfast. Problem and solution The main problem that Kellogg faces in the Gulf of Arab countries is the notion with the consumers that breakfast cereals are goodies for babies and not adult →

Gdp as a measure of the economy 1791

The formula for calculating the GDP ignores a large percentage of the activities that transpire in the nation's economy. In general, the GDP includes several items that in reality do not indicate the nation's economic level while excluding a large proportion of the activities of the nation. The GDP does not include several things that →

Marketing management

They are likewise a key indicator of an organizations capability to make opportune instalments to loan bosses and to keep on meeting commitments to moneylenders when confronted with an unforeseen occasion. Considering the investigation, Tom Jackson who is the president and the holder of Executive Training Inc , is concerned in regards to the →

To buy or not to buy…that is the question

Some consumers' styles and standards of living determine the type of products and services to buy. In summary, there are many factors ranging from minute to huge factors that influence consumers' choice of buying certain products and services.


Provides a detailed description of the marketing environment and explains clearly the implications for the brand. Provides good level of Justification Chooses target segment based on the most appropriate criteria for the situation, and provides excellent, clear Justification Description of the target customer Provides little or no description of either characteristics or product- and →

Will genderless fashion change retail

However, Mellery-Pratt noted that the solution to Michele's problem was the creation of a fashion show runway that accommodates women and men. Additionally, gender fashion is becoming the norm in many fashion centres. Many people in the fashion industry are wondering whether the genderless mode of fashion will apply in the retail industry.

Compensation and benefits strategies essay sample

All size businesses need packages to be able to pat their employees and offer some type of benefits to its employees to be competitive in the business world. Recommendations for Compensation and Benefits Strategies In today's business world there are different types of goals and resources used to compete in the marketplace. Landslide →

Marketing mix essay

The products, pricing, place and promotion efforts of the company will be discussed. The products of the company are well restricted within the apparel and clothing industry.

The hilton hotel marketing strategy

In a speech given by Hilton International Conserving President Of Marketing , Mike Gaston said that the reward recognized the newcomers brand promise to Pout back a little of what life takes tout and thephilosophyof Equilibrium which influenced how the hotels look, how they develop their products indicatives and the way they behave, both with →

Analyzing bossini’s marketing efforts in china

Where in China is the rapid expansion focused on? Using Franchising as a pragmatic way to expand the distribution network To accelerate the expansion into the China market, Bossini has adjusted the balance between directly managed stores and franchised stores, increasing the percentage of franchised stores as a →

Air compressor set

A small control panel would be fitted alongside the platform, and the whole set would be enclosed in a fabric glass case. Transmissions would be sealed in PVC, and the whole interior of the set would be lined by the same material.

The collection and delivery of letters and packages, by a document and parcel delivery / logistics company

The collection and delivery of letters and packages, by a document and parcel delivery / logistics company Collection and delivery of letters and packages by a document and parcel company The company provides expedited movement of letters, documents, and packages to a different point. The company maintains control over the shipment throughout the →

Good example of essay on statistics

It also allows for measuring, controlling and communication of uncertainty. Types and level of statistics There are two types of statistics, namely: descriptive and inferential statistics. Such statistics allow for estimation of population values based on sample data, developing mathematical relationships and hypothesis testing. Role of statistics in business decision making Statistics plays →

Marketing trends notes

Some consumers will multi-task to compress more activities but still fall to maintain a healthy lifestyle by cooking from scratch less often and failing to exercise regularly." Product solutions are needed to restore balance In consumers' life." -Many consumers are feeling overwhelmed by their lifestyle obligations. Time- pressured consumers express strong preferences for →

Citing textual evidence essay sample

The article " Advertising" was about the history of advertising and how its survival depends on advertising. Answer the question in 2 to 3 sentences. The relationship between advertising and the price you pay for a product and/or service is seen in the third paragraph of the article: "...it has been argued that the →

Cert iv business marketin identify marketing opportunities

Family and people who need shopping will be the market for them, consumer bevel. Also reseller market Is sometimes using Coles to buy stock and sell because they have higher price. The Coles shops have many staff to help customers too and make them happy.

