10 Pages Essay Samples

The foreign market entry modes marketing essay

In order a company to export its product abroad should take into consideration the economic, cultural, political-legal and other environmental factors because in this way it can make adjustments in the marketing mix and define the size and nature of the prospective target market. In the current project will analyze the entry modes of a β†’

The evil efrit who did good essay sample

The many reasons of why King Solomon was so feared and respected amongst all the Jinn and animals and insects of the world were because he was a Prophet of God. He rushed at the Efrit and almost gave the deadly blow when the shocked Efrit actually came to his senses and swiped him away, β†’

Existential therapy focuses

The argument lies as to whether the condition is the root of depression instead of creating a distress which is chronically psychological in nature that has been the cause of depression. Regardless of the long term background of dysthymic disorder, the aid of psychotherapy is helpful in order to reduce the indications of depression, and β†’

Exploring the concept and history of art museums art essay

The dispersions of these aggregations began in 1863 with the Bicknell Gallery, and continued at irregular intervals for many old ages The following large measure in the art universe was in America in the 1970 's. The rise in monetary values has affected museum civilization, when the metropolitan museum of art New York bought Aristotle β†’

Effective questioning and bloom’s taxonomy in the classroom

Introduction The aim of this professional enquiry is to investigate the use of effective questioning and how questioning affects the improvement of pupils learning in the classroom as I feel there is an area for improvement in this field. In the UK, the term ' formative assessment' is a result of the joint research of β†’

Outline the background to china’s one child family policy and assess its likely success

The Complex Peasant Family Model was in effect from 1949 to 1969 and was concerned mainly with ideological shifts from the traditional " ideal" Chinese family to the family unit as a part of the communist regime. Each of these models has produced reaction from the Chinese people and changes in population; I will outline β†’

7 wonders of the world

SEQUENCE: * History * Seven Wonders of the Ancient World * New Seven Wonders of the World * Ongoing Seven wonders of the Nature * Recapitulation * Conclusion HISTORY: The origin of the idea of Seven Wonders of the World dates back to Herodotus and Callimachus, who made lists which included 7 famous place of β†’

Mind body relationship according to descartes philosophy essay

The history of the use of the term reveals two conflicting impulses: the tendency to treat mind as a metaphysical mechanistic system, and the tendency to view it as convenient biological metaphor representing the manifestation of the, still not understood, neurophysiologic processes of the brain. First, Descartes contends that a response to this question presupposes β†’

The role of civil society in the democratisation process in botswana

This paper attempts to examine the above assertion in Botswana and posits the roles and contributions of civil society to democratisation process. This is where there is a role for the state: Harriss & de Rienzo suggest that the role played by civil society organizations will depend on the wider political setting, and on ways β†’

Chaos and order in twelfth night

Whether or not this was indeed the case, and the play did in fact gain its primary title from the date of its first performance, has continued to be a source of disagreement for critics, directors, and actors, some of whom, like Samuel Pepys, agree that the play is " not at all related to β†’

Psychosexual theory

The first stage is set at birth to 18 months, it is the oral stage, this area is based on the mouth and the need to eat to survive also coupled with the pleasure that follows through with taste, this is instigated by breasting feeding. Stage three is the phallic stage this is from ages β†’

The relationship between output and unemployment

The empirical results show that the negative relationship between output and unemployment is present in the Malaysia economy. Keyword: GDP Growth, Unemployment rate, Ordinary Least Square, Granger model, Causal Relationship The backgrounds of study are more focuses to the relationship between the output and unemployment in Malaysia to see how important it is.

The process of knowledge management and management styles business essay

We are now traveling to see the impact of employee relation deeply in banking sectors in instance of Tanzania, where the industry seem to be turning each and every twenty-four hours. Educated employees in Tanzania will be able to vie in planetary market and have a pick in business than of all time before.

