17 Pages Essay Samples

The history of the monroe doctrine history essay

James Monroe, the author of the Doctrine, used it to dissuade foreign intervention in the New World that would threaten American national security. John Quincy Adams, Monroe's successor, interpreted the Monroe Doctrine as a declaration of the United States' supremacy in the western hemisphere.

Strategic analysis of fedex

Then about the key competitors and examines the external and internal business environment of the company. This project report will analyze what are the strategic capabilities Of FedEx and how to use its core competences to create opportunities in new arenas?

Balagtasan essay

The greater the difference in arrival times of the primary and secondary moving ridges.the greater the distance to the temblor epicentre. The greater the denseness of the stuff.the greater the speed.

Human and physical resources

In this project the main purpose of the study was to have a thorough understanding of the theoretical concept and their practical application by being placed in the actual work environment To understand their relevance and find the extent to which they are actually being applied in the work situation; To have an in-depth knowledge β†’

Aspects of economics

According to wealth definition the purpose of the study of economics is to increase the prosperity of both individual and the state. Definitions: In the words of Marshall, " Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life; it examines the part of individual and social action which is most closely connected β†’

Background information curacao surveillance services css marketing essay

This chapter part will give an overview and general description of the company and the market they are exercising in; besides the background of the company, followed by the problem area, research question and sub problems; the purpose and limitations of the study finalizing with the setup of the thesis. The mission of CSS is β†’

Howard stringer’s sony leadership

Sony Corporation is the electronics business unit and the parent company of the Sony Group, which is engaged in business through its five operating segments-electronics, games, entertainment, financial services and other. With a multidivisional structure in place Sir Howard Stringer was able to control and oversee each division from a distance by monitoring the business β†’

Venom as a neurotoxin or hemotoxin biology essay

Calmette in Paris, Fraser in Edinburgh, S o Paulo in Brazil and McFarland in Philadelphiastill not completely resolved: Inactivation of venom before inoculation of the animal Purification of antivenin Evaluation of antivenin potency Adverse reactions to antivenin Today, in addition to the epidemiological, biochemical, and immunological considerations, one must add the commercial and economic points β†’

Egypt and kuwait: a comparison of two arab countries essay sample

It is a modern and very wealthy nation, but in some ways it still is behind the rest of the modern world in some of its cultural practices, for example equality of women. In 1987, Kuwait asked the United States for protection from attack in the Gulf, and American ships patrolled the Gulf until the β†’

Employment relations in france economics essay

Employment Relations in France Employment relations in France are highly influenced by the demographics as well as the legal and political environment of the country. Elected by all employees and representatives of trade unions, the council has a consultative role about the decisions of the employer.

Cirrhosis: prevalence, etiology and treatments

As the fibrotic tissue increases, the tissue fills the space of Disse and begins to compress the central veins and sinusoids in the liver. The swelling of the liver and stretching of the protective fibrous capsule called Glisson's capsule can cause pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen where the majority of the β†’

Manufacturer and retailer of footwear for men marketing essay

Operations management is the design, operations and improvement of the production system that create the firms, primary products and services or operation management deals with the design, planning, organization, and controlling of resources to provide goods and services so as to meet customer wants and organizational goals. A supply chain is a network of facilities β†’

Decision support for best practices lessons learned

Department of Defense concluded that barriers for the adoption of best practices included: * the lack of selection criteria among practices within cost-constrained programs, * the lack of confidence in the value of such practices by the program offices, and * the inability to relate practices to the risks and issues programs were facing. To β†’

Observations of a landscape photographer and architecture

The objective of this thesis is to see how the ob servations of the landscape photographer can fur ther inform the relationship of architecture and the landscape. In this man ner, an analysis of landscape photography will hopefully clarify and inspire alternative ways of defining the interface between the building and the landscape.

