12 Pages Essay Samples

Transgender and attitudes essay sample

The transgender population is comprised of a multitude of identities and forms of self-expression that transgress the established gender categories of " male" and " female". Transgender Identity and Identity Formation In order to best understand the nature of attitudes toward transgender individuals it is first important to define and describe the components of the →

The need for an offshore business plan

The term Business Process outsourcing refers to the transfer of a companies business which are not the core process but the which are critical to the functioning to an external vendor in other country. Educated young generation One of the basic reason for doing offshore business in India is the direct saving of the cost.

Consanguineous marriages and indigenous perceptions of congenital disease

The study locates roots of the phenomenon in the traditional and structural set up of the Pakistani society. The study suggests a culture specific policy to handle the issue of the marriages and the genetic problem.

Strategic analysis of the retail industry in australia

The report discusses in detail the external factors influencing the industry including changes to legislations, the unpredictable nature of the economy, changes in social behaviour and trends and the rapid growth of technology and its implications. Changes in the stability of the economic environment can be advantageous or detrimental to an industry such as the →

Usage of ebrary references health essay


Identifying core competencies and capabilities

Using McKinsey's 7S for Identifying core competencies and capabilities, discuss the ability of your chosen company current CEO in improving the company's products and customers' perception of the year 2009 as well as the group understanding of the approach to strategy development at Wal-Mart since 2003. The purpose of this report is to identify the →

Risk overgeneralization in times of a contagious disease threat

Within a matter of 2 months, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern as the H1N1 virus spread to more than 70 countries and all 50 states in the United States. Disease salience also led respondents to express a less favorable view of the health care system and to consider →

Relationship between energy consumption and economic development

The outcome of the research could contribute to the debate of the mitigation of global warming and should imply that China has to speed up the technological developments to create or implement energy efficient technologies to reduce the CO2 emissions in line with the targets of the Kyoto Protocol. Ang found a unidirectional causality from →

The american psychiatric association

The American Psychiatric Association notes that PETS is characterized by the re-experiencing of an extremely traumatic event that is accompanied by the symptoms of arousal and avoidance that is associated with the trauma. It is important for the victim to understand that their flashbacks can be in any of the sensory modes, including auditory, tactile, →

Fredrick douglas and abraham lincoln

In my research paper the two parties Douglas and Lincoln has undergone a lot in terms of political differences first Douglas announced that his work was to fight against slavery both in united states and England while Lincoln on the other side could not want to do away with slavery since he believes that it →

The organizational structure of initech

According to Leczkowski, the job of the manager is to get the work done by the employees. The fact that the vice president humiliates employees shows that he does not have the knowledge to learn the needs and wants of individual employees, this is a de-motivating factor since as Khurana confirms, employers who openly show →

A study of online recruitment

This article reviews current empirical work on on-line methods of enlisting and analyze the perceptual experiences of the importance of on-line enlisting to human resource direction. Besides this, despite the benefits of on-line enlisting has wildly recognized by most organisations sing to the cost of enlisting, easiness of usage and entree to appliers, and some →

The world today as a unipolar society

Cases of torture of terror suspects, the last invasion of Iraq, not signing up to the Ottowa Treaty, the Highway of Death massacre in Iraq; the list is extensive but the point remains that the US remains at the head of the international table despite multiple infringements of international law or, in the case of →

Disruptive behavior in the workplace

Hospitals to be successful have to use unique methods to get their goals aligned with those of their employees, seeing that they are the driving force of the organization. In addition to the affected emotions and job satisfaction of the employees, there is also a financial impact to this problem that results from increased absenteeism, →

Networking for career success: an emerging trend

Given the importance of networking for organizations and employees, the paper discusses the benefits and challenges of networking. Networking can improve one's social capital by influencing the size of their social networks the strength of their relationships in the social networks their pattern of relationships in their social network, and the resources of their social →

Business plan for restaurant development

The aim of enterprise is the best option for the customer that provides in each customer the worth and the pleasure while the profitable increase is the objective of the corporation In addition, the goal of greater client service and pleasure will take devotion from all members of employees and suppliers. 00 Shallow Cookpot, 3.

Challenges to society by dig data and algorithms

This brings up similarities with Focualt's panopticism and can be defined as, " a type of power that is applied to individuals in the form of continuous individual supervision". Society's data is compiled and categorised into scores and compared against the information of others to form a pattern and guess the details of a person.