Hypotheses and evidence (spss)

Most of the values were concentrated above the mode, which despite some other variables showing normal distributions, advised my use of non-parametric tests on the data. The sample comprised 30 participants, 56. From the sampled population, 60% were consumers of hard drinks, which include vodka, whiskies , and brandy among other drinks.

Pros and cons of advertising on social media

To conclude, I will compare and contrast and make an overall summarization of the two. Advertising is something humans see everyday, on billboards, in supermarkets, commercials and in this day and age, even on social medias such as Facebook and on Instagram. Another pro of the advertisements on social medias is that, in this day →

Foodservice marketing

They also display their logo that makes it easy for the customer to recognize the brand. At Olive Garden, they do their merchandising in a different way. The strength of McDonald's technique is its attractive display and prices that customers are willing to pay for the products.

Open-market purchases

The reduction in interest rates engineered through open-market purchases always yield smaller increases in the inflation rate than a reduction brought about by other means, such as a decrease in the required reserve ratio (the ratio of required reserves to the required deposits in given Fed banks). A two-tiered gold system of both private and →

Customer experience

Once the s enter the mobile shop, they will feel comfortable because of the modern design inside the shop. The music is cool therefore; the customers will not feel disturbed when making critical choices. When being given service, the customers will feel appreciated because the attendants will use etiquettes and respect the decision they make.


Weight Watchers does not control members' meals and snacks but Jenny Craig control foods and schedules to make it easier. So their name draw customers' attention if they think of a diet. Jenny Craig: they have a unique diet program and advertising it but they are not that famous like Weight Watchers.

Women in advertisements

A social unequality between men and women is being used women and female figures in advertisements mostly. There are severeal reasons why woman or female figures are used in advertisements The fist reason to this is visuality. In these advertisements, women are regarded as housewife and role of women is to serve →

The values of wal-mart

Wal-Mart is successful in the United s because of its capa to create value for its s. It would be impossible to apply its business model in China knowing the fact that there is a different culture in this country and the rest of other countries.

M2 a1/ 1

The marketing research firms face the compulsion of turning to the use of incentives in order to encourage the public to participate in such surveys. Most of the marketing firms seem to approve the use of monetary incentives because of the potential they present in persuading customers to participate in surveys.

Services marketing

Hilton Hotels Corporation has been very successful in building and maintaining a steady relationship with its customers. By offering high quality of services to its customers as well as competitive prices, the company has attracted a large number of clients. Berry, Leonard L., " Relationship Marketing," in Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing, →

Sample essay on theme: improving performance in the public sector by grabbing opportunities to meet

Harlow, Essex: Longman Information & Reference. Application: my agency will use the contemporary marketing skills applicable in service delivery to meet the clients' needs. References Kotler, P.& N.Lee.. In Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance..

Arts and aesthetics: marketing and cultural production essays examples

A journal by Petkus is related to this study, because it focuses on experiential marketing as a driving cornerstone for the advancement of practices in arts marketing. While aesthetic marketing focuses on the beauty of the product, the philosophy of change is constant.


A comparison of fares for three different time periods has been done to investigate this variation. Flight from Dubai to Singapore: Dates Departure Time Arrival Time Fare Departure Tue 6th March 2012 Return Tue 13th March 2012 7: 45 9: 35 21: 05 13: 00 $ →

Target marketing & social responsibility

However, this is still an effective promotional campaign for Nike because they were good at using the images of the disabled and famous athletes, especially Serena Williams to overt the message " Dream crazy". Nike: What are girls made of?[image: ]https://www.youtube.com/watch? v= Y_iCIISngdI This promotion video targets woman and tweens. As a result, Nike →

