2 Pages Essay Samples

Recommendations essays examples

In the study of stock market prices, percentage change of interest and, the percentage change of market indices are key determinants in predicting the future performance of the stock market. The interest rates in these countries are favorable meaning there is stability in the stock market prices.

What do you think tolstoy would say about today’s consumption patterns in today’s developed countries? essay

And Tolstoy will probably say that this world especially the developing countries with such pattern of having conspicuous consumption can be very harmful to them in the end such that contentment could not be attained and could just be very passive for the inconvenience it would give when we want again something new. For Tolstoy, →

Various options hedging strategies

The difference between the strike prices minus the net cost options of the long and short options gives the maximum profit Ratio spread-This is an option strategy that has the aim of reducing risks associated with the movement of the price of the underlying asset with short and long positions offsetting. It involves →

Non-profit marketing

However, the current name was adopted in 1945 when it reorganized its overall structure, and created a research program for various cases related to cancer. Notably, the organization has a peculiar system of marketing that has resulted to high efficiency in the overall attainment of its goals and objectives. Through marketing, the →

What is rfid technology in what ways can it improve supply chain functioning

To get rid of these problems, companies are taking the global chain supply chain management more seriously and are eliminating informational and procedural bottlenecks to ensure increased efficacy in their timing of orders and making of inventory decisions. This paper discusses one of the most efficient and trusted method of ensuring inventory efficiency is attained, →

The digital age for elementary children on african art – thesis proposal example

Worthy to mention, these companies are seen as an effective tool in not just educating the children about the established and known arts and cultures in the world but also an instrument to bring in the national identities of certain nations. In this sense, it is proposed that utilizing the untapped potential of digital media →

Harrah case study essay sample

Discuss the factors that drove Harrahs customer relationship strategy Lovemans goal was to increase revenue by gaining a larger percentage of the gaming dollars of their customers. Lovemans description of the Harrahs experience shows that a focused, strategy-driven data warehouse can help your organization cash in on the diamonds in your data mine.

Evaluation of client satisfaction

Assessment of this population will involve interviews of the clients and analysis of behaviors of the clients. Following will be 15% of the population with mental health disorder and subject to family therapy.

Case study example

Hint: this relates to the hypothesis of the experiment. The article comes to the conclusion that most people are base their sense of satisfaction and consumption on visual cues. In this form of advertising, the advertiser depends on the internet where the ad is placed in the context considering in mind the users experience.

Global marketing project

Next they would want to identify whether the company has the internal ability and strength to meet the demand of the consumers of the market they are going to pursue. They would even want to know about the political environment of the nation and the rules and regulations that govern the nation, including rules and →

Good article review on advertising: summary

The postmodern understanding of advertisement goes beyond the need to select what means of the platform to use. After all, the result is better when firms realize that there is only falsehood to which methods are best and in the conflict of print and online advertising. Since the main aim is to reach out →

Free the main key points from the article are essay example

There is a decrease in consumption of local products by the local consumers that is greatly affecting both the factories and the farm products. 2. The high inflation rates and high wage rate for blue colour jobs have escalated the cost of production in the country making the local products more expensive.

Marketing – sunshine foods, inc

Lack of diversified expertise in the staff is one of the major problems in Sunshine Food Inc as most of its staff was from its parent company. Recommendations to improve the situation include strategic changes in different aspects of the business; this should include changes in corporate strategy, marketing and sales methods, research, and human →

Production concept in marketing management

Mentality of such companies says, that tastes of the consumer is not kept into consider and the goods are sold only because the consumer needs them. Moreover it is the need of the consumer. This concept becomes useful, when your product does not need extensive advertising and marketing to reach the target audience.