Health risks of coronary heart disease: literature review

In spite of a drop in CHD mortality in recent years, there are approximately 120, 000 deaths per year in the UK making the quotient amongst the uppermost compared to the rest of the world, 2003). There appears to be a dearth of research undertaken in the UK on the issues influencing self-care in heart →

Food safety in chinese take-away restaurant

The relevance of this project was to monitor restaurants to ensure safe food for the customers and therefore reduce the infections and illnesses which are caused by lack of hygiene and unsafe food provided by food business operators.2. The main aim is to prevent fodder illnesses and moreover to sell and serve proper food in →

Whenever we think of indian culture commerce essay

This essay evaluates the effect of organisational culture based on the theoretical research, dynamic model of Mary Jo Hatch, as well as observation of the company's climate and interview with one of the employees of the company. Infosys started to consider the importance of cultural differences of their employees for enhanced productivity and motivation and →

An introduction to website design

Invariably the potential customer will be the key element driving creation of the website, and whether the role of the Website is to drive demand or close the sale, " best possible Website" must be viewed in terms of the customers' wants and needs. The answer to this will vary somewhat depending on who is →

Gel electrophoresis in analysis of sickle cell genes

Once the electrophoresis apparatus and the gel were prepared, the controls and the samples were loaded consecutively into the respective wells. The entire volume of the samples was ensured to be at the bottom of the tubes, before the gel was loaded with the samples.

Art, music and religion assignment

The gallery focuses their exhibitions to the paintings and sculptures of the great artists of Puerco Rican and international art. Most of the time, what I asked for Mould come in a different way but it is always to answer my prayers and they told me that I was not talking to God because I →

Letters interviews selection

I am eager to talk with you about the contribution I could make to your company. During my time as a student I have had a variety of part- time and vacation Jobs, all of which have required me to work as part of a team and to deal directly with the public.

Mergers of abbey national and santander finance essay

The inclining nature of the M&A in the Western Baking Sector suggests the upturn of the M&A trend in the during the current recession crisis, the banks were making profits with the global trends in M&A; as these banks are also earning fees from their advisory and other services, such as; syndicated banking facilities to →

The different aspects of health and social care

Ethics Ethics as applied to the medical and social care fields is a broad and important field of the study of Health and Social Care. The demand for the infirmaries was at first resisted by a deliberate emphasis on the stigma of pauperism, of which the main legal consequence was the loss of the vote.

The effects of race in sport

With these stereotypes there becomes a lot of discrimination towards athletes off the playing field all because of the colour of their skin and the beliefs that some people have and express aloud in racist overtones. The authors go on to say that the commissioner of the NBA and his executive team have implemented many →

Fmcg fast moving consumer goods company marketing essay

Besides that, the questions used in the questionnaire was created in a strictly manner where the questions must be relevant with the main purpose of the survey which have been conducted. It all depends on the results of the survey and researches that will give a rough estimation and the decision that must be taken →

Data analysis chapter example

The first section will discuss the descriptive statistics and in the second section the results of the Heckman two-step approach will be discussed. The total amount of damaged land is 36911.

Critically examine whether media coverage of immigration and national identity

The interplay between such politicised comments and the link to social problems was given coverage in the press that resulted in the spread of a variety of stereotypes of popular images of immigrants. He argued that the loss of national identity was due to the failure of the country to recognise the consequence of immigration →

Marketing plan – dentonic relaunch & repositioning assignment

In order to cure company image and maintain their popularity and to retain their customers by fulfilling their needs and wants company switched from tooth powder to tooth paste, with the parent brand name Dentition tooth powder to Dentition toothpaste. The frequency of product launches in existing segments of the market and genesis of new →

Building trust across borders? exploring the trust-building process between the nonprofit organizations and the government in china

For instance, Cook and Cook and Hardin argued that it is " familial, communal, network, and other contexts" that are grounds for trust in the people we might trust. Knight, J." Social norms and the rule of law: fostering trust in a society," in Trust in Society, ed K.S.

