13 Pages Essay Samples

The importance of ren in maintaining social order essay sample

First is that a superior man is driven by a purpose, and that is that " the superior man learns, in order to reach to the utmost of his principles". With all the teachings of Confucius, it is hard to imagine that a superior man, in his quest to achieve ren, could contribute to put β†’

Comparison of dental ceramic techniques

Comparison of Dental Ceramic Techniques Conventional lost wax technique with heat press ceramic, CAD/CAM ceramic (lithium disilicate & monolithic Zirconia) Introduction: Over the last 10 years, many technological advances have been introduced in the dental ceramic fields in both fabrication method and increase in availability of the materials. Those changes...

Design a promotional campagin for a given product service

4 Increase profit Through advertisement and campaign, the Pop boutique well get well known in the public, because of this more people will going to shop from there, and also will going to recommend Pop boutique to friend and family, because of this more people will going to shop with them and they will going β†’

Negative reinforcement explanation for smoking facilitate smoking cessation

None of the other outcome-related cognitions targeted by the explanation was found to be reliably associated with abstinence, although in some cases this was due to an absence of evidence rather than evidence of an absence of association. Restricting the review to published, peer-reviewed research only and the lack of a meta-analysis to determine the β†’

Superhero and comic book

In this instance, findings may be used to reduce risk in choosing existing heroes to introduce to modern audiences, or to create a new breed of hero that is better able to reach the target readers, viewers and players of the future. After struggling to maintain reader interest through the early 1950? s, the " β†’

Clinical decision making skills nursing essay

Though Mdm Chan follows the treatment, she has poor insight and is unsure of what is hypo/hyperglycemia, the manifestations and management. Despite Mdm Chan verbalises that she would try to adapt and manage DM better, she finds herself hard to adjust to the new lifestyle and wonder if she is able to do it.

Case analysis of kota fibers, ltd

It is imperative for one to calculate the company financial ratio in order to determine the problems that this company is facing. Moreover, the demand for saris gains a major boost from the hundreds of festivals observed by the Indian population and gets to an all time high during the most celebrated festival of the β†’

Relationship between motivational leadership and culture

The link between Motivation, Leadership and the reference and appropriateness of American culture oriented education systems and the Pakistani cultural context investigated. A review of the literatures to establish whether or not there is strong relationship between effective leadership and culture.

The nature of bipolar disorder psychology essay

The conclusion of this paper will look into how family members respond to a member with bi- polar disorder The current term " bipolar disorder" is of a recent origin and refers to the cycling between high and low episodes or poles. It was his work that finally led to the term bipolar disorder, as β†’

Management accounting information and criteria

Besides that, timeliness is one of the important parts for management may need to balance the relative merits of timely reporting and the provision of reliable information. For the example, management accountant should prepare the accounting information or summarize of the report and analysis that easily understood to the decision maker in order to let β†’

Study of a sonnet

The next sonnet, " Death, be not proud" is about how Donne challenges the footing of Death instead of challenging the footing of himself in God's eye's, as in " Batter my Heart". It is not a conversation of any kind, nor is it a debate, as the sonnet is totally one-sided and it is β†’

Role theory

For instance, adopting a role theory perspective to understanding intimate partner violence necessitates looking at the patterned and characteristic social behaviors of intimate partners in a relationship, the parts or identities that each partner plays in the relationship, and the scripts or expectations that are interpreted and adhered to by the partners in a particular β†’

Transformational leadership

The theory of transformational leadership is? the process of engaging with others to create a connection that increases motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower? The change is influenced by the leader to the subordinates in order to accomplish a goal that is out of the norm.

Using motivated cue integration theory to understand a moment-by-moment transformative change: a new look at the focusing technique

On the other hand, the probability that the perceiver will infer that a shooting will occur may be proportional to the strengths of the associations between the contextual cue of the gun and the unique interpretation of the observer. For example, there is evidence that the internalized structure of fear is characterized by cognitive representations β†’

A report on: human resource planning

The appliers will be selected to the following phase on the footing of the public presentation. Is the offense in anyhow related to the occupation public presentation of the employee?

