2 Pages Essay Samples

Sustainable engineering: case study: waste reduction at sonae sierra: an innovative approach to waste management

Sustainable Engineering: Case Study: Waste Reduction At Sonae Sierra: An Innovative Approach To Waste Management I have selected the " Waste Reduction at Sonae Sierra: An innovative approach to waste management" as the case study to be summarized. Through waste management it is possible to reduce the landfill waste and thus no waste β†’

Continuous improvement essay sample

The changes have been formulated by Kurt Lewin, a social psychologist to take place in three stage process. The first step, unfreezing stage is very important for leadership and management team, because it is necessary in preparing the workers and the entire organization to get ready for the planned change. β†’

Good example of the leadership gap case study

Leaders are required to work closely with all the teams and ensure efficient delivery of the projects. Leaders are also required to bring organizational changes in order to respond to changing business environment. Situational leadership style allows leader to take actions after considering the demand of the situation.

Ethics in public relation and administration essay samples

It was a common believe that democracy and the defense of the constitution was a divine mission. The science of efficiency gives birth to scientific method of administration. The essence of achieving agreement in the process of PBI was via a mutual accommodation. A new perspective is as result of scientific mode of administration.

Business management and behavioral studies

All the assets of the company are in good working condition and marketing respects for the products are also promising. However, the company's organization structure is designed inappropriately and therefore has serious shortcomings and weaknesses which create impediments in its operations and are responsible for the company's unsatisfactory performance. Identify and explain briefly β†’

~national labor and management practices, which can harm

~National Labor Relations Act -to protect the rights of employees and employers, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S.economy.~Pendleton Civil Service Act -established that positions within the federal government should be awarded on the β†’

Vision statement

We will be setting the stage for a new era in the industry of transport and communication through with the incorporation of most sophisticated technological means; so that comfort, efficiency, and accessibility by the masses is guaranteed, and in the event heritage is preserved. Meaning of the Vision Statement The vision is essentially captivating β†’

Free managing costs and budgets essay example

This is to make sure services delivery to patients is not compromised, and all the staffs are satisfied. The use of the Per Diem would be a viable option to cover up for the absence of the RN. The delegation of duties will also give a chance to junior staffs β†’

Creating a sense of communiy

In this regard, there are many cultures in the world including but not limited to the Indian culture, the Chinese, culture, the African culture, Mexican culture, Arabian culture, and the American culture. When it comes to African culture, a number of aspects arise due to the conservative nature. Overall, culture plays a very significant role β†’

Second city case study examples

All of the actors and managers in Second City are very talented and it is their skills that make Second City the icon it is today. The management in Second City also focusses on the goals of the company to maintain a sense of organisation. This has helped to develop β†’

Situational theory: rationale for theory selection

Rationale according to the situational theory is that for an organisation to function properly, leaders must recognise their leadership styles and identify the maturity level of the subordinates to come up with management solutions appropriate for the educational attainment and skill set, experiences, work attitudes and self-confidence of all parties involved. On the other hand, β†’

Information system (it)

Another secondary activity used by the company is the procurement of resources such as acquisition of aircraft and their parts. Some of the technologies that support this organizational structures and designs is the Intranet.

Planning the research design essay

That is, to get a picture of NCCBL's positioning in the market to assess its adaptability and resilience in short and long-run. This will be an important limitation that may come as an impediment to make the research as comprehensive and useful as it is intended to be.

Netflix strategic analysis

Smart televisions are getting better and every TV will eventually have Wi-Fi and applications, and will eventually be cheaper. Netflix continuously increases its global internet network as a result of the growth in technology. Considering these initiative, the company's position in the next five years will be able to increase its market share because it β†’

Managed care

Managed Care Summary The managed care system was prominent within the US healthcare service providers since the middle of 20th century. It has been apparently observed that with the increase in the demand for managed care services, a series of development within the system of managed care can be witnessed.