Engagement in classroom participation education essay

To engage the students in Participation in a classroom is an important method of teaching. While the highest levels of engagement are seen when the learner is passionate about the topic, significant levels of engagement can be achieved through a variety strategies that actively involve the learner in activities and environments that make learning both β†’

How to assess information and knowledge

The main aim of this assignment is to provide Anverally and sons [Pvt] Ltd, on how to assess information and knowledge internally and externally to improve decision making and taking while creating strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision-making process. Furthermore it assessed the current approach of information management by Anverally β†’

Weapon trafficking when will it end politics essay

This type of smuggling, in which smaller groupings of guns are smuggled across the border, is known to be called " ant trafficking," and continues to serve as one of the biggest reasons why it is so hard to actually detect these weapons that are being pushed down south from the U.S.region of the border. β†’

The employee dissatisfaction in abl finance essay

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYMy research was conducted by using survey and interview from various employees of ALLIED BANK LIMITED related to the effectiveness of practices such as recruitment and selection, the performance appraisal, including training and development compensation and benefits and employee relationships and the dissatisfaction of the employees with the performance appraisal methods of the Allied β†’

International policies on disability philippines social work essay

This strategic policy includes providing a priority access to the social services and safety nets to the disabled persons, targeting on the groups of people or areas that needs most of the social development, developing and making use of financing mechanisms and more advanced delivery for the provision of social services like home-based care for β†’

Block buster essay

The rapid transition of customer demand and the emergence of Netflix has incited Blockbuster's rapid entrance into the video-on-demand market through the acquisition of Movielink. Blockbuster's strategy for the mail rental and VoD businesses does not seem, to be particularly unique.

Globalisation have dramatically accelerated the pace of change in modern organisations

A description of the use of ICT for Internal & External Communications of the business; Information and communication technology has totally transformed, over the last few years, which has led to a major change in the way communication flows through a business. This is considered to be one of the major changes in Tesco operations.

A critical analysis of itc distribution channel marketing essay

The project would take help of various sources of secondary data about the organization; it's functioning in terms of distribution channels it employs and the management of these channels in order to stay competitive and ubiquitous against competition. Though the first six decades of the Company's existence were primarily devoted to the growth and consolidation β†’

Case analysis by team bolt

Gore & Associates timeline and some of their milestones given the information from the case study: " the objective of the company set forth by the founder wilbert l.gore was " to make money and have fun"] The organizational culture at Gore can be described as an egalitarian one with no clearly defined roles and β†’

Trends and benefits of vegetarian cuisine sociology essay

Vegetarian people prefer to eat natural food with friendly menus considering a lot of benefits which could be as follows A diet of fruits and vegetables can prevent diseases and reduce lung cancer and avoid blockage as well of the heart diseases, diabetes is another problem in the cities which can be again prevented by β†’

Management complement and supporting professional firms marketing essay

The quality and variety of food, and the Masala TV chefs working for the restaurant will become a distinctive feature of Masala restaurant. Due to our spicy traditional food and versa likly of masala tv chef in making different kind of dishes will play a vital role in the success of our project.

The levels of organizational change readiness

This chapter will show my devised framework of the transformation change model to assess the level of readiness for change at AFH, across departments and units; to answer the major and minor research questions; and to achieve the research objective. Arlbjorn et al have defined " change readiness in an organization that the participant gains β†’

Concept of corporate entrepreneurship

In relation with the upcoming trend of corporate entrepreneurship, sources of knowledge are becoming more and more important in the process of innovation. In the 1980's senior corporate managers became interested in the process of entrepreneurship, because they realized the need to speed up the process of inventing and commercializing innovative products and services.

Depictions of dissociative identity disorder: kevin wendell crumb

Definition of Disorder One of the characters of the movie trilogy has dissociative identity disorder. Patricia is like a representative of the will of the Horde, the multitude of Kevin's personalities.

Suitable network to implement in gaming centre computer science

In order to select the right network, it is necessary to have understanding and knowledge on various types of network, to know the efficiency and reliability of the network, various types of game and requirement, network topology and architecture, ISP package selection, network component. As a LAN gaming centre, it is necessary to have various β†’

Analysis of operating environment of honda in china

He created the Honda slogan with the basic principles, " Respect for the Individual" and " The Three Joys"- " the joy of buying, the joy of selling and the joy of creating". On the other hands, the joy of selling and creating refers to bringing joy to Honda's dealers and manufacturers by selling and β†’

The express transportation and logistics industry commerce essay

However, the transformation of businesses and customers from old economy to the new economy forced FedEx to reposition itself from ' overnight delivery service' to a ' one-stop-shop' for the entire logistics requirement of the business. Federal Express Corporation had the visionary leadership to become the first mover in the express transportation and logistics industry β†’

