13 Pages Essay Samples

Critically evaluate the operations management strategy of hard rock cafe

Procedure and capacity design: When make up one's mind the locations of their installations, Hard Rock coffeehouse has the procedure and capacity design with effectual analyses the whole production procedure from buying nutrient ingredients, to fixing the nutrient to guarantee the merchandises in an efficient mode, cost effectivity and labor demands.4. Opened the first 1 →

Perception of parents towards co curricular activities

Secondly, a consideration of psychological factors reminds us of the necessity of giving more and more attention to understand die individual differences of the children and of providing proper outlets for the flow of the energies of the children. To study the factors influencing the attitude of students and parents towards co-curricular activities.

Impact of foreign aid on economic development in pakistan

Proper and effective policies are to be made in order to retire the aid taken for better implementation of the policies, which in return will ensure the effectiveness of aid taken by the country and all the problems linked to mis utilization and mis management of the resources taken from external resources. He also suggest →

Digital photography and imaging media essay

This assignment will include the basic fundamental of the function of the respective cameras, the specifications and the type of images that can be captured, inclusion of various of perspective of how the image of the picture that is being captured. The Comparison Between Point and Shoot, Prosumer and DSLRDigital SLR'sIf you are an avid →

The strategies of the nestle marketing practices

The progression of the research there by will be further discussed in order to provide a robust recommendation which may yield the marketing strategy aid the strength and prevent the ruin of various problems in the marketing practices The study will emphasize the better marketing practices.the project guidelines, you will still be expected to demonstrate →

Clinical skills in couples therapy psychology essay

In particular Gurman and Fraenkel suggest the phases of atheoretical marriage counseling formation, the psychoanalytic experimentation, the family therapy incorporation and the refinement, extension, diversification and integration as the four phases in history for the development of couple therapy. During couple therapy it is very important for the therapist to be able to ally with →

Organizational culture and its impact on diversity

A common hypothesis about the role of organizational culture is that if an organization possesses a " strong" culture by exhibiting a well-integrated and effective set of specific values, beliefs, and behaviors, then it will perform at a higher level of productivity Given the influence of an organization's culture on its productivity, the development of →

Effective elements preventing women from achieving senior positions sociology

The reappraisal of literature is consisted of two cardinal parts: the overall reappraisal of international literature and the reappraisal of literature related to Iran." If we are looking for a rich civilization, rich in contrasting values, we should see all the facets of human potencies." An addition in the work force population has shed visible →

Jane eyre by charlotte bronte

She has used Lowood as a means to describe the education that was given or available rather as it's the only place that the poor could study in order to get a good education. This is well illustrated when Jane asks " Then why do they call us charity-children? " to which Helen replies, " →

Sociocultural theory individuals involvement in social interactions education essay

These tools are described as cultural tools, of which, Vygotsky believed language to be the most important of all; as language facilitates humans to make sense of the world, is the medium of sharing knowledge and is the basis of thought. Another academic that built upon Vygotsky's works of SCT include Barbara Rogoff, she writes:" →

Urgent measures for the containment of the coronavirus (covid-19) epidemic in the neurorehabilitation/rehabilitation departments in the phase of maximum expansion of the epidemic

In fact, the epidemic is expressed by the tremendous number of infections in an extremely short period of time, thus affecting large portions of the population, which leads to the concentration of a disproportionate number of requests for assistance compared to the emergency response capacity of the health systems. In fact, in an extremely short →

Assessing the american fast food industry business essay

The origins of fast food restaurants in the USA which is also known as fast food capital of the world can probably be traced to a specific date 7 July 1912 when a fast food restaurant was opened in New York City by Horn & Hardart. The firms in the fast food industry tend to →

Diamond foam business: marketing strategies analysis

Products that are sold by Diamond Foam are Spring mattress Bed sheets/comforter Foam mattress Foam products Quality aspects of Diamond Foam's products are given below. Diamond Foam offer high quality sleep products that are outstanding values with all the healthful benefits of a good night.

Improve education system in sri lanka education essay

The main objective of this paper is to analysis Official Development Assistance from Japanese government to develop education sector in Sri Lanka and discover the weak points in present education system. 98 Source: Education Statistics, Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka According to the above data it is clear that annually around two third →

Intensity of private tuitions at sc level education essay

C level from the students' point of view, namely, By economic and career benefits, the researcher means that the students who took private tuitions at S. C level, according to the students, is that the private tutors provide a better quality of teaching, in terms of notes and explanation.