Implementing innovation in organizations

IMPLEMENTING INNOVATION IN ORGANIZATIONS Significantly, the idea of competing among other activities in the business world has affected corporate innovation practices; in fact, most of the organizational leaders and management teams are unaware of approaches to implementing innovation in organizations. Nonetheless, different people have dissimilar concepts on how to implement innovation in an organization and β†’

Example of organization personal statement

The grace and rhythm of the salsa becomes a part of the dancer's soul and this was a major step towards self-development and confidence building for me. Football is a team sport. I believe the Western world is aware of and concerned about pressing environmental issues than Asian countries and this is something I would β†’

Is management science or art essay

' There is no universally accepted definition of management as an activity due to the variety of approaches to the theoretical background of the subject'. Many people have defined management as they understand it or based on the perspective with which they view it. In order to have a good understanding of management one β†’

Opininated response to peer commnts

I agree with you that often companies do not take full advantage of the virtues of diversity." Diversity is a business reality, not just a slogan on an HR poster". I agree with you that when companies make the mistake of ignoring diversity it diminishes the overall success of the business.

Recruiting, screening, interviewing, testing and selecting employees

The process of outlining the job descriptions involve assembling of a team of people representing the best qualities of people currently holding the dockets (Lussier, Kimball & Lussier, 2009). Methods of screening candidates Interviews These are the methods deployed by the interviewers to extract or meet a given objective. On completion of the β†’

Introductionleishmaniasis, are available for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis(schallig

We have developed in the present study a species-specific L. infantum LAMP assay for the diagnosis of clinicalCanL using the cysteine protease B multi-copy gene astarget. The sensitivity and specificity of the LAMP assay hasbeen also compared to IFAT, PCR and microscopic diagnosisof L.infantum which has been used as a gold standard

Good managed care essay example

In addition, the managed healthcare system responds to the social economic needs of the society. As a matter of fact, the policies control the use of the resources available preventing over-utilization of the available resources.

Business management assignment

Purpose The purpose of the Business Management IA paper is to give you an overview of what happens in the business world, and more specifically how a business is managed. The tutorial matter is obviously only an introduction to what management is all about, but we trust that you will gain sufficient insight, from this β†’


They ventured in the U.K.in 1980's and the U.S.A.in 1976. In 2012, Aldi was seen to pay the U.K.a tax of 30 million.

Good case study about diversity management in addressing racial prejudice

As increasing globalization bring together people from different background and races who are required to work together towards attainment of common objectives, diversity training as applied by organizations seek to address the racial prejudice problem by promoting acceptance of different races and groups within workforces and the nation rather than focusing on changing people's β†’

Free research paper on women inequality in today’s world

Retrieved December 11, 2013, from http://blogs.hbr.org/2012/07/being-pregnant-is-the-least-of Martin, S.. Retrieved December 11, 2013 from http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/education/emirati-women-beat-the-odds-to-become-leaders-in-higher-education When the Boss is a Women..

Sam 445 unit 1

Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting According to Weyandt, Kimmel, & Kieso , managerial accounting is a process that identifies measures, analyzes, interprets and communicates information that seeks the goals of an organization. These are decision-making, planning, directing operational activities, and controlling. Planning Planning as a managerial function in accounting perspective ensures efficient communication of the β†’

As type of data. whether it’s an vehicle

Many businesses have made the switch from paper forms to mobile forms, but how are they getting the most out of this? Whether it's an Vehicle Tracking Mobile App or a Fire Inspection Mobile app, in order to truly maximize the idea of Mobile forms, you have to be able to a) make the form β†’

Life cycle of the service industry

This essay seeks to describe the service industry at each of these stages regarding demand for technology, products and competition. At the introduction stage, the demand for the service is low because not many people are aware of this industry. The competition is intense- there are price wars and exits.

Week 5

Hence, it is first important to understand why the manager is avoiding conflict before confronting them. With the exception of the above two cases, an employee must confront the manager if a conflict is being avoided. It is only when an employee trusts the manger to act in the best interest of the employee that β†’

Guideline for making manager resume

In theeducationsection of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, and any special awards and honors you earned ; In descending order, beginning with the most rent education ; If not yet graduated, indicate " Diploma in Integrated Events Management Candidate 2013" 4. Highlight your strengths β†’

Sample essay on expectancy theory

This essay seeks to examine the three elements of the expectancy theory in relation to the managerial motivation towards employees. The three elements of expectancy theory include - expectancy, - instrumentality - Valence Expectancy Expectancy refers to an individual's belief that working hard will bring the desired level of performance. Motivation based on this β†’

Essay on marie is worried about her health which of the following would increase her risk

Type A behavior 4.aerobic exercise People who are self-confident are 1.less likely to be disturbed by adverse events. 2.better able to function in spite of pain. 3.more likely to follow medical advice when they believe it will work. 4.all of the above Which of the following focuses on muscle tension to β†’

The 4-player model for building healthier team behaviour

Also, by combining ideas from both inside and outside the team, they can pick an alternative to act. Balancing Act Balance between these four core acts regulate the health of the team. This also provides a route for positive change in the heart of team function.