Why has the marketing mix for motorola been unsuccessful? assignment

ND receiving cash from the sale of goods cash-flow forecast an estimate of future cash in-flows and out-flows of a business, usually on a monthly basis cash in-flows the sums of money received by a business during a period of time cash out-flows the sums of money paid out by a business during a period β†’

Islam and transitional justice assignment

According to the modern definition, Shari's is the comprehensive body of Islamic laws that should regulate the public and private aspects of the lives of Muslims through the excessive examination of the primary sources of Islamic Shari's laws: the Curran and the prophetic authentic traditions. The legal framework of Islam has to protect the five β†’

Concept of beauty according to the western philosophers

Such beauty is the higher degree of it and the experience of it last in us beyond the time and space. Even so, with Descartes and his time a transformation of the world began that included alterations in the practice and understanding of art and in the thought of beauty and beautiful things.

The hong kong tourism industry

The purpose of this study is to explore the labor turnover in hotel industry, and its associated the factors affecting the labor turnover and how to manage the labor turnover. This paper aims to achieve the followings objectives: To find out what is the meaning of labor turnover and have an overview of the turnover β†’

Sector in tourism and hospitality

The main marketing issue: At this moment the Hotel Premier Inn is facing some problems or issues which are affecting the organization in different way, such as- New entrants in the current market are creating issue in the business to marketing our product and they are coming with idea and technologies. Pricing strategy of Hotel β†’

Dyscalculia wheres the difficulty education essay

These difficulties are, the numerosity difficulties, which are basically difficulties in understanding the most basic principles of mathematics, and the difficulties with number processing and calculation, which are related to the way individuals, process the numbers, in order to make mathematical calculations and solve arithmetical tasks. In particular, they have difficulties with understanding arithmetical concepts, β†’

Study of customer expectation from bancassurance business essay

The customer for insurance often wishes that the benefits from insurance may not become necessary as the case of life insurance; the wait can be very long. The above statement is clear indication of the number of players in the industry and the competition that leads to greater expectations from the public.

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment management essay

Here the commitment of the employee to the organization is due to the reason that the decision of quiting from the organization is costly for the employee. 1 IMPACT OF HOSPITALS: Hospital 5 that is national hospital has the highest performance as the beta value highest.

Companies and organizations definitely have systematic strategic management marketing essay

The prices of the substitute products bring effect to the products of HTIB and finally influence the return and profit of HTIB. Strength and weakness are referred to the internal environment of the HTIB whereas opportunity and threat are referred to the external environment of HTIB.

Impact of smes on economic growth

The small and medium enterprises' sector has been and is known to be the growth driver of economies in many countries and is the most flourishing business sector particularly in the developing countries. The aim of the research is, first to recognize the contributions made by SMEs in economic growth of countries in the Sub-Saharan β†’

Feminist perspective on the family

The family is the primary place of socialization and the place where children are introduced to the norms and values of a given society. Theorists such as Murdock have argued that traditional concepts of the family are to be found in all societies and that the family is a necessary and central institution in society.

Knowledge and importance of exclusive breastfeeding

The aim of this study is to identify all antenatal and postnatal mothers have the confidence and knowledge to exclusive breastfeeding.1.3.2. 1 To examine the knowledge of antenatal and postnatal mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding 1.3.2.

The us export trend and its future

This paper will try to discuss the trend that characterize the US imports, how the fluctuation of the dollar affects the country's exports and if president Obama's goal of doubling US exports in five years is tenable. In the most part of the decade, the value of US exports has been less than that of β†’

American politic

At the very onset of the American democracy, women and the poor were not legible to take part in the voting. The decentralization of the party powers has also believably contributed to the weakening of the political parties.

Corporate social responsibility disclosure in malaysia essay sample

The maintenance CSR disclosure in annual reports which include the issues of society and environment from financial results is essential, because in the stakeholders' point of view, they see CSR as opportunities to develop and promote their images as well as reputations, with the goal of gaining long term profit. Therefore, the general purpose of β†’

Social phobia and perfectionism: theories, types and models

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines social phobia as a persistent and marked fear of one or more performance and or social situations whereby an individual is exposed to people that are unfamiliar and thus subject to scrutiny by others whereby the person in question thus feels that they might or will β†’

Applying kants ethical theory to nursing

The development of a helping-trust relationship The development of a helping-trust relationship between the patient and the nurse is crucial for the expression of both positive and negative feelings. During the moment that the nurse and the patient are together, each would decide how to react and to take advantage of the moment to heal β†’

The factors affecting teacher motivation

The role of the school leader has to be seen in relationship to the context in which the school is operating. According to Kocabas and Karakose, teachers are responsible to their schools and the principals are in turn responsible for the proper administration of the school.