Discussion of treatment options for metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer patients

The revolution in the management of patients with metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer began in 2015 with the addition of novel systemic therapies to androgen deprivation therapy. Abiraterone in addition to ADT was effective in all subgroups in the STAMPEDE Abi trial with a 7% improvement in 3-year OS in the abiraterone + ADT →

Counseling and human development in multicultural society sociology essay

We will steer you through Germany by discoursing the historical position, facts about the civilization, traditions, nutrient, how the civilization as it is today in America, the instruction, struggles between the household, guidance, and how to advocate and steer our multicultural clients. The job with the gun was it wasted ammunition and was inaccurate the →

Innovation and technology in tourism

The purpose of the report is to demonstrate an understanding of issues, developments and approaches for utilizing technology and innovation in Tourism Leisure and Events. With the use of Journal articles, newspaper articles, websites, personal communications and lectures, this report analyses the context; the role of regional and organizational innovation systems to TALE; Technology, innovation →

Bp company overview business

Further probe analyzed the population construction and energy ingestion in UKA has gone down about 20 % due to ageing population which will hold a major impact to the oil and gas industry in the UK particularly BP because of larger market portion. The key to a SWOT analysis is placing the internal and external →

Triple bottom line (tbl) concept analysis

The relationship between sustainable development and TBL is discussed in the report by considering the environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability, with a backing example of the TBL Toolkit and the ' The Capital Works Sustainability Statement' practiced in the city of Melbourne. The application of TBL in sustainable construction and its indicators of →

Educating rita

She is trying to get away from her life and start afresh, have the choice to be who she wants to be and do what she wants to do. Rita obviously is not though because she does not go in the end and she says that she thought that she would be playing " the →

Roles of female characters in memoirs of a geisha and pygmalion

Throughout their relationship, Shaw shows the hostile and degrading treatment of women in a patriarchal society; however, due to Higgins' objectification of Eliza, she transgresses his power over her later in the play. Eliza's forced actions demonstrate that she is oppressed by both society's class structure and patriarchy as she feels the need to prove →

Environmental factors and habits within urban population and their effect on mental health and immune systems

The goal of the immune system, for instance, is to protect the body from any substances and diseases that attack the organisms. Results showed that " Depression and anxiety disorders are more common in the high- and middle- income group" while The World Health report of 2001 shows that the rate of depression is higher →

Community health needs assessment essay sample

The assessment may be vital to the community workers who may be able to detect the health issues in the community and do something about it, with the help of this Community Help Needs Assessment. Aims and Objectives The Community Health Needs Assessment aims to develop a general and comprehensive community profile of the health →

Theory generated from social work practice essay

One of the main purposes is to explore and inform the reader how theories and social work values have positively impacted on my practice in the field of social work. I explained to the head teacher and later with the mother how essential it was to work with Kwame before his problems became more dangerous →

Measuring temperature and the weather station engineering

But with hall detector, it can merely utilize a individual air current vane with the air current velocity metre and left the mechanical building more simple and easy to construct.[ 14 ] Construct a circuit that has the ability to mensurate the air current velocity and the way of the velocity. When there have the →

Marketing plan of philips’s whirlpool refrigerator

The growth in the consumer durables sector has been driven primarily by factors such as the boom in the real estate & housing industry, higher disposable income, emergence of the retail industry in a big way coupled with rising affluence levels of a considerable section of the population. As per a survey done by researcher →

Essay on fundamental rights and duties

As a citizen of our country we enjoy the rights of a privileged citizen and often we complain of the government's inability to provide services. The environmental problems society is facing are of our own making and we all have a moral obligation to do what we can to change this.

An overview of koreas hanjin shipping economics essay

We will analyse the external environment of Hanjin using the porter five forces theory and later see the diversification strategy used by the company to grow in shipping and logistics markets. Hanjin has a moderate threat of new entrants majorly because of the high cost involved in operating a shipping company and due to economics →

The defining of the social class sociology

Social category is frequently discussed in the footings of societal stratification, this refers to the different degrees that groups of people consider themselves to be portion of or where society in its general term considers the person to be. In the in-between ages there was what was called the estate system the male monarchs being →

Expectancy theory applied in apple inc business essay

Apple is the one of the largest companies in the world and the most valuable technology company in the world compare to Microsoft. The " goal-setting theory, is one of the process theories that is applied to the Apple Inc.