Casino management

So, the bad news is that as floor employees, you are going to have to step up your ID checks. In order that we continue to have the friendship of Foine Auto Parts, I am taking this proactive step to inform you that ID checks are our new top priority.

Historical example of labor supply and demand

The impacts of the Great Depression varied from one region to another, but the common denominator is that the overall results were devastating. Economies around the world suffered stock market failures, an aspect that negatively affected the labor market among other sectors of the world economy. Moreover, the persistent decline in labor demand led to β†’

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers By: Spreadsheets, in addition to other business-specific calculations, are mostly used in financial, mathematical and insurance modeling. The ratings are then compared to determine the most appropriate tools to be used by the company. According to the total score above, OracleOffice is the recommended β†’

Store opening project

Fitzgerald, CEO Acme Home Improvements,[email protected]Com Project Objectives: Deploy Acme's capabilities to meet the commercial and private construction market demands in the Mexico City area. Expand into international markets to meet the competition head-on and eat them, not only at home, but also abroad. To open this store within a year, Acme will β†’

Artificial the hot topics of today’s world.

Machine learning is rapidly growing and infiltrating today'sworkplace that could be related to various businesses of all shapes and differentsizes. Machine learning in simplest terms, is a combination of fields that includesstatistics, computer science, and information retrieval and this in turnteaches computers in recognizing various data patterns. Sentiment analysis isalso a hot topic in this β†’

My sop to nyu review

My active participation In debate, mock trials andcommunity servicehad earned me numerous ward to which a honor given by international court of Justice Judge hold an exceptional value as I was not only chosen among 120 best legal scholars In world but only Indian to receive that as of now. My association with β†’

Nissan not only optimized productions but was also

Nissan changed itsproduct line in order to be more competitive in the market, the company alsoimplemented a new model called " build-to-stock" or build-to-order model thatalso simplified its production while contributing significantly to a sale increase. This model offers the bestof both world to the customers from customoffers to regular line up which resultedin β†’


Introduction The Dark Continent and the third world are some of the euphemisms used to depict the underdeveloped continent of Africa, home to numerous underdeveloped and poverty stricken countries. However, most of these resources are often exploited by foreign investors eventually resulting in a situation where the rich get richer and the poor continue impoverishing. β†’

Managing in sacred cows organization

This includes the process of change adoption and implementation. The overwhelming quest for a change in the organization, by James, has resulted in the attainment of conflict in the organization. Consequently, James has decided to engage all the stakeholders of Quart Limited into a forum, which will discuss the necessity of change in the organization β†’

Cultural diversity in malaysia

People absorb culture through early process of socialization and the process carries over to the way in which they perceived themselves and the world. Some people agree that cultural diversity in the workplace develop our country skills and contributes to the growth.

Letter to machining load. according to these

He was the only GET among a group of 50 GET's who got selected in this vertical due to his interest & sound knowledge of subjects Engineering Analysis & Machine Design. At such an early age, when most of the graduate trainees are getting acquainted with the work-flow of an organization, his exemplary β†’

Managerial mistakes

Moreover, managerial mistakes can lead to litigation. it is important that employees understand the policy of the company and strive hard to stand by it. Misdeeds like sexual harassment must be treated appropriately so as to save the face of the company if eventually a legal redress is sought by the individual β†’

Business law assignment

The offer that he is intending to collect on was never actually offered to him as Otis did not change the sign in the allotted time frame given him by Scott as a part of their contract. The contract was breached when Otis failed to change the sign. As a result of this breach in β†’