Private lives of famous people

Most of the people without fail used to read the newspaper. People intention to read the newspaper to know about current affairs and future development but the newspaper and magazine are giving celebrities and famous people's personal life instead of giving relevant news. In fact, people are not interested to know about →

Nike marketing objectives

In connection to this, Nike continuously aims to apply marketing tactics that are appropriate with the people who reside in these continents or nations. For example, aside from traditional advertising in the form of television, billboards, and the like, Nike also makes use of contemporary marketing instruments such as the internet, wherein people in almost →

Problems and strategies in services marketing

The third and final assumption holds that services marketing problems require services marketing solutions-? that strategies developed from experience in goods marketing are often insufficient. The purposes of this article are: to offer a conceptual framework summarizing the unique heartsickness of services, the problems stationmaster's characteristics, and the strategies suggested as →

Nike marketing

This term is used in contrast to internet, a network between organizations, and instead refers to a network within an organization.) Extranet An extranet is a computer network which allows controlled access from the outside, for specific business or educational purposes.) Technological Pressures of CE business model The pressures come from technological aspect, such as →

Analysis of the market research data

Whereas, according to the market research results, it can be noted that the selection of products was not much good in the year 2007 as compared to the year 2006. With regard to question number 5, it has been viewed that a major portion i.e.87. However, in the year 2007, the attractiveness of the merchandise →

Electric jacket

This is because the product is intended to reach a wide number oftargeted customers in nearly all locations where the product will be sold. Additionally, the product is relatively low priced implying that most people will need it. This product will be available in a number of retail stores, which include cloth stores and sporting →

Linkedin profile building for a vacancy

LinkedIn Profile building for a vacancy Having worked in my current organization for a few years and managing to be involved in some of the key strategies developed by the organization, I possess the necessary skills required in the strategic management process from formulation to implementation. I also possess excellent drawing and design abilities, and →

Brand of yogurt

As for Bango Frozen yogurt, it has low calories, and the free wifi service in an inconvenient location will not serve my purpose apart from the important disadvantage that the yogurt is not tasty. Interview: My fascination for yogurt Frozen yogurt is my food. The majority of my friends like frozen yogurt and I →


Using regression analysis for predicting quarterly purchases of building materials may not yield accurate results because of many factors such as rise of unpredictable situations, duration in which data points are taken, and the number of variables used for regression analysis. First, regression analysis uses data from past events and therefore may not be accurate →

Good essay about sales strategies for a student

Sales and marketing once became a trend, and also a job every person would want to be. As a student, we always should take pride in our work, we should be proud that we are students, not only that we also should be obsessed with knowledge because we are students. We need to keep doing →

Summary of chapter 5

Summary of Chapter 5 - International Marketing - Jae Hyun Kim In chapter 5, the management style, which is a set of the business culture, management values, and business methods and behaviors, and business systems are important concepts. With those two factors' close relationship to distinctive cultural aspects of countries throughout the →

On lever, ltd*

One thinks that advertising budget should be allocated to the area where one's target market is greater in number. Chen is convinced that since there is intense competition in the Ontario market, that is where they should invest more in terms of advertising.

A new campaign for the grape growers

A New Campaign for the Grape Growers Billboard The purpose of this paper is to provide a creative brief summarizing a new campaign for the Grape Growers of America. According to research conducted by the Grape Growers of America, it is the case that Grapes may have cancer fighting properties. From this →

Artesian bread as a name that signifies freshness and quality case study

Some of the specialty bread include stollen, panettone and Greek Easter bread.In the United States of America, people are looking for natural versions for everyday products this has fuelled the demand for the artesian bread. Hudson valley in Ulster County boasts most of the shops that sell fresh produce; →

Critique article review samples

Key take away points The current peer-reviewed article on " Impact of online consumer reviews on sales and price strategies: a review and directions for future research" by Peter De Maeyer provides a broad perspective on the linkages between online reviews provided by the customer on the impact on commodity prices and sales. →

Globalization and the marketing mix

For these reasons, business organizations have become aware of their need to venture into the international landscape of corporate advancement and management, consequently leading to the increase on the development of multinational corporations. The benefits and advantages of going global for business organizations constitute the increase of job opportunities consequently increasing the →

Spa for pregnant women in queensland business plan examples

It is estimated that the number of visitors going to the spas for health related reasons in Queensland is increasing at a rate of 17, 000 per year. The demographics of the clients going to spa show that women are the majority with a percentage of 85%.