Issues in the construction of the scottish parliament

This report will start by introduction to the background of Scottish Parliament project and will continue by discussing the reason for delays and cost increases, role of the project management and at the end concluding the lessons learned from this project. Main cause of the delay to the project was from Sept2000 due to the β†’

Analysis of telekom in sri lanka

Dialog Telekom, Sri Lanka's flagship Telecommunications Company operates Dialog GSM, the country's largest mobile phone network, and is a Subsidiary of the Telekom Malaysia Group. The company is also a key player in the Internet Service Provision Market with its state of the art ISP, Dialog Internet, and also operates Dialog SAT, the country's pioneer β†’

Stipends for college athletes

If we take the cost of these factors over the student athletes' time at their institution, compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars generated in revenue from the NCAA we see something similar to Nike and their illegal sweatshop industry. It's time for change to take place, college athletes should be rewarded like the β†’

The concept of entrepreneurship

The importance of the development of entrepreneurial skills by every graduate cannot be over-emphasized because gone are the days when jobs were available everywhere both in the private and public sector of the economy and employers go about looking for potential employees to employ. Added to this ugly situation are the increasing trend of job β†’

Development of nursing skills in oral care placement

I treated my partner as though he was physically unable to hold the brush himself to scrub his own teeth, but he was able to communicate with me and was able to assist me in terms of spitting and gargling with water at the end of the procedure. Also, I was pleased to have an β†’

Critical discourse analysis of the movie love actually essay sample

This was a really good thesis for such a movie about love because where else but an airport can love be clearly present." General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I do not see that," says the orator in the beginning of the movie." Seems β†’

Sociology essays – childrens parents family essay

The measure and the distinction in footings of linguistic communication that kids are exposed to by parents in their early developmental phases do impact their word power and functionality on the rating of their unwritten and mental abilities when they reach the school age. Roopnarine LP & A; Lamb MD In modern times it is β†’

The curriculum design and development education essay

The curriculum is the means that is constructed for the student to obtain access to a range of learning opportunities and the actual word curriculum is derived from currere which means ' to run' in Latin. In the past the curriculum was referred to as a " walled garden," something beyond the remit of the β†’

Benign prostatic hyperplasia causes, signs and treatments

The narrowing of the urethra and partial emptying of the bladder cause many of the problems associated with BPH. During the basic neurological examination, the reflex pathways of the lower extremities should also be assessed, to enable conclusions about the functional fitness of the neural pathways in the bladder and the bladder sphincter.

Amway marketing mix assignment

Satellite Radio System 30% Mustang GT Coupe and the wisdom on the street is that Ford did a good job in capturing the essence of the muscle car in this iteration of the Mustang. The big thrill in 2008 was the Mustang GT Coupe and the wisdom on the street is that Ford did a β†’

Post colonial critique of sara suleri’s meatless days. assignment

He too like Chatterjee talks about the illiberal dilemma at the heart of the discourse of nationalism, that how the political elite is unaware of the problems and issues of the general masses, who are merely tools in the struggle between the ruling and the opposition forces in the newly independent countries. Before independence the β†’

The diamond industry essay

With the help of the international community especially the United Nations and key players in the diamond industry including De Beers and the African countries concerned, agreements for the termination of hostilities, removing of arms from fighters, and reconstruction of national unity went underway. Meanwhile, South Africa initiated the Kimberly Process, a certification scheme to β†’

The connections between international politics and gender equality issues

There is a dearth of women in critical positions of power and an abundance of women in dire straits of poverty and abuse. The aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide led to holistic change in Rwanda's gender makeup.

Travelling: henry viii of england and tower assignment

On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the State Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. In the middle of it there is a granite obelisk and the common graves of the heroes of β†’

Bob marley: an impact of peace in jamaica

This was the beginning off life of music written and performed by Bob Marled that would reflect the political and social activities of his As Bob Marled and the Wailers were touring during the sass's, Bob Marled started o learn more about himself as a person. If it was not for this song then Bob β†’

Fransoo and wouters bullwhip effect with further theories essay

Fransoo and Wouters discussed that the effects of bullwhip defined the variableness of the demand that increases farther upstream in the supply concatenation, and concluded that the theory of measuring of the bullwhip consequence in a practical scene had received limited attending. Lee et Al.discussed the happening of factors that causes the bullwhip consequence besides β†’

How the authors of the red room’ and the farthing house’ create tension in their ghost stories