Describe 297) heart failure is defined as

Hypovolemic Shock is the most common type of shock,." In any emergency, the onset of shock shouldbe anticipated by assessing all injured people immediately the underlying causeof shock (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, neurogenic anaphylactic or septic).must bedetermined. Hypovolemia is the most common cause".Cardiogenic shockNursing management of the hypovolemic patient is to preventshock monitoring for fluid deficits and β†’

Time management for dummies ebook free for a limited time

You will find out how to eliminate late nights at the office and spend more time with yourfamily, friends, or even just yourself. Note from the author : Time Management For Dummies is about using your time more effectively to create greater results at the office and at home. Note that in the β†’

Discuss how standard costing is used in management planning

Firstly, a strategy that best satisfies the objectives of a company has to be selected. Therefore, a budget that relates to the entire activity of a company and to forecasted future revenues and expenditures has to be prepared.

X teams

In such a situation, an organizationcomplies with all preventive measures should there be a disastrous event resulting to loss of life, damage to properties, or injury to its personnel. Unity within the organizational personnel encourages sharing of ideas hence enhancing creativity resulting to innovation and inventions.

Global outsourcing expert sodexo

In the case study, the issue of flexibility in employment has been well elaborated. Flexibility of work schedules to the employees such as the flexibility to meet the family needs, personal obligations and life responsibilities has hampered employees' career progress in many companies. This may be very dangerous because employees not be innovative and think β†’

Six blind men & elephant

With a balanced score card, management of the modern business becomes easier and takes shorter time. The customers, employees and manufacturers are all satisfied by how the balanced score card makes business relations easier than before.

Investment & portfolio management essay

There are different kinds of interest-bearing instruments, depending on the issuer of the instrument, the lateral the issuer has for the loan, its maturity and the details of how and when interest is to be paid. The yield is usually the interest rate paid to the owner of the security.

Personal project for class project management

The purpose of taking this initiative is to revolutionize organic farming, and promote it once again, and invite farmers to opt for organic production. 2. The second step will be to run pilot scale project, followed by nationwide scheme for the Sustainable Organic Farming. 6.

Meeting jane goodall essay samples

I was already secretly hoping to meet her because I am a big fan of her work and inspirational message of peace and what I received on that fateful day, was unimaginably better than what I had ever dreamed of. Upon crossing paths with her, I garnered my courage and β†’

Sustainable business

A sustainable business is a " business that contributes to an equitable and ecologically sustainable economy", accordingto Sustainable Business.com. This makes us believe that sustainable businesses focus on how the business is going to affect the current and future consumers and what impact it is going to have on the overall environment.

The forces for change and the obstacles to change in the toyota company

In a sense, with that change in purpose, some trouble was inevitable".At the same time, Toyota found itself struggling to inculcate newcomers in the companys unique culture - The Toyota Way. Ownership and Leadership can be considered as a deterrent factor for innovations in the company.

Managed care backlash

Managed Care Backlash Impact of Managed Care Backlash on Reimbursement The backlash of managed care was witnessed in the late 1990's, which imposed extensive impact on healthcare quality that was being delivered to patients and overall healthcare obligations. On the other hand, the practice of utilization review denotes submission of the proposed processes to the β†’

Criminal justice essay examples

The best thing would be to talk with the supervisor first so that the supervisor will feel that the other workers are concerned about the unacceptable acts of the two workers. Warning the workers directly may be not very effective considering that the workers already feel secure under the protection of the supervisor. The argument β†’

Difference related to the rbv and relational view in interorganizational coorperation

In order to distinguish between the perspectives of the Resource-Based-View and the Relational View it is important to have a clear definition of both concepts. The basic principle upon which the Resource Based View builds, is related to the idea that firms are heterogeneous in terms of the resources they possess or β†’

Example of organizational evaluation research paper

Organizational evaluation refers to the process of assessing the effectiveness of the operations of an organization. The evaluation may be carried out prior to the implementation of a program, during its implementation or after implementation, with the main aim being the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of operations. There are undoubtedly a number of β†’

Emotional intelligence to be a real leader assignment

Throughout the project Kathy showed that she is really motivated to succeed and wanted the project to be successful. Overall, Kathy is a good project manager, but due to lack of social skills and empathy she could not succeed and get approval from top managers of the company.