Amway marketing max

But in the india ther are so many person who are very poor and he has no house but some person who are rich and his income per month is 14000 they are using the amway products but the others are donot use the amway bproducts because they are satisfy with the other products because →

Example of international production and distribution of uncle bobs products in canada research paper

Effective establishment of distribution networks in Canada should be measured against achievement of a certain volume of business and a specific geographical coverage in Canada, all within a specific period of time. It is important for the company to consider competition in the foreign market. What will be the cost of labor in the new →

Characteristics of marketing

Marketing is also a social process as it is concerned with the satisfaction of human needs and this is one of the most important Characteristics of Marketing. Advertising is customer oriented- Marketing exists to identify and satisfy the wants of present and potential nonusers. Process between buyers and sellers is the essential element →

Reading summary essay example

J: Wharton School Pub. Theme: Improvement of public agency performance by meeting the needs of citizens. Summary: - Exploiting opportunities in a market to satisfy citizens' needs is of importance to every organization. - A successful marketing mindset encompasses a number of principles. - Marketing should be customer centered. This enhances the process of service delivery. References →

Free evaluating sales persons effectiveness essay example

By evaluating the numbers in his or her team, the facilities available and their level of expertise, he or she should set a target amount of work that the team should meet. That would have shown if his performance is as a result of his hard work or due to the potential of his area →

Forum assignment

To provide an opportunity for the students to learn and understand the complex nature of organizations and the major Influencing factors upon them; 2. To gain practical Insights on the workings of the various business functional areas, their roles within business, their interrelationships and Interdependence.3. To familiarize the dents with the nature of managerial actively →

Name essays example

However the authors stress on the fact that, though while responding to surveys conducted, many consumers say that they would give value to the ethical practices followed, in reality they buy a product based on its price and features, and not based on the ethical considerations. The article is directed towards market researchers and product →

Method for women: put on makeup

Then after you do that, put a 1/2-inch line of liquid eyeliner on outer sides of eyelids to make your eyes look fuller and wider. After that make sure the lines are equal. Make sure you do not cover up the eyeliner with the eyeshadow. After that, take the →

Quantitative marketing and economics

The picture of the product, demonstration on how to use it, messages box for inquiries, and testimonials of other consumers who already bought the product will be seen on the website of " Doggie Read and Do". The company will collect the email addresses of the prospective clients and send the proposals →

Free utilitarianism vs deontology critical thinking example

Their philosophical viewpoints flow out of the ethics of deontology and utilitarianism. The ethics of utilitarianism is built upon the framework of maximizing benefits to all members of society. Mill's framework would imply that and the wages of the employees in the country where work is outsourced be unchanged. Immanuel Kant represented the deontological school →

Marketing simulation

In finding ways to incorporate the important factors that matter most to our customers is what will bring in new customers and keep our existing ones around for the long hall. My strategy for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc.that I have entered into the simulation game for 2015 Q2 were based on similar factors that I had →

Contrast between starbucks and second cup

One of the contrasts between the two products is that while Second Cup is Canadian, Starbuck is American. Another contrast between the two is that while Starbucks brought higher quality on board by increasing the functionality of the product, Second Cup did not.

Starbucks 17837

The Seattle based chain's success over the past 25 years has a lot to do with the quality of the product, which has attracted a loyal and growing following among consumers. The retail strategy has been to put a coffee shop on every corner and to make fresh-brewed coffee by selling only the highest-quality products →

Briana finchum

Images of naked men and women that are skinny/muscular and flawless are giving men and women an unrealistic view of what beauty is. Advertisements are meant to sell a product so why do we not put the product on the advertisement instead of the sexualized and demoralized images of men, women, boys, and girls?

Bull run in indian equity market

95 in opening trade and Sensex was trading at a record level of 37, 690. The valuation of market is also a big concern and there is a need for correction in the market.