Green architecture design elements

Structures also impact areas beyond their immediate location, affecting the watersheds, air quality, and transportation patterns of communities.[1] That recognition is leading to changes in the way the building industry and building owners approach the design, construction, and operation of structures. Embracing sustainability concepts, the goals aim to reduce energy, operation, and maintenance costs; reduce β†’

Zara case study essay

The managers need to walk around the stores and talk to sales people to determine the selling garments.4. Windows is easy to use and widely accepted by a lot of people across the world.

Family communication patterns and gender ideologies

In order to fill the gap in previous research, the purpose of this study is to analyze fathers' communication patterns, through conformity and conversation orientations, and the transmission, through modeling or compensation, of gender ideologies across three generations of father-son dyads. Few relationships in children's lives have as long of a history as the parent-child β†’

Multiple intelligences theory mi was developed education essay

All learners have different levels of abilities and potential and it is vital to address the multiple intelligences of the learners in order to help them develop and fulfil their potential. The important thing is for teachers to understand that all learners have different ways of learning and doing things and therefore need classroom activities β†’

A case study on warlordism in africa history essay

The first chapter is rather theoretical it explains the meaning and origin of the word " warlord" and it tries to offer some exact definition of " warlordism". The result of their warfare was also spread of armaments, the nearly complete destruction of the capital of Mogadishu, plundering of almost all public goods and state β†’

The green programs of marriott international corporation tourism essay

To determine the reasons of Marriott International practiced the going green. To determine the advantages and disadvantages of going green in Marriott International.

What is ethnonationalism and its political role politics essay

The conclusion of the Cold War in 1991 coincides with the surge of violent civil conflicts and the break of nations based on ethnonationalism. The new arrivals began, with the assistance of the English, to own much of the economy, political structures, and land in the northern region of Ireland.

Sony company target costing

Gupta The field of target costing is emerging fast as the solution to future product development and cost reduction. The first step in determining the target cost of a product is to establish the selling price and the company's desired profit margin for a product.

Obstetric brachial plexus palsy health and social care essay

Furthermore, despite the debut of systematic preparation in the direction of shoulder dystocia with the usage of standard maneuvers, manikins, and simulators no important decrease of the incidence of OBPP has been noted. OBPP may happen regardless of the figure and type of manoeuvres used in instances of shoulder dystocia [ 12, 14, 69 ], β†’

Literature survey history of zeolites biology essay

He gave the first definitive report with descriptions of the ion exchange, dehydration and gas-sorptive behaviour of natural Zeolites and a demonstration of the synthesis of some Zeolites to their natural counterparts [5]. The properties of a Zeolite are dependent on the topology of its framework, the size, shape and accessibility of its free channels, β†’

History of recent riots in england health and social care essay

In 2006, the local government White Paper Strong and prosperous community was formed it was an opportunity for the community development to take the lead in creating communities for future, Led with looks at the radical version of community development through causes of poverty and disadvantages to be found in the economic system, reflection of β†’

Self-determination theory and career

Thailand realizes the importance of this matter and emphasizes the need to increase vocational and training of the country in the National Education Bill which is going to be in force in the very near future Vocational Education was systematically initiated in Thailand in 1898 in which the increment of interests in arts and crafts β†’

Waste heat recovery system engineering essay

The amount of heat recoverable can be calculated as, Q = V x x Cp x " T Where, Q is the heat content in kCal V is the flow rate of the substance in m3/hr is density of the fuel gas in kg/m3 Cp is the specific heat of the substance in kCal/kg oC β†’

Is suffering an inescapable part of life? are there any advantages? assignment

The fact that so many people face suffering everyday and question it's existence in their lives, is the reason that so many strive to make the best out of the times when they are not suffering. It is believed that the origin of suffering is the attachment to transient things and the ignorance concerning them.