Patience is a virtue

As a result, the statement can be applied in this case to enlighten the other members that it's important to be patient in order to accommodate others. Many people are quick to make conclusions. The statements can be used to inform such people on the need to uphold patience in order to avoid such incidences. β†’

It very happy to see her hardworking nature

The thesis project demonstrated her motivation to learn new things likelearning about brain functions, EEG signals, biomedical signal processing, neuroscienceetc., which helped her to analyse the data, and interpret the results. She hasnever been afraid to face challenges. While working on the project, she was full of ideas, doing lot of research works, and develops β†’

Applying for a full-time master degree in health administration in the edinburgh napier university

This paper explains why I have chosen to pursue Health Administration and the reasons I applied in the named University, along with a description of my personal competencies and educational achievements. Since my childhood, I had this great fantasy toward health and fitness. John Saudi Student Association. Why I chose the Edinburgh Napier University, is β†’

Recommendation: management and staff directory

Look closely to Sundale Club staff directory, it is look very centralization which help Ellis, who has authority in important decision making on her department. Moreover Watts has lost his fire to run the Sundale Club. Since there was a rumor about Johnson's homosexual behavior in the organization and it will flow β†’

Strategic management

Kramer's " Creating Shared Value" proposes a move from the common conception of capitalism and its stigma toward the need to incorporate shared value as a new way of doing business. In this regard, it is not uncommon to ascribe the characteristic of a dog-eat-dog scenario in the name of profit to the β†’

Management legitimate power essay

Management: Legitimate power Legitimate power arises when an employee is appointed to a position of authority and is classified as a non-coercive base of social power. Increasing the legitimate power of employees does not always increase their motivation. According to Randolph and Kemery, legitimate power plays an insignificant role in the empowerment of β†’

The parable of the sadhu

The Parable of the Sadhu Q Going through the events that took place during the exploration of the Himalayas notably after coming across the Sadhu, it is apparent that McCoy did not make the right call in opting to continue with the exploration instead of guaranteeing the well-being of the Sadhu. Moreover, the presence of β†’

The versions of sql server certain components

Components shared by all versions of SQL Server Certain Components are shared by all instances Of all installed versions Of SQL Server. When you install different versions of SQL Server side-by-side on the name machine, these components are automatically upgraded to the latest version. Components that are independent of the SQL Server versions Certain components β†’

Unit 2 case management in human services

Her family is living in abject poverty and unfortunately she also grew up in a family that was made up of twenty two children. In the context of Tammy's situation, the micro-level system can be described as a family that faces malnutrition because the four children appear weak in health.

Project selection and portfolio management: keflavik paper company’s case

Project Selection and Portfolio Management Keflavik Paper Company Firms in pursuit of attaining competitive advantage are bombarded with opportunities; however no organization enjoys infinite resources to be able to pursue )every opportunity and therefore it is necessary to select those opportunities for which resources are available and capability to deliver product. As suggested by consultant, β†’

Municipal solid waste management in beijing

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Beijing One of the significant findings presented in this article is that the population increase in Beijing has led to the increase of municipal solid waste. The increase in food and paper waste component in municipal solid waste is proof of the effect of economic development especially in β†’

Peak performance article review examples

It is upon every working individual, to shape their own place, to be aware when to go for a change, and also to keep themselves in track and fruitful in the span of their working life that may extend up to 50 years. Every person must have knowledge in developing β†’

Example of how did the change of political parties (democrat/republican) influence the nlrb’s essay

The change of political party leadership from the Democratic to the Republican Party in the 1980's had a profound influence on the NLRB's decisions regarding unions in the 1980's and 1990's. Many union leaders felt that the position of the NLRB under the Republican leadership of presidents Reagan and Bush was to bust the β†’

Example of essay on controllership

Electricity is a semi-variable or a mixed costs; in a factory setup, the fixed component of electricity is the bill for lights, air conditioners, fans and computers but the variable component is also present which includes the electricity used for the production that varies according to the units. The concept of describing the variation in β†’

Allocating merit raises

The four standards; Fails to meet, Meets, Exceeds and Far Exceeds will weigh 0, 1, 2 and 3 of the total merit cluster allocation respectively. 3. Personal raises per merit cluster will be computed from the total cluster funding. As such, computing the personal merit raise for each professor is easy.