Marketing qantas

The report discuss all the crucial information on Qantas Airways Limited required for business and competitor intelligence needs and contain a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Qantas Airways in the form of SWOT and PESTEL analysis as well as a breakdown. Aviation Industry's growth was always linked →


The Wal-Mart You Do not Know" By 06 July 06 July " The Wal-Mart You Do not Know Wal-Mart's Role in its Channel Network: Wal-Mart is a giant in the retail business and has been the leader in its field showing highest sales figures year by year". The rationale of affording such low prices is →

Technology has increased ticket prices

Ticket Price Increase Due to Technology Affiliation Ticket price increase Technology plays a detrimental role in sports and due to numerous innovations and inventions; it has led to formation of almost half of the sports that exist currently. The effect has caused too many fans opting to view the sports at the comfort of their →

Responsibility marketing

Marketing managers must have the courage to follow the directions presented to them and to gain the trust of their staff members in order to get the Job done.They accepted Joshua leadership and followed him. The responsibility of the manager Is to press through these difficult times and make the difficult decisions that come with →

Marketing management persuasive essay

This will help in branding BK as one which cares about the customized needs of its customers rather than servicing all of them with the same product. This will keep the theme simple and easily understandable to its customers. Customers can be invited to get a burger →

Integrated marketing communications in promoting sneakers

I would first of all identify the different marketing strategies in the IMC model and then chose the most common and the ones most likely to attract customers to purchase the sneakers. It is important to ensure that customer satisfaction and attraction is high as it is a new brand and hence its inception in →

Amongst the top

She says the international appeal of Smart Kids products was highlighted recently, when company" s SMART PHONICS was listed amongst the top five products out of almost 100 in the education trade show in the United Kingdom. The key requirement for every new Smart Kids products is that it stimulates student" s minds →

Marketing starbucks

Finally, the organization has the option to increase additional 20 hours per week to ensure improve the efficiency of service. b. What are advantages and disadvantages of the top 3 choices Starbucks has (include add'l 20 hours per week per store as 1 option). To select from the available options, it is crucial for the →

Music quality and marketing 9522

I believe it is possible not to sell out in the music industry today. Stars such as Aerosmith, Billy Joel, and Sting for example have always put out quality music and have not strayed far from there original musical roots in order to sell records. Music is a business though and in order →

Report on vacuum cleaner

The HEPA filter a feature that enables deeper cleaning is also a determent in the selection of the product. Product analysis of the vacuum cleaner will be summarized the table below. 0 the rare view of the DVD and the TV where the cables will be connected. - The second step is to connect the cord →

Marketing and tide

In US the target population is women and those exposed to internet, selling directly on the Internet and through various salespeople is the best choice. Other distribution channels such as supermarkets, convenience stores are also used In India, the company uses the traditional way to reach customers. Tide has successfully penetrated the urban →

Db marketing 10

Sales Manager Sales Manager The main responsibility of a sales manager is to plan, organize, motivate and direct the sales force of a particular organization in order to attain the aims and objectives of the organization. In order to become a sales manager an individual requires both education and experience in the field of sales.

Hanson production: marketing strategies

The third bundle is Internet-centered. This bundle would include a website dedicated to the musical; internet marketing such as online banners and email blasts. The Hilton, without its financing offer, requires 84% attendance in the worst case scenario to recoup Hansom's capital investment.

Digital marketing

Not Just the internet, it is... It is a new world defined by technology and consumer control Consumers today have a complex relationship with media: it poses challenges as to how and where to engage with them.