They should be realistic so the reader, when in similar surroundings to the ones in the book will remember the story and start to feel nervous at the prospect of the thing in the book happening to them. The authors of both 'The Red Room' and 'The Farthing House' describes the narrator and the things β†’

Case study about hydro cars

The main focus of this paper is to provide a conceptual support on the case that was provided in the paper that carefully addresses issues as well as development regarding hydro cars in the world. That is why the main purpose of this paper is to really find out if hydro cars are a viable β†’

Experiential learning of famous persons

Kolb's model of experiential learning can be found in many discussions of the theory and practice of adulteducation, informal education and lifelong learning. We set out the model, and examine its possibilities and problems.contents: introduction david a.olb david kolb on experiential learning david kolb on learning styles issues developments - jarvis on learning a guide β†’

The swot analysis pepsi commerce

In these yearss, direction at the company has observed a important hold in the gross revenues of their merchandise, Pepsi in this instance. In the instance of Pepsi, this was of a important value.


It left over two-thirds of Armenia in total ruin, and rural village decimated in addition to the loss of life, the injuries and the damage to the infrastructure. Since the velocities of the P and S waves are affected by changes in the density and rigidity of the material through which they pass, the boundaries β†’

Giligan oakmont country club case

However, the fixed price system promotes chronic imbalances between the number of members wishing to leave the club and the number of eligible candidates wanting to enter the club. THE PROBLEMS The fixed price membership system used at Oakmont is associated with at least one potentially undesirable feature; a chronic imbalance between the number of β†’

Dawn of the digital age 18536 essay

The Dawn of the Digital Age The history of computers starts out about two thousand years ago, at the birth of the abacus. By about 1890, the range of improvements on the calculator included accumulation of partial results, storage and automatic reentry of past results, and a printing of the results.

In the cut critical film analysis

Important to note here, is that throughout the film gender and ideology is closely linked and throughout the film, narrative is linked to gender and ideology and together they build upon a dominance in the gender ideology. From this image taken from the film we can see how gender is incorporated within the film, the β†’

Coca cola in egypts market marketing essay

Let's look to Coca-Cola Egypt as the paper is studying the company in Egypt. The consumption of juice is correlated to person age.

Prenatal risk factors and helping a healthy pregnancy | case study

During these visits, the nurses, physicians, and other members of the healthcare team all work together to make sure the mother and the baby are in the best health possible. That is why the purpose of this paper is to explore information collected during prenatal visits, pinpoint risk factors related to the mother and baby, β†’

Markstrat simulation report analysis

A lot of money was put into R&D projects of the brands to understand the needs of the consumers and use the consumer insights in improving the quality of the brands. Owning to the efforts taken for improving the quality of the product and awareness about the brands, the market share of Team O in β†’

Structural engineering centrifugal pump test laboratory engineering essay

Theoretically examination of the effect of varying motor speed across a system of a single pump should show that higher motor speeds lead to higher efficiency in the pump system along with larger changes of power across the system, and a larger drop in head values. However it should also show that the system in β†’

The link between stress and illness

Resistance if the stressor a is not dealt with quickly at the first phase the body tries to readjust to the high levels of adrenaline in the body the body's stress-response is working hard. This suggests that as the rats had some control they coped better with the stress leading to the conclusion that having β†’

A critical review essay politics essay

He is currently Research Professor Emeritus of Political Science Political science is a social science concerned with the theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior.at the University of California, San Diego The University of California, San Diego is a public research university in San Diego, California, β†’

Redbull case analysis

Core Competencies * Needless to say, the brand has developed an image for power, speed, and recklessness, and dominates the energy drink market all across the globe.* As can be seen in Pricing Strategies, the energy drink is marketed as a premium product.* Special ingredients like taurine and alpine spring water in addition to a β†’

No organization can exist in a vacuum

Threats: Those external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business such as the potential entry of a larger player or substitutes for a firm's products. This refers to the ability of customers to bargain with firms for better products and services at cheaper costs.

D – college essay

This requires the support of the public and the Senate, to ensure the enactment of the bill by the U.S. Prior to the implementation of the lobbying campaign strategy, it will be vital to gather facts that base on the practical experiences of undocumented immigrants in the absence of the law.

The history of solid and hazardous waste environmental sciences essay

Despite the massive amount and complexity of waste produced, the standards of waste management in Malaysia are still in the lower level. The burning of waste will contribute to the pollution of air, water and soil.