Looking at the human resource strategy

The issue of the relationship in between the schemes of human resources and the public presentation of the house has been created tonss of literature with important distinctions where so many parametric quantities are existed through which consequences are influenced by analyzing the job. Modern organisation such as: Sainsbury has followed the schemes of β†’

Task analysis of classroom procedures essay sample

According to Harry Wong, " The only way to have responsible students is to have procedures and routines for which the students can feel responsible". The teachers can then give and print out the following instructions: Student wishes to go to the bathroom This is the intent of the student to go out of the β†’

Facilities layout assignment

However, a good layout requires determining the following: * Material handling equipment * Capacity and space requirements * Environment and aesthetics * Flows of information * Cost of moving between various work areas * Office Layouts * The grouping of workers, their equipment, and spaces/offices to provide comfort, safety and movement of information.* The main β†’

Business etiquette: manners in today’s society

In addition to the traditional rules of conducts new areas of concern are emerging in regard to the behavior of both the employers and that of their employees. This implies that etiquette in business world needs to be upgraded because, good manners ensurehappiness, a sense of security and overall success in the business.

Erythropoietin and athletes

It is released by the kidneys, and to a lesser extent the liver, and in very little quantities in the brain in response to a negative feedback. The physiological stimulus of erythropoietin production is hypoxia, or prolonged oxygen deficiency in body tissue, and in the majority of instances is related to the number of circulating β†’

Elements of literature assignment

At the beginning of each reading assignment, write the elements of literature pertaining to the particular type of literature at the beginning of the short story or poem. The theme of a story may be a mid-life crisis, or imagination, or the duality of humankind.

Classroom scenarios

I would want Teresa to know in front of the class that she is to wait until she's called on to speak, but discussing the rest of the details in front of the class would only put Megan even more in the spotlight and add to her discomfort.3. It appears to me that the teacher β†’

What information do patients with copd feel they need

The planned approach is to first use information available in the literature to find out what information patients with COPD feel they need, and then consider whether Maavis can be used as a platform to deliver this information? This is by no means a complete discussion, and merely alludes to how varied the potential uses β†’

Frederick winslow taylor – the father of scientific management

Frederick Winslow Taylor - The Father of Scientific Management The years leading up to the 1920's were a time of momentous change for America. It was during his time of presidency over the ASME in which Taylor wrote the book that would guarantee his spot in the history books, a book called The Principles of β†’

Resources and capabilities as a competitive advantage marketing essay

In addition to rivalry among existing firms and the treat of new entrants into the market, there are also the forces of supplier power, the power of buyers and the treat of substitute products and services. Nokia's economies of scale and the position as a market leader in the mobile phone industry and with market β†’

Adam smith and sea of poppies: does ghosh celebrate self-interest or empathy?

An article reviewing the role of empathy and sympathy in economics perfectly defines them saying, " Sympathy is generally taken as the concern for the welfare of others" while empathy, " the capacity to put oneself in someone else's shoes and thus to share the sentiments or thoughts of that person". A famous quote of β†’

Scarlet letter symbolism of darkness

This dream that he has to walk in the shadow of, is the dream of his secret being revealed. Even though he is in the complete darkness and shadows, one can still see his expressions of evil, due to the fact that the darkness is one and the same as himself.

General electronic company

As a market leader in the manufacture and sale of different industrial and household goods, the company is tasked with the widerresponsibilityof ensuring that its actions are beneficial to the millions of stakeholders that relate to its products and production processes. The company was unethical for GE to challenge the law which was being enforced β†’

The impacts of high voltage overhead transmission lines commerce essay

In general locating an HVTL consequences in: A possible decrease in the pool of purchasers who might be interested in purchasing or leasing the affected belongings; A possible decrease in the figure of purchasers, and an addition in the costs of selling due to a demand that EMF exposure degrees be made portion of standard β†’

Converter for low voltage microgenerators engineering essay

This bidirectional switch is used for the boost operation in the positive and the negativehalf cycles of the input AC voltage. However, in this work, the polarity of the input voltage is detected to control the secondary switches.

The best manager and the worst manager tourism essay

The characteristics that managers have will affect the business of the hotel and also the effectiveness of the employees. The first and the foremost thing for a successful manager should able to ensure that the business meet the needs and the expectation of the guests.