Global marketing requires a very local attention

At least, the company's name was not a unknown company. When they expand to other country, they need to and have to realize the country culture, and find the best strategy to develop in that country.2. What Implications can you draw from Avoidance's loss of Its Japan unit with regard to global firms' →

W7 discusion mareting

The importance of customers to any business opening is seen in the fact that the financial inputs that customers make to the business by way of patronizing products and services acts as one of the largest means of revenue and thus profits for the business (Campbell, Whitehead and Finkelstein, 2009). This point is highly justified →


The marketing strategy employed in marketing the same diabetes drugs is a pull market strategy that bases on the needs of the patients. The strategy ensures that the promotion that is done on the product reveals an in-depth need for use of the product by diabetics. The product helps diabetes patients that require monitoring constantly →

Primary models of international marketing

Contrary to ethnocentric approach or model, the polycentric approach dwells on the uniqueness of each region it is unveiling its products in. On the negative aspect, modifications to fit into each setting may dilute the originality of the initial product and prove expensive for the company too.

Public opinion

Public Opinion Public opinion is very important to the success of public relations and success of a PR campaign as one of the frequently set objective of PR campaign is to influence the public. The campaign has caused a huge PR backlash and led to bad publicity of a company. Many PR campaigns end with →

Mcdonalds enters kazakhstan: market entry strategy

It is also important to compare all the available modes of entry options in terms of cost and success rate so as to go with the most appropriate strategy. This will guarantee a speedy adaptation into the new market as well as access to important resources. Considering the licensing times and requirements in Kazakhstan, the →


In this instance the alternative hypothesis is that irrespective of the addition of a new brand of breakfast bread into the market, many consumers stay loyal and prefer to purchase LIDL and Kellogg breakfast breads. The scenario can be presented as follows: H0: new breakfast bread is preferred to LIDL breakfast bread and Kellogg breakfast →

Scientific approach to marketing research

The purpose is to improve telephone service because of a complaint. The company wanted to pinpoint the specific problems and take corrective action. Testability : Valid if, after talking to a random selection of employees of the organization and study of the previous research done in the area takes place.

Segmentation for marketing

For example, due to the dry weather In the south of China, so The Body Shop sells some molester products such as skin lotion and shower lulls. The Body Shop's targeted customers are general members of the public at all ages who seek natural and healthy beauty products. Additionally people who have an →

Marketing analysis essay sample

The group size must be limited to a maximum of 5 members within the SAME tutorial group. Students in the same group should agree between themselves the division of work of each member and indicate clearly on the cover of the assignment the tutorial group and the names and student number of all group →

Financial crisis 2008-2009 prevention essay

Control of imbalances in the global financial markets Disturbances in the financial markets started before the year 2008. Avoiding these imbalances could have scrap off the entire financial crisis in the year 2008-09. Finally, structural changes in the financial markets contributed to the rise of the crisis.

Merchants of cool – assignment

How it relates to the movie: The movie discussed at the beginning that teens have a lot of disposable income. Cult Product : Items that command fierce consumer loyalty and devotion How it relates to the movie: The best example of this is the Insane Clown Posse , it showed fans at their →

Marketing environment assignment

Macro-environment factor In reflecting the macro environment, the economic environment is one of the identified elements that affect the micromanagement of hybrid cars. Micromanagement factor The micro-environmental factor that affecting the hybrid cars industry in Malaysia is competitor. For a company to be successful in the market place, the competitors must be recognized.

Snazzy sodas market targeting strategy

As such, Snazzy Sodas should distinguish itself from them by the product design and produce advertising that specifically appeal to the key groups identified above. Explain the consumer behavior characteristics that are likely to influence consumer purchases of this new product.Information search if the consumer is not aware that this product can →

Case study 7/2-1

This paper will comment on the impact of buyer-seller relationship on the evaluation of organizational needs. The buyer needs to identify the product then shortlist various vendors. Having a relationship between the vendor and buyer presents an opportunity to the buyer to have a close understanding of the vendor's position in the market.