Public relations defined as a strategic sociology

Harmonizing to members from Public Relations Society of American, it postulate that although the 85 per cent of the public dealingss practicians in United States are female, but there are 80 per cent of the top direction in the public dealingss field are male. The wage spread between work forces and adult females in public β†’

Changes of human mentality and construction of the physical body: diary of a madman and metamorphosis

Lu Xun and Kafka's utilization of the physical body allows for the presentation of personal criticisms towards aspects of modernity and the social, political and economic changes of the movement. Moreover, much alike the malleability of society and the ease of social change and reformation shown through Cannibalism in Lu Xun's ' Diary of a β†’

Green transportation system for sustainable campus environmental sciences essay

The term green conveyance came into usage as the society is turning involvement in the constructs of sustainable development that aims to " run into the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevalss to run into their ain needs.". Limits emanations and waste within the planet 's ability to absorb them, β†’

Relationship between cognitive processes of learning

Interest, learning, and development.In K.A. Krapp, The role of interest in learning and development.

Plant and animal interactions in the tropical rainforest

This suggests that biotic interactions are the main reason for biological diversity; biotic interactions may be direct or indirect; and biodiversity and biotic interactions may result in a variety of causes and effects. The above findings may be a great indicator of high diversity occurring in the tropics; nonetheless, the meaning of how important top-down β†’

Ford motor company 1785

In the center of the ad is a reflection of a mother and daughter peering through the rear view mirror of a Ford vehicle. In the upper-right hand corner of the ad, Ford has placed a picture of the reader on the gas pump with the words " Happy?" on the display.

Paper assignment

But you very likely will not find a short, simple description of a modern method to locate and extract information, build a paper in stages, and scale the effort to the rigor of the assignment. These are not the heart of your paper but you will still use a few quotations to anchor this content β†’

Canadian tire audit report

Effectiveness and Efficiency of Operations Due to the nature of the ' pull' system of the Dealer-corporation relationship of Canadian Tire Retail, the implications for the entire company are significant. This issue is highly material due to the amount of maturing debt, and cash that must be raised.

To what extent has the eu become a social regime?

The paper will first provide a historical background and development of the EU, identifying key treaties and agreements, where the EU derives its power and exploring the accession criteria. The power of the EU has however shifted since the 2009 Lisbon treaty from the political level to the administrative level and even to hands of β†’

Final analysis paper on general motors

The strategic rationale for outsourcing originally by GM is the volume of work to be done and the lack of expertise at the company at that time dealing with IT. One of the reasons for General Motors to outsource its IT department/call center is to gain a competitive advantage globally and in the United States β†’

Baby bonus scheme in singapore health and social care essay

The chief end of this survey is to analyse the impact of babe fillip towards TFR and the position of the future coevals with respects to pamper bonus strategy. The intent of carry oning the study is to happen out the position of our future coevals with respects to this strategy and to happen the β†’

Naturalistic observation research results

The whole purpose of carrying out two sets of observation was solely based the concept of finding out whether there is a difference in the crowd and the way they behave when they visit the Cafe in the late hours of the morning in contrast to those that visit the Cafe in the evening. Most β†’

The costa rica essay sample

There are as many cultures in the United States as there are in the world, as the United States is the place of some form of acceptance for all cultures. Traditionally lunch is the main meal of the day and they like to have a light snack in between lunch and dinner.

Development of urban social movements in hong kong history essay

Definition of Urban Social Movement Before illustrate the development of urban social movement in Hong Kong, it is important to first understanding the definition of urban social movement. The Characteristics of the social movement in this period are limited resources of movement organization and the limited resources of mass mobilization.