Latin american history and the dirty wars

Of course we cannot forget the Mexican revolution, at the beginning of the XX century, and the most recent movement, the Zapatistas, in the south of Mexico. In any case, the mission of the military class in power was to " clean" the countries from " subversives", " communists", the " enemies of the country", β†’

Creative writing piece

Today was going to be a good day for small Rose, it was Christmas day, and she was looking forward to spending the whole day with her sister and her mother for once. She turned around to see a familiar site, a drink in her mothers hand, Rose didn? t like her mother when she β†’

Advertising management: advertising critique assignment

We will accomplish this by ensuring that we have a clear vision of your mission, message, values, to exhibit creativity of your product and to help the consumer to be able to identity Liberator's reader from other readers in the market. 0 friendly, we will not use a name that is to generic, by making β†’

Life classification of individuals are referred to as

The goods that are produced are intended to benefit the consumer, but if they do not have enough money to purchase the goods then the product goes to waste and no profit is made. Citizens are fed propaganda that is made to make North Korea seem like it is the best country in the world β†’

Leadership and organisation behaviour issues revealed business essay

Motivation is the force which creates avidity to work with inducement and inspiration with the aid of unconditioned inclination of human being. They was struggle between the hotel service staff and nurses as because of the displacement of occupations of nutrient distributing from nurse to hotel staffs.

Leading people in organisations business essay

In the UK, it is may be the most of import shop and it is the considerable organisation of vesture in footings of income. The public presentation direction is the of import facet to get the competitory advantage through the changeless inputs of work force into his process of M & A; S.

De chernatony & mcdonald essay

Hankinson; Cowking state that prior to the abolishment of the RPM in 1964, the manufacturer held the balance of power in the distribution channel. Burt; Davies support the view that changing perceptions of the relationships of the roles and functions of the different players in the distribution channel have helped to shape retailer brand development.

The role of the listener in skinners verbal behavior psychology essay

As skinner explains that, " an adequate account of verbal behavior need cover only as much of the behavior of the listener as is needed to explain the behavior of the speaker". As a result, this omission can be justified, for the behavior of the listener in mediating the consequences of the behavior of the β†’

History of the blue brain technology

In particular, it is becoming increasingly possible to simulate some of the nature's most intimate processes with exquisite accuracy, from atomic reactions to the folding of a single protein, gene networks, molecular interactions, the opening of an ion channel on the surface of a cell, and the detailed activity a single neuron. Using the enormous β†’

Exercise as an intervention for anorexia nervosa

The study conducted by Calogero et al.entitled, " The Practice and Process of Healthy Exercise: An Investigation of the Treatment of Exercise Abuse in Women with Eating Disorders," investigated the behavioral and emotional states of ED patients after exercise interventions and its relationship to decreased pathology and weight restoration. The practice and process of healthy β†’

Marketing of hilton hotel corporation

Thus the type of services provided in the Hilton hotels depends on the particular needs of the customers. Threat of Substitutes The products and services of different industries which can satisfy the needs of customers in a similar manner is the biggest threat of the substitute products.

Procurement issues in construction

As the client's requirement in terms of architectural and aesthetics of the building to be in line with their policy, and also to improve on the quality, facilities of the new buildings, it will be advisable to consider procurement route that is able to take care of the quality and performance aspect as well. Time β†’

Analyse the ways in which shakespeare uses dramatic conventions in his plays essay

The eavesdropping is used in a positive way in this scene as it is used to create love. The title of this scene is " The Orchard" there is imagery to the story of the Garden of Eden, were deception is also a main theme as well.

The business of international travel company thomas cook business flashcard

The current signifier of Thomas Cook is the consequence of a amalgamation which took topographic point between Thomas Cook and My Travel. There is a set of five values that all the employees portion and it defines what the company stands for and it operates.

What is security law land property essay

[Writer Name][Institute Name][Class] It is important for the purposes of this assignment to be cleared about the definition of security, it means:" security is created where a person to whom on obligation is owed by another by statute or contract, in addition to the personal promise of the debtor to discharge the obligation, obtains rights β†’

Are young people’s identities more individualised?