Strategy forumlation

The retailer has to investigate on the market forces, resources required, amongst other aspects. The Scope of the Retail Strategy Retail strategy entails making a definite and clear outlined plan of the market, prepared by the retailer. Consequently, a situation analysis should be conducted, where the retailer, inwardly seeks to understand the strengths, as β†’

Micrographics management and control process

Micrographics require that records be prepared for copying, copy the records and ensure the quality of the copies. Micrographics management involves management issues, project management issues and technical issues. Random sampling is done and the microfilms are tested and inspected for quality. Micrographics control process aids in utilizing the technology for what it was intended β†’

It management

The primary aim is to evaluate the Starbucks website and the Greenmountaincoffee website to discover the major customer related activities and their support by the latest informationtechnology. It includes the business models adopted for servicing the customers. The first section deals with the Starbucks website discussing the services it provides β†’

Wireless network management

Otherwise, the medium is free and the station is allowed to transmit the desired information. The problem with the CSMA protocol is the case where a collision occurs. If the medium is free then the destination station will respond with a packet called CTS which will include the same duration β†’

Cathay pacific: spare parts management process

Cathy Pacific Airline needs a procurement process improvement to ensure the proper availability of spare parts at the very right time and the place where the part is required. The alliance of different airlines will also be useful to reduce the suppliers' power in case of critical parts and also help to share the inventory β†’

Example of essay on walk before you run comity technology advisors

Additionally, the authors describe some of the features of their SugarCRM software, which can be beneficial for supporting CRM strategy. In conclusion, the article strongly suggests that the use of modern technology in CRM activities is essential for successful customer relationships management. In particular, the conclusion that focuses on SugarCRM and gives little attention to β†’


It is worth to note from the movie that the company upholds participatory decision making in which the divergent views of all stakeholders is taken into consideration. This is critical management principle that emphasizes use of communication to facilitate efficiency in the organization structure. Work cited Schaeffer, Robert K.

Change management models

There are many types of change management models that organizations implement to improve the performance of the company and the efficiency of the workplace environment. The application of change management has become an inevitable part of every organization. The new beginning phase is to motivate and effectively communicate with the employees to make them understand β†’

Pervasive healthcare essay example

The pervasive healthcare technology benefits the doctors with analytical and therapeutic opportunities with access to the patient's previous medical data, and benefits the patients to know about personal health management and prevent any illness. The pervasive technology targets the consumer mobile devices to encourage healthy behavior. The pervasive technology aims β†’

Mgt week 9 sa

Paragraph Answer Combined analysis of the articles and comparison and contrast of the materials leads to awareness about what sort of studies are suitable to be carried out in a particular way i.e.qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methodology and what are the suitable ways in each of these methodologies to achieve the objectives of the research. β†’

Ethics in management consulting

The second dilemma is that of the ethical dilemma that revolves narrowly around confidentiality and anonymity. Being in the same situation, I would prefer that before any information is obtained there is a full check on the client to know them better. Issues of confidentiality and anonymity are essential in quality service to clients and β†’

Free research paper on 3 discussion questions

Management Q1 Some of the generational differences in my organization include people who have been in the service for a long time and those who are immediate graduates. The young leaders are risk takers and bring about new value systems into the organization according to the prevailing trends in the society.

Organizational behavior paper

Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior Motivating Employees Organizational behavior identifies the impact individuals, groups, and structures have on human behavior within organizations. Douglas Mc Gregor uses Theory X and Y to explain the human behavior in the workplace (The Wall Street Journal editors, 2015).

Innovative technology

The difference between implementing internally and externally is that, in internal implementation, the technology is designed internally to fit the organization needs but in external implementation, you have to consider an existing technology that will meet the required needs of the organization. In both issues, resources and support, and costs are an important consideration. When β†’

Report on diversity and ethics in a call center setting

To exemplify the influence of external and internal factors on management's basic functions we would like to address the case of the call center. Management's function in the call center can be influenced by such external factors as political, legal, socio-cultural, technological and environment factors. So, a significant impact on management functions is exerted by β†’

Government laws for hiring and firing

The paper " Government Laws for Hiring and Firing" is a wonderful example of a management research paper. This research paper would focus on understanding the government's role in controlling hiring and firing in organizations. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2009). From the review of the literature to fulfill the requirements of the current research paper, β†’