A synopsis of the documentary regret to inform essay

3 Elsewhere, Anthony McCosham wrote of Regret to Inform: " A common complaint about filmic representations of the Vietnam war, particularly those produced in Hollywood, is that the films tend to focus too narrowly on the personal relationships of the characters involved, ignoring not only the political context of the war but also the viewpoint →

Investigation of the harvard business school case

The hiring of Howard Schultz in 1982, and his subsequent trip to the coffee shops of Italy began the transformation of Stardust's from corner coffee shop and wholesaler to corporate success story. In addition to the great products and service, the Struck atmosphere adds to the overall experience.

Power quality enhancement in microgrid engineering essay

The characteristic of VSI relays on the current control strategy which is adopted and to provide power quality requirement, hence inverter in the microgrid would attain very good characteristic of harmonic elimination. MICROGRID POWER QUALITY EN HANCEMENTThe proposed compensator with each and every individual distributed generation system in microgrid is comprised of shunt and a →

Freud’s psychosexual theory stages

One experiment will investigate the relationship between the period of breastfeeding and the oral character of the person. The Electra complex As for the girls, their development is the same as the boys in the oral and the anal stage.

Describe and evaluate jungs theory concerning personality types

Implicitly Jung assumes that there is a preference between the functions in the pair and the Myers-Briggs test differentiates to highlight this preference. The lack of development in these attitudes may lead to a peculiarly negative and simplistic thinking.

Salmonella and common food poisoning biology essay

Typhoid Fever is contracted by the ingestion of the Salmonella bacteria in contaminated food or water. There were three different results that were produced from the experiment: if Salmonella was present in food sample, serotypes of Salmonella being produced, and if the sample is resistant to antimicrobials.

Defogging climate change communication: how cognitive research can promote effective climate communication

The following description of the editing process is based on the personal experience of one of the authors of this article, who was a lead author of the most recent IPCC report's health chapter. Lastly, the climate change, and the health domains share considerable overlap in that climate change is regarded as a large and →

Poverty in indonesia essay

There are 3 steps that normally used to mensurating poorness; incidence of poorness, deepness of poorness, and poorness badness.' Poverty is societal phenomenon which has many causes of it.' Primary factors that may take to poverty include overpopulation, the unequal distribution of resources in the universe economic system, inability to run into high criterions of →

Principal characteristics of the weberian ideal type bureaucracy- roles of power and authority.

On employment, the office is the primary occupation of the employee and the employee looks forward to a long life career in the organization, and this promotes continuity in an organization. It is the office respected and not the officer because it is a part of a rational and recognized disposition of relationships in a →

The plight of children at risk [orphaned and vulnerable children] essay

Additionally, many children who are not orphaned are subject to life altering risk and dangers; in a presentation by Anne Kielland of the world bank; she estimates that nearly 60 million children are subjected to one or more of the below listed categories: -Being affected by HIV/AIDS; -Living in and of the street -Affected by →

Introduction to sony corporation commerce

It has lead to the weakening of its fight in all of the market sections of its concern. The overall demand of the merchandises of Sony has declined due to the grasp of the Nipponese Yen as it has lead to negatively impact the buying power of non-Japanese consumers of Sony Products.

Occupational safety and health administration law general essay

IntroductionInternal Revenue Service Occupational Safety and Health Administration Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Department of Labor Department of Justice Conclusion Introduction Contract Law

Comparison of the raven poem and kubrick’s horror movie the shining

Therefore the literariness given to a text disregards the notion of intrinsic quality and depends entirely on the ideologies embodied in the text, accompanied by the political complexities of the time. The collaboration of text and images demonstrated in Text 1 is successfully used to create the illusion of a fictional world.

Boundaries has its foundation in ethics psychology essay

Given this definition of treatment boundaries, it is clear the boundaries are regularly transgressed by even the most competent therapists, and such transgressions are not always to the detriment of the client. In the case of minor violations, it is often possible for the therapist to repair any damage by broaching the topic with the →

Analysing young soccer athletes essay

2 Frequency of players' place in association football harmonizing to type of school The figure 4.1. 2 Correlation of twelvemonth of engagement and nucleus musculus strength between immature association football jocks in sport school and conventional school The consequence in table 4.2.2.

History of business newspapers in india

The FEE specializes in India and daily, The Financial Express, is today one of the leading newspapers in the country. The design of the Mint newspaper is geared towards presenting business and financial information in a compact format.