To this end this essay will examine the facets of people's lives including work, leisure, education, and entertainment, that are associated with creating identity and discuss the ways they lead to greater individualisation, and also the ways in which people create community. The main concern of his argument is for the marginalising of the aged, β†’

Transnationalism and europeanisation

This study will examine the effect Transnationalism and Europeanisation has upon the political geographies of nation States and a demonstration as to how the political geographies of these States are transformed will be given. Overview of how Transnationalism and Europeanisation are transforming the political geographies of territorial States Political geographies of territorial States are defined β†’

Developing innovation at nokia

The current workforce at the company has been facing the challenge of lack of innovation in and requires a diagnosis and recommendation of the problem that the company is facing. This paper looks at the problem at Nokia, the possible causes of the problem and also suggests recommendations on how to deal with the problem β†’

Disadvantages to primary nursing environment nursing essay

According to Funnell, Koutoukidis and Lawrence, the information gathered during the nursing assessment will help the nurse to guide a plan of care for Mr Grant and address the patient's specific needs. Patient education is fundamental to the success of CPAP Mr Grant has sustained severe trauma to the chest in the MCA, which could β†’

The illusion of superiority in the narrative of the life of frederick douglass and benito cereno

In both works, the authors portray the self-discovery of the oppressed Africans and their realization of the deception of the established essentialist view of themselves. In both The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Benito Cereno, the white characters use race as a political tool and enforce an essentialist view of the African β†’

Challenges faced by ikea

IKEA was firstly opened in Sweden, the owner and franchiser of IKEA is from Netherlands and store in almost in 31 countries. The typical IKEA customer is young and low to middle income family and in another word can say as that is IKEA target customer.

Gandhi: the hindu-muslim gap

The British East India Company came to India as traders but slowly took over the rule in India and in no time the whole of India was under the British rule. These small revolts took shape of a national movement and emerged in the form of the revolt of 1857 https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif The greatest and the β†’

Problems on fraternity membership

Objectives of the study General Objective: The main objective of the study to determine the problems encountered by the membership in fraternities. To know the advantages and disadvantages of Fraternity Significance of the study This study signifies that.~ Expose the discrimination experienced by the students who are involved in fraternities and sororities in school.

Ethnography study of coffee house assignment

Focusing on the aesthetics of the cafe and the purchase behaviour of its customers, this essay intends to evaluate the attempt of this organisation to create a coffee culture in T&T. While walking in, the atmosphere noticeably transformed the congestion and hectic life of the city to a pleasant, relaxing overtone filled with the scent β†’

Digestion and nutrition lab worksheet assignment

If you have a lot of weight to lose and you plan to stay in the program until you meet yourgoal weight, you may want to do the math: For example, assuming it takes an average of at least one year to lose 100 pounds, your minimum total cost would be $676. If you are β†’

Neo-liberalism in theory and practice essay

In addition, this works for the basis of this discussion through exploring the significance of liberalization and Neo-liberalization to the society. This is the world's fastest growing industry due to the need for people and companies to keep in touch with the rest of the world.

Analysis of group dynamics

The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast the experiences the group had, with the research and theory that is available on group dynamics. In the first few weeks though, all the members would go sit around member B, because he took leadership on the first day and called out the group number β†’

Lyndon b. johnson and vietnam war era assignment

It was the Era that produced the " Baby Boomers" and all of the impact this has brought to the American culture as they become the aging population of the Millennium. The war was influenced by the fact that the American President at the time did not want Communism to be spread in the East β†’

Manifest destiny in the 1840s and american imperialism in the 1890s-1900s

Due to this, all of the land east of the Mississippi River was in the hands of white men. Their success resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that fixed the border at the Rio Grande and extended the United States to the Pacific coast.

Samsung the south korean company sold more

Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late1960s and the construction and shipbuilding industries in the mid-1970s; theseareas would drive its subsequent growth. Mission refers to the purpose and role of the company.

There’s something about mary (sidney)

Though David has faced many more adversities in his life than Sidney has, and does not appear to feel as close to God as Sidney does, he does not seem to fear attack to the same extent that Sidney does. Another one of Sidney's weaknesses is that she does not seem to fully grasp the β†’

Study on the objectives of micro finance institutions finance essay

In addition, the essay will look at the impact of MFIs in Nigeria in relation to poverty eradication within the following perspectives: Provision of Financial Services Access to Finance and Regulatory and Legal Framework for access to finance Nigeria Financial Services Sector is made up of the commercial banks, the Microfinance Banks, Discount houses, Cooperative β†’

Evaluate demand in either a essay

DEFINITIONS Capacity is defined as the " specific ability of an entity or resource, measured in quantity and level of quality, over an extended period." Capacity utilisation is the " extent or level to which the productive capacity of a plant, firm, or country is being used in generation of goods and services." It is β†’

The difference between culture industry and creative industry

This paper will analyse the difference between the civilization industries and the originative industries and the impact of economization of civilization on conditions of labour in the originative industry. Decision The merger of civilization, economic sciences and engineering has resulted to the growing in originative industries.