Genetic engineering in humans

Throughout history, the minds of fictional literature have provided countless examples of a genetically engineered world; in several cases presenting a disappoint rendition of society, a clear humbly of what they believe to be the consequence of human intervention with the natural discourse of nature. This is similar to the genetically engineered characters of Bernard →

An introduction to logic gates – essay

The symbol is an AND gate with a small circle on the output. The symbol is an OR gate with a small circle on the output.

The role and importance of effective operation management marketing essay

This has enabled IKEA to use expertise and know- how of the suppliers for producing more appealing designs. By this they have rationalized the design and raw material suppliers to keep in line with the values of IKEA.

The unstable country of haiti

The lack of abundant resources, as well as the education to use the resources available and make them prosper, and the lack of money contribute greatly to the inability the economy in Haiti has to flourish. What needs to happen is to " make the justice system functional, to get rid of corruption, put control →

Economical assignment

However from the beginning of 2008 house price began to drop due to the bursting of the housing bubble and the financial crisis which started to be experienced in mid-2007 and into 2008. Increase in the cost of land due to scarcity of land, the cost of land have increased over the period and due →

Essay about behavioral finance

Behavioral finance holds that the market is unrealistic due to the human element; therefore, in evaluation of financial market decision making and market condition, financial theories should recognize the role of human behavior in financial assets price determination. Behavioral finance is an empirically based theory, Behavioral finance theorists argue that to understand the performance and →

Malunggay bark extract as a source of electricity

In the country, this tree is commonly found in household backyard, aligned with perimeter fences, since the edible and nutritious flowers, fruits, and leaves of malunggay are part of the diet of Filipinos. In light of the discussion of the environmental problems and characteristics of malunggay, a group of researchers conducted a study entitled " →

Factors affecting program selection of selected polytechnic university of the philippines assignment

In the case of the students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, the students aspire to Join those programs which ensure for a gainful employment. Statement of the Problem The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting program selection of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines students.

The image of mind in the language of children with autism

1007/BF02172094 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Lord, C, and Paul, R." Language and communication in autism," in Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Development Disorders, 2nd Edn, eds D.J. On the nature of communication and language impairment in autism.Ment.

Study of different advertising campaigns

Advertising intends to promote the sales of a product or service and also to inform the masses about the highlights of the product or the service features. The various types of advertising appeals harness different means of highlighting the features of a product and drawing the attention of the masses towards it.

The battle of agincourt 1415 history essay

Agincourt is viewed by many historians, such as Mortimer and Neillands, to be the beginning of the 3rd stage of the war[1], as despite further fighting was afterwards postponed until 1417, it led to a campaign which lasted up until 1422, during which time they had captured the majority of the northern half of France, →

Honda motorcycles essay sample

Part of the research should include making direct observation like looking at the number of motorcycles that are passing through a certain lane or road, and comparing the total number of motorbikes observed to that of Honda motorbikes to get an idea of the proportion of market which the company has commanded in a certain →

Media piracy essay

In order to adequately deal with this problem, it is necessary to comprehend the history and evolution of piracy, its impacts on music and film industries, and its effect on the development of innovative business strategies. The rise of online piracy at the beginning of the century resulted in reduced sales within the music industry.

The globalization of the vietnamese economy economics essay

They also give concept of the convex and concave in the flat word that implies the gap between the rich and the poor, the rich country and the poor country. If we look at the overall development progression of the international economy, the revolution of science and technology plays major role in promoting the global →

The truth of the ideal woman

It explains how stressful this is to a female and that they will go to great lengths, subconsciously or not, to fulfill the image that the media wants each woman to conform to. The media wants women to fulfill this " perfect image," to do this a woman will think of herself differently, treat others →

The impact of foreign aid on corruption in pakistan

And corruption may be one of the main causes to blame for the failure of economic growth in aid recipient countries. And that reduction in the quality of governance is likely to increase corruption.