Healthcare system in cuba

The state guarantees this right by providing free medical and hospital care by means of the installations of the rural medical service network, polyclinics, hospitals, preventative and specialized treatment centers; by providing free dental care; by promoting the health publicity campaigns, health education, regular medical examinations, general vaccinations and other measures to prevent the outbreak β†’

Conditions for minimal intelligence across eukaryota: a cognitive science perspective

Despite the manifest diversity in the behavior of animals, plants, fungi and protists, and the functional specialization of different eukaryote cells, cellular organization based on the division into a nucleus and a cytoplasm allows for the genomic collaboration in the overall guidance of the response patterns to be observed, for example, in growth and development. β†’

Techniques of characterization in john updike’s β€˜rabbit, run’

Up until this point he is characterized almost entirely through Rabbit's eyes, but when Tothero speaks he reveals a deeper characteristic; that is, a calm sense of reason: " That does not sound like very mature behavior," he says of Rabbit's decision to leave his home; and of Janice's out-of-control alcoholism he says: " Perhaps β†’

Bone conduction technology impact

Unlike air conduction, bone conduction involves bypassing the ear and resting on the bony prominence of the skin. Bone conduction oriented hearing involves bypassing the external ear and transmitting sound via the bones of the human body, preferably the skull.

Analysis of the innocent smoothies communication marketing essay

The UK juice as well as smoothies1 market is fiercely spirited as well as has grown considerably in recent years, largely due to changes in consumer require for healthier drinks, supported by an augment in the number of suppliers as well as the variety of drinks obtainable.)' Increasing fruit as well as vegetable utilization is β†’

Important of sight for the purpose of survival biology essay

Due to the physiology of the ocular system of mammals, the cornea cannot sustain inflammation, which can lead to the changing of the visual axis, thus leading to blindness. This paper will use the Darwinian Medical approach and the Adaptationist Program to discuss the implications of the suppressed immune response in development and treatment of β†’

From suicide due to an economic-financial crisis to the management of entrepreneurial health: elements of a biographical change management service and clinical implications

The intervention is aimed at opening up more possibilities in the way of configuring the problem and anchoring these possibilities to the daily life of the person in a future perspective. In this sense, it is advisable for the user to describe himself or herself at the start of the intervention and after the intervention β†’

Aca 2,3,13

They may experience a lack of freedomTo build a clearer sense of purpose for being in college: Identify students who have the same major and career interestsIn taking contorl of your life remember: To spend time doing the things you value mostTwo of the most cited differences between high school and college are increased autonomy β†’

Much ado about nothing

In the book Snowball energetically promotes the revolution and teaches the animals new skills, whilst Napoleon is with his pack of dogs in the barn and does not participate in what all the other animals in the farm do. Snowball is the one of the two that is the braver one in the battle and β†’

Increase in cigarette tax would reduce the cigarette consumption

The results of our analysis demonstrate that increase in cigarette tax would reduce the cigarette consumption or quit smoking among lower income smokers and heavily addicted smokers, thus it upheld the hypotheses four and five. Unless the pain of higher cigarette price is more than the pain of giving up the smoking addiction, smokers will β†’

Globalization and its challenges marketing essay

In addition, Nike reluctantly to take responsibility for the labor, health and environmental problems found in its supplier factories. In response to the ongoing criticism, Nike formulated its code of conduct for its suppliers.

Marketing of easyjet flashcard

Although it has established in 1995 with two leased aircraft, by always seeing rapid expansion, now, it is the biggest airline in the UK by number of passengers carried, and it is the second biggest low-cost carrier. For low cost carriers, they have not been able to continue their growth seen in the first decade β†’

Developmental disabilities as broad spectrum essay

The brain can be equated to an engine that regulates the normal functioning of the body and when all or one part of the brain is affected the results may be fatal and brain injuries also dictate the degree manifested in the physical deformity. It is a disorder which a child is born with and β†’

Political factors can have a direct impact

The demand for products and services of the automobile industry is strongly affected by the economic conditions in each country or market where they are on sale. The industry has to predict change in economic climate and demands precisely and to take necessary measures to cope with the economic conditions.

Physiology of fluid balance essay sample

The only obstacle to the fluid is the capillary wall and the basement membrane of the Bowman's capsule, in other words it is termed as selectively permeable. For this reason, water arrives in the blood via osmosis for the reason that the water potential of the filtrate is higher than the blood.

The effects of online homework on student achievement

The focus of how homework effects student achievement is an important one given the ultimate goal for a teacher is that the students become successful and make an impact in the world. Teachers need to be aware of the type of homework they are assigning and the importance of immediate feedback for students.