Tiny encryption algorithm tea computer science

Program the Tiny Encryption Algorithm using verilog HDL Verifying the functionality of the implementation of the encryption in FPGA Perform simulation for timing analysis and the encryption process on the implementation of Tiny Encryption Algorithm in FPGA Experiment and test the project in practical Literature ResearchCryptography Before the modern era, security communication is the primary →

Comparison of various methods of sheet metal forming engineering essay

The report presented contains a comparison of various methods of sheet metal forming, that were used in the past, and that are currently being used in the automotive industry. In addition, research of the historical methods would be useful when looking at the future trends that can be expected and the advances in metal forming →

P&g case study

As he explained to her, " In order to do this, I need someone who can speak both languages? the language of design and the language of 6 The Design of Business business. Everything from the recruiting process to the physical work environments to the way in which market research was conducted needed to change →

Neoadjuvant therapy for resectable pancreatic cancer: an evolving paradigm shift

The use of neoadjuvant therapy for resectable pancreatic cancer has been a topic of debate with multiple reports evaluating the utility of this strategy. A randomised phase III trial comparing gemcitabine with surgery-only in patients with resected pancreatic cancer: Japanese Study Group of Adjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer.

Impact of technological advances on law enforcement

This will be explored by identifying two key burdens such as; the lack of rehabilitative attributes that EM fails to encompass as a result of privatisation and the recent ' boom' of EM sanctioning resulting in the ' downgrading' of the PS. The reliance on private providers to monitor EM can lead to negative effects →

Robert he was able to gain access

One of the most important aspects of the Robin Hood story is the historical significance of the character and the legend. The thing is that all of the people living in the forest where not really fugitives, many of them where mothers, children, and families trying to get by the harsh rule of the king, →

Medieval society to modernity

God was no longer thought to be at the Centre of the existence, there was a move from agribusiness to industry which saw three revolutions signalling the coming of modernness in the signifiers of the industrial revolution in England 1780-1840 the democratic revolutions of the United States of America in 1776 and France in 1789 →

Internal marketing assignment

This Is to clarify the steps of the Mobile model from the feeling of Job dissatisfaction to an actual turnover crisis. The Mobile model could be used to predict the case of dissatisfaction and better understand how to retain the employee.

Offender profiling

However within recent years there has been a sharp increase in the publics interest due to the media spotlight offender profiling has received in the way of films and television shows. This in turn uncovers information on the perpetrators personality and behavior, which is essential due to the fact that the " random" crime and →

Health essays – caffeine health effects

Caffeine is the most commonly consumed ' drug' in the world that is said to have been discovered in the Paleolithic Period. In the author's opinion it is believed that caffeine has many more positive effects that overcome the negative effects.

Examine how diet can affect health

This would decrease the performance of the student in the exam and therefore, the student would achieve a grade that is not their potential. Due to the lack of exercise and the excessive eating, the person would be more likely to be unhealthy because they are putting on body fat and not losing any.

Milk price war,small businesses and farmers the losers

This article relates to the internal factor of production because it discusses how the concern did non supply bring forth a healthy and acceptable merchandise to its consumers and how this affected the company.[ 2 ] This text is about John Sharpe, the proprietor of two concerns Riverlife and Tangatours and Tangalooma Water Sports. The →

The heroric buffalo soldiers

The Buffalo Soldiers, the black troopers of the United States Army, were beneficial to western expansion by preparing and acting as guardians of the western frontier for the settlers who lived there. To add to the Indians' respect the soldiers had the lowest amount of deserters and drunkards in comparison to the other troops.

Strategic marketing and international marketing for burj flashcard

The aims and objectives of the project is to analyses and distinguish arioso strategies, which Bur] AL Arab hotel follows to align with the risk environment in Dublin it functions, in order to increase its profit and to be one of the finest world recognition. From risk analysis and review of the competitive environment aspects, →

Operating systems tasks and programming lab

Move into the lab1 directory and use the appropriate command to show the current directory What is talk, write and wall are for TheTalkcommand is used for exchanging messages with other users who are logged on the same network. Using grep to get the lines containing " and" and the number of the lines contain →

Corporate and brand strategy of indian telecommunications organization

IDEA Cellular Limited entered to world of Indian Telecommunication in year 2002 after a long series of businesses and collaborations with other companies and groups under Birla group of companies.[1]Since then, the company has kept its core center of attention on maximizing the subscriber base and gain maximum share in the GSM mobile services market. →