Garrison institute on aging—lubbock retired and senior volunteer program (rsvp) provides services to south plains, texas

RSVP, the largest volunteer network in the nation for adults age 55 and over, links volunteers and their skills and talents to identified for community needs. Under the auspices of the GIA, Lubbock RSVP pursues dedicated volunteers who comprise a diverse population in order for the community to identify more readily with the volunteers and →

Dynamic open house

Design Process The design team worked to identify characteristics of the current Open House through conversations with the clients about the Open House, the design team's own student experience and focus groups that had been conducted in a previous quarter. Desired Outcome From conversations with the clients, the implied purpose of the Open House is →

Personal reflection on race in america

I led him into the bathroom and turned on the light, and I said, " take a good look in that mirror because that's the only man you have the right to judge, and only God can judge another man". It is the fear-based society in which we live today that lays the framework for →

Leadership in the virgin group

In this study we are going to see how things are being managed at leadership levels by Richard Branson and his team for virgin group and how it is leading towards success of business. For that they are trying to innovation in their ways to get higher in competitive advantages and in their diversity.

Introduction thailand). this could be because the

The only issues at hand could be the reconcession of the United States base agreement in Philippines and the restoration of the United States association with Vietnam. The United States and security of Southeast Asia.

Understanding experience marketing assignment

The main objective of this paper is to create new definitions, to propose two conceptual models of experience marketing, and to identify and highlight differences between experience marketing and experiential marketing. Experience is he main component of experience marketing and according to Losable and Britton and Schmitt it is marketing of the future.

Impact of recession on thomas cook

In this piece of research, the researcher tried to find out what changes they made during and prior to recession. In 1855 this company started working internationally and Thomas Cook arranged his first party from Harwich to Antwerp and onwards to Brussels and around some cities of Europe to Paris.

Soil physical degradation due to drip irrigation environmental sciences essay

In surface irrigation system water is applied on the surface of soil on specific area around the plant through drippers so water is reaching in the root zone depth and plant use it less water use and maximum crop grow. In subsurface drip irrigation laterals of drip is buried under the soil in the root →

Bowen approach on family therapy psychology essay

The Bowenian theory is based on the premise that problems do not lie in the individual but rather the role of the family emotional system extending over several generations is the cause of the individual's problem. Family projection processes are related to the degree of undifferentiating and immaturity of parents and the level of stress →

Understanding the curriculum values and principles

' The touchstone of an excellent curriculum is that it instils in children a love of learning for its own sake' Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum, Sir Jim Rose The current National Curriculum was introduced into the United Kingdom by the Conservative government as an ' integrated framework for learning' through the Education Reform →

British political system: analyzing the constitution to understand the concept

The most established definition of a constitution refers to the embodiment of a document detailing the most dominant laws which authenticate the structure of government of the country in question. 1 However, it has been accused of being an ' elective dictatorship' by former Lord Chancellor Lord Hailsham, " The sovereignty of Parliament has increasingly →

Can we rely on corporations to be ethical and responsible?

Chiefly, these are: the Legal system which regulates to an extent how businesses operate, Rules, which are the cultural norms which the societies of stakeholders of the corporation's activity espouse, and the intrinsic employ nature of each problem in which corporations are required to address. They are meant to regulate corporate activity in an attempt →

3-d password for more security

The sequence of actions and interactions toward the objects inside the 3-D environment constructs the user's 3-D password. The design of the 3-D virtual environment and the type of objects selected determine the 3-D password key space.

Pest analysis report for two leisure firms essay sample

PEST Analysis of the Leisure Industry in the UK: Before starting to analyse the PEST factors that affect the leisure industry as a whole I would like to give a definition and explain the PEST Analysis. All the external political, economical, social-cultural and technological factors that affect the environment of a market or company" The →

Terrorism and counter terrorism: european approach

This paper concern on the defination of terrorism and counter terrorism, ideology of counter terrorism, the EU's approach on counter terrorism and their drawback. The ideology of counter terrorism is to neutralize and defeat terrorism.

The it strategy of marks and spencer business essay

In this report, we analyse the organisation's PEST, value chain that are the techniques to examine the activity of the M&S in order to reveal and discuss what was the basis of their competitive advantage and were the resistance to IT strategy in Marketing sector, and influences policies and decision making. This is because of →

Is the bible reliable theology religion

One of the challenges about finding the dependability of the Gospel is to how we account for the many differences amid the four Gospels. The Gospel of Luke was more centered on the true historical reading of the life of Jesus.