Both psychoanalysis and surrealism unconscious mind psychology essay

While psychoanalysis attempts to explain that the human behavior is influenced by the feelings from the past that have been stored in the unconscious mind, Surrealism attempts to influence the thinking of the human mind by evoking the feelings of the unconscious mind by the use of visual arts. In addition to that, Breton adds β†’

A cream cracker under the settee

She then pauses again and the camera goes to a diagonal shot of Doris, as she rubs her leg and says, " Feels funny this leg. The camera is on a diagonal shot of Doris as she talks of her leg, this is to show Doris rubbing her leg and to show her worried and β†’

Enterprise software and business infrastructure business

The attack of the research worker was in the signifier of the instance survey, roll uping informations from the cyberspace, books and diaries. The company needs to win the challenges and make the organisation ' s vision of going the biggest and best company in the universe every bit far as Motor industry is concerned, β†’

Brexit: causes and consequences

This paper will explore the events leading up to the vote, the reasons for andagainst Britain leaving the EU, the immediate and long-term fallout, the stepsto implementation, and the current discussions regarding implementation. The UK voted to leave the EU by a vote of 51.

Investigation on influence of mass media media essay

It is true that there are both good and bad influence of the media towards teenagers." Children and young people are a distinctive and significant cultural grouping in their own right-a sizeable market share, a subculture even, and one which often " leads the way" in the use of media" Problem Statement Children and teenagers β†’

Is multiculturalism dead? essay sample

In America, the term is very contentious especially politically and is associated with ideas of humanism, human rights and equal citizenship resulting to the rise in controversies of group differences exemplified in the ideas of Afro-centricity, ethnicity, femininity and gay rights to become the politics of identity Whilst in Britain and other parts of Europe, β†’

What i think essay

The only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where somebody that you cared about used to be and a rock with the birthday caved into it that I am sure is wrong.-Do not let your pride leave you all alone. You are not supposed to have a personal life.-l love β†’

Restoration tragedy assignment

The productions of the lesser tragedians, however, in which a desire to catch the humour of the public and to flatter the mood of the hour is the most frequently recurring characteristic, remain most valuable as helping to furnish a clear idea of the state of the drama and the prevailing standard of taste. This β†’

Nike’s suppliers

The report explains the controversies that Nike faces and the policies which Nike has to adopt in order to avoid the negative publicity, criticisms and to improve the working conditions of the Nike factory workers. Nike should assure three main things to the workers that the workers get the minimum pay in the supplying country, β†’

Mary ainsworth and john bowlby psychology essay

A survey of population has deduced 56% of the participants to be of secure attachment, 24% to be avoidant attachment and the remaining 20% to be of anxious/ambivalent attachment. The characteristics of a secure attachment style in a relationship would be a relationship that is happy, built on trust and affectionate, on the other hand, β†’

Effects of online advertisements on online purchasing decisions

1: Theoretical Framework Scope of study The study will determine the impact of the Internet online purchasing behavior and the factors of internet marketing are most prevalent.1.2. 1 Hypothesis Hypothesis: The higher the level of information searching on internet, the higher the level of online purchasing decision.

The reason for the convenient store business marketing essay

The Commercial building is located 5 miles south of the city of Muscat and 2 minute walk distance by city's main road, which is used by thousands of commuters on daily basis between to the middle of city or just taking a shortcut to south of city. As ABC Convenient Store is located 5 miles β†’

Calculations without brake booster engineering essay

The equations for kinetic energy, that is the energy of motion may be given by: The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel on a vehicle. A drum brake is a brake in which the friction is caused by a set of shoes or pads that press against β†’

Communicating numeric quantities in context: implications for decision science and rationality claims

Yet Tversky and Kahneman and others found that most subjects choose A in the first pair and D in the second, ostensibly violating one of the most consensual normative principles of choice description invariance, which states that extensionally equivalent events should not be differentially regarded merely because of the way in which they are described. β†’

Reflections for sociology assignment

Over the course I have learned a lot about what sociologist analyze in the world today, and over the course I have found myself tying things that I used to take for granted, back to what I have learned in this course. In an assignment we had on social norms It was the perfect time β†’

Editorial: ecology and evolution of plants under domestication in the neotropics

Editorial on the Research Topic Ecology and Evolution of Plants Under Domestication in the Neotropics The earliest studies on domestication and the origins of agriculture identified the Americas, particularly the Neotropics, as one of the settings with the earliest experiences of these processes in the world. All are valuable contributions that reflect the state-of-the-art and β†’