Denver foods sales people

The agents depend on the commissions after the sales and cover all selling expenses regardless the outcome of their negotiations with the customers. The agents are highly competent in their sales since only superior sales people are able to make a living out of commissions. The agents are permanent hence unlikely to transfer, the constant →

Difference between mass marketing and direct marketing

Mass marketing and direct marketing have been operating in the wave of consumer market that is promising to make some transformation while the two waves till precedes it as from world war two to date. It was in the 1970s and 1980s that the consumer marketing power shifted to mass →

Marketing case study

Com to make savings Strategic alternative 2 This alternative will let the website purely focus on exclusive and creation workshop. As mentioned that people were open to new ways of services and profit margin is higher compare to alternative 1. This strategy can maintain their profit and weight out the potential →

Economic globalization essays example

How did 2008 financial made policy makers change their principle of free market with no government interference The financial crisis of 2008 exposed the economy to a market environment for which it was wholly unprepared and which seriously affected policy makers' decisions. It is vivid that the countries that experienced this economic recession →

Pricing and brand equity

It focuses on financial and strategic issues to raise the brand over other available alternatives. There is a broad range of strategies in which a firm can get innovation licensing and intellectual property copyrights. Another strategy is entering into a joint venture of innovations and licensing such innovation as a common intellectual property copyrights to →

Decision analysis

3, P Probability to obtain the license = 0. 7, P If the license is obtained; Probability not to obtain a defense contract = 0.

Discussion unit-6

Sales Promotion This is the most widely used promotional mix strategy by McDonalds. The newspaper articles on McDonalds carry its good image. 5.

Assignment questions

MARKETING al Affiliation) Strategies for the Marketing Plan One of the strategies for the marketing plan would be identification of a target market. In relation to the marketing of the bicycles, the three stages would involve the following activities: Planning: Identification of resources needed to market the bicycle; identification of target markets for the bicycle; →

Marketing case study samples

Double A women's boutique located along Broadway street in New York City deals with retail selling of women clothes, shoes and other personal effects. Self-Analysis I consider the fact that I have ever worked in a women's boutique along 59th street in New York as my major strength. The demand for women clothes →

Hands to hands against palm

3Com's Palm Computing focused the PDA, limiting its functionality to calendars and appointments, contact directory information, and to-do lists, so as to convey its technological benefits more clearly to the potential user. 5 million devices have been sold, and sales continue to show strong growth (sales are expected to reach 13 million in the next →

Brief interpretation and analysis of the advertisement

A positive point about the advertisement is that it is very relevant to the times. This same target market is being addressed to in the advertisement.

Mercadona – conservas ubago essay sample

Also, their business idea is based in the intersupplier concept, this means to find loyal supplier who will commit to the project and the philosophy related to the customer, and work together to achieve and guarantee the highest standards of quality on our products, the lowest price and long term stability of the supply. →

Marketability of ampalaya seed coffee essay sample

Statement of the Study Based on the objectives enumerated above and acknowledgement of the existing characteristic of the product, this research attempted to address the following research questions: 1. What is the extent of the consumer familiarity in buying ampalaya seed coffee? 4.

The future in the food markets

Nestle' is one of the biggest consumer packed products firm in the planet that concentrates on augmenting the nutrition food value that, is consumed whereas raising the taste. Similar to Unilever, the marketing strategy of Nestle' is focused on the future of their commodities.

Marketing and business

Its range of products include all office supplies such as stationary, computers and other business machines, furniture and office kitchen and bathroom supplies. Officers Is a company that experiences both consumer buying and business buying. These differences are important in understanding the behavior of business buying and consumer buying markets.

Implication of the absolute threshold for event marketers attempting to appeal to a more elder target market

This essay explores some implications the absolute threshold has on an elderly target market with a view to establish success in sales to such markets. Age stratification theory has been widely used to explain the response of the elderly to advertisements in events targeted to them. Event marketers should not design products for social welfare →

Eqanix lists, but also assist you in recovery

Over the years, ourSEO experts have gained knowledge, experience and research in the field; employing the most acceptable and easy-to-use search engine optimizing tools toget your website a higher position in the search engine. CrawlersEqanixhas the most advanced web crawlers that generate a complete sitemap containingall the pages of your websites and send it over →

Marketing and swot analysis

Manufacturing in countries such as Spain may increase due to the fluctuation in the Euro currency. Manufacturing in countries such as Spain may decrease due to the Euro crisis I.E.