Introduction of the exam timetabling system education essay

The trouble is due to the great complexness of the building of timetables for test, due the scheduling size of the scrutinies and the high figure of restraints and standards of allotment, normally circumvented with the usage of small rigorous heuristics, based on solutions from old old ages. The variable is the day of the →

Comparison of south african and jamaican english

The English of South Africa started to develop in the 18th century, when the British first occupied the Cape in 1795, however, in history, the arrival of the 1820 settlers in the Eastern Cape is considered to be the birth of a new English dialect called South African English. Many authors say that the formation →

The african presence in early modern spain

In the first part of the essay I will attempt to outline some of the major events in Iberian Peninsula Spain, that had shaped the mentality of both the Muslim and Christian kingdom and how they would have related with Africans. In 589 the goths converted to Catholicism and abolished all laws that separated the →

Initial public offering and differential voting rights essay sample

All provisions of the Listing Agreement would be applicable to ' Shares with differential voting rights'. Provisions of SEBI Guidelines, 2000, applicable for preferential allotment of ordinary Equity Shares will be applicable to the preferential allotment of ' Shares with differential voting rights'?

Parallels between photography and new media in relation to contemporary art forms

It is my contention that the inception of the digital revolution - like the perceptual revolution caused by Photography - has irrevocably transformed the way in which we define the nature of art, and the reactions of the masses towards art in general. In the same way, the meanings that attach themselves to New Media →

Potential neurochemical and neuroendocrine effects of social distancing amidst the covid-19 pandemic

Here, we summarize some of the detrimental psychological, neuroendocrine, and neurochemical changes induced by the chronic social isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide concrete recommendations for alleviating these changes. Studies also have shown that chronic social isolation stress is associated with reductions in the volume of the hippocampus and that chronic stress can modulate →

Equality and diversity in early childhood care and education (ecce) legislation

The Black-Irish community was chosen as the group to evaluate as there appears to be a number of children in the Children's Centre that are part of this community as it would be beneficial to assess the centre with regard to promoting equality and diversity. Equality and Diversity Equality in Early Childhood Education and Care →

Value chain management of walmart

Investigate Walmart's external customer's demands as bing client and possible client.happening the elements that influence client satisfaction and trueness to Walmart's supermarkets in China. Walmart in footings of fiscal wages and other signifiers of motive is invariably evaluated and adapted to guarantee the satisfaction of the staffs therefore guarantee the satisfaction of clients.4.

Pushing them physically essay

On the other hand, responsible High-end tour companies take into consideration the environmental, cultural, social, and economic considerations of the destinations they visit, while maintaining a high standard of comfort and service. These products are placed in the highest price bracket due to the above average expectations of the clients and the superior service offered.

Changes on employees retention and performance in kfc

Downsizing and rightsizing are some of the key issues resulting from the mergers and acquisitions globally and this affects the international policies and strategies of the multinationals. As KFC is a global giant in fast-food / service business sector and faced frequent ownership changes in a short span of time so this case can add →

The impact of digital technology media essay

How far both Digital media and social media have become integrated in the lives of most of the global population is shown here as at 31st March 2011, with the exception of some third world countries such as Liberia and Ethiopia with only a. The importance of the Internet in today's society is of such →

Marketing plan for hi-fi system to australia

As the product will be designed and manufactured in Singapore, the marketing of this product will have to be adapted to suit the target market and audience. The intention is to use a combination of marketing mix in order to develop an understanding of the targeted market and audience, plan an approach and then capture →

Rural cooperatives and their role in india’s development

Rural Cooperatives and Their Role in India's Development The failure of global markets and neoliberal trade systems to reliably and predictably stimulate local economic growth and development, or improve quality of life has led to a renewed interest in cooperatives as a possible solution, particularly within in rural economies and among marginalized populations. Cases within →

The changing role of women

Despite the fact, that in general, women participation in the Fortune 500 board seats has grown, on the average, the rate of increase is quite slow. There are three main points that describe the gender inequality in education: preponderance of women who graduate from university compared to number of men, gender gap in terms of →