Study on stereotypes and complex concept of culture management essay

There are a series of steps required to destroy stereotypes as a problem in the workplace. It will help the managers and employees to be aware of the stereotype in the workplace.

Globalization factors in a modernized world

The world of workplace, the altering work environment has increased the terminal for the directors to reconsider the methodological analysiss of developing lasting and strong relationship between the employees and organisation that finally leads to the accomplishment of the organisation ' s ends and aims. It is the willingness of employees to accept organisational values, β†’

Fastest finger first project report

In the buzzer round of quiz contests, the question is thrown open to all the teams. NEGATIVE PREPARETION:- For the preparation of Negative the photographic with feint is to cut to the six of the art work it is then place with film in the vertical photographic camera the developer used in the lithe developer.

Study on stress management for teachers in malaysia

In generally, this study serves the purpose to examine the impact of WFC efficacy and religious coping on WFC and well-being of secondary school teachers' in Malaysia. The primary purpose of this research is to construct-validate the instrument to assess WFC of female teachers in Malaysia which are Work-family conflict, Work-family conflict efficacy Religious coping, β†’

Hypoglycaemia in a term infant form diabetic mother

Hypoglycaemia in a term infant form diabetic mother ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Critically analyse the care provided to an infant from a diabetic mother and family The following assignment will discuss the care of an infant within a special care baby unit, the care provided will be critically analysed and local, national guidelines and recent research associated β†’

Single phase transformer

2 a MRM 05 OR V2 '? aV2 OR X 2 '? a2 X 2 Single Phase Transformer? 100% V2 I 2 cos?

A report on the akij group

All the corporate offices of the Group are housed in the Akij Chamber, an 11-storied building, located at Dilkusha commercial area, one of the busiest business hubs of the Dhaka City, the capital of Bangladesh. From the process of bale breaking to the packaging of yarn, everything is done with automation and state-of-the-art technology.

Experiences of school education

Eave no idea who they are and what they do, but I know for a fact that the residents here are the ones who work the hardest to improve the community. Yes, in my years of working as a teacher, I have come to find out that there are many resources for families in Pipelines.

How coca cola hbcs practices enable it to achieve strategic goals

Throughout the years, with the impact of globalisation upon world consumption and production, the business environment was transformed and the company steadily grew and adapted to these changes. Today, the company is one of the largest bottlers and vendors of The Coca Cola Company's products in the world, and the largest one based in Europe.

Womens participation in local government elections nadowli ghana politics essay

To investigate the factors responsible for the low participation of women in local government elections in the Nadowli District. To find out the economic factors that account for the low participation of women in local government elections in the Nadowli District.

Geotechnical engineering and eurocode 7 construction essay

Eurocode 7 is developed for the following reasons: To establish the requirements and principles for serviceability and safety, explain the basis of design and also of verification and give guidelines for structural reliability when used in conjunction with EN 1990. To be applied in geotechnical features of the design of civil engineering works and buildings β†’

Aseptic technique and cell counting biology essay

In this technique the smallest finger is used to remove the lid of the bottle containing the bacteria; this allows the rest of the fingers to pick up anything else that is required. This technique also ensures the lid of the bottle is not placed down onto the bench where it is liable to contamination β†’

Construction of pekeliling flats, kuala lumpur

For the construction of the first pilot project, the Government held a negotiation with a joint venture company Citra/Boon & Cheah which intended to use the French Tracoba System of construction. While price is but one element of cost, it is the initial, most visible and the easier of the two to understand.

Abortion: who really cares essay

Those of us who would seek to protect the human who is still to small to cry aloud for it's own protection, have been accused of having a 19th Century approach to life in the last third of the 20th Century. As some of you may know, in 1969, the abortion laws were changed in β†’

Sustainable architecture and design

For a building to be modern, beautiful and environmentally sustainable, it follows that the structure should be in a regionalist ' idiom' using modern materials housing modern facilities, with the incorporation of some of the vernacular, as the meaning of the site and the climate is by definition a regionalist issue. From the beginning of β†’

History of sabah electricity sdn management essay

SESB is committed to developing the electricity infrastructure in the state of Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan including the implementation of the Rural Electrification Program. The background of this study is to identify the factor contributing to the effectiveness of the training done by SESB.