Think at the margin essays examples

The following paragraph will give the headlines why a customer might prefer buying BOGO products and I will explain them one by one in the following paragraphs. A person observing the BOGO product might prefer buying for the following reasons by assuming that the product is a normal good: 1) →

Example of essay on urls and usability in business

Choosing a good URL for a business's website is nearly as important as choosing the proper business or brand name: it is something that people will continue to associate with the business for long periods of time. One important thing to remember when choosing a URL for a business is →

Marketing case study

The concept was tested after that with the company test groups which replayed with positive feedback, whereby the team decided to process with the market study to estimate Fresco sales volume. Theatre proposed to Nielsen BASES to conduct this research and assess the customer's awareness of the Fresco whole grain pasta and their interest in →

Indoor vs outdoor

I can do a lot of bodywork and movement in outdoor games. So for the above reasons I prefer outdoor games and enjoy playing them.

Marketing mix yacht

The place is also really important when marketing if your yacht cruise is for middle class people, and the place you have it Is a 5* or 7* hotel you are not going to attract the customers you want. The yacht company has to ensure the product or cruise has a good feeling and environment →

Marketing in hospitality management

Hospitalities firms advertise for a number of reasons: Advertise reach a vast audience. Advertising is relatively inexpensive. Advertising prompts audience response Advertising demonstrate competiveness 2: what types of media are available for print advertising, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type? 8: what types of advertising are →

Marketing principles questions assignment

The first part of the assignment is based on the 1 5 Pass criteria testing the students' knowledge of key principles and theories in marketing. 1: Define marketing and explain the elements of the marketing process 1.

Achievement of maximum profit

The marginal costs measures the increase in total cost as output Q increases by one unit. Due to the fact that marginal costs is less than both average total cost and average variable cost the ATC and AVC falls.

An overview of marketing

According to Burnett , the marketing concept is the idea that an organization attempts to satisfy the customer in order to achieve sales and profit at the end. Furthermore he explains that the idea of marketing concept is to consider the needs and requirements to the target customers and improve itself to →

Health care marketing

This is because of the parental care at the tender age and the lack of the children's legal capacity to make decisions. The legal duty of care and parents' moral obligation to care for their children also means that the children are subjected to their parents' preferences.

Example of report on market analysis of luxury handbags

The global market of the luxury handbags is a sector that has seen an upward trend on a consistent basis. The primary reason for the luxury hand bags ever increasing consumer base is the fact that the demand for the luxury handbags has been immense from the emerging markets and predominantly cater to a →

Mr. shamal fernando

I am responsible of the growth and the monthly sales of the above range including the strategic implementation for products. I pursue to become a Professional customer service individual along with good Salesmanship and Management and to be the most highlighted individual in my career.

Swax watch

To beat the competition, the product will be constantly advertised in all media platform so as to explain to the customer of the unique features that are different from the competitors. Similarly, some product will be manufactured to meet the need of the poor in the society.

Females versus males essay example

It is true to state that women are becoming more competitive in the job market than men. In this regard, therefore, the position is that females are more suited for the professor job market than males.

Target population needs at jhuson primary care clinic

On the other hand, the components of the SWOT analysis will include the identification of the need for the service as strength. In this regard, the neighborhood will feel safe in the hands of specialists. Another external opportunity related to JHUSON's business plan concerns the use of health information technology.

Critical thinking on current u.s macro policy issues

If the market forces operating freely resulted in a fully employment level with stable economic growth then the government would not intervene in the macro policies. High unemployment rates are becoming order of the day. It falls and rises again and it is predictable that through the year 2018 the fiscal deficit will go up →

Essay on death of a salesman

Selling is an extremely sensitive element and requires exclusive concern that may be used to define the relationship between people. Following the exclusivity of the subject, research on selling should remain critical in defining excellent understanding. Laczniak." Ethics and Personal Selling:" Death of a Salesman" as an Ethical Primer".