Personal effectiveness report

And The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The way of thinking in the work they will be very close, to better communicate, to develop in line with their plans and methods.3.3.

International students and global education sociology essay

According to Ryan and Durning students ought to consider the impact of their daily consumption on the lives of other people and places in the world; the consumption of coffee, newspapers, t-shirts, shoes, car, computer, hamburger, french-fries and cola are traced from their origins through the inequities of the production process to the consequences of β†’

Development of the mbo concept business essay

It was recognized that people want to do a good job and that the needs of the organization and the individual are not necessarily incongruent, and that they can be integrated. The new orientation and the shift to a more comprehensive approach to MBO demands the attention and involvement of top management.

Capitalism and its struggle in developing countries assignment

That the third world and the developing countries would take part in sharing the fruits of free enterprise and narrow the gap between the rich countries and the poor. It is evident that the capitalistic system has generated considerable wealth in Western Europe and the U.S.but at the same time it is very difficult for β†’

Difference between monetary and non monetary benefits business essay

They found out that the transparency and the controllability of the compensation system were found to have no effect on the level of extrinsic motivation. They found out that the transparency and the controllability of the compensation system were found to have no effect on the level of extrinsic motivation.

Evaluate the role of tangible and intangible resources marketing essay

The financial resource is important for very company, the company have the business, and the company must need the financial resource. In the technology marketing the intangible and tangible resource are the company assets.

Fiscal and monetary policy in republic of macedonia assignment

In the Budget of RM for 2010, subsidies of 100 euros in denar equivalent value are planned for the tourist agencies that will bring a group of at least ten tourists from the neighbouring countries into the country and who will realize at least three overnight stays with breakfast n a categorized object; e) According β†’

Construction project cost estimation factors

This budget is to be kept all the way through the project and is a guess of what the project on a whole will cost it should not be breached or the project is considered a failure and usually results in a loss of money. There are preliminary costs, net costs and gross costs The β†’

Financial crisis of the french monarchy

The financial crisis of the French Monarchy during the 17th and 18th centuries has been an issue of controversy amongst historians, on one hand some historians do not consider the financial crisis to have been of great influence to the French revolution, whereas others believe that the financial crisis was a significant factor of the β†’

The papa johns pizza plan for india

In this report, we will analyze and purpose the plan to expand the market in to INDIA that aligns with Papa John's company plan. To generate sales and profit for Papa John pizza, the benefits of the company should be communicated to the customers.

Qualities required to be a competent change agent

The Change Agent understands the new business process being implemented and understands the impact of that process to the business. The organization should have ability to make the desired change and this should short out by the change agent.

Issue of teacher implicit biases

Further I will argue in this paper that, these implicit biases effect is the phenomenon of the school-to-prison pipeline, in which a huge number of students are being pushed out of school and into the criminal justice system, it's a racial justice crisis because the students pushed out are disproportionally students An implicit bias is β†’

Caring for a child or young person with severe illness

I have chosen to use the Driscoll's Reflective Model as a guidance as it is straightforward and encourages a clear description of the situation which will allow me to look at the experience and identify how it made me feel, asking what was good and bad, and what I can learn. Through reflection, I have β†’

Free essay on research report

The study aimed at investigating the relationship between psychological indicators of well-being that occur in the general population with the six facets that are comprised to the Neuroticism domain. Through the assessment of the traits from each and every factor, the clinicians are able to get a comprehensive portrait of the personality of the client.

Psychology essays – schizophrenia depression neurology

Genetic studies of schizophrenia are rooted in the " common observation" that schizophrenia tends to run in families, that it occurs at a higher rate among relatives of schizophrenic patients than in the general population. The genetics of schizophrenia.In S.