Computers: nonverbal communications 13704

It must be noted, however, that even though the rate at which people come on and stay on the Net is increasing, and shows no signs of slowing, MUDs have remained as one of the least-frequented portions of the Internet. As the number and extent of the uses of computer mediated communication have grown exponentially β†’

Career development is a continuous process career education essay

Twenty or so years ago in the ' old' world of work there was emphasis on the following: making a career choice for a long-term career; concern with only one career theme; hierarchical progression; having a career and job for life; loyalty to one company and employer; benefits and a pension in recognition of loyalty. β†’

Ohmic heating in food preservation

This is expected to reduce the total thermal abuse to the product in comparison to conventional heating, where time must be allowed for heat penetration to occur to the center of a material and particulates heat slower than the fluid phase of a food. The most important parameter of interest in ohmic heating is the β†’

Theories of unemployment and growth economics essay

According to these theories, labour market rigidities are perceived as a factor that has a negative impact on the frictionless operation of the labour market, ultimately it contributes to the raising of the unemployment rate. The role of accumulation if revealed as it deflects from the Neoclassical and New Keynesian theories of unemployment; instead it β†’

Computer mediated communication

While these areas of inquiry are all important and worthy of exploration, a significant antecedent question has been largely raised: Are there systematic interconnection between the level at which users show online with their friends and offline with their counterparts, and are people equally likely to act in a similar or different way comparing their β†’

Managing service operations

In the case of McDonalds the line of visibility for the " front-stage" is very small and depends on waiting lines and self-service, whereas all the production lines occur in the back stage, thus the customer's experience is very limited. The front stage is the largest part of the operations with the chef cooking and β†’

Trends: the labour market in oman

Main issues and trends in the labour market in Oman that impact the key competences of the organisation Bank Muscat, Oman An Evaluation of the Strategic approaches to HRM that can improve organisational performance Organisation's approaches to HRM toward ' Talent Management' After the analysis and evaluation of the above HRM issues and approaches, this β†’

Theatre essay: site specific performance

This dissertation examinesthree especially strong influences: site-specific performance and its useof audience site-specific performance and its internal debate as to whethersite-specific art is site-exclusive or site generic, and site-specific practitioners'theory of the selection of sites. The success of site-specific performance theorists andpractitioners in showing the great extent to which the community in which aperformance is β†’

Facilitation theory or the humanist approach?

In this chapter, we are going to go back and shed light on some theories of learning to understand better to what extent teaching is related to learning and how they can impact in society. He divided language teaching into three main sources: Language description: General Linguistics Language teaching: psychology for the theory of learning β†’

Global marketing summary essay

The Aim of Gambit is to use Sports to help in the social, environmental, and ethical issues that the Haitian community faces. Last, the competitive intensity will distinguish the number of competitors in the market the number of domestic and foreign competitors in the market Market shares of the domestic company and International Market shares β†’

Transport in the future

Or imagine that you go on family leave, and you drive your car to the path of self-driving cars on the highway, and you press a button and then manages the throne, the direction of the other passengers and start playing cards or watching a movie with l And maybe your sweetie go to the β†’

Techniques used for auditing the marketing environments

Recommendations on the appropriateness of selected investment project decisions Tesco should use the post audit appraisal to determine if the selected investment project decisions would be helpful to the firms' growth and would be helpful for the success of the firm in the industry. Moreover Tesco should make use of the post audit appraisal to β†’

Space spatial segregation and spatial inequality economics essay

Index of dissimilarity of selected districts are found and compared with the percentage of their population in the district. Six nearby villages are selected and percentage of population of SC and ST is calculated in the wards and plotted on map to show the segregation faced by them.

Factors that influence consumers to consume honey marketing essay

Overall, most of the honey in the world is produced by the Apis Mellifera which better known as the honey bee and the other one would be the Apis Cerana which is regarded as the eastern honey bee.1.23 0.76 1.86 0. 39 83.72 2.76 1.31 0.25 7.57 0.87 3.91 3.42 6.

The quality of being able to do something to accomplish something

Talent Management The first stage is preparation and the objectives of this stage are to ensure that departments are ready to undertake the process and have the appropriate resources, context and materials to do so effectively, it is a fundamental preparation but it is crucial to the success of the process. The third stage is β†’