Case study on harley-davidson’s marketing

Harley-Davidson is an iconic company that has redefined the world of motorcycling by creating an illustrious and inspiring brand devoted to a culture and experience in which only Harley-Davidson owners can truly understand. Once the Harley thundered past, one of the blind men said to the other, " Nice Harley".

International marketing

Friendliness pervaded the organization and become one of the " five FSP" that summed up Jolliness's philosophy. The others were flavor food a fun atmosphere, flexibility catering to customer needs, and a focus on families. Although Jollied already had 1 1 stores, many saw Ms Dona's as a juggernaut and urged ETC to →

Free essay on reading summary

These enable a good relationship between customer and producer. - Market penetration requires both the interest of stakeholder and manager, luck of one brings about agency cost. - Product launching in the market requires research of various aspects in the market including target market, marketing mix, marketing plans sales force and distribution. References Kotler, P., & →

Marketing and business communication media

As well the board signs near the boudoir lines are the best way to communicate with the rural India. Because Every boundary will create happiness among Mainland & visually seeing the ads of our soap on boudoir will create awareness of our brand. T due to the lack of Infrastructure we cannot deliver →

Virgin mobile marketing metrics

Virgin signed contracts with several phone manufacturers such as: Kyocera, Nokia, LG and more to enable a variety of phones to choose from; each providing a different benefit that would appeal to the youth. By adding these features and targeting the 15-24 market, as well as being a contract-free cell phone provider, this generated more →

Decision in marketing assignment

The performance of the product is not meeting expectations, and you need to propose changes to the marketing mix that will help to Increase revenue generation. The quality of your grade will be based upon how well you Integrate the proposed changes among the various components of the marketing mix.

Free creative writing on do you face book, twitter, linkedin

SOCIAL MEDIA The social media phenomenon which started a decade ago has grown at a tremendous pace and thus the adoption rate of social media has become part and parcel of everyone's daily life. With the emergence of mobile technology in terms of internet connectivity, social mediums such as Face book, LinkedIn, and →

Coca-cola brand

Marketing of a Coca-Cola Brand submitted Marketing of a Coca Cola Brand The goal of Coca-Cola is to re launch its sports drinks. Sports drinks of Coca-cola are the PowerAde and Aquarius brand..

Marketing plan: marigold

It can help Marigold to be able to assess the market and the products that selling is really in demand or not. The goal of the Marigold advertising campaign is to increase the brand presence in the consumer's consideration set which means consumers will consider Marigold when deciding fruits Juices drink. Marigold will →

Marketing communication

The full list of the titles in this series includes: Marketing communication overview-? outlines the basic marketing communication concepts and provides the foundation for rest of the series Positioning -? discusses the Ins and outs and Importance of claiming the most attractive position In your customer's mind Marketing message -? provides the →

Edit: create a new positioning statement for our product, and provide justification for our new positioning strategy

POSITIONING STRATEGY [Insert al Affiliation] s' sophistication is upsurging and the need for outsourced call care centers in Philippines and India is rising necessitating development of language skills and computer training to gratify the desires of the diverse and tremendously competitive American market. However, the centre is determined to provide access to quality Language and →

Evaluation of a stage-specific intervention

The findings of the research revealed that market segmentation can still be achieved even through the use of mass media channels and telephone interviews. It could be noted that the researchers did not put undue pressure on the participants of the research.

No idea personal statement example

In Austin Community College, I have been involved in numerous projects in which I took an active role in developing business strategies right from the beginning through the planning execution stages. Out of self-initiative, due to my passionate interest in the marketing industry, I have always been keen on learning more about this fascinating industry. →

About lululemon

While these prices have been criticized in some cases, Lulu Lemon has continued attracting a wide range of clients in various parts of the globe. Pricing Strategies Applied by the Company Creating a Perception of Scarcity This strategy has received criticism from the Wall Street Journal. In addition, the company has a strict →

Example of critical thinking on project management

Success of every project depends on the ability of the person in charge to keep the project organized and focused. In addition, project manager deals with project environment, standards and regulations of the project, management and interpersonal skills.