Quality and value essays examples

Value and judgment in contemporary art The matters concerning value and judgment are among the recently intensified debates in criticism of art. The value judgment and contemporary Art Criticism comprises the transcripts of the discussions, and the available extensive bibliography about the art criticism.

Exactly truly climbed out from the rubble into

Exactly seventy years ago, post-war Britain had just truly climbed out from the rubble into the modern age. Fuelled by the newfound peace, the country then ironed out many of the then social injustices concerning gender, race, and perhaps most of all, the right to knowledge. After a tedious three years of intensive Bureaucracy, →

Prior of marketting strategies essay sample

It had been used to update the latest information of the company, new promotion, and description of the movie or drama that will show on. By adding this Korean new channel, it has 91 people like the status and about 13 people share this news.

Pardot master template? email marketers are always

Social media is good although but it is important to notice the fact that Email marketing has become the strong base for the business. Are Email Newsletters the evergreen trend? What are the Benefits for the Email Newsletters compared to the Social Media platforms?

Marketing management

Marketing management is an area of study in business that deals with realistic functions of marketing procedures and the manner in which management of marketing procedures and resources in a company are carried out. The last orientation is the holistic marketing concept which has been widely adopted in the present day due to its consideration →

Marketing planning and strategy (ethical challenge) 1

Marketing planning and strategy (Ethical challenge Segmentation is one of the most instrumental strategies to marketing as it helps in identification of a suitable market for commodities. In addition, such segmentation may for a basis for identification of the challenges facing the groups and therefore expose them to stigma.

Mcdonald’s marketing challenges

What Marketing Challenges Does McDonald's Face in the Future? The market for McDonald's is going global and has been changed byhealthconcerns, introducing new marketing challenges. The European market led by France, Germany and Spain enjoys larger revenues than the US already, and the Asia, Pacific, Middle East and Africa markets are expanding rapidly. When →

The strategy in view the competitive priorities cost,

The article I have selected iswinemakers turn to MIT to save pinot noir in warming temperatures retrievedfrom Bloomberg this article focuses on the impact of global warming on the products as thepinot noir is a temperature sensitive wine and the taste and varies withtemperature. Operationsstrategy is known as the development of a long-term →

Principles of marketing

Principles of Marketing Affiliation: Knowing s in terms of what they want or need even before they do it themselves is what leads to creating loyal customers, building customer relationships and maintaining them. The creativity of the advertisements is what will bring customers' interests in the products and what will eventually profit the company.

The greek island crete

The Greek Island Crete The island of Crete located at the of eastern Mediterranean is the largest of Greek islands measuring about 260 km length and a width of 60km. The Island covers eight square kilometers and contains a high mountain range formed by three mountains relating to; the White Mountains to the west, mountain →

Good quality plugs

Luckily, we have got quite the selection of wood gauges to choose from, and we are sure you will find a pair that's perfect for you! Why bother scouring the closest strip mall for all of your jewelry? With the internet at your disposal, it's likely that you will find pieces that are truly aligned →

Committing the best mistakes in life

As I did not have sufficient time and money to experiment on both customers and the sales team, I took a crucial decision by depending only on the sales force. The product was launched and after a week I got the first email and that was not encouraging.

Long paper discussion 1 essays example

The relation of the market and the bargaining environments, the equilibrium on the monetary payoffs are used in the determination of the wealth distribution among the players. The theory of bargaining has provided the background of the customer's behavior in the market. In the resulting outcome of the four countries showed that the market behaviors →

This essay takes red bull’s current marketing strategies

In my opinion Red Bull should focus not only on low cost marketing, but also areas of mass marketing. Red Bull is an energy drink with an amazingly clever marketing strategy, but could use an extra shove In areas, Since its inception, Red Bull has shunned print advertising in its marketing strategy. Red →