Pirate radio music

Today, the waves of the pirate radio station in the cities are so much crowded to the extend that the pirates are been pushed to the suburbs and the country side. You find that this is one of the most entertainment stations in the United Kingdom in the sense that it has been in a →

The uniquely predictive power of evolutionary approaches to mind and behavior

While we appreciate Barrett et al.'s enthusiasm for an interesting and relatively new approach to understanding mind and behavior, we argue here that, independent of the veracity of the concept of massive modularity, an evolutionary approach provides a substantial advance in the understanding of mind and behavior. While Barrett et al.assert that the primary advance →

The global stage

These dimensions, including the dynamics of the market, modes of production, the contents and messages transmitted, are closely related to the perception of the role and function of media in the globalization process, the direction of change in the industry, and ultimately, the cultural images presented by the theories of globalization. In the globalization context →

Uleashing the killer app book essay

THE LAWS THAT LEAD TO SUCCESSFUL KILLER APPS Moore's Law Moore's Law, Metcalfe's Law, and the economic theories of Ronald Coase help support the rise and domination of killer apps. The customer can perform many of the tasks that used to be performed by the company itself such as customer service and order entry and →

Geert hofstade cultural dimension of qatar

Furthermore arabic societies are following a caste system, which reduces the adjusted in power and wealth and even the opportunities for the citizens between each other within a single country. In general, Qatar laws, and regulations set up by the authority or the ruling family which actually provid more strengthen to their leadership, as well →

Total productive maintenance

In the implementation of the total productive maintenance, the management of the three companies supported the total productive maintenance implementation. The difference that resulted from the implementation of total productive maintenance came from the use of ABC classification systems and the responsibilities and the roles that the facilitators engaged, in the implementation process.

The effects of democracy on nepal

This transition from the system of Monarchy to democratic system was completed in the year 2008 after the Constituent Assembly voted to abolish the monarchy system of governance. The monarch system of governance in Nepal was not the best way to go in that it affected the country in a number of negative ways.

Type of business

Help for Heroes have about 250 employees worldwide Help for Heroes is a tertiary business and the purpose of the business is to help wounded service men and women through donations and fundraising, the ownership of Help for Heroes is a partnership, owned by Bryn Parry and Emma Parry. This influences Topshop to get payments →

Technology application in 21 century 12849

Of course, we are going to have to pay for all these wonderful products, and we will probably be doing that will the fifth item on the list, electronic cash. Mastering this vast web of technology will be a necessary step in winning the race to the 21st century and beyond.

The seven core principles of economics essay sample

Economics is the social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic systems. Opportunity cost is the cost of the next best alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action.

Teenage promiscutiy essay

In recent research, the onset of puberty have increase and the timing can impact on early maturing both in males and females, thus they are more likely to become sexually active and participate in risky behaviours. Another suggested solution to teenage promiscuity is the teaching and use of contraceptives.

Case study on samsung electronics journey

It also describes the actual steps that the company took on the actual people, the process and on the systems in order to improve the design capabilities. Samsung Electronics as a result of Yun implementing the change got the company to be the front of the pack internationally and it increased the company's rankings.

Mobile computing technology impact on mobile telephony

This section of literature review critically discusses the main theories on the development of mobile computing and its influence on the mobile telephony. The strength of the model is that it explains the relationship between mobile computing and mobile telephony.

Compare carol ann duffy’s ‘valentine’ to andrew marvell’s ‘to his coy mistress’ essay sample

Her next line is " like the careful undressing of love", this line is presented as a simile describing the light, she is saying that the further you go into a relationship the stronger it will get in comparison with an onion, the further you go in an onion the stronger it will get. The →

Hoteliers – college essay

In 1878, he became the manager of the Grand Hotel National in Lucerne and held the same position, in parallel, at the Grand Hotel in Monaco until 1888. Marriott joined the Marriott Corporation in 1956, was elected Executive Vice President and member of the Board of Directors in January 1964 and president of the company →

Key challenges which microsoft is facing marketing essay

27% and it is very important for Microsoft to boost its revenue in this sector as with the cloud computing coming into the picture desktop computing would now move to web based computing which would make it difficult for Microsoft to follow its monopolistic practices as for consumers it would be easier to switch from →

Toward a new conception of habit and self-control in adolescent maturation

Amygdala by its relations with hippocampus and prefrontal cortex is part of the process of knowing how to wait and not to be hasty, and also for taking on disadvantages because there is a later reward. A, and Merten, M.