Lamb by bernard mac laverty analysis essay

This is shown in Brother Benedict's bullying of a young boy in the home called Owen Kane and also by Brother Sebastian's defence of him and the fact that he helps the boy escape with him. It is because of his vow of poverty that he realises that to obtain the money before the Christian →

Approaches to political science

However, for the purpose of this essay the behaviouralist approach will be defined as an attempt to " improve our understanding of politics by seeking to explain the empirical aspects of political life by means of methods, theories, and criteria of proof that are acceptable according to the canons conventions and assumptions of modern empirical →

Managing change at sainsburys in todays economy management essay

After that I discuss merits and demerits of system which is use for change in Sainsbury's. Sainsbury's offers promotion to the employee in the basis of their performance.

Recall crisis of toyota motor corporation

This report summarizes on the major causes of the " Recall Crisis", its aftermath on the company and recommendations to help the company recover from the crisis. As the pressure mounted, in addition to the recall of millions of cars the production was stopped in the plants across the affected countries.

Sorcery and witchcraft in england (modern period)

Of course, later on, it was revealed that these women were not witches but just those accused by people because they did not fit in with the norms of the town or just accused by people who they had a dispute with and saying that the accused was a witch was just revenge on their →

Reflection on theory and knowledge in nursing

The aim of this report is look at a critical incident that occurred in practice and relates this to the theory and knowledge regarding communication and interpersonal skills, so as to demonstrate an understanding of my views on the art and science of reflection and the issues surrounding reflective practice; that is to say, what →

Behavioral finance assignment

For example, the tyranny of indexing can lead to demand shifts that are unrelated to the future cash flows of the firm. This is especially true when one is dealing tit a large market, such as the Japanese stock market in the late sass or the U.S.

The growth and decline of bebop media essay

Jazz music has existed for nearly 100 years producing many subgenres of music and evolving styles along the way; starting with Ragtime in the late 1890's early 1920's, moving on to the prominence of the big band, to the syncopated feel of Swing; during the 1930's. The general chord progression of the song is in →

Capitalism in marx and weber

His critique is immanent, to the extent that it is made with reference to a real social force which is opposed to capitalism the working class as well as to the contradiction between the possibilities created by the impulse of the productive forces and the limitations imposed by bourgeois relations of production. Also, he argued →

Security information and event management

The objective of SIEM is to help companies respond to attacks faster and to organize mountains of log data. Log management tools are designed to collect report and archive a large volume and breadth of log data, whereas SIEM solutions are designed to correlate a subset of log data to point out the most critical →

The importance of we in power: integrating police wellness and ethics

Police officers and the mental health experts who work with them need to be aware of the synergistic effect between police officers' ethical decision-making and their emotional health. The POWER perspective of wellness, ethics, and resilience helps law enforcement agencies and police officers to view wellness in an integrated way.

Complexity of european integration essay

The idea of exploring the complexity of the European Integration derives its main impetus from the significant success and progress which have been achieved in the variety of perception fields such as flexibility and consideration of many factors of diverse nature; understanding of the dynamism of the processes; respect for different points of view, originating →

Defoe’s uneasy feminism: the problem of the ‘anti-domestic’ in moll flanders

In demonstrating the qualities that make her a mobile character, unattached, quick-thinking and able to move along the tides of changing circumstances and necessities, Moll contradicts what Nancy Armstrong identifies as the " ideal of womanhood" promoted by popular conduct books of the eighteenth century: that of the domesticated woman. An analysis of the ways →

Corporate social responsibility and organisational profitability management essay

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the corporate social responsibility will increase the profitability or not and to figure out the main benefits of being engaged in corporate social responsibility. The third section is probably the most important section of the paper as it focuses on studying the relationship between the corporate →

Autistic spectrum disorder and the looking glass self.

The essay will then explain the symptoms and category of Autism Spectrum Disorder in particular social difficulties which individuals may encounter, this intertwines with the idea of the looking glass self and how this can describe forming an identity when coupled with autism spectrum disorder. He claimed the Self that is the fragment of a →

Role of women in the sultanate of oman

The result seen today is because of his firm belief in the future of Oman and its men and women. Recommendations Factors which encourage women to work and achieve economic independence and leave a significant mark on the society are mainly: support of women from the Islam religion and the Holy Quran, the wise leadership →