Effect of temperature on bacterial growth in milk

The chocolate milk in both the fridge and the cupboard seemed to have undergone the greatest amount of change after the six days compared to the other three types of milk left in the corresponding conditions. Among the samples left in the cupboard, the skim milk and chocolate milk showed the greatest amount of difference β†’

Importance in shaping law of future

The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, " as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view".[ 5 ] First, I β†’

Regional human development indicators health and social care essay

Since the government and the elites have their seating in the urban areas, therefore the urban areas are developed at the expense of rural areas. Despite the fact that more than half of the population of the province resides in rural areas, most of the health facilities and trained medical personnel are found in the β†’

Continental cablevision inc expansion

As the cable market was optimistic, Liberman wants to expansion of the company but due to lack of well-developed local capital market as well as the Argentina's capital market did understand cable market, and it is new for the Argentine's bank to do investment in media sector. The joint venture of Continental and Fintelco was β†’

The levels of alcohol usage health and social care essay

Looking at the findings of is that it seems to be the norm in Ireland to consume a lot of alcohol in one setting. As a result of this there is a shorter period of time between the negative aspects of drink and the beginnings of regular drunkenness.

Enzyme kinetics laboratory report

How the changes in substrate concentration, changes in temperature, changes in pH and the presence of an inhibitor effects the rate of reaction of the reaction between PNPP and water catalysed by the enzyme acid phosphates which produces PNP and phosphate as its products. Finally the last section of the experiment was the effect of β†’

Newspaper coverage of celebrity crimes media essay

The kind of coverage of celebrities and celebrity crimes by newspapers and magazines can influence the opinion of the public on the celebrity criminals. This research informs about the news coverage of celebrity crimes, the faith of public on media and the manner in which the presentation of such news coverage influences their opinion.

Decision making & negotiation

In this paper, I plan to analyze the writings of Pamela Tolbert and Richard Hall's Organizations Structures, Processes, and Outcomes, William Ury's Getting Past No, and other various sources and apply the concepts of decision making in organizations to the process of negotiation to better understanding the outcomes of each. Similar to setting the agenda, β†’

Legalization of cannabis essay sample

In 1974, Ronald Reagan says the Heath/Tulane study is the most reliable scientific study on cannabis and releases it to the public. In this case, it is because of the black market and prohibition that people are exposed to trying these other drugs.

Womens history and segregation social work essay

The gendered nature of organizational life is generally ignored, and there is no recognition that women's work experience maybe different to that of men's as a result of power relations that differentiate society at large. The ignoring and marginalization of sexuality, although not limited to any particular approach within organizational analysis, is inexcusable in the β†’

Physiology of sleep

Physiology Of Sleep Introduction Sleep is a state of reversible unconsciousness in which the brain is low responsive to external stimuli. As the night progresses, the proportion of REM sleep in a cycle increases and the NREM element is of lighter stage 2 sleep.

The telecommunication sector digi economics essay

The market organization is in the way in which a market is planned, derived from mainly on the quantity of firms in the business. The greater the market of scale, the fewer the quantity of firms that will be in the industry.

Hertz: car rental companies essay

Hertz Equipment Rental: We are one of the leading providers of the rental and sale of heavy equipment and tools for construction and industrial needs. The Enterprise car rental company website contains a reservation portal where consumers can purchase car rental products and services in financially-secure environment.

Nestle singapore pte ltd marketing essay

In the report, we are going to focus of Nestle is to segment, target the potential customers and to positioning of their profitable products. In this report we are looking to focus of Nestle Singapore is to segment, target the major customers and to position of their profitable products.

Tescos performance based on financial ratios commerce essay

Besides that, profitability shows proportion is advantageous business, measuring the overall performance was investigated, the profits of the company, can be used to test how your company operation, compares the current performance and the record of the past. Quick ratio is show of the company's ability to make the payments on current obligation.

Foreign and domestic policy of the trump administration

When it comes to domestic policy he has lots of ideas dealing with equality, the environment, and the economy that do not go with most people's mindset, and when it comes to foreign policy he has done interesting things regarding trade and overall treatment of other countries that is much different from how it has β†’

The pros of the iraq war

Williams English 102/ Sec 022 28 February 2008 The " Good" of the Iraq War The war waging in Iraq is the biggest argument in the United States today. And the less we support the war, the less financial support we can give to the people of Iraq.2.

Racism in society essay

Two black thieves rob an attorney and his wife; attorney's wife is racist against her locksmith, who also changes a Persian mans locks; a black detective who is working on a case with the attorney and whose brother is one of the thieves; a racist cop who molests a black woman and cares for his β†’