Sex trafficking in a global context sociology

Sexual activity trafficking is a signifier of human trafficking but there is more to human trafficking than merely sex trafficking, though the latter is the much more written and publicized signifier and has gained batch of attending non merely because of the feminist voices, the work by NGOs and heed by media; but besides because →

Dating & hookup culture in the 21st century

This mix of longing for serious and non serious relationships, it makes it very hard for many to actually get into a relationship or get to the point of being a " boyfriend" or " girlfriend". In the new world of dating, women should have more of a say in whether or not they want →

Media coverage of women’s sports

This research project design aims to explore the factors underlying the disparity and will do this by analysing television and media content and interviewing consumers of televised sport. This idea was further supported as " portrayals of masculinity in sports films help construct the gender identities for their audience" and if this is something that →

Marks and spencer and customer relations

Identify and explain the different customer needs of which the three M&S clothing ranges aimed to serve? Identify and explain the different customer needs of which the three M&S clothing ranges aimed to serve?

Computer networks fiber optic connector types engineering essay

1: LC & ST Fiber Optical Connectors Fiber to fiber interconnection can consist of a splice, a permanent connection or a connector, which differs from the splice in its ability to be disconnected & reconnected. It is usually constructed of metal or plastic & includes one or more assembled pieces which hold the fiber in →

Kior’s technology innovation process

Tidd et Al.would depict the alteration in invention in two ways: foremost, in footings of the type of invention and 2nd, in footings of the extent to which inventions alteration bing state of affairss. The value of a engineering to purchasers is multidimensional.

Maturity in ender’s game: a state of mind, not a physical quality

But when the reader sees how he reacts to it, it is not in the way that one would expect from a child as young as him." Ender's response to the other boys' bullying is more intelligent and calculating, as everything Ender does is, and Card uses it to show another aspect of childhood, the →

Consumer behaviour within loreal

In the latter half of the 20th century a rapid growth of the global market resulted in a significant increase in the amount of brands and products present in most, if not all, industries with a focus on the end consumers. In other words, the highlight are the hairs which have been treated with L'Oreal →

Beiersdorf has affiliate branches management essay

Beiersdorf is known for its commitment to product innovation and any extension of its product line will be marketed through the customer base because of the brand awareness and loyalty it enjoys with customers. The economic downturn of the late 2008 to 2009 has affected the economic development of Beiersdorf and its returns, particularly in →

Flavoured milk essay

This is the first clip Muller has had a presence in the chilled flavoured milk class in the UK." despite Mullermilch being the trade name leader in the tantamount ' milk-mix' class in Germany where it accounts for merely over half of category gross revenues." the company said. It is the first clip Muller has →

Mechanisms of caffeine on the central nervous system (cns)

In the discovery of new drugs, the ability of the drug to partition and arrive at its site of action is of great importance. Therefore, the lipophilicity of caffeine can be determined using the partition coefficient equation as follow: Where Corg is the concentration of the drug in organic layer while Caq is the concentration →

The impact of globalisation sociology

This paper will measure the inferred effects of globalization on kids and households in the province of poorness and in richness.realization of versions for the interest of endurance, relevancy and otherwise vested involvements from external forces. The crestless wave in migratory flows could be attributed, among others, to lifting disparity in chances and income available →

Deep market penetration in china marketing essay

Due to a limitation on the word count only summary of analysis is included in the main report and the main analysis can be found in the Appendix. Amazon.com based in Washington and found by Jeff Bezos in 1994 is global leader in e-commerce and it was the first company to introduce the concept of →

The nephilim kings of mesopotamia assignment

The Cimmerians in 714 BC were in the region of Azerbaijan, and in the 7 and 8th century BC were in southern Russia and Ukraine. Gregory of Tours, who was the leading historian wrote that the Frankish leader Clovis on the occasion of his baptism into the Catholic faith in 496 was referred to as →

The reality of fast food meat

The reality of fast food is regarding the spreading and feeding of illness and disease; as well as the inhumane treatment of animals through modern meat farming practices. The greatest problem that was faced in raising these animals indoors was the spread of disease, which was fought against in the 1940s with the development of →